• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 557 Views, 24 Comments

The Seasons of Equestria - Lucaro

In order to create a stable climate for Equestria, Luna and Celestia created four alicorns to embody and maintain control of each individual season. Though problems arise as international relationships deteriorate and conflict within the royalty.

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Chapter 12: Rage Against Winter

“I was foolish,” Brightmane said. “I thought…I thought everyone would be much happier if we had warm, sunny weather year round.” He lowered his head. “But although summer is enjoyable, it has its place in the natural cycle, and all the seasons are just as necessary as summer is.” He bowed before Princess Candance. “I saw Snowhoof kill Emperor Raelas with such ease. It was a reality check for me, and I realized how unrealistic my ambitions were with Snowhoof around. He has to go.”

Princess Candance nodded. “Rise. You’re forgiven, but you have to pledge your full cooperation.”

Brightmane agreed, and took his place at Vaelan’s feet. All the generals returned to the battle map. Candace slammed her hoof down on the map. “To Frostcrown Fortress, the icy heart of Snowhoof’s domain!”

Starlight was once feeling optimistic, now not so much. Frostrcrown Fortress, Snowhoof’s residency, was about fifty miles away from the South Pole. Starlight shook his head. “My princess, an attack on Frostcrown Fortress cannot be carried out by conventional means.” She stared at him. “When I was at Camp Alpha, the northernmost gryphon refugee camp, the weather conditions were so terrible that flight was impossible, travel by ground was also impossible, and the only way we got out was on a military vehicle with specialized snow treads.”

Brightmane agreed. “The question is: how do we get our troops and siege devices to Frostcrown?”

Princess Candace looked at King Lightheart at the edge of the table. “Lightheart, do you have any more of those APC’s?”

“That was an experimental vehicle,” Lightheart said. “We had a few others at the refugee camps and at Avendale, but they are inaccessible at the moment.”

Starlight stared down at the map of Equestria. There was a large white string that signified winter’s advance, and Avendale was at least a hundred miles behind enemy lines. Emperor Vaelan, still partially blind, spoke. “My dear princess, my soldiers can provide transportation. We are much better fliers thanks to our bigger and more durable wings. We are also more resistant to the cold. Each dragon can carry a small platoon of soldiers, but they will require a heat preserving enchantment so the ponies don’t freeze to death.”

Princess Candace nodded. “That can be arranged, but we will still be at a severe disadvantage with all those elementals being strengthened by the cold weather. They will be stronger now with midwinter approaching, and I still have doubts about how well your dragons can handle a Tempest, or even a group of them.”

Emperor Vaelan shrugged. “I have never encountered a Tempest, so I cannot foretell whether my soldiers will be able to handle it or not. But I do know we can withstand bad weather.”

Those elementals have to be dealt with, or at least weakened somehow. Maelstrom spoke. “The elementals grow stronger the colder it is. The advance of winter towards us is dictated by how quickly Tempests can cool the air, and once the temperature is below a certain threshold, Revenants and Frostbites can enter. We need to do something to make the weather warmer.”

“But how?” Brightmane said. “Snowhoof has full control over the weather. We seasonal alicorns can’t do anything. Even we are susceptible to winter,” Brightmane stared at his hooves. “I had no idea a seasonal alicorn could be killed until I heard of Amberleaf’s death. I honestly thought we were invincible, it was one of the reasons I decided to join you guys.”

Emperor Vaelan nodded. “It’s about time you learned some humility, Brightmane. But still, how do we make it warmer? Could princess Twilight conjure some kind of warming spell? Maybe increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to create insulation for the planet? You know, like the greenhouse effect?”

“No,” Candace said. “The cure is worse than the disease. It may even strengthen winter, granting Snowhoof access to increased moisture in the air. It may backfire on us.”

Everyone went quiet, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Alandra. That’s it. Starlight cleared his throat and everybody looked at him. “I have an idea, but it will involve treachery and a lot of risk on the part of the seasonal alicorns.”

“Go ahead,” Candace urged.

“Well, I learned a lot about the transition ritual when I was at Iceheart Citadel. When it comes time for winter to end, Snowhoof has to submit himself before Spring’s bed. The moment they pull away from each other, control of Equrstria’s weather is surrendered to the other pony.”

Princess Candace nodded. “Yes, I think I understand. We need Snowhoof and Alandra to get in bed somehow.” Alandra’s eyes went wide with shock. “But that’s impossible,” she continued. “Snowhoof will know it’s a trap and we’ll lose another seasonal alicorn.”

“Not exactly,” Starlight looked at Alandra. “It turns out that Snowhoof and Alandra were once lovers.” Everyone at the table gasped. “And at the transition ritual at Iceheart Citadel, it was apparent that Snowhoof still loves her.” Starlight looked at Alandra. “He still wants to marry you. Even though you betrayed him, he still loves you with all his heart.”

Lightheart grinned ferociously. “We get Alandra to tell him that she still loves him, and wants to be with him. He’ll take her in, and when he takes her to his bed….”

Princess Candance laughed cruelly. “She’ll seduce him, and the moment he finishes, she’ll be the more powerful one and can rip that icy heart out of his chest.” Candace laughed. “He’ll be at her mercy! The winter will end, and I can torture him to my heart’s content.” Candace smiled at everyone at the table. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everybody gets a turn before I end his miserable life.”

Starlight wondered out loud. “But can it be done? Can winter be ended prematurely?”

Candace shrugged. “Doesn’t really matter. She’ll pretend to be his ally and lover, and if it doesn’t work, she can sabotage him, and maybe even act as a spy for us. Winter’s time will eventually end, and when Alandra pulls him into bed….”

Starlight looked at Alandra. She looked terrified, and finally found her voice. “I’m scared, Candace. Even if he still loves me, we all know he’s gone insane. What if he kills me as well? What will happen then? Winter will last another three months, and then Brightmane will have to bed Snowhoof or something like that.”

Brightmane shrugged. “Hey, I don’t mind. Snowhoof’s actually kind of attractive.”

Starlight’s eyes went wide. Brightmane was bisexual. Well, you learn something new every day. Candace nodded at her. “Do not worry, Alandra. It will work, because love is a powerful thing. Even stronger than insanity.”

Everyone nodded satisfied. Well, we now have a plan. Alandra swallowed her fear. “Silverleaf Citadel. That is the traditional place for the transition ritual, but it is also where we fell in love. Whenever I wanted Snowhoof to come see me, I would burn my special incense on the citadel’s balcony. Snowhoof came running every time.”

Candace nodded. “It is settled. We will set up a trap at Silverleaf Citadel. The moment Snowhoof’s power is drained, our soldiers will come rushing in and seize him. Then, justice will be finally done.

Everyone nodded and left the room. Candace had already ordered Rarity of Ponyville to make the most beautiful and provocative dress for Alandra to wear at Silverleaf Citadel, Vaelan and Lightheart were discussing how they were going to get Alandra to the citadel, and in Starlight’s mind, gears were spinning.

All his favorite torture methods were running through his mind. Snowhoof was going to suffer, and everyone was going to make sure of it. Losing his wings and horn will be the least of Snowhoof’s pain.