• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,633 Views, 87 Comments

Love Your Difference - BronyDad

Fluttershy is no longer herself and needs convincing from her friends to return to normal. However, the more they try, the more distant she becomes, and Twilight worries that they may lose their friend forever.

  • ...

Love Your Difference

Chapter 11

Love Your Difference

Dear Princess Celestia,

As I'm sure you are aware, I am a very timid and fearful pony, and due to this, I sometimes let my friends down. While they are always patient and kind to me, deep down inside, I've always resented myself for my failure to live up to their expectations. More than anything, I used to want to change that about myself, but now, I understand that I don't have to. Today, thanks to the love and support of my friends, I let go of that resentment. I've learned that, in order to be a good friend, you must first love yourself, and embrace what makes you different.

Also, today I got a taste of what it's like to be disappointed with a friend, and how important it is to work through it together. Sometimes, somepony you care about may let you down, or do something wrong, and while its okay to get mad, you can't let it drive a wedge between you. A true friend will love you just as much for your failings as for your good qualities.

Those were the lessons I learned today, love your friends' failings as much as you love their successes, and always love what makes you different.

Your Faithful Subject,


Neatly folding the letter and placing it in the top drawer of her desk, Princess Celestia smiled warmly as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Fluttershy's letter had touched her deeply, and she was so proud of the Pegasus for having learned such a valuable lesson. Gazing over at her sister, Princess Luna, as she sat on her small pile of pillows and studied the stars through a telescope for any sign of irregularities, Princess Celestia recalled the second part of the letter. That had been a lesson that even she, the ruler of Equestria, had had to learn the hard way.

Remembering the young mare's words, Celestia smiled sweetly. "Sister?"

"Hmm?" replied Luna without taking her eyes from the night sky.

"I love you," Celestia said affectionately.

Luna looked at her sister questioningly. "Well...that's good."

Turning back to her telescope, Luna gazed at the stars for a moment. Realizing that Celestia was still watching her, she glanced back over and stated, "I love you too, Sis."

Beaming brightly, Princess Celestia stepped onto the windowsill and launched herself into the night sky as another tear ran down her cheek, leaving her bemused sister to stare after her. Wondering what had suddenly gotten into her sappy older sister, Princess Luna slowly shook her head, and chuckling to herself, returned to her studies.

The End

Author's Note:

Make sure you check out book two of my series, Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree
Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 56 )

4131900 Done. Thank you for the edit comment, I'm still kinda new here. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story! :pinkiehappy:

4176763 LOLZ! :rainbowlaugh:
I absolutely loved your breakdown, you had me chortling the whole time. I know I have a problem using said, I got so far into the story and started noticing it and swept back through, but apparently missed the first chapter. Let me know if you notice it in later chapters, I will sweep through them today myself...if the children will let me.... They are kinda being brats today.:twilightangry2:
I'm glad you enjoyed the descriptions and dialogue, and hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the book. And thank you so much for taking the time to write out your reaction, it really means a lot to me.

4176763 Oh yeah, and the misindent. I don't know what's going on there. There are a few more parts where, for whatever reason, I cannot make the paragraph indent. You have any idea why?


Thanks BD, I was feeling the cider pretty hard last night. I had to celebrate getting acing the 12-page research paper on Roman political electioneering that I pulled out of my bum in 4 hours and reading your piece really pulled together the whole experience. I also started reading "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac and felt inspired to do a stream-of-consciousness review haha

It was very refreshing doing a review on a piece where I wasn't having to quote an instance of "you're -> your" every sentence. Gave me more time to do a critical analysis on word choice, and wonder why you chose what you did. I'm very critical of word choice in my own pieces; if something doesn't add to the experience, I nix it or find another word that will

Hope those kids are staying in line! Don't be afraid to use The Stare :yay:

And no problem BD! I really dig that you enjoyed my review. I think reviewing pieces is something that's mutually beneficial. It gave me the opportunity to enjoy the piece on a deeper level than the average reader, musing over your word choices and style, and you get the opportunity to read your piece through virgin eyes. Your criticism of Fear and Loathing was a breath of fresh air from the other comments I received on it, and my appreciation for that is sincere.

Also, on the topic of 'said', I can't express enough how much I don't want to see you go through your piece with a thesaurus. 72.6% of the time you used it, it worked. But when it can add something to a character's inflection, why not? If you've seen Maud Pie already, give this piece a read. Really taught me something about inflection on simple lines


As far as the misindent goes, I'm not sure entirely. I didn't have that problem in my piece, which I copy/pasted from where I wrote it on my tablet (KINGSOFT OFFICE DOESN'T HAVE SPELL CHECK WTF IS WIT THAT).

For FaLiLP I double spaced between paragraphs, I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the lack of formatting issues. I chose it as a personal preference, as it's easier on the eyes for me. Did you import from GoogleDocs?

4179309 Lol, you should totally start a group called Drunken Reviews, I would SO join! And congrats on your 12 page paper, Twilight would be so proud. :twilightsmile:
Oh my God do I wish I had the ability to use the stare on them, that would make my life so much easier. Although I probably wouldn't use it on them...I'd use it on the wife, maybe then I'd win an argument for once!
I was just getting ready to submit this to Equestria Daily now that I got an image that goes well with the story, but, now that I've seen how awesome your review of chapter 1 was, I'm going to wait for you to finish to submit. Seriously, I was impressed with how deep you got into it, everyone else who has read it only pointed out little things that I overlooked, none of them ever got that deep. Now I can't wait for you to get to a few later scenes and see what you think of them!
I copied and pasted this from Microsoft office, its where I do all my work. Speaking of work, do you do any other writing? Cause you seem damn good at breaking stuff apart and examining it. I don't know what you are attending college for, but a side career as an author may not be such a bad idea......


Ha thanks, that's actually not a bad idea... Once I get more invested in fimfic I'll definitely start that group.

And I'd love the stare, just think of the possibilitiesssss

And I'd hold off on an EQD upload too, if for no other reason to get some support behind the story.

Aww, thanks I'd enjoy a job as a pen-for-hire, but I doubt I'll ever pursue it. I complete in slam poetry events off the web but that's the extent of it. I'm at college for computer science. So I guess I'll kinda be writer, but for programs haha. I do love reviewing though, when I'm reading, I question an authors word choices. It's nothing but an extra step to write it down.

Oh! And I just finished chapter 2 today of FaLiLP and I'll publish it tomorrow and we can crack open some brews and review each others chapter 2s this weekend. Two Confusing Mornings is a pretty tame chapter compared to the first.

4181146 I'm sorry, you confused me with the EQD comment, what do you mean get some support behind it? I thought the whole point of submitting to EQD was for the story to become more accessible. If you think I should wait, then I'll wait, but I don't seem to be stirring up much interest. I'm going to start posting it on some groups and see if that does anything. I know now that I screwed up by uploading the entire thing at the same time, I should have done it chapter by chapter like every other week or something. I could never have imagined the plethora of stories that got published every single day and I got buried alive.
Realistically, I probably won't get to your chapter 2 until Monday, but I will definitely read it and point out anything that bothers me. Have a good weekend!

4200491 I'm glad you enjoyed the mops and the CMC, I thoroughly enjoyed writing that part. I'll check out the frowning Twilights, that's something I hadn't noticed. You should have seen all the "all rights" I had when I did my first edit read. I used it 20 times in the first chapter alone! I actually had to comb through the entire story to remove them...
it was horrible:raritydespair:
Oh, just FYI, Twilight isn't a princess. I began this the same week that the episode Magic Duel aired, so I had no idea that Twi would become a princess, or that there was going to be an episode that switched the character's cutie marks. I was well into chapter 4 by the time I found out about Magical Mystery Cure.

I get what you mean with Ponyville's description, but its just my style, I do it in all my works. When I was beginning to write, I worried that my bird's eye description would throw off the flow of the story, but I soon realized that many great authors do the same. Like Victor Hugo, the author of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, which is an amazing book by the way. So I'm really not too concerned there...I hope that doesn't make me sound bigheaded.
I love you for your comma splice detector, I totally missed those and will fix them shortly. And I must know, you put "hararara you dog," what was that pertaining to?
Also, what's actually happening is three space hamsters from the planet Neewong landed in Equestria and have burrowed into the ponies' brains! It's true! I would never lie to someone I respect as much as you! :scootangel:


I totally get that about the Victor Hugo styling, I swear that man is the king of description. In Les Mis when he wrote three whole pages about a darn tree? Power swoon. But I totally see it in your writing style now; I did enjoy the description, and it was well handled. It's just my opinion that I would like to have not lost track of the characters during it.

It makes sense that you included this before MMC, I'd like to have seen something in the description about that.

I have no idea what I was calling rararare a dog in reference to :rainbowhuh: haha

4203452 Alrighty, I have added an authors note in chapter one explaining that I wrote this before Magical Mystery Cure, so hopefully that will prevent any further confusion with future readers. Also, I love your opinions (even the ones I don't agree with) so please give them all to me! Every time you critique one of my chapters, I see it in a new light, and that can only be a good thing.
Oh, and I lost track of how long I laughed after you admitted that you had no idea why you put "ha rarara you dog" :rainbowlaugh: Oh the things alcohol does to us.......

Wow, this story. It's so brilliant and creative! Why does it not have more views!? :rainbowkiss:

Well, I can tell you my theory. Your summary is too long and filled with a lot of fluff. While the story itself may be great, readers won't know it's great if the summary doesn't tell them it's great. And people won't even read the summary if it's a wall of text.

Just my 2 cents. Brought to you by me and Vengeful Spirit. :twilightsmile:

4207124 This g(irl)uy brought me here.

Comment posted by BronyDad deleted Apr 24th, 2014

4207124 Yes, but I feel that it is now part of who she is, so it can't really be denied. That being said, I totally didn't see it coming and so she won't be a princess until my 5th story. I'm glad that she did, though, cause it actually makes the storyline I've created even better!
It was quite a shock to get on this morning and find three new people suddenly here, I'm happy to see that you've enjoyed the beginning, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the rest!

4362125 Thank you for taking the time to look over my work and provide critiques. Although I may not agree with everything you say, know that I really do appreciate it.
I know the punctuation isn't perfect, every time I re-read the story, I make little corrections here and there. However, if you are referring to the Oxford commas, I will argue until both of our faces are blue that they are necessary.
I understand what you are saying about the paragraphs, but I just don't like having all those spaces in my story. I started it off like that, and it just bothered me. It's just my personal preference.
I do understand the difference between telling and showing, and I agree with what you are saying, except for in dialogue. I'm sure you've noticed that I don't shun detail, but I like to keep my dialogue nice and smooth. I like to refer to the KISS method, Keep It Simple Stupid. I try not to bog it down with too much detail. I'm telling you she's embarrassed when she said "I'm sorry," because I want you to know her tone. She isn't blushing, but she's saying it in a kind of "Oops" way.
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It's obvious that you know what you are talking about, and, even when I don't agree with a critique, it gets my mind going and helps my work. Also, I'll soon be reading your Luna and Celestia hunt Derpy story, and I look forward to returning the favor.
Happy writing!:heart:

4363267 God, I've missed you!:pinkiehappy:
Once again, thank you for the comma splice detection, and I am actually really embarrassed about the word frantically, I cannot believe that word got through....
The commas in the sentence about the Cakes and Pinkie gave me trouble, I kept coming back to it and scratching my head. I'll attack it again and see if I can't sort it out.
LOL!:rainbowlaugh: Eaves are simply the overhanging edge of a roof, nothing too fancy.
I'll check out the paragraph of Golden Oaks and see if I can fix the tense problems, I didn't even notice it before. As for the internal debate, I already see how I can fix that.
And I am absolutely thrilled that you got the spilled milk joke! You are the first person to have ever pointed that out!:yay:
4362125 Okay, I relent. Since both you and CatsWithGats have suggested double spacing, I'll go on ahead. I'm not big on it, but I guess when it comes to format, the reader is more important.
Thanks both of you for your comments!!:heart::heart:

Aww thanks man

Don't worry about a spelling here and there. An author ain't supposed to be the Ash Ketchum of mistakes, we can't catch 'em all.

Can't wait for your review of ch2 pt2 on Fear and Loathing, I got a new short coming out this week too & I'll start editing that one about falling apples and trees by the weekend I'm super stoked to start it. The short has spoilers from the finale though so don't start until you've seen it! IT"S SO GOOD.

4398141 Thanks for the compliments, they mean the world to me. :heart:
I hope you enjoy the ending as well, and don't forget to read my other story, I think it's going to put this one to shame.
Happy reading!:pinkiehappy:

4426229 In a piece that has as much showing as this one, I'm not too concerned with a little bit of telling, but what you're pointing out is all in one scene. So, don't feel weird bringing it up, you're absolutely right, it needs to be fixed. Thanks again.


Thanks for the critique on my critique. You're right, and I really appreciate your courtesy in your post, but cut me a little slack during my drunk reviews :twilightblush:

I totally agree with you on all fronts, and I'm actually pretty embarrassed. I may be putting my drunk reviews on hiatus after this :ajsleepy:

You "love love love" grammatical incorrectness?

I don't love love love grammatical incorrectness, I love love love the characterization in that line. I did not catch the grammatical error, so good call.

But you seem like you know your shit, happy writing broski

4463999 The fights over the hat were one of the most enjoyable things about writing this story, I'm glad you liked it so much!
Once you pointed this out,

The dialogue itself is great, but the stuff outside the quotation marks in the story somehow feel formulaic to me though I can't attribute it to one thing. Often, there were redundant word choices because the adjective describing the statement is implied in the character's line, either that or it feels like 'telling' instead of 'showing'. Sometimes the dialogue read like a script in the dialogue-heavy sections.

I've been combing through the chapters and cleaning up the dialogue. So hopefully you won't find anymore of those mistakes.


I loved this story! This was probably one of the most original pieces of fanfiction I've read in a while that has the same feeling as the show. I imagine though, in order to get this kind of story right, you must have really had to portray everyone exactly in character. Admittedly, this is probably some of the best characterizations of the cast that I've ever read on the site!

About your question for this going into the group, I will say this. Fluttershy may have been out of character for 95% of the story, but it was for good reason. Furthermore, the story emphasizes why Fluttershy's true personality gives her strength and how it's viewed by her friends as positive. It's her own traits that make her into a strong character and loved by so many. If the MLP team were to make a movie that focused on Fluttershy, this would probably be it!

Overall, this story was incredibly touching, funny, emotional, heartwarming, and reminded me why I love Fluttershy so much. The only grope I probably have is the paragraphs that describe past events from the show in extensive detail; we all know what has happened to the characters before and don't necessarily need an explanation. It isn't a biggy, but they kind of broke the story flow for me at times.

This will be added to "Fluttershy's Protectors", and I will also favorite, upvote, and follow! :yay:

4668188 Wow...thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as you did.:yay:
I'm very glad to be part of Fluttershy's Protectors, and will happily add any future Fluttershy stories I may write.

Also, thanks for the follow!:heart:


you spend a lot of time describing Ponyville and the Mane Six. Given that everyone reading the story is likely to be familiar with the show, it's not as if you needed to do that.

Yeah, I get this a lot, but I also hear from people who love how accessible I make them. Also, I didn't write this for Fimfiction or bronies. In fact, I didn't even know all that much about bronies when I wrote this.

As for being harsh on Fluttershy, I'm not saying that she is disappointing the others, it's just the way she feels. The whole story is about her learning that she is incorrect in thinking this way. And where did you find Applejack using Dashie? That was definitely a mistake, and I thought I corrected it. If you wouldn't mind pointing out the sentence, I really want to fix it.

Thanks for your opinions, I love reading what people think and discussing it with them. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far, and hope that continue to enjoy the rest.:pinkiehappy:

4724631 Thanks very much for the reply! :pinkiehappy: I've finished (and enjoyed) the story now, and I'll get to that in a minute, but to reply to one or two of your own points first:

I didn't write this for Fimfiction or bronies.

Ah, that explains the descriptions, then. As a purely brony/FimFic-targeted story, I think it might have been more effective if those had been pared back (maybe making the whole story about 10% shorter) but since that's not what you were writing, I can't really complain.

And where did you find Applejack using Dashie?

There were a couple in chapter 2, but you've changed those to "Dash" since I downloaded the file! There's still one in chapter 5:

"Uh, Pinkie...er, Dashie...um..." Applejack stammered, then yelled, "There's a tail a-twitchin' here!"

Anyway, as promised, a few comments about the story as a whole! I enjoyed it, as I said. I thought you generally nailed the characterisation (Rarity, especially, was loads of fun) and the subplot about Fluttershy's decision in the latter part of the story was excellent. I'm not usually one for extended battle scenes, but the Timberwolves kept me interested. I liked the idea of the Sun Glow, and Rainbow taking Fluttershy back to see the field was a really lovely touch. Luna was used well, too, and the epilogue was nice.

Because of the aforementioned issue with detailed descriptions, for me it did drag just a little at times. There were a few minor issues with vocabulary (eg in chapter 9, you have "admirably" when you mean "admiringly") but nothing terrible. Your chapter breaks are unusual, in that they're sometimes halfway through a scene; I'm sure that's deliberate, and I don't have any objection to it; it's just a bit disconcerting at first.

I'll finish simply by saying this: I now have another of your stories on my Read Later list. :twilightsmile:

4734680 You downloaded the file! That explains it! I went through chapter 2 twice since your comment, and was near to insanity trying to find it. The other one is acceptable, however. It can't be a Pinkie sense if it comes from Dash, so it would have to be a Dashie sense. As bizarre as their day had been up to that point, I could totally imagine A.J. saying it this one time.

I know that all the descriptions made it hard to get through the story, and honestly, that's why I sat on the story for almost a full year before finally deciding to put it on here. I wasn't sure if fans of the show would put up with all the detail. But I love the story way to much to change it. Also, just last night, I finished going through the whole thing and polishing it up. I'm sure the punctuation still isn't perfect, but it is much improved, as well as the grammar, but thank you for pointing out the admirably part, I didn't catch that.

I'm really happy to know that you enjoyed this story so much, and I'm super excited to hear what you think of the next one. My Apples story only has the too much detail problem in the first two chapters, and then I really let up on it. And the other two stories are nowhere near as hard to get through. Thanks for the comment, and happy writing/reading! :pinkiehappy:

4734797 Fair point about the ch. 5 line; it was really the ch. 2 ones I'd noticed. As for downloading: I usually read on an e-reader, since I find it less straining than using a PC screen and less bothersome than printing out. So I can be a little behind sometimes!

I can't promise when I'll read your next story, since my Read Later list has more than 70 fics in it right now -- but I will get to it sooner or later, and when I do, I'll certainly leave a comment about it. :twilightsmile:

Well, I figure this is a good spot to let you know what I thought of this story overall:

It was thoroughly enjoyable, I had a fun time reading! I'd even go so far as to say that this story actually felt like it could be an episode for the show.

Although I can see what you meant when you told me that you got some complaints about describing the characters and past events too much, I believe that sometimes it is quite enjoyable for some of us to be reminded of such things once in a while.

Well, I know this is rather belated, but thanks for writing! :twilightsmile:

(p.s. I'll try to get around to reading Apples Don't Fall Far From The Tree sometime soon... Which reminds me: Since they are part of the same series, you might want to consider adding a link to that one in this story's description.)

4825534 So, when I logged on, I was surprised to see all of these notifications, and when I saw they were all from you, I cracked up. You know I love your comments, they never fail to amuse me. Also, thanks for pointing out that little mistake with chapter 1, I didn't realize it was off.

Seriously what's your secret? Even that previous line of mine took me a while to think of, let alone getting it to rhyme decently...

Sorry, I really can't say, they just come to me when I need them. The back and forth between Twi and Zecora in the hut was the first scene that I wrote. I intended to only use Zecora for that one scene, but then found that I enjoyed her so much that I changed the story a bit so that she could come along as a guide.

I know it wasn't intentional, but I'm going to choose to view that as a bit of a call-forward to another one of your stories. (Just because I read that one before I read this one... :twilightsheepish: )

Pretty much all of my stories are going to be connected like this, but I'm mainly going to be focusing it on my series.

I have no shame in admitting that my eyes started to get slightly blurry as I read that...

I'm glad you felt the emotions that I was trying so hard to portray. It's always a good feeling when someone confirms that I did my job well.:twilightsmile:

I'm glad that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments on my Apples story. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on this, I truly appreciate it.


So, when I logged on, I was surprised to see all of these notifications, and when I saw they were all from you, I cracked up.

:pinkiehappy: Mission accomplished, then! Cracking up is a good thing! (If you're not an egg or fine china, anyway...)

You know I love your comments, they never fail to amuse me

Oh, I'm sure sooner or later one of my comments will fail to be at least somewhat amusing. :derpytongue2:
But I'll keep trying my best!

Sorry, I really can't say, they just come to me when I need them.

Oh, how I wish it were that easy for me... :fluttershysad: I'm jealous. I really am.

Pretty much all of my stories are going to be connected like this, but I'm mainly going to be focusing it on my series.

You know, I'm a sucker for continuity nods and things like that. (Even if I happen to miss quite a few of them in many of the stories/movies/games I've read/watched/played... :twilightsheepish: )

I'm glad that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments on my Apples story.

I look forward to reading it! :eeyup: (Hopefully I'll manage to get around to that one soon...)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on this, I truly appreciate it.

You are most certainly welcome. :moustache:

"We were just trying to be Cutie Mark Crusader Plumbers."


Even though this suffers from a few mechanical problems, such as this:

"Whoa, careful Fluttershy,"

should be

"Whoa, careful, Fluttershy,"

and such.
Running through another proofer would definitely benefit the story, but even in that case, it was amusing enough to get into the Library.

I'm still not done reading this in full, but I read enough to give this:



Thank you very much! I'm glad that you're enjoying this. I'm very honored to be part of TL!:twilightsheepish:

4992753 Lol!:rainbowlaugh:

Honestly, it may explain a few things about her...

Especially kids. "How did my little sister get in mommy's belly?" "Magic, that's how.":pinkiehappy:

This certainly was an enjoyable little fic with a poignant message.

Fluttershy's issues that she faced really stopped and gave me pause (says the person who is posting a comment behind a pseudonym). Her identity and self-hatred issues remind me of things I delt with some time ago. Fortunately, nothing recent, but the scars still twinge a bit if you poke at them...


Her identity and self-hatred issues remind me of things I delt with some time ago.

Yeah, same here, which is why I wrote this story. I wanted to evoke those feelings, and show the people who haven't found their way yet that there is a path to self-love. You just have to find it.

This is one of a very small handful of fics that I've read in one entire go. It takes a very special fic for me to sit down, start reading it and finish it in one sitting, and this definitely qualifies as a special fic. Not only because of the writing, the attention to detail, and various little touches here and there. But also because of the message it conveys. A simple but powerful message that many people could benefit from taking to heart. My hats off to you for writing something very special. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

I'm sorry, I love the idea behind this story, but I found the writing a horrible slog to get through. :( The pacing is glacial, you never waste a moment to tell me things about the show I already know, and I really didn't want to keep wading through that to find out where this goes. I know you wrote it for your kid, but unless she's never seen the show, I think you really overdid it on explaining everything.

I understand. Some people love how accessible I made the characters, and some, like you, don't. I didn't just write this for my daughter, I wrote this specifically for those who've never seen the show. This was how I told people that I was a brony. I do a lot of writing, and my friends and family read everything I do, so when I became a brony, I wrote this and told them that I wrote a fanfic. They all loved it, and some of them are actually now actively watching the show as a result. I understand that some may think it silly to have put it on this site, but I have got a lot of positive feedback. Twilight's Library, for one, understood exactly what this story was trying to do.

Anyway, I appreciate that you at least gave it a try. I also want to point out that this is the only story I wrote that is like this. There will be no "slogging" through the others.:pinkiesmile: Thanks again for trying, and happy reading/writing/reviewing!:heart:

Author Interviewer

Yeah, I notice this was your first story, so there's at least nowhere to go but up. :)


.....And I JUST had my Daww-meter fixed. Darn it.

We here at BronyDad Publishing greatly appreciate every reader, and so we would like to express our deepest regrets regarding the destruction of your Daww-meter, and to offer compensation for all repairs to said Daww-meter. However, we feel the need to advise you to avoid reading any further stories written by BronyDad Publishing as the damage done to your Daww-meter could be replicated. If you choose to disregard this advice and read another of BronyDad Publishing's works, then we cannot be held accountable for further damage to your Daww-meter. Thank you and have a pleasant day.

Amazing fanfic!
4th largest fanfic in my folder xD

This is by far the best and most enjoyable My Little Pony fanfiction I have ever read!!! :raritystarry: Spectacular job! :twilightsheepish:

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Thank you very much for the kind words and for reading.:twilightblush:


Nope, I did not know about them. The initial idea to swap personalities came from an old memory of a TMNT episode in which Michelangelo and Shredder switched personalities. I loved that episode as a child, and thought it would be a great concept for the ponies.

Awesome! Thanks for letting me know.:twilightsmile:

This story was a fun read! Love that the event helped their friendships grow.
Especially for Fluttershy.

I noticed that this is book 1 of a series. Was there other stories created for this series that you created?

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