• Published 2nd Jun 2012
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The Path Of The Seven Sins - Fry

The Ponies are going on a dangerous mission,on the Path Of The Seven Sins

  • ...

The Swamp

In the mean time is Fluttershy chasing Rainbow Dash still,but after a few sharp turns and 2 miles she lost the track of her.
''W-where did she go?'' Fluttershy whispered in herself.
She suddenly hears voices in the distance.
Fluttershy sneaks quickly behind a rock...
She see Rainbow Dash...with ROHAN!.
Fluttershy tried to scream but there came no sound out of her throat.
Her heart was beating faster in her chest.
The blue pegasus stands next to the count with the chest in her hooves.

''Here's the chest...'' Spoke Rainbow.
''You're fantastic, Rainbow Dash...,'' says Rohan and takes the chest.
''I knew that you could do it.'' He smirked a little.

''Are now your getting me out of this ''Path of seven sins'',right? That was our deal...''

Rohan looks at her violet-eyes and he smiled meanly.
''But of course....Rainbow Dash....here...let us shake hooves to seal the deal once again.''
The count holds out his hoof.
Rainbow looked at him smiling and shaked his hoof.

Rainbow looked at the shaking hooves...her breathing stopped.

Her hoof is slowly turning gray.
''Y-you.....dirty.... Liar!!!'' Rainbow tried to move,but it was already to late.
''N-no....S-stop....or else i will beat you up like trash,do you hear me!''
Her last words echoed trough the forests... until finally the stone grows over her mouth.

Rohan laughed triumphantly. ''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!''He closes his eyes from pleasure and joy.

''Do you start hotheaded on the battle, know that you're going to loose....remember....Rainbow Dash?''
Rohan smacked his hoof into Rainbow's Stone-Face.

He smirked and turned around to the chest...but the chest is gone.

Fluttershy runs as fast as she could,with the chest under her wings.She hears more hooves and hides quickly behind a tree.
She whiped the sweat of her head while she panted. Rohan looks behind bushes,trees and rivers....but no chest.
''Hmmmph...i will find that chest again...Grrrrrr'' He mumbled angry.
Rohan turns around and a thunder strikes over his head.
He dissapears...

Fluttershy looks from the behind the tree.
''T-the others have to know t-this...o-ohh...i wish i never came to this place..'' She sighs and gallops quickly back.
She suddenly sees Pinkie,Fry and Spike.
Fluttershy starts to explain everything what she saw.

''And then R-rainbow and a black other p-pony i don'' know started to shake hooves and then she t-turned into stone and then i grabbed the c-chest and then i run away and now im h-here...back...at...you...guys.'' T
he shy pegasus stumbled

Fluttershy gives the chest back to Fry.
''I better put this back...'' Fry hided the chest close to his wings.

''But how could Rainbow know that...pony? she did not even know him...,'' replied Spike while he calmed down Fluttershy.
''Wait a second...'' Spike thinks.
''Rainbow was almost always alone on this trip. Everypony had someone to talk to...Me and Rarity...Fry and Pinkie....Bender and Twilight and even Fluttershy and Applejack.
Accept...Rainbow Dash.
She must have felt alone and maybe ... the count looked her up when she ran away at the Garden of Lust.
He had an deal with her... And now...''

Spike shivered...

He shares his thoughts with the others.
''That is so possible...that it must be true'' said Pinkie with an serious face.
''W-we must go on...and not let our s-sins...uhm...win.'' Fluttershy said positive while she tried to smile.
''This will be all over when we reach the castle,'' says Spike.
''So let's keep going!.'' Pinkie shouts and grabbed Fry's and Fluttershy's hoof.
She skips happy forward on the path,Fry and Fluttershy giggling along.

Spike looks up at the sky.

''Were Coming,Rarity....hold on.'' He whispers and he ran behind the three skipping ponies.
An hour later Pinkie,Fluttershy,Fry and Spike were still walking.
They followed the path easy and careful.
suddenly Fry notices something...The path is all muddy.
''Ewwwww....'' Pinkie nagged while her hooves sobbed into the mud.
Fluttershy tried to whip her hooves off at a tree,but when she is finally done...her hooves are dirty again.

They Entering another forest and again... different...from the other forests.
Fry and Fluttershy looked around. They see rivers with brown water,muddy poolsides and holes in the ground.

''Oh,watch your steps!'' Warned Pinkie jumping over an hole.

''Fluttershy flew over it and landed next to the pink earth-pony.
Fry flew panting over the giant hole with Spike on his back.
''Are ..we... there... yet...?'' he panted,suffering from the walking.
''Almost...common Fry,hold on.''
Spike softly slapped his face and the orange pegasus marches behind the two mares in front of them.
A stench reaches their noses.
Spike sniffs,he holds his claw for his mouth before he starts to barf.
Pinkie and Fluttershy smells it too.

''W-what's that smell....it's smells like the diapers from the Cake Twins only dirtier.'' Pinkie grabbed her nose.
''It's h-h-h-horrible''. stuttered Fluttershy,gasping for air.
They hear suddenly a sort of fart.

'Spike,don't be so rude!' says Fry appalled.
''That wasn't me,mine are louder and more gassy!'' shouts Spike offended back.

Fluttershy shivered against Pinkie.
''I-i'm afraid of dirt...'' she admits.
''Huh what,why?'' Pinkie looked at the shy pegasus.
''T-that's why i always go to the spa with Rarity...to clean myself from germs and diseases.''
''There,there...it's alright Fluttershy...were all affraid of something.'' The pink pony tried to cheer her up.

Spike pushes a few branches from a conifer to the side.
He takes a step and sees an swamp.
''Oh...my.......i think my breakfast wants to lave my tummy.'' Spike holds his claws in front of his mouth.

Brown and almost invisible fog hangs above the brown mire.
''Bleh,this smells like sulfur...or one of my stink bombs.'' Fry declaimed while he waved a wing for his nose.
They hear another fart. And another. And another. And again another...

''Wow,Somepony suffers from those beans in tomato sauce,'' says Fry poking Fluttershy's side.
Pinkie giggled quietly behind him.
Spike looks around at the swamp.
''M-must ...uhm...we really go trough this?'' asks Fluttershy scared. Her hooves slowly sunk into the brown mire.
''O-oh my...No! My hooves!''
Spike and Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and pulled her out of the mire.

''Which sin is this?'' asks Fry while he brushed some mud off of Fluttershy.
''I don't know yet...,'' answers Spike.
''We had three...but what is this?''
He looks around. He can't think of something.
He suddenly looks at Fluttershy that was whipping desperately the mud of her hooves.
Than his mind gave an idea.

Gluttony And Greed....and...and'' Spike stumbles.
''Uhm,Is one of those two sins this?'' asks Fry and points to the swamp.

''No, I don't think so,'' says Spike scratching his head. ''This is another one. There are still two I don't know.''
'''Hmmm...maybe we need to Think...think..think.'' Pinkie repeated the last words.

Spike enumerates the text on the gate.
He closes his eyes and hears Twilight's voice still in his head.

'' Do you start hotheaded on the battle, know that you're going to loose...
Are you seduced by desire and glory, know well for whom you're going to choose
Who is slow and lingers, shall never reach the end
Neither them who fill their mouth or pouch or those who dream of themselves...fill their mouth or pouch.
...That sounds like gluttony and greed...
Or those who dream of themselves...

that sentence made Spike think about a story... ''Narcissus''.
It Was an strong and handsome pony that was in love with his own reflection.
That's why he turned down the nymph Ego.
''The goddess of Love'', Aphrodite, Cursed him with an curse.
He languished away and turned into a narcissus.''

Spike shakes his head,from all the thoughts he haves in his head.
A bubble from the brown mire pops open and big blobs land in the middle of Fluttershy's Face.
''O-oh No!...G-germs...all over my f-face!'' she squeals
Fry and Pinkie sighed and brushed her off once again.

''Your going to be fine,Flutters! Rarity probably has a make-up table packed in her suitcase.
So we can make you better with : Creme's,bottles,Perfume,Nail varnish....varnish...varnish...varnish.''
Those last words echoed in Spike's ears.
Freddie laughs a little about it. Daphne has probably a make-up table full of her things: cremes, bottles, perfume, nail varnish,...

''...Vanity...,'' Shouts Spike. ''Vanity!''

''I'm n-not vain,'' replied Fluttershy.
Suddenly an leave slowly lands on her hooves.
''E-ewwww!!!,More germs!'' Fluttershy hided behind Fry.

''No,'' says Fry. ''You are certainly not.''
Pinkie pokes hard in Fry's side.
''Sssssh!'' Pinkie shushed.
''No!'' says Spike.''Vanity is the next sin.''
''Pretty funny though...i always thought Rarity had vanity as a sin...'' Spike thought.

They walk into the swamp.

Thirty minutes later Pinkie,Spike,Fry and Fluttershy walk trough the swamp.
Fluttershy sits on Pinkie's back,looking around carefully.
''You know,for the sin of Vanity...this isn't so bad at all!'' Fry smiled while marching trough the mud.

Suddenly Fry falls into the brown water.
A big splash is echoing and a few frogs jump away from the side at the brown water.
''Hahahahaha,oh Fry it's not the time for a mud-mask right now,hihihihi!!!'' Pinkie laughed.
Fluttershy giggled slightly.
''Hahaha...funny...'' Fry stood up shaking his mane and feathers and continues walking.

Spike points at a tree and sighs.
''I've seen that tree before. We're walking in circles.''

''Uhm...p-please excuse me...uhm,'' whispers Fluttershy.
''C-can we have a little rest.''
''Fluttershy,we must gio on!,'' Spike tried to cheer her on.
Fluttershy frowns and sniffs sadly.
''B-b-but...*Sniff*... I don't like i-it anymore.''

''Sssssht!''says Fry.
He points at a pool right in front of them.
''I saw something moving...''
Fluttershy jumped from Pinkie's back and clanged against Fry's body in fear.
Fluttershy moans and squeaks,she starts to get hysterical.
''I-i... just w-wanna go home!!!'' she cried.

A black beast suddenly appears out of the water.

''Run!'' screams Fry and runs out of the water.
''Oh Biscuits...'' Spike cursed and runs behind Fry.
''Faster Fry faster!!!'' Pinkie yelled while she runs at high speed.
Fluttershy screams and screams...
Pinkie runs right trough an tree.
''Look out, Pinkie! There's another one!!!,'' yells Spike scared.

Pinkie sees it and turns around. She's standing in front of another pool.
''LOOK OUT PINKIE!!'' yells Fry.
Pinkie turns around again and falls into the pool.
She floats under water.

''Pinkie, it's not the time to swim,'' says Spike and walks to the pool.
Pinkie swims up and she gasps for air.She swims to the side. Spike tries to hold out his claws to help Pinkie out.
Suddenly something pulls him under water as well.

''Spike!'' screams Fluttershy and runs to the water.
She jumps into it and helps Spike.
''S-stop it...you...meanie!!!''She hits the beast with her hooves. She keeps hitting it.
Her light-pink mane is a bit browner now.
Fry ran worried towards the two ponies and the dragon and he pulled them out of the water.
Fluttershy is all messy and muddy and she keeps hitting and hitting her hooves wildly around.

Spike,also dirty and muddy,and Fry are pulling Pinkie also out of the water.
Fluttershy opens her eyes finally and looks at the water.

''T-the beast is gone...'' She sighs and she looked at her friends.
They are all smiling...

''Fluttershy,you did it!! You have defeated your vanity!'' Spike hugged the....shy,muddy pegasus.
''Yeah,well done!'' Pinkie shouts happy and bounced into the hugging pair.
Fry stood aside watching the two dirty ponies and dragon.
''Pfffft...i don't think i'm going to hug them...they are al dirty.'' He whispered.

Fluttershy heard that and pulled Fry into a big group hug.
''Nooooo,now i'm getting dirty to!'' Fry shouts while he felt the warmth of the group hug over his body.
''T-there...is ..uhm enough dirt for everypony!'' Fluttershy giggled.
Pinkie and spike laughed at Fry's dirty face.

Suddenly The fog is vanishing and the sunlight shines into the swamp.
The four friends look at the other side where the fog was...they see another forest.

Fluttershy,Pinkie,Spike and Fry cleaned themselves up by the river.
They walk out of the swamp into the forest.
Fluttershy looked up to the sky.
''I-i defeated...m-my sin...take that,you...meanie...'' Fluttershy smiles proudly and walks behind her friends.


''ARRRGGHHH!!!'' Rohan grabbed with his hoof trough his chest.
he felt his heart beating for five seconds.
''N-no....No!!! They...deafeated....another sin!''
Rohan closed his eyes angry and shouts from out of his castle.