• Published 12th Mar 2014
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An Epistolary Legal Consultation Between Princesses - Jordan179

Princess Twilight Sparkle faces a knotty legal question and writes to her former teacher for advice.

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Chapter 4: ... Can Be Deceiving

From the Private Journal of Princess Twilight Sparkle:

I'm going to have to keep the interview in a separate pad. That may be evidence, and I certainly do not want my earlier, um, mooning about Luna's intentions and my possible responses to wind up being read aloud in court. Maybe some day I'll mine it for a book of memoirs, after these events are long past and we can all have a laugh about it. Right now, it would be terribly embarrassing.

By the way, I just made a pun. I mention this should anypony accuse me of being humorless. I have a perfectly-good sense of humor. Even if I don't exercise mine as often as does Pinkie Pie her own.

Pinkie Pie is relevant because I'm inviting her along. I don't want Spike to have to hear the details of this. He's more innocent than he pretends to be. And Pinkie has an eidetic memory.

Or Paradise does. I rather suspect that ancient construct will be looking out from her eyes at a moment like this. If I understand its purpose properly, I think it will want to know for itself what really happened to Derpy Hooves. And if I'm right about what really happened, this may head off trouble far worse than anything of which Charlie Yu is capable.

I can also use this as a check on the honesty of Paradise. I will keep my own notes, and if the two diverge too greatly, I may catch it in a lie. I don't fully trust it. Pinkie explained its Three Laws logic to me once, but I could wiggle out of those laws to do what I wanted, and I bet that an immortal magic super-brain can do so as well. I don't think it's hostile to Ponies. However, it may have its own agenda.

I also rounded up Applejack. If one is best friends with a Living Lie Detector, one might as well invite her to an interview. Or interrogation, to be honest, even if a rather relaxed one, I hope.

The first time I asked Derpy what happened, my questioning was very cursory. Just enough to establish that she had been stuck in a hedge and that Charlie Yu did have carnal knowledge of her without her expressed consent. This time, I will ask her for the details. She's calmed down now, so I should be able to learn the answers. And find out the reasons for several matters about this case which have begun to bother me.

Here goes.

(see attached Interview)

Well ... that went as well as could be expected.

I feel as if I've just kicked a little puppy. But then I expected that too.

I feel really dirty. I feel as if the whole world is really dirty. I feel as if my whole species is dirty, and his whole species. I feel as if life is dirty and foul and we should just lie down and let the Shadows take over, because they couldn't possibly be any worse than ourselves.

It's not what Charlie Yu did that makes me so sad. I knew that he treated her like dirt. That didn't surprise me.

It's how Ponies have treated Derpy Hooves. How the Ponies of her own herd have treated her.

How can they be so cruel?

How can we be so cruel?

I feel as if a chasm is yawning at my feet and everything I thought good and safe and wholesome is just a veneer over an open grave teeming with maggots. As if everypony is living a lie.

Is this what life can be like when you're not smart and special and mentored by the most powerful Pony who's ever existed? When you're not born from an old family and taught how to behave so you know what to do -- and what not to do? When you're just ordinary? Or less than ordinary, at least in the eyes of others?

How can we treat her like this?

At least, thank Celestia, none of my friends were involved. I think if they had been I'd just fly out of Ponyville -- maybe south -- and just keep on flying until I hit Antarctica.

It isn't most ponies. Just some. Did they have no comprehension of what they were doing? Did they just not care?

I should just crawl into bed and roll myself up in the blankets and go to sleep. Maybe for a thousand years, until Luna rescues me. Turnabout is fair play, isn't it?

Anyway, I'd probably just have bad dreams, and then maybe I'd wind up talking to Luna sooner than I expected.

But I have work to do.

Celestia, I think you knew. I think you wanted me to learn this lesson.

It's very hard for me to love you right now.

Interview Notes - Annotated Copy Kept By Princess Twilight Sparkle

Location: Subject's residence in Ponyville.

Interviewer: Princess Twilight Sparkle.
Subject: Miss Derpy Hooves
Recorder: Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie
Witnesses: Miss Jacqueline Apple, Mr. Paradise

Comments: This interview is a followup to the initial evidence collected from Subject regarding her alleged rape by the Human, Charlie Yu.

Interviewer: Derpy, are you ready to go over what happened that night with me?

Subject: Ok, sure, Princess Twilight. If you think it will help.

Interviewer: Yes, I think it will help a lot.

Subject: Then, sure.

The version submitted to the Court leaves out so much. How Derpy's whole face, her eyes and ears and mouth and everything just drooped, no collapsed, when she realized what I wanted to talk to her about. It doesn't mention that little Dinky was in the house at first and that when I told her what I wanted, she sent Ditzy off to a neighbor who she knew would watch her because she didn't want Dinky to hear her tell me about what had happened that night.

That says a lot about Derpy Hooves. At what must have been one of the lowest points in her life, she was looking out for her "little Muffin." She wanted her to have better than she'd had, to live a life in which there could be friendship and love and hope for the future. She didn't want her to be -- tainted.

I guessed that much. I even suspected that she didn't want Ditzy to hear that her mother's role in the events of that night had not been entirely involuntary.

But I didn't guess it all. I don't know if I would have had the courage to step into Derpy's living room, with its threadbare couch and brave little attempts at decoration, if I'd known it all.

I wish I could un-know it.

Interviewer: Perhaps you can start by explaining how you wound up stuck in that hedge.

Subject: Sure. I'd been on a late run to Steven, and some plants had slowed me down on the way back ...

Interviewer: Wait, Steven who?

Subject: Steven Magnet.

Interviewer: The river serpent?

Subject (laughed merrily): Yep, that's the one! He's a nice serpent though. He's all big and purple and pretty and has this yellow mustache and ...

Interviewer: I've met him. So you said you were slowed by plants -- weren't you flying?

Subject: Yeah, but I got too close to a tanglevine tree and -- you know how it is?

Interviewer: Sort of. Aren't those things carnivorous?

Subject: Carn-i ...?

Interviewer: They eat animals. Including Ponies.

Subject: Oh yes (giggles). It wanted to eat me. But I didn't let it!

Interviewer: What did you do?

Subject: I got out this machete I always take when I go into the Everfree and I chopped and chopped it until it let go. They do that when you chop them!

Interviewer: I'd imagine so -- um, what if it had grabbed your forelegs so you couldn't chop it?

Subject: I guess I woulda thunk of something! I always do!

Again, the bare facts, even with the addition of dialogue tags to show when she laughed, do not do this justice. One must envision Pinkie and I, sitting in this threadbare little room with Derpy Hooves, her face slowly lighting up from its previous shamed depression as she recounted to us how she had fought for her life against carnivorous plants in the middle of a hell-forest, a place that I venture into freely only because I am a powerful mage -- and, since my experience with that cockatrice, never alone any more.

She was giggling like a happy little filly as she described what must have been the most desperate fight for survival, the tanglevines whipping around her legs and wings, binding her tighter and tighter, hollow vampire thorns digging into her fur, trying to make it through the coat and outer skin to reach her blood vessels and begin draining her very life from her while she was still fully-conscious. A dreadful fate, and only her machete to rely upon. No friends. And if she hadn't been able to get out the machete, she'd have "thunk of something."

She wasn't a powerful mage. She wasn't even the most capable Pegasus. And she went into that forest again and again and again, just to deliver the mail. She went in alone, into a place where she knew there were things willing and able to kill her.

I remembered when I'd first ventured into that forest. Six of us, on a quest to save the world. All of us with special abilities and training. I had thought we were very brave.

She had no special abilities. No special training. Her depth perception was unreliable. She wasn't even that clever.

Yet she did this. Why did she do this? Was it because she was too stupid to grasp the dangers?

Interviewer: Weren't you afraid?

Subject: Scared? Why?

Interviewer: You were being eaten by a tanglevine tree.

Subject (snort-laughs): Nah. I had a machete.

Interviewer: But what if you'd dropped it and you couldn't have thought of any way out?

Subject (takes time to think): I guess it woulda eated me. But that's ok.

Interviewer: What? How would being eaten by a tanglevine tree have been ok?

Subject: I get life insurance through my job.

Interviewer: But ... you'd be dead!

Subject: Sure, but there'd be lotsa money for my little Muffin. She'd be sad but she'd be ok, she'd get to go to good schools, have a good life.

The transcript does not bother to go into the fact that when I fully grasped what she meant, I started weeping Quietly. Pinkie Pie, for her part, wasn't quiet at all. Applejack just looked sad: she frowned, drooped her ears a bit.

I had no idea how Paradise felt about this.

Derpy Hooves knew exactly how dangerous was her job. She knew she was likely to die someday, doing it.

She just didn't care. As long as Dinky was safe, nothing else mattered. And I knew how these government jobs worked. She was getting hazard pay and a big pay-in to a life insurance fund. If she died in the course of her duty -- which she probably would -- her "little Muffin" would be rich. If she lived -- then she'd get to spend all that hazard pay. On Dinky.

Is there a word to describe that simple, careless courage, the courage of a mother who would risk her own life, day after day, to ensure that her daughter would have a better life than she herself had known? We erect no statues to it, sing no songs to it -- but we should. By Tartarus and the Styx, by the older things by which the Ruling Princesses swear, by the Megan and the All-Father, we should!

Derpy Hooves was a heroine. And I hadn't even known it. I'd lived in the same small town as her for over four years now, I'd fought my way with friends at my side every now and then through that same forest, I went to the old castle on a cleared road while she flew into every odd corner of that monster-haunted woods, and before today I had taken her for granted, perhaps thought of her with mild pity or even contempt.

The worst of it was that what she was revealing, with her simple pride in a job well done, was one of the worst things possible for the chance of success of any case against Charlie Yu. The mare who was revealing herself through this episode -- and by other things I asked her which I shall omit from this version -- was no helpless, brainless creature who could easily be intimidated into sexual submission by some Human lout on a Ponyville lane.

She was a tough, canny survivor, someone who fought on a regular basis against things which would have eaten Charlie Yu whole and without difficulty. That she was cute and bubbly and not very bright was irrelevant. The Derpy Hooves I was seeing here was no victim.

I was wrong, of course. Derpy Hooves was a victim.

Just not of violent rape.

Interviewer: Getting back to the night of the incident ... So, you were heading back home after being delayed by your encounter with the tanglevine tree.

Subject: Yeah. And I was in a hurry cause I didn't want to miss the fireworks.

Interviewer: The Summer's End Festival of 1504.

Subject: Well, yeah. (looking puzzled) It was just a week and a half ago, Princess Twilight. Don't you remember?

Interviewer (explains): That was to confirm the date.

Subject: Oh. Gee, you're smart, Princess Twilight. Just like Princess Luna ...

Interviewer: So had you delivered all your mail for the shift?

Subject (looks uncomfortable): Well, no ... see, I'd done all the deliveries for the Everfree run, but there was some local mail I hadn't dropped off. But I was scared I'd miss the fireworks. They had really pretty fireworks! All red and green and yellow with bursts like flowers and ...

Interviewer: So you still had some of the mail, then?

Subject (looks even more uncomfortable): Yeah. And then I dropped the bag when I hit the hedge and I forgot about it until the next day and so the mail was late and I'm never supposed to just leave mail lying around and ... (looks at Interviewer imploringly) ... I'm not going to get in trouble about being careless with the mail, will I? Because I promise to never do it again and ...

Interviewer: Um, I'm pretty sure you won't get into any trouble over this.

I had to pause for a moment to compose myself, because at that point my voice was starting to thicken up and my eyes moisten again. I drew a foreleg across my eyes, then looked at my fellow team mates. Applejack's lip was firmly set, her expression carefully neutral in a way which told me that she was holding in an emotion she considered inappropriate to this formal setting. She's terrible at concealing her feelings to anypony who knows her well, though this can fool strangers. Pinkie Pie looked utterly dejected, a fact that would have been obvious to anypony even if they had not understood the implications of her utterly-straight mane.

I didn't know what, if anything, Paradise was feeling. Or if it even had feelings like Ponies do, though Pinkie Pie had once told me that it cared for all the Daughters of Paradise with a love so intensely pure that very few normal emotions could compare. This was not the exact way Pinkie had phrased it, of course, but I got the gist. After four years, I had acquired a very good listening comprehension of Pinkie-speak. I also suspected from this why most of the Daughters never wed -- I doubted most mere mortal Ponies could match that standard.

Its primary purpose was to protect Ponykind, so I am guessing that it was feeling protective toward Derpy Hooves right now. And angry at Charlie Yu. I was certainly feeling both emotions right now.

Interviewer: Let us get back to the crash. How did you crash into that hedge?

Subject (giggles): Front end first, of course! That's why my rump was sticking out!

Interviewer: No, I mean how did you happen to crash into the hedge?

Subject: Oh, that was because of the mailbags. See, I had only one bag left and it was on my right side so I was a bit off balance. And I can't see how far away things are so good ...

This was because Derpy Hooves suffers from strabismus, the condition commonly called "wall-eyed," and because her eyes do not easily focus on the same point, she has problems with depth perception.

Subject (continues): ... and it was starting to get dark and my landing was off. I smacked into the hedge but I wasn't hurt, you know how when you fly your field keeps you safe as long as you don't hit too hard? Of course you do, you fly too! (*giggles*) But then I was stuck high up in that hedge, my front legs were out one end and my rear legs out the other end with no hooves on the ground and my wings were all folded up inside the hedge so I couldn't fly, and the hedge was thick so I couldn't fall in or it.

This was actually a good and concise description of Derpy's situation. A pegasus (or alicorn) in flight creates a paramagnetic force field which emnates from the flight feathers and wraps around the body. This is why we can breathe without difficulty no matter how fast we fly, and why we can make really rough landings without damage to more than our dignities. The force field spreads out any impact, converting it into an elastic one -- most of the time, a crash feels like falling into a mattress rather than the bone-breaking one it would otherwise be.

If a pegasus could keep that field up on the ground she would be very hard to hurt. Unfortunately, the field only works when one is actually flying -- the only pegasus I've ever seen able to extend her flight field while not flying is Scootaloo, and I still need to do a further study on exactly how she does it. Rainbow Dash is no help here: she is an expert flyer but it's almost entirely intuitive for her; she's not very good at putting her analyses into words.

Derpy couldn't extend her wings while within the hedge, so she couldn't get any paramagnetic propulsion. With her barrel supported by the hedge itself, and her forehooves and hindhooves off the ground, she could not get much traction to move in either direction, and the elastic branches would have compressed and made it difficult for her to wriggle free. Unless some other pony -- or person -- came over to brace against her in some fashion, it would take her a long time to get out of there, and she might get scratched up in the process.

Interviewer: At what time did you become trapped?

Subject: Around, um half past six?

Interviewer: How did you know the time?

Subject: I looked at the Sun before I landed. Sun sets around seven that time of year, and it was almost there. Good way to tell time. I carry a watch but I don't use it that much. Only a few times I really needed it.

Punctuality is one of my teacher's virtues. There was a time when I would have imagined her character to be entirely composed of virtues. At this point in the interview, I wasn't yet angry at anypony: only at Charlie Yu, who was neither a Pony in form nor in heart. At this point in the interview, I still believed our species was special.

Interviewer: So, when you found that you were stuck in the hedge, what did you do?

Subject: Well, I started wiggling. Sometimes you can get out of a tight spot that way. But I couldn't. So then I started hollering for help.

Interviewer: Can you remember what you said when you called for help?

Subject (wrinkling her brow): Um, help like things? Like "Help" and "Can somepony help me?" Like you'd say if you were calling out for help?

Interviewer: Was anypony around?

Subject: Naw, I didn't see no one coming in, everypony was at the festival. And I was going to miss the festival. I was going to miss the fireworks!

Derpy's memories are very tied to her emotions, so when she said this she was almost crying, in the manner of a small filly being denied a promised treat. She was remembering how she felt at that moment, which made me wince, because I knew what was going to happen next.

I did not realize that I was soon to be surprised. Though the surprise was not, all things considered, to be a pleasant one.

Even though I had half-suspected this.

Interviewer: What happened next?.

Subject: I heard someone walking toward me down the lane.

Interviewer: Do you mean "someone" or "somepony?"

Subject (grins): Now you're being silly! I know Charlie Yu's no Pony!

Interviewer: Did you know that it was Charlie Yu at that point?

Subject: Not for sure but he sounded like Charlie Yu.

Interviewer: In what manner?

Subject: Well, when a Pony walks she sounds like clump-clump, clump-clump, clump-clump, you know? And Charlie sounds more like bdump, bdump, bdump, you see?

Interviewer: Yes. I do see.

Derpy would have heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and swiveled her ears around to focus her hearing upon them. We Ponies are semi-obligate quadrupeds with a short walking gait; Charlie is a semi-obligate biped with a very long stride. We sound almost nothing alike when we walk.

And very few creatures walk like Charlie. Most of those who do, like Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs, would be very unlikely to be walking along a quiet lane in Ponyville toward sunset.

Interviewer: What happened next?

Subject: Well, Charlie walked up close to me. But he didn't say anything. Just almost laughed ...

Interviewer: Almost laughed?

Subject: Yeah, like if you hold a laugh in so there's kind of a gaspy sound? (demonstrates) An almost laugh.

Interviewer: I understand. And what else did he say or do?

Subject: Well, he didn't say nothing, so I figured he was embarrassed about the whole thing. And I must've looked pretty funny, all stuck in a hedge like I was! (giggles) So I kind of hinted that I could use some help in getting my hooves on the ground so I could get out.

Interviewer: How did you hint this?

Subject: I said "If only I could get my hooves on the ground," or something like that.

Interviewer: Did you address Charlie Yu by name at this point?

Subject (thinking): No. I don't think I did until I was out of the hedge.

Interviewer: Why didn't you address him by name?

Subject: Well, at first I wasn't sure it was him, see? And then when I was sure, he wasn't saying anything, so I figured he was playing some kind of game so I should play along.

Applejack and I exchanged meaningful glances. We had realized the same thing at the same moment. Applejack is not highly educated in formal terms, but she is one of the most intelligent mares I have ever met, and she has a very strong common sense. And we both knew that the implication of what we had just heard was "consent."

Pinkie Pie was looking puzzled. She is smart, but not overendowed with common sense. And when she heard "game" she was probably thinking "pin the tail on the Pony" or something of that sort. Pinkie Pie loves to play games, but ones far more innocent than impulsive sexual congress in hedges.

It was at this point, of course, that the case against Charlie Yu started to collapse. Not completely, not yet, because Derpy still might have been intimidated by Charlie's behavior.into compliance. I had many more questions to ask her, questions which -- in retrospect -- I am very sorry to have asked..

But from this point on I was almost certain that Derpy Hooves had not, in fact, been raped.

Author's Note:

Derpy's recollections are not word-for-word perfect. Pinkie Pie's would be, but Pinkie Pie has certain cognitive advantages not only over Derpy Hooves in this regard, but indeed over most Ponies, including Twilight Sparkle herself.

First big plot twist. I await the torches and pitchforks.