• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 4,214 Views, 50 Comments

When Hearts Take Flight - cemfin

Starburst and Lyla have been best friends since foalhood, and though each having thier own personal setbacks, is it possible for them to find love without even looking for it?

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A normal day..?

Starburst awoke to birds chirping, opening her eyes to be greeted by the morning light. She liked to think of herself as an early bird, after all why waste a perfectly good morning sleeping? The earlier she rose the more training she could complete, so she half brushed her mane and headed out the door to do so.

The morning was her favorite time to practice her flight maneuvers, mostly on weather duty, although, nopony ever asked her to participate, being a princess and all. But she was a pegasus and lived in Ponyville, so she may as well help out. And if it was good training she wouldn’t complain.

Today called for mostly clear skies which wouldn’t be that hard to accomplish since the wind had already brought on a good few clouds. A bit too many it looked like to her. She took off to break them up.

She could have done it all herself pretty easily, but the last time she did she got scolded by Rainbow Dash, the leader of the weather teams, so reluctantly she left the job half done and changed her course, rather than going through the clouds she started going around them.

It was so easy for her to get lost in her training. She couldn’t understand how other ponies could just sit around all day and do the minimal, or nothing. Or worse, she cringed at the thought 'Sleep all day.' She couldn’t believe the thought crossed her mind.

‘How can a pony do that..? Well not all ponies.’ She rolled her eyes at the colt that came to mind. She didn’t understand how ponies could have no goal in life, or meaningless goals. She looked down, not realizing she had been practicing for hours already.

She was very proud to admit her wings were easily the strongest thing on her. She could fly anywhere in Equestria without hardly getting winded. She landed, momentarily wondering what to do next.

'I wonder if Dels busy.' She hoped so. He was very good at helping her train. Before she could think any further on the matter, a small beautiful voice caught her attention.

“Starburst?” Said pony turned to see her friend, a cute light pink unicorn named Anthea, who was nearly blind.

“I thought it was you.” She smiled. “Are you heading to Sugarcube corner?” Starburst gave her a confused look, not understanding why she would assume her to be heading there of all places?

“No, I was going to Sweet Apple Acres…” Anthea giggled at her response, causing Starburst even more confusion.

“You forgot didn’t you?” Starburst thought for a second. Her memory wasn’t bad, but it was entirely possible for something to easily slip her mind.

“Forgot what?” She asked, giving up on trying to figure it out herself.

“Candy’s party. Its been a year since you moved to Ponyville. We’re celebrating.” The unicorn smiled again, the opposite of what Starburst expressed, sighing.

“That’s today? I have to train.” She looked up to see Anthea giving her a look between disappointed and disapproving.

“... but it is your party, and everypony will be there.” Starburst sighed again, knowing it would be rude and unbecoming not to go. And also knowing everypony meant Del would in all likeliness be there as well.

“Ok, I get it. I’ll go, but I cant stay for too long. I really have to train.” Anthea smiled at her change of heart.

“Alright, I’ll follow you.” At this, Starburst did an about face, heading to Sugarcube corner.

She was glad Anthea caught her. She would have hated to get all the way to Sweet Apple Acres to just have to go clear back. Although the run would’ve been good stamina training, she really wanted to focus on strength today.

She was also glad Candy hadn’t made the party a surprise one. She wasn’t one for surprises. Hay, she wasn’t one for parties. A bunch of ponies in a crowded room full of loud happy music.

‘I could name ten better things to do easy, but..’ she wouldn't admit it made her happy they were doing all of this for her. They came up on Sugarcube Corner, which was expectedly bustling. Starburst could already hear the music coming from the building. She noticed Anthea had passed her and was heading in, so she followed.

Yep. Crowded. She looked around, taking in the scene… everypony really was there. She saw Claire, a dragon/pony hybrid, over by the snack bar for a second before another pony blocked her view.

She also spotted Prism, a rainbow maned colt that knew good ways to get on her nerves, and his best friend/ex Whirlwind, a purple mare, who Starburst thought was actually pretty alright, on the dance floor, and promptly rolled her eyes at them.

She also had time to see a pink maned, blue mare bouncing into and out of the crowd, immediately knowing it was Candy, who was carrying a tray of her special concoction of blue punch, which was defying logic by not spilling. Even Starburst had to admit that was some good punch.

She was so busy looking around she hadn’t noticed Anthea had already left and was coming back over with her very special somepony/dragon, and Claire’s younger brother Turquoise Blitz. Most everypony called him T though.

“Hello Starburst. Nice to see you.” He greeted her warmly. She nodded at his greeting, resuming looking around.

“You too, but unfortunately I wont be able to stay long.”

“Starburst!!!” Anything Starburst was going to say was cut off by Candy popping up between them. “You came! Yay!” She held out the punch tray to her.

“Have some punch!” She put a glass of the blue substance in Starbursts hoof, handing one to Anthea and T as well. Starburst mentally rolled her eyes at the pony’s enthusiasm. It was endearing, but also confusing to her.

“Hi Candy.” Her response was a bit delayed since Candy’s greeting took her a bit by surprise.

“Can you believe its already been a year since you moved here!? Time sure flies when you’re having fun.” Candy said with a bright smile. Starburst never really understood that saying.

“I’m not sure about that, but I do wish there were more time in the day.” Candy giggled at her response, Starburst in turn, giving her a confused look.

“Well,” She started. “Maybe if there were more time in the day you’d have time for fun.” She bounced off to handle other guests at that, leaving Starburst even more confused.

What did fun have to do with anything..? She turned to ask Anthea and T, only to find they had left in the middle of her conversation with Candy. She sighed, turning to look for Del.

“Yo Star!” Great. She was spotted again.

“Decided ta show eh?” Prism, the pony who had spotted her, moved through the crowd to stop in front of her.

She sighed. Another pony she didn’t understand. Prism was nice enough most of the time, but she couldn’t understand how he could sleep his life away the way he did. She was surprised to see him up now, honestly.

Since he got no response he kept talking, “Finally deciding to loosen up a bit huh?” He gave her a half smirk, bumping her in the shoulder. She lifted her hoof, moving back a little.

“Why wouldn’t I show for a party for me?” She didn’t have to say that she completely forgot about it. Still looking around for Del, she noticed Candy had started a game of pin the tail on the on the pony.

“Well,“ Prism started, getting her attention back. “I wouldn’t put it past ya. You did miss Annie’s birthday party last month.” That was another time her memory failed her. She felt bad about that.

“I got her a present later. Besides I was busy.”

“You’re always busy.” She rolled her eyes at his thoughtful rebuttal.

“I try to be. If you aren’t busy you’re wasting your day.” It looked like her words stabbed Prism right through the heart, she arched an eyebrow at his pained expression. “What?”

“I didn’t think a pony could say something like that.” She rolled her eyes, knowing very well how lazy this colt was. He only did weather duty because his mother forced him somehow. Such a waste of talent.

“ But then I remembered who I was talkin to.” he continued, she didn’t really hear him, her thoughts going elsewhere.

“What’s the weather schedule for tomorrow?” She voiced said thoughts. Prism gave a thoughtful look, obviously trying to remember what his mother had told him.

“Mm, well, ma said we need more clouds brought in since the suns getting hotter.” He shifted his look back to her. “Why?”

“Why do I ever ask? Nopony ever asks me to help,” She resumed looking around the room. “and its good training.” Since she was looking around, she didn’t see the mischievous glint in Prism’s eye.

“K,” He smirked. “ Each pegasus on weather duty is supposed to bring in twelve clouds over Ponyville tomorrow.” Starburst turned her attention back to him in shock.

“Twelve? Isn’t that rather excessive?” It wasn’t that she had a problem with gathering that many, she just couldn’t imagine Ponyville covered in that many clouds.

“Nope.” He smiled in reply. “It’ll be a real scorcher.” She didn’t think much on it after his reassurance, the main reason being she had spotted the pony shed been looking for since she arrived.

Del, her working buddy, was over by the refreshments, getting a popper to the face from Candy’s eccentric mother, Pinkie Pie. She walked over, half smiling at his expression towards the popper, leaving Prism to Whirlwind.

“Del?” She got his attention, along with a smile.

“Star, How’s it goin’? Glad ta see ya here.” She mentally wondered for a second if she really was that bad at missing parties, but shoved the thought away, focusing back on Del.

“Right, well, what are your plans after this party?” He gave her a somewhat questioning look, then smiled in understanding.

“Got the whole east orchard ta buck. Gonna hafta leave early ta get it done afore dark. Ya gonna get in on it?” She liked how he always seemed to know what she was thinking. She nodded.

“It would be great strength training.”

“Ah don mind a bit, but ain’t yer hind hooves already stronger than yer front?” She swore he was as good as a personal trainer…

“Yeah,” She affirmed his assumption with a nod, “But I walked on my front hooves all day yesterday and I think it helped.” It was true. She got a few odd looks from the other ponies, but she felt it was worth it.

She flexed her front right to extenuate her statement. “So, Wanna hoof wrestle?” Del gave another questioning look, bordering confusion.

“Here..?” Surely he knew her better than that.

“No, when we leave.”

“ Oh.” He nodded. “Ok” They sat there in silence for a minute.

“Ready to go?” She broke the silence, turning to him. He replied with an “Ok” through chuckles, and they left for Sweet Apple Acres.

Not long after they left the party, they stopped for a quick usual hoof wrestle. Which, as usual, Del won.

“Darn...” Starburst voiced her disappointment for the fifth or so time as they came up to the apple farm.

“I can’t believe you still beat me.” Starburst was a good sport and all, but being as competitive as she was, there were only a few complete blackouts she could take.

“ I know, Its amazin’ a whole day a trainin didn’t hardly help a bit.” She had the nagging feeling he was slightly patronizing her, but was too upset to think on it fully.

“I really thought I’d gotten better…” She didn’t catch the sideways glance he gave her before he smiled a little.

“Star, “ he started, “Ya need ta give it time. You're young an your muscles need time ta catch up ta what you're puttin 'em through.” He walked into the barn as he spoke.

Starburst followed, thinking on what he said, watching him start to load the wagon with bushel baskets. She helped, going over to the stack, bumping it, one of the empty ones falling off.

She helped rather often and, though she wasn’t one to toot her own horn, she was rather good at it. She caught the basket on her back, going over to put it in the wagon, thinking of what he had said.

“I guess that does make sense.” She broke the silence, getting Del’s attention.

“Huh?” She hadn’t realized shed been thinking that long, he obviously didn’t know what she was talking about.

“What you said. About giving it time. It makes since.” She clarified, getting a chuckle as a response, Del going back to the wagon, which was now fully loaded.

“Ah, that. Glad ya think so.” She followed him over to the wagon. “And since your trainin didn’t do what ya wanted,” He moved around, hitching her up to the wagon. “Ya’ll can pull the wagon ta the east orchard an back. That oughtta put some muscle in them hooves.” He gave her a bit of a playful nudge, then led the way out the door.

She followed without a complaint, but did notice he took the full-sized wagon instead of the half one. ‘Must be a lot of apples.’ The thought didn’t linger long, and the wagon wasn’t heavy to pull to the field, but coming back was another story.

Del was a great apple bucker, and though Starburst wasn’t as good as him, She was better than some true Apples. Apple Bloom to name one. June too, probably, but only because she was better with cherries.

So between the both of them they had harvested nearly half a ton of apples, which was stuffed in the wagon, which was hitched to Starburst. Now, she wasn’t one to complain, but to say she was having issues would be a poor understatement.

“This wagon…. Has to weigh a ton…” She was pulling, albeit slowly, but there was no way shed let a dumb wagon get the best of her. Del chuckled, obviously amused and keeping pace next to her.

“Little over half probly. Ya complainin?” She frowned at his accusation.

“Of course not!” She turned back to her task of pulling the wagon, though she had lagged a bit to talk to him, she got it going again, about halfway to the barn now. “Ugh… just wishing I could… use my wings…”

“If ya use your wings, your hooves won’t get worked out.” She hated when he had a point. And he had them more often than she’d like to admit.

“I know, I know…gah, how much farther?” She wanted to look up but was too focused on putting one hoof in front of the other. She never knew it could be this hard.

“Bout half.” That helped. Half down. She was so focused, she didn’t even see Del’s mother coming up to them until she spoke.

“What… oh.” She looked up a bit, not stopping for fear of being unable to get the wagon rolling again. Applejack giggled, about as amused at Starburst’s plight as her son. “Ah was gonna ask what was takin ya so long.” She addressed Del, who gave a smile in response.

“Yep. She wanted ta work out her legs.” He explained rather plainly, still walking with Starburst…. Slowly.

“Oh, Ah see.” She moved up next to both of them, taking pace with Starburst. “So ya havin dinner with us, sugarcube?”

“Ugh….Nah… no thanks…. Gotta get back home soon…” Starburst answered promptly, not looking up. The wagon seemed to be getting heavier, but she chalked it up to her muscles getting more tired.

“How bout Ah fix ya up a little doggie bag? Ah don think Twi’d be too happy with us if we let ya starve yerself.” She left at that, to go make the doggie bag that would in all likeliness end up with Candy.

‘Well,’ She thought, the barn coming into view. ‘I might eat some of it.’ It was a few more good minutes before she stopped in front of the barn. Del did most of the unloading. She helped as best she could, but she couldn’t hardly feel her legs… She had pulled wagons before, but no matter how much she asked, Del would never let her pull the full-sized wagon.

‘I probably wouldn’t have been able to pull it.’ She wouldn’t admit it out loud, of course, but her legs were jelly, and the wagon wasn’t even full. Shed seen him pull it stuffed to the brim with bushels of apples.

She sat the bushel on her back down in front of the barn, where Del had started a pile. She didn’t know whether to feel admiration or envy towards the stallion. ‘At least it makes sense that I lost to him.’

“Ah can finish up here.” Del got her attention, She turned to see him still unloading the wagon. "Ya’ll can go on back home if ya want.”

"What are you talking about?” She walked back over, getting another bushel. “We aren’t finished yet, and I said I’d help. I’m staying till we’re done..” She sat it down next to the others, turning to head back, she ran into Del.

“Ok then, can ya do me a favor?” She arched an eyebrow questioningly, but said nothing. “Ma’s been working long an hard today, can ya save her the trip out here an go get that food she made fer ya?” She stopped or a second, slightly suspicious, but noodded.

“Ok. I’ll be back.” She turned, flying to the house, glad to be off her hooves for a bit. She landed, resulting in her legs throbbing, which she ignored, knocking on the door. June, Del’s cousin, answered.

“Oh, Starburst, come on in. Aunt AJ’s in the kitchen.” She walked in through the open door, going to the kitchen. She had been there many times, mostly to train with Del or June and ending up staying for dinner.

Applejack was where June had said she would be, stuffing some… fritters? Cakes? Starburst couldn’t really tell, into a brown bag. She cleared her throat to get her attention. It worked, Applejack turned to her.

“Oh, Star, just finishin up yer bag.” She looked around her. “Where’s mah boy?”

“He sent me to get the food so you wouldn’t have to come back out. I guess he’s still unloading the wagon. I’m going back out after I get the food.” She didn’t think much of Applejacks oddly big smile.

“That so?” She sat the bag on the table. Starburst nodded, taking it in her mouth, turning to leave.

She was out of the kitchen when she heard Applejack giggle lightly. She turned a bit, but when she heard nothing else and nothing happened she went back out, seeing Del coming up the road. He smiled at her.

“Hey, Star. Ah finished unloadin so ya can head on home now. Thanks a ton fer yer help.” The smile never left his muzzle. She wanted to be upset that he finished without her, but she was too tired. She sat down the bag.

“Ok. Thank you for helping me too. I’ll see you around.” She picked up the bag, flying off, unaware of the warmly admiring look that followed her.

Starburst sighed, flying to her tree home, about three feet off the ground, doggie bag in mouth. She liked the type of exhaustion the came with farm work, but it did tucker her out quite a bit. Especially when she tailed Del. The trunk of the library was coming into view.

“Starburst!” She looked up, hearing her name, to see Candy. “Where’d you go? You left early. Claire didn’t get to see you.” Starburst landed at the front door of her home, her legs dully throbbing from their earlier torture, and sat the bag full of assorted apple dishes down so she could speak.

“Yeah, sorry, I had something to do.” She was sure she had greeted everypony there. She felt rather bad for missing one. “I’ll apologize to her tomorrow.” She pushed the door open, picking the bag back up off the ground, setting it on a small table. Candy followed her in with a smile.

“That wasn’t the only thing I came to talk about, though.” Starburst turned to her, rather interested.

“Then what else?” She made sure not to sound harsh, but it was getting quite late and she was very tired. Candy smiled again.

“We need to hang out! Me and Prism are going to go swimming tomorrow! Will you come!?” Candy looked at her expectantly, obviously excited. ‘Well,’ she thought, going to the bottom of the stairs, ‘My day isn’t that full tomorrow…’

“What time?” She was still busy. Maybe just not too busy to not go. Candy smiled happily, knowing Starburst only asked that when she was considering saying yes.

“We’re gonna meet there at noon, k?” Candy bounced with excitement, Starburst briefly wishing she had some of her energy.

“…. K. I’ll try to make it.” Candy, again bounced with a “yay”.

“Ok! We’re meeting at the northern lake. The one with no trees around?” Starburst nodded, letting Candy know she knew the one. “K, then see ya there!” Candy turned to leave, Starburst following her a way until her attention was caught by the brown bag.

“Oh, hey Candy?” Candy turned to her with a frequent smile.

“Yeah?” Starburst nodded towards the bag, getting Candy to look at it as well.

“Applejack gave me that, but I’m heading to bed. Do you want it?” Starburst didn’t even have to hear the word “yes”. Candy’s huge smile said it for her.

Candy did, however, still say it while Starburst was busy holding back an amused smile at the pink-maned mare’s lack of poker face. She watched her go over, pick the bag up in her mouth and trot happily out the door with a “mmmf!” She assumed to be bye.

Starburst rolled her eyes slightly, shutting the door behind her friend. She turned back to the empty room, stretching with a rather loud yawn. She flew up the stairs to the bedroom above, turning off the lights, landing right on the bed.

She was tired, but in the best of ways. Her body aching was just another way of knowing she was one day, one step closer to achieving her dream. Sleep came to her after that thought, bringing dreams of her own life ambitions.

*Clack… Clack… Clunk* “Ouch!”

Starburst rolled in her bed, hearing odd sounds. Or she thought she did… She cracked and eye open, seeing if she could chalk it up to her imagination. She saw a large, pony shaped figure by her window, and shot out of the bed, knowing this was no figmant of her imagination, she addressed it.

“Whose there!?” She got closer to the pony figure, about to attack when she heard a familiar voice.

“Star! Wait! Its me!” A faint pink light illuminated the room, the source of it being a lavender-shaded alicorn mare.
Starburst went agast, her jaw near hitting the floor.

“Lyla!?” She looked on at her friend in disbelief. Lyla, in response, smiled.

“Yes, its me. Its been a while huh? Oh, I missed you so!” Before Starburst could answer, Lyla was happily nuzzling her, her form of a hug, Starburst knew, but was currently too busy having a small panic attack to return the sentiment.

“What are you doing here? Why are you out of the Crystal Empire?” A hundred questions ran through Starburst’s head. She knew her friend hadn’t ever been out of the Crystal Empire, as far as she knew she rarely left the Crystal Palace.

In the middle of her thoughts, another, more pressing question took surface. “…. How’d you get here…?” Lyla, in the middle of answering her other questions, stopped, suddenly finding the wood fascinating, poking at it with her hoof. “Well?” Starburst pressed, finally getting a response.

“I flew…. Somewhat…” This brought even more questions to Starburst’s mind.

“You….. Flew….?… All the way here…? From the Crystal Empire!?” She gave a look between skepticism and worry, Lyla, either not noticing or not caring, smiled.

“Yes. And ran. And I only crashed six times.” Starburst felt her eye twitch, more questions building up by the second. Another thought crossed her mind, resulting in even more confusion gracing her face.

“Your parents let you fly all the way to Ponyville..?” She looked out the window, seeing the sun start to make itself known, but not seeing anything… anypony else.

“All by yourself?” Again, Lyla found a great deal of fascination with the floor, but looked up with a rather guilty smile before Starburst had to press any further.

“Well….” She started, averting her eyes to the window. “Not….. Really…?” She smiled back at Starburst, who was very unamused.

“Lyla..?” Her voice, while concerned, had a bit of a tone to it. It was obvious she wanted answers and wasn’t getting them fast enough.

Lyla sat there silent for a second, then sighed. A small pink heart floated from her horn to Starburst, hitting her in the forehead. Starburst was immediately overwhelmed with multiple feelings. Hurt, sadness, lonliness, frustration… hopelessness. She turned her attention back to Lyla.

“……I ran away…” Starburst didn’t quite know how to respond to that. She was shocked that Lyla would do something like that, for sure, but… She knew Lyla’s parents were very protective of her, with good reason, though.

Taking Starburst’s silence as an okay to continue, Lyla went on. “They don’t understand that I’ve gotten better…. I’m not the same bed ridden filly they raised! I haven’t had an episode in over seven months and they still won’t allow me out by myself… When I was younger, I understood…. But I am better…." She was shocked at the desperation in the elder mares voice, she'd never heard her speak like she was now.

"A month? Can I stay a month here in Ponyville? Where nopony knows me? Treats me different… or even knows I’m a princess…. Please Star…?”

Starburst didn’t know what to do. If she harbored the fugitive princess her whole family would be very angry with her… very angry. On the other hoof, her first, best and truest friend was asking… begging, for the first favor she’d ever asked of her in her life.

“…One month…?” She asked once more, a nod being Lyla's response. She couldn’t believe she was considering this...

“One month. 30 days. Then I’ll go back, take all the blame and never leave my room again.” Starburst sat there for a second. She knew she couldn’t say no… She sighed in defeat.

“I cant believe I’m agreeing to this.” Lyla smiled wide, eyes sparkling with joy.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I owe you so much!!!” Lyla spread her big, black tipped wings in excitement, nuzzling her friend rather enthusiastically. Starburst smiled lightly, reaching over to close the window.

“Ok, ok,” She turned back to Lyla after her task of closing the window was complete. “I’ve got some clouds to bring in.” Though the sun was up, its light was still rather weak, so Starburst reached over, flipping the lights on to give her eyes a break. She snickered, seeing Lyla fully now.

“What?” Lyla slightly cocked her head questioningly at Starbursts odd laugh.

“You need to look in a mirror.” Starburst pointed to the large mirror on top of the vanity in the corner of the room, watching Lyla walk over to it, then laugh at her reflection.

She had brown spots of dirt in her coat, and twigs and leaves sticking out from her turquoise and black-striped mane. Starburst truly wondered how she had made it to Ponyville in one piece. Her thought was interrupted by Lyla’s voice.

“I suppose I do have a few battle scars huh?” She giggled. “I’ll stay here and get cleaned up and get some sleep. Wake me when youre done ok?” She finished her statement with a shake, resulting in a dust cloud. Starburst smirked in amusement.

“K.” She flew down the stairs, leaving Lyla to her business, Going to round up the clouds Ponyville needed for the day.

Author's Note:

Woot! First chapter of my first pony fic! I'm going to go back and forth between Starburst and Lyla's pov from here on, depending on whose thoughts I deem most important we hear at which part. Nice critiques are apreciated, for though I like to think of myself as a decent author, I am only human, and I'd like to learn more. chapters will be coming sparatically, but they will be coming. I write them on paper first before I type them, so I'm actuall writing ch.6. I'm typing ch3. If you want to see more pictures of Lyla or things that will be happening, go to my da account, http://cemfin.deviantart.com/ If you want to see more of the characters I did not create (Everypony but Lyla) Go to the wonderfully talented http://kilala97.deviantart.com/ she also did the cover art. So enjoy, post your thoughts, and hope ya stick with me :)