• Published 14th Apr 2014
  • 4,316 Views, 39 Comments

The Last Man Standing - Robobrony

Twilight and Friends go to a circus that has come to Ponyville to enjoy the show. They didn't expect to befriend the sidshow attraction.

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Chapter Four: A Job And Pony Show

Chapter Four: A Job And Pony Show

It’s been a few days now since Nathan came to Ponyville. When Nathan had gone to Rarity to ask if she could make some more clothes for him, he was surprised to find out she had already done so. She had made him regular clothes, work clothes, and sleeping clothes. He was settling into his new life in Ponyville as he started his job on Applejack’s farm picking apples. When he started, Applejack tried to teach him how to buck the trees to knock the apples out, but Nathan lacked the leg strength to do so. Humans weren’t as strong as ponies in the kicking department, so he settled for picking them out of the tree. He was tall enough to reach the trees and pick some of the apples out, but had to climb the tree to get the apples higher up.

Nathan was wearing a simple red T-shirt with blue jeans and boots. Though today was supposed to be chilly, the work Nathan was doing kept him from feeling the chill. In fact, he was sweating from the work. His shirt was stained with a bit of sweat from his underarms after about half the day was gone. He was working on his last tree before he took his lunch break when he picked the last apple he’d be able to reach without climbing the tree. Nathan eyed it carefully. “This tree doesn’t look all that sturdy.” He thought out loud. “Maybe I could try kicking it like Applejack showed me and get the apples out instead of climbing it.”

Nathan placed his right leg behind him with his left leg being prominent. He rubbed his hands together as he rocked back and forth in preparation. “Here goes nothing.” Nathan lifted his right leg up and swung it forward to kick the apple tree. His foot made contact and stopped there as if it had gotten stuck on the tree. Nathan was frozen in his pose as great pain surged from his foot throughout his body. “Ow.” He weakly let out. Nathan slowly brought his foot back and gripped it. “Ow ow ow ow ow.” The only thing he succeeded in was causing himself pain. Suddenly, a pink fluff ball fell from the tree onto Nathan, pinning him to the ground. “OW!” Nathan cried out. “What the…”


“Oh, it’s you. Hello Fluffle Puff.” Nathan greeted in a monotone voice.


Nathan rested his chin on his right hand. “You mind telling me what you’re doing on my back?”


Nathan facepalmed. “You do know I can’t really understand you, right?”

Fluffle Puff got off Nathan’s back and looked at him as he stood up. She raised a hoof to her chin and looked to the side in thought.

Nathan dusted himself off and watched Fluffle Puff. “Look…I don’t know what you want but I need to…”

He was interrupted when Fluffle Puff let out a small gasp as an idea struck her. She then turned and galloped off.

“Okay then.” Nathan said. “That pony sure is weird.” He turned around to get back to work. “GAH!” As soon as he did, Fluffle Puff was back and looking right at him with her tongue sticking out. “Fluffle Puff? But…how did….when did you….ugh, never mind.” He slumped in defeat. Nathan never could figure out how Fluffle Puff did things that seemed impossible. Then again, he’d seen Pinkie Pie do some impossible things too which seemed to just give him headaches whenever he tried to figure the two out. “What is it?”

Applejack’s head popped out of the fluff on Fluffle’s back. “What in tarnation? Fluffle Puff, why’d you bring me out here?” Applejack asked.

Nathan’s left eye twitched as an inexplicable appearance by Applejack occurred before him.

“Pfft, pfft pfft, pfft.” Fluffle Puff let out a series of raspberries.

“That’s why ya dragged me out here?”


Applejack sighed in defeat. “Fine.” She turned her attention to Nathan. “Hey there partner, how’s work comin along?”

Nathan looked more exhausted than he had a minute ago as he was slouching with his arms hanging. “Applejack, are there any psychiatrists in Ponyville?”

Applejack seemed confused by the question. “Psychiatrists? I don’t think so. Why do ya ask?”

“Because I think I may need one if I have to keep putting up with the randomness of Pinkie Pie and Fluffle Puff.”

Applejack let out a chuckle. “Heh heh heh, don’t worry sugar cube, you’ll get used to it eventually.”

“I don’t think I want to get used to it.” Nathan stood straight up. “Anyway, about your question. I was just about to get the last of the apples in this tree when Fluffle Puff showed up. Any idea what she wants? I’m guessing she brought you here to translate for her.”

Applejack gave a smile. “Yep. She wanted to know if’n you’d want ta join her fer lunch. Since ya’ll don’t understand her yet, she wants me ta come along to so’s ya’ll can talk.”

Nathan sighed out. “Sure, why not.”

Fluffle Puff gasped out in delight as she hopped up and down while clapping her front hooves together.

Nathan couldn’t help but think how cute that looked. Fluffle Puff may be weird at times, but she was adorable and seemed very friendly like the ponies of Ponyville. “So where should we go?”


Applejack translated. “Sugarcube corner.”

“All right then, let’s go.” Nathan and the two ponies made their way to town and up to Sugarcube Corner to eat.

Upon arrival, they were greeted by none other than Pinkie Pie herself. “Hey everypony, welcome to Sugarcube Corner! What can I do for you?”

“Seat for three please.” Nathan responded as he held three fingers up.

“Okie dokie lokie, follw me.” Pinkie took out three menus and led the group to a booth seat. Applejack and Fluffle Puff sat next to each other while Nathan sat across from them. “So what would you like to drink? Sassparilla, chocolate milk, regular milk, milkshake…”

Pinkie kept listing the different drinks rapidly till Nathan interrupted her. “Pinkie Pie, please calm down, just give us a second.”

“Oh, sorry.” Pinkie said with a smile. “Just take your time.”

“Thank you.” Nathan thought over what he would like while Applejack and Fluffle gave their orders. Applejack asked for applejuice while Fluffle asked for chocolate milk. “I think I’ll give your bubble cola a try.”

“You got it, apple juice, chocolate milk, and a bubble cola coming right up.” In a pink blur, Pinkie took off for the kitchen and was back almost instantly with the drinks. “here you go. Just let me know when you’re ready to order and I’ll be right with you.” She then took off again for the kitchen.

Nathan gave a sigh. “I’m never going to know how she does that am I?” He looked the menu over to find something he could eat. Some of the selections were based too much around either grass or hay that he couldn’t eat them. Some of the items were baked goods or regular meals. Before choosing, he looked up past his menu to his two friends. “So Fluffle Puff, any particular reason why you wanted me to join you for lunch?”

Fluffle Puff was nibbling on her menu with the same blank expression she usually had. She spat the menu out of her mouth onto the table. “Pfft pfft pffffffft pft pfft.”

Nathan looked to Applejack. “She said that since yer a new kind a species, she was just interested in learnin a bit more about ya. Truth be told, I wouldn’t mind hearin a bit myself. Hope that’s all right.”

Nathan shook his head. “It’s fine, I suppose I should get used to this since I pretty much promised Lyra I’d answer any questions she may have for me when I go to Bon Bon’s sweet shop. Ask away then.”

“Pfft, pfft pfft pffffft pft pft pfft?”

Applejack translated. “She wants ta know if’n ya’ll have ponies where ya’ll came from and what they’re like.”

“Yes we have ponies, and they are nothing like you ponies. They aren’t sentient. They can’t talk or do magic and certainly aren’t as colorful as you all are. They’re treated as either beasts of burden or pets.”

“Really? They can’t talk at all?” Applejack asked.

Nathan shook his head. “Nope, all they do is whinney and neigh.”

“Pfft pfft pft pfffft pft pft pffft?”

Applejack translated again. “She asked what yer towns are like.”

Nathan went into a bit of detail about the cities and towns of human civilization as Pinkie came by. They gave their order and Pinkie rushed off to retrieve their food. Nathan went ahead and ordered a simple salad while Applejack ordered a hay burger and Fluffle asked for a daffodil and daisy sandwich.

Nathan finished telling about how humans live while leaving out some of the more detailed explanations. “Gosh, ya’ll sound like ya’ll are more advanced than we are.” Applejack said.

“True, but advancement isn’t always better. There is a dark side to it but I’ll leave that out.”

“How come?”

“I wouldn’t want to scare you. Trust me, it’s better you not know some of the horrors humanity is capable of.” Nathan took a bite of his salad.

“All right, if’n yer sure.”

Nathan turned his attention to Fluffle Puff. “So, any more questions Fluffle?”

Fluffle Puff was nibbling on her sandwich without holding on to it.

Nathan raised an eyebrow. “Guess that’s a no then?”

“Yep, she gets a bit quiet when food comes around.”

Nathan smiled with a small laugh. “Heh, I can relate. I remember when my family would get together at a resturaunt, we would chat away and talk about stuff until the food came around. Then everyone would pretty much get quiet.” Nathan’s mood shifted after his sentence. His face fell a bit as he looked down.

Applejack picked up on this. “You okay there sugar cube?” She asked in concern.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just sometimes really miss them.” He rested his hands on the table.

Applejack offered a comforting smile as she reached a hoof over to Nathan’s hand. “Hey now, don’t worry, I can’t imagine what ya must be going through, but I’m here for you if ya need me.”

Nathan looked up to Applejack with a smile. “Thanks Applejack, I should be over this by now though. I’ve already been in this world for six months. I’ve had plenty of time to come to terms with the possibility I’d never see them again.”

“I don’t think that’s somethin anypony can get over.” Applejack offered.

Nathan sighed out. “I guess you’re right. Best thing I can do is try to move on. I’m pretty much starting a new life here. Might as well try and make the best of it, right?”

“That’s the spirit.”


Nathan looked to Fluffle Puff, then to Applejack for a translation. “She said she’s here fer ya too if’n ya need ta talk.”

Nathan gave a smile to Fluffle. “Thanks Fluffle Puff. The only problem with that though is needing someone to translate whenever we’re talking.”

From there for the rest of their time together, they just chatted and ate until they finished. When they were done, Fluffle Puff paid for the meals since she was the one that invited them to lunch. Fluffle Puff may be strange, but she has a good heart. Nathan followed Applejack back to the farm after the two said their good byes to Fluffle.

They went back to work for the rest of the day with Nathan picking the apples out of the trees and placing them in the surrounding baskets. At the end of the work day, Nathan received a few bits from Applejack for his work and went on his way. As he walked through town to Bon Bon’s sweet shop for his first time, a thought occurred to him. He altered course and headed for Twilight’s place instead. It was still early in the afternoon but he hoped she wouldn’t be too busy.

Nathan approached the library and entered. He spotted Twilight at a desk reading a book. Spike was busy putting a few books away on a ladder. He wobbled a bit as he tried to set a particularly large book on the shelf and lost his balance. He dropped the books and fell of the ladder. “Whoa!”

“Spike!” Twilight called out. She heard Spike and looked up to see Spike falling.

Nathan acted quickly and ran over to catch Spike just in time. “Whew, thanks Nathan.”

Nathan set Spike down on the floor. “No problem Spike, you okay?”

“Spike, are you all right, what happened?” Twilight rushed over to the little drake to check up on him.

“I’m okay thanks to Nathan.” Spike responded as he looked up at Nathan.

Twilight turned her attention to Nathan with a smile. “Thank you for helping Spike.”

Nathan waved her off. “Don’t mention it.”

“So what brings you by?”

Spike went back to work as Nathan explained. “I had a thought recently.” Nathan started. “You see, Lyra wants to ask me questions about myself and my species. And earlier today, Fluffle Puff asked me and Applejack to join her for lunch so she could as me a couple questions as well. This gave me an idea that I was hoping you could help me with if it won’t be too much trouble.”

Twilight grew intrigued by this. “What is it Nathan? I’d be more than happy to help.”

“I was wondering if you might be willing to make a book about humans. That way, any pony that has questions about me or my species can look it up if their curious.”

Twilight’s smile grew brighter. “That’s a great idea Nathan, I would love too! Why didn’t I think of this before? Wow, a book about a new species and I get to make it. This is so exciting! I can’t wait to get started.”

“Oh boy, here we go.” Spike said with a roll of his eyes.

“Whoa whoa, easy there Twilight, calm down. Don’t get too worked up.” Nathan said as he motioned with his hands.

Twilight paused and gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry, guess I got a little excited. But this is a good idea Nathan. I would love to help you out.”

“Great, I’ve got tomorrow off so if your free, we can start then.” Nathan offered.

“Sure, no problem. Just come by anytime and we can get started.”

Nathan thought a moment. "I know I said I didn't want to spend a whole day answering questions, but I might as well get it out of the way." He thought to himself. “Twilight, you wouldn’t mind if I invited someone would you?” He figured Lyra might want to be here for this too to sate her curiosity.

“Not at all, who did you have in mind?” Twilight asked.

“Lyra, I told her each day I came by the sweet shop she and Bon Bon run, I’d answer a few questions she might have about me, so I figured she might want to be here for this.”

“Not a problem. Is that all?”

“Yeah, that’s it then, guess I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

“All right then, later Nathan.”

“Bye Spike, be careful on those ladders.” Nathan said as he waved his hand at Spike.

Spike waved back. “Bye Nathan, see ya tomorrow.”

Nathan left the library and continued on to his original destination, Bon Bon’s sweet shop. He arrived at the shop and entered as a small bell rang to announce a customer. Bon Bon was at the counter while Lyra was sitting on a stool off to the side playing a small lyre. “Hey there Nathan, glad you finally came by.” Bon Bon greeted.

“Nathan!” Lyra cheered as she got up from her seat. She set her lyre down and trotted over to Nathan. “Hey there Nathan.”

Nathan greeted back with a smile. “Hey there Bon Bon, Lyra, I finally got some bits so I figured I’d go ahead and spend my first bit of money here. What kind of sweets you got?”

Bon Bon gestured to the shelves behind her. “We got all kinds of sweets. We got chocolate bars, malted milk balls, caramel and nugget squares, cocoanut and chocolate bars. You name it, I got it.”

Nathan’s mouth was drooling as he looked over the many sweets. “Oh sweet merciful heaven how I’ve missed you chocolate.”

Bon Bon and Lyra gave curious looks to Nathan. It was Lyra that asked the question they were both wondering. “Are you okay?”

Nathan shook his head to come back to his senses. “Yeah, sorry about that. It’s just been so long since I last had anything sweet like chocolate or anything like this stuff.”

Bon Bon gave a smile. “Well, perhaps I can offer something you’ll like that might help you decide what you want. How about a sampler box? It has a little bit of almost everything.”

“SOLD!” Nathan cried out immediately. “Uh, I mean…sounds good, thanks.”

Bon Bon smirked as she pulled out a red and yellow stripped box and started filling it with various sweets from her shop. “That’ll be ten bits please.”

Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch full of bits from his pay for his work. He took out the necessary amount and placed it on the counter. “Here you go, and thank you Bon Bon.”

“You’re welcome.” Bon Bon responded with a smile.

Nathan then turned to Lyra. “Now then, I believe you wanted to ask me a few questions about me right?”

“Sure did.” Lyra said with a grin.

Nathan held up a hand. “Hold on, before you get started, there’s something I want to inform you of. Since I’m the only human in existence in this world, I’m expecting to get a lot of questions asked of me. So I arranged to have a meeting with Twilight tomorrow where I’ll be telling her everything I can about the world I come from, so I figured you might like to come by and listen in. Figured I might as well get that out of the way so, would you like to join me and Twilight tomorrow for this little session?”

Lyra’s face threatened to split in half from the giant smile she was giving. “Are you kidding? OF COURSE I WOULD!” She leapt forward and gripped Nathan in a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Nathan gave a strained smile. “Your….welcome.”

Lyra released her grip and started jumping around Nathan in excitement. Bon Bon just rolled her eyes at the display. “You may have just made her the happiest unicorn in Equestria.”

Nathan let out a chuckle. “Heh, no kidding.”

Author's Note:

Here you go, the fourth chapter Any of you feel this might be deserving of a comedy tag? Just wondering since I'm going to try and keep to Fluffle's character wile she's in this fic and she is pretty funny. Just let me know what you think. Thank you all for the support.