• Published 2nd Jun 2012
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The Path Of The Seven Sins - Fry

The Ponies are going on a dangerous mission,on the Path Of The Seven Sins

  • ...

Thus Who's Greedy...Will Never Find True Happyness

Again a half hour later the group is standing on a hill. The castle is just only 5 miles away.
''Well we did it,guys...'' Spike sighed.''In one of those towers waits Rarity to be rescued.''
''Yeah,only i wish our friends didn't turned into stone.'' Fry,Fluttershy and Pinkie looked down.


They heared an crumling voice from their backs.
Fry turns around and sees his Pal,Bender.
''BENDER!'' Fry flew up with his wings towards him and hugged him tight.
''B-but i thought you and Applejack...''
But before Fry could even say something...they heard something rushing between the bushes.
Bender and Fry looks around.
Pinkie,Fluttershy and Spike shivered.

Count Rohan comes running of the hill and he grabs Spike by his throat.
''LET ME GO,LET ME GO!!!'' Spike coughed and choked.
He tried to Squeeze and wobble out of the count's hoof.
''Where is that little chest!!?'' Rohan shouted in Spike's ear.
'' I'll show him!'' Fry said angry but Pinkie hold him back by his wings.
''Please go away,please go away,please go away...'' Repeated Fluttershy while she holds her hooves for her eyes.

Bender looks shocked around.
Until he sees Fry's wing...

''Hey You There!!!'' Bender yelled.
Rohan turned around towards Bender still squeezing Spike's throat.

''You want this???'' He holds up a chest.
''Come and get it!'' He screamed and with those words,the brown unicorn ran down the hill.
''Come here with that little chest,you scum!'' The count replied angry and yelling.
He ran behind the brown unicorn down the hill.
Spike felt on the ground coughing and crawling over the ground.

''NO BENDER,YOU ACCEPT THE SIN ''GREED''! '' Fry shouted behind him.
Fry ran toward Fluttershy and Pinkie.They are standing around Spike,who is laying unconscious on the ground.
''Spike,Spike!!!'' Fluttershy slapped his face.''C-common now...w-wake up!''
''Wait,Stay clear!'' Pinkie announced.
Fry and Fluttershy backed away.
Pinkie gargles and spits in Spike's face.
Spike opened wide his eyes and coughed up fire while he whipped the spit off his face.

Fry looked at Fluttershy.
''Well at least it worked,great job Pinkie!''
Pinkie smiled and helped Spike up.
''A-are you okay,Spike?'' Fluttershy asked worried while she looked at him.
''A slight headache...w-wait..where's Bender?'' Spike replied shocked.
''He ran away with my chest...'' Fry sniffed.
''No he didn't the chest is here!'' Pinkie holds up the original chest.

''B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but...'' Fry stumbled.
''If the original chest is here....with what kind of chest ran Bender away?'' Fry scratched his head.
Pinkie sighed.
''He wanted to give us some extra time to reach the castle...so he offered himself up...''
Pinkie explained while she gave the chest back to Fry.
''Pinkie,your an Generiously Genius.'' Fry smiled.
''No i am not,I'm Pinkie Pie!'' Pinkie winked while she blushed a little.
''Enough chitchatted everypony,Look!''
Fluttershy gasped. ''Oh,...my... N-no!The sunset!
''We must hurry...or else Bender's sacrifice is all for nothing!.''

The Four raced towards the castle...
Bender runs down faster and faster.
His hooves run as fast as they can. although his legs still hurt.
''Hahaha!'' Bender smirks.''That dummy can't even run!''

''Wait!'' Demands the voice of the count. ''Wait! You scum!''
''Na Na Nana Na!'' Bender teased while he putted out his tongue.

Bender keeps running but suddenly he stumbles over his hooves.
He falls with a loud ''BANG!'' on the ground.
''Aiiii.....my legs....ahhh!!!'' Moaned the unicorn out of pain.

''Well..well...well. It looks like you felt over your own sin...''GREED!'' Rohan teased back and kicked Bender in his stomach.
Bender screams so hard that it echoes from the'' Lust-garden'' till the ''swamp.''
He crawled into a ball towards his stomach.A tear escaped from his eye.
Rohan laughs and sits right in front of the brown unicorn and holds him there.

''Now give me that chest!'' Rohan commands.
He grabbed the chest out of Bender's hooves.
''B...b-but...THIS IS JUST AN NORMAL BOX!'' The black count stumbles and his forehead gets red.
''That one is for Twilight and Applejack, stupid,'' Bender replies mad back and spits into Rohan's face.
Rohan whipped off the spit.

''...I will teach you....not to mess with me...FOR YOUR ENTIRELY....SHORT...LIFE!!!'' The count yells.

The count gets furious and put his hoof-gloves off of his hooves.
''Hahaha,let'' see if your still brave after this!!!'' The count laughs insane.
He lays his hoof over Bender's face.

''Well...At least...i got the chest.''

Bender spoke his final words while also his body turned to stone.

The count looks at Bender for a second and whispers :

''An inheritance is being got by greed at first, but its own future will not be blessed.''

He turns around,waving with his black cape,and gallops back towards his castle...