• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 7,673 Views, 208 Comments

The Songs of True Madness - Kaffeina

An ensuing story in which a Void Dweller has her memory wiped and ends up in Equestria, later rediscovering her powers and madness insues.

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The Fourth Displaced War

The war, the fourth war. Devastation and darkness cover the worlds involved. Their heroes had fallen, the villains had won, and no one would be safe again. The truth behind a war of ages, a war of worlds, a war spanning the Multiverse, is that no one is safe. No even the greatest of threats, the godliest of heroes. The only true survivors are the ones who watch and monitor.

The Displaced never learned, you must never bring forth a fight. A war should be a battle between the two, not the many.

Paradigm, the current ruler of his Equestria, glared down at the man in front of him. It was a mirage, a hologram, created of the man who had felled him once before. This man had forced his plans to extend and fall short by years.

And, as it was, this man was a hero. One of many. This man had invaded Equestrias that were not his own before, and done so simply because he wanted to. It was a violation, an illness. The man was a light that must be extinguished.

Normally, Paradigm would care less about the interference in other worlds, yet, as it was. His lesser alternates had contacted him, speaking of the man who had stopped them all. In fact, the man had destroyed many of them.

Paradigm’s goal was complete control of HIS equestria, for the time being, and his alternates were his means of discovering the perfect path to the world’s end. However, few of his studies had been successful.

It was due to such, that Paradigm contacted a Void Dweller. Brel Stire, an elder Displaced who had achieved Void Dwelling capabilities through his manipulation of the inner magic of his home world.

“Hello Paradigm,” Brel greeted as he stepped onto the ground through his portal. Brel’s casual attire was simply that of a dark mage. He was fairly average looking, aside from the pure black eyes. They had become that way due to his manipulation of dark magic.

“Yes, hello. Would you mind delivering a message for me?” Paradigm asked, holding a scroll in his hands, it looked incredibly official.

“To whom?” Brel asked, blinking.

“Quintox, the idiot hero who interferes in worlds not his own,” Paradigm said, holding out the scroll, “This is a declaration of war against him, for infractions against the Autarchy of Equestria.”

“I was headed in that direction, I’ll drop it off,” Brel answered, placing it under his coat. He turned around and made his way back into his portal.

As he glided through the Void, he passed Quintox’s home Equestria and dropped the document into the world through a portal. It vanished from the Void and fell directly into the lap of Quintox, a golden haired hero of Equestria.

Quintox set his spoonful of cereal down into the bowl and lifted the document, eyeing it. “Twilight?” He called out, after opening and reading the scroll. “What’s the Autarchy of Equestria?”

The lavender pony blinked, having returned from the other room, “What? Equestria isn’t an autarchy, we’re a diarchy.”

“It fell from empty air,” he said, having trouble understanding the information within. Twilight rolled her eyes and took the document from him, scanning it.

“I need to call Celestia!” Twilight whispered, wide-eyed. The document she held in her magic stated that the Autarchy of Equestria was declaring war on the Diarchy of Equestria, specifically, her Equestria.

“Why?” Quintox asked, mouth full of cereal.

“War has been declared against us!” She yelled, hoping it got through into his thick skull. Obviously, by the glazed look in his eyes, it really hadn’t.

“Don’t worry, I’ll win. I’m a hero!” He said, flexing his biceps and accidentally spitting his cereal onto his shirt. Least to say, Twilight did not have high hopes as she wrote down the letter and sent it.

The document said they had a few hours before the Autarchy began its attack, and Twilight hoped Celestia would quickly deploy forces or have them at the ready. The Autarchy declared they would enter from the Breach, far to the east, and invade.

Twilight finished the letter, sending it quickly with her magic due to Spike’s current absence. After a minute or two, Twilight could hear the loudest scream of ‘WHAT!?’ Equestria had experienced in her world.

And, so it was, Celestia deployed the troops to the eastern borders of Equestria. She fully expected to win, but, little did she realize the residents and allies of the Autarchy were more powerful than a few hundred thousand troops.

And, so it was, Celestia demanded that Quintox summon all of his allies, all the heroes he had helped. Many of them were only as smart as Quintox, but some were smarter. It was the more intelligent ones that rejected helping, because they weren’t stupid.

As such, both sides contacted many mercenaries across the void. Of course, each side paid handsomely, so no one really had an advantage. It was finally as such, that upon initial contact, every natural resident of Equestria was wiped out.

It quickly arose to the first battle between the Displaced of each side. One villain, the shadowman who could summon the dead, and one hero, who could cause the world’s brightest burning light.

The shadowman summoned his minions creating a huge wall of writhing spirits as the hero blasted forth the light. It took a stagnation as the spirits burned away quickly being replaced.

They went on like this for a minute or two before the villain ran into a building, grabbing the full-body mirror inside, and ran back out, shielding himself with it. The hero blasted it and quickly got hit with his own light frying harder than Anakin Skywalker.

The villain blinked. He had fought other heroes before, but none of them had died that quickly. Paradigm was right, Quintox’s allies were idiots. The villain turned around and made his way back towards the main force, calling out to everyone else how stupid the heroes had to be.

Most people would say he was bragging, if a new hero hadn’t landed in the middle of the main force and started yelling. “SURRENDER OR FACE THE WRATH OF SIR DERPLINESS!”

This was quickly followed by a mass amount of laughter, enraging the hero. “FINE.” He yelled, pulling out his sword, “YOU WILL FACE MY-” He was cut off by a villain cutting his hair with his blade. Sir Derpliness gaped and fell to his knees.

“O’ forgive me, father. They hath discovered my weakness,” Sir Derpliness said, “And now, I die.” The hero fell face first into the ground, dying the moment he hit the ground, only followed by more laughter.

This only further confirmed the idiocy of the heroes for the villains, but, despite that, there was still a more sizable force on the side of the heroes. The villains came together for a discussion.

“They’re definitely idiots,” one of them said, “But they’re got more power on their side.”

“It is true,” one of the others responded, “But if they band together properly they’ll win.”

After several minutes later of arguing, one of the leaders, Shax, Paradigm’s second-in-command, spoke up, “Why don’t we just steal the sun?”

The villains started nodding in agreement, “Let’s take the moon as well,” one of them suggested, followed by more murmurs of agreement.

After a quick discussion, many of the villains set out. The group going for the sun successfully grabbed Celestia, who actually proved more of a challenge than the actual heroes. Sadly, she had been distracted so the fight did not last very long.

The other half of the group successfully deployed a system of satellites around the sun, gaining control of its movements.

Luna, unlike Celestia, actually fought like a madmare and took out several villains. However, because of an idiot hero, she fell too. It was absolute crap how stupid the hero forces were. One of the villains could shout their plans and the heroes wouldn’t do anything.

And so, that led to the current situation, Paradigm’s forces surrounding Canterlot and the heroes holed up in the city.

“DEAR HEROES,” Paradigm shouted, his voice echoing throughout the city, “We have captured the sun and moon. We have your Elements, and we are winning.”

The heroes booed and Quintox stepped forward, “RELEASE MS. CELESTIA AND MS. LUNA! RELEASE ALL OF THEM?”


“Celestia is the big white horse with the sun on her butt, Luna is the blue one with a moon on her butt!” Quintox answered.

Paradigm frowned and leaned towards Shax, “Do we have those?”

Shax nodded and whispered something to Paradigm.

“Yes, you can keep her,” he said to Stax, “Just don’t plow the plot too much, she could be valuable. WE WILL NOT. WE ALSO HAVE THE REAL SUN AND MOON. SURRENDER, AND WE WILL END YOU WITH MERCY!”

Quintox and the heroes shouted back, “NEVER!”


The heroes yelled never again, and Paradigm just sighed and called over another villain. “Open the portal,” he said. The man nodded and a portal opened up, Paradigm and his forces marching through. Paradigm was the last one through, calling the sun towards the current Equestria before the portal closed.

And so, the fourth Displaced war ended, rather anti-climatically, and wasn’t all that amazing. In fact, it was rather boring to watch, if you ask me.

Author's Note:

So, here it is. A parody of Displaced Wars. Enjoy.

Comments ( 23 )


I would read this always.


Well this is a first, congrats. You've broken the record of mine, to lose my interest the fastest. Seriously like 4 paragraphs. From the start she knows she's a cat hybrid, in the mlp universe but doesn't freak out in anyway?

And she's a fan of the show, that's a put off for me instantly, and it's beyond too quick. So this story isn't for me, sorry but this is a first aswell. This story is the first I've give my opinion one and thumbs down'ed it, so congrats.

Congrats, because I wrote the intro two years ago.
Congrats, because you could've easily looked ahead.
Congrats, because you completely ignored another 50k+ words.
Congrats, because you DIDN'T COMMENT ON THE FIRST CHAPTER. I would've shrugged on this comment if you hadn't pretended to have read it.
Congrats because you didn't pay attention to context clues.
Edit: Did I also mention that most of this information comes from further in than four paragraphs?


This morning I woke up in a tree.

The beginning of the first paragraph.

Just as that happened I saw a whirlwind of rainbows and someone screamed, “Nooooooo!”

The ending of the fourth. Realise something?

And then there is the fact that I had a tail! A tail! For god’s sake. I mean how could my day get weirder?

First off, this shows that she does find it weird; Not everyone freaks out in the same intensity, especially considering that there is an explanation to this later on.

And she's a fan of the show, that's a put off for me instantly, and it's beyond too quick.

That's not a good reason to downvote something. For example, I do not like HiEs. Does that mean I can just go ahead and downvote every HiE?

From the start she knows she's a cat hybrid

Well, duh. So... if you were suddenly a centaur, you wouldn't realise it simply from the way your body feels, eh?
Now I am going to use something from past the first four paragraphs:

She was right, I had cat ears. Not only was I a girl, I was a catgirl.
“I thought stuff like this only happened in anime…” I said feeling kind of depressed.
“Anime? You mean that weird Japony stuff?” asked Applejack.
Oh thank god. They have anime.

See, she didn't even instantly know it.
And afterwards? She was distracted by anime. Everyone knows anime is great at distracting, even if you should be freaking out. She felt kind of depressed... The first sign she was about to have a freakout. Then anime distracted.

7002396 congrats I did read it Baka, well all that I could tolerate. So get your facts right. And it being 2years ago has nothing to do with it. And another 50k worth of words, judging by what I read I wouldn't like it. Even if it was another 100k, chances are I wouldn't like it.

And why would I look ahead, if your reading a story. You don't look ahead, 1) spoilers, 2) incase you like it. And 3) incase you don't so you don't waste your time.

And why would commenting on the first chapter compared to the story matter? I accidentally backed out, and instead of going back in and scrolling down, I just write it there.

And fair enough, you might of addressed some things later on. But this story just isn't for me, you can't please everyone. And when did I ever say I down vote all stories with the character known they are in mlp? I basically said its a turn off for me.

There are a few that are the exception, but not many.

The majority of your information comes from well beyond 4 paragraphs, and you said that was all you could tolerate.

Well this is a first, congrats. You've broken the record of mine, to lose my interest the fastest. Seriously like 4 paragraphs.

Obviously, you read much further than you said.
The problem with your comment is the lack of proper grammar, and the fact that you reply to defend yourself, but don't provide proof on your part. If you can't be reasonable, and are merely judging from what I have written two years ago, and actually plan to rewrite, perhaps you shouldn't have tried or just simply walked off instead of raging in the comment section like an immature child.

Comment posted by Timeless Lord Slayer deleted Mar 12th, 2016

7007689 it's a bloody comment, It doesn't have to be spelt 100% right or have the right grammar. And why would I need to prove what I've read and when, and what position is the sun and what's my mothers cats maiden name. And have you never heard of an exaggeration before? Because when you say somthing like that, it's probably one.

And you go on about grammar? Your story needs some grammar work. It's the kettle calling the pot black. And FYI that's a saying if you didn't know. And who said I was raging? Because I didn't. I said why I didn't like the story and etc.

And again it doesn't matter if your wrote it 100 years ago, I read it now, not 2 , 5, 70 years in future or past, now. So yeah, end of.

Perhaps you could avoid the asshole sarcasm, hm?
My grammar has improved since I started, so, no its not the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, no need to try to bring me down and insinuate idiocy darling. I know you said why, I was merely correcting your actual amount read, as was the other person whom you did not reply to.

7027987 oh forget it, clearly wasting my time replying. Good luck with story or what ever, bye.

Also, one more thing. In the short description of this story, you spelt a word wrong. "Ensues" Not insues.

Comment posted by Teslakana deleted Sep 23rd, 2016

I also forgot to point out, that chapter itself was mostly a crackfic and a joke. Mostly.

Female, technically. Its being revised

That's a shame, I was looking forward to reading it, seeing as there was such a huge buildup to it in teridax's story. There was the final battle afterwards, but I still wanted to read more of my favorites, such as Kat and Jason.
Side note, I know there's more to Kat's story than whats in her own fic, but I don't know where to find it. Got any idea?


Message DJ himself


This is one of my most difficult stories to write for, and seeing as I no longer like the direction I was going with it, I'm not even sure on whether or not I will continue it. In the meantime, I have written several other stories that, while not as long, are considerably better written and some focus on partial aspects of what was in this story.

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