• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 2,444 Views, 38 Comments

The Dark Sage - thirdgod

How will the world of Equis deal with the self proclaim Dark Sage a master of dark magics wondering around will the ponies teach it that friendship is magic or are they all doomed to be consume by the darkness it commands

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The Dark Sage

"We the Seer council of Zaraith here by banish you to oblivion for causing the Black Mage Revolt, which caused the destruction of the Isle's of Manith and the mountain ranges of Larthic resulting in the lost of tens of thousand lives and by our visions of the future the destruction of our world if not the entirety of our realm." spoke the head of the council looking down of the figure be for him."Any last words proclaimed Black Sage" the figure before him said nothing for a minute then the prisoner started laughing softly at first then getting louder till it could be heard all around the room the councilors and the prisoner were in.

"HA HA HA so those are crimes worthy of getting banished to the worst of all realms, oblivion you should be thanking me because of my actions all the would be tyrants and dark lords are all dead and all the knowledge of dark magic our world possesses lock away in my grimoire where no one but me can find and open it." the prisoner glared at the council "Further more as for the casualties and destruction I and my fellow practitioners caused well war has it repercussions as you and the kingdoms of our world knows fully well, and as for your prophecy, you know as well as I that your visions are not set in stone nor even accurate sometimes so you have never before used them before in a trial before so why now?"

"That is true" responded the head seer responded "we normally don't use our visions in trials, but we know fully well that dark magic all ways corrupts it practitioners which you are one of and the the fact by your own admission you now have in your possession all of our world knowledge of dark magic." The head seer calmly said to the prisoner "So when we saw nothing but pure darkness in the near future at our recent divination regarding the repercussions of your war, we concluded it was your doing. That is why it is being used in your trial here today."

The figured scoffed at the head seers explanation "That's your reason instead of imprisoning me like you have done countless others,your plan is to send me to the worst place ever conceived of by mortal mind, oblivion the end of all realms and at the same time their birthplace, a place of endless darkness where their is literally nothing no sights, no sounds, no smells, no nothing just endless darkness, where it is said i will fade to the point it would be as i never existed to begin with, a fate that even the dead gods never once conceived of as a punishment that is your justice regarding me and my crimes?"

"SILENCE!" yelled one of the council members "You don't get to tell us what is a fitting punishment for you this is your fate and we have been more than generous with letting you speak" he sneered at the figure turning to the head seer "It's time to carry out the sentence."

"Agreed" responded the head seer turning to the figure before him "Now lets begin everyone" as one the council started to chant in the language of magic. The room started to vibrate with the combined might of the council beneath the prisoner a seal appeared, suddenly amid the chanting laughter could be heard.

"HAHAHAH you know if you had sentenced me to imprisonment the prophecy you foretold wouldn't have happened, Now I'll show you why i claimed the title of Dark Sage" "HERE ME NOW OBLIVION PROGENITOR OF ALL DARKNESS HEED MY WORDS OPEN YOUR GATE BEFORE ME AND CONSUME EVERY THING RETURN THIS REALM BACK TO WHAT IT ONCE WAS IN THE BEGINNING OF ALL TIME, BLACK HOLE" suddenly the seal below the prisoner shattered the backlash threw the council back then behind the prisoner a new seal appeared it was pitch black,a black that no light could ever hope to penetrate it started to open like a massive gate from the crack a wind started to suck everything in the room trough the gate the councilors frightened at the turn of events stared wide at the opening gate one of them cried out among the wind

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE HOW COULD HE CAST THIS SPELL HE DOESN'T HAVE HIS GRIMORIE AND WE DAMPENED HIS MAGIC BEFORE HAND, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE ONLY A...." the one who had spoken fell silent as his eyes widened further is fear the prisoner finished his thought for him.

"ONLY WHAT? A SAGE HAHAHAH OF COURSE I AM DID YOU ALL THINK MY TITLE WAS FOR SHOW" laughed the now truly recognized Black Sage now the gate behind the Sage was fully opened and the last words the council heard " YOU ARE ALL FOOLS NOW OUR REALM WILL FEEL THE FULL MIGHT OF MY WRATH BY JOINING ME IN OBLIVION FOR ALL OF TIME!" with that the Zaraith was consumed by oblivion.

Equestria Celestia's Bedroom twelve hours since the defeat of nightmare moon

"I'm so happy to have you back Luna" spoke Celestia princess of the sun and equestria to her little sister

"So are we Celsesta" spoke her little sister and princess of the moon while they held each other in a loving hug

"I'm so sorry I had to banish you to the moon for a thousand years" Celestia said with tears in her eyes "I didn't know what else to do, I wasn't strong enough to save you."

"We don't blame you sister thou had to we were consumed by that nightmare, we are just glad that thou student and her friends could use the elements of harmony and purged us of it" responded Luna hugging her big sister tighter

"Yes I know i'm also glad that Twilight and her friends were able to save you i couldn't bear it if if the elements had banished you again" Celestia than started crying Luna breaking the hug used here hands to wipe some of the the tears away

"Thou needn't shed tears anymore we are safe and we wont let us fall to the nightmare again" Luna said with tears in her eyes but a smile on her muzzle. Celestia looking down at here could help but smile back she was about to say something back when she suddenly felt an ominous chill down her back she saw Luna's eyes widen she new immediately that she had felt the same thing.

"Sister something is wrong, that feeling" Luna stated to say when Celestia interrupted her

"I know what ever it was it was very strong and dark magic in origin."

"But where is it" responded Luna

"I don't know but we must investigate at once because it's dangerous" Celestia spoke while looking out of her bedroom window. Else where in a ruin castle in the middle of the Everfree forest, the forest trembled and all the creatures shuddered in fear knowing that something dangers had just appeared among them. From the depths of the ruins something stepped out of the shadows and spoke to its self

"I wander what kind of realm this is" said Acerbus the Black Sage to himself amid the ruins looking out at the Everfree forest."I hope the inhabitants of this realm don't invoke my wrath I don't want to have destroy it like my home. sighed Acerbus "Oh well might as well go look around this new realm."

Author's Note:

well this is my first fan fic i hope it go's well give me your feed back on it. I'll try my best to do MLP justice

sorry about any mistakes with spelling or grammar i was never good at wrighting storys so i'm using this a an aprotunuty to get better, if any one can help me with proof reading and editing it would be appreciated