• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 2,686 Views, 51 Comments

Equestria Girls: Dangan Ronpa - MarkTheWolfpony

Derpy along with 19 others are trap within a strange place by a black and white bear name MonoKuma and he states that the only way out is to commit murder and get away with it.

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The New Murderous Life (Ab)Normal days: Day 2

The TV turned on as soon as the clock hit 7 AM. I soon see mono bear with his usual look. “Alright everybody, it’s time to rise and shine as you have a big day. Now go out and live life before it ends.” It turned off afterwords.

*Track use: Beautiful dead*

I got out of bed. Sleeping another night here was very uncomfortable to say the least. After that I ate breakfast and went to the school to meet the others like last time.

“Well, it our third day of living here and so far its not so bad.” Vinyl admitted.

“Have you gone mad? It’s horrible!” Diamond Tiara shouted.

“Wow, calm down” Berry punch tried to comfort her. “Let’s not make this any harder on ourselves.”

“Have you people forgotten that we are trapped here! It’s scary and lonely and so freaking boring!” She stomped her foot on the ground.

I figured she’d completely forgotten about the Doctor’s plan. Though, given what kind of person she was, it didn’t surprise me that she was getting impatient.

“Well, it looks like the spoiled little shit isn’t tough enough to get through this,” Gilda said, smirking.

“You think just because you're a tough girl, you have the right to talk to me like that!?”Tiara stormed up to her.

“Yeah! Do you know who you’re talking too?” Silver Spoon came in to back her up. “You're mocking one important person here!”

“Ooh, being lazy and talking about how rich you are: you’re so important. Oh, I’m so sorry for what I said… NOT!” She leans back in her chair, putting her feet on the table.

Tiara’s face glowed red. The others couldn’t help but watch the shouting match.

*Track use: Despair Syndrome*

Sunset Shimmer started clapping “Bravo. You two are very entertaining. It’s so nice of you both to keep your princess from getting bored. Keep it up and you might end killing one another.”

“You’re a bitch, you know that right?” Flash called her out.

“Oh boo hoo. Get over it. Isn’t a princess entitled to lord it over her subjects? Besides, like the little brat said, this place is boring.” There was so much anger between them I had to wonder how they could even go out in the first place.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” The Doctor snapped at them. “Seriously, if you keep this up then you will play into the psycho bear’s trap!” His voice was filled with righteous determination.

Sunset just shook her head.“Doctor, Doctor, Doctor… this is just how everything is. Creatures like us tend to get on each others nerves. Trust me, I know that I tend to step on people’s toes now and then, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s a small price to get my way.” She shrugged. “Well, forget all of you then. I’ll be heading off.” She exited through the nearest door.

*Track use: Beautiful dead*

“Jeez, lady, you don’t have to be that rude!” Scootaloo said, a bit too late for her to hear.

“Let’s just ignore her. She’s a party pooper anyway, so no need to deal with her.” Vinyl said, crossing her arms casually.

“I think I agree with you for once,” Octavia said. “That girl really needs to be taught some matters!”

I agreed. The scary part was that the only way I could understand why Sunset would feel that way is if I thought of her as having no empathy at all. That didn't bode well for people trapped in a killing game with her...

“I’m gonna go get some water,” Sweetie Belle said heading to a nearby water fountain. The second she got a mouthful she noticed someone looking over her shoulder. She yelped and fell backwards in shock. We all turned toward her and saw someone there who we really didn’t want to see.

*Track use: MomomomKuma*

“Hello, you bastards! Hey, did you guys see that? I think I actually got some water to shoot out of her nose!” Monokuma came in with his usual peppy self. I could hardly blame poor Sweetie Belle for getting scared, he wasn’t the type you wanted standing right next to you.

“Trixie demands to know why you are here!” She point her finger at him.

“Oh, I’m just here to see how you are all doing.” He gave us the most innocent look. “After all, isn’t that what a good Mayor should do?”

“Oh Har har!” Applebloom shouted.

“No. A good mayor would not trap me and force me to live here!” Diamond Tiara shouted.

He look down on himself. “Oh come on. I gave you an entire place to live and this is what you give me? I thought we were getting close but it seems you all are just mean.”

“You really are a pathetic excuse for a bear, aren't you?” Gilda shakes her head. “It just makes me want to kill you even more.”

“Now, now.” Monokuma wiggled a finger at her. “No need to get offensive. Anyway, I do admit there was another reason I came here: I’m bored!”

“And what does this have to do with us?” Lyra asked.

“Well, you see, for the past two days I noticed that nobody has been trying to murder someone.”

“Of course not! Why would I kill someone, even for a way out of here!?” Snails said with anger.

“YA!” Snips shouted. “As long as we are together and have places to stay, I’m not murdering someone!”

“Wow you are all really strong of heart.” He begins to laugh. “But I think I know the real reason why none of you are planning murder. It’s because you don’t have a motive to do so.”

*Track use: Despair Syndrome*

When he said that, everybody started to feel very uncomfortable.

“Mo..Mo..Motive?” Photo Finish ask in fear.

“Well of course.” He puts both of his hands on his mouth to suppress giggles. “I thought I’d give you something that will make you really start considering murder. That’ll liven things up!”

I wasn't gonna stand for this “If you think you can really get me or anyone else here to kill somebody then you've got another thing coming!”

“Uppupupu.” He just laughed at my statement. “Wow, what a stereotypical protagonist line that was! You may talk tough but I know you can’t back it up.” He turns his back on me. “Well I better get the motives for you guys. I’ll see y'all tonight!” He disappeared again. I still couldn’t get how he does that.

*Track use: Beautiful dead*

“What in tarnation does he mean by motive?” Applebloom asked nervously.

Snowflake took a deep breath. “I think he means that he’s either gonna try and give us an offer we can’t refuse… or a threat we can’t ignore.”

“There is no way that could happen!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Well whatever!” Gilda crossed her arms. “He’s not gonna convince me that easily!”

“That bear is getting even creepier with each time he shows up.” Silver Spoon said. “There is no telling on what he has in store for us.”

Snips trembled in fear. “I really don’t want to find out.”

“Listen everybody!” The Doctor got everybody’s attention. “I’m gonna say this right now. Don’t believe anything that that bear says to us. He is the very definition of a master manipulator.”

“How would you know that?” Diamond Tiara asks curiously.

“It doesn’t matter! All you need to know is that you can’t fall for his tricks.” He turns his back on us. “If you can excuse me. I need to check something that is on my mind.” He walked off without another word.

I started to consider how funny the Doctor had been acting up to that point. First he refused to tell me what his special talent is, and now he was acting like he knows what the bear was gonna do. I couldn’t help but think he was hiding something.

“Come on guys. Don’t let the bear get to you!” Vinyl shouted with a happy sounding tone. “After all, what is he gonna do?”

“Have you forgotten what he is capable of?” Octavia ask in confusion. “Aren’t you scared of his Monoguards, let alone any secret weapons he’s kept up his sleeve til now?”

“I think we should do what the Doctor said and ignore whatever Monokuma is gonna do.” I spoke up. Acting funny or no, the Doctor was right, if we could shrug off whatever Monokuma was planning, then maybe we could catch him off guard and have a chance to strike back.

“Will it work?” Sweetie Belle asked in a worried tone.

“It will work!” Berry shouted with excitement. “I just know it will, and I’m with ya 100%!”

*Track use: Beautiful days*

It’s nice to have a friend to back you up. After a while I headed back to my house. I lay on my bed for a moment and eased up a bit. As I look at my clock, it was about 11 am. I can’t just lay around and do nothing all day. So I thought I’d try to see if I can hang out with the Doctor again. I went to City Hall but he wasn’t there. I was about to leave, but I stopped when I heard the sounds of a guitar coming from the other side of the building. I took a look and saw Flash playing his guitar. The riffs and chords were simply angelic. Once he stopped playing, I went to congratulate him.

“Wow that was some nice music there.”

“Yeah.” He spoke softly. “Its something that I’ve been perfecting since I was little.”

Since we were both there I figured I might as well try to get to know him. “Hey, you want to hang out?”

“Sure. Just don’t think that I would end up being your boyfriend.” He snickered.

I got angry at that. “Hey, what makes you think that I even want that!” I stomp my foot.

“Hey, hey!” He realized he may have misspoken. “I was just kidding. Besides you seem to have someone else in mind.”

I blushed as I knew who he was talking about. I sat down and began to ask him some questions. I thought I’d start with his guitar. “So tell me, where did you get the guitar?”

He looked at the thing and smiled. “Well, I got this at a music club that I joined. They were about to throw it away but I just couldn’t let them do that.”

“I see. So its a old antique?”

“I don’t know, but I just couldn't let a good guitar like this to go away.” He takes a deep breath. “It’s pretty much how I keep myself in perfection.”

The way he said that... it sounded like he was almost in pain. I wondered if it had to do with his relationship with Sunset, as frequently as he talked about it. After all, anybody would be in pain after hanging out with her.

“Tell me something Derpy...” He turned to look at me. “Do you ever feel pushed by your family to keep the love they give you?”

“No not really. My parents are very supportive of whatever I do. It’s why I’m raising a little child on my own.” I looked at Flash and saw he was shocked to hear that. “She’s adopted.”

He rolled his eyes in disbelief. “I see. Well that is nice as you seem to be able to let her have choices.”

I was starting to notice something in his choice of words. I wished I could ask him but I didn’t think he’d want to talk about it. Maybe I could I ask him this: “So tell me, what did you see in Sunset that made you want to go out with her?”

It seemed to be a bit heavier of a question for him than I anticipated. He looked down at his feet, looking melancholy. “That’s something personal, I don’t want to talk about it...” He puts his guitar back on his case. “I should be going now. It was nice speaking with you though.” He leaves the area, giving me a genuine smile.

I seemed to have learned so much about him… and so little. His relationship to Sunset, some kind of pressure from his family, I honestly hadn’t suspected that level of depth from him. Well, maybe I could find out more when he decided to talk to me again. After that, I headed back to my house. I grab a snack out of the fridge and saw that it was only 3 pm. Since I had some time left, I figured I might as well see if I could find the Doctor this time. I wonder if he is as the shop at sugarcube corner? After all he has got to be hungry. Once I got that there, he was no where to be found. This was starting to get annoying.

“Oh, hey there!” I heard a voice coming from behind me and saw that it was Berry Punch.

“Hello.” I waved at her.

“Say, since you’re here, want to have a drink with me?” She holds out a glass of juice.

I’d wanted to find the Doctor, but I couldn’t just refuse. Besides, I did want to hang out with her since the last time we’d met.

I sat next to her at the table she was sitting at. She had a juicer in front of her and a whole bunch of fruits, ranging from berries, oranges, grapes, star fruit, and so on.

“So, I see that you are making some juice.” Wow, Derpy, what an insightful observation!

“Yeah. I’m surprised that there were many fruits here. I figured I might as well use them for trying new flavor combinations.” She puts in kiwis with a mixture of strawberries and grapes. She pushes the button and the fruits mix together. Once its done she pours it in two glasses. She grabs one and offers it to me.

“Sure!” Her drinks really were the best. I remembered that even when we were kids, she made a delicious drink out of berries from near canterlot elementary. I took a sip of it and instantly I was lost in delicious juice heaven.

“I see that your taste never changes.” She smiled.

“Are you kidding me? Your juices are the best drinks in the world.” I continued to drink until it was half empty.

“Well I’m glad that you still have that personality of yours even in this situation we wound up in.” Her smile turned upside down.

“Hey, don’t feel bad! After all, we’re doing well here so far.” I tried to raise her spirits up but it seemed that there was more on her soul than I expected.

She looked up at me. “I’m sorry. Its just that the more I stay here, the more I think about my mother and how she’s holding up without me.”

I remembered immediately. Her mother was always a really strong woman, and she’s where Berry got her juice making skill from. However, a few years ago she got very sick and became bedridden. Now I could definitely see why Berry would want to get back home soon.

“Hey, don’t get so down! Besides I know that we will get out of here.” I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and smiled.

“Thanks Derpy. You seem to always know how to cheer people up.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “My mom may be sick, but I know she’s strong.”

“I know that she’s very proud for you.”.

“Thank you. I’m proud to be your friend as well.” She holds another glass. “Want some more?”

Throughout my life, I had only made two friends. I was an outcast just because of my eyes, but those two saw through that and were able to become people that I could rely on. I knew that friendship will alway triumph no matter what. After drinking a lot of different flavored juices with Berry, I went back to my house. Once there I checked the time: 9:30 pm. It was almost closing time and the bear hadn’t popped up or anything. I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me, but as soon as it reached its peak, the monitors begin to turn on and show Monokuma.

“Attention Citizens. Meet me at City Hall as quickly as you can. I’ve got a special surprise for you.” The screen went black… just like my mood.

*Track use: Despair Syndrome*

I thought he’d completely forgotten about it, but I probably raised my hopes too much. Nervously, but hopefully, I left my house. To my surprise, the Doctor was just outside.

“Hey Derpy,” he said in a worried tone. I figured he was just as nervous as me. I was about to ask him something, but he started walking before I could get the chance.

“Let’s go, shall we?” He led me out, walking as quickly as possible. I decided to just ask him about it when I got some time alone with him. Once we got to City Hall, everybody was there, as expected.

“I knew you two would be the last ones to be here,” Diamond Tiara said, starting to get annoyed.

“So, are you guys nervous on what he is gonna do?” Sweetie Belle asked the group fearfully.

“Oh, please!” Gilda raised a fist. “I can take anything that piece of shit could throw at me.”

“Hey, I’m not a piece of shit!” Out of nowhere, Monokuma appear on stage. “Seriously, you don’t show any respect to your loving mayor!”

*Track use: MomomomKuma*

“Last time I checked, teddy bears like you are supposed to be cute and cuddly. NOT insane and forcing us to kill each other!” Octavia stated.

“Hmph. Well it doesn’t matter, as I got the motive for all of you guys!” Once he said that, everybody grew even more nervous. He turned around and pulled out a bag. “Here is your motive everybody! Hope you can handle it!” He threw the bag on the ground, and tons of little photographs fell out. Each of them had one of our names. I picked up the photo that had my name it. When I looked at it, I nearly dropped it in horror.

*Track use: Weekly Despair magazine*

“What… is this!?” The photo showed Dinky behind a dark alley in a cardboard box. I didn’t know what to think other than how much I really needed to get to her. At the bottom of the photo it said “You want to know if you daughter is ok? Murder someone to find out.” I couldn't accept that this photo was real. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like what they were seeing.

“What is this?” Bon Bon asked.

“This has to be a joke right!?” All the confidence was gone from Photo Finish’s voice’.

“Uppupupu.” Monokuma laughed at our reactions. “Whether you think its true or not is up to you. But if you want to hear my advice, I say take it as the real deal.” He turned his back on us. “Well, see ya later.” He disappeared.

Every last one of us was chilled to the bone. Even after all we’d seen, this was beyond our worst imaginations.

“THERE IS NO WAY THIS IS REAL!” Tiara shouted.

“No,” Gilda said quietly. “No way in hell is this real!”

“Yeah...I think its all false.” Photo Finish tried to lie to herself.

“People, don’t let this fool you!” The Doctor shouted. “These are nothing but tricks! Can’t you see what he’s doing!?”

Everybody wanted to believe him, including myself, but I just couldn’t. What I’d seen looked so real, so not fake in any way... I had to get out as quickly as possible! Still, I didn't want to kill someone either.

I looked among my fellow students and noticed that Berry Punch looked worse than anyone else.

“Um, Berry, are you ok?” I put my hand on her shoulder. “You look really bad. Everything all right?”

She pushed my hand away and just walked off. That worried me a bit. What did she see on her photo? But whatever it was, it must have somehow hit her worse than mine did.

The rest of us just stood there, unable to move as we wondered what we could do now...

Author's Note:

Free time events that I use are Flash and Berry punch. The motive is set and the next chapter will end with someone dying. Who is it gonna be :O

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