• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 557 Views, 24 Comments

The Seasons of Equestria - Lucaro

In order to create a stable climate for Equestria, Luna and Celestia created four alicorns to embody and maintain control of each individual season. Though problems arise as international relationships deteriorate and conflict within the royalty.

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Chapter 7: International Powers

Starlight had explained everything to them: Snowhoof’s promise of a mild winter, his encounter with the Darrowshire ponies in Nora’s Crossing, and the gathering of international powers in Avendale to discuss the preservation of peace.

When Starlight was done explaining, the generals were in awe. King Lightheart swept Starlight into his embrace. “Thank you, Mirror. You liberated one of my settlements from occupation, and you have brought news that could save my kingdom. For that, I am in your debt.”

The king released Starlight from his embrace, and one of the king’s generals spoke. “Thank the stars that Snowhoof has continued the blessing of mild winters. Many of our refugee camps have been set up in the evergreen forest, and I feared that they might freeze there as winter picks up pace.”

King Lightheart nodded. “That’s why we equipped the shelters in the refugee camps with the finest heating systems, but hopefully with this meeting, things can go back to the way they were and all the refugees can return home.” The gryphon king looked at Starlight with gratitude again. “This is the most hope for the future I’ve had since the threat of war first cast its dark shadow over my kingdom.”

Amberleaf smiled. “We were glad to help. Hopefully everything will turn out fine.”

The generals all nodded optimistically, but Starlight was still wary. “What will you do if these talks don’t work out? How will you protect this city from the pincer attack?”

King Lightheart smiled. “Generals, send our reserve troops to deal with the Darrowshire force down south. Destroy their siege machines and their assault will be crippled. Tell our soldiers up north to be ready for anything, and continue evacuations to the southern refugee camps.”

The generals nodded and left the room, moving to fulfill their tasks. King Lightheart sighed. “Excuse me now. I have to make this city presentable for the royal visit. Hosting such a grand affair will take planning.”


Starlight and Amberleaf had been given adjacent rooms in the palace to stay in, and as soon as he got to his room, he took a hot shower and plunked himself down on the bed and slept. Two days passed as they rested, and already figures so many figures of note had arrived. The President of the Darrowshire Confederacy, the Chieftain of the Buffalo tribes, and many others had taken up residence in the palace and the surrounding hotels. He wondered when Luna and Celestia would arrive, it was critical that they both be in attendance.

Starlight had his armor shined and polished, his mane rubbed with special scented oils, and his fur neatly groomed. He had to look his absolute best for the grand meeting tonight.

He wandered into the palace courtyard, and it was even colder than it had been yesterday. An icy wind cut through him and he shivered. He looked over to the stone pathway cutting right through the courtyard. Makeshift fences had been erected at the edges of the path, and a luxurious red carpet had been rolled out. A crowd was already beginning to form, ponies and gryphons anticipating Celestia’s arrival. Something cold touched his nose. He looked up and saw flurries falling around him. What? Snow so early in the winter?

There was shouting and Starlight looked to see Celestia’s carriage descending upon the courtyard. Those gryphon messengers had proved very reliable, he had to reward them somehow when this was all over.

The carriage stopped in front of the red carpet and everyone was cheering. The door opened and Celestia stepped out, her translucent rainbow mane flowing in the breeze. She trotted across the red carpet, surrounded by her bodyguards. Starlight sighed in relief as the princess disappeared inside the side entrance of the palace. There was a large shadow overhead and Starlight reflexively ducked for cover. A massive black dragon with a pony rider descended on the red carpet. It was the ruler of the fire dragons, Emperor Raelas.

The dragon emperor landed, and the pony rider hopped of his back and took off his helmet. Fiery orange eyes with a scarlet mane, the Keeper of Summer had succeeded in making a flashy entrance. The crowd remained silent as Emperor Raelas and Brightmane Verán walked side by side, a smirk on both of their faces.

Starlight decided it was time for him to go to the large council room where all the leaders would congregate. Hopefully he could stand with Luna when she arrived. He felt nervous that she wasn’t here yet. She had been in pretty bad shape when he had left her at Iceheart Citadel.

Starlight saw Amberleaf talking with a little colt. He stared at her for a moment. Amberleaf was dressed beautifully, a blue ribbon in her hazelnut mane and a simple earth colored bodice that complemented her beige pelt nicely. He joined her, and her hazel eyes twinkled at the sight of him. “You look handsome, Starlight.”

“As do you,” he replied. Starlight looked ahead at the large doors leading into the council room. Already the seats were filling up, and he decided it was time to take their own place beside Luna’s throne. “Let’s go, Amberleaf.”

Amberleaf nodded, but stopped. Her lips curled up in disgust and she pointed with her hoof. “Look at him,” she said, pointing at the Keeper of Summer. Brightmane was strutting towards the entrance of the council room with Lilyheart Alandra, the Keeper of Spring, in tow. Amberleaf snorted. “He’s so cocky and arrogant. He’s a jerk, yet Lilyheart fawns over him. Not to mention ever mare that crosses paths with him.”

Starlight watched Brightmane and Lilyheart enter, and soon they also entered the council room. As soon as Starlight entered, he could feel the tension in the air. It hung in the air like smoke, and Starlight felt as if he was going to choke.

The room was set up in a circular fashion with an empty spot in the middle. It looked sort of like an arena. At the end of the room, there were two thrones for Luna and Celestia. The one, empty throne burned at Starlight’s mind. Luna was still not here, and he began to get worried.

Everyone else had taken note of Luna’s empty throne and started whispering amongst themselves. Starlight looked behind him and saw the last of the leaders take their seats. The gryphon guards began closing the large doors, and Starlight wanted to protest, but said nothing. The doors slammed shut, and Starlight felt extremely exposed standing beside the empty throne with Amberleaf.

Amberleaf shot him a worried look, and Starlight shrugged. Celestia looked concerned as well, but continued anyway. She trotted to the center of the room, and cleared her throat. “Esteemed world leaders, I wish to begin this meeting on a positive tone with this news: Snowhoof has promised mild winters for the foreseeable future. With this news, food prices should go back down and these silly resource struggles should be put to rest.”

There was a loud snort of laughter from very close to him. He looked across Amberleaf and saw that it had been Brightmane who had laughed. The Keeper of Summer tossed his mane and spoke. “How do we know if we can even trust what Snowhoof is saying? He aided Luna in the attempt to dethrone you.” There was a murmur of consensus among the world leaders. Brightmane smiled and his tone became patronizing. “It warms my heart that you are so trusting of Snowhoof’s peaceful gesture, but let’s be realistic.”

Starlight wanted to trot over there and punch him. Celestia shook her head in response. “No, Snowhoof was not involved in the rebellion. Luna acted alone in her attempt to kill me.”

“Hmmm, really?” Brightmane said, his voice sarcastic. “Speaking of Luna, where is she?” The empty throne beside him pricked at Starlight. “Snowhoof is absent as well. Why are they not here?” There was another, stronger murmur of consensus and Celestia looked dazed. Brightmane continued. “If Snowhoof really wants to redeem himself and promise us peace, why isn’t he here in person?”

Celestia glared at Brightmane. “What are you implying?”

“I’m implying what’s on everyone’s mind.” Brightmane stated. “We don’t believe that Snowhoof can be trusted. It wouldn’t surprise me if he wants revenge for his imprisonment, I know I certainly would. No offense my queen, but we don’t trust Luna either.”

“Excuse me? You can trust Luna, she has been redeemed.” Celestia flared.

This time, Emperor Raelas spoke from his dais. “How do you know what lies in her heart? It’s been a thousand years since you last saw her,” the dragon rumbled. “You didn’t see the betrayal coming last time either.” The dragon looked around the room. “Were there any witnesses to Snowhoof’s promise who aren’t loyal to Luna?”

Starlight looked at Amberleaf. Yes, there had been many other witnesses at the transition ritual. Many figures of note had been present at the historic event. Starlight looked around the room and spotted the empty chairs where they were supposed to be sitting. Starlight was baffled. Where were they? There had been dozens of them, and they were all missing.

The dragon saw the panicked look on Starlight’s face and grinned. Starlight immediately assumed a stoic expression, but it was too late. The dragon looked around the room and noted the empty chairs. “It appears that all the other witnesses to Snowhoof’s promise aren’t here.” The dragon put a claw on his chin and looked upward. “I wonder why not?”

There were murmurs of suspicion all around, and the president of Darrowshire spoke out. “For all we know, Snowhoof could have declared war on all of us at the transition ritual and Luna is trying to cover it up!”

The murmurs solidified into cries of outrage. Celestia raised her hoof, desperately trying to calm everyone down. “Please, order! I sent my own captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor, to the ritual!”

Amberleaf aided the queen. “Yes, I sent a gryphon messenger there as well to inform Luna of this meeting.”

Brightmane looked around the room. “If what you say is true, my queen, and I’m sure you’re telling the truth, then where is Shining Armor?” Brightmane looked over at Amberleaf. “Where is your so-called messenger?”

Amberleaf was speechless. Princess Cadence cried out from the crowd. “Oh my stars! You’re right, my husband should have returned by now!” She looked at Celestia. “Where is he? You sent him to Iceheart Citadel, has he reported back to you? Have you heard anything at all since the ritual took place?”

Celestia looked around nervously. “No, I have not.”

Princess Cadence was panicked. “Has anyone heard anything from the other guests attending the ritual?” Everyone shook their heads. Starlight could not understand what was going on here. Everything had been fine when he and Amberleaf had left the citadel, but they had been the first to leave while everyone was still preparing to depart.
Princess Cadence looked like she was about to cry. One of Celestia’s guards spoke up. “My princess, we’ve lost all contact with Iceheart Citadel.”

A tense silence had fallen over the room, and everyone was staring at Celestia. The doors of the council room burst open and one of King Lightheart’s generals appeared, looking panicked. “My king! The refugee camps in the evergreen forest, all communications from there have ceased entirely! No one is picking up on the other end!”

King Lightheart was shocked. “Camp Alpha, Beta, and Charlie…nothing from all three?”

The general shook his head. “It’s all gone silent, sire.”

What in Equestria is going on!? Amberleaf flashed Starlight a terrified look, even Brightmane looked unsettled. The stunned silence broke, and someone shouted. “Oh, bloody hell! Snowhoof is coming for revenge!”

Everyone was terrified and began shouting at one another. Starlight looked down at the ground, trying to understand. Snowhoof had indeed looked unstable, had he…had he lied to us all? Celestia stomped her hoof on the ground, shattering the flooring. “Silence, all of you! The point of today’s meeting was to ensure that the peace is preserved in the face of this potential crisis!”

Everyone grew still for a second. Then somepony somewhere cried out. “I declare war on the Crystal Kingdom! I have to get food for my people before the new Ice Age starts!”

Celestia stomped her hoof again. “I forbid you from declaring war! Let’s not make foolish decisions under what is only speculation.”

Emperor Raelas shrugged his massive shoulders. “I don’t know, Celestia. The evidence is pretty compelling.” Everyone began talking frantically, desperation in their voices.

Starlight watched as all semblance of order deteriorated. Celestia tried to calm them down, but they were no longer listening. The president of Darrowshire began leaving, presumably rushing back to her home country to start wars with her neighbors.

Other people began to leave, and Amberleaf grabbed Starlight. “We have to stop these people from leaving! As soon as they’re gone, the siege on Avendale will begin and we will be standing in the dawn of a new world war!”

Starlight and Amberleaf rushed over to Celestia. He hastily bowed and spoke to her. She looked crestfallen and was watching everyone leave. “My queen!” he shouted above the commotion. Celestia looked down at him, tears in her eyes. Starlight’s words died in his mouth.

Celestia sobbed. “I’m such an incapable ruler. I should have seen the hate, the animosity building up between these countries. Now instead of working together to survive, they are all fighting one another.” A tear streaked down her face and landed on the floor. “I have failed, and the siege on Avendale will begin as the last guest leaves.” She looked down, sobbing. “And perhaps my own sister has betrayed me again.”

Starlight felt a rush of determination. “Look, we don’t even know if Snowhoof and Luna have betrayed you or not. All I know is that the dragons will destroy Avendale, and then war will break out everywhere as others will be encouraged by the dragons’ victory.” A desperate plan formed in his mind. “Celestia, I need you to stall these people. Prevent them from leaving and keep the siege from happening as long as possible. Amberleaf and I will go investigate, and bring Luna and Snowhoof back here as soon as possible. I promise.”

Celestia turned away, looking hopeless and uncertain. Starlight took her hoof in his. “Look, Celestia.” She turned back around and he looked into her eyes. “You have to believe not only in your sister, but in yourself as well. You are a great ruler, everyone is just scared and not thinking rationally.”

Amberleaf nodded. “The peace must be preserved at all cost. More people will die from war, than the famine they fear will happen.”

Celestia looked back up, hope being rekindled in her lilac eyes. “Yes, you’re right. The peace must be preserved.” She beckoned two of her personal bodyguards over to her. “Here, these are two of my finest warriors. They will aid you in your search for Luna and Snowhoof.” The two warriors, one mare and one stallion, bowed before them. Celestia looked around, the stands now almost empty. “Go now. I will try my best to hold everyone here for as long as I can, but you must hurry! Find and bring my sister here and let these foolish people know that Snowhoof was telling the truth and that there will be no Ice Age, famine, or betrayal. Go! The fate of the world depends on you two!”