• Member Since 31st Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen May 8th


Applejack will always love you 'cos that's jes' how she is, sugarcube <3

Comments ( 419 )

Well, I know where my time on the site is going once I catch up my own stories.

Funny that the description acknowledges what the series has built up a reputation for.

Well, folks--here we go.

Mondays just got a whole lot better! Hope you enjoyed your break.

“Whut’s that, then?” asked Big Macintosh.
“I am going to go back home… and just totally RUIN my mare,” grinned Rainbow Dash.

Ya' know Dash... he probably didn't want to know that.

Looks like it's gonna be a wild time...

Yay, it's here! Well, that started things off with a bang. *ducks*

Good lord, there's another one. I both dread and anticipate the new addition, whenever I get a chance to read it!

Yay! even thought I wanted to see Dashie pregnat again. Oh well, doesn't matter! please next chapter!

I want to like your stories but your grasp of gender and gender roles is just too terrible.

Bwah? I don't suppose you could be more specific? I mean, given that these are magical talking ponies where the mares can sprout dicks on demand, reproductive biology is straight-up weird, and the culture is decidedly non-human, how do [modern Western human] gender roles come in to it? :rainbowderp:


For example, the whole issue in the last book with Scootaloo referring to herself as a “colt” and “coltish” when she was using a bit. You don’t see lesbians calling themselves men when they strap one on. They don’t call it “manning,” so why should it be “stallioning” here? Kinda insulting to stallions/men as well that way if all “being a stallion” (“stallioning”) is is being the active penetrative partner.

That and there’s thick Apple accents, but this guy just goes wayyy too overboard.

Um, I may be off-base here, but (iirc) Scoots is essentially somewhere on the transgendered spectrum. She's not just "strapping one on", she's being a colt for a time. It's part of who she is.


Didn't seem to be that way to me. Seems more like the author is placing the peen on a pedestal.

Part of that is from a FtM transgender friend of mine, though I've also got an even closer lesbian friend who is not in the least FtM or a 'man'. She's married to a woman, but to them they are each other's 'wife'. On the other hand, the first friend grows a stubbly beard, pumps her clit to turn it into a penis (AND refers to it as such), and absolutely would identify with everything Scootaloo experiences.

It might help to remember that there is NO one common ethos among the characters and they often don't understand each other's worlds at all. As such I get readers who are adamant about liking and understanding certain characters and hate and disbelieve other characters… and readers who feel the same but for an opposite set. Ideally if you have a personal pony it's that one that you find plausible, and the ones you dislike are the ones making you mad with their baffling behavior :ajsmug:

If you don't like any of it, honey, that's why you probably put a downthumb, and it will certainly work to keep my stuff out of the silly feature box (as it always used to, book after book) and that's about all you can do to me. I promised people a finished sixth clop-novel, and I don't break my promises even if it looks like nopony wants it, because I know they tend to not speak up on my behalf (believing I don't need that, or something: and indeed I don't like to fight or be mean to not-likers)

There's going to be twenty or so more chapters of this, and you don't have to like it if you don't want to. I think there's probably a few who do. :duck:


I'm not arguing that there aren't people who like this, or that you don't know how to string words together. Clearly, you do. I'm just saying that your perspective of gender and sexuality comes off as an obvious straight dude who's focusing a little too much on the cigar.

"Write what you know" as they say...


She's married to a woman, but to them they are each other's 'wife'.

No need for the quotation marks. They are wife and wife, as much as you might not like that.

I tried being gay, pretty extensively, but I love pussy too much so I am a failed gay :ajsleepy:

The magic dicks are pretty much a parable for male sexuality itself, with its overwhelming coercive dic-tatorial force :rainbowlaugh: and part of what's happening is that pretty much all of the ponies have to struggle to incorporate the force of these impulses into their personalities. As such, every one that gets into the 'magic dick thing' gets, heh, ad-dic-ted to an extent, and has to make an effort to cope with those new demands. There's even a proximity effect which means they're better off not sleeping near the things, and all this is covered in earlier books and familiar to long-time readers.

I would point out also that, because of my world being all downthumbing all the time, these books have never been publicized in the normal sense, so the 550 or so followers ARE for the most part long-time readers, and new readers don't tend to show up by accident.

Some of those readers might take issue with stuff you've said, so I'll ask them to be gentle as I'm trying to be. I do find it funny that I'm an obvious straight dude as I could tell some lively stories about gay orgies (responsible and safe, but still!) as well as het scenarios. I am just waiting for the reader who comes along and informs me that I'm an obvious 16 year old virgin :raritywink:


Well you can't change your sexual orientation anyway.

That's probably my issue with this series is the huge focus on le dick. As a dude, I am not commanded by my penis, awkward bonkers aside, so your metaphor is exaggerated. Can't we have some normal lesbian loving or something in here?

Dick force provides more opportunities for things to go horribly wrong. I do hope to include some unusual-for-trixieverse stuff like decent het role model having, but I still have to make it be expressed in twisted ways because that is how the structure works.

So we can't really have 'healthy normal loving relationships' other than offscreen. That's why we haven't been seeing as much Appledash lately: they're too stable and well adjusted with each other, so they aren't interesting to the plot unless something's gone wrong somewhere.

If you need the characters to NOT do the wrong thing, I am not your book-author :ajsleepy: if I'm doing what I do right, you as the reader are maddened by how wrong everything's getting, can't see how they'll ever fix it, yet you still can totally see how things went that wrong.

That last part is the hardest and I'll never get it perfect for every reader, but I make the effort :ajsmug:


I think you might have misinterpreted what I wrote. I’m not talking about decent het role models, which are already in the canon anyway (Shining x Cadence, the Cakes, etc.). I meant lesbian sex that doesn’t involve a magical dick. Because, surprise surprise, they don’t need a magic or fake one to have sex anyway.

My friend, you're asking for the equivalent of a FiM episode that isn't about ponies. There are lots of non-ponies running around the setting, but the show is about ponies. The Trixieverse is about magic futa bits and the mares who love them. :derpytongue2:

Edit: and FlutterPie and whatnot doesn't count? Pinkie doesn't like the dick. PinkieShy sex doesn't use the magic bit.


Then it’s heterosexuality disguised as lesbianism. I bet the author’s lesbian “friends” would be offended by this. Just because females are involved doesn’t mean there needs to be a penis. I’m a gay dude and I don’t need a fake vagina to have sex. :facehoof:

Hey girls, toss out your strap-ons and dildos, or you're just faking that whole "lesbian" thing. Guys, cut out the non-PiV with the girlfriend, or you're just closeted gays. Girls, same for you, that's for lesbians. :facehoof:

That's pretty much what futanari IS :applejackconfused: and I know with great confidence that my FtM friend would not be offended, and the other one is my friend and if she felt like straightening me out on such an issue she'd do so.

And I would LOVE a fake vagina! Sign me up like RIGHT NOW please :rainbowwild:




Well, there’s this thing called a sex change…

Dude, we discussed where you can find those already. Or did you mean the magical flesh-and-blood type? :derpytongue2:

Oh my god, you agreed with me. OK, I'm done, we're clearly not operating on the same wavelength here. I was exaggerating for effect, in order to point out how absurd I find that mindset. :rainbowderp:

Is this an Empire of the Sun joke? ...Maybe music is a theme?

Um, I suspect it's a reference to Twi's relationship with Tia. Have you read the earlier stories? If not, explaining would be spoilers.

Um, Jinx, check the profile page. No history, just joined. We've likely been feeding the parasprites again. :facehoof:

Yay!!! Love the first chapter! :)
Wow what a ride... heck of a way to bring everything back after hiatus.

4064239 To answer your question: No.

To the spoiler you just gave me:

Why would you give me such a major spoiler?

I suspect you're reading more into my comment than there is. I meant the implications in the Trixieverse of her in-show relationship as Celestia's student. Not a spoiler, but it's not going to make much sense unless you know the rest of the story.

Some of my best friends are parasprites :rainbowlaugh: *tosses out parasprite-chow*

I don't know who's talking about spoilers. I haven't seen any, and haven't seen Zontargs say any. If it's the 'Tia's relationship with Twi', that is complicated-ish but part of previous books and has been strictly 'loyal student and admired, chaste teacher'. To a fault.

Twi's not dealt well with ANY suggestion of Celestia having genitalia, in fact. Dare I say hold your horses? You'll have a little more to go by, next week.

Eeeee new book! Also oh my goodness that scene!:rainbowwild:

I think you seem to be confused about something. There are very few lesbians in these novels. Other than Pinkie, I think all of the characters are bisexual or queer in some way. Many of them have moved freely between male and female partners, or have expressed desire for both male and female partners. So, I don't think the stories are in any way invalidating lesbian relationships, so much as they're exploring a spectrum idea of sexuality. As Jinx mentioned, if anything the one sexuality I don't see represented is "totally het."

Also, with reguards to the gender thing, once again I think Jinx said something important: the characters all have totally different views on it, once again it's more of a spectrum than a cis or trans, male or female thing.

The story that's touched me the most so far is AJ-- for her, the bit didn't create gender issues, it's a symbol of gender issues already laid on her by her family. First it pushes her too far towards the male, when Twilight only wants AJ as a replacement stallion, then towards the female when she hurts herself by trying to be too much of a mare for Rarity. It takes until Dash convinces her to let go of the idea of being a mare or stallion in that awesome scene that mirrors the first chapter of the series, and until Apple Bloom takes the mantle of Boss Mare off her shoulders, for AJ to accept that she's not stuck in a gender role of mare or stallion, she's just herself. As a bisexual woman who grew up as a tomboy, I appreciate Jinx's view of that sort of identity struggle, of not wanting to force oneself into a gender role.

Now, there are also characters I totally don't understand. And I can accept his explanation that other people might not get AJ's story arc as deeply, but might relate to Rarity, or Big Mac, or Scootaloo. Expecting one fic to portray such a diverse spectrum in a way that makes sense to hundreds of readers who are also on a diverse spectrum is a bit much to ask, even from a writer like Applejinx. :ajsmug:


There is no spectrum sexuality or gender identity in reality. There are gay, straight, bi, male, female, and trans. That's part of my issues with this is that it muddles things and makes sexuality look like a choice. As for true lesbians, I don't see any of the CMC chasing anyone but females.

You include bisexuality, but you don't think that sexuality is a spectrum...? Do you think all bi people like males and females exactly equally?

Anyway, if you don't think that gender or sexuality are spectrum, I'm pretty sure you will not understand this fic... or a lot of other ones on this website.


Spectrum implies choice. Sexual orientation is not a choice.


Care to provide any evidence for your claim, or just use reaction GIFs?

Spectrum doesn't imply choice.

A spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums) is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum.

It just means that there are people between male and female, who might identify as male sometimes and female others, without any choice in the matter. Some of those might be female 99% of the time, but feel male 1%, or in certain situations. There are also people who are bisexual who might be gay 99% of the time, but attracted to the opposite gender once in their lives. Once again, no control over this is implied, just that people don't fit neatly into boxes.

None of the characters in Jinx's fic fit into boxes. AJ is happiest trying to be neither an ideal male or ideal female. Fluttershy is attracted to mostly stallions, with an exception for Pinkie. Dash is attracted to anything that moves. Pinkie wants nothing to do with any penis, either on her or in her. The characters are almost all somewhere between male and female, gay and straight, and trying box them in as "lesbian" or "stallion" or "mare" just doesn't work. It's not their choice, they just can't make themselves fit those roles.

:twilightoops:holy buck.....that just happened....


Hmm, sounds like all bisexuals in denial.
So basically Pinkie is the only lesbian then? Got it, thanks.

Well that didn't fucking take long. I love this conversation when it happens, I think I it's highly relevant and I even think that it presents meaningful criticism to Jinx's writing, but I would prefer if it wasn't in the hands of an asshole with something to prove.

Random thought: is it entirely responsible to take the handicapped one as one of the group? I'm sure it's no big deal or one of them would have thought of it faster than me.

Amusing explanation: Derpy's SOUL is defect-free, and her problematic genetic material is safely clear of Luna's womb.


How do you know that I have something to prove?

Oh man, another one of these. One day I gotta grow the balls to read them. I've met Applejinx IRL, and I have a strong feeling we would be in the same therapy group if we lived near one another...:facehoof:

Part of the spirit of My Little Pony, and certainly part of the spirit of Trixieverse, is that Derpy's soul is indeed defect-free. I could show you a pony who could tell you more than a little about Derpy's special virtues of that nature :duck: also note that Derpity recognized and talked out their issues with Derpy wingplaying with a Princess, where the more 'healthy' and less damaged Appledash had to have a fight over it and bust through Dash's clamming up on the matter. Derpity is one of my 'final states' for pony pairings largely because Derpy's stubborn goodness has powerfully healing qualities, and she has faith in her beloved which helps Rarity have it.

That said, it's interesting that I internalized this SO much that it did not even occur to me, "wait, would that make a defective foal with screwy eyes?". I think not, but the thought never crossed my mind (this is why having comments is so handy)

Out of our cast it's Sweetie Belle who drew the short straw in the genetic lottery, and she turned out just fine. Actually she's right behind Derpy on the list of well-adjusted ponies, maybe Luna understands the narrative underpinnings of her world better than we think, and picked Derpy to try to breed in some plot armor.

The other foal ought to be just as interesting. Lyra's probably bearing a flathead, that will be fun for her, except who even knows what Luna's contribution means. I would have thought alicorn fatherhood was impossible before this.


It might help to remember that there is NO one common ethos among the characters and they often don't understand each other's worlds at all. As such I get readers who are adamant about liking and understanding certain characters and hate and disbelieve other characters… and readers who feel the same but for an opposite set. Ideally if you have a personal pony it's that one that you find plausible, and the ones you dislike are the ones making you mad with their baffling behavior

So I'm finally leaving a comment on one of the TMB stories.
Big Mac is that 'I don't get what is going on with him' character. He is currently in a relationship with his cousin and nopony has even commented on that aspect of their relationship. Brae and his motivation kinda makes sense, he is a sex fiend type character finally growing up and taking some responsibility in his life, like the arc in the winning verse story, but Mac? I don't get him. I could probably write five thousand words and not adequately explain my problems with Mac's character arc. So I'm following this story for now, but I'm probably going to eject if this turns out to be a continuation of Mac's wierd arc.


And come to think of it, our other defective one had three healthy, albeit mixed race, parents.

And, wait a minute, alicorn fatherhood actually presents a plot hole. There's no reason an alicorn can't provide the wing play. Can't believe I never thought of that.

Well, for just the one aspect, "eww cousins", even first cousins, is pretty much an American thing. In most of the world, it's perfectly legal, was quite common until recently, and nobody cares. *shrugs*

Fine, take that as a given, but in Grannies various juvenile diatribes she never once attacks 'and he's yer cousin?'. It's not a sticking point for me, the fact it is never mentioned is.

Well, if cousins are A-OK in Equestria, bringing it up would be like saying "and he's got blue eyes! What's up with that?!" Nobody would bother mentioning it.

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