• Published 14th Apr 2014
  • 4,328 Views, 39 Comments

The Last Man Standing - Robobrony

Twilight and Friends go to a circus that has come to Ponyville to enjoy the show. They didn't expect to befriend the sidshow attraction.

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Chapter One: Sideshow Attraction

The Last Man Standing
Chapter One: Sideshow Attraction

A circus had come to town. Ponies of all ages were flocking to a large circus tent set up just outside Ponyville to see a great show. Twilight, Spike and her friends were among the crowd. “I can’t belive it!” Spike exclaimed happily. “A circus came to Ponyville.” He had a cone of cotton candy in his claw as he walked next to Twilight.

“This is exciting, I’ve never been to a circus before.” Twilight informed with a smile. She had a bag of peanuts levitating next to her. Every once in a while she’d levitate a few out of her bag and eat them.

“Me neither, I’m sure we’re all gonna have a great time.” Applejack said.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see what kind of animals they have.” Fluttershy stated.

“I can’t wait to see the clowns.” Pinkie said as she carried a large amount of cotton candy on her paper cone, it was bigger than she was. Her mouth opened wide to an unbelievable size and ate half the amount she had.

“I can’t wait to see the stunts they’re going to do.” Rainbow said as she hovered over the others.

“And have you seen the fashion they have? So spectacular and glittery.” Rarity stated.

As the group drew closer, they saw many posters advertising all the things to see. A flying trapeze act, lion and tiger taming, a tight rope walker, and many others were on display. But what was really getting everypony’s attention was one poster in particular that was promising something never seen before.

The girls soon found their seats in the stands and sat together. The lights dimmed and a spotlight came on. A unicorn stallion in a black top hat, and red vest stood at the center. He had a beige coat and white mane and tail. His cutie mark was of a red and white ring. “Mares and gentlecolts!” He announced. “On this day, we are here to wow you with feats of heroism and bravery, danger and mystery, but most of all, to entertain each and every one of you! Welcome my friends, TO THE CIRCUS!” Right as he said the last word, a cannon fired and an earth pony flew over his head from the side. He landed in a net and music started up as elephants walked in from behind him.

The elephants performed a few tricks with balls and rings while a few ponies directed them. Every pony cheered as the elephants performed their tricks. After a few stunts, the elephants left the ring and a few more stallions and mares came in wearing spandex. The stallions galloped around while the mare’s rode on them performing flips and jumps. “Wow, look at that precision.” Twilight pointed out.

“Not bad.” Rainbow commented.

Spike had a big grin as he watched the ponies perform. “Wow, cool.”

“Ooh, fancy.” Pinkie said.

After the ponies finished their routine and received a round of applause, the next act began to set up. A large cage was set up with two stands with stars and a large hoop at the center. A tiger was then brought out in a smaller cage and let into the bigger one. It growled as it made its way around the cage. A unicorn stallion with a chair and whip levitating around him entered the cage and approached the tiger. The girls watched in awe. “Oh my.” Fluttershy let out.

“No way.” Spike said.

As the stallion drew closer, the tiger growled and swiped at him. The stallion used his whip to get the tiger to listen. “Hah, hah, jump.” The tiger jumped through the hoop onto the other platform on the other side. “Come on now, hah!” The stallion declared as he whipped his whip.

“Oh dear, that doesn’t seem very nice.” Fluttershy observed.

“Relax Fluttershy, it’s just an act.” Rainbow commented.

“But couldn’t the stallion just ask the tiger to do what he wants?” Fluttershy asked.

“Fluttershy dear, that tiger is dangerous. While simply talking to it may work for you, that stallion needs some other way to get the tiger to do what he wants. Hence the whip.” Rarity explained to try and ease her friend.

“Besides, these circuses take real good care of the animals they have.” Twilight explained further.

The next act began and it was a flying trapeze. Fluttershy had her eyes closed for the most part while Rainbow enjoyed every second of it. She loved how the earth ponies managed to flip in the air and spin as if they really were flying.

Then there was an act with a bear that was more cooperative as it rode around on a tricycle wearing a funny outfit. Fluttershy enjoyed that one and Pinkie Pie was laughing up a storm.

Then came the clowns. A small car with a wind up key drove in and, one by one, an impossible number of ponies started climbing out of it. It was a wonder how even one clown got into it in the first place since it was smaller than a pony, not even a filly could fit in it. The clowns performed many funny stunts and things. Some even made their way into the audience. One clown came up to Pinkie Pie and offered to let her smell a flower he had on his vest. “Why thank you.” Pinkie said happily.

She leaned in to get a good whiff when the flower suddenly squirted water in her face. She was surprised at first but then laughed along with everypony else at the gag. “HA HA, that clown got you good Pinkie.” Rainbow said.

Pinkie giggled with a snort. “Heh heh hah *Snort* He sure did. That was a good one Mr. Clown.” The clown gave a light bow and moved on.

Many acts went on and soon, the ring master took center stage. “Mares and gentlecolts, we now come to the climax of our show! Today, I present to you a creature the likes of which had never been seen before by pony eyes!” A tall rectangular object covered by a red fabric was pulled out by a pair of stallions.

“A new creature?” Fluttershy asked.

“I wonder what that could be.” Applejack wondered out loud.

“Oh wow, a new creature?” Twilight asked. “This is amazing, I wonder what it looks like.”

The ring master continued. “No pony knows what this creature is, nor does anypony know where it came from. On this day, you get to see this thing with your very own eyes. Behold, the unkown!” On the last word, the ring master used his magic to pull off the red fabric to reveal a rectangular cage holding a strange being inside.

Everypony gasped at its sight. A tall five foot creature stood before them. It had short brown hair on the top of its head, blue eyes, pale pink skin and a little hair along its arms and on its chest. The only clothing it wore was a pair of baggy light brown pants being held on by nothing more than a mere rope. It had long appendages with stringy things at the end and stood on two legs. It had a pair of metal shackles on its wrists with chains connected from the shackles to the floor of the cage. “Celestia knows where such a thing came from, this thing is a mystery even to me. This is without a doubt, a very big mystery as to what it is and where it came from.”

The show soon ended and everypony filed out of the tent, most spread out around it to see the circus animals or meet with the performers, Twilight and friends included. “Wow, did you see how those ponies were flying through the air?” Spike said with glee. “It’s almost like they were flying.”

“And what bout that there tight rope walker, I thought fer sure she would fall off. I didn’t think it possible to have such balance.” Applejack commented.

“I absolutely adored their costumes.” Rarity commented. “Did you see how some of them sparkled?” She practically swooned.

“Leave it to Rarity to make the biggest deal out of the costumes and not pay attention to the action.” Rainbow quipped.

“I liked the clowns, they were so funny. Especially that one that got me with the squirting flower. Wonder why I never thought of a prank like that?” Pinkie said.

“We totally have to try that one out.” Rainbow added.

The group soon came to a large wagon cage that caused them to stop in their tracks. Inside was the strange creature everypony saw near the end of the show. It had its back to them as it sat down and was leaning back against the bars of its cell. “Look, it’s that strange creature we saw.” Spike pointed out.

The group drew closer. “So what do ya think it is?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know.” Rarity answered.

“Ooh, ooh, I know!” Pinkie exclaimed with a hop. “It’s a new species of tiger.”

The others looked at her curiously. “Seriously Pinkie?” Rainbow asked. “it doesn’t look anything like a tiger.”

“That poor creature, having to suffer with such terrible attire.” Rarity pointed out.

“Maybe it’s a kind of monkey?” Fluttershy offered.

What they weren’t seeing was the creature was clenching its teeth and balling a fist as they talked, trying to figure out its species.

“A monkey?” Twilight asked. “Well, its structure is similar to that of an ape of some kind.”

The creature quickly turned around and grasped the bars of its cage with its appendages. “I’m a human all right?!” it exclaimed in frustration. The sound of the voice was male. After he said that, he turned his head to the side with his eyes closed.

The girls and Spike gasped. “You can talk?” Rarity asked.

“You’re a human?” Spike asked. “What’s a human?” He asked again.

The creature, identified as human, released the bars and sat indian style. “Yeah, I’m a human and I can talk. But I’m not supposed to. Just do me a favor. If you see the ring master, don’t tell him I said anything to you. I’m not supposed to talk to the customers.” He then retook his position with his back against the bars.

“But, why not?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, and if you can talk, why are ya locked up in a cage like this?” Applejack asked.

The human looked at them over his shoulder. “Because, he says it adds mystery to me or something. If I don’t do what he says, he’ll make sure I go hungry tonight and won’t feed me.”

“That’s horrible.” Pinkie said. “What kind of meanie denies food?”

“The ring master, that’s who.” The human retorted.

“Well I think this is wrong. You’re obviously sentient like us. You shouldn’t be treated like this.” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?” The human asked.

Before she could answer, the ring master approached the girls. “Hello my dears, thank you for coming to our show. I trust you all enjoyed it?” He asked with a smile as he placed himself between the group and the human.

The girls and Spike were glaring at the ring master.

“Is something wrong? You don’t look too happy. Was the show not to your liking?” He asked as he saw the glares.

“Actually, we did like the show.” Twilight said.

The ring master smiled. “Good, I’m glad to hear it. But then, why do you seem upset?”

“Because of how you’re treating this poor creature.” Fluttershy pointed out. “It isn’t very nice.”

“Why whatever do you mean?” The ring master asked.

“We know all about how your treating that human.” Twilight said.

The ring master seemed surprised at first, then a scowl formed, which was quickly replaced with a smile. “My dears, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What makes you think this thing is a….what did you call it….human?”

The human looked back with a bit of worry. He was fully facing the group again.

“Because he told us.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, he said about how you would deny him food just fer talking. That aint right mister.” Applejack said with a scowl.

The ringmaster’s smile faded. “I see, so he spoke to you.” He gave a side glance to the human. He then turned around to face the human completely. “Didn’t I say no talking to the customers or you won’t be fed the next meal?”

“Come on boss, give me a break.” The human pleaded. “I’m sick of ponies coming up to my cage trying to guess what I am. I just….exploded is all. Please don’t make me go hungry again.”

“Sorry my boy, you know the rules.” The ringmaster stated.

“Now see here.” Rarity said. “Just who do you think you are treating a sentient being like this.”

“That’s right, it isn’t nice.” Twilight pointed out. “In fact, I demand you release him at once.” She said with a stomp of her hoof.

The ring master faced them again. “Excuse me? You must be joking. Who do you think you are to tell me what to do? This human is this circus’s main attraction. I’m not about to give up the one thing that brings in the big bits.”

“Please just go, you’ve already gotten me in trouble.” The human stated.

Twilight ignored the human’s words. “Really? Well I think princess Celestia wouldn’t approve of this.”

“Princess Celestia? HA! Like she would care about some unknown creature like this. Besides, how would you get in touch with the princess? I doubt she would listen to a nopony like you. HA HA HA!” The ring master laughed in Twilight’s face.

“I’ll have you know Twilight here happens to be princess Celestia’s personal student.” Rainbow pointed out as she hovered in front of the ring master’s face.

“Her, Celestia’s personal student? HA! Sure she is, and I’m the prince of candy land.” The ring master shot back.

“Really? Cool, can I come visit your kingdome sometime?” Pinkie asked with a grin.

“Everpony knows Celestia only has one personal student, and her name is Twilight Sparkle. You are just a nobody pony.”

“Funny you should say that partner.” Applejack said with a smirk. “Did ya even bother ta ask fer our names?”

“Why? Is it important?” The ringmaster asked with a smirk.

“As a matter of fact it is, Mr. Smarty flank.” Rainbow retorted.

“My name just so happens to be Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, and this is Spike.” Twilight gestured to each of the ponies she introduced.

The ring master stopped his laughing. “Wait….THE Twilight Sparkle?” He wasn’t smiling anymore.

“That’s her.” Pinkie said with a smile.

The ring master smirked. “Sure you are. The only way I’ll belive that is if Princess Celestia herself tells me.”

“Fine.” Twilight stated with a confident smile. She used her magic to summon a scroll and quill. “Spike, take a message please.”

“With Pleasure.” Spike took hold of the parchment and quill. Twilight dictated and Spike wrote everything down. Once he finished, he breathed green flames out onto the scroll and caused it to turn to smoke that rose into the air, swirled around, then vanished.

The ring master was still skeptical. “Look, unless princess Celestia herself appears before me..” As he said that Celestia appeared behind the ring master. “And tells me that you are her personal student, I’m not about to believe it.”

Upon Celestia’s appearance, the human was left dumbfounded. “Whoa.” He gazed upon her, even though he was only seeing the back of her. He was still left in wonder of her appearance.

“Ahem.” Celestia cleared her throat.

The ring master slowly turned around with a bit of nervousness etched on his face. Once he beheld the princess, he jumped back in fear. “Your highness, what…what a pleasure to have you here. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” He asked with a bow.

Celestia did not look pleased as she looked down at the unicorn. “My student, Twilight Sparkle, tells me you have a sentient being in your custody that is not being treated well. Care to explain that?”

The circus owner rose from his bow. “Now princess, please understand, it was a deal we made.”

“Deal my ass!” the human stated. Everypony looked in his direction. The princess turned to face him. “You tricked me into this you weasel.”

Celestia looked back to the ponies. “Girls, is that the creature that was mentioned?”

“It is princess.” Twilight informed.

“I see.” She then faced the ring master. “You are to release this being from his confines immediately.”

“But…your highness…..” He tried to argue, only to receive a hard glare from the princess. He cringed and finally relented. “Of course….your majesty.” The unicorn summoned a ring with keys. He walked up to the cage and opened the door to the wagon cell. He then removed the shackles on his wrists.

The human walked out and stood before the ponies. “Greetings human, I am princess Celestia of Equestria. I am terribly sorry for the treatment this pony has given you. I can assure you, such treatment is frowned upon. I give you my humblest apologies.”

The human gave a smile to the princess and bowed. “It’s all right your majesty, I thank you and these mares for helping me like this. You have no idea how long I’ve been under the hoof of this A-hole. Forgive my language.”

“How did you end up like this? Where do you come from if I may ask?” Celestia stated.

“Well….it’s kind of a long story, well….maybe not that long. Let’s see, from what I have gathered during my time here, I’m in a whole other world. How I got here is still a bit of a mystery, but I can tell you what I was doing when I ended up in this world. You see, I come from a planet called earth. There, humans are the dominant species, and such creatures like yourself don’t exist. I used to be part of a band back in my world. We were famous, made lots of money, I had a great life going for me. One day, when the band was taking an extended break from concerts and such, I used my money to get myself a boat and wanted to explore a strange part of the ocean. It was a stupid decision I know, but I tended to make stupid decisions. Anyway, I got a boat and the area of water I wanted to explore was known as the Bermuda triangle.”

“It’s a mysterious area because most of the time, any boat or plane that goes through it has a habit of disappearing without a trace. I was on a boat on my own, sailing though the area, when all of a sudden, this big whirlpool appears out of nowhere and sucks my ship up. Next thing I know, I wake up in this world lying on my back. When I finally found the strength to get up, I started looking around to try and find out where I was. I happen upon a circus during my excursion and run into this unicorn and his troupe. Needless to say I was surprised to find a unicorn standing before me, as well as pegasia, even more surprised to find they could talk.”

“This jerk says he’s willing to help me out and help me figure out what might have happened. He gives me these promises of helping me get back home and giving me a place to stay while I’m here until I can get home. Next thing I know, I end up in a cage with shackles and nothing but these baggy pants on. Plus, he took away my guitar!” The human shouted the last part. “And here I am. I’ve been part of his circus for six months now. Even if I were to find a way back home, everyone there most likely thinks I’m dead by now.”

The girls, princess, and Spike all looked sadly at him. “I’m terribly sorry. I wish I had known of you sooner, perhaps I could have helped you get home as soon as you got here.” Celestia offered.

“It’s all right your majesty.” The human said. “These things happen. True I do wish I could have found a way home a lot sooner and not get stuck as a sideshow freak in a circus, but it did, and nothing can change that.”

Celestia gave a smile.

The human then turned to the ring master and closed in on him. In size, the human’s face was almost at even with the ring master. “As for you.” He said. He then raised a fist and punched the unicorn in the side of the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Everyone gasped in surprise. “THAT’S for tricking me and turning me into a side show attraction!” He then kicked the unicorn in the stomach. “And that’s for taking my guitar.”

Rainbow and Applejack quickly rushed over and grabbed the human. Rainbow hovered up and grabbed him from under his arms while Applejack grabbed his waist and both pulled him back. “Easy there partner, calm down.” Applejack said.

“Wast that really necessary?” Rarity asked.

“Hey, it made me feel better, so yeah.” The human responded.

“That was uncalled for.” Celestia said as she frowned at the human.

“I’m sorry your majesty, but I owed him for six months of enslavement and stealing from me.” the human stated.

“Are you done then?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, I’m done, you can let me go now.” The human stated. Applejack and Rainbow released their grip. “Just so the rest of you know, I’m normally not a violent guy, but that….son of a….mule…” He opted to censor himself in the presence of the mares and little dragon. “….has caused me nothing but pain.”

“Even so, such violence was not necessary.” Celestia said. “You could have merely voice your feelings instead of resulting to violence.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” The human said as he looked to the side. He looked forward again as he remembered something. He walked up to the ringmaster as he still lay on the ground, holding his stomach. “Where’s my guitar?” He asked angrily.

“In my wagon….in the closet.” The unicorn gasped out.

The human raised his fist and made like he was going to punch him again. The girls gasped and the pony flinched. The human smirked. “Tch, made ya flinch.” He then walked away to the ring master’s wagon which was close by. He entered the wagon and, moments later, came out with an acoustic guitar strapped to his back. “Aahh, that’s better.” The girls, Spike and the princess came up to him as he stepped away from the wagon.

“Now that that is all settled, I believe there is still the matter of introductions.” Celestia stated. “You already know my name. Allow me to introduce the others.” Celestia went around saying each ponies name while pointing to them. “So, what is your name?” She asked.

“The names Nathan.”

Author's Note:

And here we have the first chapter of my latest human in Equestria fic. Waring, there will most likely be shipping. If you do not approve of that, turn away now. Also, I just wanted to say that I had this idea for a while as well and am glad to finally get to it. I hope you all will enjoy this one.