• Published 5th Apr 2014
  • 1,227 Views, 27 Comments

Do you believe in ghosts? - The Infinity Doctor

Companion to 'The Witching Hour'. I'm nothing to these ponies, I hide in the shadows to avoid detection, and I intend to keep it that way.

  • ...

A Night In

Dreamcast sat on the couch, a book on Equestrian myths and legends between her forehooves. She found the book to be captivating, given that the book didn't just have tales, it gave history, as well. Turning the page, she found an interesting section on a bearded wizard, telling of a secretive place, where he conducted his research in private. As she scrolled down the page, she also found a passage on another, Clover the Clever- the wizard's assistant. The next paragraph told of how Clover came into her own, becoming more of a partner to the unicorn, rather than an assistant. Photographs depicting the statues dedicated to their image in the Canterlot sculpture gardens lined the margins, catching her interest.

'Perhaps I'll ask Midnight and Sapphire when they return...' she thought, bookmarking her spot, then closing the book.

Rubbing her hoof across her eyes, she wondered what to do next- Midnight and her friends were in Canterlot for a gala, and Squeaks was nowhere to be found, presumably out with Dinky or Berry Pinch. A small smile came across her mouth as she recalled some of their antics- mostly their adventures with many, many pillows. Of course, she'd been ethereal when she watched them, she didn't want to frighten Squeaks' friends.


It was such an odd word, why was it called that? Where did it begin? Was it something that began just a short while ago, or had it been occurring for centuries, maybe even longer?

Her list of questions grew longer, and she found answers to none of them. Floating off of the couch, she went to the bookshelf embedded in the wall, and began perusing them. Nothing in particular caught her eye, and she trotted off, deeper into the house, searching for something to do.

Windrunner, Dinky, and Squeaks trotted down the quiet Mane Street of Ponyville, the twilight aura created by the sinking sun morphing into one of darkness as the sun slowly sank behind the far hills, exchanging its place with the moon. The two fillies were talking excitedly, mostly about what their mothers were doing at the gala. Windrunner however, prayed their respective mothers weren't too bored at the social gathering, given the tendencies of the upper class.

They soon reached Midnight and Squeaks' home, and Windrunner pushed the door open, allowing the two to enter before her. Turning, she closed the door, and heard a piercing shriek fill the air, worse than a banshee, in her opinion. Her ears flipping up, she soon spied Dinky running back into the living room, full tilt. Squeaks soon followed, at a much calmer (and quieter) pace.

"What's wrong?" Windrunner asked, concerned at the filly's behavior.
"Th- th- the-" Dinky stammered, shivering as she curled up into a ball.

Her behavior only served in adding to Windrunner's confusion.

It soon disappeared, as a monstrosity out of a horror novel entered the room, pipecleaners between the metal teeth of its jaws. Spitting out the craft materials, the thing walked right up to Windrunner, who was staring slack-jawed, and wide-eyed, not believing what she was seeing. It then smiled, holding out its hoof towards her.

"I wasn't expecting somepony to be back here so soon," it said, its voice female "I assumed everypony would have had plans tonight"

Words escaped Windrunner.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" it said, trotting back into the hall.

It returned a short while later, three three things in its zippered maw.

"Squeaks" it said.

Windrunner then tensed, ready to pounce on it if need be.
The filly in question looked up from her friend, who was staring at the thing with fear, and a hint of curiosity. She stepped forward, stepping closer to the thing hesitantly, her hooves shaking a bit.

"I...um...made this...for you..."

It placed a round thing before the filly, a circle of reinforced pipecleaners, pieces of string woven through the center in an odd pattern. The filly looked down upon it, then back up at the face of the monster-mare, as if she were unsure if she should take it or not. She finally made a move, and picked it up, staring at it with confusion.

"It's...a dream-catcher..." the thing stated, almost sounding uncomfortable "...it...it's supposed to bring good dreams..."

Squeaks could only stare down at the present, just as speechless as Windrunner.

The thing looked down, appearing to be unhappy, then began to turn.

Something came into contact with her forehoof.

It looked down, and saw Squeaks, her hoof lightly touching its hoof, as if she were unsure what to do. Taking some initiative, Squeaks then wrapped her hoof around its own. Now it was the thing's turn to be surprised.

"Th-thank you" Squeaks said, holding the round object close.

It then smiled softly, returning the hug with hesitation.

"Could somepony tell me just what the hay is going on here?" Windrunner asked, finally finding her voice.

"...and then we came back to Ponyville, and she visits us" Squeaks finished.

Windrunner, along with Dinky, were silent after Squeaks, along with 'Dreamcast', explained her presence in the kirin's household.

"I...I...guess that makes sense..." Dinky finally said.

"How?" Windrunner asked, her eyes flicking down to the gold-maned filly.

"Well...I guess if I were alone for that long...I'd want somepony to talk to..." she explained.

'When you put it like that...' she thought, finding reason in the filly's explanation.

Once again, foal-hood innocence had won out.

The pegasus approached the th- Dreamcast, and hesitantly held out her hoof, showing her intent.

"Hello" she said shakily.

Dreamcast happily accepted, shaking Windrunner's hoof excitedly.

'I feel like I should know you...' the pegasus thought, watching Dreamcast trot back over to Squeaks, and began chatting excitedly with her '...but that doesn't mean I don't think you could still be dangerous'

Windrunner sat, as Dreamcast took up a spot on the couch, both of them watching Squeaks and Dinky play a board game, the latter's eyes shooting to Dreamcast occasionally.