• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 7,101 Views, 149 Comments

Death vs Harmony - The Zebra Hybrid

The horseman, Death, has revived humanity by falling in to the well of souls but he didn't know that the well was a portal to different demensions and now Death is stranded on a strange land.

  • ...

Rescuing Honesty and Loyalty

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the wait, hope it was worth it ! Give me feedback on what you think.

Fury's Embrace

Fury’s ears perked and she quickly jumped in an abandoned shop, she peeked out and saw a group of maybe a dozen demons rushing by. She mumbled under her breath knowing that one of her brothers have been spotted so quickly. Most likely it was war who got caught, he's not really the sneaky type any way. Fury peeked out the shop checking to see if any more demons came by when the cost was clear she exited the shop and continued to tread through the abandoned city.

"Those idiots are going to make my job harder if they keep getting caught." said Fury as she kicked a rock.

She treaded through the streets until she reached the palace, where she noticed that there were holes dug around it. Fury tilted her head in confusion as she observed the site.

"What were you bastards looking for?", she said to herself until she heard yelling that was non demonic, "Well I'm guessing that their keeping one of those Elements down there, well, here goes nothing." Fury then swanned dived into the hole and entered what looked like a cavern full of crystals. She landed gracefully on the dirt floor and checked her surroundings.

She brushed herself off and slowly got up still not used to the new form that Discord character had given her, Maybe when I find these guys they could help me work this thing, she thought as she growls and snarls just a few feet from her she quickly got behind a crystal and peeked out to see a lone demon mining the crystals.

"So, their gathering the crystals down her, huh?" Fury whispered to herself, "Well that answers why they dug near the castle, but where did those yells come from?" she thought to herself as she stared at the lone demon. "Well, I guess I could ask this one some questions," Fury took out her whip with her hoof, wondering how she could do that but decided to do that later, Hopefully this form doesn't mess up my skills, she thought as she flung the whip at the demon wrapping it around his neck, so he couldn't call for help as it squealed like a pig and was pulled into the darkness of the cavern.

"Let us out of here! You big jerks!" yelled Rainbow as she struggled against her bindings. Applejack had her back facing her also in bindings as they sat in what looked like a mining camp where demons would transport crystals to the palace. Rainbow squirmed again yelled out in rage.

"Rainbow calm down, there is nothing we could do right now." said Applejack.

"That's easy for you to say! My wings are killing me in these ropes!" retorted Rainbow Dash.

Applejack sighed in defeat and dropped her head, as she still felt Rainbow struggle and bark at the demons that were ignoring her to let her go. Applejack notice on of the demons grinding his teeth together and put his claws over his ears. "Will you just shut up!! I can't think straight!" barked one of the demons stomping over to the two ponies.

"Well let us go then." grunted Applejack, "and we'll make sure ya' won't get too much of ah' beat down."

The demon then burst out laughing and lifted Applejack by the neck causing Rainbow Dash to thrash around trying to get free to help her friend. Applejack gulped as she was now eye level with the demon. "You two have guts, I'll give you that, But do you really think you can take me?"

"Maybe if you take ah' breath mint we could show ya'." scoffed Applejack with a sly smile.

"No one insults me!!" said the demon as he grabbed his spiked club and raised it to end Applejack's life. Rainbow eyes went wide and struggled even harder but to no avail. Applejack's eyes went wide as the demon brought the club down and everything went in slow motion for her. She felt her life flash before her eyes, from her as filly working in the orchard to her and her friends becoming the Elements of Harmony. She closed her eyes waiting for impact but it never came. She opened her emerald irises to see the one known as Lilith holding the club of the demon.

"Easy my child, there is no need for that." she whispered in the demons ear as he relaxed, "Go back to the others I will deal with these two myself." The demon just nodded before setting Applejack down and walking off back through the crystal caverns leaving the three alone.

"So, you must be Lillith?" spat out Rainbow.

"Yes, and I'll watch your tone with me, I can end your life with just the snap of my fingers."

"The why did ya' help me?" asked Applejack shifting her body to a sitting position.

"My master has plans for you, and he won't have much use of you if you're dead." answered Lilith caressing Applejack's cheek.

"What does he need us for?" asked Rainbow.

"You'll soon find out." said Lillith now standing, "But for now, let's have some fun." Applejack's and Rainbow's eyes went wide as they watched Lillith's hands glow a bright yellow and lift them in the air.

The demon howled in pain as Fury put more pressure into it's back with her hoof. "Now tell me where can I find these elements?" she asked in a stern voice, her patience driving thin. The demon slapped his hand on the ground multiple times before Fury loosened her grip on the demonic beast. He breathed heavily and wheezing gasping for air.

"Well?" asked Fury.

"There's two of them being held by Lillith," said the defeated demon, "Just head down that path and they'll be there."

"How do I know you're not lying."

"And pass up the opportunity of you being shredded by the mistress herself, no chance!" screamed the demon as Fury wrapped the whip around his neck and snapping it with one pull. The demon's body went limp and fell face first into the ground. She retracted her whip and galloped down the path.

"I hope I'm not too late, or Death will kill me, but I think he's grown too attached to these things." she stopped and looked back to where she came from thinking if she could just leave. She then looked back down the path and heard another scream, Fury sighed in defeat and ran down the path, "You owe me for this Death."

Rainbow Dash moaned in pain as she was lifted of the ground unconscious, Applejack squirmed in the magic grip but couldn't break free. Lillith brought Rainbow to her face and gave her a quick peck on the mussel. "I guess she couldn't take the heat." said Lillith now turning her gaze towards Applejack.

"You'll pay for this, I swear-"

"And what can you do?" said Lillith cutting of Applejack as she walked over to her with a seductive smile, "Once my master is through with you, you and your little friend will be my personal play things." Applejack then spat on to Lillith's face with a glare making her step back a few steps wiping her face. "Seems like someone deserves to be punished like their friend here."

Lillith brought a hand to Applejacks cheek and caressed it softly making her shudder from the touch, she then slapped Applejack across the face making her cry out in pain. Applejack hung her head low but only for Lillit to bring it back up and slap her again, this time causing small trickle of blood to came from her nose. She repeated the action for a couple more minutes before stopping and looking in to Applejack's emerald irises.

"There is one way for it to stop," said Lillith lifting up Applejack's head again, which now had a black eye and bruises,"All you have to do is beg."

"Ah'll n-never submit to a v-varmit like ya'." whispered Applejack in pain, which made Lillith grit her teeth and pull out her sword and brought it over her head to bring it down on the element of honesty, only for a whip to wrap around it and have it pulled from her hands. Lillith turned around in rage trying to figure out who dared to interrupt her 'playtime'. Her eyes widened in shock to see a grey mare, with grey irises, a dark purple mane and tail, blue and yellow cloth wrapped around her forelegs and neck.

"Well, well who do we have here?" asked Lillith dropping Applejack on the ground.

"I think you already know." snapped back the mare.

"Fury? What happened to you? You're.....different."

"Say what you like, I actually like the change, I'm more faster and agile than I ever was."

"Well see about that." Lillith said as her sword flew into her hand and swung it at Fury, who simply rolled to the side dodging the demonic blade, and morphed her whip into her own blade. She charged Lillith and attempted to stab her midsection, which Lillith blocked away and delivered a swift kick to Fury's muzzle making her slide back a few feet. Lillith leaped into the air, with the help of her wings, and started to shoot blasts of demonic magic at Fury who simply deflected each one that came at her with her whip turned sword. Fury deflected one of the blasts into the wall next to Lillith stunning her for a brief period of time. Fury then morphed her blade back into her whip and wrapped it around Lillith's torso bringing her from the air and having her crash down to the floor. Lillith made a mighty scream that caused a dozen demons to burst through the crystals and surround the pair.

"Not bad," spat out Lillith who was now pointing at her with her sword before disappearing in a blaze of fire, "Kill her."

The demons complied and all flew after Fury who pulled out another whip and charged the demon horde. She flung a whip causing it to jam right into one of the demons skull and flung him around making him crash into another group. She used her other one to whip at one's arm slicing it clean off as the other whip wrapped around ones neck and with a forceful pull decapitating the demon. Fury moved with grace as he sliced and whipped through the demon horde. With the last demon standing she morphed her two whips together and wrapper it around it's neck. The demon roared in pain trying to break the whip around it's neck but to no avail. Fury then jumped and clang on the ceiling of the crystal cavern and pulled the demon up making it gasp for air as it was being hung. With one final pull the demon's body went limp and she landed gracefully on the floor and walked over to the injured Elements of Honesty and Loyalty.

"Are you alright?" Fury asked helping Applejack to her feet.

"Ah'll be fine its just ah' scratch, but I don't know about Rainbow." Fury looked over to the Rainbow maned pegasus on the ground she went over and placed a hoof on her neck.

"She'll be fine, but I need to get you two to safety."

"Hold on. just this darn minute, who are ya'? Ya' can't just save us and then boss us around?"

"The names Fury, my brother has sent me to fetch you."

"Ya' mean Death?"

"Yeah, and my other two brothers are rescuing your other friends as we speak."

"Well it seems like ya' telling the truth, but there is one more thing though."


"Why are ya' a pony? Aren't ya' supposed to be like Death? All we be explained once we meet up with the rest of your friends." Applejack nodded in understanding. Fury then walked over to Rainbow lying unconsciously on the ground and putting her head under stomach and lifting her on her back.

"Come on we have to get out of here before more of them comes." said Fury as Applejack nodded and went deeper in the caverns.

The trio walked through the crystal caverns in silence. Death said that these mares were all powerful, I don't see it they sure didn't seem like it when they were with Lillith, I sure hope he knows what he's doing. she thought as she kept getting glances from Applejack but every time she would look back she would look away like nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" asked Fury.

""Well ah've been thinkin', Death said he had brothers, he never mentioned a sister." replied Applejack.

"Yeah, all my brothers say that, yes I am their sister but they prefer they call me their brother."

"And why is that?"

"Don't know."

There was a short moment of silence until Rainbow shifted on Fury's back and slowly opened her eyes. "Ugh, my head, where am I?" asked Rainbow as she shook her head.

"Seems like your friend is awake." said Fury.

"Rainbow! Are ya' alright!" asked Applejack with concern.

"Yeah, who am I riding on?" asked Rainbow flapping her wings slowly hovering to off of Fury's back and on to the ground.

"This here, is Fury, Death's sister, she saved us from that Lillith character and is now taking us to see the others and the rest of Death's brothers."

"Wait, when did Death have a sister? I thought he only had brothers? Which brings up another question how did you all get here?"

"Like I said all will be explained once we meet up with your friends and my brothers." said Fury as she noticed sunlight up ahead, "Come on we're almost out"

The trio walked through the opening only for Rainbow and Applejack to gasp at the destruction of Canterlot. buildings were partially destroyed, debris laid in the once great streets. Carcasses of ponies litted the sidewalks. Rainbow gritted her teeth then felt a hoof on her shoulder, she looked to see Applejack shaking her head. She was right this was not the time to grief they had to find the rest of their friends and put a stop to this.

The trio ears perked up as a demon came crashing through the wall of a shop with a great sword in his back. Fury smirked when she saw her brother War emerge with two more ponies. Twilight and Fluttershy glanced at Rainbow and Applejack and they both ran to each other and wrapped into an embrace as they all cried together. War walked up next to Fury and gave a silent nod.

"I'm guessing yours was a success?" asked the black stallion with the red hood.

"Yeah, those girls must be really important."

"Why is that?"

"Because Lillith was the one guarding them."


"Yeah, but it was nothing I couldn't handle."

"Don't underestimate her."

"I know, I know." said Fury as she and War walked over to the group, "Ok, since we're already together all we have to do is wait for Strife then we'll meet up with Death and Luna when they get Celestia." Twilight's and Fluttershy's hearts dropped to their stomach's upon hearing this as they dropped their heads, and the most surprising for Fury is that War did the same.

"Twi, Flutters what's wrong?" asked Rainbow, which caused Fluttershy to sob and wrap her forelegs around War.

"Princess Celestia, is gone." Twilight responded.

"Gone? what do ya' mean gone?" Applejack asked.

"I mean she's d-dead." stuttered Twilight as she tried to hold back tears, Rainbow dropped her and Applejack took off her hat in respect.

"How do you know she's dead?" asked Fury causing Twilight to pick her head up.

"Tirek, Samael's son, told me." answered Twilight.

"Did you see her die?"


"Then how do you know she's really dead?"

"A-a-are you saying-"

"I'm not saying anything, but just as a new flash, demons will always say anything to get under your skin, so don't listen to them and as for Celestia have hope and if she's alive I'm sure Death and that Princess Luna will save her." Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes as so did her other friends and they all nodded. War coughed in his throat causing Fluttershy to quickly let go of him and with her cheeks burning.

"So what do we do now?" asked Fluttershy.

"For now we keep moving and see if we can find Strife and once we find him and the rest of your friends we'll go get Death and Luna. Just pray to the Maker that we get there in time." explained War as the six quickly and quietly snuck through the ruins of the Equestrian capital hoping that Strife would find the rest of the elements.