• Published 18th Mar 2014
  • 15,526 Views, 457 Comments

Promises - RaylanKrios

What would you do to protect someone you cared about?

  • ...

Most ponies don't get to choose their families.

Rainbow went upstairs to find Scootaloo preening her wings. All the doubts about whether she could be the pony Scootaloo needed her to be vanished as soon as she saw the little filly. As she watched Scootaloo strain to reach her feathers at the base of her wings, she couldn’t help but crack a smile. She also noticed that Scootaloo had placed the picture of her father on her nightstand, right next to her bed. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she knew that the doubts she had downstairs were still valid, and that they didn’t actually go away just because Scootaloo looked adorable, but regardless of that inconvenient fact, she couldn’t deny that she felt better than she did thirty seconds ago.

Luna’s warning about needing to talk to Scootaloo echoed in her head, but she pushed it down. Scootaloo seemed relatively calm and happy, a rare occurrence considering the past few days; Rainbow wasn’t going to risk that fragile happiness just so she would have a chance at better dreams. From her spot in the door frame, she contently watched the little filly preen for a few more minutes, until Scootaloo looked like she was done.

“You about finished, squirt?” Rainbow asked, reluctantly breaking the blissful tranquility.

Scootaloo turned around quickly, momentarily startled by the intrusion, and nodded, scrambling into bed. A moment later she was flat on her back, her head resting comfortably on a pillow, barely poking out from under the covers.

“Story time?” Scootaloo asked.

“Story time,” Rainbow replied. “So, what do you want to hear? Sheppard? Daring Do? How ‘bout the time I fought off a whole army of changelings all by myself?”

“Daring Do,” the filly answered, eagerly awaiting what had become her favorite part of bedtime.

“Okay then, Daring Do it is,” Rainbow said, as she began the tale of Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet. She had read the book enough times that she had the story pretty much memorized. She noticed Scootaloo start to nod off around the time that Daring Do was searching the jungle for the entrance to the hidden temple, and took that as her cue to end the story for the time being.

Rainbow gently kissed the little filly goodnight, and went off to do her own pre-bedtime routine. After a quick shower and preening, she settled into her own bed. Rainbow couldn’t help but notice that it felt emptier without the little filly snuggled up next to her. Both ponies slept soundly, their exhaustion outweighing their concerns.

The next morning’s breakfast was quiet. Scootaloo was clearly nervous about seeing her mom again, and Rainbow wasn’t certain how best to reassure her, so she decided to let the little filly sort through her emotions on her own.

“Do I have to do this?” Scootaloo asked as they were getting ready to leave.

Instead of responding with an automatic “Yes” the way most adults would, Rainbow surprised Scootaloo by actually considering the question. “No,” she said, after a short deliberation. “I can’t make you do this. If you don’t want to go, then I’ll tell your mom you don’t feel like seeing her, and we can try again whenever you think you’re ready. But I think you should go today. You’re not going to feel better until you do, and if you don’t want to do it for you, maybe you could do it as a favor to me?”

“Why do you care?” A worried look flashed across Scootaloo’s face. “Do you want me to go live with her?”

Rainbow shook her head. “Scoots, I want you to do whatever makes you happy, and I’m going to keep telling you that until you believe it.” Rainbow’s voice dropped a little bit. “I care because I didn’t talk to my parents much when I was young, and I don’t want you to make the same mistake.”

“If anypony else was asking me to do this-”

“Well, they’re not. I am.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Okay, but only because you asked.”

“Thanks, Scoots. Now c’mon; we should really get going.”

Scootaloo climbed on Rainbow’s back and held on just a little tighter than usual during the flight to her mother’s house.

Misty opened the door and greeted the pair with a warm, if nervous, smile. Scootaloo stared at the ground and slowly trudged into the place she once called home.

“I’ll just wait out here,” Rainbow said, figuring it best to stay out of the way.

Rainbow waited outside Scootaloo’s house for what felt like an eternity. She was nervous, but she couldn’t quite figure out why. If Scootaloo wanted to stay with her mom, then that would be a good thing, right? Her mom had experience raising a filly. It’s true that she had made a huge mistake, but one mistake shouldn’t ruin a pony’s life. Kids belonged with their parents, didn’t they? It wasn’t like she’d never see Scootaloo again; things would just go back to the way they were before, and that would be fine.

But what if fine wasn’t good enough? For, as difficult and heart wrenching as the past few days had been, Rainbow couldn’t deny that they had been rewarding. For her entire adult life, Rainbow had lived pretty much alone and done things for herself. Everything about that life was designed to get what she wanted. She had taken a job on the weather patrol because it left her plenty of free time to sleep and train for the Wonderbolts. She had moved to Ponyville because Fluttershy lived there, and also because it was conducive to avoiding her past in Cloudsdale. She did pick up a pet tortoise a while back, but other than giving him some cabbage twice a day and taking him to pet play dates in the park on Wednesday, he wasn’t much of an imposition. In fact, that was one of the things she liked about Tank, that he could pretty much take care of himself, and did most of the time.

So, in theory, the idea that maybe she’d have to change her life to make decisions with somepony else in mind should have terrified her. And it did, but she found that the thought of Scootaloo snuggled up with her kept that fear at bay.

While she was wrestling with her emotions, she remembered something Pinkie once told her. If you’re ever unsure of something, flip a coin. Heads is one thing, tails is the other. Then, when the coin lands you’ll know how you feel because you’ll either be excited or disappointed. Rainbow Dash didn’t really believe that. Life was too messy to be reduced to a simple game of chance, and a feeling based on the results of a coin toss, but she did have a bit on her, and it wasn’t like there was anything else to do.

She took a bit out of her saddlebag and held it between her teeth. Heads? I let Scoots stay with me. Tails? I tell her she has to stay here. She flipped the bit into the air, watching as it oscillated. She was about to catch it as it came down, when the door opened revealing a clearly emotionally wrought Scootaloo and Misty. The coin fell into the dirt with a soft thud as Rainbow just stared at the two ponies.

“Well?” Rainbow asked, mentally kicking herself that she couldn’t come up with something more eloquent to say.

“Why don’t you run upstairs and see if there’s anything you want to take with you? I’m going to talk to Rainbow,” Misty said to Scootaloo in a soft tone. Scootaloo wordlessly nodded and went upstairs.

“Does that mean…?” Rainbow asked once she was alone with Misty. Misty nodded, her eyes watering.

“I’m sorry,” Rainbow said.

Misty shook her head. “No, you have nothing to be sorry about. My daughter is going somewhere where she feels safe and loved; as a parent, that is all I can ask for. I have some work to do before Scootaloo will trust me again, but that’s on me. You were there for Scootaloo when I wasn’t, and now you’re offering to give her a home for as long as she needs one. For that, I owe you a debt I cannot possibly repay.”

Rainbow was unsure of what to say. “I promise I’ll take care good care of her,” was the response she finally settled on.

“I know you will,” came Misty’s soft reply.

The two ponies stood there awkwardly for a few minutes while they waited for Scootaloo to return. Words were inadequate; what did you say in a situation like this? Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Scootaloo to return, her small saddle bags fuller than when she left. Staring at the ground the whole way, Scootaloo walked out the door and stood next to Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I guess this is it,” Misty said with a forced sense of cheerfulness.

Scootaloo mumbled something incoherent and jumped up on Rainbow’s back. “Can we go?” she whispered in Rainbow’s ear. Rainbow nodded and flapped her wings in preparation for takeoff. She gave a small nod to Misty and promptly took to the skies, refusing to look behind her; the image of Misty watching her daughter fly away was not one she wanted on her conscience.

The two ponies soon arrived back at Rainbow’s cloud house. Scootaloo hadn’t said anything on the flight home; as Rainbow let her climb down, it was easy to see that the little filly was distressed.

“I’m guessing that wasn’t easy for you. How ya holding up, squirt?” Rainbow asked as Scootaloo set down her saddle bags.

Scootaloo’s words came pouring out of her like a damn that had just broken. “I…I don’t know. Mom said she was sorry, and I wanted to forgive her, but every time I looked at her I just got so angry, and everything in that house reminded me of him, and now I’m here, and I feel like I should be happy, but I’m not, and I know this isn’t fair to you, because you shouldn’t have to take care of me, but I don’t have anywhere else to go.” She paused for a moment before staring intently at the ground, “I’m a terrible filly... none of this would be happening if I could just forgive her.”

Rainbow felt the familiar tightness returning to her chest. She sat down next to the orange filly and looked her square in the eyes. “Scoots, you’re not a terrible filly. You’re a wonderful filly who had a terrible thing happen to her. I don’t want you to worry for one second about this being unfair to me. I meant it when I said that I loved you, and that means that if my little sister needs a place to stay, I’d rather it be here than anywhere else. I don’t know how all this is going to work, but nothing is more important to me than you. I mean that, I really do.”

“But you shouldn’t have to take care of me. That’s not your job.”

“Would you rather go live in your clubhouse?” Rainbow said trying to lighten the mood a little.

“That’s not funny,” Scootaloo mumbled.

“I think it’s a little funny,” Rainbow smirked. The smirk quickly disappeared only to be replaced with a more serious expression. “How about you let me worry about what my job is? Right now, I say that my job is to take care of my little sister, because that’s what sisters do.”

Scootaloo looked up at the cyan pegasus, “You really are the best big sister ever.”

Rainbow nuzzled her little sister affectionately. “Most ponies don’t get to choose their families; you’re pretty much stuck with the one you get. I got lucky, with the coolest little filly I know choosing me to be her big sister.”

Scootaloo smiled and happily hugged her big sister, a feeling of serenity washing over her for the first time in months. “I got lucky when she said yes.”

Author's Note:

Completed? Wait that's it? You're leaving the story there?

Fear not disembodied voice of rhetorical questions, I'm working on a sequel and my editors have all re-upped so if you enjoyed this and want more you're in luck. I figured this was the best way to transition from Rainbow adopts Scoots to a different story line, while still keeping the events of this story as part of that second story. Also if you liked this story but have had enough of it you can get off here with most of your questions answered.

Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll see you around the next story. I'll post a sequel link in the description in a few days.

Comments ( 78 )

Aaaaw :pinkiesad2: that was one of the best ScootaDash stories ever! I'm so happy to hear there's a sequel :yay: wonderful wonderful job thank you for the delightful story :pinkiehappy:

Well, that was a fun ride. Whats next? Scootaloo's wing cancer? Rainbow Dash's steroid abuse? Whats his face crawling out of the grave as a flesh eating zompony?

Though Pegasi are total hax in a zombie apocalypse.

4323567 In the sequel will Scoots still have a relationship with her mother? I know people been saying things about her like 4372463 but come on people. Just because she made a mistake doesn't mean she's a bad pony, like she said sorry and even aloud Scoots to leave with RD to make Scoots happy. So again hope in the sequel Scoot's and Misty's relationship can get better for they could love each other again.

Wonderful story, just as always. Though at the very end, the choice of words could have been a bit... better. Maybe something like "It's not my job, Scootaloo. I don't get paid for this. And nopony has ever hired me to care about you, to protect you, to be there for you. But it is my duty, the one I chose to have. The duty of being your big sister. The most amazing duty I could have ever dreamt of."

4372654 thanks for the compliment and the critique.

I played around with a few versions of how that last scene of dialogue should go, and while I liked your version (particularly the I don't get paid for this), I feel like another mini monolouge feels a tad out of place.

4372996 I only wanted to make Rainbow highlight the fact how much she loves being a responsible, loving and caring big sister for Scootaloo in the monologue I've come up with. :twilightsmile:

Encore! I demand a sequel! For Celestia's sake don't make me sit here and wonder about whether or not Scootaloo ever fixes things up with her mom! :raritycry:

Oh so good to hear more on the way thanks for the feels

Nice chapter, well done. I can't wait to see the further adventures of Rainbow and Scoots. I do hope Misty can regain Scoots' trust in her... this chapter was posted on Mother's day and it makes me sad to see a mother left alone.

This was a beautiful story.
I'm glad to hear there will be a sequel.:yay:

Is it just me but are we all just making up these pun-tags.

The list gos on:derpytongue2:

Yay, a sequel! :yay: This was such a sweet, touching and emotional story! :scootangel::rainbowkiss:

4375689 they're not really pun tags as much as they are jargon, which every community has. It's easier to write Scootadopt, then to say this is a story where scootaloo gets adopted.

She didn't even check what the coin landed on.:trixieshiftleft:

:scootangel: oh well.

I really enjoyed this Fic and am slightly sad it's over:fluttercry:, but I'm glad to hear there's a sequel in the works. Look forward to when it comes out.:twilightsmile:

I really likes this and can't wait to see what's next

4382748 When you do it like that, you don't need the outcome' just figure out what you want to happen.

4382748 Congratulations, Rainbow Dash. You're the new Two Face!


Great story! I just read the start of your sequel and I can't wait to read more.

Hmm. To me, there is very little to justify this outcome. It can only work if Misty agrees to it, but as this sits now she should never agree to this. The decision should not be made by Scootaloo. She is very young and traumatized and therefore in no mental condition to make a life changing decision of this magnitude.

I don't know what happened between Scoot and Misty while they talked, and the only way I can see this work is if Misty gets so emotionally broken that she agrees, and even then only in the hope that Scoot will change her mind after calming down a bit.

Scoot presumably has had a lifetime of having a good mother, so it's very hard to swallow that she doesn't want to live with her mother anymore. And the FPS being fine with Scoot staying with Rainbow when there is a mother who is perfectly fine and willing to take care of her and forms no threat to her health... There is no way that would happen.

I enjoyed the story enough to finish it, but its very obvious that you had an idea for a story here with a very clear end goal (Scoot ends up living with Rainbow Dash). To reach that end goal, everything else has to move aside and the story suffers for it. The actions of Luna, Celestia and the FPS make no sense. Twilight's approach could have been better at points as well. An example for each: Luna is a Dreamwalker. You even use that in this story. You are telling me that Scootaloo doesn't have nightmares about her mother's new coltfriend? Luna has had to have seen those. Celestia already has doubted Twilight's word once, during Cadance's wedding. If nothing else, that thought should occur to her. She is way to quick to simply sweep aside Twilight's and Rainbow's concerns. Twilight is told that she needs hard evidence, but instead of trying to get it she makes Rainbow's house a separate nation. Ok?

The FPS... They are way to lackluster. It should be up to the pony being accused of being abusive to prove his innocence, not to the foal to prove his guilt. Twilight finds obvious tracks of Scoot being abused with her magic and yet she says its not enough? Makes no sense. The fact that Scoot is being hurt quite a bit and there being no clear evidence (even if under her fur) makes no sense either by the way.The FPS should never be ok with Rainbow just keeping Scootaloo in this scenario once Lightning is out of the picture.

The fact that none of this is addressed after Lightning Strike is dead only is more proof that most of it is convenient storytelling to get to the point you want to get (Scoot living with Rainbow). Celestia doesn't talk with any of the involved parties, Twilight isn't mentioned again during the end of the story, Misty is basically only there to give Scootaloo up... Lightning apparently was a very bad pony but that only came out because he for whatever reason hit Scootaloo. Every other pony he ever dealt with thought he was an upstanding citizen. So basically he is nothing but a plot point, which is a bit of weak writing as well. I read the comment you made about him in the author notes, but if nothing else I would want to see a bit on investigation in his personal life and some kind of explanation. Either some reason as to why he hurt Scootaloo, or some evidence about him being nasty from some other sources. Its just a bit weak that he is only hurting Scootaloo and nopony else apparently, and for no other reason then because he is a bad pony. I already read the first chapter of the sequel, and two whole months pass by but Scoot still isn't talking with Misty? From what I gather, she always has been a good mother. The one thing Scoot can blame her for is not listening to her about Lightning. By the way, her explanation for that behaviour (as well as what Rainbow says about the matter) I personally think both work well. Its a kind of situation that happens in real life sometimes, I'm sure, and I have little doubt some people can be as blind sided as that. Anyway, seems just unlikely for Scoot to want her completely out of her life in this scenario.

I would say, look at everything that has happened in your story, every decision made by its characters and the things that are being done and said. Ask yourself "Would I do this if I were in this characters shoes? Does this make sense if it happened in real life?" Perhaps you will say yes in every instance. I can simply look at things differently then you, have a different opinion. I certainly have never been the victim of abuse, or have know anyone who has, so who knows how I would act?

Since you apparently read several Scootadopt stories, chances are you also read "A Taste Of The Good Life" by Eakin. Not saying the story is perfect, I certainly have gripes with that one as well, but when it comes to the mother character and her actions and decisions as well of those of Eakin's version of the FPS they, to me, make a lot more sense then their equivalent ones do in this story.

And before I sound to negative, like I said, certainly have enjoyed this story enough to finish it, and I'm tracking its sequel so I will be reading that as well.

Amazing stories, I have to read the sequel!

Excellent story, though the ending felt a tad rushed. There are a few unanswered questions, one of which is how Rainbow tells Scootaloo the truth about what happened to Lightening (unless it's been put to rest?).

There were some issues with grammar and the narrative telling us how the characters feel instead of showing us, especially in the beginning, but that seemed to not be an issue towards the end. I found Lightening to be a very believable bad guy, though say having a lesser Princess, such as Princess Cadence or even Shining Armor, mention observing an act or pattern in behavior with some potentially cruel ambiguity to it (such as use of unusually cruel corporal punishment on his soliders for minor infractions). Or perhaps he could be the type of stallion who's emotionally manipulative and could be shown trying to charm Celestia and Twilight a little more subtly while they are interviewing him about the charges. Just something giving credence to cruelty beyond just the home life... a single, limping soldier leaving his study being seen having "been ten seconds late to his shift" or without his shirt tucked in. People who are cruel like this are looking for an excuse, and are frequently charming to the point of being disarming until directly confronted, then they're obsessed with destroying the other person who's threatened them.

Scootaloo's ultimate decision to live with Rainbow Dash... I thought it was nice, but the poor thing has been horribly abused, her mother was in denial about it, and if anything they're all in a state of shock. Part of me thinks she should have gotten back together with her mother, and another part of me feels that would have not been good because it didn't feel right (but sometimes what feels right is still not right, even in cases like this). Scootaloo has issues and needs help if anything... the story would have ended differently, yet just as optimistically to read about the first stage of acceptance on both pony's part -- admission of a problem.

I enjoyed this story. Will check out the sequel. Like/fav/watch :eeyup:

4532421 Foal Protective services, like Child Protective services but for foals. First person shooter would also be acceptable but make no sense

>> narcolepto
I personally would have appreciated it if you put what it stood for in parentheses or something, I did figure it out, but it definitely took thinking.

I'm confused... Why are you asking me to put things in parentheses? I'm just some random dude who explained the Author's intent.

Story was just egh for me. Did all the typical scootadoption stuff (though not technically an adoption, lets be real and call it how it plays out), what with scoots gets found out, rainbow overreacts but is in the right cause the villain parent/orphanage/bureaucrat is just so evilly evil that it counters her own rashe actions. Everything ends happily until the next sequel/threequel/neverending story.

I've read quite a few fics on scoots in dire family straights, and the best ones do one of two things. They either make the villain crafty so it puts our heroes in a tight spot being unable to prove the abuse ( see Families) or it makes the "villain" relateable so that your not sure if they were actually a villain or a victim themselves (see Spellbound Fireflies or A Taste of the Good Life).

This story's' villain was just so outlandishly evil that its impossible that he's gotten away with anything for any period of time. Him going to rainbows house at the end, despite not needing too since he has basically already won, shows him to be incredibly stupid. How can he have hidden the abuse for so long with a mental states that dictates he go and kill a mare who angered him? I felt some dramatic tension before then as it was unclear how they would resolve the issue with out scoots having to go back, but then he just shows up and now all tension is lost as he has basically surrendered all plausible deniability. What was his plan anyways? He was just interrogated for abuse, and the police are just supposed to ignore him as a suspect when the one who claimed the abuse and was harboring his daughter shows up dead? Just lost all appeal after that, and fell into the folder of all the other vanilla scootadoption fics.

So overall, I felt the pacing was sporadic and that sometimes made it difficult to emotionally connect with characters, the actions of the characters at times left me baffled at why they would do that, and the villain was non threatening. So a 6/10 i guess, wasn't overly bad, just very cookie cutter.

4745771 thank you, its always nice to hear someone enjoyed what I wrote

4811682 Wtf man? I never accused anyone of being racist. I just assumed he was a pegasus since Scootaloo was and I also thought her mother would be. That is until the special necklace was mentioned.

So why don't you shut your face.

4837700 you come at me with the monolouge from taken?!...that's actually a great call, who doesn't love that speech.

This is Beautiful :pinkiesad2:

4902911 sweet ,free derpy hug. And thanks for all the comments, I'll go back and make those edits soon.

4902355 you left out the part where a foreign government has to recognize the newly formed country. I could declare my house a soverign territory and refuse to pay taxes but the US government wouldn't recognize it. So twilight officially declaring the equestrain monarchy as recognizing dashville is what makes this whole thing work, and Celestia would just have to declare that recognition null and void to put a stop to it.

If you’re ever unsure of something, flip a coin.

Move the Italics tag one letter over so that all of If is covered.


No probs. I seriously enjoyed this fic. Started reading a little over 3 hrs ago and couldn't stop reading. And technically the part of the foreign government having to acknowledge them isn't necessarily so. Since according to International Laws, a micronations / making an own territory really needs the things mentioned.

And Rainbow Dash has enough connections to other Rulers and has an important part of that nations defense. That she could interact with other governments. As she did both with Twilight, and when she was talking to Celestia. While it might not be the greatest of governments. It still counts. Heck there've been weirder Micronations that've popped up. [Also since Twilight, Luna [when she traveled there] and by Celestia speaking to Dash in person, directly and indirectly acknowledge it. Although I'm sure Twilight could've talked Cadance into going along with it for the safety of a foal.]

And the link that I had there shows how to form your own MicroNation [something Twilight helped Dash pull off perfectly.]


First of all, your exact words were

My jaw dropped at this. I never knew Dash was so... Racist. :twilightangry2:

Copy'n'pasted. Please don't lie, especially when the lie can be easily seen through. That just makes you look bad. And, for all you know, this could be someone's first impression of you. And first impressions are everything.

Second of all, why be so rude? I was simply explaining so that you would understand.

4905840 I guess I must have have misconstrued that sentence. I thought Rainbow Dash was some kind of racist, and didn't want earth ponies in her house. I apologize.

You're forgiven :twilightsmile:
Let's hoof on it. /)

There's a PinkDash story on my read later where Pinkie questions why she hasn't fallen through a cloud they're sitting on. The response is pegasi's things don't fall through clouds.

I'm also hoping for aa reference to the Princewhateverer song of the same name.

5118438 My inserting a solid Mass Effect reference in this story is probably my favorite thing I've ever written.

5163950 Hash is a kind of ubiquitous term, depending on what food culture you're using. Some people use it to mean meat and potatoes, others as just potatoes, I meant it as potatoes and vegetables type of dish. (I guess all hash as potatoes in it)

"So is this you agreeing with me?" The King of Kings asked tentatively. I haven't read this story in a LONG time, let alone write the comments about this story that I did, but from what I've seen of the comments that I wrote about this story, that could be a possibility.

No. no my young apprentice in the ways of justifiable hatred for evil doers. THIS IS THE PROPER DEATH THREAT: Well Lightning Strike, how would you like to die for abusing Scootaloo? You've got 7 choices, however after the 7 choices, you actually only have 1 choice: 1: Death by the Death Star (which, for those of you who don't know, is a space station capable of destroying entire planets, of course, you would have to find a way to get the him off of Equestria first, which shouldn't be that difficult, as Rainbow Dash is a good personal friend of Twilight Sparkle's, so she should be able to get Twilight to rage shift enough to throw him into outer space,) 2: Death by the Sun Crusher (which is a space ship powerful enough to destroy entire suns, of course, you would have to find a way to get the him off of Equestria first, which shouldn't be that difficult, as Rainbow Dash is a good personal friend of Twilight Sparkle's, so she should be able to get Twilight to rage shift enough to throw him into outer space,) 3: Death via Deadpool

4: Death via the Penance Stare

(This actually does work with emotional pain!),
5: Death by Doomsday

6: Death by the Incredible Hulk


This was a very well written and emotional story.

I haven't read this story yet but just reading the chapter titles is making me feel emotional somehow.

Maybe I'm just really tired...

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