• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 7,673 Views, 208 Comments

The Songs of True Madness - Kaffeina

An ensuing story in which a Void Dweller has her memory wiped and ends up in Equestria, later rediscovering her powers and madness insues.

  • ...

The Demise Begins

Author's Note:

Another Crossover!
- Applegate by Flutters Is Shy
- Angels of The Empress by ZephyrStife
- I Am Titanfall by SolemnBlade

Carry this over to the next chapter.
It'll be a two or three chapter crossover.
(Warning- This might be taken down if the other authors aren't okay with me posting as is.)

The world was still collapsing. Pieces of it were fading out of existence and I now sat in Twilight’s Castle, apparently I was gone far longer than I thought, because bits and pieces of the Everfree had already disappeared. Inside the castle, which was fading as well, I sat with the Bearers, Luna, Celestia, and Cadence. The Crystal Empire was already gone and the Princesses seemed slightly angry with me.

“Essence. Where were you?” Twilight asked.

“Fluttershy and I were ejected OUTSIDE of the Multiverse, cut me some slack.”

“Fluttershy returned moments after the Changeling Hive was destroyed, yet you returned over a year later.”

“The Void. Time is irrelevant.”

“Both you must be quiet, we must figure out how to stop this,” said Cadence.

“I agree,” Celestia said.

“Unless we get help from outside our world, we can’t do anything,” I said.

“Your call has been heard, Essence, and Bladesong will respond. A Titan is ready.”

“Speak of the devil!” I exclaimed.

“What?” Twilight said.

“Step back. Displaced like to put on a show.”

Bladesong! I accept your help!” I called.

“Stand by for Titanfall!”

Outside came a loud thundering and shortly followed by a sudden boom and tremor.

I walked out the front door and found a crater with a giant, crouched, metallic white being without a head, rather bulky body with an ocular orb of sorts on the top left of its center mass as well as a smaller one on top of its torso, something resembling a missile pod over its left shoulder and a large rifle looking cannon with a box magazine underneath within its grip.

"Alright then, that was something," it stood up, revealing its twenty feet in height and the ocular orb focused on me, "I was sent here by Bladesong. Well technically Bladesong and I are one and the same, along with the other two." The giant shouldered his weapon, "Name's Ogre C. Titan. Now, I knew that your world was in trouble, but I didn't think it would be this bad." he said as he looked around.

A strange whistling sound began to fill the air just before a large, midnight-blue object collided with the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

I raised my eyebrow and waited for something to appear.

Ogre looked in the same direction and asked, “Did you request an orbital drop? Because you got one.”

As the smoke cleared, an armored giant seemed to be stepping out of the crater. Standing fully at more than twice the size of a pony and with a helmet in the shape of a silver-laced pony skull the being began to look around at the ensuing chaos. His grip seemed to shift a little on the massive longsword in his right hand and there was a box-like gun attached to his left hip. He cleared his throat a little, a hoarse sound that seemed more like a deep cough than a light one, before he began to speak with quite a refined tone.

“Where am I?”

“Welcome to Turmoil, as I feel it apt to title this world, my name, as you very well might know, is Essence, The Musician, wielder of divinity, madness incarnate of the Void, reaper of tyrants, Bubble mistress, and The Last of the Influences. This is my world.”

Cadence and Celestia glared at me.

“Cut me some slack, I got help,” I mumbled.

The armored, bipedal pony looked around for a few more seconds before a sound similar to a sniff could be heard through the filter on the front of his mask. “... This place reeks of Chaos…” He growls as his grip on his sword tightens.

His gaze rested on Luna for a few seconds, giving him the look of someone who had just seen a ghost… Or about as much as someone with a skull-helmet could look surprised anyway. He quickly made his way over to kneel before her.

“My Empress… What news do you have of the weapon?”

Luna looks at the armored bipedal pony in confusion, “What doest thou mean?”

Ogre looks at the armored stallion, “Knock knock, tin man. You are in a different universe.”

The armored stallion quickly gets into a more aggressive stance. “Do not seek to blind me with such heresy… It is obvious that this is the castle of the Empresses, where the weapon of Harmony is kept.”

“In a way, tin man you are right and wrong. This is not the castle of the Empresses. This is the castle of the newly crowned princess and bearer of the Element of Magic, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The ‘weapon of Harmony’ is known as the Elements of Harmony in many other universes like this one. There are six elements in all. And each of the bearers are here. You were called from the Multiverse to help rid this world of the chaos of one who doesn’t belong.”

The stallion’s posture seems to ease up a little while the green lights of his visor flicker as if he had blinked a couple of times. “Oh… Yes… I, I do apologize, I have spent the last five hours practically drenched in the blood of heretics who fell to Discord’s magic.” He takes a deep breath before taking a look at Luna, “What are your orders, My Empress…” He asks with a slight bow.

Luna looks at him with slight confusion. Luna, unlike her sister, seemed to show a less confusion, what with being princess of the moon and all. “Who are you and what do you mean calling me your Empress?”

Ogre chimes in, "Most likely his world's Princesses are known or referred to as Empresses, if I am correct. As much as I love to say 'tin man', it is an oxymoron for me to do so. What's your name bub?"

The stallion looks at him, the shape of his visor making him constantly look like he has an angry glare. “Reclusiarch Alhardir, of the Lunar Templars Wraith Company.” He replies professionally.

Ogre ‘looks’ at him appraisingly, “A soldier, professional at that. I respect you, Reclusiarch Alhardir. The name is Ogre C. Titan, demon slayer, judge against the wicked.”

Alhardir gives a small nod in return. “As the reclusiarch I am the one to lead my brethren in prayer as we fight and purge the chaos from my world.” The smile on his face actually becomes quite evident as he continues. “No feeling in the world like sending prayers to the empresses as the holy roar of a bolter tears apart a changeling…”

Celestia, Cadence and the Bearers seemed to be a bit miffed, Twilight, on the other hand, tried to be a bit more vocal but her reply caught in her mouth.

To everyone’s surprise, except for the Lunar Templar of course, Luna was the only one that didn’t seem as shocked about what he had said.

“What?” She asks with a shrug, “Where dids’t thou think that thy peace came from? There were wars aplenty before Canterlot was crowned the capitol.”

“How many Displaced were you looking for Essence?”

Alhardir looked around in confusion as he brought his sword up and his free hand reached for the rather large gun at his waist. “Who was that?” He hisses.

Ogre looks at him as if he was amused. “Easy Alhardir, that is my AI, Bladesong. He aids me and my two siblings from outer orbit.”

While his stance doesn’t change much, the warrior replies with a simple. “Oh…”

“Once again, there’s quite a lack of technology where I am from, the militia has only started building siege crossbows.” He admits.

“Really? Here has something of a mix. I will say they don’t have global communications, but they have telegrams but not cars.”

Ogre looked at me and said, “Well, Bladesong does have a point. How many Displaced were you expecting to get.”

Now for the wait. “We need one more-”

I was cut off as a human male fell through a sort of hole in the universe. On his face. Well it certainly looked painful...He looked around for a few seconds before saying something.

"How did you call me without a Token?"

"You know the Merchant right?" I said.

He took a few seconds before responding, "Ya..."

"Well I'm his number one enemy. I'm also a previous Void Dweller. Calling you without a token was easy. It was the request throughout the Multiverse, meaning, anyone who answered would be brought here," I said.

"Who are you?"

"Oh yes. That. I'm Essence, The Musician, wielder of divinity, madness incarnate of the Void, reaper of tyrants, Bubble mistress, and The Last of the Influences. You are?"

"Oh... I'm Wade. Wade Jallecks.”

“Alright then!” I clasped my hands together. “Now, in order to save this world I need all of you to focus on-” I was cut off by a massive creatures breaking through the floor. “Oh for the love of! UGH! Really?”

Ogre takes aim at one of the massive creatures and Fires his rifle three times, *KLANG! KLANG! KLANG!*... successfully turning the creature's head into giblets. Another creature got up close to Ogre trying to eliminate the power of his 40mm cannon. Ogre seemed to chuckle as he dropped his cannon and punched the creature, making it fall over backwards. Ogre crushed its head with his foot and picked his cannon back up.

Alhardir brought the gun at his side to bear on another of the creatures, the roar of the gun was almost deafening as it went off in a quick two-shot burst, making the creature explode, getting quite a bit of blood on the wall behind it.

“Chaos filth…” He scoffed as he sheathed his blade and gripped his gun with both hands.

I grinned, “Great!” Letting go of my cloak I summoned Poseidon’s Trident. One of the creatures, clearly aiming for the Princesses, tried to get past me. I spun, sound waves of the music I had started, and slammed into the creature blasting it back some thirty feet into many of its brethren.

A group of smaller creatures (smaller by mere inches) was gathering to the west of the group. Ogre turned towards their direction and launched a salvo of rockets at the group completely decimating them. “You can join in any time now Wade.” Ogre said as he turned to face the other side and fire off a few more rounds of his 40mm cannon before reloading.

“Shut up,” Wade said, who appeared to be doing nothing but standing still with his arms down by his sides. “Concentrate on your own fighting,” His voice descended into a female tone, before his form shrunk within his large and baggy clothing.

With a few more loud bursts the Templar began to ease his way into battle as if it were second nature, switching back to a one-handed grip on his gun after a few kills while he drew his sword again and began to cut a swath through the creatures in their way as if he were cutting paper with a razor blade. “Burn in the pits of the warp from whence you came foul creatures of sin!” He proclaimed over the roar of his weapon.

I raised my eyebrow. I knew many Universes, but there were some I didn’t know. Chalking Wade’s change down as Void Logic I stabbed another beast and tossed the body to the side. “Follow me!” I yelled at the other Displaced, “I know one place where they can not set foot.”

"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna stall them." Ogre said as he charged towards the massing horde. "Dodge THIS!" A low pitch noise emanated from Ogre and started to raise in pitch. Then Ogre became the epicenter of a giant explosion, eradicating the horde, and himself.

"Get moving, I am still around., although Ogre will need at most five hours to reconstruct though. That explosion won't stop them from re emerging.

Alhardir nodded, “Out of the castle! Now!” He bellows as he switches the magazine in his gun for a fresh one, unleashing more explosive rounds into the enemy stragglers while simultaneously protecting their flanks.

I quickly led the Displaced out of the castle along with the bearers and Princesses.

“So what exactly was I drafted into?” The male turned female asked, his clothes drooping around his shoulders as the light glinted off an emerald where his eye should have been.

“This world, Turmoil, is collapsing due the Merchant and the death of one of my friends,” I said.

“So....what exactly can WE do?” Wade asked.

I sighed, “Displaced, unlike normal people, can summon all the mass quantities of Void fragments to themselves and use them for something. There is far too much for me to do this myself. I needed help.”

“Well… That’s oddly convenient…” Alhardir states as he closes the massive door behind them.

“Alright, void fragments. You basically need extra hands to hold your stuff...What exactly ARE void fragments, and how the hell do we hold them or whatever?”

“Void fragments are mass quantities of, for lack of a better term, antimatter. And secondly, you just imagine your power building up or whatever you want to happen,” I said, “Is that a good enough explanation?”

“...so basically green lantern will over matter bs?”

Alhardir simply kept switching his gaze between the two, as if suspicious, he remained quiet though.

“The algorithm seems to match what Essence has mentioned. I am curious though. Where is said waypoint: Safe House?”

“The old castle. I fixed it up and I think that’s where we’ll be safest. With my influence as a void dweller it will be the last place to go.” I said.

“Waypoint established. Monitoring location.”

“Wait, ‘old castle’? You don’t mean the castle of the two sisters?” Wade asked.

I grinned, knowing they’d be surprised by my improvements, “Indeed I do.”

“Great. Right smack dab in the middle of the kill-you-dead forest. Wonderful”

The exaggerated roll of Alhardir’s head was enough to convey his annoyance. “There is nothing in there that could dare stand against a Lunar Templar… Only…” He paused as he tried tracking the forest. “I do wonder where the Chapter Master went… He took the fall with me too, so he shouldn’t have landed too far off.”

“Checking for any recent recorded orbital drops… Drop point located in Everfree Forest. Synchronizing drop point coordinates into H.U.D. Do you accept upload, Reclusiarch Alhardir?”

“... Yes…” He replies hesitantly as he focuses on the forest.

“Uploading now… Setting waypoint. I would suggest that Alhardir head in solo as to allow him to ease the Chapter Master on the situation.”

Alhardir separated from the group followed by an awkward silence.

“You wanna take the shortcut then?”

“Yes please.”

“Hold on to your hats, gentlemen,” I swept a top hat off my head, jumped into the air, and whistled a quick tune. The ground below us dropped away and revealed a massive slide. “Here we go!”

Bladesong chuckles.

“Ogre’s gonna hate to miss out on this.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Who said he had to miss out?”

“Due to the fact that he delivered a Massive Payload to give you guys an escape window and is still reconstructing in the Void-Tech Hanger. I did.”

I smirked, “One. Time is meaningless in the Void. Two, you do realize you’re talking to the only person who could kill the Merchant. If need be I’ll give you a copy of
this thing.”

“As amusing as that sounds, I will have to decline your offer. And as for the Void-Tech Hanger, a form of temporal rule still applies as it is artificial Void.”

I shrugged, “Fair enough, if need be I can help make it actual Void, after all,” I snapped my fingers and my Trident vanished, “I am a previous Void-Dweller.”

“I shall take that into consideration.”

“Brilliant, by the way,” I said, gesturing around, “we’re here.”

“What the...did I miss something? How...screw it, don’t care. We’re here, whoopee. Now what.”

I grinned. “Now, if you’ll just give me a moment,” I reached over and tapped on a rock, and the very, very modified castle,appeared,“Here we go!”

The modified castle, if it can still be called that, was now some twenty stories tall, and made of steel. The thing was absolutely massive. The walls themselves were some ten feet thick. All-in-all, it was the most impressive structure in this Equestria.

“Did you take us somewhere else? Cause this doesn’t look anything like in the books.” Wade stated dryly, shading his eyes with a hand flung over his brow.

“The geological location is accurate with other Equestrias’ Everfree Castle.”

I mimed a shocked look, “Why I’ll be! There’s books I have to follow? I’m doomed!” I swear the sarcasm was visibly dripping.

“No need to be snarky…”

“I find that sarcasm releases tension,” I said, “Don’t you think?”

“...Honestly I had to close coms for that one...”

“So!” I rubbed my hands together, “ Are you lot ready?”

“Gonna have to take a raincheck on that,” Wade started, looking down at the stump where his leg used to be. “Seems I’ve attracted the local wildlife...funny, doesn’t hurt as bad as last time…”

“Will you need any medical aid, Wade?... Status update: Alhardir and the Chapter Master are enroute. Estimated time of arrival, thirty minutes.”

“I get the feeling he’s fine,” I said looking at Wade again.