• Published 26th Mar 2014
  • 4,214 Views, 50 Comments

When Hearts Take Flight - cemfin

Starburst and Lyla have been best friends since foalhood, and though each having thier own personal setbacks, is it possible for them to find love without even looking for it?

  • ...

Meet Lyla

Starburst returned to see Lyla all cleaned up in her bed, curled upand sleeping soundly. She must’ve tired herself out … flying? All the way to Ponyville.

‘I can’t believe she really ran away…’ Lyla was always the perfect child and princess growing up, sweet, polite, smart, Starburst had always thought highly of her. It wasn’t like her to go against her parent's wishes…

“Hey, Lyla. Lyla I’m done.” She called to her softly, causing Lyla to slowly stir.

“Mm… Huh?…. Oh, k…. How’d it go..?” Lyla groggily stretched, getting off the bed slowly.

“Bout as well as cloud gathering can go. What are you wanting to do today?” As she asked, she subconsciously started over to make the bed, Lyla, however, beating her to it, using her magic to fix it in seconds.

“Well,” She started, the glow dying around her horn. “What do you have planned? I’d hate to mess up your plans by arriving on such short notice.” Starburst had to think a second on that.

“I have to go by Carousel Boutique to talk to Claire, and I’m meeting Candy at the swimming hole around noon. Then, after that I was going to go to Sweet Apple Acres.” She nodded slightly, satisfied that she didn’t forget anything. She focused her attention back to Lyla, and was startled by her eager look.

“That sounds wonderful!” Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. “May I come?”

“Of course. Its not like I’m going to leave you here all day.” She gave a half smile at Lyla’s enthusiasm. She didn’t quite understand it, but did at the same time. All these daily rituals of traveling Ponyville were so new to her friend.

“Yay! Let me get ready.” Lyla trotted happily over to the mirror, levitating off her tiara, necklace, and two of her three earrings in each ear, as she did, she also brushed out her mane and applied pink eyeshadow. Starburst watched, intrigued. She didn’t quite get magic, since she couldn’t use it, but it was still rather interesting to watch.

“Looks like you’re getting the hang of that horn pretty good.” She voiced her thoughts, getting Lyla’s attention.

“Yes,” She giggled, “Ever since I shattered mother’s teapot, I’ve been practicing regularly. Valiant helps when he can, and Nighty too, when he visits and you’re busy.” She turned to her. “Ready!” Starburst looked at her a second, an amused smile on her face.

“Lyla, you’re still an alicorn.” She shook her head at her friends scattered brain. Lyla looked back in the mirror and laughed.

“Oh, my.. I completely forgot. Hm… I suppose it would be easier to cast the spell on my horn, no?” She turned to Starburst, who shrugged in response. She had no idea. Lyla seemed to take it as a yes, though. She closed her eyes, her horn glowing pink for a few seconds, then vanishing right before Starburst’s eyes.

“What the hay?!” She accidentally voiced her surprise at the appendage’s disappearance, eliciting a giggle from Lyla.

“Invisibility spell.” Starburst, mentally smacking herself for not guessing that, missed Lyla kicking off her shoes and didn’t refocus until she spoke again. “So?” She looked up, seeing Lyla do a slight twirl. “Do I look normal?” Starburst looked her over.

“Yeah actually…” Starburst nodded, though even looking “normal” Lyla was a beautiful mare. “Its odd.”

Lyla smiled wide. "Well get used to it, this is the new me!” Starburst shook her head at the declaration, but didn’t say anything derogatory to it, opting to just fly down the stairs silently. She turned back, expecting to see Lyla walking down the same stairs, seeing her instead at the top of them, looking down. She saw her look back at her wings, giving them a small flap.

‘Oh no’ She knew that look. “You know," Her face fell when Lyla spoke. “I think I’m going to try that!” Starburst felt her heart drop. It wasn’t that she didn’t want her to. She was worried for her safety, and the safety of the library.

Before she could say anything, she saw Lyla leave the ground, rather wobbly, then lean forward, going down in a diagonal line, waah-ing and eep-ing, she hit the ground and slid into the door. Starburst went over in a slight hurry. She was rather worried, but she’d seen her crash worse. Sure enough, Lyla got up, shaking herself off.

“Well…..” Starburst had to think of a good way to word how…. Not good but not bad that was.” That… wasn’t your worse try.” She felt bad when she noticed her honesty revive a sigh from her cousin.

“Yeah… it was still pathetic….” She turned with another sigh. “Lets go.” Starburst followed Lyla out the door silently.

Ponyville was just starting to bustle, not quite crowded because of the rather early hour, but a good number of ponies were out. They trotted side by side, Starburst leading the way to Carousel Boutique. She decided to start up a conversation with a question that had been in her head.

“So, did your brother say anything about my capabilities the last time I was in town?” Lyla looked away from… whatever had her attention, turning it to Starburst.

“Brother? Hmm…” She looked up thoughtfully. “I do in fact remember him mentioning that you were improving greatly, but that’s all I can," She stopped for a second, an odd look on her face. “say for sure.” She finished. Starburst decided not to question it. “So how has little Night been?”

“Doing mom proud of course.” She rolled her eyes slightly, but smiled anyway. “but he’s doing good.” Lyla smiled back.

“That’s good to hear-ouch!” Lyla winced. Starburst gave her a confused look, shifting her eyes around to see what could be causing her discomfort, but saw nothing but a few ponies walking by. She saw others coming up, one colt stepping on Lyla’s mane, causing her to wince once more, the colt, unaware of his actions, kept walking.

“Hey! Watch it!” Starburst yelled after him, but got no reply. Lyla moved around, continuing on her way.

“Its ok, Star. Its not something to cause a fuss-” She winced again. “Over.” Starburst glared at the pony walking by, but kept on her way. She turned back to Lyla.

“Why did you let your mane grow so long anyway?” She looked back, seeing the three feet of mane dragging the ground…. And getting stepped on once more.

“Do you remember ten years ago? The haircut I had?” Starburst thought back. She did remember. She didn’t hardly recognize her when she saw her.

“Yeah, didn’t Val do that to you?”

“Yes.” Lyla nodded, “And I haven’t had the courage to cut it since.” She stopped suddenly. Starburst looked back at her questioningly, but before she could ask what the hold up was, Lyla turned to address a mare ogling the flowers at Rose’s flower stand.

“Excuse me, ma’am, you’re standing on my tail.” The mare turned her way, looking down, and jumping off immediately with an “oh! I’m so sorry!” Lyla replied with a “It’s ok.” and a warm smile, starting to walk again. Starburst looked back, seeing Lyla’s tail dragging farther behind them than her mane.

“Lyla?” Starburst had come to a decision.

“Yes?” She got the lavender mare’s attention.

“We have to do something about your mane.”

“I will not cut it.” Starburst sighed. Lyla was sweet and all, but when she plainly stated something like that there was no room for argument.

“Then we’ll go by the salon or something. You’ll pick up dirt like that anyway.” She seemed to make enough sense to get Lyla to think twice.

“Mm, Ok. As long as they don’t cut it.”

“Ok, ok.” Starburst rolled her eyes, continuing on her way

“Claire?” Lyla followed somewhat behind Starburst, as she was calling for her friend, into Carousel Boutique. She looked around at all the dresses in the store. She’d seen dresses before, never worn one, but they had clothing stores in the Crystal Empire, though none had attire with as much personality as the clothing she was seeing now.

She followed Starburst into a different, smaller room, showcasing jewelry, it seemed. “Claire?” Starburst called for her friend again. Lyla looked up from the pair of earrings she was inspecting in time to see the pink and purple pony/dragon come out of the back room.

“Oh. Welcome Starburst. Can I help you?” She spoke. Lyla watched her curiously, she'd never seen anything like her before….

“I wanted to apologize for not greeting you at my party yesterday.” ‘Starburst had a party yesterday?’ She hadn’t mentioned it. She continued, “It was rude of me.”

“Oh, you came all the way for that? How sweet, think nothing of it, darling.” Claire smiled, noticing Lyla, who was still somewhat watching her. “Starburst, who is this?” Attention turned to Lyla, whose thoughts were drifting. She remembered Starburst talking about a dragon/pony. Was this the same one?

“Oh, She’s my old friend from the Crystal Empire.” Lyla’s face lit up.

“So you’re Claire. Starburst has told me about you. Its nice to finally put a face to the name.” She smiled in what she hoped was a friendly manner.

“Oh? I’m sorry, I don’t believe Starburst had ever mentioned you. It could just be my memory, however. I’m not the best at details.” Lyla could tell she was just being polite and had no idea who she was.

“No,” She answered through giggles. “I’m sure Starburst has never mentioned me. It would surprise me if she did.” She looked the dragon/pony over again as she addressed Starburst.

She looked like a pony, but she had two horns instead of one, claws, and a long tail with a tuft of fur at the end. Not quite what she had expected of a mix species. Not that she’d seen a dragon… but she read about them and seen pictures in books.

Now, she was, fortunately or other, a pony who voiced her thoughts. She didn’t really mean to, it just happened, and it was happening again. “You’re a lot prettier than I thought a mix would be.” Now it was obvious she meant no harm.

“… Should I be complimented or insulted..?” She was shocked at the revelation that it wasn’t obvious to Claire. She had apparently offended her, and her face had said it loud and clear. The question was directed at Starburst, but Lyla cut her off, answering first.

“It was a compliment!” She took a bit of a deep breath, containing her… excitement. She smiled. “It was a compliment. I’m very sorry if I offended you. I meant no harm at all.”

She sighed in relief when the anger in the half-dragons face diminished… almost completely. She decided now was a good time to change the subject. “Do you run this shop all by yourself?”

“Well, this half of it.” Claire answered, moving around the counter. “My mother runs the dress shop you went through. She makes the dresses. I, however, make the jewelry that accents them.”

“Where is your mom, Claire?” All eyes turned to Starburst, who chose now to get her first word in in about ten minutes. Oops. She was so happy to meet a new pony, she forget to give Star a chance to talk… she’d have to work on that.

“Mm, upstairs I believe. Do you need her?” Claire was speaking as she was taking a necklace and earrings off a mannequin. She had no idea why she was doing it though. To her, the mannequin was beautiful the way it was, but she kept her comments to herself, opting to walk around while Claire and Starburst finished their conversation.

“Yeah, we have… a request of her.” That caught Lyla’s attention. Starburst didn’t mention having anything else to do here. Not that it wasn’t very surprising. She loved her little cousin, but she wasn’t the best at talking… or remembering.

“Very well. I’ll go fetch her.” Lyla looked up in time to see Claire disappear into the back room, leaving she and Starburst alone in the shop.

“She’s nice.” She initiated conversation while going around, looking at the wares. “Seemed like she has a small bit of anger issues though.” She didn’t see the confused look the little orange mare gave her, but she heard the slight confusion in her voice when she spoke.

“You can tell that?” She paused a second, thinking, Lyla assumed, before continuing. “You didn’t use your spell. Your horn didn’t glow.” It was a statement, but she heard the unasked question in it, and giggled.

“No, but my spell isn’t my only talent. We’ve only met four times since I got my cutie mark, so I suppose a situation hasn’t come up where I have had to explain it. Other ponies may as well be open books to me.” She continued walking around.

“These dresses are beautiful.” She giggled. “As to be expected of the pony who designed my mothers wedding dress.” It wasn’t that she didn’t know anypony at all. Her family had told her stories about a few of them, she had just never met them. She turned to face Starburst when she came up to study the dress she was looking at.

“I don’t know what the big deal is, really.” She watched her friend go back to the counter. “A dress is a dress. We don’t even really need them.” Lyla sighed, rolling her eyes. Leave it to Starburst to have the most practical opinion ever.

“Its not the necessity, it’s the aesthetic of it. It makes ponies feel better about themselves. Or at least from what I’ve seen.” She missed Starburst’s small shrug.

“I still don’t get it.”

“Did you need my assistance, Starburst, dear?” They both turned, seeing a middle aged white unicorn Lyla had never seen before coming through the door, followed by Claire.

“Oh, uh, yes.” Starburst replied. “This is my friend, Lyla.” Lyla smiled as the unicorns attention turned to her.

“Rarity.” The unicorn… Rarity, smiled back. “A pleasure.” She turned back to Starburst. “So what can I help you with?”

“Well…” Starburst seemed a bit uncertain. Lyla momentarily wondered why, but she continued before she could dwell on it more.

“I was wondering if you might be able to do anything with Lyla’s mane and tail?” Oh. That explained it. If Lyla remembered correctly, Rarity wasn’t a stylist, but she could be a very good one if the situation called for it. She was brought out of her thoughts when Rarity spoke again.

“Wouldn’t that be a job for the salon?” Starburst had mentioned a true high class salon was one of the few things Ponyville was still missing. She looked back at Starburst who, to her surprise was giving a slightly irritated look back at her.

“We tried that.” She started, turning back to Rarity. “They said they didn’t know what to do with it.” Lyla, feeling sheepish at the statement and looking away, didn’t see that said statement had perked Claire’s interest. The pink pony-dragon came out from behind the counter where she was working, walking over to Lyla.

“How can they not know what to do with……. Oh my….” Claire stopped, a shocked look on her face.

The look, apparently getting her mothers attention, had Rarity heading around the counter. She walked around to see Lyla’s seven foot river of mane, followed by seven and a half to eight feet of tail. She tried to conceal her amusement at the wide eyed look of the white unicorn.

“Oh my is right…… darling, why in Equestria would you let you mane get this long!?” Rarity was obviously shocked. She giggled guiltily at the question.

“A… foalhood trauma. I will not cut it. To be honest, I can't.” She looked away a bit. “It wouldn’t be so much a problem if it didn’t drag the ground. Ponies step on it and it picks up dirt.” Though she muttered the last part, everypony still heard it. Rarity went aghast, gasping loudly, in all honesty, spooking her a bit.

“There is no way I can turn aside a mare to get dirt in her mane!” she saw Claire roll her eyes at that. Rarity had apparently missed it and continued. “Allow me a few minutes to come up with…. Something…”

“I thought we weren’t going to be done in time to make it to the swimming hole.” Lyla was walking next to Starburst again, showing off her new double hanging bun look that had taken two hours to achieve. Her little cousin was muttering her thoughts under her breath. She felt bad. She was always so much trouble.

“I’m sorry, Star… I know I’m trouble.” She felt even worse, able to tell by her friend’s face that she'd just made Starburst feel… rather guilty.

“I didn’t mean it like that." Lyla smiled in hopes of assuaging Star’s guilt.

“I know, I’m just glad I have such a good friend. I know what I’m asking of you is very selfish.” Maybe she shouldn’t have ran away. She was having fun of course, but she truly had to think on if the trouble she was causing Starburst was worth it. Though, she didn’t really seem to mind.

‘There’s another one…’ That was the ninth pony she’d seen staring at them. She couldn’t tell if they were watching her or Starburst, but it was rather odd… She was glad when they left the bustle for a more secluded plain.

“Hey Star?” the orange mare turned to her. “Do ponies normally stare at each other here?” It confused her even more when Starburst let out one of her rare giggles.

“No. I’m pretty sure, if you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about, they were staring at you.” Now she was confused.

“Why would they be staring at me?” Starburst replied with a look. She obviously should’ve known, but she had no idea. She decided to change the subject, not wanting to let her ignorance show. “So, who are we meeting here?”

“Candy. Cotton Candy. She’s nice, but..." Starburst got an odd look on her face. It looked somewhat tired, but still happy? Lyla couldn’t place it. “She’s loud…. And way too energetic.”

“She sounds fun.” She answered a bit through a giggle. It was true. She’d never quite met anypony that was loud before. Except her brother, but he’d pretty much grown out of that.

There was a small period of quiet before Lyla herd a “cannonball!!!” then a splash. She looked up to see a good sized lake, and two ponies swimming in it, one a light blue, the other a dark purple. She followed Starburst over to the edge of the lake, hearing a sound that made her stop in her tracks. She looked around curiously, but continued walking, not wanting to get left behind.

She looked back at Star, noticing she was looking in a direction. Out of curiosity, she looked in the same direction and saw the cause of the odd sound. A dark colored, rainbow-maned pony in a lounge chair. She giggled, realizing the odd sound was his very loud snoring. She assumed it was a he.

He looked to be rather… brawny for a mare. She turned her attention back to the lake in shock when she stepped in it. She looked up, seeing Starburst heading out to the middle of the lake. She was rather hesitant, but followed her until she was about neck high in the water. To her relief, it seemed one of the swimming ponies, the blue one had spotted them and was heading over quickly.

“Starburst!!” She appeared rather excited at their arrival. “You came!” She smiled happily.

“You always seem so surprised.” Starburst said, not looking too amused at the statement she had made. Lyla, however, giggled. She could see being surprised at her little cousin doing anything that didn’t involve training. Her giggle seemed to get the attention of the blue pony.

“Oh! Whose this? I’ve never seen you around here before.” She, again was obviously excited, at meeting a new pony, Lyla assumed. Before she could answer, the other pony, the purple one, backstroked by through the water.

“I’m Whirlwind.” She sat up, about to say something else, the other pony cut her off.

“I’m Candy!” She giggled once more. These two were amusing.

“I’m Lyla.” She paused to see if Starburst wanted to take over, and continued when she didn’t speak. “I’m a friend of Star’s. From the Crystal Empire.” She added the last part as not to have to explain why they’d never seen her before. “Nice to meet you.” She smiled. Whirlwind turned to address Starburst.

“You never told me ya had a friend in the Crystal Empire.” It was more a statement than a question, luckily, and Candy spoke before anypony there could think more on it.

“You wanna swim?” Lyla looked away a little, hesitating before answering.

“I’d love to learn.” She smiled. Candy gave her an odd look, which changed when she realized what she’d implied.

“You can’t swim?” Whirlwind arched an eyebrow a bit before Starburst interjected.

“Could you teach her? I have to try to get 100 laps in. After that I’ll help.” Whirlwind shrugged laying back down, floating in the water. Candy’s answer was slightly more enthusiastic.

“Sure!” She smiled big, slipping out of the float tube she was in. “Here! Use this. Go through it.” Lyla did as commanded, though anxiously. She was surprised when she didn’t sink. The water was nice… it was an odd feeling of weightlessness she‘d yet to experience.

She looked around, noticing Starburst was starting her laps. She didn’t see Whirlwind around, though, but Candy got her attention back before she could scan the whole lake. “Now kick your back legs! Like this!” She demonstrated.

Lyla liked to think herself a quick learner, and though she got the idea of swimming within the hour, she was rather reluctant to let go of the inner tube. Starburst, having heard the commotion, Lyla guessed, came over.

“How’s it going?” She turned to her cousin, holding the inner tube.

“Really good! She’s a really fast learner! I think she’s ready to do it without the floatie, but…” Candy trailed off, turning to Lyla as she spoke. Lyla pouted a bit.

“Are you really sure..? Really?” Whirlwind, who had been floating around them giving words of encouragement here and there, floated by once more with a,

“You’re totally ready! Go for it.” She was now holding on to the float wit one hoof. She did second guess herself more than she should. Perhaps she was okay… she wasn’t sinking yet.

“ Just try.” The last bit from Starburst was all she needed. She let go, letting a small “ah!” When she sank a little, but regained it, floating back up.

“Yes! Look Star! Look! I’m swimming!” She smiled, full of happiness. Starburst giggled slightly at what Lyla could assume would be her over enthusiasm. She couldn’t help it, this was a real accomplishment.

Said over enthusiasm didn’t bother Candy one bit. She, in fact joined with a “Yay!!” and lifting her front hooves in the air, forgetting she needed them to tread water, resulting in her sinking, leaving a bit of bubbles behind…. She came back up shortly after though. Lyla decided not to question it, opting to giggle instead.

“Who’re you?” Lyla looked up, seeing the rainbow-maned colt from earlier… about half a foot away. She wasn’t a pony to startle easily, but having him so close so suddenly did the job. She “eeped” sinking a little before grabbing the tube again.

He was hovering about four inches above the water, and leaning down to get a better look at her. She blushed under such scrutiny, forgetting to introduce herself, receiving an arched eyebrow from the colt. He turned to Whirlwind.

“Hey, Wind, who’s the new girl?”

“Lyla. She’s Starburst’s friend.” Lyla noticed at this time that Starburst had resumed her laps, leaving her alone… She didn’t see the colt had turned back to her until he said her name.

“Lyla, huh? The names Prism Bolt,” He smirked a bit, leaning back, still hovering in one place. She momentarily wondered how he was able to do that before he continued. “I’m sure ya heard of me?” He put both hooves behind his head, hovering around her on his back. She watched him fly around, blush lingering.

“Um…” She thought for a second. “ Starburst might’ve mentioned you…” She did remember the name, but she couldn’t remember what she had said about him. The revelation that he was mentioned seemed to have a rather positive effect on… Prism as the smirk he was wearing grew more prominent. She smiled a bit in return.

“Heh, oh, she did, huh? So what’d she tell ya? Bout my awesome flying? My rugged good looks?” He ran a hoof through his mane to accentuate his statement.

Candy laughed, not the least bit shy at showing her amusement at the statement. Whirlwind rolled her eyes slightly, but bore a smile. Lyla, on the other hoof, felt the blush that was starting to leave her reappear. She looked away, for a reason she was unsure of.

“Something like that…. Perhaps…” She couldn’t conceal a smile at the thought of Starburst saying something like that about somepony. Candy and Whirlwind burst out laughing for what Lyla thought to be the same reason. Prism apparently didn’t get the joke.

“What’s so funny?” He looked to be more confused than offended. She let a small giggle at that. Before anypony could answer his question, however, Starburst came back over.

“Prism.” She greeted the pegasus with a nod. He lazily flipped a hoof in her direction. It wasn’t even a real wave. Starburst frowned a bit, rolling her eyes at the motion.

“Oh, you’re a pegasus pony?” He seemed to have noticed her wings. Most ponies with eyes could see she was one, ‘somewhat..’ but she understood since they hadn’t seen her out of the water. She wondered what it mattered, but didn’t get to ask. Whirlwind sat up again with a smile.

“You fly?” She asked, definitely excited. Starburst looked away from her newly formed conversation with Candy. Lyla wasn’t the best at coming up with fibs on the spot, but she could handle this… or she could try.

“Not… really.” She subconsciously started heading to the shore, following Candy and Starburst, who started heading there after she answered. She could tell Starburst was trying to get her out of the situation without raising suspicion. She had such a good friend.

“See, “ Prism started, following them from the air. “Flying for sport is so overrated.” Sure, she’ll go with that. Whirlwind turned to him with a small frown.

“Well, yeah, but the wonderbolts are still way awesome.” ‘The what?’ before she could ask, Whirlwind turned back to her.

“You still wouldn’t mind flyin with me though, would ya? It’d be nice racing somepony you don't know you don’t stand a chance at winning against.” Prism flew by, whistling innocently at her complaint. She would’ve giggled, but she was rather busy thinking of a way to politely turn her down.

“Um… Well…-”

“We have to go.” Starburst cut her off, saving her for the moment. They climbed out of the water. They all shook the water out of their fur, Candy poofing, before Whirlwind continued.

“Well, I guess its cool of you don‘t really want to. Me and Bolt grew up with all the good fliers in Cloudsdale, so its just nice to see what pegasi we don‘t know can do.”

Lyla looked away from them. She hated disappointing other ponies without good reason but… if she tried to fly, she didn’t see it turning out too good. Candy moved around smiling.

“You know, if you’re not that good, it won’t be that bad. Whirlwind and Prism are really, really good! So they can help you get better! Right?” She turned to the other two pegasi.

“Sure. Why not?” Whirlwind nodded, Prism just muttered something about don’t volunteer other ponies, but didn’t seem reluctant. She was still uncertain, however, if she should be honest. She looked to Starburst for any kind of indication of what to do, but the other pony looked to be lost in thought.

“Its… not quite that….”

“Well then what is it?” Prism seemed to be getting tired of this guessing game. Though she was sure it wasn’t in anger or frustration… she assumed curiosity. She looked around at all the eyes on her… would they help her?. She looked away in shame, lowering her body a bit.

“What?” Whirlwind took a guess. “Are you afraid of heights or something? Cause we can definitely help with that.” She shot a knowing smirk at Prism, who blushed, glaring.

“ Sh-shut up!” She felt a pull on her wings before she could comment on Whirlwind’s statement, turning to see Candy pulling her wings up to inspect them.

Starburst, still silent, was still lost in thought at something. She was watching Lyla, but not truly commenting on anything that was going on. Not that that was odd, but had hoped to receive a little help.

“It doesn’t look like anything’s wrong with your wings.” Candy apparently decided, flapping one of her wings. “But I’m not an expert.” She sighed.

“They’re… fine… for the most part…” She didn’t think it’d be this hard to tell somepony the truth.

“She can’t.” All eyes turned to Starburst, who finally decided to speak. “She can’t fly. At all.”

There was complete and total silence. She couldn’t believe Starburst had just told them her most shaming secret…… but surely she had good reason…? Prism fell on the ground in laughter, breaking the silence.

“Hah, good one! And I thought you weren’t one for jokes!” Starburst gave him a glare as he got up, not even having to say “this is not a joke”.

“Uh, Bolt…” Whirlwind leaned in. “I think she means it.”

“What? Seriously?” Lyla looked away sadly when he shot her a look of disbelief. Candy came up with the courage to ask what she was sure the other ponies were thinking.

“Why..?” The question was directed at Lyla, but she and Starburst answered. Star with a “its not for me to say” and she with a “I’d rather not talk about it.” They seemed to take that. She felt bad keeping things from other ponies, but she wanted no sympathy.

“Okie dokie!” Candy smiled, making all ponies, including Lyla laugh. She liked Candy.

“Now, ” Starburst turned to Prism. “ I have two questions for you. What’s tomorrows forecast?” Before he could answer Whirlwind voiced her thoughts.

“Oh, you helped today, Starburst?” Starburst nodded.

“But," She looked up. “I do still think twelve clouds per pony is excessive.”

“Twelve!?” Lyla, Starburst and Candy all turned to her amazed reaction. “Rainbow said six per pegasus.” Starburst, along with the others turned to where Prism… wasn’t.

“Oops!” They all looked to where they heard the voice, looking up to see Prism about 30 feet in the air on a nearby cloud.

“Sorry! Guess I heard her wrong! My bad!” He winked with a smirk, then flew off, leaving a rainbow trail. Lyla blushed once more, giggling. He was quite a fast flier.

“He’s…. quite an interesting colt… huh, Star?” She turned to her small friend, who was glaring after him.

“Interesting. Right. The word I’d use would run closer to donkey.” Candy and Whirlwind burst out with laughter, giving Lyla the feeling she’d missed something.

“I didn’t get to ask my other question...” She didn’t sound upset, more thoughtful than anything.

“I guess it would be better to ask you anyway.” She turned to Whirlwind, “Will you tell Rainbow Dash to get Prism and meet me at the entrance to Cloudsdale at 8 A.M. tomorrow?”

“Sure.” Whirlwind nodded “But what for?” Lyla agreed. What could Starburst be wanting to get out of all this? She was very confused at her behavior.

“If you want to know, come with them.” Starburst smirked a bit, turning back to Lyla. “We need to start heading to Sweet Apple Acres”

“First!” Candy popped up. “I’m going flower picking with Annie tomorrow around noon! Wanna come?” Annie. That’s a name she recognized. She got her cutie mark because of her.

“Ok, I’d love to.” She nodded with a smile. She was curious to meet this Annie. Candy showed her happiness with another “Yay!”. Lyla giggled a little. “See you guys tomorrow!” She waved a bit before turning to follow Starburst to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Why did you tell them…?” She didn’t get an answer immediately as Starburst was more interested in looking at the ground.

“Whirlwind is an amazing aerial acrobat. She might be able to refine your flying ability.” What flying ability?! She had none and Starburst knew that very well!

“My what..?” Starburst sighed.

“Prism….” She paused. “I hate to say it, and it might not look it, but if he isn’t the best flier in Equestria, he very well could be if he worked at it.” She paused again.

“I think they might be able to teach you to fly.” That perked her interest. Even after she stopped having fainting spells and started practicing, she couldn’t learn. She didn’t know what her block was…

“But they’re lazy.” Starburst continued when she stayed silent. “Even if we both asked, I doubt Prism would do it. Whirlwind might, but…” She trailed off.

“That’s why I’m asking his mother. There’s still no guarantees, but it’s a thought.” She truly had a wonderful friend. And she was glad that friend had equally nice friends… She voiced her thoughts after a small period of silence.

“You have some very lovely friends, Star.” Lyla once again initiated conversation, walking alongside her friend.

“I have been worrying about you. You aren’t the most social of ponies, after all.” There was a moment of silence before Lyla let out a giggle. “Do you remember how long it took me to get you to open up?”

“You’re so stubborn.” Starburst was smiling a bit when she said it. There was obviously no offense meant, they were both stubborn. She had figured out it ran in the family, though some ponies got more of it than others.

“I was excited! I hadn’t met another filly my age before! Even though the flying didn’t work out too well, it was nice to have your attention.”

Starburst came to a rather sudden halt, making her stop as well. She looked up to see what had caused it and saw a giant orchard, trees as far as she could see, a path cut through them to a farmhouse with a barn next to it.

“Wow..” Was the only word she could think of to describe the awesome size of it.. She heard Starburst chuckle a bit.

“Sweet Apple Acres. Cool, huh?” Starburst continued walking, Lyla following with an excited nod.

“Yes!” She looked around at the trees behind the fences lining the path they walked. “I’ve never seen so many…” She stopped a second, putting a hoof to her chin.

“Well,” She continued walking. “not that I’ve seen an apple tree before… I just never thought I’d see this many at once!"

She saw a blue shimmer out of the corner of her eye, and looked to see a butterfly flittering next to them. It had beautiful blue wings that glittered when it flapped them. She’d seen butterflies back in the Crystal Empire, but never this close before. When she did see them it was usually from her balcony.

She was so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t realized they had reached the farmhouse until she heard Starburst knock on the door. She moved back, subconsciously getting behind Starburst a little, when the door was opened by an orange mare, almost the same color as her little orange cousin, but… Starburst looked a bit lighter to her.

“Yeah-lo?” The older mare spoke. “Ah, Starburst. Ah reckon yer lookin’ fer mah boy?” Starburst answered with a nod, allowing her to continue.

“He’s out in the barn. Just left.” Lyla had apparently caught the older mare’s attention when Starburst moved around to start heading to the barn, leaving Lyla more conspicuous. Not that she was hiding. She loved Starburst, but hiding behind her would be rather …difficult. “Ah don remember seein you round Ponyville afore.”

“Oh, I’m not quite from around here. I’m Lyla.” She introduced herself with a smile.

“Ah see. Well, hope ya like Ponyville. It’s sure one of a kind.” She would’ve talked to the mare a bit more, but she’d noticed Starburst had already started walking towards the barn, and was leaving her behind. She hurried off after her, yelling a quick thank you back to the mare, whose name she regrettably didn’t get.

“Who was that? One of your mother’s friends?” She slowed to a walk, catching up to Starburst, who nodded.

“Yeah. That was Applejack. She’s real nice. Well, all of mom’s friends are, but I like her. She’s really strong and hardworking but humble about it. I’ve got a lot of respect for her.” That made sense. That sounded a lot like how the little mare herself wanted to be.

“Actually… “Lyla turned when she continued speaking. “Del’s a lot like that too now that I think about it.” Del? Golden Delicious. She'd heard that name a few times before. From what she could remember, he was Starburst’s best male friend.

She looked around once more as they walked into the barn. She couldn’t help but smile, she’d, of course, never been in a barn before. She saw a stallion off to the side with a stack of empty bushels on his back, which he slid Into a rather large wagon. Starburst trotted over.

“Need some help?” She asked with a half smile, announcing their presence. He smiled a gentle smile at her.

“Hey, Star. Ya still walkin’? Ah thought your legs’d be killin’ ya today.” Lyla arched an eyebrow. ‘Killing her? I hadn’t noticed anything different’

“Well..” She looked thoughtfully at her legs for a second, then moved one around a bit. “Not using them doesn’t help anything.” He chuckled a little, but it wasn’t an amused chuckle… at least it didn’t seem that way to Lyla. Starburst on the other hoof, frowned. “What?”

“Nothin’.” He shook his head. “Ah guess Ah jus shoulda expected that.” He turned to Lyla, who had just been a silent onlooker up to this point. She just wasn’t one to speak out of turn, but since he had noticed her, she smiled.

“I’m Lyla. Nice to meet you.” He nodded with a smile.

“Del.” He moved around to lift a… saddle bag? No, it was two bags attached by a rope, and it looked like the bags were already full.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” Starburst walked next to him, both of them walking out Lyla following behind.

“Ah gotta feed the pigs. Ma should have the piled the bad apples around 'em by now, re-plow an plant the west field, and go back through the northern orchard ta buck the apples Aunt AB missed.” He walked around the barn as he spoke. Lyla’s eyes went wide with disbelief.

“You have to do all of that before dark?” That sounded like quite a bit of work. He just chuckled with a “yep” . Her thoughts trailed to something else he had said…

“Um..” She broke the small silence, deciding to ask. “How do you… buck apples? Is it a game..?”

She had remembered Starburst talking about it before, but she’d never truly explained it, so she was still rather sketchy on the details, which was the reason why she was so shocked when they both looked at her blankly. She felt as if she’d just asked the dumbest question in Equestrian history.

“What?” She couldn’t hold back a blush at the stallion's small laugh. Though he laughed, Starburst was the one to answer her.

“Haven’t I ever told you? It’s how earth ponies get the apples off the trees.” Oh. That was quite a bit different than what she had in mind.

“Well, not jus apples. Any tree fruit, really.” Del added, going around a pony-sized pile of bruised and mushy apples. As she and Starburst followed him, she began to hear odd grunting and squeaking sounds she’d never heard before.

“Ya’ll don get out too much, huh?” He was obviously speaking to her, though she was too distracted by the pink, mud-covered creatures crowding the wooden fence to answer. She backed up behind Starburst once more, again, not hiding, just… making herself less conspicuous.

They were pigs, if she remembered correctly… not many of her books had mentioned them, but a lot of her spelling books had. She watched Del nudge the pile of apples towards the pig pen, of course it fell over, but all but about eight landed in the pen. She felt something hit her hoof, and looked to see an apple.

“Wanna try to feed them?” She looked up at Starburst, who had rolled the apple over to her, then over to the snorting group of pigs, watching anxiously as they ate the apples as if they were starving to death.

She was about to levitate the apple over, but, remembering she technically had no horn, picked it up in her mouth. She followed Starburst, having an apple of her own, until she was up to the fence where she, mimicking Starburst once more, dropped it over. She giggled as the pigs gobbled it up with the others.

‘Ok, pigs, not dangerous.’ She hated how little she knew. Her books never mentioned pigs weren’t dangerous, or bucking apples from trees was a task and not a game. She turned to Del, who was just dropping the last apple over the fence.

“Can I try?” He gave an odd look at her question, between confusion and amusement.

“Ah thought ya jus did.”

“Oh, no..” She shook her head. “I meant… bucking the apples.”

“Apple buckin’?” He smiled a bit. “Sure. If ya think you're up for it.” He walked by, heading another way around the barn. She and Starburst followed side by side.

“Are you sure you want to try that?” Starburst voiced her concerns, for once, initiating conversation. “Its not as easy as it sounds.”

“Well,” She smiled. “I can do anything any other pony can do, right?”

She was slightly upset that Starburst hadn’t agreed with her, remaining silent, but… she couldn’t truly blame her. It wasn’t easy for ponies who knew her as she was to see her now. Both of their thoughts were interrupted by Del.

“Hey, Star?” They both looked to him. “You wanna pull the plow?” Lyla looked out to the field, then back to the huge… thing he was standing next to. She was going to pull that..?

“Yeah. I’ll do that.” Starburst moved forward, going through the collar attached to the plow.

Lyla was barely able to stifle a giggle when she saw that Starburst had missed Del giving the plow a small push before letting her take off with it. He took a couple steps back, now standing next to her, both of them watching the small pegasus pull the plow that was easily two, maybe three times larger than her.

“So,” Del started, “How ya know Star? Last Ah heard she didn' know too many Canterlot ponies.” She smiled, happy he was trying to make conversation.

“Close. Crystal Empire. I’ve actually never been to Canterlot. Star and I are foalhood friends. She was, in all honesty my first friend.” She watched on as said friend kept pulling the huge plow. She looked like she was having a time with it, but it was moving, and rather quickly.

“She’s something else isn’t she?” She let her thought escape, getting a chuckle out of light orange stallion.

“That’s an understatement. She’s so stubborn an hardworking, Ah swear she got earth pony in er somewhere.” He laughed again. “Nah, jus kiddin'. Ah do respect 'er though. Bein able ta work as hard as she does twards a goal like that ain’t something anypony can do.” Now, Lyla was quite an observant pony, and though it was faint, she saw something on his face as he spoke…

“You know," She smiled inwardly a bit. “She speaks quite fondly of you as well.”

“Huh? S-she does?....” The blush on his face said it all. Lyla giggled, nodding.

“So I am to assume you’re rather fond of her yourself?” She was able to hold back another giggle as his blush darkened and his eyes widened.

“W-what? Ah.. Um Ah dunno what you’re talkin bout! Not one bit!” He turned. “Oh! Would ya look at that! Looks like Stars bout done.” He backed up nervously.

“Better.. Head on over there… ta help her!” He ran off to the other side of the field, where Starburst was finishing the last row. She couldn't help but laugh at that. As pathetic of flier she was, he was equally pathetic of liar. She thought for a second. He was talking to Starburst, and both were quite distracted… it would be a good opportunity…

She moved back a little, closing her eyes. Her horn, though unseen, glowed as she used her magic. A small lavender heart floating from Del hit her horn.

She felt overwhelming affection…a yearning? Perhaps? She couldn’t think of the words… Its been rare for her to feel another pony feeling as strongly as that. When she opened her eyes, Del was walking between the rows, dropping seeds out of the bags on his back and Starburst was…. Three feet away frowning at her.

“Did you just use your magic…?” Darn. She’d been found out. She smiled.

“Perhaps. I was curious! And it wasn’t much of anything anyway.” She turned away, hoping to avoid further questioning. Starburst wasn’t much for questioning anyway.

“So,” She changed the subject. “Which way is the northern orchard, anyway?” She wasn’t sure if Starburst knew or not, but figured she’d have a better idea than her. She couldn’t tell north or south from up or down… to her they were the same thing. Though her brother had once tried to explain to her how they were different, she still didn’t truly understand.

“That way.” Starburst pointed in a direction with her hoof. Lyla smiled.

“And you learned that from working here?” A nod affirmed her assumption. She turned back, seeing Del was finishing up with his task. “I do believe this farm work has done wonders for your training.” Her statement got the stoic pony next to her to turn her head.

“…Really?” She nodded, receiving a rare smile from the little pony. “Thanks.” She nodded again, then paused before speaking again.

“… You train with him often?” She knew Starburst was… dense, for lack of better word, of most things outside of common sense and training. There was no way she’d ever notice the stallions feelings for her, especially when he hid them so well.

“Yeah. I started out following June. She’s strong and all, but farming cherries was…. Repetitive. Apples are quicker paced and there’s more variety of things to do. It is just my opinion, of course.” Lyla giggled a bit.

“He seems to be a good trainer.” Luckily it was more a statement than a question, for it would’ve gone unanswered as Del came up to fetch them.

“You gals ready ta head ta the orchard?” He didn’t really wait for an answer, heading the direction Starburst had pointed out earlier. Said pony followed him, Lyla tailing her.

It was getting late. Not dark late, but the sun was low and hot. It was nice being outside, but she wasn’t truly used to it in the least. Not that she was complaining. It was a welcome change. She looked around, seeing tree after tree, bare of ripe apples.

It was quiet, aside from the chirping of birds. She arched an eyebrow as the trees she was seeing started to have a red spot here and there. He went over to one that had about twelve apples on it, she guessed.

“Star? Ya wanna show her what a applebuck looks like?” Starburst nodded, walking over to the tree.

Lyla watched intently as she backed up to it, looking back at it a second before bucking it, getting ten of the apples to fall, most into a nearby bushel basket somepony had set there earlier. A few trees had the baskets under them when they had arrived, though she had just noticed them. She smiled excitedly.

“Now, don hit too hard your first try. Ya’ll can hurt yourself.” He nodded her towards a tree that had another bushel basket under it. She walked over, putting a hoof on the trunk. The tree was quite a bit sturdier than she’d expected, but she wasn’t deterred much.

She backed up to the tree, seeing Star and Del both watching her, the slightest hint of uncertainty on the mare’s face. She looked back a bit. It seemed she was far away enough, though she would admit she had no real idea of what she was doing.

‘Here it goes..’ She lifted both hind legs to buck, as she’d seen Starburst do before, and unlike Star, fell on her face with an “ow!” when her back legs left the ground.

It apparently took the two onlookers a second to register what had happed… or a second to react to it. Starburst was first, covering her muzzle to stifle a snort.

“Are… you ok?” There was obvious concern in her voice, but Lyla didn’t answer, standing up silently. She couldn’t truly blame them for laughing. She probably did look rather ridiculous.

“Well, that’s a new one on me.” Del said through hearty laughter. Again, not meant to be hurtful at all.

“It… was rather pathetic, wasn’t it?” She giggled a bit.

“Not at all.” Del smiled, letting out another chuckle. “But ya might wanna fly up ta get the rest a them apples.” She looked at the ground in shame.

“I…….. can’t…….” She wasn’t sure if he’d heard her or not, but continued anyway, looking up.

“I’ll just try again!” She nodded once as if to agree with her own decision. She saw Starburst shaking her head. Though she didn’t speak, the look on her face said she thought she was going to kill herself. She ignored the look, backing up to the tree again, taking position.

“Wait.” She turned to Del, pausing pre-buck. He came over. “Take a step up. Your taller than Star, so ya got longer legs.” She did as instructed, moving up a little, leaning down to try another buck.

She was interrupted by Del once more when he moved her left hoof over about two inches. “K. Now go.” She looked back, grounding her front hooves before she bucked the trunk of the adolescent apple tree, knocking four apples from it, none of which landed in the basket, but she got them off the tree! She smiled.

“I did it! I did it! I applebucked!” She reared in excitement, getting another head shake from Starburst, which she , again, ignored. “Can I try again?”

“Sure.” He smiled. “Star, why don’ you an her take that basket to that there tree?” She missed Starburst’s nod as she was picking up the apples she got off the tree and putting them into the basket.

Starburst got the last one, putting it in, then biting the side of the basket to drag it to a different tree. When they got to said tree, Lyla immediately took her new apple bucking position, causing her to miss Del’s action of kicking the tree she’d just left, knocking down the rest of the ripe apples. Starburst, however, was more observant, and smiled warmly at the gesture.

Since the field had already been bucked, it didn’t take too long for them to finish. To Lyla, though, there weren’t too many apples for all the trees they’d bucked.

After the first three trees, she and Starburst had traded off, taking turns applebucking a tree. It was a bit of a blow to what little pride she had that her cousin, who was about half her size, was easily twice as strong as she. It was understandable, but sad nonetheless.

They had run out of bushel baskets with about eight trees left to buck, so Del had sent her and Starburst to the barn to get the wagon. Lyla assumed it to be the one he was loading when they arrived.

“I wonder why he sent both of us. I can pull the wagon on my own.” She giggled inwardly. In all likeliness, he didn’t want her prying deeper into the earlier conversation they’d had.

“Are you complaining of my company, Star?” She leaned around with a smile. “I’m hurt!” Starburst rolled her eyes with a smile.

“I can tell. So you like working the farm?” She had to think about that. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it...

“I do, but… Well, I have the feeling I’m not too good at it.” The barn came into view. They were quite a bit closer than she’d first thought.

“You’re doing pretty good for never working a day in your life.” She smiled. She knew Starburst wasn’t a pony to hand out false compliments or sugar-coat things, so that made her feel a bit better. They walked into the barn in relevant silence. Lyla turned to look out the door.

It was getting rather late. Still not dark, but late. Odd sounds caught her attention and she turned back to see the little mare hitching herself to a wagon that was… rather big. Not as big as the plow, but big. She watched her take a few steps to the door, then look back at her, an indication to follow, which she did. Her thoughts wondered as they walked, bringing her to something that made her smile.

“Del seems to me to be as nice as you’ve said.” Starburst smiled a bit.

“Yeah, well I guess. You should be telling me. You used your magic on him, right?” Crap. She’d hoped she’d forgotten about that… “You know what your mom said about using that spell for selfish reasons.” Great, now she was getting a scolding. Around Starburst she always felt more like a little sister than an elder cousin.

“I didn’t use it selfishly. I used it to learn something. And yes, he is a sweetheart. I was asking your opinion.” She turned away defiantly, but kept walking. She wasn’t truly upset in the least, just hoped she didn’t ask what she’d learned from it.

“I told you my opinion. I don’t really think there’s a mean pony in Ponyville. Prism comes the closest, but even then he’s not mean. Just dumb sometimes.”

She mentally pouted. She was glad she didn’t pry further into Del’s feelings, but she didn’t give a definite answer to her question either, and she was out of time. They came up to where Del was waiting, by the small group of trees where they’d run out of bushels.

“Thanks.” He moved around, putting two of the empty baskets on his back. “Can you gals load the wagon while Ah go fill these?” Starburst gave a nod unhitching herself, while Lyla opted for a more vocal and happy “Yep.” He walked not too far away, leaving the task to them.

Though she agreed, she had no idea how to get them off the ground without magic. She watched Starburst nudge one of the full bushels against the wheel of the wagon, lifting it a bit until it rested on her back, she slid it off into the wagon, using her mouth to stabilize it until it was in. There was no way she could do that… She’d drop the whole thing.

“Um…” She didn’t even have to fully voice her uncertainty on the matter before Starburst turned to her, another basket already on her back.

“Its alright. I got it.” She slid the basket into the wagon. Lyla smiled at her friends understanding. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to try, she didn’t want to mess up their hard work. “Its good training anyway.” She rolled her eyes slightly at that.

“Star, you can make anything into training.” For as long as she’d known her this had been true. Even as a filly. Starburst looked thoughtful for a second, thinking of a rebuttal, she assumed.

“Everything but parties.” She would have to agree with that.

There wasn’t too much training in those. Her ear turned when she heard hoofsteps heading towards them, her head following soon after to see Del coming out from behind a few trees, both baskets, now full, on his back. Starburst, as they were talking, had made rather quick work of the full bushels, having only three left, which she loaded one more of before Del got the other two. He turned to them with a smile as they finished.

“Thank ya two kindly, Ah can take it from 'ere.” He moved around, hitching himself to the wagon.

“Thanks ta you, I’m ahead fer the first time this week. Ah owe ya one.” Lyla smiled. It felt good to help other ponies. She’d always liked it, but few opportunities for it ever arose at the Crystal Palace. He gave a quick wave and uttered a “see ya” before walking off. Starburst said a quick bye as well before spreading her wings, looking like she was about to fly off.

“Star?” Lyla giggled when realization hit the orange pegasus.

“Oh. Right.” She lay her wings back to rest at her sides as she started walking, Lyla in tow.

“Sorry.” She felt bad making her change her normal routine to accommodate her. Starburst shook her head.

“Its fine.”

“So,” Lyla started with a smile. “What do you want for dinner? I’ll do the cooking as thanks for your sacrifice.” She didn’t like to boast, but she was very confident in her cooking. It was one thing she loved to do that passed the time in the Crystal Palace.

“K.” Starburst nodded, then stopped. “We’ll probably need to go to the market.” Lyla arched an eyebrow at this.


“I’m pretty sure I only have hay at home.” That… Sounded like Star.

She never was a pony for cooking. Not that she couldn’t. On one of her visits, in fact, she proved she could rather well. She didn’t like wasting the time when she could just get something ready made or simple, was the answer Lyla had gotten when she questioned her about it then. It seemed she was holding true to it.

“Very well, then. To the market?”

Starburst walked through the quieting market in silence except to answer a question here or there on if she had tried or liked anything different than what the lavender pegasus was purchasing, most often answering no. She watched the older mare running around excitedly in amusement.

‘She’s like a little filly…’ She had picked up some carrots on discount….. Lettuce on discount….. By the third discounted item, Starburst just counted any stall being run by a stallion would be discounted. She rolled her eyes, continuing to walk silently as Lyla put, apparently the last needed item in her saddle pack.

“Ok! That should do it. Thanks for paying and carrying the groceries. I’ll pay you when we get back.” Pay? Starburst turned to her.

“You brought money?” She didn’t answer immediately, but she did answer.

“Well, Not really. I didn’t truly pack. I just brought a sack that I filled with some of my possessions that I might be able to sell for bits if a situation called for it. Some jewels, a phoenix quill, tickets to the Canterlot air show.” Oh, she got those too? She didn’t ponder her money… or lack of, often as they returned to the library, just as the sun hit the horizon. Luna would raise the moon within the hour.

She walked into the library after Lyla, who’s horn, she noticed, had just recently reappeared. As it glowed, she felt the weight of the saddle pack leave her back. She watched it follow Lyla to the kitchen, carried by a pink aura.

“So how long does that spell last?” She followed her into the kitchen, seeing utensils floating through the air, a bowl fly by her head.

“It lasts about twelve hours. Give or take a few minutes.” She walked over to sit at the table, watching her friend work.

“You’ve gotten a lot better with that horn.” She voiced her thoughts, watching all the floating ingredients. Lyla giggled, setting the bowls, now full of food, on either side of the table, one landing in front of Starburst.

“Well,” She sat before continuing, “When you’re stuck in a palace day in and day out, you find different ways to pass the time. Magic and cooking were my most frequent outlets.”

Starburst decided not to reply to that, taking a bite of the food… a lightly cooked salad, it looked like, instead. It was pretty good. She did still like Del’s cooking better, but this was really good. She’d gotten better at that too, apparently. Lyla, of course broke the silence after a few minutes.

“Thank you for today. I’m glad you have so many nice ponies looking after you.”

“Yeah.” She kept eating. “They’re cool.” She missed the older pony rolling her eyes.

“I do wonder why you hadn’t mentioned them any more than you had.” Starburst said nothing. In all honesty, she could hardly remember what she had said about them to begin with. Not that there wasn’t good things to say, she was just better at answering questions than talking. Lyla never really asked about each of them in depth.

“I had no idea Candy was so funny.” Lyla spoke on, “or that Del was so sweet.” Starburst finished her salad, leaning back a little.

She was bout to explain herself when Lyla continued, once more, accidentally cutting her off. “And that pegasus….. Prism Bolt…. Was it?” Starburst momentarily wondered what she found so interesting about her empty bowl before answering.

“What about him?”

Lyla focused on her bowl another few seconds. “I suppose it’s nothing.” She looked away, causing further curiosity for Starburst at her odd behavior.

“Lyla?” It was more like asking if she was alright than a question, which was what she had intended. She was surprised to see the older pony stand suddenly.

“Are you done eating?” She smiled, magic levitating the bowls. “I’ll wash your bowl for you.” That was even more odd. She didn’t usually change a subject so abruptly. She got up, knowing that prying any further would be a lost cause, she left Lyla to the dishes, going upstairs.

She had an extra bed tucked away for when Nighty stayed the weekend, figuring it’d be just as good as anything else, she bent down, pulling it out from under her own bed.

She went around, pulling sheets from a drawer, laying them on the mattress, tossing a few pillows on, when she heard an “eek!” She looked to where it had come from and saw a lavender hoof pull Lyla up the side of the stairs she was hanging off of.

“I… tried to fly up the stairs..” She shook herself off, as if trying to shake off her embarrassment. “Its easier going down…” ‘Going up might be safer.’ She silently thought to herself, climbing onto her own bed, Lyla, apparently just noticing hers. “Star! I could’ve made my own bed! You didn’t have to do that…”

“I know.” She lay down, getting under the covers. “It wasn’t a problem.” She saw a pink glow out of the corner of her eye, Letting her know the alicorn was re-assembling her bed. Or getting ready to sleep. She didn’t care to look. Thankfully, the lights turned off soon after, again by magic, she concluded. There was a period of silence.

“Star..?” She sighed lightly. Lyla’s insomnia had given her a good few sleepless nights in the past, being whether she asked her questions, or just walked around. She couldn’t fully blame her though.

“Mm?” She didn’t want to muster up a word.

“….. Will they laugh at me…? Tomorrow?” She wasn’t completely sure what she was talking about, but she could assume it was her flying, since that was about the only that she hated being laughed at for.

“…..Probably. Whirlwind might not… but Prism most likely will. Don’t take it to heart. They’re good fliers.” She heard a sigh.

“That just makes it worse… Its so embarrassing, a pegasus my age that can’t fly...” She had a perfectly good reason why she couldn’t, but she’d rather not bring it up. She doubted it’d make her feel any better. It would probably make her feel worse.

“Well, Del and I laughed at your apple bucking earlier.” She heard a bit of movement.

“Yes, but apple bucking isn’t something I should’ve been able to do for the last seventeen and a half years…”

Starburst sighed, deciding to voice a thought that had been plaguing her almost all day. “None of your tutors had any luck teaching you, your mother couldn’t teach you… hay, even I couldn’t teach you to fly… I hate to say it, but if they can’t I really don’t know anypony who could.” She did think that Rainbow could, but she was so busy most of the time, she felt that part wasn’t worth mentioning.

“A little bit of laughing is worth learning to fly, right?” There was another pause of silence.

“Yes. You’re right.” She heard a small giggle. “Thank you Star. Good night.” Though she said good night, after a few minutes, she heard the window open, then silence. She was too tired to question it, and fell asleep.


Lyla lay there, completely unable to sleep. Even the very hard and exciting day she’d had wasn’t helping much.. She had developed insomnia as a filly, having hated going to sleep, the cause being her fear that she wouldn’t wake in the morning… I was no use. Her mind was racing with thoughts of the days events. She decided to get up, as quietly as she could, to go see the moon.

For one reason or another, it helped her sleep, so well in fact, her father used to scold her for falling asleep on her balcony. She opened the window, again, as quietly as possible, stepping out onto a nearby branch. She lay down, looking up at Luna’s moon…

‘I never thought I’d meet ponies such as the ones I’ve met today…’ It was refreshing to see such colorful personalities and beautiful hearts. She hadn’t seen anything of the like in the Crystal Empire. She was convinced she had made the right choice when she ran away. If she were to never leave the castle again, she would be content having a day like today.

A cloud passing over the moon caught her attention. ‘I wonder what they feel like…’

She’d always wanted to walk on a cloud, a small desire she kept to herself all these years. She hadn’t wanted to worry her family by letting them know she truly felt bad missing out on something so frivolous. ‘Maybe…’ She dared to dream, letting her eyes close, ‘Soon I will…’

Author's Note:

For those who are curious Lyla's name is pronounced lie-luh. And for those who haven't been to my DA account, her cutie mark is a piece of lilac holding up and reflected in a heart shaped mirror. If anyone thinks they know what her talent is, feel free to take a guess and if you want more and are enjoying the story, don't forget to like. And I drew a comic strip of Lyla's childhood trauma on DA as well.