• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 1,226 Views, 27 Comments

Do you believe in ghosts? - The Infinity Doctor

Companion to 'The Witching Hour'. I'm nothing to these ponies, I hide in the shadows to avoid detection, and I intend to keep it that way.

  • ...


Every night, there are dreams, and there are nightmares; I suppose, dear reader, it won't take you long to figure out which I am. But then again, I'm not of that much importance to you, am I? You've probably come here, expecting to hear a story of what's happened since my arrival here...I'm sorry to say I can't supply you with such a tale, the only thing I have to offer are my experiences in this upside-down world.

All was silent on the dark streets of Canterlot, Luna's moon hung in the sky, accompanied by a blanket of stars. To the untrained eye, this could be considered a good thing, but to the princess of the night, it meant things had not changed one bit since her banishment. She'd seen a few ponies out and about, a select few being her guard, the other few being night-owls, wandering the streets for who-knew-why.

Princess Luna, however, looked to Ponyville in the distance, the small town buzzing with just a little more night-activity than Canterlot. She watched from her balcony of the castle as the moon bathed everything in its glow.

She sighed to herself as she walked into her room, closing the door behind her. Laying on her expansive bed, she shut her eyes and focused her magic, her horn lighting as she felt herself drift into the dream world. Her ethereal form walked the plane, watching the dreams of her and her sister's subjects drift by in the fog; a small smile came across her muzzle as she went, her first memories of walking the dreamscape coming to mind. It had always provided an escape for her when things got a little stressful, or provided something for her to do, given that nopony came to her court with their problems, only wanting to see Celestia's
court during the day. Not that she blamed Celestia, of course, who would want to see the mare that tried to plunge Equestria into eternal night?

She shook her head as she continued, curiously watching the dreams of the little ponies, finding herself especially amused by the images conjured by the young colts and fillies of the land. Some blissfully innoccent, happily wandering with their parents, as the dreams
drifted by, she saw a few that were a bit more grown up, presumably stemming from young ponies in their teens. Those weren't adult per se, but showed enough signs that led her to believe they were the dreams of young adults, the dreams a bit more realistic and defined.

'Ah, what's this? A nightmare?' she thought curiously, approaching a darkened dream contained within its bubble.

Luna probed the nightmare, and found herself pulled into it, immediately finding herself in a darkened landscape, a forest of blackened, twisted trees jutted from the ground, as if attempting to reach the sky as the branches swayed in a nonexistent wind.

Hooves thumped against the ground as they grew close, two pairs, if she wasn't mistaken. The first pair was definitely smaller than the second, shallow rasps for air filling the air as the two figures approached.

The smaller cleared the trees, running as fast as her legs could carry her, her orange-and-white mane flapped in the the wind as she ran, glancing behind her at her persuer. A large but slender mare followed not far behind, the eyes replaced with two buttons, sown into the head, partially covered by a ragged mane, the tail was no different from the mane. One of the buttons was pinkish, contrasting the vibrant green of the other, the mouth of the mare covered by a zipper, closed as the metal teeth were held together by the locking mechanism. The cutie mark stamped on her hide was a swirling cloud, further confusing the night princess.

The monster mare descended approached the filly, a dead stare set on her. Luna reacted quickly, shielding the familiar filly from the nightmarish apparition.

"BEGONE DEMON! DO NOT HAUNT THIS CHILD'S DREAMS!" she roared, sending the nightmare skidding back.

The creature stared at them a few seconds longer, and turned tail, heading back into the blackened forest.

"Art thou alright, Squeaky Wings?" Luna asked, peering down at the filly.

"I-I'm f-fine, princess" the filly stated, shakily standing on her hooves.

"Does that nightmare occur to you often?" she inquired.

"N-no, this was the only time"

"Very well, I shall keep an eye out for anymore of these creatures, awaken and retire to thy mother" she said, touching her horn to Squeaks' forehead.

Her eyes dulled as she felt Luna's horn pulse, and felt herself waking.

Squeaks gasped as she shot upright in her bed, her sheets stained with sweat.

"Squeaks?" Midnight asked, staring down at her, concerned.


"I'm here, what's the matter? I heard you screaming"

"It-it was just a nightmare..."

"Really? What was it about?" the kirin asked, sitting on Squeaks' bed.

"I don't know...but it was really scary! I was running through the woods, and there was this pony that was chasing me! Well...I don't think it was a pony...it looked like one, but it was different..."

"Different how?"

"It had a zipper for a mouth, and its eyes were buttons!"

Midnight waited for Squeaks to continue, letting her calm herself down before she relayed the rest of the dream.

"And then- and then, we were running, and it felt like hours! She wouldn't stop chasing me!"

"And then what happened?"

"Princess Luna found us, and then she scared it away..."

Midnight fell silent as the two of them hugged, her large, leathery wings enveloping the filly.

"It was just a nightmare...that thing can't hurt you out here" she said softly, holding Squeaks in her forelegs.

"I know..."

"Do you think you'll be able to get back to sleep?"

"I think so..."

"Alright" she said, standing up.

"Wait-" came the voice of Squeaks.


"Can I sleep in your room?"

"Of course" Midnight said, waiting at the door.

Squeaks walked through and into Midnight's room, the kirin herself not far behind. The two settled into bed, Squeaks curled on the left side; Midnight laid down, draping one of her wings over the filly as the two drifted off into a blissful slumber for the rest of the night.

Do you see now, reader? Do you see what I am? I send ponies running at the sight of me, and to that, I take great displeasure. Did you see the way she ran? The look of terror in her eyes? I had only wanted to talk, and yet she took off running through the forest. Naturally, I went after her, ponies have been known to get lost here. And you're wondering how they can get lost in a dream? It happens often, I've seen it only a few times before- you have a word for it...oh...what is it? A comb? A...A...A coma! That's it! Ponies wander here for days, sometimes weeks, on a few rare occasions. I myself occasionally take trips to the waking world, if only to observe ponies- you may think this is a bit unusual for a dream-eater to explore the world outside its own. This is partially true, I grow tired of only observing them in the dream-world, I wish to see them. How they function. Why they do some of the things they do. Now you're asking 'Why don't you go and observe them?', the answer, reader, is because of events that had occured long ago. A few ponies had caught sight of me, and screamed bloody murder- you can imagine how that turned out...perhaps you've heard some of my labels? 'Boogeymane' and 'The Sandmare' being the most popular.

And so, I wander the dream realm, feeding on the dreams of these ponies. Don't mistake me for an actual nightmare, you never want to meet one of those...in fact, I consider myself to be the opposite. There are times when I grow bored, and will sometimes effect the dreams floating by. Let me get one thing straight, I DO NOT CAUSE NIGHTMARES, that responsibility is left to the creepy-crawlies and monsters conjured by the ponies' own imagination. I will, however, twist the dream so it will not become a nightmare, turning it towards happier thoughts. Which leads to the abrupt ejection from that filly's dream...I had only wished to speak with her, and she was terrified (not that I blame her, mind you), so she ran, and my chance run-in with the lunar princess. She, the filly that is, has had a tragic past, and has been steadily rectified by her relationship with the kirin; the two share something special, that I'll admit, somewhat regretfully, only because I will never be granted the same liberty. Being portrayed as a monster and creature of Tartarus throughout history will have that effect on you.

I sighed to myself, and walked the dreamscape...

Squeaky Wings yawned as she sat up, feeling something heavy draped across her back. She sighed in relief when she found it was only her mother's wing, the mare it was attached to still dozing on the other side of the bed.

Squeaks hopped down from the bed, her wings flittering to ease her landing- her hooves touched the floor, and she trotted into the hallway, heading to the bathroom.

She thought she saw something out the corner of her eye, and turned, thinking it was Sapphire. She blinked in surprise when she found nothing there, only herself in the hall. She hesitantly turned and walked into the bathroom.

Are you surprised to see me here, reader? I should say so, there's only so much I can do in the dream world, it can become boring very quickly when your only company is the fog and the dreams. But since it is morning, there are no dreams, are there?

Midnight, Squeaks, and Sapphire sat at the dinner table, eating their breakfast. A plate of pancakes waited in the center of the table, the three hungry ponies were already more than halfway through the stack before Midnight looked up at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" Sapphire asked, noticing the kirin stop.

"Nothing...just thought I saw something..." Midnight replied, continuing to eat.

"That happened to me, too" Squeaks interjected.

"It did? When?" Midnight asked.

"In the hall this morning, I thought I saw somepony there, but when I turned to look, nothing..."

"That's odd..."


Midnight looked to Squeaks with unease, then shook it off as the three of them continued to eat.

It's both odd and refreshing to observe these ponies, namely their behaviors. As I suspected, the kirin and the filly have a close bond, but the other pony? I have no idea...Oh, the small one is talking ag- wait, nevermind... I think she talks too fast- no matter, though.

There is no way to describe what I feel towards these ponies, perhaps I observe them because of my feeding, or maybe I have a desire for companionship. Either way, these ponies need to be studied further...

Sapphire toweled off her mane as she stepped out of the bathroom, carrying it to her room as she hummed. Once she returned, she noticed a mare, no ordinary mare in fact, but the same one Midnight had described in Squeaks' nightmare.

She screamed, and the monster mare took a hooful of black powder from out of nowhere, the mare threw it against the ground, blinding Sapphire as she backed out of the bathroom. The approaching hoofsteps of Midnight made themselves known as Sapphire rubbed her irritated eyes.

"What happened in there?" Midnight asked, motioning to the bathroom.

"I...don't know...there was this thing...and it had this powder, it blinded me..."

"Well, nothing's in there now..." Midnight said, her eyes cutting through the clearing smoke "What did it look like?"

"It looked....like that thing...Squeaks saw..."

Midnight's eyes widened, and she turned and galloped into the kitchen, hastily grabbing a piece of paper and quill.

"What are you doing?" Sapphire asked, watching the mare hastily scribble on the paper.

"Writing to Luna" she replied firmly.

Author's Note:

Dedicated to Chaotic Ink and his story 'The Witching Hour'.
Dubbed by him 'The Witchingverse'.

I'll probably write more based on feedback, so don't expect more unless you guys ask for it.

Midnight Storm, Squeaky Wings, and Sapphire all belong to Chaotic Ink.
Dreameater pony is my OC.