• Published 27th Mar 2012
  • 4,325 Views, 242 Comments

Free to a Good Home - Marshylawl

How can six bundles of joy change your life forever?

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A New Home (Part One)

The morning sun shone lustrously through your cracked windowsill. Streaks of light darted throughout the cluttered bedroom until finally resting on your hazel eyes. Groaning quite audibly, you push against the warm embrace of your bed and rest your feet on the cold carpet. Getting up was the hard part. Groggily stumbling over to the washroom, you fought back the urge to go back to bed; it felt as if the day could wait. But today felt, different. You couldn’t seem to focus on why, but you weren’t going to question. You needed to get moving if you wanted to get to work on time.

After going through your usual morning routine, you were slow to put on your shoes. You began to ponder the fact that today was going to be a good, no, better day. Is this just a mental request to make me think today will be good? Or is it a legitimate feeling? You decide to leave that question for later, as you walked out the front door.


You finally decided after much thought, that it was just a mental request. After getting a speeding ticket, fired, and a stalled engine all support your fact. But once you finally made it back to your house at roughly 8pm, something changed your mind. Upon going up the stairs to the small concrete porch, you notice a small striped green and white pillow; and on this pillow were six fillies. Wait, what is this? Is… is this the mane six? Here? You couldn’t comprehend what was happening in front of you. You saw Rainbow Dash playfully fighting with Applejack, Pinkie Pie sitting on Fluttershy, Rarity overlooking Rainbow and Applejack, and Twilight… sleeping. Bu-b-but HOW? How… You couldn’t continue your train of thought as you noticed all six of them looking up at you with puppy eyes.

“Hello?” You ask, noticing that all six of them were fillies, no more than four or five years old. Why are they so young? At this point he didn’t think about it, because he noticed some of them start to shiver, especially Fluttershy. “Can you understand me?” They most likely cannot, it’s a mystery enough they are here In front of me. With no response and a couple perked ears, you take it as a no and one by one, started carrying each filly inside. First, Fluttershy. The moment she was lifted off the ground, she squeaked, and hid her face underneath your jacket sleeve. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” With that response, she slowly turned her head to look at you, then quickly turned back and dug her head deeper into your inner elbow. Slightly squirming, you shush her and make several attempts to calm the deeply scared filly down. “I won’t hurt your friends either.”

With that one comment, Fluttershy slowly looked up at you, revealing her eyes for the first time since you met her. You could see fear in her eyes, but also a little relief, as she realized that you weren’t going to hurt them. You place Fluttershy on your bed, and slowly wrapped her in a soft blanket. Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Walking back to the door, you notice that the other five were staring blankly at you. For about a minute, you were unsure what to do; blank faces staring at you, even Twilight, who was asleep earlier. Thinking you are going to scare them off, you try to slowly reach out your hand. “It’s okay; I’m not going to hurt you.”

With that kind gesture, Rainbow Dash’s ears perk up with delight, and she gladly trots in to the house. Then, one by one, each filly trots on in and sits on their haunches by the fireplace. They are probably wondered where dear ol’ Fluttershy is... With that thought, and the confused and worried faces on each of the fillies’ faces, you retreat to the bedroom and picked up Fluttershy. It was a hard task to do so, because in order to pick up Fluttershy to show her friends, you had to wake her up. And as much as you would love to see the looks on the other five fillies’ faces when they see her friend, you could not bring yourself up to the task. After minutes of debating and arguing with yourself in your head, you decide to pick up Fluttershy with as much care as possible. You slowly dig your hands under the sleeping filly, and lifted her up, her chin resting on your forearm. A heavy sigh emitted from Fluttershy, and some restless sleeping. You could feel her wings poking and prodding you as she looked for a more comfortable spot. Your heart exploded. Twice.

After slowly pacing over to the living room where the five fillies’ carelessly await, you could notice Rainbow Dash was once again rough-housing with Applejack; the two of them were carelessly chasing each other around the room, until Rainbow finally caught up to Applejack, and tackled her to the soft carpeted ground; her cyan wings fluttering with delight. Pinkie Pie bounced around the room, Rarity overlooked Rainbow and Applejack once again, and Twilight was looking around the house, wondering what’s going on. You slowly enter the room with a very sleepy Fluttershy in your arms, and place her down on the carpet, giving her room to walk around. The five fillies just look at Fluttershy with interest. It seems as none of them can speak, but they can all understand each other, in a way. You look at them, all nuzzling Fluttershy, and your mind is starting to fill with questions, now that Fluttershy has been reunited with her friends. “Are you guys lost?” With that question, Twilight’s ears dropped to the sides of her head. Fluttershy trotted over and started to nuzzle her. The sound of a balloon deflating catches you off-guard. He looked over see Pinkie Pie with straight hair, looking down at the ground, tears starting to well up in her eyes. Well, at least they can understand me. “It’s okay. You guys can stay with me.” With that statement, they all perked up, and Pinkie’s hair inflated as she started to bounce around the room once again. Phew, that’s one problem out of the way. But why are they here? As you notice the sky darkening, and the brilliant moon starting to rise above the horizon, you decide sleep is for the better of you and them.

As you put them all to bed, which consists of various blankets and pillows you found around your house, you say goodnight to them all, and slowly make your way over to your own bed. Sleep can’t wait, but sleeping is the hardest thing for you to do at the moment. Your heart raced and thumped through your chest, you just wanted to scream with joy; but your body has other plans. That night, you dreamt of a family. Your family. With your six daughters.


Waking up to a Saturday was always a little gift. You struggle from tied up sheets, and you were about to get up, until you notice a small cyan filly resting against your stomach. You can feel her body warmth radiating off of her. Her tossed rainbow mane hid her face as she slept. You did not want to move. You would never move in a situation such as this. A heartless person wouldn’t even move in a situation like this. The only choice at the moment was to fall back asleep. Softly stroking her rainbow mane, she lets out a soft, quiet yawn, and opens her magnificent, glistening magenta eyes. She lets out another bigger yawn, and looks at you with a curious smile on her face. She snuggles closer to your chest and lets out a small huff. Boom. Your heart exploded once more. She lets out a small sigh, and once again drifts off to sleep. Boom.

After years of undecided thoughts of who your favorite pony was, you finally have an answer. Rainbow Dash.

After waking up a second time, you notice you only slept about two more hours. Rainbow Dash is now gone, and was playing with Applejack once again, right outside your half-open door. You let out a slight chuckle at the sight, and slowly get out of your bed. Stumbling out of you bedroom door, you are greeted by Rainbow nuzzling your leg. You make yourself breakfast, which consisted of cold cereal and orange juice. You are not sure what to feed your little fillies, so you break up bits of lettuce and hand-feed it to each filly, one by one. After happy expressions by each, you are delighted that they are happy, and you wonder what to do next. Sure, they are all happy. Sure, you are taking care of them quite well. But, what should you do now? Well, I guess they have to learn to speak at some point. I think I have a book here somewhere… “Aha! There it is!” You pick up the book, titled: How to Teach a Baby to Speak. “Huh. I guess this will work.” You notice you have gained Twilight’s interest with the book. Well, I guess that makes sense. She DOES spend a lot of time reading. You realize it will be a long time before any of them will be able to start speaking, but it will be worth it…