• Published 7th Apr 2014
  • 4,292 Views, 51 Comments

Who Do You Love? - Dreamscape

Scootaloo realizes the intricacies and stress of love firsthoof when she discovers that both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are interested in her.

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Chapter 6

Scootaloo sat upon the floor of her room with a quill in her mouth as she scrawled upon a slightly crumpled piece of paper. A few flecks of dust glittered in the light pouring in from the window which lit up the spot where she sat, as well as her letter. She gave a proud smile after signing her name at the bottom and placing the quill back into the inkwell, then went about rereading her words.

Dear Sweetie Belle,
I know I made a mistake and it’s okay if you’re still upset. I need to talk to you, though. It’s about Apple Bloom. I hope you’ll do this for her sake more than mine, but I would really appreciate it. We both know you’re a really sweet pony and I guess we sort of take it for granted sometimes. This time, I’m not, and I’m not trying to use you or anything either. I just want you and Apple Bloom to be happy is all. Meet me down by the stream near Fluttershy’s cottage once you get this letter. I’ll be there and we’ll talk.

Your friend,

Satisfied, she then folded the letter three times and scrawled the filly’s name upon its front. Setting it aside, she began reviewing the letter which was previously concealed beneath the other and smiled.

Dear Apple Bloom,
I can tell you’re still mad at me and I deserve it after what I did. I need to talk to you, though. It’s about Sweetie Belle. You’re not as mad at her, right? I know you still care about her and so do I. You’re a tough filly, even tougher than me sometimes, and pretty stubborn too. So I know it’s hard to say yes to this. But please trust me, I’m doing this for yours and Sweetie’s sake more than mine. Even if you are a bit stubborn, you’ve still got a heart and I know that. Please do this for you and Sweetie Belle. Meet me down by the stream near Fluttershy’s cottage once you get this letter. I’ll be there and we’ll talk.

Your friend,

She repeated the folding process as with the previous note. After adding the recipient’s name on its front, she placed both of them snuggly beneath her small wing before rushing outside. Luckily, she found the pony who she searched for almost immediately after exiting the door. Upon a small but extremely fluffy cloud lay her big sister in a peaceful slumber, her loud snores echoing through the street. Scootaloo felt somewhat bad for rousing her from a nap, but what she asked was of the utmost importance.

“Rainbow Dash… Rainbow Dash!” the filly called loudly in hopes to wake the mare above. She buzzed her wings furiously, lifting herself just slightly away from the ground as she called once more, hoping the slight change of distance would allow her voice to reach the cloud better.

“Oh…hey, Scoots, what’s up?” Rainbow mumbled, peaking over the cloud and rubbing a hoof against her groggy eyes.

“I need your help!” she exclaimed with a confident smile. “I figured out how I can apologize.”

Dash’s eyes brightened and she smiled back before gliding down to meet the filly. “Oh yeah? What do you need me for?”

Scootaloo quickly but gently bit down upon the two letters tucked beneath her wing and pulled them into view. “I need you tho thake thesthe to Sthweetie Belle and Apple Bloom,” she sputtered out between her teeth.

The cyan pegasus took the two letters in her mouth and placed them beneath her own much larger and stronger wing for the time being. “Easy enough. Where are they?”

“Apple Bloom should be somewhere between Sweet Apple Acres and the market, probably still at the market. Then, Sweetie Belle, I think, is at Rarity’s again.”

“That it? Anything else I need to do?” Rainbow asked.

“Nah, they’ll know what to do when they read the letters,” the filly responded with an eager grin. “Thanks for doing this.”

“Hey, it’s no problem kid. I’m just glad to see ya actually doing it…and to see you smile again.” Dash took the letters in her mouth once more and unfurled her wings with a quick snap. She then raised a hoof to her forehead, saluted the small filly, and gave a confident nod before she pushed off into the clear blue skies. Now, Scootaloo only had to reach the selected place of meeting and await the letters’ recipients. She easily hopped onto her scooter, nearly forgetting to strap on her helmet in the process, and pushed off towards the edge of the Everfree Forest.


Scootaloo reached the small stream in what seemed like only minutes and noticed that, of course, nopony else had yet arrived. The pegasus took the free time to collect herself for the final task at hoof. She plopped down upon the vibrant, grassy bank beside the water and allowed her eyes to fall shut as she turned her concentration to the beats of her heart.

They were quick, but her calm, deep breaths aided in slowing the organ down. With her heart comforted, she then went through the makeshift speech she had prepared for the two fillies in her head. She wanted every detail to be perfect, but overthinking it wasn’t necessarily a good idea either. As her heart began to pound once more, she decided to find a way a better way to occupy her time.

Opening her eyes, the pegasus gazed down at the fast moving and slightly murky stream below. She gingerly pushed the tip of her hoof below its ever changing surface. Its frigid touch was a stark contrast to the near sweltering heat of the day, which caused her to gasp ever so lightly. She did not pull her hoof away though, but instead let it relax. It was the hottest it had been since the previous summer, even warmer than the day she had made her way to Sweet Apple Acers. It brought back thoughts and hopes for the free time ahead, something else which hadn’t crossed her mind since then. The reason being was because her future seemed lost without the two fillies whom she’d imagined spending those warm days with her. But now, she was sure they would be there after what she was about to do, that is, if they made the decision to follow her instructions. This, she was also sure of.

She briefly glanced over at Fluttershy’s peaceful looking cottage in the distance and wondered what she and the animals were doing inside as she leaned back and rested her head against the soft grass. She pulled her hoof away from the stream to allow time for it to dry and gazed up into the infinite expanse of blue. A sudden but certainly enjoyable sensation of contentedness flowed through her body, letting it relax and fall motionless against the cool earth. While the constant rushing sound of water invaded her ears, her eyes slowly drew closed once more, but this time in a light, almost half awakened state of sleep.

Scootaloo’s ears perked up as they perceived the crushing down of grass nearby. She easily shook herself from the near-sleep which had overcome her and allowed her eyes to shoot open as a shadow was cast down upon her. “Sweetie Belle…you came!” the pegasus exclaimed with a groggy smile as she admired the unicorn’s familiar face.

“Hi, Scootaloo,” the filly responded as distantly as possible, although a tinge of sadness could be perceived in her words.

Scootaloo hardly struggled to push herself up into a sitting position, feeling more alive and renewed than even that morning when she had first awoken from a long night’s sleep. “Is Apple Bloom here too?” she asked curiously, rubbing one eye as the other scanned the rolling field along with the path which ran through it, heading back towards town.

“Apple Bloom? I thought you-” Sweetie’s question came to a halt when a perturbed voice hollered out from behind her. Although she already knew who it was by the distinct accent, Scootaloo peered around the unicorn to watch as the second crusader approached. A rather large paper sack of what she assumed to be the supplies she had retrieved for Applejack, was balanced precariously upon her back.

“Ah thought you said it was just gonna be me and you? Lyin’ even more now, huh? Ah don’t even know why ah came,” Apple Bloom grumbled, coming to a stop before them and then lowering the bag to a flat resting place upon the ground.

“Wait, huh?” Sweetie Belle muttered. “Scootaloo’s note told me it was just going to be the two of us,” she turned to the orange filly with a scowl and shrieked. “Scootaloo! Ugh! The nerve of some ponies! I have no clue why I came either! I guess I just hoped you were changing back to your normal self.”

Scootaloo smiled calmly. “I never said it would just be me waiting here. I said I needed to talk to Apple Bloom about Sweetie Belle and Sweetie Belle about Apple Bloom. What I need to say deals with both of you and me too. Can you just hear me out?”

Sweetie Belle gave a slight nod of agreement. “I don’t know exactly where you’re headed with this, but I guess.”

“Ah didn’t come all the way out here for nothin’,” Apple Bloom growled.

“Well, first off, I just wanna say I’m sorry…really, truly, and sincerely sorry. I was scared, I didn’t know what I was feeling or how to deal with it, but that’s no excuse. I should have reacted better, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to hurt either of you two, but ended up hurting you both even worse than I ever would’ve thought. I was sorta selfish too, thinking more about myself than you. I screwed up, and I’m really sorry.” Sweetie Belle opened her mouth to speak, but held back her words as the pegasus before her raised a hoof. “I hope you do, but if you don’t forgive me and still hate me, that’s okay. I just don’t want you to hate each other. I was the one who made this mess and you should be mad at me, not each other. You’re both really great friends and I want you to stick together. I really just want you two to be happy again. ”

“Ah-” Apple Blooms interjection was quickly interrupted be Scootaloo’s raised hoof. The two fillies came to the conclusion that the speech would not be paused unless finished.

“I love both of you, but as friends. Rainbow Dash told me that I was too young for that kind of stuff and she was totally right. I don’t know about you, but I think I’m gonna wait a while to do that. I have something way more important to deal with anyway, getting my cutie mark and making sure you two fillies get yours. Even if we aren’t friends anymore, I still wanna help. We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, no matter what!”

The speech was followed with a whimper, sniffle and then high pitched cry as Sweetie Belle burst into tears. “Scootaloo…I…never knew you could…be so…sweet,” she forced out in between sniffles. Her mouth formed into a wide smile as she sprang forward and wrapped her hooves around the filly’s neck. “I completely forgive you and Apple Bloom; and you’re right, that whole love thing kind of seems silly when I look back on it, silly for all of us,” the unicorn said calmly, regaining her composure as she nuzzled her cheek against Scootaloo’s chest.

“Well, ya sound honest enough, and ah guess you’re right. Ah forgive both of ya too,” Apple Bloom said with a slight, half-hearted nod. “Ah’m still a little angry though.”

“It’s okay, I understand,” Scootaloo said with a warm smile as Sweetie broke away from the embrace. “I’m just glad you’re talking to me again. I don’t know about you girls, but I felt horrible without having anypony to talk to or hang out with.”

Sweetie Belle agreed with a shudder. “Really horrible. What about you, Apple Bloom?”

“Ah…oh alright, ah missed ya real bad, both of you.”

“That’s what I thought,” the unicorn responded smugly. “Now I think a group hug is in order,” she then demanded with a cute squeak.

Scootaloo grinned and nodded her head as she wrapped one hoof around Sweetie Belle and extended the other to country filly before her. Apple Bloom gave a playful huff before taking a few steps forward and completing the circle of embrace. “When did ya get so cheesy, Scoots?” she asked as she tightened her hooves around them.

“Sometimes you just have to be…and hey, it isn’t all that bad,” the pegasus said with a shrug and smile.

“Ah guess,” Apple Bloom said with a laugh.

“Hey, if you want, I can help carry that bag back for you,” Scootaloo suggested, motioning her head towards the paper sack as the hug came to an end.

“Ah can always get it myself. Ah did lug it all the way out here, after all, but ah guess that’s alright.”

“Sweet, it’s the least I can do,” the pegasus responded with an eager grin and an equally eager buzz of the wings.

“Mind if I tag along too?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Ah don’t see why not.”

With Apple Bloom’s approval, the two fillies balanced the overhanging edges of the bag as she lifted it up onto her back. In that position, they then began the long trek which would lead them back through town and all the way to the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres. Although the evening grew closer and closer with every minute passed, the sun remained fairly high in the sky. Celestia was keeping it up longer and longer every day after all. This once again reminded Scootaloo that it would soon be summer. A fluttering sensation spread through her body, but it certainly wasn’t the same sensation she had experienced when the two fillies had admitted their feelings for her. It was the feeling of love and happiness in the form of friendship. One of the greatest feelings she had ever felt, and one which she never wanted to lose again.

“Maybe we could get our cutie marks in transportin’ goods?” Apple Bloom asked curiously, breaking the silence.

“I think it’d have to be something a lot more complicated than just carrying a bag full of groceries and whatever else you’ve got in there,” Sweetie Belle said, shaking her head.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but let out a contended and joy filled laugh. “It’s good to be back, crusaders, real good. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Comments ( 32 )

What, you release your stories completed?! Also, that title pic! Pure gold!

I do because I'm not sure when I'll have time to work on them. So if I took over a month to finish a chapter, everyone would be mad. If they don't know the story exists then they can't get mad. See what I'm getting at? Also yes, I'm very glad I just so happened to come across that pic. :twilightsmile:

4194909 yeah, I see where you're comin' from, although that would make it exceedingly hard to do an audience interactive story. Ya know, the kind where we submit OCs. From what I've seen that kinda story isn't your wavelength, still, I see where you're comin' from. I'll put this in read later for the weekdays. Hope it'll be good.

I am in love with this story :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: it's adorable and just plain outright relatable.......I like that :derpytongue2:

4194909 You're a frickin' GENIUS! :rainbowlaugh: Also, I luv the stories!:pinkiehappy::heart:

4195148 You've had your two best friends have a crush on you before?

No it happened to one of my friends though, only one guy was an ass

Great story. I'm glad the Crusaiders are freinds again. Its just not the same without them.

That picture though.

I like this story. Only part that gets me is the feeling that the event were a bit more mature than their age, or what i think their ages are about, would usually include in their actions. Hopefully i got my point across. Lol

:moustache::derpytongue2::derpyderp2::fluttershysad::heart::coolphoto::fluttershbad::flutterrage::raritystarry::raritycry::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowhuh::scootangel::twilightangry2::scootangel:it made me feel like this

4197624 OMG UR PROFILE PIC!!!!!!!:O

Nice story but just a small nitpick.

It should be "whom" not "who".

Pokemon u know the eeveelutions oh sao is also a good anime

4202259 "whom" is old-style english, "who" is the commonly agreed apon modern alternative.... so NO


"whom" is old-style english, "who" is the commonly agreed apon modern alternative.... so NO

Wow. So much wrong in that sentence that I would hazard a guess you're 14 and have never been exposed to English grammar.

Who is the subjective pronoun. Whom is the objective pronoun. They're not the same thing. I don't care if know nothings such as yourself believe it to be the modern alternative. It's wrong. And until the Oxford dictionary changes the meaning and the terms become accepted as being the same thing, you should really not open your mouth and make a bigger fool out of yourself than you already have.

4255342 it doesn't matter if who is a subjective pronoun or objective pronoun, the fact is that THE USEAGE OF A WORD WITHIIN SOCIETY IS WHAT DECIDES IT'S MEANING, that is just how language works and new words come into existance, it is also how the meaning of words can change over time, due to who being used as a replacement for whom in allmost all circumstances that would mean that YOUR DICTIONARY IS WRONG.
Also your personal attack of calling me 14 is nothing more than ad hominum, where you do not even have slightest bit of data to back up said claim that you, not only that but PERSONAL ATTACKS DO NOT AFFECT THE VALIDITY OF THE OPPONENTS ARGUEMENT, plus I am 21.


It is the title of a story. If it was actually part of the story, then yes, I would have used whom, not who. It is proper English. As for the title, I can name it whatever I please, and it does not have to be grammatically correct. The reason why I used who is because it was dialog rather than narrative, as if someone was asking. Now, in today's world of English speaking, you rarely ever hear someone who actually says whom. Even the most devout English teacher or professor uses who, unless they are teaching a lesson involving whom. I feel like I'm a teacher trying to break up a fight between two elementary school students. Yes, you may have much more scholarly things to argue about than children, but your pointless and fact-less comebacks about the dictionary being wrong, or one of you being younger and less knowledgable than the other are, I'm sorry, pretty stupid. Now stop.

First of all calm your tits. I can almost feel your anger and frustration seething through your use of the Royal Canterlot Voice. You might want to consider toning it down a bit so you don't look so crazy. I mean you're getting bent out of shape over somebody teaching you proper grammar.

You're free to use whichever version you want, but you personally don't control the language and where it's heading. Whom is still a perfectly cromulent word and it's not my fault that the education system where you are failed you. Any English teacher that uses "who" instead of "whom" has no right to teach English simply because it's wrong grammatically speaking. I should know, I actually taught English for a couple years before moving onto writing.

And I know you wanted to use big words there but it's not an "ad hominem". It was a personal observation based on your reaction. Usually the only people you see that lose it like that are 14 year olds and girls. 14 year old girls are the worst for that. So would it be safe to think of you as a person of the female gender? I hope so because that's how I see you. But this has gone on longer that it should have. I made a stray observation. In fact I think I called it a minor nitpick, you lost your shit over it and here we are.

As said originally it was a minor nitpick which had to get blown out of proportion by some person who thinks they know how things work. I'm not denying that it's fallen out of use but it's not by any means archaic or ancient. It's not like the usage of "you" which replaced "thou" or something regional like the use of "y'all". It is still in use and it's still grammatically sound to use. Maybe in 50 or 100 years it will have been replaced by who as both objective or subjective pronoun but until that day there is nothing wrong in using it.

Now I will offer both of you the last word should you so choose. I made my point and that's all that matters in the end. So go nuts.

You blew it out of proportion just as much, and you referring to the other person as a female is just completely shallow. You're making assumptions which you have no basis for and created a stereotype about the female gender. One of the things this fandom is supposed to be about is breaking stereotypes. It may be mainly based on male stereotypes, but that doesn't mean stereotyping girls is right. You're also creating stereotypes about age, which is of course, another thing this fandom is changing. Age doesn't necessarily imply how much knowledge someone else has. I'm starting to want to agree with the other side of the argument just because you're acting unnecessarily dickish at this point. I won't though because this argument is just pointless

4258058 first of all the use of royal cantalot voice is to emphathise a point, second "proper" grammer is actually decided by the majority due to how language works and as such "who" can actually be used in both situations, I am angry because you fail to take into account how language evolves over time and how the meaning of a word is decided not by those who write the dictionaries but by those who use the word. As who is used both objectively AND subjectively within modern culture (thus determining the meaning of the word) your attempt to say that people cannot use that word in this context is foolish at best.
In other words Mr. I-Don't-Know-How-Languages-Evolve-Over-Time-And-I-Am-Acting-As-A-Grammer-Nazi-Despite-The-Meaning-Of-The-Word-"Who"-Evolving-Based-On-How-It-Is-Used-Therefore-Makeing-My-Claim-About-Grammer-Incorrect, the proper grammer for things IN ANY LANGUAGE is not based on a set of arbitrary rules set by your grammer school teacher but it is instead based on an arbitrary set of rules decided by the general population that uses the language.
As such "who" is proper grammer due to everyone but a very small minority useing it in this particular context, "whom" stopped being the go-to objective version of "who" a VERY LONG TIME AGO when people decided to use "who" to mean the same thing instead(a common occurence within language, where people use an abbreviation for the same thing- it often pisses off grammer nazis like you as you foolishly call it "bad grammer" dispite it's grammatical rules being determined by those who use it).

It was supposed to be. It's kind of funny that you're part of a fandom like this if you can't handle something cute.

I knew you had the power to get three stories in a row! Now if you excuse me, I need to re-write the first chapter of a story I recently took down. Ugh, why did I take the piss out of snooker? :twilightangry2:


This story ended off on a rather balanced note, not bad.:derpytongue2::heart:

Havent read it but i all ready love it also i have a ship idea scoots and babs

Just finished reading this one, and I've gotta say: I'm not one for ScootaBloom, but this is probably one of the best stories I've read on the site so far. The characters are all handled excellently (Rainbow Dash especially), and it all felt very realistic. Scootaloo's thought process is completely understandable, especially for someone her age. Same applies to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Also, the ending is absolutely perfect. Again here we witness the realism. Most authors would take the easy way out and either have Scoots choose one of the Crusaders to be her partner... or both. Here, however, we get a happy ending without shoveled on romance. This is what I like to see. Definitely deserving of that feature.

Wow, well, I'm certainly glad you enjoyed it so much. For the most part, I do try my hardest to keep all the ponies as in character as I can in my stories, no matter what the situation. So it's nice to see that you noticed. As for the ending, I tend to do a lot of romance stories and on this one I wanted to try something a bit different ending-wise. I'm glad you liked it as well.

You know what I don't know how to feel about this story I like it but I kind of wish it ended differently. Actually if there was a sequel to this story and it was about scootaloo's feelings towards her friends I would be very interested on how that would work. I feel like this sequel if there was one could play off the fact that scootaloo fell in love with both of her friends and she doesn't know how to deal with it. It would have to be after they get their cutie marks and their teenagers so you could probably make it so scootaloo has been conflicted for years or something.

In case you need an opinion in the future, I prefer ScootaBloom over ScootaBelle XD

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