• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,499 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

  • ...

Never Again

Early morning light spilled into the cheerfully decorated room through the large window. Pinkie blinked away the sting and looked around. Her room was just like it always was, with one exception. Lying beside her fast asleep was a tan stallion. Morning, Cheesie. Yawning, she looked at the foot of her bed where a tiny alligator was eyeing Cheese with suspicion. Yeah, I know he's not supposed to be here. Geeze, you're not my Mom.

As quietly as she could, she climbed off the bed and scooped up the gator before he decided to taste test Cheese. Placing him on the floor, she bent to his level, whispering, "He's sick, so be nice."

Gummy merely blinked, a good enough sign for Pinkie that he acknowledged the request. Satisfied he wasn't going to bother Cheese, she turned her attention to something productive. Might as well read a bit. The chapter on piping did little to hold her interest. Every few lines, she would look over to check on Cheese. Each time she did, her stomach would twist in a nasty knot.

Cheese did not look like himself. Now that he was in the light, she could see the extent of his injuries. All of his legs were wrapped tight in layers of bandages. As long as she had known him, he always kept up his appearance. Now, his caramel coat was flecked with dirt and marred with smaller cuts and burns. Even his long chocolate mane was cropped unusually short. As he slept, his breaths came unnaturally short and labored. What happened to you, Cheesie?

She tried to divert her attention back to something that was not threatening to spiral her into panic. "Be certain to drain the pipes before attempting a repair." The words began to blur together. Gosh, why'd they have to make it so boring!


The shock of hearing Cheese's voice made her jump into the air. "Cheesie, you're awake."

"Yeah." He smiled sweetly at her, "Sorry, were you doing something important?"

"He, he. Nope." In an instant, she made her way to him. "You feeling okay?"

"Fine." Though he tried to hide it, his eyes were flashing with pain. "Could you get my medicine?"

"Sure." Pinkie made her way to the dresser and pulled down the saddlebags. One of the pockets was entirely filled with medicine bottles. Her heart beat uncomfortably fast. "That's a lot of medicine, Cheesie."

"Yeah, they put me on a few painkillers and some other stuff." Cheese took the bag, and started opening the bottles, pouring out the correct number of pills. Pinkie filled a glass and watched him take the medicine with a worried air. Cheese grinned back at her, "Don't look so scared, it's normal for them to give this much for burns."

"Right." She chuckled unconvincingly, and joined him on the bed. "But, it's not normal for you to come home like this."

His stomach lurched, "Pinkie I-"

"-I don't care, Cheesie." Pinkie looked him straight in the eye, "-I don't care about why you left. If it was some whim, something you had to prove, or something else entirely. The point is, I never should have let you go alone." Her muzzle pressed onto his, "I'm not going to let it happen again."

He gave a playful smirk, "So, I'm stuck with you, is that it?"

She giggled, licking his ear affectionately, "Yup. Forever and always."

"Sounds good." He gave her a return kiss, "I really did miss you."

"Mmm hmm." Pinkie pressed her side to his, "But, I need you to tell me what happened. I want to know everything."

"All right. But it might take a while."

Cheese's story was more than a little difficult to swallow. From the sound of it, he was into some serious business even before the fire started. After he told her about the fire, she wished to Celestia he had not. The thought of Cheese nearly being incinerated was more than she could be stomach. Finally, he finished up with the events leading to his return to Ponyville. When he was done, he looked up and smiled weakly. "That's the story as best as I know it."

Pinkie gave Cheese a tight hug. "Sorry for making you go over that again." She sighed, pawing at the covers and wondering if anything she could say would make the hurt go away.

The worry in her eyes made his heart ache. "Pinkie, I'll be all right. Give it time." He searched for a new subject, settling on the pile of home improvement books on the bedside table. "Been looking for a new career?"

"Huh?" Pinkie looked where he was pointing and giggled. "Oh no, silly. It's way more fun than that. I'm starting a business."

"Really?" Cheese looked dumbstruck. Of all the things he pictured Pinkie doing, starting a business was not one of them. "When did you-"

"-oh I've been planning it for months, ever since the fashion trip to Manehattan. Rarity's been helping me. But, I only just bought the place a few weeks ago." Her eyes sparkled with unbound excitement.

His mouth hung open, "You've already bought it?"

"Well, the building, but I'm a few months out from actually starting it up." Pinkie hopped up and down, "It's so awesome!"

"Sure, but what are you selling?" Cheese's mind flashed to a joke shop or party goods store. But that would not make sense, since she already planned most every party in Ponyville.

She bit her lip, contemplating, "It's not stuff I'm selling, more like a service."

"A service?" Now he was lost. "I don't follow."

"I'm starting an event hall. A place where all the townsponies can come for their parties or events." Her expression turned cautious, "Is it stupid?"

"No." Cheese was grinning broadly now. "It's a great idea. Really it is. And just up your alley too."

Pinkie kissed him on the muzzle. "Hang on, I've got pictures."

In a matter of seconds, she hopped off the bed, grabbed a hoof full of pictures from the desk, and jumped back up again. "Her we are!"
Cheese looked down at the pictures, smiling broadly. "Wow, it's really historic, isn't it?"

"Yup, and dirty." She giggled, showing him a group of photos, "A lot of the townsponies came over to help clean. Here's Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash getting stuck in the cobwebs. And here's the Cakes trying to dust. Mayor Mare was really good with the windows..."

Cheese listened as Pinkie went on a tangent, describing all the mundane tasks they did as though they had been discovering some lost treasure. It was comforting to hear her talk so freely, as though everything was right in the universe.

A knock echoed across the room and Mrs. Cake poked her head in, "Pinkie, don't go sleeping the day away, you've got chores to-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Cheese.

Both party ponies looked at each other. With everything that had been happening, the Cakes had completely slipped Pinkie's mind. "Uh, hi Mrs. Cake."

Mrs. Cake's eyes were focused on the stallion. "Cheese, what are you doing here?" She noted the bandages and his appearance, "What happened to you?" Rounding on Pinkie, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you had better have an explanation for this or I will have to write to your parents."

"Sorry, Mrs. Cake. I came back to Ponyville early this morning. I wanted to see Pinkie, so I came here first. We didn't want to wake you up." It was not a lie, but not entirely the truth either.

Mrs. Cake looked taken aback, "Oh, well, you shouldn't go visiting at off hours. Ponies will talk you know."

Cheese gave an apologetic grin, "Right. Sorry."

The plump mare turned to Pinkie again, "Pinkie, we need you down in the kitchen. Why don't you say goodbye, he's more than welcome to come by again later."

Pinkie made to protest, but Cheese rested a hoof on hers. He smiled weakly, and slid off the bed. Immediately he regretted it as a searing pain shot through his hooves. Gasping in pain, he sunk to his knees.

Mrs. Cake ran over to him. "Cheese, dear, what's wrong?" The bandages on his hooves did not make any sense to her. Was he in a fight?

Pinkie was by him in an instant, helping him to his hooves. "There."

He shook unsteadily, leaning heavily on Pinkie. "Sorry, Mrs. Cake. I was caught in a fire in Manehattan. Burned my hooves pretty bad."

"A fire?" She looked nervously at the stallion, afraid he would fall again. "Can you walk?"

"Yeah, a little."

The mare pursed her lips, "You've been staying with Brahm, right?"

"Uh huh. Though, I haven't really talked to him in a while." He felt like an idiot for not writing so much as a letter to the stallion all this time. "He around?"

Mrs. Cake frowned, "Well, not anymore."


"He just up and left the other day. Said something about seeing the world. Didn't Pinkie tell you?"

"No." He turned to Pinkie who was looking just as shocked as Cheese. "Did you know?"

Pinkie shook her head adamantly, "Nope. I though he was just leaving for a few days."

Now what? Cheese had just assumed he would have a place to stay when he got back to Ponyville. He moaned, sinking to the floor. Guess it's back to square one.

Mrs. Cake's eyes glanced over Cheese's bandages, "Cheese dear, you can stay until you find a place. There's a spare bed in the twins' room. You're in no condition to be wandering around." She focused her attention on Pinkie, "Pinkie, why don't you ask Twilight if she knows sompony he can stay with?"

Pinkie saluted her, "Roger that. I'll be back to help in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

Mrs. Cake chuckled, "All right then. Cheese, come with me, I'll get you settled."

"Thanks." Cheese struggled to his hooves with Pinkie's help. Slowly, he limped after Mrs. Cake, grateful she was not throwing him out after all.


Twilight skimmed through another spell book, humming merrily to herself. In the corner, Spike sat on a pile of tomes, enjoying his latest comic. A cool, crisp autumn breeze snuck though the window, teasing the alicorn's mane and ruffling the pages. It was a perfect day.


What now? She looked up to see Pinkie skidding into the library, nearly toppling over a stack of innocent books. "Pinkie Pie, what's gotten into you?"

"Nothing." She gave Twilight a big hug, and pointed to Ponyville. "It's a nice day today. Why are you inside?"

"Because, it's a nice day inside too." Spike chuckled, flipping a page of his comic book.

"Guess that's right." Pinkie started to bounce up and down, "Cheesie came back this morning."

"Did he? Was it our letter? Or did he finish the case?"

"Sort of." Her exuberance deflated like a balloon. "They had to drop the case."

"What?" Twilight looked thunderstruck. "Why?"

"Mostly cause all the evidence incinerated." Pinkie shuffled uncomfortably. "Cheesie got caught in the fire too, and hurt his legs bad."

"Oh my. I'm sorry, Pinkie." Twilight gave Pinkie a big hug, stroking her mane. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Cheesie's not." She looked close to panic, "He keeps saying he's fine, but he's in a lot of pain. I've never seen him hurt so bad."

"Oh, Pinkie."

"Cheese is hurt?" Spike trundled over, looking just as worried as Twilight.

Pinkie nodded, and pulled away. "Sorry about that, Twilight. Just had to get that off of my chest." Her loud gasp made Twilight and Spike jump, "How could I forget? I came to ask you something and got all sidetracked. Since Brahm left, Cheesie needs a place to stay. Do you know of anypony in town that wouldn't mind an extra roommate?"

Twilight racked her brain for a moment. "None that I can-" She paused, remembering something Fluttershy had said to her. "-I'll check back later on that. I think Fluttershy might know of somepony."

"Thanks. You're a lifesaver!" Pinkie darted out of the library as quick as she came.

Twilight sighed, levitating her saddlebags. "Guess I'm off too, Spike." So much for a relaxing day at home.


"Sleepy? Why sleepy?"

Cheese blinked awake, staring into a pair of brown eyes. "Pound Cake? What are you doing?"

"Nap time." He rolled on the bedcovers. "But not sleepy."

"I see." The thought of the twins speaking was highly offsetting. Though, they were growing up, it was to be expected. "You fly out of your bed?"

Sure enough, the pegaus' railed bed was empty. His sister lay fast asleep on her own bed. Cheese yawned, sitting up on the covers. Though it was midday, the room was darkened by the curtains.

Pound Cake flew up on the bed beside Cheese. "Play?"

"Not now. You need to take a nap." Cheese gestured pointedly to the colt's bed.

He puffed out his chest defiantly, "No."

"I said nap."


Obviously their conversation was going nowhere. Instead, he searched around the room for a distraction. There was a shelf of books lined against the wall. "You want me to read you a book?"

"Book?" His eyes sparkled in anticipation. "Yay! Book time!"

"That's right. Why don't you pick one out?" He had absolutely no idea if the kid understood him, but sure enough, the pegasus flew over to the books and pulled one out. Quick as a whip, he returned, depositing it in front of Cheese. The title intrigued him, "'The Pokey Puppy.' You like this one?"

He jerked a nod, "Yup."

Before Cheese could protest, Pound Cake had snuggled up next to him on the covers. The little colt's boldness amused him. "Okay, okay. Here we go." He opened the book, showing the page to him. "'There once was a pokey puppy.'" Boy this is going to be a real page turner. "'The puppy had many siblings, but none like him. They wanted to run and play, but he wanted to sleep-'" As he continued reading, the colt's eyes drooped lower and lower. By the fourth page, he was already asleep. Goober. Staring at the Pound Cake made him feel exhausted, and before long, he too fell asleep.


"Pinkie dear, would you top off the display case for me?"

"Okey dokey." Pinkie hopped over to the baking counter, and hoisted a pan of cupcakes into her mouth. She placed them expertly into the case, careful not to squish them or smear the icing. Her focus caused her to miss the two ponies walking into the store.

"Hello, Pinkie Pie!" A young, loud voice echoed across the room.

Pinkie looked up to see Applebloom and Applejack standing in front of the counter. "Hey girls. What are you doing here?"

Applejack looked at her like she was a touch off in the head, "Uh, you mean you don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Big Mac's birthday party." Applebloom danced excitedly around, "You said we were gonna plan it with you today."

"I did?" Realization crashed over her like a flood, "Oh my gosh! I did. Sorry girls, I completely forgot."

Forgot? That don't sound like the Pinkie I know. Applejack leaned over, placing a hoof on Pinkie's forehead, "You okay, Sugarcube?"

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be, silly?"

"Just, you never forget ta plan a party. Never. It ain't like you." Her eyes darted nervously over her friend, looking for some sign of illness.

Pinkie rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. Just, Cheesie came back this morning."

Applebloom's eyes sparkled, "Really? Yes! Now Big Mac's party will be amazin'."

Instead of laughing or smiling like normal, Pinkie's face fell, "Applebloom, Cheesie's not going to be planning parties for a while."

The color left Applejack's face, "What's wrong?"

"He's-" Pinkie eyed Applebloom, "-he's hurt. Got into an accident in Manehattan."

"Hurt?" Applebloom looked nervous, her eyes darting between her sister and Pinkie. "He's not hurt hurt, is he?"

"Huh?" Pinkie could not figure out where Applebloom was going with this. "He's okay."

"Yer lyin' I know you are!" The filly's voice was strangely high pitched, "Just like Granny said before they…before they left."

"Sugarcube, this ain't the same as then." Applejack looked close to panic, looking to Pinkie for backup.

Then, Pinkie understood. Applebloom was remembering when her parents had passed. In an instant, she was across the counter and hugging Applebloom. "It's okay, Applebloom. Cheesie's going to be just fine."

"Yer just sayin' that ta make me feel better."

"Nope. In fact-" Pinkie stood up straight, smiling brightly. "I'll prove it to you. Come on, you can talk to him for a bit and see for yourself."

Applebloom considered for a moment and nodded. "Okay."

Applejack pulled Pinkie aside, eyes serious. Leaning in, she hissed in her ear, "He aint real bad, is he?"

"No." Pinkie kept her voice low, "he got burned in a fire. His hooves are all wrapped up, and he's in pain. But he's not going to die."

Applejack gave an audible sigh of relief. "All right, you can let her see him. Just so she don't go tellin' everypony he's on his deathbed. Got it?"

"Got it."

Together the mares climbed the stairs into the living room. Mr. Cake looked up from playing with the twins, smiling brightly, "Oh well now, this is a surprise. Come for a visit?"

Applejack smiled back, "Yeah. Thought we'd say hi ta Cheese."

Mr. Cake nodded and returned to playing with his children. The mares slipped into the twin's room. A pleasant breeze drifted in from the open window. Cheese lay fast asleep on the bed, curled up in a ball. Pinkie hopped over to him, shaking him gently awake. "Heya Cheesie."

"Pinkie?" He gave a cough, staring blearily up at her, "What time is it?"

"Around three." She leaned in close so only he could hear her. "I was talking to Applebloom, and I mentioned you were back but sick. She's really worried. Could you maybe pretend to be okey dokey for her?"

He nodded, "I'll do my best." Speaking so the Apple girls could hear, "Hey, Applebloom. Pinkie said you wanted to see me?"

Applebloom raced over, looking at him as though expecting him to explode. Her eyes grew wide at the bandages, "Pinkie says yer okay, but I don't believe her."

"No? Well, I'm just jim dandy." He ruffled her mane affectionately, "I walked too much, and they had to bandage my hooves, that's all."

"Oh. But why'd you cut your mane then?"

He shrugged, "I was curious to see if I could make it lie flat. How's it look?"

She stuck out her tongue, "Terrible. You look worse than Big Mac when he got into some bubblegum."

Cheese laughed loudly, "Ouch. That's rough. Guess I'll have to grow it out again, huh?"

Applebloom nodded, then glanced over at her sister and Pinkie who were whispering something. "Pinkie says you can't help with Big Mac's party. But, if you get 'round to feelin' better, I think he'd like you to come."

"I'll try." A shot of pain rocketed through him again, nearly causing him to cry out. "Why don't you go help Pinkie. She's good at parties, but not so good with apple farming. You could give her some pointers to make Big Mac's bash super awesome."

"Right. Thanks." She gave him a quick hug and cantered over to the mares. Applejack ushered her out of the room.

Pinkie trotted over to him, watching the stallion cringe and gasp in pain. "Thanks, Cheesie. I didn't mean to bother you."

"You weren't bothering me. I don't want Applebloom to worry either. Speaking of-" He glanced to the door, pondering, "Why was she so worried? I didn't think she was that close to me."

"She's not. Just that-" Pinkie sighed, looking at the floor, "-she lost her parents when she was little. So, she got a little scared when I said you were sick. She thought I might be lying to her to spare her feelings."

"Oh." Poor kid. Guess I don't blame her. "But, she's got a loving family. That counts for something, eh?"

"Yeah." Pinkie's eyes looked into his, "You need some more medicine?"

"Yes please."

After handing the pills over, she turned to leave. "Thanks, Cheesie."

"No problem."


Pinkie sat at the dinner table entertaining the twins while their parents cleaned up. The day had been eventful to say the least. Still, she was glad to have Cheesie back, even if he was not exactly back in one piece.

A knock at the side door set her on edge. Twilight's smiling face greeting her was a pleasant surprise. "Twilight? What are you doing here?"

Twilight strode into the dining room. "Well, you wanted me to look for a place Cheesie could stay at, didn't you?"

"Yup. But you can't have found one so soon."

Twilight gave an expression of mock indignation, "Don't underestimate a Princess' power, Pinkie."

"Wow, do you have a super secret house finding power, Twilight?"

Twilight burst out laughing, "Not hardly. I talked to Fluttershy, and she knew somepony right off the bat."

Pinkie cocked her head, "Who?"

"Bulk Biceps."

"What? But he's a pegasus. And-" Pinkie paused, "-why would Fluttershy know if Bulk Biceps needed a roommate?"

"They're friends. Fluttershy has been practicing flying with him since they're both about the same level."

"Practicing with him? And she never bothered to tell one of her bestest friends?"

What's her deal? She's the last pony who should be complaining about a friend hanging out with a stallion. "Guess she didn't think it was relevant. You know Fluttershy. Anyway, are you going to let me finish?"

Pinkie nodded. Twilight cleared her throat, continuing, "He's a pegasus, but he's living in Ponyville right now. Fluttershy says he has an extra room he'd like to rent out. So, she talked to him today and he's more than willing to let Cheese stay with him."

Pinkie gave her a big hug, "That's great, Twilight. Cheesie will be so happy."

"Yup. Speaking of-" A quick glance around the dining room showed no sign of the other party pony. "-where is he?"

"Sleeping again." The smile vanished from her face. "He hasn't felt like doing much else all day."

"I see. Let me know if you need anything else." With a last wave to the twins, Twilight strode out of the dining room.

Pinkie put on her best happy face and turned back to the twins. "Who wants to play with auntie Pinkie?"

The twins squealed with delight, and started a fit of giggles. As Pinkie played with them, her worries began to ebb. The next few weeks would be tough, but they would pull through. After all, there would always be something to smile about.


Author's Note:

So yesterday I was stuck inside babysitting the puppy, and went on a writing spree. Hehe, I normally don't write so many chapters so close together, but I was on a roll. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this one, it was extremely fun to take a break from all the Manehattan stuff. Thanks for reading and commenting!