• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 4,042 Views, 213 Comments

Life in Another Pony's Hooves - HonorBound

If given the chance, would you trade bodies with a pony? Even if that pony was Blueblood? I did.

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Chapter 10: Let's Party!

I was taken aback by the sheer volume of the verbal assault. The voices of so many ponies resonating in the tree library, and directed right at me, caused me to jump near out of my own skin. I was only slightly aware that I was now holding a wooden door that was no longer connected to its hinges in my magical grasp.

Regaining my composure, I eloquently stated my feelings on being startled so effectively. “What the Hell!?” I shouted.

Twilight walked up next to me, giggling. “It’s all right. No need to tear the place apart.” she tried to calm me down, and motioned to the door floating in my blue aura.

My ears folded back and I blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry about that.” I said as I placed the broken door against the wall.

“You can fix it later.” she said. I know that kind of shock. Pinkie can always throw a party when you least expect it.”

Yeah, even when I was expecting it, I was still surprised. Well played, Pinkie. Well played.

Said pink mare decided then to jump out of nowhere, from behind me. “Welcome to Ponyville, Honor Bound! This is your surprise, welcome to Ponyville party. Were you surprised? Huh? Huh? Were ya? Were ya?”

I rolled my eyes at the pink mare, giving her a chuckle. “Yes Pinkie. You got me good. How did you set this up so fast? We were only down in the basement for, maybe fifteen minutes.”

“Silly Honor Bound, I’m Pinkie Pie!” the pink pony exclaims like it explained everything.

“Bu.. But that’s not what I asked you.” I sputtered out.

Pinkie looked at me again in confusion. “It wasn’t? Oh! Oh! I know! You wanted to know how I got my cutie mark. It all started a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”

“No. No. No. Wait… What? No.” I sighed loudly in frustration. “Ya know what? Never mind. It’s not important enough.”

Pinkie smiled happily. “Okie dokie Loki. You’re the guest of honor, though now that I think of it, this is your party, so wouldn’t that make everypony here the guest of Honor, but then…”

I tuned Pinkie out when Twilight leaned in, and whispered into my ear. “Good call. It’s best just to except it, and move on. It will save you a lot of aggravation. Believe me, I know.”

I gave her a nod of agreement, and then turned to all of the other ponies stuffed into the small library. It had to be filled to capacity, if not more so.

There were quite a few ponies I recognized, but just as many that I didn’t.

I noticed Lyra and Bon Bon, talking to Rainbow Dash near the center of the room.

Barry Punch was guarding the Punch bowl like it was the Holy Grail, while Cheerilee and a few other ponies were trying to get her to share with the other party guests.

Vinyl Scratch was behind her turntables, flipping her records around her head with her magic. The records were twisting and turning in an elegant ballet that showed her skill with handling them. Her head was bobbing to the beat of the song currently playing, the shades covering her eyes reflecting the crowd in front of her.

The dance floor was packed with dancing ponies, all moving to the beat of the music that Vinyl was pumping out. Spike was a prominent figure in the masses, (being the only one able to dance on two legs) doing his best to impress Rarity with his moves.

I looked back to Pinkie who still hadn’t stopped talking. “…and honestly, how can you top that?” she asked rhetorically.

“This is some party Pinkie.” I complimented.

“Thanks. It took all day to set up, and don’t get me started on how hard it was to book Vinyl Scratch. I was put on a wait list for months.” Pinkie flailed her hooves around to emphasize her point.

I just stared at the pink party pony. My mind was frozen, and my mouth was gaping open in disbelief.

Months!? But… How??? I stopped myself from digging into the subject at my sanity’s request, and concluded with a nod, Pinkie Sense. That’s all I need to know.

“Come on! Let’s get this party started! There’s so many ponies that you have to meet. There’s Daisy, Lilly, and Rose, they run the flower stalls in town. That’s Thunderlane, one of the weather ponies. He works under Rainbow Dash. Over there is Golden Harvest, but she likes to be called Carrot Top now. Ever since Rarity said that green was such an ugly color, Harvest started dying her mane orange. I really don’t know why, maybe we should ask her? Hey! Carrot Top, why do you…”

I silenced the pink mare with a hoof in her mouth. Carrot Top gave us an odd look before going about her business.

“That’s all right Pinkie. I’m sure I’ll get a chance to meet them all at some point. Let’s just have fun. All right?” Pinkie nodded her head in agreement, prompting me to remove my hoof from her muzzle. “All right then. First thing’s first. I need food.”

Eyeing the snack table, I made my way to the delectable delights sitting unaware of their impending demise. Grabbing a plate, I began to pile various fruits, pastries, and deserts onto it. So focused on the food in front of me, I didn’t notice that Twilight had followed me to the snack table.

Twilight cleared her throat to gain my attention. So I looked over with a half eaten sweet roll hanging from my lips. She giggled at the sight. Blushing profusely, I finished eating the pastry, and apologized.

“It’s all right.” she said. “I just wanted to tell you that we’ll have to postpone our experiments on why your magic acts so discriminatory towards certain books to another time. Enchantments shouldn’t be able to make distinctions between books, even if it’s put on a living organism.” She sighed in slight irritation. “In any case, we can’t perform any experiments while so many ponies are around. There are just too many variables to take into account, especially when Pinkie Pie’s around.”

“That’s okay. We can do it tomorrow.” I reason, as I take a final bite out of an apple that I assumed to be from Sweet Apple Acres. I gazed over to the dancing ponies on the dance floor. “Um… Would you like to, uh… maybe… dance with me?" I asked more than a little uncertain with what I was asking.

What am I doing! I don’t know how to dance! The most I’ve been able to do is a slow three step, and even then I was always stepping on my partner’s toes.

Twilight was visibly taken aback by my proposal. Her eyes shifted back and forth trying to find an answer for my question as her demeanor shifted from surprise to uncertainty.

Great! Now I’ve made her uncomfortable. Good going man.

“I… I’m sorry. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” I said.

Her eyes grew large, afraid that she offended me in some way. “Oh! No, no, no. Not at all. It’s just that… I’ve been told that I probably… shouldn’t dance again.”

“What are you…” Then the explanation dawned on me.

Ooooh! Her birthday dance. Yeah, I can see that, but that’s no excuse for someone to tell her not to dance again. Hell, I know I can’t dance, but that’s not going to stop me from having a little fun.

“It’s all right.” I said. “It doesn’t matter what somepony else says. Let’s go enjoy…”

I was interrupted by a very determined Rainbow Dash, who butted in between Twilight and I. “There you are! About time I found you. I need to settle something right now. Come on.”

The multicolored mare latched onto my arm and forced me to follow her. I protested at the forceful interruption of my conversation with the mare of my dreams, but nothing got through to her however. So, all I could do was to try to make an apology to Twilight over the sound of the party before I lost sight of her in the crowd.

Before I knew it, I was plopped down unceremoniously in front of a table. There were a couple of ponies sitting around it.

Across from me sat a rather familiar red stallion. He wasn’t much taller than me, but he was easily more buff. He looked at me from his position across the table, only to raise an eyebrow in question.

At the table, starting from my left, was Applejack, then Caramel, Big Mac, Lyra, Bon Bon, and then finally Carrot Top.

I looked around at the crowd of ponies surrounding those of us who were sitting. “What’s going on?” I voiced my confusion. Big Mac only looked at Dash, as if to inquire the same thing.

Rainbow Dash looked down on us with anticipation in her eyes as she hovered over our heads, and sat at an open place between Caramel and Big Mac.

“All right, Here’s the deal!” she announced to everypony present. “We’re going to play a game. Each pony has a pile of twenty pieces of candy in front of them. We’re going to go around and say things that we’ve never done before. If anypony has done what that pony hasn’t, than they eat one of the pieces of candy in front of them. The pony who eats all their candy first is the winner. Any questions?”

I looked at her irritably. “Yeah, why’d you need me here?” I asked.

Dash just rolled her eyes. “The party’s for you, duh. It’s not like we could start without you.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked more than a little confused.

Applejack spoke up before Rainbow Dash could say anything demeaning to me. “Ya know, it’s considered rude for a game ta start at a party without the pony of honor there.”

Oh… Well. That’s a nice sentiment, I guess.

“Don’t ya’ll have that there tradition up in Cantorlot?” she asked.

I shifted uncomfortably. The Hell if I know. Okay, stick to what’s true. She’s the Element of Honesty for a reason. “I don’t know, actually. I haven’t spent much time there.”

Applejack looked at me in confusion. “Yer the Prince though? Shouldn’t ya’ll know yer own traditions.”

All right, stick to half truths now, we’re going into uncharted territory. “Well… It’s just that I’ve been living in such far away lands, that I never really got to…”

“Are we gonna play or what?” Rainbow Dash interrupted my made up answer with a question.

Damn she’s impatient, but I guess she did get the attention off of me. “Yeah, sure. Go ahead and go first Dash.” I instructed.

“Fine.” she answered gruffly. “I’ve never…” she raised her hoof to her chin in thought. “…dyed my mane.” she finished. Dash eyed the table, waiting for any of us to take a piece of candy.

Carrot Top thoughtfully took a piece and ate it.

I guess I fall into this category too. I lowered my head slowly, blushing somewhat in embarrassment, and ate one of the small candies sitting in front of me. Dash gave me an evil grin.

Why is she smiling at me like that?

I was sucking on the small bit of candy in my mouth enjoying the flavor of it until I noticed that it started to get spicy. Really spicy. Really, really spicy. I looked over to Carrot Top to see if she was showing any symptoms of the hot candy. Seeing none, I realized what was up.

That little bitch! She tampered with my candy somehow. She probably wants me to go running off for some water while she laughs at me. Ya know what. I’m not gonna give her the satisfaction. I’ve had some pretty hot Mexican food before. This isn’t that bad. I’m sure I can put up with it until the game’s over.

“So?” she asked, eyeing me up. “Need a glass of water?”

I swallowed the spicy candy, and smiled back, although a little uneasily. “No thanks, I’m good.”

She didn’t look too convinced, but didn’t say anything to press the matter. She just smiled and, nodded to Big Mac to continue the game.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, somepony in the audience asked the question, “So… does that mean that the prince dyes his mane?”

There were a couple of snickers heard from the crowd. My face lit up in further embarrassment.

I was going to state my case, and explain it was either dyeing my mane and tail or look like Blueblood, but I didn’t get the chance. Behind the masses a sophisticated sounding voice rang out. “And so what if he dyes the color of his mane?”

In that instant the crowd parted to reveal Rarity, dressed in her finest dress, and with her nose in the air. “I mean, really, what does it matter?”

The ponies surrounding us began to murmur to themselves, until one pony spoke up over everypony else. “Because he’s a guy and it’s considered weird for them to dye their mane?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “That is quite possibly the most unintelligent thing that I have ever heard from a pony’s lips in my entire life. In any case, I am sure that he has a good reason for needing to dye his mane. Don’t you Honor Bound?”

While Rarity had been talking, she was walking closer and closer to me. So, once she asked me her question she was standing right in front of me with her big eyes fluttering seductively.

I nodded my head in the affirmative, as I leaned away from the fashionista. “Y..Yeah, I..I do.” I managed to say. The stammer wasn’t because I was embarrassed; it was because I was afraid that Rarity might throw herself at me at any moment.

“There! You see?” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, yeah. Can we get back to the game please?” Dash butted in, already bored out of her mind.

Rarity gave an indignant huff, “Well, if you insist. I was simply trying to spare poor Honor, here, some embarrassment.

“Eh, whatever.” Dash commented.

To my discomfort Rarity didn’t leave when the game started up again. She hung around me like one of those floozies at a gambling table.

The game continued without any major disturbances. Each pony said what they never did, and the game progressed. I have to admit that I was having trouble. Each time I ate one of my candies the fire in my mouth got hotter. My lips were horribly chapped and I was sweating like I had been sitting in a sauna for five hours. I desperately needed a drink, and I didn’t care what it was at this point, as long as it was liquid.

Lyra was in the lead with one treat left in front of her. I’m amazed at the amount of things she’s done in her lifetime. She’s eaten at least one candy for every two turns taken. I was so glad that the game was almost over. The only problem was that it was currently Lyra’s turn.

Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! God she’s taking forever!

The mint green unicorn had her hoof to her chin, trying to think of a suitable thing she hadn’t done. “I’ve never… uhhhhhh… had hands?” she finally finished to my horror.

Great! Of all the stupid things she could have said.

Luckily, everypony watching the game was giving Lyra the most intense deadpan stair that has ever been witnessed. The only pony not looking at her was Bon Bon, who was too preoccupied with slamming her hoof to her face to do anything else.

In the confusion, I used my magic to quickly move a piece of candy into my mouth. I realize that doing so probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but I was sitting next to Applejack, the Element of Honesty. I didn’t want to take any chances that she could sense a lie or lack of the truth in my case. Not to mention that my mouth was, to my knowledge, literally on fire at this point, distracting me from any form of rational thought.

Sadly, my effort was for naught. The cowpony saw my maneuver from the corner of her eye. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, she leaned in closer to me, so she could whisper, “Yer kidden me?”

Crap! She saw me! Come on think. Think damn it! Crap! There’s nothing I could say to talk my way out of this mess. God, my mouth is hot! You know what? She’s a reasonable mare. Maybe, if I ask politely, she won’t press the issue. Can’t hurt to try, I guess.

“Um… Please, don’t ask.” I asked with baited breath.

She was clearly taken back by this not being a joke, but shrugged at my request. “Whatever ya say, partner. If ya don’t want ta tell me about it. Ya don’t have ta.”

I let out a breath that I hadn’t known I was holding. “Thanks AJ. It’s not something I’m willing to talk about just yet.”

“What don’t you want to talk about, dear?” Rarity asked after she draped herself over my shoulder.

“Again, I don’t want to talk about it.” I answered with some annoyance seeping into my speech.

“Oh, please. Tell me, tell me, tell meeeee.” Rarity whined.

“Now Rarity. Leave the poor stallion alone. If he don’t want ta say, he don’t have ta.” Applejack tried to defend me.

“But lovers don’t keep secrets from each other.” the white unicorn reasoned.

I blushed at what she had said and its implications. However, not wanting to give myself away, I simply kept my mouth shut.

While we were talking, Bon Bon took her turn, allowing Lyra to win the game. Seeing that I was no longer required to stay anymore I stood up and quickly made my way over to the punch bowl, and away from the awkward situation. The fashionista looked hurt by the action, but the cowpony was just gazing at her with contempt in her eyes.

Not wanting to be pranked again with a random dribble cup, I did what any rational pony would do with a mouth that was on fire. I dunked my whole head in the large bowl of fruit punch. Drinking to my heart’s content, and much to my mouth’s relief, I emptied the entire thing. I sighed in relief when I was done.

Using my magic, I removed the punch that had soaked into my mane and coat, so I didn’t look like I had just taken a swim in the stuff, and drank it as well. Briefly, I wandered where Berry Punch had gone from her station of protecting the bowl, but I forgot completely about it when I saw Twilight sitting alone by the dance floor. I was so entranced with her, that I failed to notice the muffled shouts from a closet for somepony to let them out or to give them a drink.

I straitened myself up and made my way over, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash once more.

Again! What could she possibly want now?

“Hey… uh… Honor.” She didn’t look like her normal, brash self. Her ears were folded back and she was having trouble looking me in the eye as she hovered in the air. “That… That was pretty cool. How you dealt with my prank, that is. You know you’re tougher than a gryphon I know. Um… No hard feelings?” she asked as she extended a hoof in friendship.

I gave the hoof a suspicious look. “No hard feelings. As long as you don’t have a hoof buzzer on you, that is.”

Dash gave me a sheepish smile, retracted the offered hoof behind her, and then returned said hoof to offer her friendship once again.

A genuine smile came to my lips. “Yeah, no hard feeling.” I reached out and shook her hoof. “Friends?” I asked.

“Friends.” she affirmed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got some more pranks to pull.”

“By all means, go right ahead.” And without further ado, she zoomed off into the crowd of ponies enjoying themselves.

Well… It looks like I’m on Dash’s good side now. That’s good to know.

Returning to my goal at hand, I made my way to the depressed Twilight in front of me.

“Hey.” I said to announce my presence over the music.

“Hey.” she answered with a frown on her face.

“Okay, come on. What did I say about a mare like you and frowning? What’s wrong?”

Twilight looked up at me, then over to the dance floor, and finally settled with looking down once more. I understood what was on her mind.

“My offer still stands. Would you like to dance?” I asked.

She looked up at me in horror. “No, I couldn’t. I mean… I can’t dance… everypony will laugh at me.” she finished dejectedly.

“I don’t know how to dance either, but that’s not stopping me from asking you to join me. And, so what if they laugh at us, we’ll be having a good time doing something fun. Come on.” I offered my hoof to her.

Twilight looked around nervously for a moment, before taking my hoof, and allowing me to escort her to the dance floor.

We made our way to the center of the dancing ponies. Once there, the music changed from a beat heavy techno, to a slow romantic song. I looked up to see the cause of such a change in mood, to find Pinkie Pie walking away from the DJ. She saw that I was looking at her and she gave me a wink.

Well, I’ll be damned. I guess she knows my secret. Well of course she does, she’s Pinkie Pie. I chucked a bit in my own head at my explanation of her powers.

“Um… we don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to.” the purple mare beside me said in her best impersonation of Fluttershy.

“When did I ever say that?” I asked as I focused back on the beautiful mare at my side. She blushed a bit at that.

“All right.” She said.

We got into position and began a slow dance. I had no idea what I was doing, the only thing I could do was copy what I saw the other ponies doing around us. One stallion wrapped his arm around his partner to bring her closer, so I did the same.

Twilight gave a small, “Eep.” at the sudden closeness.

Suddenly afraid I had overstepped a boundary, I asked, “Is this all right?”

She had this most adorable blush on her face, but she only nodded into my coat that it was fine, while she closed the gap between us.

It was surprising for me to note, that it was a lot easier to dance like this, than it would have been when I was human. Ponies don’t have toes for me to step on, after all.

“Thank you.” she whispered, as she nuzzled up against me. I was shocked. It felt so good, and warm. I was floating on air.

This is great! We only actually met this morning and we’re all ready dancing like this, and she’s nuzzling me! I couldn’t be happier. This is the best day of my life!

Having fun in my body, are we?
