• Published 28th Mar 2012
  • 1,908 Views, 39 Comments


Fluttershy has liked Pinkie Pie for a long time. Could this really tear apart their friendship

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chapter 4

Tomorrow's the day Fluttershy... wait did Twilight say Saturday or Sunday, Saturday or Sunday?! The blond coated pegasi hyperventilated which day is it!... How many hooves am I holding up?! "I can't see my hooves." Facepawing at her distress, Angel lifted one of his caretakers forehooves that in her panic she didn't lift in order to prove they were still there. Then the bunny pointed to a calendar with Saturday circled in bright red ink. "Thanks Angel" the bright mare sighed completely oblivious to how Angel was once again tapping his paw in utter annoyance as she headed off for bed.

When Fluttershy told her friends about her talk with Pinkie they seemed rather impressed and surprised at how the shy pegasi had handled the situation. Nopony, even Fluttershy herself thought she had it in her. Of course she left out her failed confession along with what the Pinkie Promise was about much to Rarity's dismay. But everypony got a good laugh out of how Pinkie never told Fluttershy the date of their camping trip. That party pony was always rushing through everything to get to the party. It was even proven that so long as she had something to celebrate, she would forget her own birthday.

The yellow mare chuckled softly at the memory. Pinkie tended to rush and always would, it was just part of her charm. Blushing she stared at her ceiling, enjoying the thought and hopes for the day to come. Trying to get any amount of sleep so she could welcome the day faster. However she just couldn't, and instead she found herself bursting with laughter as she recalled a play Rarity had made her read. "Arise sun send away the envious moon and come dawn come Pinkie" Fluttershy joked, alternating between herself and Pinkie in her one pony reenactment. There was no way that she could sleep now!

Upon the arrival of morning Fluttershy set out to feed her animal friends, still muttering her own monologue of love. Becoming disturbed by a knock on the door the rose headed mare went to greet her visitor silencing her monologue slightly. Ponies were different from animals; the animals that she cared for were quiet sweet and understood her. Or if they didn't they at least pretended to, aside from Angel who seemed to be convinced that all ponies were insane. She could be herself around them. Ponies made nice company as well, but they were far too loud and excitable.

"Ready Fluttershy darling" Rarity chimed, as she was being let in. Being unable to share a room with the shy pegasi had forced Rarity to settle for accompanying her to the campsite, and merely demanding in the most ladylike manner possible all of the details at a later date. She would not accept anything less and had made sure that her point was extremely clear to all of her friends aside from the one in question. "Just let me grab my... saddlebags" the polite mare responded still mumbling under her breath. "Sounds like somepony had a good night, hoovesperian, I love it!" The classy pony cheered as her friend grabbed what she set out for with a slight "eep" and returned. "Red really does flatter you, you know that?"

By the time that the two got to their camp site everypony else was already unpacking their things. Twilight and Pinkie were having a rather heated discussion on Twilight's part about some of the colts. That conversation was thrown aside when Pinkie caught sight of Fluttershy's pink mane so that she could bounce on over tailed by the purple unicorn. Until Twilight saw how hopeless conversing on the topic with Pinkie had and would be and set off to lecture Rainbow Dash on a very similar subject. "Were in the same room" the bubblegum mare explained "Hope your ready for a party!"

"Pinkie we are not having a party" Rainbow burst in the room slamming the door behind her as if she was being chased by some unspoken horror. "Well duh i've already addressed it with Twilight remember. It was at the meeting where I was so happy because I thought we were having a surprise party. Which isn't much of a surprise now that you mention it. Then I went all SURPRISE and you went all bahhhh. Like what Fluttershy does when she's startled. Were you startled Rainbow Dash? Then Applejack and Rarity talked about their plans or this camping trip and the colts and the walk through Everfree. Then I went and said we are not not not not not not not not having a party and I saw Fluttershy and Angel and I was all angry" "Pinkie!" "and went all you broke your promise" "PINKIE!" "Yes Dashie!" "I think your forgetting somepony."

"A...A walk in the ... Everfree forest." Fluttershy mumbled her voice just short of a squeak. "It's nothing really just a group stroll" Rainbow said attempting to pass it off as no big deal. "Ohh I know what will help!" Pinkie screamed "When I was a little filly and the sun was going dowwnnn" "PINKIE!" The blue pegasi remarked "we already heard that one I doubt it will help." "A...I...I would like to hear it" a quiet voice spoke "it will help..." "Woohoo! When I was a little filly and the sun was going dowwnnn."

How could Fluttershy like this? Rainbow thought doing her best to ignore Pinkie's constant singing. Well she does look calmer, maybe we could get her in the forest without having to push her most of the way. If Fluttershy is so scared of Everfree why did she decide to live next to?... wait is Fluttershy glowing. How does Pinkie not notice?

Rainbow watched with new interest as her best friend seemed to radiate light and another one of her good friends either ignored the problem or just couldn't see it through her musical antics. Pinkies song ended just as twilight came into the room, taking Fluttershy's glow with it. Figures the glow would be gone by the time Twilight got here. Doubt it's anything but a trick of the light but I should keep an eye on her though. Looking at the glare her eggheaded friend was giving her gave her the warning. That is going to be a trick in itself.

special thanks to InsanityCorps who pointed out the problems in this with his ausome comments!

Comments ( 7 )

Im probably going to rewrite the ending at some point. I have so much trouble writing rainbow dash.
The camping trip will most likely last 3 chapters each focusing on a main point in the story or just at the time.

Yay for a new chapter! It's nice that Pinkie's singing calms Fluttershy. :yay:

The ending actually confused me.... Partially because i don't get the plot. :derpytongue2:

because you dont listen and im not telling you now mainly because if i do i know you will post it. (i dont give spoilers)


>Cute together
>A Yin and Yang combination of personalities
>Friendship and love that goes way past looks or coolness
>Both make people smile with delight


Love this, keep 'em coming!

U DIDNT FINISH :pinkiegasp::fluttercry:

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