• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 5,362 Views, 174 Comments

Amor Fati - BRyeMC

Clyde gained a "love of fate" attitude early in his life. How will fate treat him after joining Canterlot High?

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The Love of Fate Redux

Clyde woke earlier than he normally did on Saturdays. Instead of waking up when the sun was close to its zenith, he woke up a few minutes after it rose above the horizon. He quickly took a shower to wake himself up.

After the events of the dance last night, Clyde took Rarity home. She wanted him to spend the night with her, but Clyde declined due to fatigue. Not only did he stay after school all week, but he stayed up later than normal to type essays and help with math for his peers. He needed their support to vote for Rarity, so if he had to find some derivatives at three in the morning, he didn’t care. Ten minutes of showering later, he watched his fatigue wash down the drain and he felt brand new. He changed into his normal outfit and went downstairs to eat some cereal.

He sat around and watched the daily sports program, and even the reruns, waiting for the day to progress. Rarity would never be up this early so he thought about bugging Tyrone. He sent him a brief text and waited. When Tyrone replied back, Clyde laughed.

“What are you doing up this early?” typed Clyde.

“Now much, dawg. I have to practice early so there’s no one at the park.”

“Are you there now?”

“Damn straight, dawg! You should swing by. I ain’t got no one to go against.”

“Sure, give me a few minutes.”

Clyde ran back upstairs to put on gym shorts and another plain shirt. He never thought that the park was an option today, but he had to waste some time anyway. He exited his house and drove off to the park.

Once he arrived, Tyrone flagged him down and waited for him by the hoop. Clyde took the ball in his trunk of his car and bounced it with him as he walked. When Clyde walked up to Tyrone, the two of them clasped hands together.

“What are you doing up so early?” asked Tyrone, banking in a shot off the backboard.

“I’m not sure myself.” Clyde did a small runner and jogged after the ball. “You would think I would sleep in after only a few hours of sleep this week.”

“Yeah. I heard she won last night. Was she excited to see you?”

Clyde chuckled. “A little mad at first, but she was happy nonetheless. I could tell by looking in her eyes the joy she had.”

Tyrone nodded and patted his best friend on the back. “You did good, C. It seems like yesterday we sat in this same court and you told me about the feelings you get when you see her.”

Clyde blinked. It did seem weird Tyrone and him were back on the same court like that day long ago. “It seems like we came full circle, huh?”

“Yeah, but this time is different. This time, she is your girl instead of your crush.” Tyrone laughed.

“You’re right, T.” Clyde smiled and passed him the ball. They spent the next two hours playing one-on-one, H-O-R-S-E, and random alley-oops. After wiping a towel over his face drenched in sweat, Clyde slumped down against the chain-link fence that surrounded the basketball courts. After a few more shots, Tyrone sat down beside him.

“What are you doing today, dawg?”

“I was going to spend the day with Rarity, seeing how we won’t be home at all next weekend.”

“That sounds nice, dawg. I hope Coach’s homemade camp isn’t a waste of time.”

“It probably will be fun at least,” laughed Clyde.

“True. We are talking about Coach here.” The two of them played basketball for a few more minutes before they decided to part ways. “I’ll see you later, C. Have fun with your girl.” Tyrone gave him a smirk.

Clyde waved goodbye and drove back to his house. The sun was almost at it’s peak for the day, seeing how it was close to noon now. As he sat in his car, Clyde wondered if Rarity was up by now. She normally would be, but he ultimately decided to wait another hour.

He quickly entered his house and crashed down on the couch he, and now also Rarity and him, would lay on. As he moved around to find the remote, he thought about the night he carried her on his back. That night was special to him, as he thought it was the one night that sparked their relationship. He recalled the memory of him carrying her and laying her on the couch he now laid on with a smile. As he thought about the movie they watched that night, Clyde felt his phone vibrate on his chest. He picked it up and quickly answered it. “Hey.”

“Hello, my love! How are you so far today?” Clyde could tell she wasn’t sad anymore like she was during the week. Of course that was his fault, but he was now pleased to see her back to her jovial mood. Hearing her normal, resonating voice of bliss caused a grin to appear on his face.

“I’m doing good. Played some basketball with T at the park earlier. I woke up early today.”

“I thought you told me last night you were going to sleep in all day?”

Clyde chuckled. “I guess I didn’t want to. It’s fine by me. I’m fully awake now.”

“Lovely.” Her voice faded out and Clyde heard the faint typing of a keyboard. He listened to the rapid tapping of the keys for a good minute before speaking again.

“What are you typing?”

“Hm? Oh. I’m ordering some new catalogs.”

“Didn’t you buy a few some months ago?”

Rarity gave a playful giggle. “I did, but Clyde, you need to understand, fashion is serious business. Like our weather, there are certain seasons. I try to buy as many catalogs as I can so I’m not being behind, but ahead of the seasons! I could try to lecture you about these, but you probably won’t pay attention.”

“You’re right.”

Rarity laughed again. “Anyway, what sort of plans do you have in mind tonight for us, darling?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Well, if you can’t think of anything super extraordinary, we can always have a date at my house.”

Clyde felt a grin grow across his face. “So we can have another one of those make out sessions on your bed that last an hour and a half, like the one we had the last week?”

“Clyde!” said Rarity in shock, most likely from being flustered.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”

Rarity was silent for a few seconds before she emanated a small playful giggle. “I did enjoy it. You know me. I simply adored it.”

“Then why yell at me about bringing it up?”

“I had you on speakerphone and Sweetie Belle was in the room, plus I didn’t know if you were going to say something worse.”

Clyde burst into a laugh. “Oh well.”

The sound of the keyboard once again filled the silence before Rarity spoke again. “There. They will safely be delivered by Wednesday at the latest. Now, I will need someone to–”

“Just tell me when they arrive and I’ll carry them in for you.”

“Have I told you how much I love you?” asked Rarity.

Clyde smiled. “Many times.”

“Because I really do love you.”

“You know I feel the same way.”

“Well, my love,” she said sadly, “I’m afraid I have to go take Sweetie Belle to the mall. Her friends want to meet up there for the day.”

“Have fun,” said Clyde, knowing she wouldn’t. “Be ready around eight tonight. I’ll think of something we can do.”

“Sounds fabulous! I’ll see you then!” She made a kissing noise and hung up the phone. Clyde grinned to himself before sitting upright on the couch. He sat there trying to think of something they could do together.

Before they began dating, Clyde and Rarity went to the movies together and sometimes out for ice cream. After New Year’s when they did become a couple, Rarity began enjoying the simple dates, like laying on the couch or just being with him, more. Clyde felt the same way, but it’s been a few months since they had a date that didn’t involve watching TV.

Clyde thought back and found himself thinking about the night two days before his basketball tryout. He suddenly found himself smiling upon remembering the movie they watched together, Amor Fati.

There was that phrase again. Throughout the year, and his life, Clyde always thought fate hated him. The one instance where it decided to show its benevolentness to him, was him meeting Rarity. Without that fateful encounter in the gymnasium, Clyde wondered if Rarity and him would ever meet. He shook his head to clear those negative thoughts from sprouting. Rarity was his love of fate and he refused to go back to being alone.

Clyde jumped up and nodded. He knew what the two of them could do tonight. He quickly ran up to shower again and get changed back into his non-sweaty clothes.

~ ~ ~

At a quarter to eight, Clyde pulled along the curb in front of the door to Rarity’s shop. He shut the car off and crawled out of it. The spring breeze that hit his face felt just like weather in the fall. Once he beeped the alarm to lock his car, he heard the front door of the shop open.

“You’re always early,” said Rarity with a laugh. She ran up to him and hugged him. When they departed, she gave a small peck on his lips.

“Of course,” said Clyde with a grin. Rarity walked to the car and after failing to open the door she looked back.

“Why did you lock the doors?” she asked.

“I’m not driving tonight.”

“Oh. Do you want me to?”

Clyde shook his head. “No, we’re going to walk. It’s fairly nice out.”

Rarity nodded. She walked past him and brushed her hand across the left side of his face. “Let me grab a jacket quickly, darling,” she said with lowered eyes. She entered her shop again, as Clyde looked around the street. The sun had set about an hour or two earlier, so the street lights were fully on. More people were still walking, or jogging, down the sidewalks at this time compared to the fall. Spring always made people happy so the streets was a good source of activity.

Clyde heard the door open again, and he turned around to see Rarity smiling. She wore his dark gray jacket. “I see it still fits,” said Clyde sarcastically.

She stretched her arms out to show the droopiness. “It’s not that bad. Since it’s extremely oversized for me, it’s quite comfortable to sleep in.”

Clyde frowned. “I’ve only seen you wear it when we go someplace together.”

“I only wear it to sleep when you aren’t there with me,” she said with a smile. “I either cuddle with you or your jacket and my pillow. No matter the situation, I simply can’t lose.”

Clyde laughed. “Unless I take the jacket back and go live somewhere else for a few days.”

“Why would you ever do that to me, darling?” she asked with a teary pout. Clyde laughed again as he knew she was just messing with him, as he was to her. He held out his arm.

“Are you ready to walk, my beautiful Princess?” Clyde saw Rarity’s eyes light up and shimmer. She quickly grabbed his arm with both of hers and snuggled into his side.

“I am, my handsome beau.” Clyde smiled and together they began their walk down the sidewalk. Even though there were no puddles in the street, Clyde still walked closest to it, with Rarity on his right arm. It was an old-fashioned rule of etiquette, but since it was a chivalrous act, Rarity never complained.

They passed many dimly lit stores along the street, some that were about to close. Clyde realized he lived in Canterlot for almost an entire school year now, but he still never bothered with shopping around downtown. All of his shopping trips were at the mall since Rarity knew where every store was by heart. He took a mental note before Rarity looked up at him.

“Clyde, darling, where are we walking to?”

“We’re almost there,” he replied. Rarity nodded and placed her head back on his shoulder. After crossing three more blocks, Clyde heard Rarity gasp at the familiar restaurant. It was the same one they ate at before walking to the movies together.

“Are we eating here?” she asked in awe.

“Yeah. We haven’t been in here since October. Every other restaurant is getting boring.”

“You are correct on that.” She let go of his arm and looked at the menu on the window. “Ooh! They have a new shrimp scampi special! Although, I’m not sure if I can eat it myself...”

“We can get that, if you want,” said Clyde, showing his generous side.

Rarity turned around and tilted her head. “I thought you didn’t like pasta?”

“I don’t, but I love you enough to eat it with you.”

Rarity broke into another smile and grabbed his hand. They walked into the restaurant together and waited for the hostess to seat them. To pass time, Clyde asked Rarity how her day was and how it felt waking up as a Princess. During Rarity’s praise for him for helping her win the crown, the hostess called them to lead them to their table. She led them to the same booth they sat at in October. When the hostess left for their glasses of water, Clyde chuckled to himself.

“Well, this is something.”

“What is it?” asked Rarity confused.

“You don’t remember that we sat here during that night you invited me to the movies?”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she looked around. After a few seconds, she smiled. “You’re right! This is surely not coincidental.”

“Of course not,” said Clyde with a smirk, “it was fate.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “You still keeping talking about that?”

Clyde leaned forward in the booth. “I try not to, but fate follows me everywhere. Without it, maybe I wouldn’t have met you in the gymnasium where I pushed the ball away before it smacked your face.”

Rarity laughed. “I think it was mostly because you are a gentleman and saved me from distress, not fate.”

Clyde shrugged. “Still.”

The waitress soon came by and dropped off their drinks. To Clyde’s astonishment, it was the same waitress as before. She looked at him funny as she took out her small order pad. “Say, I remember you... Wait! You’re that boy who tried taking the selfie!”

Clyde instantly turned his head and felt his cheeks blaze red. He heard Rarity begin laughing. “Yeah...” he said with disdain.

The waitress chuckled and looked over at Rarity. “I hope you’ve been teaching him.”

“Don’t worry, I am the one who takes the pictures. I won’t let him touch the camera on our phones,” laughed Rarity. Clyde sighed and let the two of them have their fun. After they both calmed down, Rarity ordered the meal and the waitress left them. Clyde turned his head back towards Rarity and sighed. “Are you okay now, darling?” she asked him.

“I think so,” said Clyde with a nod. Rarity gave him a comforting smile and they sat there waiting for their dinner. Clyde pulled out his phone and decided to work on something. Rarity sat there confused, but when Clyde saw her reach for her phone, he smiled.

“You uploaded a profile picture!” she said excitedly after looking at the notification. His picture was from the news reporter after the basketball team won every game in the regular season. He took it from their internet page and cropped it himself.

“Yeah, but I have all these friend requests to accept. I haven’t been on here since you helped me make this account.”

“That’s okay! They should mostly be all of my friends because I tagged you as my boyfriend.”

Clyde frowned and looked at all the names. There were at least one hundred, maybe even two hundred, names wanted to add him as a friend. He knew social media friends weren’t as important as real friends, but it did show him how many people at least cared enough to add him. He decided to scroll through and add some of his good friends first.

“Well, there’s Pinkie, RD, even your mom,” laughed Clyde.

Rarity rolled her eyes and smiled. “Mother is on that more than me. She’s addicted to it.”

“I’ll say, she has over a thousand friends.” He went through and added all the people he became friends with over the year. Other than Tyrone, most of the friends he made in that Saturday morning detention didn’t have an account, but then again, he didn't see them that much anymore either. It's not like he didn't want to see them. Basketball kept him busy, so the only one he saw constantly was Tyrone. He put his phone away after accepting a few requests.

“Aren’t you going to make a post?” asked Rarity.

“No, no, no. I never agreed to that!” laughed Clyde. “I only have this account because of you, not for posting stuff.”

“Then I’ll do it!” Rarity took out her phone and began typing. Clyde counted in his head and nodded at the time it took Rarity to stop typing. After three seconds, she looked up and smiled. Clyde felt his phone vibrate, but refused to look at it. “Aren’t you going to see what it is?”

“It’s probably something about spending the evening with me with a heart icon or two.” Clyde saw her grin and laugh innocently.

“You know me too well.”

The waitress came back to their booth a few minutes later with the shrimp scampi dish. Rarity quickly dug into the dish, placing a large chunk of it on her plate. Clyde scooped his serving and began eating. Pasta wasn’t his favorite food in the world, but due to the shrimp, eating it made it tolerable. It actually was more delicious than he first thought, so he began enjoying it more and more. Rarity gave him a smile, but never spoke. He knew her so much now that they didn’t have to speak to communicate with each other to understand she was happy. The two of them ate the food in eloquent silence.

When the waitress dropped off the check, Clyde snatched it away before Rarity could even look at it. “Not this time,” he said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes.

“If you waited this many months just so you could pay for dinner at this restaurant to make yourself feel better, go right ahead,” replied Rarity with a half-serious, half-playful tone.

Clyde pulled out a twenty from his wallet and handed it to the waitress, telling her to keep the change. She smiled at the two of them and happily walked away. Clyde helped Rarity out of the booth and together, left the restaurant.

“My, my. You were feeling generous tonight, darling,” said Rarity with a light chuckle as they stood in front of the restaurant. The night air felt cool and the stars shined brightly in the moonless sky.

“Maybe your good nature rubbed off on me,” responded Clyde. He kept his gaze to the sky.

“Maybe, maybe not. You have always been a kind-hearted gentleman.” She walked over behind him and wrapped her arms around Clyde’s neck, pulling him into a hug. She kissed his cheek and lovingly sighed.

Clyde smiled and turned around, breaking her hug and looking into her eyes. No matter when or where, he could always see the sparkle in her enchanting eyes. “Where would you like to go next?”

Rarity hummed a tune and grabbed his hands. “How about some ice cream? They should still be open by now.”

Clyde grinned. “Lead the way.”

Rarity held Clyde’s hands tightly and pulled him away from the restaurant. Once they reached the corner of the avenue, she let go of one of his hands so she could walk beside him. Silence took over their walk to the small ice cream stand a few blocks away from the restaurant. Once they reached the stand, Clyde looked at the menu.

The ice cream stand was famous in the city for its various and myriad of flavors, whether it be scoops, milkshakes, or sundaes. It was also the place Rarity took him the night after the basketball tryout back in October. After some thinking, he looked over at Rarity. “What are you getting?”

“I’m not sure myself. Go ahead of me.” She gently pushed him forward to the cashier. Clyde turned around to say something to her, but she winked and ignored him on purpose. Clyde shook his head with a smile and faced the cashier.

“Hello,” began the girl, “what would you like tonight?”

“Give me a large peanut butter sundae,” said Clyde. The girl nodded and turned around towards the ice cream machine. Clyde looked back at Rarity who had looks of confusion on her face trying to figure out what to order.

“There you are,” said the girl with a smile, handing Clyde the sundae.

“Thank you.” Clyde handed her money and took the sundae. He walked over and sat down at the bench, laughing to himself because Rarity still stood there dazed trying to think of something to order. He began eating his sundae and saw Rarity walk up to the stand.

After eating half of his sundae, Rarity finally started her trek to the bench. As she sat down beside him, Clyde looked over at her small cup of vanilla. “That’s all you got?” he asked confused. "All that time just for that?"

“Yes, darling,” she looked down at it to ignore him, “you know I don't want to become fat.”

Clyde blinked. “But you told me you ate at least five gallons of ice cream Monday night?”

“I did. However, that was “Depression Ice Cream”.”


Rarity sighed. “Eating ice cream when upset causes a balance. I can eat as much as I want, and the best part is I won’t get fat.”

“So, eating one small scoop of ice cream when you’re happy will make you fat?” laughed Clyde. “Rarity, you’ll be fine if you eat any amount this stand gives you.”

Rarity smiled at him, but looked back at her ice cream. “I simply can’t take that chance.” Clyde laughed again and let her eat her small amount of ice cream. Her drama could cheer him up anytime. After the two of them finished their ice cream, Rarity laid her head on his shoulder and looked up at the shimmering sky. “Why don’t we ever look at the stars on nights like these, Clyde?”

Clyde looked up at the sky. Moonless nights were always his favorite. Seeing all the stars in the sky twinkle and shine brightly could make anyone appreciate them. “I have no idea. I guess school and basketball made me busy most nights.”

“It’s a shame,” said Rarity sadly. “These nights are truly divine.”

Clyde nodded. He continued his gaze to the sky and instantly remembered the movie Rarity took him to after their first time at the restaurant they returned to that night. A small smile formed on his face and he jumped up. He lifted Rarity’s hand and looked down at her. “Shall we walk, Miss?”

Rarity smiled. She let Clyde help her up and held his arm and buried her head into his shoulder. “Of course, my love.”

Clyde quickly threw away their cups and spoons from their ice cream, and led her back down the street. As they walked through the lonely streets, the occasional people who walked by smiled at them, not because they looked cute together, but because they saw the happiness in both of their faces. Within ten minutes, they entered the park.

Clyde saw the basketball courts he always played on with the corner of his eye, but he ignored them. Basketball was important to him, but not as much as Rarity. She looked around confused. “The park? Why are we here, darling?”

“You’ll see.”

They walked the stone-bricked path until they reached the large fountain the park was known for. A single light from the base of the fountain illuminated the large central spout. Around the large circumference of the fountain, were several smaller spouts pointing towards the central base. During the day, the fountain had many visitors sitting nearby on the benches or around the fountain’s edge. At night, the fountain was home to lovers or children playing tag. Clyde looked around and saw no one in sight.

They sat down on the fountain’s edge and looked across the pond that had a bridge over it. Spring and fall made the bridge a heavenly place for anyone on it due to budding and the changing of the leaves. The small pond always had ducks swimming around and enjoying the free food people threw at them. Except for the illuminated fountain behind them, the only source of light were the stars in the sky and a few dim street lights near the bridge.

Clyde turned his head to the right and saw silhouette moving around on the park stage. Usually bands or singers would practice on the stage due to the domed roof. The stage was off-limits during night hours, but the people seemed not to care. He felt Rarity’s hand grab his and he looked at her. The stars in the sky shone brightly down on her face. “Did you enjoy tonight?” he asked with a smile.

“You act like it’s over,” she said with a faint giggle.

“You know what I meant.”

“I did,” she smiled. “We could just spend the night doing a puzzle, and I would still enjoy it.” She wrapped her arms around and hugged his torso. Clyde placed his chin on her head and held her snugly. He looked across the pond and saw some ducks shaking water off of them or trying to attack each other. “Clyde, I wanted to thank you again for making me win last night. It’s always been a dream of mine.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s my role as your boyfriend to make you happy.” Clyde felt her shift slightly, trying to get more comfortable.

“I only wish we could’ve danced last night. It’s the one thing I wanted to do with you since we began dating.” Clyde could tell she felt disheartened about that dance. However, he couldn’t have surprised her if he danced with her last night.

“I’ll dance with you now if you want to,” said Clyde softly. Rarity quickly sat up and looked at him. The sudden jerk of her head banged Clyde’s chin, but he ignored the slight pain.

“Do you mean it?” she asked with glee.

“Absolutely.” As he stood up, he heard the faint sound of an acoustic guitar. He looked over at the park stage and saw the faint outline of a band standing on the stage. The guitarist held the tune of a slow sounding song. Expecting the bass to kick in, Clyde instead heard a harmonious set of vocals. The more he listened, the more it began sounding like a love song. He turned back to Rarity and held out his hand. The glow from the fountain shining on it. “May I have this dance?”

Clyde saw the sparkle in her eyes as she took his hand and stood up. He led her to a spot away from the fountain, where only the starlight was their light source. Rarity wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. Clyde rested his hands around her waist, but closer to her lower back. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. They touched foreheads together before dancing in a circle.

They danced for a few minutes only touching foreheads, but soon, Rarity looked into Clyde’s eyes. Her oceanic eyes made him smile, like they always had. From the first day he met her and nearly tackled her on the bleachers, their eyes met and he could never relinquish the feeling he got when he saw them. Soon, he saw tears and her joyous eyes turned sad. “What’s wrong?” asked Clyde concerned.

Rarity only smiled. “I was thinking about if I never did meet you, or if that ball never bounced towards me.”

“Why think about that?”

Rarity sniffled. “Because if that ball never bounced towards me or you mixed up those scraps of paper, I wouldn’t have met the greatest boy in the world. We should both thank Coach next time we see him.”

Clyde nodded. He thought back to the first day he met her and the day he won Pinkie’s name from her balloon pop. He suddenly smiled at the realization that Rarity was right about Coach helping him meet Rarity with that block on Tyrone and running into Poncho and him. Not only that, but he also drove Rarity and her friends to the Spring Fling dance for him.

“I’m sure Coach doesn’t care if we thank him or not. What’s important is what we accomplished together with our fated meetings.” Clyde continued his gaze into her tearful eyes and smiled.

Rarity began crying now, her tears streaming down her cheeks. At this point, Clyde stopped dancing to look at her. “You couldn’t possibly understand how much you mean to me.” She hugged him tighter.

Clyde shook his head. “I understand. I’m was used to coming home and sitting at my house alone, wishing my brother would come home already, or maybe if my parents somehow came back to life. You changed that. Alone used to be my biggest fear, but you Rarity, you shined it away.”

Rarity smiled. “You make me love going to sleep and waking up, just to see your “I love you” messages you send. All I wanted in life was someone who treated me like a princess, someone who loved me for only me. You not only made me feel like a princess, but you made me a Princess. I couldn’t imagine my life without you now, Clyde.” More tears were cascading down her cheek. “You are my fairy-tale 'Prince Charming' I always dreamed of having that everyone made fun of me about because it would never come true!”

Clyde was silent and he felt tears of his own forming in his eyes. He gently rested his hand on her cheek and rubbed her tears away with his thumb. He tilted her head to him and gave her a comforting smile. “You’re the only girl in the world who deserves her fairy tale.”

Her tears began again. “Clyde–”

“Don’t cry.” Clyde placed both of his hands on her cheeks and rubbed her stream of tears. “Your beautiful eyes shouldn’t be sad. I told you this before.” Clyde saw a shimmer in her eyes as she grabbed his arms. He wrapped them around her lower back again and knew exactly what was about to happen.

They brought their mouths together into the most beautiful kiss the world could know. It was beautiful, because it was shared by two who truly loved each other. Their love was a bond made strong by struggle and effort, and would remain so evermore. Her lips felt like velvet on his, and even with his eyes closed, Clyde could tell Rarity was blushing madly by the heat given off by her face. He brought a hand up her back to her shoulder, holding her close to him with a loving but firm hold. For the first time in years, Clyde felt as if all of his troubles were melting away, and he was sharing the perfect moment with the most beautiful girl in the world. He never wanted it to end as could be content like this forever. He continued his kiss even while she began to leave. After some loving giggles, Rarity wrapped her arms around her lover and sighed dreamily.

“I love you, Clyde. I will always love you. I swear with my heart.” She kissed him lightly, causing him to smile. Ever since meeting Rarity, Clyde believed he smiled at least a thousand more times than he did in his life, something he never thought would happen. He also never thought he would experience ‘love’ again, but that also changed because of Rarity.

Clyde gazed into her eyes. “I love you too, Rarity. So much, that it hurts when I’m not with you. But, if I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd walk through a garden forever.”

“Oh my,” said Rarity in awe with her sultry look, “I never knew you became so romantic.”

“It’s because of you,” replied Clyde with a smile. “I guess your love for romance rubbed off on me.”

“Just like my good nature for earlier tonight?” asked Rarity with a wink.

Clyde laughed. “Being around you just makes me a better person.”

Rarity continued her sultry gaze into his eyes. “Good. Because I don’t want to imagine you without me,” she whispered seductively.

Clyde smirked. “Is this how you’re going to keep your crown and defend it next year, by keeping me for yourself?”

“Of course! I need my wonderful prince to continue supporting my reign!” Rarity giggled, but kept her seductive look on him. “But enough of talking about our future, let’s talk about tonight and the present.”

Clyde nodded and looked around. The band stopped playing some time ago and vanished from the park in general. Rarity and him were the only people he seen since arriving at the park. The stars were still bright and the night remained silent. He looked back at Rarity. “What do you have in mind?”

“Tonight was amazing, darling, just like every night we spent together, but would you like to sleep at my house tonight? It’s getting late and I don’t want you to drive home tired.”

“I’m not even tired.”

“Neither am I,” she said with a smile. “But, maybe we could try to beat our record for longest make out session? We’re up to ninety minutes.” Rarity playfully winked.

Clyde burst into a laugh. “I’m always down for that.”

Rarity hugged him and smiled slyly. “So am I.”

They walked out of the starlight and back towards the illuminated fountain. As Rarity came close to the foundation's edge, she quickly hopped up on it. Clyde looked at her strangely, but she issued him to turn around. As he did, he felt her weight pull down on his shoulders. He quickly grabbed her legs and held them, looking back at her. “Where to now, Miss?”

Rarity smiled and looked into the bright, star-filled sky. She looked back at Clyde, but he knew what she was thinking. He gave a nod and he began his walk back towards her home, with Rarity on his back.

Clyde constantly checked back to see how she was doing, but her smiles and giggles were all he needed to know. Like the trek after the movie so many months ago, Clyde saw the faint blush line on her cheeks after walking under street lights. It wasn’t hidden love like last time, however. It was love that couldn’t be hindered. Love that both Clyde and Rarity didn’t want to lose. As the stars and heavens shined brightly down on them while Clyde lovingly carried her home, he gave a smile.

Fate brought them together, and because of it, forever will he love his fate.

Author's Note:

*Insert Titanic song*

Alas, this tale of lovers has ended. (At least for this story.) Please read the sequel: HERE!

I hope you enjoyed the story as much I as enjoyed writing it! I thank every viewer, like, and favorite! I hope "Clarity" will always remain in your mind and/or hearts, but that might be asking for too much!

Comments ( 36 )

I have no words but these.. because I can't find them.

This story was the best romance I've ever read, seriously. :pinkiesad2:

I'm also gonna share this on my Brony FB group.

Can't wait to see what you come out with next, dude!! :pinkiehappy:


I thank you both. It makes me feel good knowing people enjoyed it so much. :raritywink:

*sigh* And so, yet another great story by one of my fellow " '96 Authors" friends(?) comes to a close.

This was a very fun read. Admittedly, the cheese levels of some of the romantic dialogue reached dizzying heights, but luckily I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

There's honestly not much else to say. All of the conflicts were resolved and this chapter was a lovely little conclusion to wind it all down.

Great job.

4810842 Thanks!

Granted, "cheesy" lines are okay when Rarity is here! She is that romantic type of person. (or pony, but there ain't no ponies in here!) :raritywink:

Awwwwww. What a cute couple. I LOVED this story! You kept Rarity in- character, while pulling in extra quirks about her that made her character stunning, Clyde was easy to relate to, since a lot of people probably went through the troubles he went through in high school. Tyrone was hilarious and stereotypical as hell, I love that you made RD go out for the boys team, and not to mention, this really has been a roller coaster of emotions, mostly towards the end, with Bulk's goaltending that cost the game, the Spring Fling, and this chapter.

Now, I personally would not mind an epilogue that would cover when Clyde and the Canterlot basketball team makes it to the finals next year and wins, and then maybe a time skip with the futures of Clyde, Rarity, the remainder of the Mane Five, and Tyrone, and anyone else if you feel like it. And, for bonus points, into the future when Clyde does propose to Rarity and their marriage, though I won't push you to do that, you already made a wonderful story as is. :raritywink:

4811030 Haha, thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I wouldn't mind going back and making some small one-shot type of sequels to this story. There's a lot of material I could work with and I think it would be fun!

Also, maybe one day I will decide to write a proposal and wedding. Sounds fun. :raritywink:

I loved this. Too bad it had to end :fluttershysad: , but all good things must, as they say.
Also while reading the part with them dancing I was playing this.
It felt appropriate imho and it said acoustic soo...yeah. 5 STAHS!! :pinkiecrazy: A PLUS!! :rainbowlaugh: 4 STAHS(if a rating will not allow for 5 that is) :twilightblush:

4822105 I love that song! It's not "Everlong", but it's still nice!

Thanks for reading and I'm happy to know you enjoyed it! I'm sad as well it's over, but who knows, I could make a return to this story line down the far distant road. :raritywink:

Oh, Celestia, this is such a great story! Your hard work really did pay off. I've always kind of struggled with Rarity shippings; so many have under-developed characters and indecent pacing. However, this story has made me into a die-hard Clarity shipper (love the official ship name btw). The story didn't feel rushed or slow, the chapters were a good size and it was enjoyable to read.

I especially love Clyde's character. Not a lot of people can develop an OC quite like you can. His hesitance in admitting his feelings for Rarity makes him a likable character, and I appreciate that he has a solid backstory that came before this fic. The fact that he's has a hard time just coming out and saying what he feels shows his struggle in believing in people. I am glad that Rarity has been a light for him at the most important times.

His friends just crack me up though. I especially love the bonding between Clyde and Tyrone. He's pretty legit, and my favorite of Clyde's friends.

Your personalities for the mane-6 were spot on. Especially with Pinkie Pie. The balloon stomps were some highlights for me. :pinkiehappy:

Something that puzzles me though: I struggle with the idea that a guy would slowly start spending less time with his male friends just because of some girl. Perhaps I just don't understand the mind of a guy -- I am a female, after all -- but this just seems odd to me.

Even so, I absolutely LOVED the entire story. Good job! :twilightsmile:

5038005 Thank you for voicing–or I guess typing–your thoughts! I'm super thrilled you enjoyed it this much! (And for supporting Clarity!)

I know most readers are hesitant on OC stories, especially if they are romance AND with a Mane 6, but knowing I did very well makes me feel proud! I'm also proud that I kept all characters in character, too.

Thanks again!

Also, as I can vouch for my friends and myself, depending on the girl, we do, try at least, spend more time with them instead of the "bros". :raritywink:

5038621 Of course, always happy to give feedback! Again, excellent job. Keep up the great work. :raritywink: And thanks for the clarification as well! :pinkiehappy:

i truly enjoyed reading this story, it was so heart warming a and cute i have to boop your nose
its always sad when a good story ends,but this is a great story so it's even more so
looking forward to reading more from you

stay classy:moustache:

5473615 Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :raritywink:

5573279 It skipped to Thursday because I wanted the story to align with the first movie. I can't change it now, but yeah, I probably should have wrote that part better.

The story gets better as it goes on, though! Thanks for reading thus far and I hope you continute! :raritywink:

5573591 True. However, I know some people who text like that. Maybe Clyde wanted to use formal texting? :raritywink:

I'm glad you are finding something to comment about. Makes it seem like you actually care! :raritystarry:

Best story ever :O it was so realistic :O if i could i would give this story 1000+ Likes :D i will recommend all my fellow Bronies to read this story and i'm diffidently gonna read it again some time :D

I really like how you got some characters from other stories into this story and made it one big time line :D

Love: A big fan

5598567 Thank you! I'm super glad you enjoyed it! Read it again or tell others about it as much as you want! :raritystarry:

Also, this story was second in the timeline thing so technically other stories used my characters more. :raritywink:

5598580 BTW +1 follow from here ;)

5598591 Thanks again! :raritystarry::raritywink:

this line is one I have to remember/use
["...But, if I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I'd walk through a garden forever.”]excellent chapter and story. that last scene with park, I had this song playing in my head

5816184 Glad you liked it! :raritywink:

5923324 Thanks! I hope you enjoyed/keep enjoying it! I'm not much into making stories comical so I strive for realism and romance.
(Realism as best as it can be because this is MLP after all.)

As for the math comment, Clyde was just being modest as usual. :raritywink: I took Calc 2 in junior year so I know it was possible for him to take it.


Sheesh, that's pretty darn smart. I'm taking Calc II next semester, being first semester of my sophmore year: in college.

5927519 Calc 2 is much easier than the first one in my opinion. It was basically a review of the first class with some new topics sprinkled in. At least, that was how my teacher taught it.

6041014 Actually, if you read it again, you'll see neither of them looked at the paper slip before they crashed into each other, so it was totally fate. :raritywink:

6139054 :raritywink:

Great song is great.

There you go

Whoo! Love the story, bro! While I can appreciate The Poncho Chronicles for its humour, you were definitely right when you said that this was your better work. I've been reading through the whole EG universe you guys have got going on, and I'm super pumped to read more! I'll be moving onto the sequel in no time! :pinkiehappy:

Clarity Forever! :raritywink:

6601353 Thank you for reading and for all of your support.

I'm happy to see people loving Clarity. :raritywink:

I just finished reading this, and loved it. I know there are more PoME stories to read here (besides your squeal). Just need to think where to go to next to see how each story would tie to each other, if that's possible.

7101603 Thanks for reading! :raritywink:

My stories aren't really connected much to the others, like PoME, but other stories still mention some events from these. Many stories that follow PoME and mine were inspired by them so that's why PoME and these stories only have Swift and/or Clyde in them and no one else. This PoME universe Is kinda like a weird Zelda timeline or something. Haha.

But if you want to read the next "chronological" story that isn't my sequel next, read CogWing's or BlueSun's.

Just asking, what does PoME stand for:twilightsheepish:

7154344 "The Pie of My Eye."

A story made by my good friend on this site that helped inspire this one. The link to that story is in the description of this one.

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