• Published 31st Mar 2012
  • 4,042 Views, 213 Comments

Life in Another Pony's Hooves - HonorBound

If given the chance, would you trade bodies with a pony? Even if that pony was Blueblood? I did.

  • ...

Chapter 08: Introductions

The five conscious mares had different reactions to the news.

Pinkie Pie was jumping around smiling without a care in the world.

Fluttershy was torn between caring for Rarity’s unconscious form, and joining her on the floor in a heap.

Rainbow Dash’s glare made me cringe a bit.

She may not think I’m a spy anymore, but she clearly doesn’t like me.

Twilight was still shocked silent, reading and rereading the scroll the princess sent with me.

Applejack was the first pony to act. She was remorseful as she removed the rope from my legs. “I’m sorry, sugar cube. I plum let Rainbow talk me into joinin’ her crusade against ya. Can ya find it in yur heart ta forgive me?” She asked.

“It’s all right.” I said as I got off the floor. “I’m not one to hold a grudge, especially when nothing harmful happened.”

“Nothing harmful!” Dash yelled. “I almost broke my wing chasing after you!”

“Ya didn’t have ta chase him.” Applejack stated matter-of-factly.

“I..You.. He.. Ah horse feathers.” She grumbled, crossing her arms and looking away from me.

“I’m going to be a teacher!” Twilight shouts happily, brining all of our attentions to her. “I have so much to do. I need to change my schedule, I’ll have to come up with a lesson plan, and I’ll need supplies. A lot of supplies.” She was pacing around, as she voiced the list in her head out loud.

Applejack leaned in to whisper conspiratorially to me, “Ah don’t know what ya did ta get the princess ta make ya Twi’s student and all, but whatever it was musta been bad.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked in confusion. “I’m looking forward to this.”

Applejack looked at me like I was crazy. “Ya clearly don’t know Twi. All she does is study. Which is all yur gonna be doin’; with her bein’ yur teacher an’ all.”

I gazed over to the giddy purple mare and smiled for a moment. “I think I’m okay with that.”

The cowpony scrunched up her nose; trying to comprehend that somepony, other than her friend, would like to do nothing but study. After deciding that it wasn’t something that mattered, she simply shrugged, “Ta each their own, Ah guess.”

The front door burst open, and Spike came running in. “Twilight! I need help! Dash is chasing Honor Bound around town… and…” He noticed that all of us were sitting calmly in the library. “Oh, I guess it worked itself out then.”

Twilight didn’t even register that Spike had came in shouting. However, the noise from the door woke Rarity, startling Fluttershy by the sudden movement as the white mare bolted upright.

“Another Prince!” Rarity exclaimed.

She got up, and used her magic to make herself more presentable. Once she was satisfied with how she looked, she trotted over to me in the most elegant manner she could muster. “I am so sorry about the trouble my friends and I caused you. My name is Rarity.” She offered her hoof for me to kiss, batting her eyelashes in a flirtatious manner.

This can’t be good.

I took her hoof into my own, only to shake it. “Pleasure.” I greeted with a slight bow of my head.

She was a little put off by this, but continued with her introduction. “I run and own Carousel Boutique, just down the way. My dress designs have been gaining notoriety, since I began making clothes for many famous ponies over the past year, such as Sapphire Shores, and Hoity Toity.”

“That’s… nice.”

“Yes, I quite enjoy it. My brand really took off once I met Fancypants. I owe my current success to him. I swear, I thought I would go out of business after what transpired at the Grand Galloping Gala.” Rarity paused in her life story for a moment.

She turned her head to the side and blushed in embarrassment. “That is sort of why I was so upset with you, or I thought I was. You see, Blueblood, your brother, was very ungentlecoltly towards me from the moment we met. I stayed with him through most of the night, thinking he would change his attitude at any moment. One thing led to another and I ended up with cake on my face… literally. Afterwards, I may have said and done some unladylike things, though I still believe they were justified by his actions. He didn’t think so, however.”

Does she not stop talking about herself?

“He apparently decided to try to ruin my life by shunning anypony who wore my brand. This of course, made me one of the least desirable fashion designers in the business. That is, until I bumped into Fancypants. He was such a…”

I am sorry to admit that I stopped paying attention at that moment. Rarity’s voice drifted into the background creating a soft white noise, as my mind wondered.

I knew she was vain, but wow. She just couldn’t wait to tell me her life story. I wonder what she’d do if I brought up Tom. Just slip it into a conversation. ‘Oh, by the way, Tom misses you.’ Heh, heh. She’d probably deny it at first, then demand who told me.

My eyes drifted around the library. Twilight was still running around with a quill and paper following her. She was looking for whatever books she needed, making a quick mark on the parchment, once she found what she was looking for. Her eyes were focused on her goal. I was pretty sure she didn’t even know that Spike was back from Cantorlot yet.

Rainbow Dash never took her eyes away from me. It was like she was just waiting for an excuse to knock me out. Applejack had apparently noticed this as well, and was staying close to the rainbow mare. Just in case.

Pinkie was talking to Fluttershy in her rapid fire way. Fluttershy looked like she was trying to keep up, but it was clear that she was getting more and more confused as time went on. Her eyes drifted to my own, only for her to quickly hide behind her mane.

Over Rarity’s shoulder I noticed that Spike was fuming at me, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why.

Okay, I have to defuse this before it becomes a problem.

“Um… I need to talk to... uh… my teacher’s assistant for a moment. Please excuse me.”

“Hm?” I’m not sure if I interrupted Rarity or not. It was almost like she was in a trance that I brought her out of. She didn’t seem upset or put out by my request, but she kept looking at me with those half lidded eyes. “Oh, but of course dear, don’t let me hold you up.”

Ok, a little odd. I trotted around her and over to Spike. Best to play it dumb.

“Um… Hey Spike, is something wrong?” I whisper to him.

“Is something wrong?!” He repeats in a whisper shout. Loud enough to announce that he’s upset, but not enough for the other ponies in the room to hear him. “I’ve been trying to get Rarity to like me since I met her. Now, you come along, and she’s fawning all over you.”

I look back over to the white mare, catching her biting her lower lip. Noticing that my attention was on her, she gives me a flirtatious flutter of her eyes.

Sighing heavily, I turn back to the baby dragon. “I see what you mean, but I can’t exactly do anything about it.”

Spike crossed his arms and glared at me.

“Well, what do you want me to do? I promise that I’m not interested in her. There’s somepony else I have my eye on at the moment, anyway.” I say as a watch Twilight moving from book to book in her search for more study guides on teaching.

An idea formed in my head. “Hey, how about this? I promise to help you win Rarity’s heart, if you help me get with the mare of my dreams. Deal?”

Spike eyed me for a moment. “Really?” he asked. “You’re not interested in Rarity at all?”

“Naw, she’s not my type.”

“How is that possible? She’s perfect in every way.”

I shrug, “Perfect for you maybe, but not for me.”

“Who do you have a crush on? Do I know her?”

I hesitated for a moment. Is this a good idea? Spike doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to keeping secrets. The incident earlier is proof of that.

“Uh... I’m going to keep that to myself for now. I’ll wait until she knows me a little better.”

“Awww, come on. Not even a hint? You know who I like. It’s only fair for you to tell me who you like.”

“Fine, I’ll give you a small hint. You know her, but that’s all you’re getting.”

“What are you two whispering about over there?” Dash questioned loudly.

She’s really starting to bug me.

“Nothing that concerns you.” I retort.

“What was that?” she demands as she rolls up an imaginary sleeve on her arm in a threatening manner.

“Now settle down, Dash. If he don’t want ta tell ya what he’s talkin’ ta Spike about, he don’t have ta.” Applejack intervenes, causing Rainbow Dash to land for the first time since arriving to the library.

“Yeah!” I agree.

“And, you don’t have ta egg her on like that, neither.” she adds, turning to me.

My ears fold back in guilt.

“So, why don’t y’all shake hooves and make up.”

Both, Rainbow and I, grumble as we took each other’s hooves into our own and shook.

Pinkie Pie then jumps out from behind me. “Yay!” she cries. “Now, not only do I get to throw a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party, for Honor Bound, but now I can make it a ‘Welcome to Ponyville Honor Bound, who is now getting along with Rainbow Dash’ party!” she declared.

I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at Pinkie, something Dash did as well. She caught herself and stormed to the door, grumbling on the way. Before stepping outside she announced, “I need to do some flying!” and then she took off.

“Don’t mind her, none.” Applejack said. “She’s just mad cause you were able ta evade her for so long.”

I chuckle half heartedly. “Only because of you. Thanks for that, by the way.”

“Fur what?”

“For keeping Rainbow busy, while I made my escape. I woulda been dead, right there, if it weren’t for you.”

“Aww, twern’t nothin’. Sometimes Dash can get a little gung ho when she’s after somethin’.”

She glanced around the room. “Ya know? Now that Ah know that everythin’ is fine, Ah really do need ta get back ta my apple stall. It was nice ta meet ya, Honor. See ya girls later.” She tipped her hat, and left the same way Rainbow had earlier.

Rarity let out a loud sigh, bringing my attention to her. “I suppose I should return to my shop as well. I can’t rightly deny the ponies of Ponyville my fabulous dresses forever. Now can I? It was a pleasure meeting you, despite the unpleasantness of earlier. I hope our paths cross again. Ta.”

She blows a kiss to me, which makes me cringe slightly and instinctively look over to Spike. The purple dragon was standing next to me, his arms were crossed once more and he was glaring at me.

I can’t have him hating me again. How to fix this? Ah!

I leaned in to whisper to him, “You know, you should be the gentlecolt here, and escort her home.”

His features grew to realization. “Hey, yeah! That’s a great idea.” he thought out loud. He ran up to Rarity, before she could make it to the door, and gave a low bow. “Excuse me malady, but would you mind if I escort you to your destination.”

“Thank you, Spike. That would be nice. I could actually use your help for a little while. I’ll be sure to give you a couple of gems as a reward.” Rarity turned to leave, but stopped a moment. “Oh, and Fluttershy? Same time, next week, for our spa date?”

The timid pegasus hunkered down into the floor, as if she were being scolded. Her eyes darted around the room to each pony present. I couldn’t be sure because of the light, but when she looked at me, I think she was blushing.

“Oh! Um… That..That would be nice.” she answered in a meek voice.

Rarity nodded her head and continued out of the library with Spike following close behind.

I looked back over to Fluttershy, who shied further away from my gaze.

I should probably keep up appearances.

“I don’t think I got your name, miss?”

“Oh…um…It’s.. Fluttershy.” She mumbled.

I honestly didn’t understand her, but rather than go through the back and forth of asking her name again and again. I decided to just pretend I heard her.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy.”

“Wow! You actually understood what she said?” Pinkie asked, astonished. “You must have, like, super pony hearing or something, because nopony can understand the words that are coming out of her mouth when she’s mumbling like that.”

“I.. I’m sorry, but…” Fluttershy squeezed her eyes shut. “…but I need to feed my animals.” she stated so quickly that I almost couldn’t separate the words. I was left speechless as she bolted out of the tree fast enough to make Rainbow Dash give pause.

Was it something I said?

I turned to Pinkie for an explanation, and she seemed to read my mind. She wrapped her arm around my neck in a friendly embrace. “Don’t worry about it. She acts that way around most of the stallions in town.”

One of my eyebrows rose at this. “Why’s that?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Pinkie put her other hoof to her chin in thought, using me to support her weight. “You know… I have no idea!” she exclaimed happily.

We looked into each other’s eyes. She was grinning maniacally, while I was looking at her with a deadpan expression.

After a little while, the silence and the uncomfortable lack of personal space started to make me uncomfortable.

Perhaps I could use her love for parties to get her to leave. I wonder if she’s started putting my surprise party together, yet.

“Uh.. Hey don’t you have something you have to do?” I asked.

“Not that I can think of, no.”

“Really? Nothing party related?” I pressed.

Pinkie looked into the air and stuck her tongue out, in thought. “Hmmmm.” She gasped deeply, and jumped into the air in shock; staying there for a little longer than was normally possible. “I need to get back to Sugar Cube Corner. I left Bon Bon’s birthday cake in the oven!”

She landed and ran out of the library with a pink blur of color following her. I chuckled quietly to myself. Pinkie is definitely Pinkie.

The scribbling of a quill on parchment and the shuffling of books brought my attention away from the slowly closing door.

Twilight was sitting at her desk, writing something on a piece of paper while glancing at a book every so often. My eyes widened at a realization.

I’m alone with Twilight in her library! What do I do? What do I say? I wonder what she’s doing.

Focusing on the last question, I walked up behind her nervously, and asked the question that was on my mind. “What are you doing?”

She must have been lost in her own little world, because she nearly jumped five feet into the air from the sound of my voice.

“Oh! You scared me.” Twilight’s hoof rested on her chest to help calm her breathing down to more normal levels. Once she gathered herself, she answered my question. “I was writing to the princess about what I plan to teach you. I figured she would like to be kept appraised of your progress.”

“She might. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to introduce myself properly earlier.”

Twilight looked at me a little confused, then realization dawned on her. “Oh, yeah. I suppose I’m sorry as well. I got a little excited about teaching somepony else what I’ve learned about magic, that I forgot everything else.” She squared herself off to me, cleared her throat, and raised her hoof to me. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I guess I’ll be your teacher from now on.”

I smiled to her as a grasped her hoof to shake it. “I’m Honor Bound, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”


“Hmm? Oh!” I haven’t even said a dozen words to her and I’ve already got my foot in my mouth. Come on, think fast! “Um… Celestia used to give me your friendship reports after she read them. It was always the light of my day when she would give me a new one to read.”

Twilight was a little stunned. “I didn’t know that anypony else read those. You.. you liked them?”


She blushed in embarrassment.

Phew, Close one. Though, I guess she never thought that someone other than the princess would read her reports.

There was an awkward silence that followed. Something, that both of us weren’t too fond of.

“So, what’s on the syllabus?” I asked, grasping for anything to move the conversation along.

“Oh!” Twilight brightened up with the topic of learning. “Well, I was planning to start off with a lesson on the concept of spells, and then we could move on to how spells work. After that, we could work on power control, and some simple spell casting. How’s that sound to you?”

“That sounds fine.” I nodded in approval. I was pretty sure I already knew the first two subjects already, but I figured it wouldn’t matter much. Besides, it was more time I got to spend with my new teacher. “When do we start?”

Twilight’s horn glowed and a couple of books levitated down from their shelves. “I’ve already cleared my schedule, so we can start right now, if you like?”

“Great!” I couldn't wait to start.