• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 2,686 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Girls: Dangan Ronpa - MarkTheWolfpony

Derpy along with 19 others are trap within a strange place by a black and white bear name MonoKuma and he states that the only way out is to commit murder and get away with it.

  • ...

What Loyalty Do You Even Have?(Investigation)

Attention citizens! We have hit a major tragedy as not one, not two, but three bodies are discovered! Bring your A game as this is going to be a long and fun trial! Also meet me at City hall as I got a special announcement!

*Track use: Weekly Despair Magazine*
The announcement came little late but why does that matter? Snips...Lyra...Snails...How could this happen. All of them died in a single day. It's just too much at this point...

Sweetie Belle continues to cry at this point.

I wrapped my arms around her, picking her up a bit. “Let's go ok.” It was a tough walk but we manage to get there in a matter of minutes.

Soon all of the remaining survivors are at one place but as we got close, we heard a lot of bickering over there. To my surprise, Sunset within her demon form and a few others are going all out.

“YOU ARE A FUCKING BITCH YOU KNOW THAT!” Flash fiercely pointed his finger, as his eyes twitch out of control with his teeth clamp shut. “YOU MURDER THREE PEOPLE AND KNOCKED THOSE TWO GIRLS UNCONSCIOUS!”

He pointed right at Vinyl and the Doctor, holding Silver and Tiara as they barely recovered from their nap.

“FOR PETE'S SAKE!” Flash gave a wide eye look, daring himself as he looked straight at her face. “YOU CONTINUE TO CARE ONLY FOR YOURSELF AND THIS IS THE RESULT!”

Sunset only responded with a sigh. The flames rises up, covering her til it faded away, going back to her human form. “Like it matters if you believe me or not huh?” A small sinister but weak giggle is let out, “you’ll see the error of your ways.”

“Oh I don’t think so!” Bon Bon charges right at her, hold her grip on the jacket. “Once we get all the evidence, you’ll be on death row for what you did to my friend!” Her pupils shrunk as her lips are sucked back.

Bon Bon…

“Well it looks like everyone is here!”
*Track use: Momomomonokuma!*
MonoKuma launches out of the podium, with his top hat and banner around him. “Now that you’ll all here, I got an announcement to make!”

“Oh this should be good,” Flash dismissively scuff it off as he cross his arms.

“You know,” His eye glowed as he giggled. “I haven’t had this much fun seeing the murderer able to pull off such a complex killing spree!”

“Trixie just thinks you're freaking insane!” Kinda obvious at this point.

“Why thank you,” his cheeks turn a light pink. “But on to the main event!” His paw goes right into his left pocket, pulling out a box. “I’m here to make this case a bit more interesting.”

Applebloom scratch her head, giving a wide eye look. “What in tarnation would a box help in this?”
*Track use: Despair syndrome*
His paws laid on his mouth, giggling very hard. “Well in this box, it will contain some secret that I have been holding for a long time,” The red eye glowed as his smile became more sinister. “Don’t you all want to know why you are here in the first place?”

Octavia puts her foot down, “like you really think you’ll tease us with that! We don’t need any motivation to find out who killed these people!”

MonoKuma laughed, nodded his head slowly. “Well...I wish you luck in finding the killer among you,” He turn his back on us before leaving.

“Ugh…” Silver quickly pick herself up. “I feel hurt…”

Vinyl awkwardly laugh, “you were found right next to the garbage cans by the hospital.”

“What!?” Her eyes and mouth went wide open, “the last time I remember was drinking tea at the canterlot food court!” Before she could continue, Silver Spoon rushes towards Tiara. “You ok?”

With her eyes wide open, she was able to stand on her own two legs. “Ya...Just got knocked out by something?”

As surprise as I am for these two, it all ended the moment Sunset changes back to her demon form, flying off without a single warning.

“HEY!” Flash shouted, “COME BACK YOU MONSTER!”

The Doctor grabbed hold of his shoulder before giving chance, “let her go! We have our own problems to deal with.”

Flash knocked his hand off, “like I’m letting her get away for her crimes!”

“Look,” His eyes pierced him down like a lost pup. “She is not going anywhere and she is certainly not going to get away with this if it is her doing all this.” He let out a long sigh, “so I suggest you focus or else this might as well be your end.”

Isn’t it just me or is the Doctor getting a little angerer by the second. But...There is no time to delve into that. Right now we need to work together as our lines are on the line once again. This is gonna be one tough obstacle to face...

Investigation start!

*Track use: Box 15*

A vibration noise catches everyone's interest. All of us pulled out our PDA as it automatically opened a file for us. Right there, it showed us detail information of the three desist bodies.

A sniffing sound catches my attention. I guess Sweetie Belle still feels bad for him right now.

Scootaloo hugged her tight right out of nowhere. “Sunset will get what he deserve...Just wait.”

It seem she is going all revenge mode now. I continued looking at the detail reports.

“The victims names are Snips”

“Snips died around 6:30 PM”

“His body is found in the Alleyway just a few blocks down.”

“Death was instant as the amount of blood loss is high.”

“The victim name is Snails”

“Snails died around 6:50 PM”

“His body is found in the last patient room on the main floor.”

“Death was slow but was quickly killed as his wounds opened quickly with a sharp object.”

“The victim names is Lyra”

“Lyra died around 5:45 PM”

“Her body is found inside the castle preparation room for guests.”

“Her death was cause slowly thanks to a choking hazard before immediately killed.”

Well I can at least tell the order most of these deaths occurred.

“What…” Bon Bon eyes widen, “Lyra was killed first…”

Trixie rubbed her chin, “you got something to say?”

A long sigh is let out, “The last time I saw Lyra was around 5:35 PM.” Her hands begin to form fists, “15 minutes before her death and she told me she needed to do something…” She rises her foot before stomping it on the soft cold ground. “I should’ve of stay there for a bit longer…”

Vinyl took her shades off, “that really sucks.”

I started to comfort her, “you’re friend will not go in vain.”

New File/Gavel

Autopsy Report (Snips): Details of the victim are contained within

New File/Gavel

Autopsy Report (Snails): Details of the victim are contained within

New File/Gavel

Autopsy Report (Lyra): Details of the victim are contained within

“Ok,” Octavia speaks up. “Since we got three bodies to investigate, why don’t we split up?”

Flash nodded, “I agree but make sure that Sunset doesn’t get anywhere near the bodies!”

“I would suggest you stop jumping to conclusion without any evidence to back you up,” The Doctor gave him a stare that I haven’t seen before. “You continues to talk like you know everything when in reality you don’t.”

Flash’s face begin to crumble, having one of his cheeks puff up. “I hope that brain of yours doesn’t say anything about her being innocent.”

The Doctor turned his back on him, “let the evidence decide on that.”

Vinyl stepped right in between them, “how about we split into groups of three since that will get us the evidence quicker.”

Flash nodded, “But I’ll have to stay with the girls just in case…” His head nodded, letting out a sigh.

The Doctor high jumped right on the podium, “Ok those who are older, take a little one with you just to be safe.”

Vinyl and Octavia takes Sweetie Belle under there belt. Scootaloo immediately latched on Trixie cape as Bon Bon couldn’t help but giggled.

“Ok,” He jumps off the podium, landing right in front of me. “Let’s investigate the crime.”

Oh...Well isn’t he such a tease a sometime. But no time to daze about it! I think I know a good place for us to start. It took us an hour with the train being out of commission.

“Guys!” I jumped right next to the train door, “Before we head to the crime scene, I want get some clues here.”

The two nodded as they followed me. Their eyes open wide, seeing all the damage around the front line.

“What happened? Applebloom couldn’t stop staring at the cuts around the maintenance.

The Doctor took a closer look at one of the scars across of the furnace. “Hmmm” He took a took at my cut shirt. “What the did the criminal looked like?”

I really didn’t want to remember but… “She weared a gala dress with some kind of wrestling mask if I got that right.”

The Doctor headed to the next train line, “well that gets me one clue but let’s see if our criminal dropped anything here.”

New File/Gavel

The criminal’s appearance: The criminal was wearing a gala dress with a wrestling mask to cover its face.

Me and Applebloom follow him in.

However I was greeted by his hand. “I suggest we split up from here.”


“You two get to the crime scene as fast as you can!” The Doctor got on his knees, looking underneath the seats. “It will be for the best.”

I should smack him right upside the head but we need to get the evidence as fast as possible. “Come on Applebloom!”

She grabbed hold of my hand. We runned like there was no tomorrow. As we reach the castle in between the two building, immediately we begin our investigation.

Seeing Lyra again in that cake...Really haunts me. I took a deep breath, “Let's take a closer look…” Ok I see a bruise right in her left eye. This must be a sign that she fought backed. However it looked a little weak here. The bruise barely covers the entire eye. The bruises only seem to cover the entire tip of the eyelids. Whoever punched her, didn’t seem to put it there all or maybe it was from someone younger?

New File/Gavel

Lyra tipped bruise eye: A small bruise covers the tips of her eye, indicating a small punch.

The rest of her face seems un bruise there.

“Hey Derpy!” I turned around, seeing Applebloom facing at the door. “Check what I found!”

I walked towards her, seeing what looks to be a small cut right in the middle. “Wait…” This cut looks a little familiar.

“Doesn’t this look like the one’s we saw back in the train?” Applebloom pointed out.

So the criminal was slashing its way towards the first victim.

New File/Gavel

Small cut: The criminal must of attacked head on, leaving a single a battle scar.

“Wait a minute!” I ran back to lyra’s body, pulling the sword out of the cake. “Well we got our murder weapon here.” As I take a closer look, I notice something oddly familiar.

“Something up Derpy?” Applebloom squinted her eyes on the sword.

Looks like I know where to go next.

New File/Gavel

A steel sword: The murder weapon that killed Lyra. I wonder if it's the same to all of them?

“Huh?” Applebloom looked down, following small pieces of cake in the form of footprints.

“What the?” Wait why do they look so scattered?

Applebloom sprinted towards the source. “Hey look here!” She push the door, slamming it right into the wall.

I headed in, seeing a kitchen. “Guess this is where brunch is serve huh?” One step in, I begin to slip right off the floor. As quickly as I could, I spread my arms out, grabbing the ledges of the tables around me.

“Oh Derpy!” Applebloom shouted from afar, “I forgot to mention this place is riddled with cake!”

Oh now you tell me! “Well what is all this cake doing on the floor!?”

Applebloom pointed straight to the other cakes. “One fell down from the counter.”

I wonder if the cake was knocked out in a panic. The same footsteps from the party room are also here. Only this looks like where it started.

Applebloom glances down, giving a wide eye look. “Does the criminal have 4 feet?”

I looked at the same direction, noticing a pair of footprints from here to the party room. “Ok this is just weird…”

“Someone must of been here with the criminal!” She shouted, slamming her fist at the palm of her hand.

Judging from the size of the footprint, it seems like it could be either one of the younger victims. “Huh?” That is odd. The footprints looks more that it came from a boot. This is strange indeed.

New File/Gavel

Footprints: Cake covered tracks are smeared from the kitchen to party room.

I do ask how Lyra got into the cake….

“Wow…” Applebloom mouth started to water a bit. “Look at these cakes.”

Ugh! “Applebloom! There is no time for-” Wait a minute! “Wait are these cakes?” I place my hands around the small looking crack. The cake perfectly slice in half, revealing a huge empty space inside.

“Wow…” Applebloom jots her head around, “what a waste of space.”

You know these types of cakes looks like the ones you see from the back….Ok I think I said enough.

New File/Gavel

Empty cakes: The criminal use this to move the body around.

“Applebloom!” I grab her attention, “lets meet up with others ok.”
*Track use: Despair syndrome*
The two of us exit the kitchen. To our surprise the door slammed open, showing Silver Spoon tripping inside.

It took a few seconds for her to catch her breath. The look of her face seems a little desperate. “Oh thank goodness someone is here!”

“What is wrong?”

“Yes?” Everyone looked at the front entrance, Seeing the Doctor along with Diamond Tiara. “What is wrong?”

“OH GOOD!” She took a few deep breaths, “we were under attack by the criminal!”


“YA!” Tiara shooked her head violently.

Oh no… “What happen to Flash!?”

The two of them nodded slowly at the same time.

The Doctor sprinted out of there as fast as he could. Tiara, Silver and Applebloom followed him afterward.

“Please….be ok.” I rather not have 4 people die today. “Guess it’s time to head the mus-” A sudden dash of light caught my eye. “Huh?” Is that a PDA?
*Track use: Box 15*
This must be the doctor’s. Why would he drop this here? “Wait a minute?” As I grabbed the PDA, I swiped the screen saver as it showed two pieces of evidences on the screen. “Ah!” Guess I figure why he left it.

The first thing that caught my left eye is the sword. “Wait a minute?” That looks exactly the same as the sword I found here! Why use a different sword then? “I wonder?”

New File/Gavel

Second Steel sword: The criminal left this around the train as it failed to kill me with it.

“Let's see what the second pieces of evidence is?” Opening the file, it pops out a picture of a gala dress. “What?” The criminal removed the dress after it’s fail attempt to kill me? ‘Wait does that mean the criminal was….Ewww. “Yet kinda funny at the same time.”

New File/Gavel

Gala Dress: The dress was left at the train as the criminal flee from the crime scene in his most natural way possible.

Alright, time to go to the museum.

I wasted no time. As soon I stepped through those doors, I headed immediately to where the swords are place. “AH HAH!” Just as I suspected! They're all gone.

“I sense an ego boost!” Out of nowhere, MonoKuma appeared right behind me
*Track use: Momomomonokuma!*
Oh yay, “what do you want you psychotic bear?”

“Well I just thought I tell you that access to the castle is granted.” He giggled uncontrollably.

“What are you trying to do?” Like the bear would just let this go easily.

He turned his back on me. “Since this is related to the case, I am giving full permission to grant anyone with the access to the castle.”

Wait what? “When do you ask for permission?”

Not a single word came out of his mouth as he vanish.
*Track use: Box 15*
That bear seems to be so random at this point. I wonder what he meant by that? But I shouldn’t dwell on it when the case it still going.

New File/Gavel

Empty Casket: The swords are no longer there, indicating the criminal took them all.

Come to think of it, how many swords did the criminal took? If I remember correctly, that casket had more than just two swords. “THAT IS IT!” My legs were on auto pilot. I skid down to the crime scene, being stopped by Trixie.

“Trixie wonders why you’re such in a hurry?” She puts me steady.

“Sorry...Just wanted to know how much evidence you got.”

Bon Bon walked up to me, “we found a lot actually.”

Scootaloo pointed at snips head, “it seems something went threw him or something?”

I stepped down, squinting my eyes as the flesh wound on his head. “Is this a hole?”

Scootaloo nodded, “In fact there is a lot more of them around his body.”

“Trixie believe that Snips is stab with something very sharp and clean,” She rubbed her chin, puckering her lips.

This is has to be the work of a sword.

New File/Gavel

Perfect flesh wounds: Snips body is covered with wounds of the same size.

“Did you guys found anything that could cause these wounds?”

Bon Bon scratch her head, looking a bit daze. “Well I notice something in the garbage.”

I took a look, seeing how much paper waste being to soak the blood in.

Trixie turns around, covering her mouth. “Getting sick as Trixie looks at it!” Her cheeks turn green as her stomach growls uncontrollably.

Oh boy, “Ok here I go.” I grabbed two pieces of paper that is not covered in blood as I push all the garbage away. I can still feel some of them getting on my hand. However something sharp collided with my finger. “OW!” I pulled my hand away. As I looked at my finger right next to my thumb, a small spec of blood dropped from my middle part of the finger.

“ARE YOU OK!?” Scootaloo grabs a napkin out of his left pocket.

“I’m fine,” It's just a small cut anyway. “But I think found a piece of evidence.”

Bon Bon took a closer look. “It looks like a part of a knife or something?”

“No…” It's not a knife. “It’s actually a sword.”

Everybody gasped.

“What do you mean!?” Scootaloo placed his two hands on her forehead, as his eyes widen.

“Snips is killed by a sword!” If I am correct then the murder weapon should be around here.

Trixie gave me a wide eye look, “If that is from a sword then where is the rest of its?”

Hmmm? “From the looks of it, it must of been in a struggle but it doesn’t look like it at least to me.”

“You think the criminal broke it intentionally?” Bon Bon does raise a good point.

If that is the case, then the other pieces must be somewhere.

New File/Gavel

Sword tip: Part of the sword that must of broke on purpose.

“I wish I stayed to help Snips!” Scootaloo kicks the nearest trash can out of anger.

The garbage spread around Trixie Feet. “Oh boy!” She runned left, letting out sounds of discomfort.

I don’t think I want to know. Instead… “Scootaloo, could you tell me what happen?”

She grabbed all the air, before letting it all go. “Ok here is what happened.”
*Track use: Despair syndrome*

I along with Applebloom and Snips were enjoying time together. We threw a lot of cake at each other, having an intense food fight if you will. It wasn’t long till we heard a friend in peril.


Snips trips himself, landing his face on the ground. “WHAT WAS THAT!?” His voice garble as the dirt clogs his entire mouth.

“SWEETIE BLOOM!” Applebloom jolted out of there.

Me and Snips kept up with her. The three of us skid across the ground, turning left at the alley way.

A person wearing a gala dress appears. The three couldn’t tell who it was thanks to the wrestling mask. A long metal blade is hold by its right hand as it blocks both Sweetie Belle’s and Snails way.

The shadow’s makes it hard for anyone to see the criminal clearly.

“AH HA!” Applebloom kicks a few cans directly at her.

The criminal quickly raises the sword, only to get pumble right in its face.


With the criminal distracted, The two manage to pass by but...it wasn’t flawless.

Snips...got stabbed right in the left part of his stomach. The place where Sweetie Belle was standing.

Me and Applebloom quickly push the criminal away, only to be trapped by his blade.

Snips….Snips took charge, pulling out his scissors.

*Track use: Box 15*
“Then what happened?”

Unfortunately I was given a slow nod. “Me and Applebloom escape while Sweetie Belle snips headed back.” As she crosses her arms, her heads began to put pressures on her shoulder. “I should of stayed…”

I patted her on the shoulder, “I don’t think Snips wanted you to join along with him.” Especially if anyone wanted to find your corps.

“Ya,” She looked down on herself, forming fists in both of her hands.

Hmmm, “what time did all this happen?”

Scootaloo looked up for a moment, raising his left eyebrow. “I believe its around 5:50 by the time we headed to garden.

What? “Wait!? You didn’t saw Lyra’s body when you enter there!?”

She nodded slowly.

Hmmm this detail gives a new light to this...

New File/Gavel

Scootaloo Testimony: Scootaloo witness the criminal as it attacks her and the others who were there at the time.

“Hey!” Bon Bon shouted, “Come look at this.” All of us gather around the left wall. “There are a lot of scratch marks here.”

“Let Trixie see!” Trixie dashes right at our position, looking a lot more healthy than before.

Looking at these cuts, some are smaller than the others. “Going by what Scootaloo said, the victim must of put one heck of a fight.”

Bon Bon rubbed her hand together, laughing awkwardly. “For a pair of scissors, they sure can be sharp don’t they?”

Snips...You have thought well my friend.

New File/Gavel

Battle marks: The scissors and sword collided with each other, leaving a lot behind.

“Hey guys,” All of them faced toward me. “I’m gonna head off ok.” I sprinted off, “Just keep looking for more evidence ok!”

With that out of the way, The castle is all I had in mind. As I got there, the fence is wide open. “Guess he really meant it!” Stepping into the castle floors without any trouble felt like a breath of fresh air to me.

“Hmmm,” If I were the criminal, where would I get rid of my evidence?

Looking around, I turned left and headed straight to the library. Pushing those doors yet again, I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary here. At least not at first glance.

A few minutes have pass. Nothing seems to be coming up. “Ok there has to be something I’m not-” Suddenly it hit me. I looked around one more time, catching a garbage can right where the bookshelf ends. I take a single look inside. My eyes were wide open, absorbing all the content within the bag.

“What is this?” I see a torn shirt and many pieces of something which I can’t quite tell. “Ok I’m not gonna touch the garbage so…” With a single kick, the contents of the garbage became a lot clearer to see. “Ok lets what we got.”

The one that got my attention was the bloody tear up shirt. I could hardly see what type of shirt it was. “From the looks of it, the criminal must of killed one of its victim before the gala dress.”

Judging by the testimony that Scootaloo gave me along with my encounter, there wasn’t any blood on the dress. Thinking about it, this leads me to believe that one of the victims was killed before the criminal put on that persona of a psycho murder. “The criminal must rip this with the sword.” The clean cuts here is proof it.

“I do wonder if these little pieces of clothing are pants or skirt?” Unfortunately there also covered in blood. The fabric is too absorbent. As I stand up, something more interesting caught my eye.

“Wait…” I bend down, picking up a specific fabric. “At least this one is not covered in blood.” A white stript. Better evidence than the blood soak fabric at least.

New File/Gavel

Torn bloody shirt: Blood covered this shirt greatly as it was cut by one of the swords.

New File/Gavel

White Strip: Only part that is not absorbed in blood.

Suddenly a flash of light caught my right eye. “OW TOO BRIGHT!” Rubbing this pain out is annoying but what was that? I face the same direction, “wait...is that?” It is! The rest of the sword pieces! The criminal must of dropped everything here. It even has blood on it which is no doubt to be Snip’s blood!

New File/Gavel

Broken bloody sword pieces: The rest of pieces that forms the sword.

New File/Gavel

Third Steel sword: the second murder weapon that ended Snip’s life.

That should be everything.

*Track use: Despair syndrome*
“HUH!?” It looks like I’m not alone. I slowly turned my head around. Thanks to my broken left eye, I manage to catch the shadowy figure rather quickly. “....” My body trembled. My teeth begin to chatter like crazy.

“Derpy…” A soft female voice came out of that figure.

“....Are...Are you the criminal?” I might as well ask if my life ends here.

“No…” Her voice sounded more sadder in tone. “Derpy...The tapes you have seen are from me…”

“WHAT!?” I turned around, only to see nothing but an empty space. “WAIT!” Ugh she left! DAMN IT! “Ugh…” I can’t dwell on this now. Gotta head back now or else it would be too late!
*Track use: Box 15*
Before I head back, I thought I go check the crime scenes one more. But as I got there, Only Trixie was guarding the scene.

“Derpy!” Trixie runned up to me, grabbing my shoulders. “Trixie is very glad to see you!”

Well aren’t you excited. “Ummm where are the others?”

“No time!” Trixie grabbed hold of my hand, dragging me around the body. “Trixie gotta show you something!” She let go as the two of us stand right next to the manhole. “Follow Trixie!”

The moment we step foot into the sewers, my eye are set focus on a blade found right in the water as it’s being held on by something underneath.

“Trixie has found this just as everyone has left,” She lend out her arm, struggling herself a bit. “Unfortunately it’s way too far for the great and powerful Trixie to pick it up.”

“Hold on...Why not use you’re magic then?” At least I remember you can do that right?

Her finger rolled around each other, letting out an awkward laugh.

Ya I probably shouldn’t have ask that. “Oh!?” Taking a second look of that sword, I notice a lot of blood around the grip and left side of the sword.

“Huh…” Trixie eyes widen, as his mouth slowly open. “Well that is something the both of us didn’t notice right away.”

Wait if this has blood, then that mean it could be what killed Snails! So that makes it 4 swords. One for each of us and if the killer had succeeded, then I would of been wrack up on the criminal kill count. Very clever I must say.

New File/Gavel

Fourth Steel Sword: The fourth and third murder weapon found stuck in the middle of sewage water.

“Should we tried to get that?” Trixie scratch her head, giving a wide eye look

“We’ll have to come back for it later!” It’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

Reaching the train station, we manage to get ourselves a push cart. It's better than just walking our way back. However as we reach back, Scootaloo and Applebloom faces became more grim the closer we get to the station.

“Thanks goodness!” Applebloom tugged my sleeve as her frown became more apparent. “You need to come with us!”

“Mind telling me what Trixie needs to know?” She gave him a wide eye look, tipping her hat back.

Scootaloo sprinted with Applebloom along with her.

I got a pretty bad feeling it might be what I expected. I followed them, giving myself false hope but at this point I expect something bad to happen. All of us stopped right at city hall. The crowd of people quickly catches all of our attention despite not all being there.
*Track use: Weekly Despair Magazine*
“Excuse me!” I squeeze myself through, only to be surprise on what I witness.

Flash is sealed tight with a rope, with his mouth being block by a rag.

“HUH!?” Trixie jaw dropped a lot lower with her eyes peeled wide open. “Can Trixie ask what is going on here?”

Sunset laugh got more louder with each passing second. “Well it seems that Flash might be the criminal.”

“WHAT!” The two of us didn’t knew what to say. It's like our brain malfunction before it could process.

“This…” Bon Bon’s hands closed shut. Small growl noise are let out at a fast pace. “This person….Killed my best friend.”

“Umm…” Trixie nose scrunched up with her eyes knitted close together. “Can Trixie get a full explanation on how this actuation accerd?”

“Oh gladly!” Sunset eyes focus directly on Flash, giving him a devilish smirk. “I happened to witness this person throwing the sword around like a crazed maniac.” She paused, as her laugh started to go hysterical. “The poor fool thinks he can just kill anyone despite the hills have eyes.”

Even under eye witness, I don’t see him doing this. Flash always wanted to be non perfect but I don’t think this would help one bit.

Sunset turn his back, covering his face from everyone else. “Guess you could say this karma am I right?”

New File/Gavel

Sunset Shimmers Testimony: Sunset Spotted Flash holding one of the murder weapons.

Flash sat still, unable to face us.

Don’t worry flash. It's not over just yet! “Sunset! Tell me where this all took place!”

She rolled her eyes, “I don’t see the point but this all took place at his house.” Compose, she just gave me a smug look. “But it's his house which the Doctor, Tiara and Silver spoon are investigating right now.”

Alright! “Flash I promise I’ll come back ok!” I waited for a bit. Nothing… “Ugh.”
*Track use: Box 15*
The answers should clear this up. The moment I step into his house, I accidently bumped into someone. Lets just say I feel a little heat rising up.

“Ummm,” The Doctor cheek’s burn flaming red the most seconds goes by.

“OH MY GOSH!” Tiara flings her arms up in the air before putting them. Her eyes twitched to insane speed as her lips are puckered to the left. “Please can we focus on the crime scene!”

The two of us got up, wiping off any dirt we have caught.

“Ummm,” I faked my cough for a bit. “Can I ask what happen here?”

Silver spoon fidgeted her glasses, “We were in the care of Flash Sentry as we started to recover.” Her head nodded slowly with her teeth clamp together. “That was a bad mistake!”

“He tried to kill me!” Tiara face grew paler by the second. “He waved that sword around like a clumsy ninja!”

Silver spoon laid her hand on her shoulder, “I was out grabbing some medicine when this happen.”

Ugh...I don’t see this going into his favor.

“Anything else?” The Doctor crossed his arm, having a more blank expression.

The two nodded slowly.

New File/Gavel

Diamond Tiara Testimony: She was lucky to survive the surprise attack of Flash sentry.

New File/Gavel

Silver Spoon Testimony: Silver spoon was out grabbing medication before hearing the screams.

“I suggest you meet up with the others if that is alright with you two?” The Doctor turned his left arm at the door, giving off a bright smile.

Without hesitation, the two runned out of house like it was on fire.

“Derpy,” I turned my head straight into the Doctor view. “There is something I like to show you.”

Walking thru all the damage, makes me wonder if Flash is secretly a ninja or something.

“Here we are,” The Doctor stand right at the left side of the kitchen. “I thought I show you what I found here.”

The first thing that peeked my interest was the sparkly dust around the kitchen sink. “Huh?” I took a closer look, picking up a pinch off the crime scene. “What is this?”

“Glitter powder,” I felt his hands right on my left shoulder. “But notice something off here?”

My eyes moved around like crazy for a moment. “OH!” Wait a minute!? “The window!”

He smiled, “Exactly as someone must of threw it from the outside.”

“Wait...that doesn’t make any sense?”

“Oh derpy,” He rubbed his chin as his smile forms wider. “It does when you take in account on how it's thrown.”

You know...from the looks of it. The way how this powder is spread, it looked like it was aimed at someone?

New File/Gavel

Glitter powder: The spread reaches from the window to sink. Someone must of thrown it from outside.

“Hey Doc,” Might as well get this out of the way. “Is the sword around here by any chance?”

He nodded quickly, “I put the sword right behind the fridge while no one was looking.”

I leaned my arm as far as I could. “UGH! Can’t reach it.”

“Ok,” The Doctor spits on the palm of his hand, pushing his sleeves upwords. “Grab the front side and pull!”

Our hand are placed in position. With our combined strength, the fridge manage to budge.

With enough open space, I manage to grabbed the sword. “Ok! Sword number five found.”

“Huh?” The Doctor scratch his head, speechless. “You’re saying you found more than Two?”

I nodded quickly. “I believe that all these swords are used in one way or another.”

A pat on the shoulder, his smile looked a lot more brighter. “I gotta say that could be a possible conclusion.”

The way he complimented me….I feel as if I in heaven right now. My cheeks started to change color instantly.

He nodded slowly, letting out a soft chuckle. “Let's go check where the criminal thrown the powder and we’ll do this later ok?”

Without warning, I slap myself across my face. “YES SIR!” Ow...That really hurt.

New File/Gavel

Fifth Steel Sword: The one that Flash use during his “supposed” attempt to kill Tiara and Silver spoon.

As we stand right where the powder was launch, Something begin to catch my eye. “What is this?” I bend my knees forward, seeing what seems to be half of a footprint on the garbage backs and the other half being mud.

“Just as I thought!” I growl uncomfortable, seeing the wet sticky trash within his fingers. “The trail ends just at the end of the width of the house.”

I guess the criminal must of wiped off the shoes before leaving. “I do ask, was the window always open?”

The Doctor stand up, stared in disbelief. “Um I don’t think the window had to be open all the time.”

I looked at the window one more time, noticing a shiny object just under the window lock. “What is that?” Twiddling a bit, it falls right at the palm of my left hand.

“Hmmm?” He gazed upon it, rubbing his chin in the process. “From the looks of it, it’s some kind of hair pin?”

A hair pin? Whatever this is made off, it sure has a lot of endurance to not give out like that. But from the looks of it, no way this could be done in under a few seconds.

New File/Gavel

Hair pin: With the way it's bent, it must of been use to lock pick the window.

New File/Gavel

Footprints: A trail of them leads from house to the windows.

“We need to talk to Flash,” The Doctor walked ahead at a fast speed.

The determination grows strong within him. But man is he hard to keep up at a fast pace. I’m getting a bit tired out now. However to my surprise, Sunset was the only one who is with Flash as soon as the building is in our sights.

“Oh!?” Sunset immediately notice us, “so what evidence did you bring my lovelies.”

The Doctor tapped his foot, rolling his eyes. “I would like to speak with Flash please.”

A sudden burst of maniacal laughter surprise us both, “good luck talking to him, he is keeping his mouth shut.”

Oh you can’t be serious, “Flash we need to speak to you now ok.” Yet no response. “Ugh we don’t have time for this! Don’t you want to be proven innocent!?”

“Derpy!” The Doctor stand in front of me, “I suggest you go to the last crime scene.” He straighten out his suit, letting out a deep breath. “I’ll talk to him ok?”

I should be worry about him but time is of the essence. Having no breaks, I stepped right threw the hospital doors, getting straight to the patient room. To my surprise, almost everyone is in this room.

“Derpy!” Sweetie Belle grabbed my hand, pulling me in. “Let me show you what we have found!”

For a little one, she sure is strong. “Huh!?” Wait do my eyes deceive me?

She pointed at the weapon laying right next to the left patient bed. “THAT RIGHT THERE IS THE MURDER WEAPON!”

What...Another sword.

“You looked surprise,” Silver Spoon dismissively notice me in my shocked state.

“Well I’ll have you know that this is the sixth sword that I have found so far!”

Vinyl jaw dropped, stumbling back a bit. “WHAT!?”

Octavia scratch her head, giving a wide eye look. “Might explaining what happened the first five swords?”

“I found them in different places of the crime scene but…” This one also has blood on it. That makes four of them but there is no one else right?”

Scootaloo tilted her head, distracted by my daze. “Are you ok?”

“Huh!?” Shaking my head, I was back on focus.

Tears started to form. Sweetie Belle dropped on her knees, holding them back.

Its very hard to look at her now. I just gotta stay strong and be determan despite the recent discovery.

New File/Gavel

Sixth Steel sword: Supposedly the murder weapon that ended Snails life.

“If that steel sword is the murder weapon, then it could explain the clean cut holes around this guy’s body.” Bon Bon removed Snail’s jacket, revealing more cuts than before.

“Wow!” Vinyl gritted her teeth, “he got mess up dude…”

Octavia turned away, covering her eyes. “Ugh! The criminal sure took major advantage in the dark.”

“What do you mean?” Trixie position her arm on her hips, being very inquisitive there.

Tilting her head back, she let out a long sigh as she faces us. “It was when were escorting Snails and Sweetie Belle to the hospital.”

“WE GOTTA HELP HIM!” Sweetie Belle kicks the doors open. “COME ON!”

I was helping Sweetie Belle caring Snails at the time. I did my best to reach into one of the main hospital rooms. But unfortunately, everything went dark.

“AHHHH!” All of us panic, with our eyes engulf in darkness.


“HEY! Everyone just calm down and we will-”

The sound of something sharp caught my ears. “WHO IS THERE!?” All I hear were footsteps coming at us in a faster rate.


“HUH!?” My mind went completely dark.

“Before I know it, I open my eyes and saw you.” Her hand slide on her face, growling out of sheer frustration. “I can’t believe I was so stupid!”

“Umm?” Vinyl raise her finger, “Did the criminal took out a fuse box?”

“It would that way but,” She pause for a moment. “I feel the power being back when I woke up doesn’t seem right to me.”

Hmmm, “Anything else you could remember?”

She stand there, having her eyes close shut. “I do remember seeing lights of some kind before I was knock out.”

So it some kind of flashlight the criminal use. It does at least explain how it is able to see.

New File/Gavel

clean cut stab wounds: The wounds are place in the most fragile places.

New File/Gavel

Octavia’s Testimony: Octavia heard footsteps along with seeing a bright light before blacking out.

As I looked around. Something seems off. “Hey anyone saw Bon Bon!?”

Everyone looked around, shrugging off without any clue.

That is odd? “I’ll go looking for her!” I think I know where she went. At least I thought she was. Stepping out of the hospital building, I almost bumped right into her.

“Oh!” She stepped back, fumbling a bit. “I was looking for you!” Her hands wrapped around mine, dragging me out of the hospital. “You gotta see this!”

We walked just at the left side of the hospital. We both stopped right in front of a switch box.

“Look!” She pointed, looking very confident.

Inspecting the box, something caught my eye. “Hey...it's not broken.”

“Exactly!” She slapped her hands together, gritting her teeth. “Someone must of been here, preparing to turn the entire power down.”

Wait...that would mean.

She instantly recognize my disbelief. “I’m not kidding when I say this, we have an accomplice on our hands.”
*Track use: Despair syndrome*
How...how can that be? “This can’t be true right!?”

Her frown became a lot more blatant. The amount of pain and frustration started to build up within her. “It's true and I got the feeling that I met the accomplice before all this.” She tilted her head upwards, looking straight up to the night time sky. “however I’m not so sure.”

But this would mean that the accomplice can murder someone right? Is that even possible?

“By the way Derpy,” She reach for her back pocket. “I found this.” Out in her hand, comes in night vision goggles. “This was just a few inches away from the powerbox.”

Its light blinded me for a moment there. “Wait a minute!?” This could be what Octavia saw before blacking out! “Why was it just left here?”

“Well if you haven’t notice.” With the spread out of the straps, there is a huge tore in middle. “I don’t think the criminal didn’t knew.”

So the accomplice waited for the criminal. But how did it got broken exactly? “Also these goggles came from the canterlot store.”

Her eyes were wide open, with her mouth almost open. “Ummm how did know without me telling you?”

I pointed directly at the brand name; MonoKuma’s night vision goggles! Only at the canterlot store.

New File/Gavel

Switch box: It has been tampered but not destroyed. Indicating someone was here during the murder.

New File/Gavel

Night vision goggles: The criminal use this to navigate to its victim.

“OK time to see if the Doctor got Flash to-”

Out of surprise, the sound of a bell rang across town. Static emits from the mic before a specific voice comes out. “Attention everybody! The court will soon begin, All citizens should head and enter the city hall building. See you at court.” Static takes over before immediately stopping.

*Track use: MotiveXMonokuma*

Wait what!? I haven’t finish yet! There is still that sword I need to back at canterlot!

Bon Bon growled out of discomfort, “Let’s find out who murder my friend.”

“UGH!” The Doctor gotta have that testimony by then. I will at least get that hopefully.

As I run, My feet did not stop till I beated everyone. The Doctor catched me before my body landed on the ground. “Did you get it?”

He nodded, “Flash told me something interesting.” The Doctor place me right next to him, straightening out my clothes. “He told me that he heard someone trying to break through the window.”

Taking account of Diamond Tiara testimony, That should be where Flash got hit by that powder. “So did he mention anything of a sword?”

“Oh he did,” his tone became a lot more meaningful. “But the sword was just place on his hand, from what he say’s.”

Place? Who would do that?

“You don’t believe him?” His voice sounded a bit small.

I nodded quickly.

New File/Gavel

Flash Sentry Testimony: Flash witness the criminal throwing the powder, having a sword place in his hand without noticing.

Well…This is it. I guess third time's a charm right?

I stand in place, waiting for everyone to appear. Along with the Doctor and Flash, I couldn’t swear it was hours. One by One, the enter the building. Unsurprisingly, Sunset was the last one to enter. Still in her demon form. How am I not surprise.

“Ok everyone get ready!” I clap my hands around the lever. I hold my feet still, pulling it downwards.
*Some elevator noise I found*
The floor shakes, descending down. Everybody is quite on edge. All eyes were focused on Flash.

“Whatever…” He looked away, avoiding any kind of eye contact.

Man this must be really harsh on him. I wish everyone would restrain judgement till then.

The elevator took a lot longer than usual. I feel we decent more and more as time go by. Kinda like how other’s feel right now.
*Track use: Buzzkill*
The floor comes to a complete stop. As we enter the doors, the court room looked a lot fancy then before. This time it like canterlot, having more class than the previous two trials.

“AH!” Scootaloo eyes were focus on directly on two new photo stalls. Snips and Snail was smeared with an x along with Snowflake which happens to be cross with two dumbbells. Her hands formed fist, gritting her teeth as hard as she can.


“Alright guys!” Bon Bon quickstep her way to her courtroom stand. “We got a long trial so hope you’re reading for an all nighter!” Her eyes close tight, avoiding contact with the photo stall next to her.

Everybody stayed silence.

This is it...the biggest trial is about to go down…
*Track use: Tropical despair*
I wish this wasn’t so complicated…

But not only do we have to find the criminal

We have to find out who was working with it.

Our life are on a loose string and we can’t stop here, no matter what!

Author's Note:

Ugh I gotta stop posting chapters months at a time. Sorry for the super long wait everyone. Too much stuff I had to do but I promise the first part of the trial will be out very soon hopefully.

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