• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,498 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

  • ...

Starting Small

Author's Note:

Wow, this one got done really fast. This time I really tried to hone in on some of the emotions Pinkie and the others face as time is passing, i.e. What Changes May Come. Well, hopefully I succeeded. As always, comments are greatly appreciated. I love to hear from you all. A big thank you for reading my story. Enjoy!

Well now, this isn't good. Cheese stood sweating in the hot afternoon sun, staring at his work with dismay. Though he had only been learning the ropes for one day, Harvey had assigned him a solo project. He thought it would be simple at the time, make a podium. Unfortunately for him, the lines simply were not coming out even, his angles were off, and for some reason the whole thing tilted ever so slightly to the left. Come on Cheese, you made that great shelf for Pinkie. It shouldn't be hard to make a podium!

Cheese jumped backwards when he heard a chuckle behind him. He relaxed when he recognized the earth pony sporting an orange safety vest, contrasting vividly with his ruddy brown coat and work-honed muscles. "Oh hello sir. I didn't notice you back there."

Harvey's mouth broke into a broad smile, stretching the grey stubble permanently attached to his face. "Looks a right mess sonny."

"Sorry sir. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I guess not."

"Hmmm." He leaned forward and looked at the sketch Cheese had drawn for the podium. "It's a good plan, real good. You've got some talent there. But, when it comes to actually constructing the darn thing, you come flat."

Cheese's ears drooped. He had been trying his very best to impress Harvy. "Sorry sir."

The stallion gave a booming laugh. "What are you doing apologizing fer? Lands sake Cheese, aint no pony knows how to build their first day on the job! This was just a test to see where I need to start you at, that's all. Ol' Harvy will get you fixed up in no time. Got it?"

Cheese nodded. Harvy pointed at the nearby construction zone. "Listen, I've got some work to do on the site today. How 'bout you come and watch? I want you to follow close and take some mental notes. Cause starting tomorrow, I'm gonna work you like a dog. But, for today, you just need to watch me, get to know the boys a little, and get a feel for how it's done. Got it?"

"Yes sir!"

"Are we done yet Rarity?" Pinkie huffed as she stood in the sweltering interior of Carousel Boutique. She was standing on a platform, wearing a yellow sundress as the white unicorn pranced around her.

"Won't be long now Pinkie dear. Just have to finish the final touches. I really must thank you for modeling for me. Coco Pommel's asked for my help, and her client is just the same size as you. I so want everything to go right for her. There! How's that?"

Pinkie was never very fond of everyday dresses. She generally avoided them unless her friends were wearing one too. Inwardly she grimaced at the lacy trim, floral decorations, and impractical cut (you can't really party in in this kind of dress). But, she knew how much Rarity would be hurt if she said that, so she grinned at her friend. "It's great Rarity. The bestest dress you've made in weeks, by far!"

"Oh do you think so darling? Thank you. But it is missing something." She trotted out of sight for a moment, then came back with a light sun bonnet. Tying it carefully on Pinkie's head, she stepped back to admire her work. "Well now, that did the trick if I do say so myself! Why, I'm sure all the stallions would be clambering to speak to you wearing this. Hmmm, maybe I'll just adjust that button…" Rarity hummed absent mindedly, making her minuscule corrections.

A strange feeling came over Pinkie at Rarity's words. So stallions like this sort of silly get up? Before she knew why, she found herself imagining Cheese complementing her as she strode around Ponyville in the dress. She shook those thoughts back. What in Equestria is wrong with me? Still, I wonder if he would like it. I don't want to go around in this, but maybe…Maybe I could try doing my mane different or wearing a cute hat every once in a while like Rarity? "Hey um Rarity?"

"Yes dear?"

"Could you maybe…maybe teach me how to do my mane different sometime?"

Rarity looked absolutely thunderstruck. Then, she noticed the uncharacteristically shy look on Pinkie's face. The unicorn smiled knowingly. "Hmmm. A certain stallion caught your interest?"

"Maybe, I'm just so confused. All I know is that I want him to notice me. Is that normal?"

Rarity chuckled and beamed at Pinkie. "Of course that's normal. Why, don't you remember when I had my crush on Trenderhoof? Every mare's has to have a little crush now and again, it's healthy."

"Hmmm." Somehow, Rarity's behavior when Trenderhoof came to Ponyville had been less than healthy. Is that how I feel about Cheese? I don't want to be all crazy over him like Rarity was with Trenderhoof. I just want to be around him more. Is that the same as 'liking' him? "But what if I want it to be more than a crush?"

Rarity dropped her tin of pins, sending them flying all across the floor. She stared incredulously at Pinkie. "What? Come now Pinkie, you're far too young to be worrying about anything more serious than a crush. Take it from me on this, you're not ready for that level of trouble. Just have fun playing around a bit. Fixating on one stallion this early would be a mistake."

"Okay." Somehow, Rarity's words hurt Pinkie. Cheese isn't a mistake. And I'm not 'fixating' on him. As soon as she was freed from the dress, Pinkie started to leave.

"Hold on Pinkie! You're going to talk to Cheese aren't you?"

"Yeah, we're practicing our instruments together."

"I'll do your mane for you. You said you wanted to learn right? Now would be a great time to try it out. Maybe show off a little to Cheese?"

Pinkie flushed crimson, turning her face so Rarity could not see. "Okay, but don't make it too crazy."

It's hot. Way too hot. Cheese was sprawled out under the shade tree, hoping to entice a breeze his way. He'd been in Ponyville for two weeks now, and every day seemed more unbearably hot than the last. The weather ponies told the town that it was a necessary part of summer. He couldn't help wondering if this was some kind of sick joke they were playing on Ponyville. Come on and rain already!

As if on cue, a tiny cloud floated just overhead. He looked up to see Rainbow Dash fly down, grinning broadly. "Hey Cheese! There you are. I heard you were off today. I've been looking all over for you."

"You have?"

"Yeah. Well, I've got something really important to discuss with you."

Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to end well? "Sure. I'd be happy to listen to you."

"Great!" Her maroon eyes glinted with anticipation as she landed smoothly in front of the exhausted stallion. "Since you're going to be staying in Ponyville a while, I want your advice on my routine."


"Yeah. It's going to be the most awesome routine in all of Equestria. I'm practicing for this flying competition. It's not a really big one, but the Wonderbolts themselves are judging! So I want it to be epic."

"Hmmm. But doesn't Pinkie normally watch your routine and give you tips?"

"Well yeah. But I thought it'd be cool having both of you review the routine. Would it be too much of a bother?"

"Naw, it'd be a treat Rainbow."

"Awesome! This is going to be the best routine ever." She did a loop the loop, landing gracefully. Perking her ears, she turned and stared down the road. "Hey there's Pinkie now. Hey Pinkie Pie!"

Cheese watched as Pinkie trotted into the meadow, her hooves keeping that familiar sing song rhythm. However, there was something out of place. It took him a while to realize that Pinkie's mane was done up in an entirely different way than normal. Instead of her usual gravity defying poof, her mane was neatly tied in an adorable bun adorned with daisies. She's beautiful.

Rainbow clutched her sides, bursting out in laughter upon Pinkie's approach. "You look ridiculous Pinkie! What are you doing in that getup? Taking a leaf out of Rarity's book?"

Pinkie flushed bright red, pawing at the ground. Cheese immediately noticed the mare's discomfort, and moved between her and their bemused friend. "Rainbow that's enough! If Pinkie wants to dress up every once in a while, that's none of your business."

Rainbow huffed. "Okay I was just kidding, no need to get all upset. I'll meet you guys at the lake in an hour to look over the routine. See ya later!" With that, she flicked her mosaic of a tail, and flew off into the sultry air.

Cheese chuckled and smiled at Pinkie. To his dismay, the mare still looked highly upset. "Pinkie? Don't be sad. Rainbow doesn't know what she's talking about. You’re the most beautiful mare I've ever seen. And I love the way you did your mane, it really suits you."

Pinkie grinned at the lanky stallion. His few words filled her with a soft warmth. "You mean it?"

Cheese nuzzled her neck. His touch sent a shock like electricity flowing throughout her body. "Of course I mean it Pinkie. Don't let any pony tell you different." He pointed towards the accordion lying in the shade. "Shall we practice for a bit?"

"You bet Cheesie!"

Pinkie walked into Sugar Cube corner that evening, humming the tune Cheese composed for them to practice. She really liked the sing song melody, but enjoyed the composer even more.

The lights were already on upstairs. Pinkie's stomach growled. Guess I missed dinner again. Oh well, it was worth it. Mrs. Cake came down the stairs while Pinkie was eating her sandwich.

"Pinkie, you're back late."

"Sorry Mrs. Cake. I was swimming with Rainbow Dash and Cheese. We were having so much fun, we forgot the time."

Mrs. Cake chuckled and pulled up a well-worn chair next to Pinkie. She stoked Pinkie's now messy mane motherly. "You did your mane different. I heard a few customers comment on it today. They say it looked beautiful."

Pinkie coughed on her sandwich, flushing deeply. "They did?"

"Mm Hmm. They said you looked so ladylike."

Pinkie snorted and giggled. "I don't think I was all that ladylike, it was just a bun."

Mrs. Cake paused for a while, looking around at the darkened kitchen. She lovingly stroked the sturdy, finely carved table. Her words took Pinkie off guard. "You know something Pinkie? After all these years together, I feel as though you're every bit my family as the twins. I've watched you blossom from that cheerful filly that first appeared at our doorstep so many years ago. You've certainly matured into a pony to be proud of."

Pinkie leaned over and gave the older mare a big hug. "I love you."

Mrs. Cake smiled and stroked Pinkie's mane. "I love you too Pinkie. But...I think it's time you consider stepping out on your own."

"My own? You mean you want me to leave the Corner?"

Mrs. Cake shook her head. "No dear, but I want you to consider what you want for yourself in life."

"But that's obvious Mrs. Cake. I want all my friends to be happy."

"Pinkie dear, that's a wonderful dream, but it isn't something to build your life on. You need to start asking yourself the big questions. What do you, Pinkie Pie want to do with your life? You may decide to stay here in Ponyville, or travel around. Would you like to own your own shop someday, or maybe work someplace else? Or perhaps you want to settle down with a nice stallion?"

"Stallion? You mean marriage, like you and Mr. Cake?"

"Mm Hmm. I've noticed the way you look at Cheese Sandwich. I think you ought to give him a chance, you suit each other. Between the two of you, I don't think any Gloomy Gus in Equestria stands a chance."

Pinkie's face felt like it would catch fire, and she giggled. "Mrs. Cake!"

"I suppose time will tell. Whatever you decide Pinkie, I want you to know that Mr. Cake and myself will always be there to support you. It's okay to start small, get your hooves wet. Try out some new manestyles, learn some new skills, maybe flirt a little. It's all about exploration Pinkie, getting out there and deciding for yourself what you want. And, if you need any advice along the way, you know who to talk to."

Pinkie smiled weakly "I'll do my best."

Mrs. Cake stood up, and walked upstairs, leaving Pinkie to her thoughts. Her head felt as though it would burst. Of course she knew she would eventually have to branch out, but it was all happening too fast. She never felt this conflicted before. What do I do? I don't want everything to change, but it can't stay the same either. Oh make it stop!