• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 7,101 Views, 149 Comments

Death vs Harmony - The Zebra Hybrid

The horseman, Death, has revived humanity by falling in to the well of souls but he didn't know that the well was a portal to different demensions and now Death is stranded on a strange land.

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It's A Trap!

Canterlot Castle

Solar Flare sent a fiery blast at luna who simply teleported away and sent a blast of her own, only for Solar Flare to dodge out the way and charge her. Luna was then rammed by the possessed Sun Goddess and was sent flying across the floor, she wobbled to her hooves but almost got smashed by a piece of debris that was thrown at her.

Solar Flare lifted another piece of marble from the floor and chucked it at Luna who blasted it to pieces, Solar Flare covered her face from the shattering pebbles, which gave Luna the opening and bucked Solar Flare square in the chest sending her a few yards back.

"Sister, please! This isn't you! The demon is manipulating your mind!" yelled Luna which only made Solar Flare chuckled with a malice tone.

"What makes you think he is manipulating me?" asked Solar Flare, "Lord Samael showed me of what could happen if I trust the riders, and for the sake of Equestria I will NOT let that happen!"

"Is terminating half the population of Canterlot, and leaving the rest to be slaves worth it 'Tia!"

"Obstacles must be removed for the greater good and right now I'm about to remove another." Solar Flare then spread her flaming wings and shot towards Luna like a bullet, who put up a defensive shield only for it to shatter like glass from the impact. Samael chuckled at the display everything was going according to plan, the riders are separated, the two deities have turned on each other, Crowfather is no more, and the elements are trapped with his son and his army-

Samael's smiled then faded, why couldn't he sense all of them? It's like a third of the demon hoard went missing. He then looked away from the battle and glanced at the ponified Death still struggling on the wall to get free of his bonds, he knew those wouldn't hold him from long so he glanced at Lillith who noticed his change of expression.

"Is something wrong my king?" asked Lillith as she tilted her head to the side.

"Go check on my son, I have a bad feeling that something will ruin our progress." said Samael putting a hand to his chin with a stern look.

"Yes, my king." owed Lillith as she flew out one of the broken glass windows and out in the streets of Canterlot.

Outside Canterlot Castle

The group scattered s Tirek sent a magical blast at them. The three riders drew their weapons and charged the over powered demon as the main six took cover inside a building. Strife fired a couple of shots only for the bullets to bounce off of Tirek's skin, he was then knocked away by Tirek's massive hand. Fury lashed her whip around his arm only for him to tug her from her hooves and through a building. War lept into the air and striking Tirek with the blunt end of his great sword.

Fury and Strife recovered, and joined back in the fight. The main six watched in awe as the three riders moved with grace around Tirek surrounding him on all sides. Strife jumping over Tirek firing bullets onto his back and dodging swings from his massive arms. Fury slashing at Tirek's face only for him to dodge and try to blast her with his magic. War, while trying not to be stepped on stabbing and jabbing Tirek's giant hooves.

"I had enough!" yelled Tirek as he slammed his fist on the ground creating a shockwave knocking the three riders back.

"We have ta' help them! They won't last long without Death." said AppleJack.

"Yeah, I can't stand watching from the side lines lets go kick some flank!" yelled Rainbow ready to shoot off in the air.

"Thier right, if we are ever going to make it through this we have to do it together." said Twilight, as the rest of the group nodded.The six ran from their hiding place and charged Tirek only for them to be stopped by an invisible force the six got knocked back as Lillith floated down and landed between them and Tirek's battle with the three riders.

"Going some where. Elements?" she says with a smile as her hands started to glow a bright yellow and two demonic swords formed in her hands.

Solar Flare had used her magic to throw Luna up to the ceiling, she collided with an impact that cracked the surface. Luna slowly recovered and glided down to the floor only to be slammed into her side and sent tumbling across the ground. Luna was cut and bruised, she couldn't face her sister alone. She slowly tried to get up but a hoof was brought down on her back making scream in pain as she felt a rib crack. Death screamed Luna's name as he struggled harder cracking the wall he was binded on.

"C-C-C-Celestia, p-p-p-please." choked out Luna her eyes now filled with tears. Solar Flare looked at Samael who waved his hand.

"Go on, end her pathetic life." said Samael, as Solar Flare smirked and her horn lit up Luna closed her eyes as she waited, but nothing happened she cracked one eye open to see Solar Flare sprawling across the ground like a rag doll. She turned to the other direction to see Death free from his bindings scythes at the ready and breathing heavily with anger.

"Are you alright?" asked Death as he helped Luna to her hooves.

"What does it look like." answered Luna as Death let out a chuckle. samael let out a growl, he rose from the throne and stomped down. Solar Flare got up slowly and went to his side returning the glare.

"It seems i will have to deal with you myself rider." spat Samael, 'Solar Flare finish off the Moon Goddess, leave Death to me."

"Luna," said Death gaining her attention, "let go."

Luna tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I know you've been holding back, but the fate of your realm and others hang in the balance."

Luna hesitated and closed her eyes, then nodded, "Alright."

Luna stepped forward and her horn started to glow, her eyes shone a bright white as she was lifted from the ground. When the light dimmed down Solar Flare eyes went wide and if Death had a mouth he would be smiling.

"Here take this," said Death as he handed her the same green vile that he used on her in the cave, "Are you ready for this Luna." said Death coming to her side with his dual scythes ready.

"Yes I am, and call me Nightmare Moon." with that said the Death and Nightmare Moon charged the two. Death threw his scythe at Samael who teleported out of the way and behind Death swatting him away. Nightmare Moon tackled Solar Flare and the two tumbled across the floor, Nightmare Moon bucked Solar Flare off of her making her slam into a pillar bringing the support down on top of her.

Death slashed at Samael but he kept teleporting out of the way. He slashed at Samel again who again teleported but Death was ready this time and swung his scythe behind him slashing Samael's cheek. He roared in pain as Death formed his scythes in to his mallet and swung straight into his stomach knocking the wind out of him. He was about to bring the mallet on his head but Samel sent a demonic blast at Death's chest knocking him backwards.

Nightmare Moon put up another deflecting another attack from Solar Flare. Sweat forming on her brow not knowing how much she could take the solar attacks. When she noticed her shield start to crack she decided it was time to end this and go help her coltfriend, since he was buying her time to turn Solar Flare back to Celestia.

When Solar Flare was charging up another attack, Nightmare moon took the opportunity and teleported from the blast range. She appeared in front of Solar Flare the two interlocked horns as a blue and red energy collided and mixed in to a magical current around them.

Nightmare Moon knocked Solar Flare on her back and pinned her to the ground. Forcing Solar Flare's mouth open Nightmare Moon pulled out the green vile and empty the contents in Solar Flare's mouth and down her throat. She gagged at the taste, Nightmare Moon stepped off of Solar Flare and reverted back into Luna.

"Come on sister fight it!" exclaimed Luna with hope in her eyes. A bright light consumed Solar Flare and when it dimmed there laid Celestia with her alabaster coat and rainbow mane. She stirred and opened her eyes only for them to well up with tears when they landed on Luna, the two shared a loving embrace.

"I thought I lost you!" cried Luna.

"I'm not going anywhere soon." responded Celestia.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting." said Samael as he tossed Death in front of the two. Celestia's eyes went wide, was this really Death in front of her? How did he become a pony? "Death!" sceamed Luna as Celesia was snapped from her thoughts as she and her sister helped Death to his hooves.

"I'm fine, glad to see you again princess." said death making Celestia smile. Death took out his scythes and got in a defensive stance with Luna on his right and Celestia on his left with their horns charging up,

"You really think the tree of you can take me on." said Samael with a wicked grin.

"Samael, you have tormented these beings long enough now it's time to pay the price." responded Death.

"So you'll throw away your life so recklessly then?"

"That's a question you'll have to ask yourself."

"I'll crush you with my bare hands!" yelled Samael slamming his fist in the marble floor causing the entire throne room to explode.

Author's Note:

Hey guys I kind of rushed this so......yeah here it is.:rainbowderp: