• Published 13th Apr 2014
  • 4,641 Views, 84 Comments

…And that’s why Applejack doesn’t have a McDonalds Toy - Justice3442

The ponies show up at McDonalds to sign some paperwork and enjoy some free food, but not everypony is happy about being there.

  • ...

Land of Fried Meat and Tears

…And that’s why Applejack doesn’t have a McDonalds Toy


Twilight sniffed as she walked into the bright restaurant. The air was greasy and heavily interlaced with the smell of fried meat. Twilight smiled. The smell always reminded her of two things: hamburgers and money, and she loved both. Behind her walked her normal entourage of friends, Spike, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.

“So good to have you girls back,” a blond haired, smartly dressed woman said as she ushered the group of ponies into the McDonalds. “I know the kids are just going to adore the new Rainbow Power figures.”

Twilight smiled. “It’s good to be back. Always a pleasure to do business with McDonalds. Right girls?” Twilight asked as she looked back to her group of friends.

“I LOVE places that are run by a clown!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Yeah! Totally awesome!” Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity teetered. “Honestly, this place is a tad pedestrian for my taste, but I adore any company that wants to spread my image far and wide.”

Celestia smiled. “I just love these little trips to the human world.”

Luna beamed. “I’m exuberant that I was considered for such a prestigious honor!”

Spike also wore a happy countenance. “I’m just happy I cried long and hard enough that Twilight caved in and brought me along.”

Rarity nodded. “That was some impressive tantrum throwing. Even I’m impressed!”

“Thanks!” Spike said proudly.

Fluttershy looked around the restaurant in a panicked expression as she took short, labored breaths from her mouth. “Erm… huff… puff… I was actually kidnapped in my sleep and brought here by force to this… huff… house of death.”

Pinkie bounded up to her terrified friend and smiled wide. “Well of course we kidnapped you in your sleep, silly-Billy! You hate coming to McDonalds.”

“Um… well… if you all know that… then erm… why even bring me in the first place?”

Rainbow Dash approached the timid mare. “’Cause we need you to sign all the paperwork to use your image in a toy, d’uh!

“Erm, well… the thing is… I’m not sure I want to sign anything… Erm… especially here. I’m not sure how you even got me to do it the last couple times…”

Twilight spoke up, “Yeah, we all ate meat in front of you until you passed out and worked you like a puppet.”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as her lips began to quiver. “Oh…”

“Yer all horrible sell outs!” Applejack cried.

Fluttershy smiled. “Thanks, Appleja—”

“Ah can’t believe you’d all lend yer image to a place that sells such low-quality apple pies!”

Fluttershy’s features sank once again. “Nevermind…” she squeaked out.

The McDonalds representative spoke up. “Uh… is there a problem?”

Twilight looked up at her and smiled. “I’ll handle this.” She turned to Applejack. “Applejack, why do you have to be such a stick in the mud? Can’t you just enjoy fat sacks of money like the rest of us?”

Pinkie leaned in close to Twilight and whispered. “I think you meant to say, ‘making children happy’.”

“Right!” Twilight said. “Wait… isn’t that what I said?”

All the ponies present shook their heads.

“You said ‘fat sacks of money’, Twi,” Rainbow Dash informed. “Which… let’s face it… are actually pretty cool.”

“Oh shoot!” Twilight exclaimed. “I always mix those two up!”

Celestia smiled. “It’s alright Twilight. Part of becoming a princess is realizing they’re often one and the same.”

Applejack sighed. “Even Princess Celestia is against me…”

“Sister is actually paid in pies,” Luna informed.

“What?!” Applejack exclaimed as she stared at Celestia.

Celestia stared back at Applejack with an embarrassed look on her face as crumbs adorned her face and a half eaten apple pie floated inches away from her muzzle. She quickly brought the rest of the pie into her mouth and chomped down on it.

Applejack shook her head and turned to Luna. “Well ye’re upset about the quality of pies here, right?!”

“Honestly, I am just happy to be included for once,” Luna said.

Spike gave a heavy sigh, “I hear that…”

Twilight smiled down at Spike. “Cheer up Spike, I’m sure they’ll make a toy of you next time.”

Spike’s face lit up. “Really?”

“No,” Twilight replied while maintaining the same smile on her face.

Most the ponies present broke out into small fits of laughter.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe… he’s going to develop a self-esteem complex for sure!”

Spike gave a heavy sigh as he walked up to the pile of burgers. He grabbed an arm full and walked towards a booth, setting the pile down and setting in front of it. He began to morosely unwrap his first burger. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be right her quietly sobbing to myself while I fill the deep, empty void in my life with food.”

Twilight nodded. “Good thinking Spike! The burgers should help muffle your pitiful sobs so the rest of us won’t have to hear them!”

Spike said nothing as tears began to pour from his eyes and he sorrowfully chomped down on the burger in his claws.

“Oh, that is it!” Applejack cried. “Ah’m gonna start my own pie stand! With blackjack! And hookers!”

Pinkie giggled. “Silly Applejack! This story is rated for ‘everyone!’”

Applejack frowned. “Fine! Just the pie stand then!” With that, Applejack stormed out of the restaurant out into the bright, afternoon day.

“Oh no!” Pinkie cried. “What are we going to do?! We’re a pony short!”

“Don’t worry!” Twilight said. “I have it all under control…”


“Get’cher fresh, delicious Apple Pies here!” Applejack shouted out happily from behind her pie stand.

“Gasp!” A man wearing a dark shirt adorned with Berry Punch drinking from a punch bowl over the words ‘GO HOME BERRY PUNCH!’ said from the street. “A talking pony!”

“Double gasp!” Another man in a dark blue Twilight Sparkle shirt said. “It’s one of the ponies from Friendship is Magic! This is the best day ever!”

Applejack grinned wide as the two men approached. “Yep! Sure is! Would you two like to purchase some delicious, home cooked apple pies?”

The man in the Berry Punch shirt frowned. “Aww, it’s just worst pony…”

“WHAT?!” Applejack cried.

The man in the Twilight shirt hung his head. “I thought it was going to be my waifu…”

“Dude, you know Flash Sentry stole your waifu.”


Applejack shot an annoyed glance to the two men in front of her stand. “Uh… excuse me? If ya two aren’t gonna buy anything, can ya please move along?”

“Man, Flash was in season 4!” the man in the Berry Punch shirt insisted. “You really just need to let this whole Flash thing go…”

“NEVER!” the man in the Twilight shirt cried as he threw a surprise left hook into the face of the other man.

The two quickly began to exchange blows in front of Applejack’s pie stand.

Applejack sighed. “Ferget this! I’m just gonna have my own episode while everyone else is at McDonalds…”


“WHOA!” A white unicorn mare with electric blue colored hair exclaimed as she took off her purple tinted goggles and stared out at the restaurant full of happy children. “This is sweet!” She turned to Twilight. “…And you say all I have to do to get to drop some phat beats at the next Grand Galloping Gala is sign some papers and hang out with some human kids?”

Twilight nodded. “Yep! Just one thing, though. The kids get to put stickers on you.”

The white unicorn knitted her brow and frowned. “Wait, what?”

Twilight brought her forehoof up to her mouth and made a sharp whistle. “Alright kids! Play time!” she said happily as she motioned to the white unicorn.

The children all cried out in excitement as they stampeded through the restaurant and mobbed the surprised pony.

The white unicorn flailed her forehooves in the air as a sea of tiny hands dragged her down and started plastering her white coat with a number of colorful rainbow stickers. “Not cool! NOT COOL!

“Hurray!” Pinkie cried. “We solved our missing pony problem and ruined the next Grand Galloping Gala, again! Happy day!”

Spike rolled his eyes as he unwrapped another hamburger wrapper, adding it to the mountain of wrappers in front of him. “Yay,” he uttered sarcastically before taking a bite of his hamburger.

“Uh, Twi?” Rainbow Dash said as she approached Twilight, dragging an unconscious looking Fluttershy who was foaming at the mouth. “I know it’s good that we helped children and all, but don’t you feel a little bad about what happened to AJ?”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight replied from a pile of crisp dollar bills as she spread her legs and wings out wide and waved them up and down, allowing the bills to wash over her. “I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how awesome money is!”

The End

Author's Note:

Just a little something that was prompted by a random picture at Derpibooru.

Thanks to user Poptard for the story prompt.

Comments ( 82 )

And nothing of value was lost.

I don't know what I just read but it was worth reading :yay:

Spike also wore a happy continence.

He wore a happy bladder control? Well...I suppose one would be happy to have control of one's bladder. :rainbowhuh:

Fluttershy looked around the restaurant in a panicked expression as she took short, labored breaths from her mouth. “Erm… huff… puff… I was actually kidnapped in my sleep and brought here by force to this… huff… house of death.”

Oh my...nopony told her that there's no actual meat at McDonald's? It's just processed soy with artificial meat flavoring.

“Erm, well… the thing is… I’m not sure I want to sign anything… Erm… especially here. I’m not sure how you even got me to do it the last couple times…”

Twilight spoke up, “Yeah, we all ate meat in front of you until you passed out and worked you like a puppet.”

Ouch! :rainbowlaugh:

“Yer all horrible sell outs!” Applejack cried.

Fluttershy smiled. “Thanks, Appleja—”

You tell 'em, AJ!

“Ah can’t believe you’d all lend yer image to a place that sells such low-quality apple pies!”


Also HEY! McDonald's apple pies are mighty tasty! :flutterrage:

“Sister is actually paid in pies,” Luna informed.

Celestia: "And milkshakes! Don't forget the thick, creamy milkshakes!" :trollestia:

Twilight nodded. “Good thinking Spike! The burgers should help muffle your pitiful sobs so the rest of us won’t have to hear them!”


“Oh, that is it!” Applejack cried. “Ah’m gonna start my own pie stand! With blackjack! And hookers!”

Can I bite her shiny apple ass now? :pinkiehappy:

If I ever win the lottery, I'll have each room in my "I'm-rich-suck-it" house done in a different pony. The master bedroom will be Twilight. The bathroom will be Applejack. :trollestia:

The man in the Berry Punch shirt frowned. “Aww, it’s just worst pony…”

“WHAT?!” Applejack cried.

The man in the Twilight shirt hung his head. “I thought it was going to be my waifu…”

“Dude, you know Flash Sentry stole your waifu.”


Is that...Razalon? :pinkiegasp:

Funny story. Twilight being a money-hungry bitch made me smile for some reason.

I think this might just be the best story on fimfiction...

wow and you even gave a shout out to Exit Through Canterlot why wasnt Tavi with vinyl at the restraunt she could have spray painted a new sign for them and have the next gala ruined for her

I sense they're the .MOV ponies...


That was beautiful.

I enjoyed this! The ponies were a bit out of character, but other than that- good job! :rainbowlaugh:


Ooops! :twilightoops: Fixed! Glad you enjoyed it.

I wasn't picking on any particular user with the Equestria Girls thing, though I kinda liked the movie and don't have a beef with Flash, so the hate of both always amuses me for some reason. :twilightblush:


I was also thinking the Friendship is Witchcraft ponies, though Fluttershy probably would have no problem with eating animals there. :derpytongue2:

4229459 Or any living thing that goes into her shed.

4229459 This explains so much. It's just like Hasbro making the Applejack figure with the wrong colored hat, or no hat at all for the MLP Monopoly game.:ajbemused:

I almost bought a Happy meal hoping to get a Luna fig...is that wrong?:trollestia:


The nice thing about having a two year old daughter is I can shamelessly buy all the happy-meals I want. :derpytongue2: We have five of the ponies at this point.

“Ah’m gonna start my own pie stand! With blackjack! And hookers!”

Applejack's Hookers, Blackjack, and Pies?
Sign me up.
Hell put in a shooting range and I'll invest.

Ha! Bender reference!

“Oh, that is it!” Applejack cried. “Ah’m gonna start my own pie stand! With blackjack! And hookers!”

Hell yes!

“Sister is actually paid in pies,” Luna informed.

I see no flaw in this deal.:trollestia:

4229506 Bastard!!!:trixieshiftright:

Mocking me with your pony acquiring abilities...just going to go into a corner:fluttershysad:...

...and cry a little:fluttercry:...

How f... You got kids? BLENDER DOES NOT APPROVE ( and you know I'm joking right, RIGHT? OH GOD MY COVER HAS BEEN BLOW. SOMEONE GET ME A WATERPROOF HANKEY BECAUSE IM ABOUT TO DEEPLY INTO IT) also I feel like watching a marathon of futurama for some reason. Something to do with blackjack cards and lots of coat hooks.

Thanks for another great comedic story! I loved how all of the characters were used to explain the toy set!

Being a McD's worker, I was able to individually purchase all 8 of the toys today. I was surprised by the figures' accuracy to their counterparts on the show (compared to what sits on Walmart and Toys R Us shelves).

Still, I really consider it an iffy decision by McD's/Hasbro to sub in Vinyl for AJ , a background pony (I like her, but I have to call a spade a spade) for a main character. :ajbemused:

If it were a 12-character toy series, I'd definitely want to see Spike and the CMC used for the last four spots.

Haha... nice. :rainbowlaugh:

Just the one so far. :derpytongue2:

Yeah they're pretty nice toys. My daughter really likes them. The AJ snub also struck me as weird. :ajbemused: On the other hand, I've seen some pretty fun stuff on Derpubooru because of it, and of course it made for a good plot addition to to the writing prompt I saw there. :rainbowwild:

Also, just a heads up that I tossed your name into the author's notes. Thanks for the story idea. :twilightsmile:

4231284 omg its the guy with the dan vs. story YAY

fucking mcdonalds

4231284 omg its your like best pony now omg if you reply ill die a happy man!

I honestly have no problem with free enterprise. It's just a way to provide jobs. Besides that, great story!!

Spike gave a heavy sigh as he walked up to the pile of burgers. He grabbed an arm full and walked towards a both, setting the pile down and setting in front of it.

booth not both


Whoops! Fixed. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Cannot stop laughing! And this is why I fucking hate corporate as I type this on my HP laptop. :trollestia:

A little too hard on Spike though for a crack fic. :applejackunsure: And the ponies need a little lesson on where selling out gets them eventually. Oh the tears from the ineveitable class war will be glorious.
PS: Upvoted. :yay:


I usually don't pick on the little guy too much. The level of Spike abuse here was certainly pretty harsh, even compared to 'It's not easy being Green... and Purple', which was almost entirely a Spike abuse fic.

I pretty much was playing up everything for laughs in this one. Sounds like it worked for the most part. :derpytongue2:

It was just a little distracting from the humor. No offense. :ajsmug:
The REAL issue is that McDonald's here has no Pony toys. Just Spongebob. :ajsleepy:
Oh look, I'm using AJ emotes. :applejackconfused:

Twilight replied while maintaining the same smile on his face.

I think that you meant to say "on her face".


Whoops! Got it! Thanks! :twilightsmile:

so that's why she doesn't have a toy? hmmm..... makes sense. I feel soo bad for AJ in this.
*spike* "And me too?"
*me* "Shutup Spike and eat your McDeaths!"
*spike whimpers and sobs while eating another burger*

AJ if my fav pony. I really wish they would of made her. I go to McDs about every 2 days and get 2 kids meals. finally got a RD today. got 4 Vinyl, 6 Shys, 2 Charitys 1 Lulu, 1 Molestia. every time I eat the apple slices, I always think "Buy some apples!"

Spike deserves at least some sympathy.
Besides, without him, we wouldn't have the wonderful mustache emoticon.

That was hilarious! Poor AJ :ajsleepy:
It was funny to see Twilight being completely materialistic and not in any way representing what she's supposed to in the show. :twilightblush:
That was the best!

This is the best thing ever.

Love the explanation for why Applejack wasn't included!

Oh Applejack, I would buy pies from you. Maybe all of them. :ajsmug:

“Oh, that is it!” Applejack cried. “Ah’m gonna start my own pie stand! With blackjack! And hookers!”


Intensive high-input industrialized monocultural agriculture with synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified crop technology beats your orchard, Applejack.

well.... this was a good story.... in the type of story that it was: a story with no real motive or purpose, just a story written with love (and shit) that makes us question our own life, as well as the life around us...


You would think that gold coins are worth more than flimsy green papers.

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