• Member Since 17th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2022

Gladi Writes

Returned from an ancient hiatus to post some EAW work.


Cover Art thoughtfully provided by Verandure, with background by an anonymous, kindhearted, IRC pony.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, only having these titles for a few months, must now unite the scattered settlements of Equestria to create the first stable government after Discords reign. In their travels across the nation, guided only by their wits and ancient maps, they will discover an evil that has long since lay dormant.

It is their mission to spread Order where Chaos once reigned, but nothing comes easily.

Ircpone ModusPonus: Proofing, Supporting Editor.
Ircpone iandalton: Proofing, Supporting Editor.
Plane_Tracer: Editing, proofreading, being a kinder person than I really deserve.
Ircpone Alpha: Hayvenbrooke
Ircpone FoxFireDash: Oatsville
Ircpone Verandure: Damford, Speakeasy, Art.
Ircpone Timidclef: Hoofsterdam
Ircpone Deadbane: Highbreeze
Ircpone Cepheid: The Dark Mare Inn, Skyshine.
Ircpone Vlaanderen: Support Editting.
Ircpone ConfusionRift: Support Editting.
Ircpone Finwe: Support Editting.
Ircpone Phantasma_Eeria: Support editting.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 34 )

I added your story to my group I hope you dint mind:twilightsheepish:

Of course I don't, and thank you! The more people that read my work, the greater my ego becomes. I love you all.

If you have any comments, feel more than free to state them.

Ok well I, a first time writer so all I have to say is good!! I can't really critique it well, but I love it!
Adventure stories are always great and great characterization of the princesses:twilightsmile:

Well thank you kindly. If you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it, everyone wins.
I've posted a few things on creative writing theory on my site blog, you might want to look at them- or not, it's up to you.

4356594 ok thanks yeah I could use all the help I can get.
I'll check it out

I'm quite enjoying this. It's a idea I've not seen before. I'm especially enjoying the companionship between Luna and Celestia even though they are so very different from another.

Keep it up :twilightsmile:

It's fun to write. They obviously don't think the same ways- but they trust one another enough that they understand each is just trying to do what they think is right.

Luna is Best Pony by the way.

Does anyone other than myself read these? I suppose I'm aboot to find out.

I had a comment about overuse of dashes, anyone else feeling that?

This was awesome! Luna and Celestia were just like I imagined them! Love the attitude of Luna and her Militaristic ways, as well as Celestia's diplomacy. I have a feeling that the shadow pony is Nightmare Moon, but we'll see. The descriptions are perfect! Lively, yet simple. The interactions are natural and entertaining. Please give me more! This is probably one of the most enjoyable stories that I've read on here!

I'm fairly certain that I used that right, fairly certain.

Quite an interesting backdrop into ancient stories of Equestria and the Princesses.

So far, it all seems in line with your headcanon from your series and very believable an top.

I see nothing wrong with it so far. Great work.


A few minor errors that I found. Most specifically:

After about a half hour a smaller pony, a unicorn filly with an impressively well maintained light blue coat, and a red mane- with a stripe of pink, approached Celestia. She smiled warmly down at her.

About a half hour later, Celestia was approached by a unicorn filly, who happily trotted towards her with an innocent smile on her face. Her mane was perfectly groomed, and it flowed from her head to each side of her purple mane elegantly.

I would assume that this was probably two attempts at the same paragraph, that both got left in? There are some smaller grammatical errors - comma splices and such.

But as always with your work, it's an enjoyable tale. I can definitely see how the Celestia and Luna we see here will eventually become the pair from ACHNE and its predecessor tales.

I await the next one anxiously. :D

Fixed, thank you kindly.
Don't hole your breath on updates, I wanna nail that EQD feature before I move forward, although I'll begin working after the current thing in ACHNE wraps up.

Awesome draft love how the story is actually believable and not over the top but just right. I cant wait to read more about Luna and Celestias past! :pinkiehappy:

I spend most of my time working on getting ACHNE rolling towards the end, but this will see some more work soon enough. First, I'm going to add a new intro to the first chapter.
Then I'll start on the second.
Luna is gonna do some stuff.

Thanks for your comment, thanks for reading, and you're the best!

Its really super duper good!

I'm glad as heck I could provide. If you ever have anything more, my door is open forever.

Oh snap. Shit's about to go down.

I'm enjoying this!

It brings me great joy to hear that. Any specific feedback?

Well, I did notice a few spelling errors, likely typos, that threw me off slightly, but there were no large errors that I could see. An overall good read. 9/10

If you still have them, message me with them and I'll fix them.
Even the smallest problem deserves getting fixed.

Of course. I will go through and find them again.

'He charged forward, letting lose a war cry as he lit his horn.'
Should be 'He charged forward, letting loose a war cry as he lit his horn.'

You now have a proof-reader credit to your name.
I suggest anything more you send via PM, so as to not spam up the page.

So far the best and most closely related fim fiction to the actual show I've ever read. Absolutely worth the read, or reread lol.

The day Luna turns against me, is the day the sun rises no more.

Celestia here is what happens when you say thats-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/67/01/43/6701431cbcdf17875de69820926aa51a.jpg scontent.fyyz2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/l/t1.0-9/12654379_987335421356658_3818115149288002131_n.jpg?oh=70f9eef4daced9ef059eb6ff8973d65a&oe=57F0A1EF

Dear? My, am I getting old?

Celestia you are barely over 1000 you are not old

ones places in the universe.

not sure if you meant place

She softly set him down on the, and opened his pack.

on the ground?

Astral Blaze this chapter is good but it only references thestrals 3 times and the first chapter not once or and both do not mention any night guard.

Comment posted by Dragon of Shadows deleted Apr 4th, 2016

Such a thing had only been invented years ago

how long ago?


need to re-do your italics

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