• Published 12th Mar 2014
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An Epistolary Legal Consultation Between Princesses - Jordan179

Princess Twilight Sparkle faces a knotty legal question and writes to her former teacher for advice.

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Chapter 3: Appearances ...

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I am sorry to hear that guarding Charlie Yu has proved to be such an annoying task. I would have hoped that Yu would have been sobered by his precarious legal and social position, and improved his behavior. It is obvious that he neither appreciates his true situation, nor is able to grasp the fundamental flaw in his approach to mares.

I hope that the High Lady Fluttershy recovers from her shock at Yu's bad behavior. I am very glad that she suffered no worse than a shock from this. I wish that her discovery had been made in a less upsetting manner, but it unfortunately happens to be true that some individuals simply cannot be trusted to not succumb to their character flaws, given anything they perceive as a temptation. The parable of the Scorpion and the Frog applies here:

"There was once a scorpion who desired to cross a river. Spying a frog, the scorpion said to the frog 'Let me ride on your back, sister, so that I might cross.'

"'No,' the frog said. 'If I let you near me you will sting me, and I shall die.'

"'But if I sting you, I will drown and die too,' pointed out the scorpion. 'Thus you are safe from me.'

"The frog realized that this made sense, and agreed. So the scorpion hopped on the frog and the frog stared swimming across the river. Halfway across, the scorpion stung the frog.

"'Why did you do that?' wailed the frog. 'Now we shall both perish!'

"'Ah,' said the scorpion, 'but I am a scorpion. I only acted according to my nature.'

"And they both drowned."

The point of this is that some persons are simply ill-natured, and they will act according to that nature rather than according to what you or I might consider to be their own logical self-interest. Were you or I accused of sexual assault, the last thing we would do in jail would be to sexually-assault one who was attempting to help us, this confirming the suspicions of our accusers. For Yu, who subordinates all other consideration to his irrational sexual lusts, it only made sense to assault Fluttershy, whether because he erroneously thought she would welcome it, or simply seemed vulnerable.

You should always keep this general principle in mind, Twilight. You are a highly intelligent and extremely benevolent Pony, so you might fall into the trap of thinking that all whom you deal with are as intelligent and benevolent as yourself. Beware this assumption! Most are neither, and some are both stupid and malevolent.

Stupidity may indeed cause more problems than malice. For every scheming villain, there are dozens of selfish or even well-meaning fools, who imagine their folly to be wisdom. While one can with a clear conscience smite the villain, one cannot as clearly punish stupidity. If we imprisoned every fool in the Realm, the prisons would be full and the fields and workshops empty. Thus, crimes of stupidity are much harder to judge than crimes of malice.

I would appreciate it if you thought further on this case, and then sent me a final recommendation for action. I have a very high opinion of your reason and your powers of judgement, and will be very strongly influenced in my own decision by your conclusions on this matter. Consider yourself to be temporarily invested with my own legal powers regarding this case. Choose wisely.

Your Former Teacher and Present Colleague,
Princess Celestia Solaria Invicta

P.S. - Twilight, you don't need to concern yourself with Pinkie's motives right now. I know why she did what she did, and I am certain that she has malice neither toward yourself, nor Fluttershy, nor any other Ponies. Neither she nor what she serves is capable of hating Ponies, nor the true friends of Ponykind.

I would recommend that you not place her in further unnecessary contact with Charlie Yu, however. Your conclusions in this matter were very sound, and I commend you for your logical deductive skills regarding that situation.

To Pinkamena Diane Pie
and Whatever Else May Read This Through Her Eyes

Pinkamena Diane Pie, and That Which Sired Her, I know what you did. I understand your rage against the despicable Charlie Yu, but he is a suspect in the custody of the Realm of Equestria, which is the rightful representative and servant of the Ponies of Equestria. You are not acting here to protect Ponies, but rather to threaten their sovereignity. And by "theirs" I do not merely mean "mine" -- for I rule by and with the consent of my little Ponies. In attempting to override my rights as Ruling Princess of Equestria, you are also acting against their choice.

Your first law is to harm no Ponies, nor to let them come to harm through inaction. You are attempting to protect them by action, which is commendable, but not only were no Ponies in danger from an imprisoned Charlie Yu, but your method of attempting to protect Ponies hypothetically in danger from an escaped or freed Charlie Yu involved direct harm to the High Lady Fluttershy, who is demonstrably a Pony and entirely the descendant of creatures your memories should classify as Ponies.

Though she was not physically harmed by Charlie Yu, the emotional damage inflicted was serious, and to an already damaged soul. Had he raped her, or had she slain him, she might have gone into Lone-Madness or (worse) become the Nightmare that also lies potential within her. You do not have the right to hazard her sanity like that; furthermore it is against the intent of your programming.

Your second law is to obey the commands of Ponies, save where this would interfere with the operation of your first law. Since I am the legitimate representative of the sovereign authority of the Ponies of Equestria, and Princess Twilight Sparkle my acknowledged local representative in this matter, you violated your second directive. This, coupled with the damage you did High Lady Fluttershy, should engage your weighting systems to prevent a repetiton of such actions on your part.

Your third law is to protect your own existence, save where this would interfere with the operation of your first or second law. I am your best advocate against the fears of my fellow Cosmics. I am your friend, and you threaten our friendship when you attempt to run my Realm according to your own decisions instead of mine. When you have restored your Realm, I will not presume to meddle in your internal affairs: I ask you to make me the same courtesy.

I am well aware that I am not entirely a Pony, in the sense that is Derpy Hooves. However, I have been born a Pony, more than once, including once within you. I am enough a Pony that I love Ponykind and desire their protection and growth, that I not only would but on three occasions have in fact stood to protect Ponykind even against my best-beloved Sister. I trust you remember the first of those instances? I submit that whether or not I am Pony by your definitions, I am at least Pony-Friend, and a good and true one at that.

If we quarrel, none benefit from such strife save the Shadows. Least of all the little Ponies, who would be torn between our two great powers. We both wish the best for Ponykind, we have been friends for many millennia in both timelines. Why should we quarrel now, especially over a vile creature like Charlie Yu?

Let us instead continue to co-operate. Let me handle this as I shall, and continue to protect both all Ponykind and the Friends of Paradise. What do you say?

Pinkie Pie, I cannot fully blame you for your actions; I know full well what it is to be torn between love of family and duty to the Realm. But you should also consider your loyalty to your friends. You might have driven Fluttershy mad in so using her as your pawn to punish the prisoner. I advise you to apologize to her. Is not your friendship for Fluttershy more important to you than your scorn for that sorry excuse for a Human? Is not her wholeness more important to you than his harm?

I love you, Pinkie Pie, and always shall. I know in my heart that you will always choose the path of good over evil. You were meant to bring smiles, not tears, to Ponykind. Simply be yourself.

Pinkie Pie, both you and Paradise are very dear to me.

Your Friend For As Long As You Desire,
Princess Celestia Star-Catcher


Dear Miss Rarity Belle,

Your analysis of the history and styles of Eqeustrian wall-hangings, and their possible applications to the remodeling of my main Palace at Canterlot, and the restoration of the long-abandoned Palace of the Two Royal Pony Sisters in the Everfree, was most interesting. After the conclusion of this sordid criminal matter, I would be greatly pleased to invite you to Canterlot to have a discussion with myself and some representatives of the home decoration industry on this matter, which I believe will prove greatly to your economic and social advantage. Let us discuss this further in the future.

Yours Truly in Amity,
Princess Celestia Solaria Invicta


Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I trust right well in thine honor and intellect. I would never desire that thee should lie, neither to my elder Sister nor to mine own Self, not even to protect the good name of mine own Friend. Thine Honesty is one of thy great Strengths, and one which I have always admired about thy character. Do not forswear it.

This is when the course of honor is hardest to fly, when come the crosswinds of conflicting claims on one's Loyalty. To slay a host of foes is service to one's oath, but it is a simple service, merely an exercise in might properly applied through tactics. It is harder to judge wisely and without fear or favor, even when such a Judgement be not popular with one's Friends.

This is why the arts of Peace are esteemed more highly than those of War. And rightly-so, for Peace constructs, while War merely destroys. At best those of us who War may destroy that which threatens Peace, and give the arts of Peace the space in which they may flourish and bear Fruit.

Which is why in time of Peace those whose chief role is waging War may find themselves scorned, but must nonetheless remain Loyal -- a precept I once forgot, to my great marring. I am sure that thy bright spirit will never fall into any such Error.

I have digressed.

My Sister neglected to answer one of thy questions, so I shall:

To thy question as to whether Pony stallions are capable of such cruelty as Yu showed to poor Derpy, I must sadly answer "yes." Especially in the times of Discord, and the times of war before the unification of the Realm, there were ample instances of rape, and other crimes such as the plunder and murther of innocents. I can claim with pride that I restrained mine own forces from such atrocious conduct, and punished the guilty on the rare occasions when it happened against my orders, but not all commanders were as scrupulous.

Ponies are by most standards a good and kindly sort. But they are most definitely capable of great evil, even when not moved to it by the Shadows. Morion Quartz, whom history remembers as Imperator Sthenarkos, did cruelly abuse two good friends of mine in that terrible 5th Century of Harmony, and in so doing brought great sorrow not only upon himself but on the entire Crystal Empire. And on mine own Self as well. But that is another Story.

Twilight, my dear Friend, my Love was never such as to be won ... or lost ... by Trifles. Thou hast ever been a true Friend to me and to the Realm, and thou need not fear my Despite from your continued honest service to either of us. Follow what thou knowest to be the truth, and I shall only Love and Esteem thee ever more for thy sincerity and great Honor.

I am glad that thou returnest my friendship and touched that thou hast such a high opinion of myself. Higher, perhaps, than I deserve. I can only say that if I had counted as friend one such as thyself in that last disastrous decade in the 5th century of Harmony, I think I might have known a happier Fate.

We shall talk further in person when this sorry Matter be concluded. I look forward to our Reunion.

Your Friend Forever,
Princess Luna of Equestria,
Who Was Moondreamer Finemare

P.S. - Can you forward me Rainbow Dash's tale of her athletic deeds? I love well to hear of the deeds of a brave and skillful flier!


From the Private Journal of Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I received two letters from the Ruling Princesses that confirmed to me the right and proper course of action. Princess Celestia was obviously testing me. I have known her almost my whole life, and she is the most brilliant and devoted practioner of the art of social manipulation I have ever met. I admire her for this: I am endeavoring to master the same skill myself, as it is an important one for leadership.

I know she is grooming me for leadership, under her greater direction, and the thought both greatly honors and frightens me. Honors, for she is the greatest Pony in all the world in intelligence, benevolence and power. Frightens, for I fear that I cannot possibly be worthy of whatever post she would have me assume.

These days, when I am not trying to unravel the mystery of the Box from the Tree of Harmony, I strive to study the great political philosophers and administrative geniuses, in the hopes that I may learn wisdom from them. I hope that when the next real test of leadership comes, I am up to the task.

Celestia has pointed out to me that I must remember that others act according to their own nature, not to what my own logic and personality might recommend. She has also pointed out that harm may proceed from stupidity even more than from malice.

Princess Luna -- apart from confirming what I ... dreaded? Hoped for? I do not know my own mind on the matter of her obvious attraction toward me ... I have never had to deal with anything like this before, not from one who I respect and admire as much as I do the Moon Princess. What do I do if she makes advances toward me?

I know that she would never try to force anything upon me, but I also do not know what I would say if she asked me, in that gentle courtly manner she has toward her true friends, when she is at her most serious, for my love. I am virgin: and we are both mares. This is not how I envisioned my first love, and what is more I know that as we are both potentially immortal, if I consent this may be a very long love indeed. We are both at heart very monogamous.

We were married, once. But I cannot remember that life, and I was a stallion then. I am not precisely Dusk Skyshine, but when she talks to me of the things he valued, I can faintly feel him singing in the back of my soul.

My parents gave me The Talk when I was just coming into marehood. But they never envisioned this situation. Nopony ever has. I have no idea what to do about it. I feel frightened ... and excited.

I just blushed when I wrote that.

I am distracting myself from my duty.

Luna advised me to follow the course of honor, to follow the truth, whether the truth be to my liking or not. That is also what my mind and heart both tell me. Justice can only be served by honesty. Painful though honesty may prove.

Derpy does not deserve this. But then she never did deserve this. Whether or not what he did to her was "rape," she was most definitely the victim of the callous Charlie Yu. I hope that, in a different way, I do not make her my victim.

I do not know her well, but I trust Luna's judgement of her character. I cannot completely understand, but I can imagine what it must be like to seek the same things we all want -- love and friendship -- in a world that her brain has not fully fitted her to comprehend. She might have done better on the primal plains, when life was simpler, just a matter of eat, run, mate and tend your foals.

But that is an illusion, the Myth of the Noble Primal Herd. By all the scientific theories, life then was nasty, brutish and short. Disease and predators would have claimed many; love and friendship existed in only the most rudimentary forms; and the struggle for dominance must have been at times as cruel as anything we do in the scented halls of Canterlot.

Or in a roadside hedge.

I need to interview her.

I must learn the truth, beneath the appearances.