• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 3,633 Views, 87 Comments

Love Your Difference - BronyDad

Fluttershy is no longer herself and needs convincing from her friends to return to normal. However, the more they try, the more distant she becomes, and Twilight worries that they may lose their friend forever.

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Fight or Flight

Chapter 8

Fight or Flight

"Quickly ponies, come stand behind me," Zecora instructed. "I have just the thing to make these Timberwolves flee." As the six friends hurriedly moved behind her, Zecora reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a small ornamental ball attached to a string. "Timberwolves hate how this smells. It will keep them away, it never fails."

Just as Zecora had finished speaking, a group of Timberwolves emerged from the trees.

As mysterious as they were dangerous, Timberwolves were nearly twice as large as an average pony. They had bright yellow eyes that glowed even in direct sunlight, and breath so foul that they were always identified by smell before sight. Found nowhere else in Equestria but within the Everfree Forest, the Timberwolves were very ferocious predators, and would attack a pony without hesitation.

Although they hunted in packs, and shared the same general appearance as other breeds of wolves located throughout Equestria, that was where all resemblances with their canine brethren ended.

After having a close encounter with these beasts, an encounter that could have taken Applejack from them if not for Spike's brave actions, Twilight had spent several days researching the Timberwolves. She had read everything she could find about all of the known wolves in the world, and reread all of the books containing magical spells that could possibly have connections with the creatures, but finally gave up when she discovered that, as far as the rest of Equestria knew, the Timberwolves were both a natural and magical impossibility.

Consisting of a seemingly random collection of branches, logs, and twigs of various sizes that fit together in the form of a wolf, with leaves acting as eyebrows, ears, and the tips of their tails, the Timberwolves were animated by an unknown magical force.

Her heart hammering in her chest, Twilight watched the Timberwolves as they advanced, growling threateningly and baring their numerous sharp wooden teeth.

Even though they had learned from their previous experience that the Timberwolves were easily broken apart, causing the magical force that drove them to be expelled in a green puff of smoke, Twilight knew that the mystical energy would return and reassemble them. What she didn't know, however, was how long this process took, or how far away they could be by the time the wolves resumed their hunt.

Hearing Rainbow Dash gasp beside her, Twilight followed her gaze and found another group closing in from the right. As they continued their slow retreat, Twilight realized that there were now ten of the beasts stalking toward them, and felt dread knot in her stomach as she desperately fought to restrain the panic that was rising within her.

"I ain't never seen this many of them before," Applejack stated worriedly as the seven of them slowly backed away from the new arrivals.

Swinging the ornamental ball back and forth in a slow rhythmic pace, Zecora commanded, "All you foul beasts, go away! None here will be food today!"

A few moments after Zecora had begun to swing the small ball, an unpleasant smell of mixed spices that burned Twilight's nostrils enveloped them. Almost as soon as she had become aware of the smell, the Timberwolves came to a sudden halt, and lowering their heads, they snapped their jaws menacingly.

"Why aren't they leaving?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"I think they're feeling more confident because there are so many of them," Twilight answered as her eyes scanned over the beasts, fully expecting them to lunge forward at any moment.

Finally, the Timberwolves began backing away reluctantly, the ones closest to them snorting irritably and repeatedly stopping to rub their snouts with their paws. As the small group of friends watched, each too anxious to even draw a breath, the creatures slipped back into the trees and were soon out of sight.

As one, they all sighed with relief.

"Boy, we sure were lucky to have you with us, Zecora," Rarity commented, tipping her hat with gratitude. "No telling what would have happened if you hadn't been here."

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. "But I don't think they went too far. They were really reluctant to leave."

"Then we must go at once," Zecora told them. "Before they try again for lunch."

Heading in the direction that the sage indicated, Twilight started off. Allowing the others to go on ahead, Zecora brought up the rear, the ball and string still dangling from her mouth.

Tense and alert, the friends moved carefully among the trees, their eyes shifting from one side to the other as they watched for any signs of danger.

After several long moments of silence, Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, are you still feeling like you?"

"Yuppity yuppers!" Pinkie Pie replied with a large smile.

Rainbow Dash suddenly looked very sad. "I really want to be myself again, but I keep saying and doing silly things without even meaning to."

Pinkie Pie nodded knowingly. "Oh, yeah, that happens all the time. Not even I know what I'm gonna do or say next!" She giggled for a moment, but then she frowned as her ears drooped. "But I guess it must be pretty hard for somepony who isn't used to it..."

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash lowered her head and stared at the ground unhappily as they trotted, then perked up. "But you're yourself again! How did you do it? Do you have any advice for me?"

"Hmm." Coming to a sudden halt, Pinkie Pie tapped a hoof against her chin as she contemplated Rainbow Dash's question, and caused everypony behind her to crash into her and each other. She smiled sheepishly at their cries of anger. "Sorry, girls, I can't think real hard and walk at the same time. If I do I'll lose track of my legs...or my mind." The others, looking at one another questioningly, gave her smiles of reassurance and stepped around her.

"Oh, I got it," Pinkie Pie stated, then turned to Zecora. "Sorry to slow you down." Then she pranced off to catch up with the others.

Rainbow Dash hurried to catch up with Pinkie Pie. "You got it? What do you got?"

Taking a large breath, Pinkie Pie said, "I was really upset because I knew that Applejack was unhappy about not having her hat, and I wanted to make her smile but didn't know how. Then I thought of a joke I could tell her, but I was too scared, but I really wanted to make her happy. So, even though I felt really really shy, I told her the joke, and when she smiled, it was like a big ole bright light bulb glowing in my head and I realized that this was who I was. But then I got scared cause I remembered we were still in the Everfree Forest, but then I decided that I didn't want to be scared anymore cause I wanted to make ponies laugh and smile and throw that party for Silver Spoon. Then the big bright shiny bulb was back and I could see who I wanted to be and chose to be me and...BLAMO! I was me again!"

Having moved closer to better hear the conversation, Rarity summarized, "So, after helping Applejack, you could see who you were and who you wanted to be, and you made a choice and became yourself again?"

Panting, Pinkie Pie nodded.

Grinning widely, Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Sounds easy peasy to me! The next time I feel like my old self, I'll just remember what you told me and I can be myself again too!"

Together, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash shouted, "YAY!"

Catching Applejack's questioning gaze, Twilight explained, "Our friendships are acting like a light that shines in their hearts, showing them the way to become themselves again. It's what Zecora has been telling us the whole time, we are connected to one another by our love, and that connection is slowly bringing them back."

Applejack pondered this for a moment. "So...when Pinkie told me that joke, it connected her heart to mine, and then she saw the light of our friendship and became herself again?"

"That's what happened," Twilight confirmed with a smile and a nod. "It was an emotional moment for her when you laughed at her joke, and I believe that's how they've been fighting the hypnosis. Every time they've shown their true selves, it was right after an emotional connection with a friend, like Rarity when you told her to keep the hat. That kind gesture had meant so much to her that she had wanted to come back to us, and we caught a glimpse of her true self struggling to take control."

"Well, I'm just glad that..." Applejack trailed off as a chorus of eerie howls arose from behind them.

"They're still following us," Twilight observed.

"It's okay," Pinkie Pie assured them with a bright smile. "Zecora's little whatchamacallit will keep them away."

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get past them when we're ready to head on back home?" Applejack pointed out.

Pinkie Pie's smile faltered. "Oh, I didn't think about that."

"Let's not worry about that yet," Twilight said. "We should focus on helping our friends. We'll worry about the Timberwolves when we get to them."

Although the fact that the Timberwolves were still stalking them terrified her, Twilight forced herself to concentrate on getting to the valley that held the Sun Glow's sprout. Once her friends were all back to normal, she felt confident that they would find a way past the wolves together.

Glancing uneasily behind them as several growls pierced the forest's silence, Applejack stated, "We won't have to focus on our friends much longer. With Pinkie back to bein' Pinkie, I'm sure that the others will follow shortly." Nodding toward Fluttershy hovering above, she added, "Even that one's bound to get some good sense in her head soon enough."

"I sure hope you're right," Twilight mumbled doubtfully.

"Of course she's right!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed loudly. "Fluttershy knows how much we love her, and we're important to her too! She'll choose to be with us in the end."

Upon hearing Pinkie Pie saying her name, Fluttershy looked back at them with a frown. Waving at her enthusiastically, Pinkie Pie shouted, "We love you, Fluttershy!"

With a small smile, Fluttershy returned the wave. "I know."

"See, I told you!" Pinkie Pie declared happily, but then gasped in fright as a Timberwolf suddenly emerged from the trees on their right.

Keeping its distance, the beast glared at them and snapped its jaws threateningly, clearly wanting nothing more than to lunge at them.

"Get outta here, ya varmint," Applejack yelled, kicking a rock at the creature's head. "Go on, shoo!"

As if provoked by Applejack's challenge, the rest of the Timberwolves began appearing all around them. Her breath catching in her throat, Twilight realized that they hadn't been simply following them, they had been quietly spreading out, and now had the small group of friends surrounded.

"Do not fear, ponies, they will not come near," Zecora reassured them as they formed a tight circle around her. "As long as I have-"

Stumbling backward in fright, Rainbow Dash tripped over Pinkie Pie's hoof and crashed into Zecora, causing her to drop the ornamental ball.

Helplessly watching as their only means of defense bounced away and disappeared into the thick brush, Zecora breathed, "Oh, dear."

Snarling viciously, the ten Timberwolves rushed toward them from every direction, their yellow eyes glowing brightly as they closed in on their unlucky prey.

"Girls, scatter!" Twilight cried, and then the friends bolted in all directions as the Timberwolves reached them.

Unsure who to chase, the beasts lunged one way, then the other, some even turning in a circle as the ponies quickly out-maneuvered them. This confusion didn't last long, however, and soon the Timberwolves were in pursuit, their longer limbs allowing them to cover ground at an alarming rate.

Galloping at full speed, Twilight could hear the Timberwolf behind her drawing near, and veering quickly to the left, felt its jaws snap shut just inches from her tail. Without slowing, Twilight glanced back to find that she had pulled away from the beast, and looking forward once more, gasped as she caught sight of Zecora and Pinkie Pie, running side by side and heading straight at her.

With no time to stop, the two split apart, allowing Twilight to race between them and straight toward the Timberwolf that had been chasing them. Eyes wide, she stared at the beast's wickedly sharp wooden teeth as the other Timberwolf advanced from behind.

Seeing that there was no escape for her, Twilight closed her eyes and focused her magic, and suddenly disappeared in a flash of magenta light.

As the two Timberwolves struggled to avoid a collision, Twilight reappeared several yards away. Quickly tilting her head down and pointing her horn toward the creatures, she fired a concussive blast.

The large magenta ball of energy streaked through the air, and connected solidly with the chest of one of the surprised beasts. It was thrown violently backward into the other, causing them both to explode in a spray of splintered wood and green smoke.

Turning away from the broken beasts, Twilight glimpsed Applejack as she dashed toward the Timberwolf that was closing in on Rainbow Dash. Crossing just behind the Pegasus, Applejack sharply smacked the beast across the snout with her tail.

Howling in fury, the Timberwolf forgot Rainbow Dash and gave chase to Applejack.

Ducking behind a large tree, Applejack balanced perfectly on her two front legs. Pulling her hind legs back tightly against her body, she kicked the Timberwolf with all her might as it rounded the trunk. Her kick, strengthened from years of applebucking, lifted the creature off its feet and sent it sprawling to the ground, where its body shattered and forcefully expelled its magical energy in a puff of green smoke.

"How do ya like them apples!?" Applejack hollered in triumph, but was surprised by a second Timberwolf that had come around the other side of the tree. "Whoa!" She cried as she stumbled backward.

Without warning, Fluttershy slammed into the beast from above, crushing it into the ground and coughing as she accidently inhaled some of the green smoke.

Overcome by a fit of coughing, Fluttershy sat down as she struggled to catch her breath while Applejack pounded her back repeatedly. Due to this, neither one of them saw the Timberwolf as it crept up behind them.

Unable to get a clear shot, Twilight could only watch with horror as the beast lunged forward, and came to a sudden stop as something green wrapped around its neck.

"Whoa there, fella!" Rarity yelled as she yanked on the vine that she had crafted into a makeshift lasso. "You all ain't gonna lay a paw on my friends so long as I'm around!"

With an angry bark, the Timberwolf launched itself at Rarity, but she rolled to the side, using the vine to sweep the legs out from under the angry beast. As it landed awkwardly on its back, Rarity quickly tied its legs together with the other end of the vine, and then she reared up on her hind legs and waved her hat in the air. "Yeehaw!"

Hearing a sudden cry for help, Twilight whipped around and found Pinkie Pie and Zecora, both holding large sticks, slowly backing away from a group of three Timberwolves. As she watched the two desperately swinging the sticks to keep the beasts at bay, one of them lunged forward and caught the end of Pinkie Pie's stick and snapped it in half.

At that moment, a look of anger passed over Rainbow Dash's features, and she leaped into the sky. Swooping in from above, Rainbow Dash landed directly in front of Pinkie Pie. "Zecora, Pink, I'll hold them off, save yourselves!" When the two hesitated, she shouted, "Go!"

Startled into action, Pinkie Pie and Zecora galloped away, leaving the fearless Pegasus to face the three beasts alone. Growling threateningly, the Timberwolves slowly closed in and prepared to pounce.

Crouching low to the ground, her wings fully extended, Rainbow Dash grinned. "Let's rock."

As the Timberwolves charged forward, Rainbow Dash rocketed straight through one of the beasts as if it were no more than a pile of sticks, blowing it apart and leaving a trail of green smoke behind her. With the other two pursuing her, Rainbow Dash soared toward a large tree, and flipping in the air just before reaching it, landed all four hooves on the trunk.

Quickly launching herself from the trunk, she raced toward the second of the beasts and uppercut it so hard that its entire head flew through the air as its body collapsed. Coming to an abrupt halt just in front of the third Timberwolf, Rainbow Dash swiftly ducked beneath its jaws as it clumsily lashed out at her, and brought both of her hind legs up to kick it squarely in the chest.

Staggered by the blow, the Timberwolf managed to keep its balance. Curling its upper lip to reveal its teeth, the beast started toward her. As Rainbow Dash prepared for its attack, the beast's chest suddenly caved in, causing it to crumple to the ground as it expelled a cloud of green smoke.

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow Dash cried, leaping into the sky and pumping a hoof in the air in triumph. Just then she began to shake her head, and with a grimace, covered her face with her hooves as she spiraled down, crashing to the ground in an awkward heap only a few yards away from the final two Timberwolves.

Licking their lips, the two beasts began to advance on the downed Pegasus.