• Published 14th Apr 2014
  • 699 Views, 29 Comments

The Monster Inside - Lonepone

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are stuck as college dorm mates. Will they end up loving or killing each other? After all, its not like you haven't read this story a thousand times, right?

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The Set Up

I sit in my darkened room, fighting off a massive headache.

"Drink too much last night?" Octavia's snide voice comes from the direction of the doorway.

I want to scream fuck off at her with all my might, but I can't seem to make my mouth move.

"What, can't answer me? Know I'm right?" She continues.

Her voice softens. "If there's anything you need, let me know, alright?"

My mouth speaks on its own accord. "Go to class. I just need to sleep it off"

She looks at me for a moment, unsure of the voices sincerity. "Are you sure? You know what, I don't owe you anything. Feel better" she leaves, leaving me trapped.

I try to lift myself up. My limbs don't respond to me.

"Hello again dear." it speaks both inside my head and through my mouth.

'What do you want?'

'Only what's mine. I want a body' It stands me up, and walks me in front of a mirror. 'But not this one. I want one more... Me.'

'What are you talking about?'

Blue flames engulf my body. If I could, I would've jumped. All that I can see are the blue flames. But oddly, they don't burn. Magic.

A new voice enters the fray. 'Rogue drone 35. You are attempting to access the hive mind. Your genetic structure is impure. Your location is noted. Prepare for incoming task force.'

'No, wait! I can explain! the original voice shouts. I'm a half breed, yes, but mentally I'm pure. Due to chance we are two personalities. She is pony. I am one of you'

'Task force recalled.'

The flames subside. An insectoid body stands where I used to be. I recognize it, even though the color scheme is different. Blue, instead of green.


'Yes. She flares her insectoid wings. :I am.'

A new sense assaults my mind. I can feel all the ponies around me, and I can feel their emotions to a degree. Its unsettling, as it doesn't feel right to have that much access to a person's soul.

'Enjoy this. This is power'

But I don't want this power.[/color=#26a4af] I focus on my right hoof. I will it to move with all my strength.

It stays stationary.

The changeling in the mirror smiles after noticing my struggle. "You know, us changelings feed on love. But, we aren't all that great at making others love us. That Octavia girl has interest in you I believe. Feed me" It says both out loud and in my head.

I feel a haze of black, all my sensory input halting for a moment, and then I can move. I look at myself in the mirror.

I'm still a monster.

That's right. You're a monster.

I ignore it, but it still knows that what its saying has an effect on me.

Im sure most ponies would be having a mental panic attack right now, but I grew up like this. It never could control me, but it always made its presence known.

I check the digital clock on my bedstand. Nearing ten thirty. Well, Octavia thinks I'm staying home for the day, so I might as well. I go into the kitchen, my mission to find breakfast.


I look at the name on my folders.

Lyra Heartstrings

I don't quite remember where I came up with the name, but it stuck. Through all my various adventures, the constant has been my name.

I look up at the professed scrawling on the chalkboard. An advanced physics lesson. He's good, except for one thing. He's wrong.

I glance around, making sure the actual students to my left and right are paying attention to the professor, not to me.

I open my laptop, and pull up the email provider.

I rub my brow, trying to remember what I all have to say.

I enter the first address, U-PON-2, and I make the sender appear to be the mare across the hall, Vinyl Scratch.

Hey, getting back to ya. I'd love to talk things over with ya guys bout the band. If you guys wanna meet me at this bar, Friday night at, say, seven? Oh, and bring your brother ;). You gotta buy the first round though, buddy.

I read it over, checking that it all sounds good. I click send.

A few moments go by, and I get notified that the email went through, and to anyone other than myself, it was sent by that band.

I make a new email, from the band to Vinyl.

So, my brother and I (mainly my brother) where wondering if you wanted to meet us at a bar downtown, at about 7 Friday night. Ill be coming with to talk band stuff with ya, but I'm sure you and him will have fun. Oh, and first round is on me. See ya there.

I click send, and it goes through without a hitch. I shut my laptop, and mentally return to the lecture.

I quickly grow bored of hearing something I know, and my eyes drift around the room.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a cute blue stallion eye balling me. I decide to have a little talk with him after class.

Author's Note:

Sooo sorry for the long wait. It being summer and all, I've been somewhat busy. Anyways, here's the next chapter, which is some more set up. Next chapter will be the much bigger.

Anyways, tell me what you thought of my little splashes of color. Depending on your reaction, I'll keep it or toss it. As always, constructive criticism welcome!

Comments ( 2 )

im confused due to my bad english, but i think i got the gist of it

im gonna mm wait to read this

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