• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 2,900 Views, 46 Comments

Forbidden - Fire Gazer the Alchemist

Love is tricky when you’re a changeling. You need it to survive, but the more you feed off of it, the more you want to actually feel it. Too bad that’s impossible.

  • ...

Somepony to Love

Time tended to drag in the dilapidated castle in the middle of the Badlands. To Chrysalis, hours sometimes felt like weeks, and days felt like years. She always looked forward to the times when she was allowed to venture beyond the castle walls in order to feed. Even then, she always had guards to follow and protect her, per her father's orders.

In the past few years since becoming a teenager, Chrysalis would occasionally sneak out. Not often, just once or twice a month; she never stayed out for an amount that would draw suspicion from anypony. Just enough to pass the time, to make something of excitement occur in her droll life.

Over the past two weeks, the slow humdrum life style had been replaced by a much more invigorating one. Chrysalis would flee the confines of the castle nearly everyday to travel to the Crystal Empire. The hours that used to crawl by so slowly now flew by until she got to spend time with Sombra.

She inadvertently found herself growing fonder of the gray stallion with each new encounter. Maybe it was the fresh, tangy taste of tangerines that she felt whenever she met up with him. Perhaps it was the way he could talk about his studies in magic for hours on end, but never bored her. It could be the look in his eye that he got just by seeing her.

Chrysalis had learned so much about the unicorn over the past few weeks. She learned that despite always daring her to a milkshake race, he could barely finish one without a brain freeze. Sometimes, he would talk about his love for science and history, or his ambitions. Other times, Chrysalis had to learn things indirectly about him. Upon several of their many walks, the changeling princess had noticed that Sombra's stare became disfocused whenever the duo would pass by a father playing with their children in the park. This led Chrysalis to believe he was an orphan, or at the very least, raised without a father figure. When she walked him home one night, she learned from his cramped living spaces that money was not something he had a lot of, nor desired. An admirable trait to say the least.

She even found some of his little quirks endearing. How fast his cheeks blushed when somepony mistook them for a couple. The swift way he brushed his loose hair out of his face whenever he thought she wasn't looking. The cute way his nose twitched whenever he got excited…

Perhaps you are becoming too fond of him. Chrysalis thought to herself. Her eyes sunk as she realized this was true. Everyday, the princess of changelings told herself that she was only going to see Sombra in order to feed off his infatuation. That excuse had slowly been falling apart over the last week. Yesterday, during a celebratory lunchtime picnic with Sombra for his graduation, Chrysalis had completely forgotten to feed off his infatuation. Worse yet, she hadn't realized it until the flight home.

As Chrysalis stood waiting in her room for the right time to begin flying towards the Crystal Empire, she pondered what it was that was happening to her. She was far too young to be losing her skills as a love manipulator. Something like that shouldn't happen until she was at least a thousand years old. No, her current situation was something else entirely, but what could…

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Chrysalis grunted angrily, peeved that her thoughts had been interrupted. Putting on a calm demeanor, she turned to the doors of her room, and opened them with a simple spell of green aura.

Standing on the other side was the royal messenger, Bared Fang. He was a changeling of short stature who was no longer cut out for fieldwork after an unfortunate accident that involved baking cupcakes took away his ability to hold solid illusions. Chrysalis never asked the messenger changeling the full story on how cupcakes could render his morphing abilities useless. She knew Bared Fang to be particularly touchy about the subject, likely due to embarrassment.

"What do you need, Fang?" She asked him, eager for his departure. The dwarf changeling cleared his throat.

"Your father has requested your presence in his chambers." Bared Fang reported.

Cold beads of sweat formed on Chrysalis's forehead. If King Metamorphosis wanted to see her, it was not a good sign. Her father was not one to make social calls. Ever.

"I'll be right there." She said to Bared Fang as collected as she could. The short changeling bowed his head respectfully, and walked away. Chrysalis turned her head toward the window in her sitting room. It beckoned her to flee towards the Crystal Empire. Towards Sombra. For a second, she considered it. Then logic and reason took over her brain again. She had to go see what her father wanted, even if it meant being late to her meeting with Sombra.

She strolled through the halls of the changeling castle, feigning confidence to any of her subjects as she passed them. Looking weak or even scared in front of the changelings that she would one day be ruling was a bad idea. Better to let her mind worry and her body not show it. So while her devil-may-care attitude was on display for the castle staff to see, the wheels of her mind began turning ferociously. Questions about why her father wanted to see her surged forward. Any answers she had for her own questions were illogical and/or fear based. Eventually she gave up on trying to figure out the why part of her situation.

She arrived at the door to her father's chambers much sooner than she hoped. Chrysalis tapped lightly once on the door, and waited.

"Enter." A stern voice on the other side called out. She gulped. With a soft glow of green flickering from her horn, Chrysalis turned the knob and gently nudged the creaking door open.

On the otherside of the door, she saw her father. King Metamorphosis was a very withered looking changeling. He stood just barely taller than his daughter and had a long gray beard that touched the floor. His legs were so gaunt that they could barely support his own weight. The changeling king was also subject to small tremors from time to time. Still, for a being of three thousand years, he didn't look that bad.

"You wanted to see me, father?" Chyrsalis asked slowly.

"Yes, I did." Her father replied. "Chrysalis, where have you been going?"

"Excuse me?" Chrysalis asked a cold bead of sweat forming on her head.

King Metamorphosis sighed in an irritated manner. "Don't play dumb with me, daughter. You've been leaving the castle fairly often as of late. I want to know why, and I want to know where you are going. Right now."

There's know use in lying, Chrysalis told herself. Her father had always been the best at detecting any and every lie that left her mouth. Speaking anything but the truth would only hurt her at the moment.

"I've been going to the Crystal Empire." She said, monotone. "I don't see why that's a problem."

"It is a problem, Chyrsalis. You aren't supposed to leave the castle grounds unescorted. It's dangerous." Her father moved closer to her. "You are the Crown Princess. Heir to the throne of our entire race. If something were to happen to me while you were off on one of your little excursions, the kingdom would be without a ruler. Or worse, if something were to happen to you when you're prancing about the Crystal Empire. Did that ever occur you?"

Chyrsalis sighed inwardly. "No," she mumbled, well aware her father was right. She hadn't been concerned for her own safety over the past two weeks, or even considered the sake of the kingdom. Instead she had been taking long walks in the park, and sharing milkshakes with Sombra.

"So you agree that it's best for you to remain in the castle until further notice," her father concluded.

"What?!" Chrysalis shouted in reaction. Her father didn't flinch. "You can't be serious!"

"I am dead serious. You've been careless and reckless for far to long. It's time to grow up and take some responsibility for your actions." Her father's unrelenting demeanor signified the end of the argument. He turned away slightly, but then moved back. He sniffed once from his nose, and Chrysalis felt her breath leave her.

Metamorphosis was not the changeling he used to be, but his nose was still reliable at close range. And at this range he could easily smell the…

"Tangerines," he whispered and took another whiff. Chrysalis gulped. "Where did this come from?" he asked softly. The changeling princess held her tongue, refusing to answer. "WHERE DID THIS COME FROM, CHRYSALIS?" her father screamed in her face.

She retreated from the shock from her father's outburst. "J-just the Crystal Heart," she stammered out.

"Don't lie to me," Metamorphosis demanded, tone exceedingly darker. "I'm old, not foolish. The Crystal Heart gives off positive energies. Energy that feels like love. What you have is pure infatuation, straight from the source. Now… WHERE DID IT COME FROM?"

Tears sprung to her eyes as Chrysalis cried out, "A stallion I met in the Empire. I've been getting it from him for the past two weeks. He really likes me, so I've been hanging around him to feed off his infatuation. That's all."

Metamorphosis seemed like he didn't know to be angry or concerned. "Are you sure that's all?" he asked. "Because if you need the energy of infatuation, you'd be able to get if from a dozen other sources, not some stallion who's starry-eyed for you." The elderly changeling's eyes narrowed. "I think it goes without saying that you are forbidden from seeing this pony ever again."

"What?!" Chrysalis spouted out in shocked outrage.

"You heard me," her father replied. "You know what happens when a changeling becomes too attached to somepony. They start to love, Chrysalis. And for us, that is very, very dangerous."

"You can't keep me from him!" Chrysalis declared angrily. "You have no right!"

"I have every right." Metamorphosis fired back. "I am your king, and more importantly, I am your father. So when I say you are never seeing that stallion ever again, I mean you are never seeing that stallion again."

Chrysalis felt streaks of tears glide down her face. "BUCK YOU!" She screamed at her father. Without looking at his reaction, the changeling princess turned and ran from the room.

She didn't stop running until the end of the long corridor outside of her father's room. The corridor led directly to a window, which Chrysalis promptly leapt out of and began flying.

Her insect wings buzzed through the air as she flew as far away from her father and the entire changeling hive in the Badlands. Bitter tears obscured her vision as she flew faster and faster. She was angry. Immensely angry.

How could he? Chrysalis thought to herself. He didn't understand. There was no way he could understand. Sombra was slowly becoming more important to her with each day. Chrysalis often found herself wanting to be around him. Even though they had no possible future together, Chrysalis couldn't help herself.

She liked the way he could drone on for hours about his passions.

She liked the way he would challenge her to milkshake races nearly everyday.

She liked the way his nose twitched when he got excited.

She liked the way his eyes would light up when he saw her.

She liked the way he called her Chryssi.

She liked him.


When Chrysalis touched down in the outskirts of the Crystal Empire nearly ten minutes later, she realized that she had yet to configure her disguise. Apparently she hadn't had time in between yelling at her father and flying angrily off to the Empire.

Despite already being late to meet up with Sombra, the changeling princess took her time with the disguise. Each detail needed to be flawlessly replicated from the last time she had transformed into the pink pegasus form. It was actually becoming easier for her to morph into the golden-haired mold. A transformation spell that usually took half an hour now only took five minutes when Chrysalis needed to be her pink pegasus persona.

When it was complete, Chrysalis glanced at her reflection in the mirror like surface of the crystal buildings. Her pink face was as beautiful as ever. Unfortunately it wasn't really her face.

Not one to dote on that fact, Chrysalis speedily made up for lost time. She weaved her way through the crowds of the Empire's midday traffic, guided only by her nose. By now, she could identify Sombra's unique tangerine scent and follow it straight to the source.

The scent first led her by the public park in the northwestern part of the Empire. That didn't surprise Chrysalis too much. After all, this had been where she planned to meet the gray unicorn. The tangerine scent was so strong, that Chrysalis could now feel the tangy taste of it on her tongue. Yet, it seemed as though Sombra was no longer in the grassy knoll. Based on the strength of infatuation, he had lingered for quite some time, most likely waiting for her to arrive. Chrysalis came to the conclusion that Sombra must've left.

Her heart sunk a little at the realization that she had probably hurt him. Just the thought of Sombra dejectedly walking the glimmering streets was causing an aching pain to appear in her chest.

Find him, she encouraged herself.

The tangerine scent was hard to pick up again, with the park obfuscating so much of it, but Chrysalis eventually found a thin thread that she knew would lead her to the gray unicorn.

She followed the trail along a route that was vaguely familiar to her. When it finally came to her, Chrysalis realized that Sombra was heading to his house. She also realized that even though she appeared to be closing in on the gray unicorn, the tangerine scent was getting steadily weaker.

I did hurt him, Chrysalis thought to herself. Sombra must have been crushed when he came to the conclusion that Chrysalis wouldn't be showing up. His feelings for her were now deteriorating because of that. She couldn't let that happen, and not just because she enjoyed feeding off those feelings.

The pink pegasus rounded a street corner, pushing crystal ponies out of her way as she did. The tangerine scent was slowly becoming more distinct. She was close, and that's about when she saw him.

Not far down the path, Chrysalis saw a gray pony who decidedly did not have a crystal coat. Levitating next to him in a scarlet aura where two glasses that contained milkshakes.

He even got me chocolate. Chrysalis thought, recognizing her favorite flavor even from this distance. She watched in horror as Sombra stopped at a trashcan, and dejectedly tossed both shakes into it.

Oh no. Chrysalis thought, tears welling up in her eyes. She really lamented herself for not arriving sooner. "Sombra!" she called out to him. The gray unicorn hadn't heard her; he just continued a forlorn walk down the street. The tangerine scent was now barely present.

"Sombra!" Chrysalis called out again, cantering towards him. She ignored the fact that she had wings. The changeling merely forgot about them. For a moment, she forgot about everything. Her father, her subjects, the differences between herself and Sombra. They all just melted away for the moment. All that mattered was getting to him. Chrysalis had to reassure him that she was still here. That she cared for him as much as he cared for her.

"Sombra!" Chrysalis desperately called out for a third time. Her voice finally caught his ears. He stopped, and turned around, and found himself greeted by a flurry of pink as Chrysalis wrapped her forelegs around him.

"Chryssi?" Sombra asked, understandably confused and surprised. Despite that, the tangerine odor radiated stronger that ever before. It was so powerful that not only did Chrysalis taste it, but it stung her eyes as well.

By now Sombra's face was as scarlet red as his eyes. He still managed to find the sense to hug Chrysalis back.

"I… I thought you weren't coming," he whispered in her ear.

"I'm so sorry for being late," she whispered back. "I can't stand myself for it. I didn't mean..."

"It's okay. I forgive you," Sombra assured her. "I'm just glad you're here now."

Chrysalis smiled widely. She didn't need Sombra to say that – the tangerine scent was more than enough for it – but it made her feel great to hear it anyway. The smile dimmed when she realized what this meant. What all of it meant.

She cared for Sombra deeply. Just the thought of having hurt him was enough to bring her to tears. How would he react when he learned the truth about her? If it did crush him, then she would have to do it now. The more attached Sombra became to her, the worse it would be when the time came.

"Hey, Sombra." She said, allowing the two to become disentangled from the hug.

"Yeah?" The gray stallion asked with his smiling eyes.

"I… I have something very important to tell you."

"I have something I've got to tell you." Sombra said, excited. He waited for her to say what her news was. Chrysalis decided to delay the inevitable.

"You go first." She said.

Giddy with his bit of news, Sombra said, "I got a letter from the University's research team today. They've offered me a job to help with a huge project."

"That sounds amazing!" Chrysalis genuinely said. "What's the project?"

"They're working to find a way to make dark magic less corruptible and safer. But that's not important right now. What was the thing you have to tell me?"

Chrysalis allowed her eyes to dart around the grounded street that the two were clogging up. "I can't really say out here. Can we go to your place instead?"

Sombra raised an eyebrow, curious to why they would need to go to his apartment for Chrysalis to reveal her news. "Um, okay. No problem."

"Great." Chrysalis replied, anxiety causing her stomach to cramp.


Even the slums of the Crystal Empire glittered when one walked through them. It was always something Chrysalis had admired about the city, how even the worst places to live could rival the high society areas of Manehatten.

Unfortunately, all the changeling princess could do as she walked to Sombra's apartment was admire the scenery. Chrysalis wasn't entirely sure what to say at the moment. Being unable to reveal her secret just yet had rendered all her social skills inept. Sombra was equally quite, probably overcome with curiosity.

The duo arrived at the apartment complex finally. They walked in through the lobby, and were greeted by a slightly overly enthusiastic middle aged mare at the reception desk.

"Welcome back, Sombra," the orange-coated crystal mare said. "Who's your pretty friend?"

"Oh… um… this is my uh… this is Chryssi," Sombra tripped over his own words.

"Nice to meet you, dearie." The mare smiled, taking Chrysalis' pink hoof and shaking it. "I'm Sun Beam. I manage the entire building, and let me tell you, you have picked yourself a fine stallion right here. He is one of the best tenants I've ever had. You couldn't have done better for a coltfriend."

Red flushed onto her cheeks. "W-what?" she stammered.

"Oh don't be coy," Sun Beam slyly said. She turned to the gray stallion next to her.. "Sombra, you dog you. I'm so proud that you've finally managed to find a marefriend. You know, I've been a little worried about you ever since–"

"Okay Mrs. Beam," Sombra declared, cutting her off and face getting redder than Chrysalis'. "Thank you. Honestly. But Chryssi isn't my… I mean we aren't… I just…"

Sun Beam giggled over Sombra's stuttering. "Oh, no. Now I've gone and embarrassed you. Sorry dearie. I just get a little carried away now and again. I'll let you kids enjoy yourselves some alone time." She gave each of them a wink and trotted off behind the reception desk, leaving both Sombra and Chrysalis embarrassed and stunned respectively.

The awkwardly walked towards the staircase down the hall, neither making eye contact with Sun Beam.

"She seemed… nice." Chrysalis said cautiously.

"She means well." Sombra said. "But sometimes she doesn't have a filter between her brain and her mouth."

Chrysalis nodded, having experienced it firsthoof. The flight of stairs was a short climb, since Sombra lived on the next floor. They stopped in front of an apartment door right next to the stair's exit.

Sombra's horn went alight with a red aura, but it did not appear he was trying to levitate his keys up to the lock.

"Where's your key?" Chrysalis asked, curious.

"Don't need it," Sombra replied. The keyhole on the lock glowed red, and Chrysalis heard the familiar click of tumblers moving into place. The door was pushed open without a fight.

"Nice trick," she told him. Sombra smiled.

"Ladies first," he replied, gesturing inside with his hoof.

"What a gentlecolt." Chrysalis hoped their exchange would help ease her tension. It didn't.

"So what was so important for you to tell me that we had to come all the way here?" Sombra asked, stepping in and closing the door.

Chrysalis gulped. "It's really more of something that I have to show you."

"Okay." Sombra pulled up a chair and sat down. "Show me then." He smiled warmly at her, not even close to expecting what was about to happen.

"You see, I'm …" Chrysalis closed her eyes and fired up her transformation spell. Transforming back into her old self was a very simple task. Brilliant green lights trailed across her body, zapping her hooves from pink into their black, holed state. Her golden curly hair once again became its long, unruly mess of teal. Her light pink wings became the gnarled bug wings they truly were. Her horn reappeared, long and crooked. Her fangs returned, and her face became it's usual self. "… a changeling," she whispered, her transformation done.

She peeked one eye open, and saw Sombra. He was staring, pupils as small as marbles, jaw hanging open. It was more or less the reaction she had expected. Chrysalis collapsed on the ground, knowing full well a litany of shouting and screaming was about to flow forth.

Tears rolled down her face. "You must hate me now," she whimpered.

"...No," Sombra said. Chrysalis looked up at him, stunned. "Chryssi, I could never hate you." The changeling princess wiped away one of the tears.

"Really?" she asked. Sombra extended a hoof to help her stand up and she took it.

"Really. Just because you're different doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"Even though I've been lying to you this whole time?" Chrysalis asked, still expecting him to start screaming at any second.

"I understand why you had to lie. But you've told me the truth now, and that's what matters. Besides, I never liked you because you were a cute pink pegasus pony. I liked you for you."

Gently, Sombra brushed away some of her teal hair that was covering her face. "Besides, I think you're even more beautiful this way."

Chrysalis opened her mouth, but could find nothing to say.

"Chryssi," Sombra said while she still struggled to form a coherent thought. "There's something I wanted to ask you for a while now. Will… Will you be my marefriend?"

Chrysalis still couldn't speak. But she knew she didn't have to. Instead, she leaned in, bringing her lips to touch Sombra's. He didn't hesitate to passionately return the kiss.

All of Chrysalis' worries melted away for the second time that day. Only this time, the moment lasted much, much longer. And as she and Sombra stood in their embrace, Chrysalis noticed that the tangy smell of tangerine had been replaced with the sweet scent of honey.
