• Published 16th Apr 2014
  • 2,905 Views, 46 Comments

Forbidden - Fire Gazer the Alchemist

Love is tricky when you’re a changeling. You need it to survive, but the more you feed off of it, the more you want to actually feel it. Too bad that’s impossible.

  • ...

Epilogue: Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Queen Chrysalis sat reclined in her throne, eyes shut as she listened to the bickering squabble of two drones in front of her. The duo had begun arguing over something hours ago, and as queen it was her duty to end it. She should have been paying attention, but had zoned out long ago. It was some sort of border dispute or something.

“…and as you can clearly see on the deed passed down from my great-grandfather – given to him by the royal family, I remind you – it states that the four acres near the Hayseed River belong to my family,” the changeling (his name might have been Hollow Whisper but Chrysalis was not sure) said.

“So?” Chrysalis asked, apathy lacing her voice as her emerald eyes creaked open.

“So?” The possibly named Hollow Whisper reiterated. “So the land is mine. Inherited from my father. By all rights the land belongs solely to me, and can only be used by me, but this fool,” he waved his leg at the other changeling who hissed. “He built his home an inch to far and encroached on my acres!”

“I did not!” The other changeling (possibly named Sharpened Blade, but Chrysalis couldn’t care less) retorted. “He’s lying, Your Majesty.”

“I am not!” Hollowed Whisper shouted, puffing out his chest to appear intimidating.

“Yes you are!” Sharpened Blade replied in a fury.

“You two want to know what I think about all this?” The changeling queen said calmly, sitting up straight. Both changeling drones nodded their heads, eager for her verdict.

“I think this is the most pointless argument ever brought before me!” She bellowed. “You’re arguing over an inch of land. A bucking inch! Is that really worth my time? Honestly, the two of you are acting like foals. Get out of my sight!”

“But… Your Majesty…”

“OUT OF MY SIGHT!” She roared. The two changelings stumbled backwards from shock, and fled the throne room in a whimper.

Queen Chrysalis groaned as they left, sinking back into her agate throne. A soft buzzing sound that indicated changeling wings suddenly appeared. She watched as her most trusted advisor, Bared Fang, flew in. He looked almost amused.

“Well, certainly made quick work of that one, My Queen,” he said.

“How many more of these domestic disputes are lined up for today?” She miserably asked.

“One-hundred and forty three, Your Majesty.”


“Cancel them all. I have a headache,” she muttered. Bared Fang raised an eyebrow, but bowed respectfully.

“As you wish, My Queen.”

Chrysalis shifted in the stone chair, uncomfortable. The crown resting on her teal mane nearly fell off, but she caught it.

“Is there anything else I have to do today?” She asked.

Bared Fang drew out a sheet of parchment, and scanned it.

“Just several dozen more complaints of hunger pains, Your Majesty,” the dwarf changeling said, noticeably concerned. “It’s gotten harder and harder to feed everypony ever since we were barred from the Crystal Emp-“ Bared Fang cut himself off. He looked at her, fear in his eyes. Every changeling knew the queen had banned the mere mention of that place in her presence.

Chrysalis hid her face. A dam inside of her just burst, releasing a maelstrom of memories that she had fought for so long to keep repressed. Her own emotions suddenly tantalized the air. She fought to suppress them. Scents from a variety of feelings lingered: Hurt, Betrayal, Depression, Sadness, and – of course – Love.

Tears bloomed in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

“T-today would’ve been our two year anniversary,” she whimpered. Bared Fang moved to comfort her, but she retreated.

“My Queen,” he whispered. “I am so sorry.”

Chrysalis bit her lip, fangs puncturing the skin and eliciting a thin trail of blood. She uttered a single, pained sob and sank to the floor.

“I can’t believe I left him like that,” she said, composure shattered. More sobs followed, unrestrained and distressed. “I should’ve saved him, Fang.”

“My Qu… Chrysalis, there was nothing you could have done.”

“Don’t lie to me, Fang,” she said as the tears began to hit the floor. “The love we shared… it was so powerful. I could taste honey even when the entire city was between us. With all that raw energy I could’ve… should’ve done something. Anything.”


A empathetic hoof rested on her shoulder. Chrysalis turned, blinking through the salt water in her eyes, to see Fang’s sympathetic face.

“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off,” he suggested. “It’s clear you need it.”

Chrysalis considered his suggestion for a moment, then slowly nodded. Head sunken, the Queen of the Changelings walked out of the room.

There were two guards positioned at the exit. As they saw their queen exit they waited a few seconds and then followed her at a respectable distance. They acted as shadows would, following her silently and without intrusion. Chrysalis considered sending them away, but decided not to.

She wandered without aim, passing through the halls of her castle with melancholy. Her heart ached with sadness the entire time. All Chrysalis wanted to do was to talk about the pain she was experiencing, but she could not go to anypony in her kingdom about it.

Only Bared Fang knew that she was capable of love without dying or suffering, and that’s the way it would have to remain. If her subjects knew that there was a way to experience love without brutally killing oneself in the process, they would swarm her for it. The only problem is that she could not – would not – give it to them.

It had been dark magic that had given her the power to love, but she had seen the evils it wrought. She had experience first hoof the horrible things that could befall should her subjects gain access to dark magic, and she refused to take that risk. Bared Fang had understood, and the two of them kept the secret.

Unfortunately for Chrysalis, while Bared Fang was willing to hide her ability to love, he was not willing to discuss it. The dwarf had neither inclination, nor desire to know what love felt like, and he certainly wasn’t capable of holding and intelligent conversation about that emotion unless it pertained to eating it.

So for the past two years Chrysalis had to suffer to burden of love while at the same time tried to provide leadership and guidance for her people. What little she had managed to accomplish was threatening to crumble away if she couldn’t control her emotions.

Isn’t there anypony I can talk too? She thought bitterly. An idea bloomed in her mind. Maybe… She considered.

Her pace quickened as Chrysalis’ legs carried her through the castle. The guards were compelled to keep up, and were forced to break out into a trot.

Finally, the changeling queen exited the castle, flanked by her two guards. She was running now. The changelings beside her were struck with curiosity by her odd behavior, but they knew better than to ask.

Chrysalis turned, circumventing the castle walls and found herself in the royal courtyard. She slowed down, allowing the guards to catch their breaths.

Her next few steps were slow and deliberate, bringing her closer to the one party of the courtyard that she had avoided for years. The cemetery.

It was a small section of land, surrounded by a cold iron fence. The changeling queen knew that this was the only burial ground her species condoned. Changelings hated death, and preferred to ignore it rather than acknowledge when somepony passed away. The royalty was different however. They were given a funeral, and sealed away behind the lonely gates. A guard coughed, unnerved.

“Leave,” she ordered the two. They obliged with no hesitation.

Chrysalis took in a slow breath, and with a green flick of magic she unlatched and opened the gates. The rusty old iron creaked open at a grating pitch, granting her entrance.

She walked in slowly, her teal hair being brushed aside by a cold breeze. The cemetery held all members of the royal changeling lineage that had existed since the dawn of their species nearly ten thousand years ago. All three of them.

Chrysalis passed by the first two burial sites, each sporting a large and elaborate tombstone. They were her great-grandfather and her grandmother, two changelings she had never met. The third tombstone was much more modest compared to the previous ones.

“Hello, Father,” Chrysalis spoke to the ground, which looked as freshly packed as it did two years ago. The solemn earth did not reply to her.

“Sorry for dropping by like this, but… but I needed somepony to talk too,” Chrysalis sighed. “I’m so lonely, and hurt, and guilty right now. And not just because today is our two year anniversary. It’s everyday. I’m lost, and angry with myself. I keep saying, ‘There was nothing I could do’ but that doesn’t alleviate my guilt, and I…” Tears welled up in her eyes as she choked on the words. Her buried father remained icily silent.

“I know why you’re not talking to me,” Chrysalis began. “You’re still mad at me. I suppose I shouldn’t blame you. The last thing I said to you was…” The words died at her lips.

“I know I wasn’t the perfect daughter,” she admitted. “But don’t act like you were a perfect father. You were trying to protect me from falling in love, and I can appreciate that, but maybe I didn’t want your protection. Sombra and I… we were happy together. I was happy with him. That’s more than I can say for living in the Badlands.” Her tears fell onto the soil below. “And when you tried to keep me from seeing him I… I snapped. I said some things I regret now, and I’ll never be able to take back. I can’t even justify it by saying I did it for love, because I don’t even have that to show for myself.”

“Ponies often say it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but why do I feel worse now than when I did before? Is it because now I know what love is? That I’m capable of it?” She waited for a reply that never came.

“Maybe it’s because… I haven’t lost him,” Chysalis realized. “I just let him go too easily. My heart knows that he’s still out there and that there has to be a way to save him.”

The stoic ground did not respond, but Chrysalis didn’t need it to. No more tears were flowing from her eyes; they had been replaced with determination.

“And I’m going to save him,” her voice whispered into the air. She bowed her head as a small thank you to her deceased father and ran.

The cemetery gates magically slammed behind her with resounding clang. Chrysalis did not slow down. She was inside the castle in an instant, breezing past guards and staff alike.

She arrived in her throne room before too long, it was empty, but the changeling she was looking for had to be around.

“Bared Fang!” She called out, hoping her advisor was nearby.

“Ah, Your Majesty good,” The dwarf changeling said, walking in. “I’ve got to tel-”

“Never mind that, Fang,” Chrysalis said to him. “Whatever it is can wait. I’m going to the Crystal Empire. You’re in charge until I get back.”

His blue insect eyes widened. “Um, Your Majesty you can’t-”

“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Fang,” Chrysalis warned him as she crossed over to the wide window adjacent to her throne. “I’m going to the Empire.”

Undaunted by her command, Bared Fang flew forward between her and the window.

“It is impossible for you to go to the Empire,” he declared boldly.

“You won’t stop me, Fang. I can-”

“No you can’t!” Bared Fang cut her off. He never did that. “My Queen, the Crystal Empire is gone.”

Chrysalis blinked. Tangible silence encompassed the room as the Queen of the Changelings attempted to digest those words.

“Gone?” She whispered frightfully. Then louder, “What do you mean, gone?”

“A few of our scouts from the north just returned this morning. They claimed that the Crystal Empire is no longer there.” Bared Fang shifted his head off to the side. “I am sorry, My Queen.”

Chrysalis was too stunned to form words for a while. When she finally could, they were venomously angry.

“What the buck does that mean, Fang? The entire Empire can’t just vanish into thin air!”

Her advisor stepped back, not wanting to be the lightning rod for the oncoming storm.

“It is, Your Majesty. There is nothing there anymore except snow,” he said. Chrysalis’ green eyes narrowed.

“How do I know you aren’t just saying this so I won’t go?” She asked, suspicion dripping from every word.

“You would be able to tell if I was lying, Your Majesty,” Bared Fang replied. Chrysalis inhaled through her nose. There was no guilt or shame radiating from the dwarf’s body. He wasn’t lying.

As the reality began to sink in, Chrysalis backed away. She swallowed slowly.

“So… so what happened?” She asked. “Did he survive?”

Bared Fang looked away. “I have no idea. All I know is what the scouts reported.”

“Well what did they report?” Chrysalis asked, becoming cross. “I want to know what happened, Fang.”

Her advisor was deathly silent. He refused to look her in the eye.

“Promise me you won’t do anything rash, Your Majesty,” Bared Fang said.

“Tell me now,” she demanded through clenched teeth.

With a heavy sigh, he spoke. “They said they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna go into the Empire... and it was only them who left it.”

Chrysalis’ eye twitched slightly. With restraint she backed away from the window and breathed slowly. Bared Fang looked like he wanted to relax but wasn’t sure what was about to happen.

“All right,” she said hesitantly. “I guess I’m not going to the Crystal Empire then.”

Visibly, Bared Fang relaxed, the tension fading from his body. She brushed passed him and stood on the window’s ledge.

“My Queen?” He asked, concern returning.

“I’ll be in Canterlot if you need me Fang, there are some princesses that I need to speak with.”

“What?” Bared Fang shrieked, but he was talking to nothing but air. Chrysalis had taken off, leaving her kingdom behind.

Princess Celestia took in a shaky breath as the fresh wounds on her back released more scalding pain. With her magic, the alicorn undid the last strap of her armor and laid it on the floor.

She sighed, realizing she would never be able to use it again. All of her armor was now beyond repair. The specially constructed material had been ripped torn through like mere paper. The parts that were still in tact had been scorched black by hellfire.

Celestia shuddered at the memory of the sheer power the dark unicorn had displayed. Even though it was only a few hours after their fight, she hoped to forget it soon.

“Ah!” her sister seethed suddenly. Celestia turned her head to see Luna removing her helmet – or rather, what was left of her helmet. King Sombra had released a powerful beam of dark magic directly Princess Luna, evaporating the metal and scarring the left side of the alicorn’s face. It would heal, but right now it was likely immensely painful.

“Are you all right, sister?” Celestia asked. Luna merely nodded.

“It just hurts to move my face,” the navy blue alicorn replied.

“You’ll be fine,” the Princess of the Sun assured her. I hope, she added silently.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna made their way to the wide balcony at the end of the room. It was time to lower the sun and raise the moon, and as much as the two alicorn’s needed to rest after their encounter with King Sombra, the job of rotating day and night came first.

As the sun began to lower, Celestia felt herself struggling. The fighting from earlier that day had depleted her magical reserves, and taxing them further was not a wise decision. She powered through it anyways, not stopping till the last of the sunbeams had lowered below the horizon.

Luna’s horn glowed in an azure aura now, and Celestia could see the moon begin to crest into view. She could also see her sister sweating under the strain, but didn’t have enough energy herself to lend a hoof.

Eventually the moon reached its apex in the now nighttime sky, and Luna let out a sigh of exertion. The two sisters were exhausted.

“I don’t know about you, Tia,” Luna said. “But I’m going to sleep.”

“Yes, that sounds like a good idea,” Celestia replied. The two began walking back inside.


Celestia and Luna stopped mid-step. Something had just landed on the balcony behind them. The white alicorn glanced at her younger sister with her peripheral vision. Luna looked just as confused as she felt. Both princesses turned their heads around slowly.

Glaring them down was a creature that Celestia had never seen before. It had a tall quasi-pony structure, with a dark, black coat, and long, teal hair that almost grazed the floor. She noticed it deviated from the normal pony stature when she noticed the holes in its legs, the fangs, and the crooked horn. Celestia assumed this creature was more related to bugs based on its diaphanous wings and carapace. The princess eyed it nervously.

“WHO ART THOU?!” Luna suddenly shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice, causing Celestia to flinch. “WHY DOST THOU INTRUDE UPON OUR CASTLE?”

The lime green eyes of the creature narrowed with spite.

“Where is he?” It growled.

Celestia exchanged glances of confusion with her sister.

“Who are you talking about?” The white alicorn asked. The creature clearly didn’t like this answer.

Hissing hatefully, the bug creature charged up its horn with a frightful green aura. Celestia and Luna didn’t have the time nor the energy to brace themselves before a powerful beam of magic slammed into them.

The two alicorns were struck hard and thrown backwards. Luna hit her head along the side of a marble column and was knocked out. Celestia didn’t fare much better.

Still conscious, the Princess of the Sun attempted to charge her own horn for a counterattack. The magic sparked and uttered a loud flatulent-like noise. Nothing else happened.

No! She thought. I’m all out. Before Celestia could struggle onto all fours, the hostile creature ran inside the castle and was standing over her, prepared to release another magical attack.

“Where is he?” The creature hollered in her face. Wincing, Celestia looked at the creature and noticed there were tears in its eyes. Tears of pain.

“Where is who?” The princess shouted. “I have no idea who you’re talking about!”

A black hoof swiped across Celestia’s face, making a cracking noise. She recoiled. It slapped her. That thing had just slapped her.

“Sombra. Who else you bitch?” It screamed.

“Excuse me,” Celestia said. “But I am a princess, and will not be addressed like some–“ The creature slapped her again.

“Where?” It demanded.

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “The Artic North. We turned him into a shadow and banished him to the Artic North. Satisfied?”

The thing was silent for a moment, clearly not expecting that answer.

“He’s… alive?” It tentatively asked. She could tell that made the creature very emotional for whatever reason.

“Yes?” Princess Celestia replied, though she said it in a more questioning tone. Sure there was a possibility that Sombra had survived that, but she sincerely hoped not. He was a monster.

“He’s still alive…” The creature said, stepping back. Celestia attempted to sit up. “I have to find him.” It murmured. “I can still save him.”

“What?” Celestia exclaimed. “No! I cannot allow that. King Sombra was a menace to everypony in Equestria. Bringing him back would be disastrous.”

The creature scowled at her. “You can’t stop me.”

Celestia attempted to move again but the creature was far faster. Horn charged, a magical beam struck her across the side of the face.

Her head slumped up against the ground Celestia struggled to stay conscious. Her ears were ringing painfully loud. As her vision blurred she could see the black bug-like beast running towards the balcony. It spread its insect wings and then flew off.


The cold dug its teeth into Chrysalis’ carapace with chilling ferociousness. Blistering winds smacked her face as her shaking hooves clung to the crunchy snow. She wrapped her thin wings around her body, hoping to elicit what little warmth she could.

It had been two hours since she landed in the Artic North, and Chrysalis was beginning to have thoughts about turning back. She was ill-prepared for cold temperatures, had no warm clothing, and no idea how to find Sombra.

“H-have t-to k-keep going,” she said to herself. Her resolve wasn’t encouraged.

She was losing hope fast. All she could see was the snowy white expanse, and if she stayed any longer, it might be the last thing she would ever see.

I can’t turn back. I just can’t. He needs me, I know he does… and I need him.

The bitter cold was relentless however. Chrysalis could feel herself getting frostbite on her nose and hooves.

Suddenly, she was only aware of her face being covered in snow. She’d tripped without even realizing it. Squirming, the changeling queen moved her face up to breath. As she did, her nose picked up a unique scent.


Her head jerked up, out of the snow. “Sombra,” she whispered, her breath visible. Reinvigorated, Chrysalis scrambled to all fours, and began to charge forward.

The damnable pepper scent burned her nostrils, but for the first time in her life she was thankful for it. As she trudged on the smell became more potent. Eventually it felt so powerful that Chrysalis would swear she was right on top of him.

“Sombra!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. “Sombra, where are you?”

Chrysalis called out his name a few more times but heard no reply. She knew he was nearby, and refused to accept defeat. Her emerald eyes scanned the ground, looking for hoofprints – as if they would even be present in a blizzard such as this one – in desperation. She found something entirely different.

Smoke. Little inky swirls of smoke were breaking through the surface of the snow. They reeked heavily of pepper.

“Found you,” Chrysalis whispered. Her hooves buried themselves into the snow as she began flinging it to the sides. Her already frostbitten limbs didn’t feel the new rush of cold.

She expended the precious little energy she still had into digging out the snow. It was an arduous task, as the blizzard defiantly filled up anything she was able to clear out.

Progress was eventually made however, as more of the dark swirls of smoke became visible. Chrysalis knew she was getting close, but she could feel herself start to loose her grip on consciousness. Her vision was dimming as she broke through the last layer of snow.

The dark smoke blasted out from the imprisoning sheets of snow and into the air. Pepper filled her nose and mouth so fast that Chrysalis coughed violently. The inky smoke – or a more precise word would be shadows - began swirling around, not wavered by the storm around it.

As tired as she was, Chrysalis stumbled back, out of the warpath of shadows. The growing mass bulged and condensed. She was still coughing from the throbbing taste of pepper. Recovering, Chrysalis peaked her eye open and gasped.

Standing before her was Sombra. He had on rustic armor, and his eyes were now green with a dark, smoky trail, but other than that he looked exactly the same as when she last saw him.

The pepper taste was pushed out of her mouth, replaced with a very sour honey. Her heart accelerated just from seeing him, forcing adrenaline into her body to keep her awake.

“Sombra,” she whispered softly. The stallion narrowed his eyes in her direction. “D-do you recognize me?” She asked, two years worth of emotion threatening to spill over.

“No,” his dark voice said. His eyes meant it, showing her nothing but contempt. She tried to detect any emotions, certain he was lying. There was only pepper.

“Yes you do!” Chrysalis shouted, water threatening to overflow from her eyes. “You have to! I came all this way for you.”

“I don’t care,” Sombra replied. “Though I suppose I should thank you for setting me free; now I can reclaim my Empire.” He brushed past her, content with leaving her to suffer the fate of freezing to death.

“No,” the changeling queen whispered to herself. “This can’t be the end…”

There has to be some way to get through to him. To get the old Sombra back. My Sombra, she thought, sinking down into the snow. A single tear escaped and ran down her cheek, freezing to solid ice before reaching her chin. She was alone in the blizzard, with nothing but the sour taste of her own love to comfort her as she slipped away. She tightened her eyelids, certain she would never open them again.

A soft, warm glow convinced her otherwise. The tip of her horn was emitting a lambent green aura. She squinted, certain that hypothermia was making her hallucinate. She had no energy left, so how was this possible?

It’s… my love, she realized. She was fueling her own magic with her own love for Sombra. Is this even possible?

It must be possible; it’s happening.

But… how?

Changelings had never been able to feed on their own love before, because none of them had ever been able to love before. Chrysalis had never tried using her own love for energy in the past, Sombra’s overwhelming love had been more than she’d ever needed.

The energy reinvigorated her, and compelled her to stand up. She did, no longer feeling the icy wind whipping across her face. Turning, Chrysalis saw Sombra, still walking away. He was a black speck in the endless expanse of white.

Concentrating, Chrysalis used her energy and teleported directly in front of him. After a green flash, she was face to face with the blinking eyes of Sombra.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Chrysalis acted faster. Throwing as much energy into her horn as she dared, the changeling queen released the most powerful magical surge of her life directly at Sombra’s forehead.

The magical blast threw both of them backwards, Chrysalis landing on the soft snow with her carapace. Her spell left her disoriented slightly, but she shook her head to rectify that.

Glancing back towards Sombra, all Chrysalis could see was a shapeless mass of shadows. Slowly, they gathered back into a form. A gray unicorn, lying on the snowy ground. Chrysalis stood up and rushed towards him. She couldn’t smell any pepper.

There was not rustic armor on him anymore, and his eyes didn’t have that dark, smoky trail. He groaned. Chrysalis tried to scoop him up, but found that her hooves fazed right through him. As a shadow he was intangible. Sombra’s scarlet eyes fluttered open.

“C… Chryssi?” He moaned upon seeing her. Her heart skipped a beat. It felt so good to hear his nickname for her after all this time. Tears exploded in Chrysalis’s eyes, and she sobbed joyfully

“You remember me!” She cried.

“Of course I remember you,” Sombra said gently. He attempted to move his hoof to touch her cheek, but it slid through. Sombra looked concerned. “Chyrssi… what happened? Where are we?”

“We’re... we’re in the Artic North, Sombra. Don’t you remember anything?”

He scrunched his face, attempting to recall something. “I… I remember the changelings were trying to take you away… and I tried to stop them. Did I?”

Chrysalis sniffled a little. “No… you… the crystal…” she sighed, a sob escaping her lips. “You went insane, Sombra.”

His eyes widened in shock. “I… what?”

“The dark magic possessed you. Sombra, you took over the Crystal Empire and enslaved everypony there.”

Horror overtook Sombra’s face. Chrysalis could smell varying degrees of guilt, shame, and self-disgust radiate from him.

“Don’t feel that way,” she insisted. “It wasn’t you, it was the dark magic.”

“But I wouldn’t have been possessed if I’d just stayed away from it.” Sombra sighed. He attempted to touch her again, but found his hoof just passed through her body. “Why does that keep happening?” He asked, unnerved.

The wind blew her teal mane into her face, but Chrysalis paid it no mind. “Princess Celestia turned you into a shadow to defeat you. That’s why you’re here.”

“…and you came all this way just to find me?” He asked. She nodded, feeling blood rise beneath her cheeks. A very familiar honey flavor ignited in her mouth as Sombra wrapped her in an embrace… or rather he tried to. His body passed right through Chrysalis’, causing her to shudder.

“Sorry,” he said, turning back around.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m still just so happy you’re not possessed anymore.”

“Me too,” he said. “Do you think Celestia would be willing to change me back now?”

Chrysalis bit her lip, her fang inadvertently drawing blood. “I don’t know. She’s probably not to eager to do anything for you or me.”

“What do you mean?” He asked, curious.

Chrysalis’ eyes darted around. “Well, when I found out what she did to you I sorta… broke into her castle and attacked her.”

“…You’re so sweet,” Sombra told her. She grinned bashfully, but was still worried.

“So what can we do to fix you?” She asked. Sombra’s brows furrowed with concentration.

“Maybe there is something in the Crystal Empire Library about this,” he reasoned. “We could try there.”

“Uhmm, no we can’t,” she said. Sombra cocked his head in confusion. “The… uh… the Empire is gone, Sombra.”

His scarlet irises shrunk till they were specks. “What?” He squeaked out in alarm.

“I’m not entirely sure what happened,” she said. “But I do know that the Empire is completely gone. I flew by it on my way here and there was nothing. I’m so sorry.”

Sombra looked at the ground, utterly at a loss for words. Chrysalis wanted nothing more than to put her hooves around him as a comfort, but she knew it was impossible.

“I must’ve put a curse on it… or something…” He whispered. Looking up, he asked, “Chryssi, how long was I… you know…”

“About two years,” she said softly. “Happy anniversary.”

Sombra buried his face in his hooves, distraught. “T-two years… are you sure?”

“I’m positive,” she said grimly. “It… it hasn’t been easy.”

They were silent. The only noise that could be heard was the blizzard’s heavy whistle.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he whimpered.

“…I forgive you, Sombra,” she replied. “I know you didn’t mean it.”

He brought his face out of his hooves. “Maybe we can-”

Sombra froze mid-sentence. His head twitched spasmodically for a moment, and his eyes returned to the sickly green color of possession. Chrysalis stumbled back afraid. For a brief moment, all she could smell and taste was pepper.

Then it was gone. Sombra’s eyes returned to their red color, and honey once again filled her mouth. The gray stallion clutched his head.

“Ah, what just happened?” He asked. She didn’t reply. “Chryssi, what happened?” Sombra asked again, concern flooding his voice.

“You… you changed,” she said, voice a pitiful squeak. “The dark magic came back.”

Terror leapt onto Sombra’s face. “I…it did? I thought it was gone.”

“I thought so too. I guess whatever I did didn’t do the trick.” She eyed his red, curved horn, undoubtedly the source of the darkness.

“Could you try it again?” Sombra asked. She shook her head.

“It won’t work. I think all I did was hold the darkness back. I’ve got no idea how to purge it all without hurting you.”

Sombra looked downtrodden. He was about to say something, when the possession took hold again. It lasted a mere second, but Chrysalis felt her heart skip a beat with fear.

“It’s coming back,” Sombra realized. “I won’t be able to hold it at bay for much longer.”

“What can we do?” Chrysalis asked, panicky. Sombra glanced around, unsure.

“Where did you find me?” He asked. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, confused as to why he wanted to know that.

“Over there, somewhere,” she said, indicating the vast expanse with her hoof. “You were buried under a lot of snow.”

“And I couldn’t get out?” He asked.

“You were only freed after I dug you up,” she answered. Sombra’s dark magic possessed him again. It lasted longer, but still faded. Chrysalis was getting worried.

Recovering, Sombra looked at her. “So do you think if I was buried again, I won’t be able to escape? I won’t be able to hurt anypony else?”

Chrysalis realized what he was insinuating. “NO! Sombra please, you can’t imprison yourself like that.”

“I think I have to,” he replied solemnly. “It’s the only way to prevent the dark magic from doing anymore harm.”

Tears streamed down her face. “Y-you can’t… Sombra, please…” Sombra attempted to brush the tears from her cheek, before remembering he was intangible.

“Chrysalis,” he said, using her full name. She looked at him, her emerald eyes tainted red. “You know it’s for the best. It has to be done.”

“But… there has to be another way.”

The dark possession returned, Sombra’s eyes glowing a hateful lime green. He struggled and cursed before the real Sombra regained control.

“We don’t have time,” he whispered.

“I don’t want you to leave me,” she cried.

“I don’t want to leave you,” he assured her.

With their lips inches apart, Chrysalis leaned in and kissed him. Well, she kissed him to the extent one can kiss a shadow.
“Promise me you’ll never change,” he said. She nodded.

“I’ll find a way to set this right,” Chrysalis whispered in his ear.

“I know you will,” he whispered right back.

“I don’t care if it takes a thousand years, I’ll find a way to fix this,” Chrysalis swore. Her horn ignited, fueled by both her love and his, she overturned nearly fifty feet of snow. Frozen tears covered her face as she watched Sombra descend into the abyss, his fate accepted.

He glanced upwards, looking at her. “You are the most amazing and beautiful mare I’ve ever met,” he shouted. “I love you, Chryssi.”

She smiled weakly, grabbing snow with her magic. “You are the corniest stallion I’ve ever known. I love you too.”

As she levitated as much snow as she could, Chrysalis saw Sombra’s eyes flash to the sickly green color. There was pepper in the air, and also honey. Then the snow buried him, dark magic and all. All scents evaporated.

She waited, making sure Sombra could not escape his icy prison. When she felt like he wouldn’t she turned around.

Muffled sobs followed her trek home in the bleak night.

Comments ( 15 )

*Start making happy seal slapping noises* :pinkiehappy::derpytongue2:

Great story. I loved reading this. But part of me still wants a happy ending for those two. Can't change it though.

Now, for the squeal.

Please make a squeal! :fluttercry::applecry:

4521169 I don't think I'll ever make a direct sequel to this... sorry. However, this is a backstory, so in all likelihood i'll tie it into a different series of mine. Thanks for reading.

4522382 Oh ok. I guess that's good. Maybe you could have them reunite in another story.

OHMIGOSH I FINALLY FOUND A CHRYSALIS X SOMBRA STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I KNEW I WASN'T THE ONLY SUPPORTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

::raritycry::fluttercry::applecry::raritydespair: Sequal......Please... IT CANT END LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!:fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::applecry::pinkiesad2::fluttershysad:

5423605 Sorry but I'm not going to make a sequel to this, since it was really only supposed to be Chrysalis and Sombra's back story.:ajsleepy: I have stated before that I have plans to tie this into another series of mine, but that project's been backlogged for months.

Hadn't read this yet, but I just had to comment that I thought it was amusing and clever that in a story about romance, all the chapter titles were names of songs about love.

Of course, that had most of them pop into my head as soon as I read them, but such is life.


This was very good. Sure it went to depressing places at the end, but there was really no way you were going to get around that one under the circumstances and it was very well written. The characters were great and I really liked how they fell because of love. It is also interesting how Chrysalis's newfound ability to generate love by dredging up memories of him will basically force her to do that on a regular basis and reinforce her hatred of the princesses so her attitude towards them in the show follows naturally from her love for Sombra. My only real problem with it was that the characters never discussed the possibility of Sombra moving in with Chrysalis because that really does seem like a natural solution to the problem, although there are obvious issues with that so I can see why it would not have worked out. I also wasn't a fan of some of the things you did with the changeling world building, but it was not bad unlike many stories which are just painfully stupid in that area so it is not a big deal.

Also, I feel like you are really set up nicely for some kind of continuation with the way the show took out Sombra so I would give serious thought to a sequel, epilogue, or major subplot in another story. What the Crystal Heart did to him with the love light coming out of him could easily be seen as purification with this backstory, and the fact that we know his corrupted horn was cut off and dropped to the ground further reinforces that tie in because of how you tied his connection to dark magic to that horn. When you throw in his shadow form we see at the end of this story, it makes an easy setup to have him come back in some form in the modern timeline which could be very interesting, especially when he has to deal with trying to fix all of her emotional trauma. This also opens up a lot of very interesting possibilities for her trying to open back up to ponies at his insistence and everyone trying to figure out if there is some way to replicate what he did more safely so I feel like it would be a shame if it were left here.

I'm glad you like this one, despite it being one of my older works. As for a continuation... I'm still not really up for one, even after all this time. But who knows, my opinions could still change on the matter. Maybe.


6425524 Fair enough, and it might honestly work best as a side plot to something else. I do not see Chrysalis's efforts to bring him back being all that interesting to watch directly, but you could have some real fun with the Mane Six investigating why she stole the Crystal Heart. After a convoluted mess of an investigation with Chrysalis doing the proper changeling thing and confusing the hell out of the issue while making it seem like she was never there, they would break in and wind up getting captured by the changelings in the trap she set up for when they inevitably figured her ruse out. They would then get to watch horrified as she used the power of the Crystal Heart to resurrect the "evil king" Sombra in what looks like a horrifying villain team up with a nice cliffhanger when he revives. Then things go completely sideways for them and the readers as this romance comes back for an absolutely epic plot twist. The story will wind up getting totally rerouted and let you write a story that feels very MLP with the characters trying to learn to understand and become friends with each other after some nice cloak and dagger/suspected end of the world stuff in what should be a wild ride. Cadence should be especially fun once she figures out what is going on because I can totally see her dropping her previous animosity to play relationship councilor while the others are still highly suspicious of the whole thing.

Moral of the story: don't fall in love.

But seriously though, this was very well done. Depressing? Yes. But it was damn good.

“What?” Bared Fang shrieked, but he was talking to nothing but air. Chrysalis had taken off, leaving her kingdom behind.

Sounds like something I woulddo

I'm sorry but after coming to this after about a year I realized that this story is incredibly underrated

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