• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 2,442 Views, 38 Comments

The Dark Sage - thirdgod

How will the world of Equis deal with the self proclaim Dark Sage a master of dark magics wondering around will the ponies teach it that friendship is magic or are they all doomed to be consume by the darkness it commands

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Dancing with Death

"Figures that I end up in a ruin." I sighed to myself as i wandered the ruins of a castle with the sun over head streaming trough the windows and holes in the roof looking for information of the inhabitants of this realm. So far all I've seen is rubble and suits of armor though the designs of them we strange. The feet of them in particular they were competently rounded at the bottom and extremely long and strait. As i continued on my way further into the the castle I found my self in a throne room with a massive hole where the roof is supposed to be. With in the middle two thrones side by side covered in dust and with frayed faded banners on the wall as I looked closer at them I noted their strange heraldry, two horse like creatures circling each other with the sun on one side and the moon on the other.

While the banners peaked my interest they merely became a side note as I could sense two great sources of residual magic in the area. One i knew very well as being dark magic though a strange type i have never encountered before and the other it scared me I had only sensed it once before in the depths of oblivion, CREATION, the source of all life on all realms the first light that came out of the dark. "How is this possible, no one could withstand that much power it would burn not only their body out but also the soul. I need to investigate this further." I said mumbling to myself, I then reached down to my side and grabbed grimoire pulling it up to read I couldn't but have a since of pride as I looked at it.

It was one of a kind made by my own hands thanks to the knowledge from my days as a Artificer, It was small about twice the size of my hand so it can easily be held conformable one handed, with a color of black that seam to absorb light, with a pure gold binding for the spine with a silver clasp stylized with a summing seal and the book itself was a masterpiece of magic normally a grimore can only hold a thousand spells but mine, well i made it out of a fragment of oblivion it can hold an infinite amount of spells. Though being made out of oblivion is a bit of a problem if anyone grabbed it they would immediately know something was wrong with it seeing as it didn't have a feel best way i ever been able to describe it was it was like holding the night sky in my hands.

Luckily for me if anyone else did take it they couldn't open it as the spell on it was tuned for me and even if they forced it open the seal I put on the clasp would summon Kazerak one of the Sigoth demons that are the only natives of oblivion."Enough musing" I scolded my self, opening my grimore looking on the first page i found the spell i needed finding it I started speaking in a loud clear voice "COME TO ME SHADOWS OF THE PAST, OF MEMORIES MADE AND FORGOTTEN BY THE LIVING KEPT SAVE IN YOUR EMBRACE, NOW SHOW ME ACERBUS YOUR MASTER THE MOST RECENT EVENT THAT HAPPENED IN THIS PLACE!"

With the spell complete I watched as the shadows started to move and convene in the center of the room. Then they started to rise up and take shapes in about another minuet they fully formed into seven human looking female shapes thought strangely two of them had horns in the middle of their foreheads and another two had wings on their backs and finally the last two had nothing special about them. Then they started moving the seventh one was much bigger than the other six with massive wings on her back and a much bigger horn on her head they seam to be talking to one another the taller one suddenly stomped its foot down on something that isn't their anymore the other smaller six seam to bow their heads in defeat when suddenly one one at the for forefront lifted its head up and what seamed to shout at the taller on then suddenly smaller shadows appeared looking like many fragments of a single or more object the one in the front continued to talk to the bigger one while the fragments converged on the other six them they came together as necklaces each with a different shaped center piece. One of them look like a lighting bolt, another like an apple, then a butterfly,a diamond, then balloons that one confused me, then finally on the one who i presume is the leader of the six the fragments formed a tiara with a strange looking star in the center of it.

From the reaction of the bigger one it was afraid, then the six other shadows rose into the air then suddenly shot a massive beam from their body's it hit the bigger one then started to swirl around her faster and faster suddenly the shadows just dispersed then in a few seconds they reformed the smaller females were sitting on the ground panting with exhaustion, on the other side from them where the larger female was the shadows had become a much smaller version of herself but still slightly bigger than the other six. For about a minute nothing happened then suddenly a shadow of the biggest woman i have ever seen appeared like the now smaller shadow of what i now know as the "villain" she had even bigger wings and a much longer horn on her head. Her shadow looked to the smaller one of its kind and looked to say something the small one responded by hugging the bigger woman tightly with her arms then the bigger one returned the sign of affection with a hug of her own.

Then the spell ended and the shadows returned to normal "well that explains a lot" I said to my self "so it looks like the bigger woman at the beginning was the dark magic user seeing as she was closer to the strange source of dark magic and the smaller six with the artifacts are the source of CREATION spell and by the looks of it they purified the bigger woman judging by how she became much smaller, I'll have to be on the look out for those six they could destroy me utterly with the artifacts they now wield. I can only hope that the two with horns and the two with wings are uncommon here other wise it will be difficult to avoid them." after finishing analyzing the event that had played before me I couldn't repress a sigh at the fact that while the SHADOW SHOW spell can show me past events it works like a shadow puppet used it certain shows back home they have the flaw of not having colors beyond typical black of shadows nor do they show any definition of a person or in this case beings face making hard to avoid the six women who had confronted the now ex-villain.

"I could use necromancy and ask a spirit about their identities or summing the demon that had posed the seventh woman ?" I spoke musing out loud to myself, I then immediately scoffed at the idea while I had plenty of spells that could do either it wasn't possible for two reason. One, strangely I couldn't sense any trapped sprites here and two the demon that was possessing that woman was more than likely destroyed when it was hit by CREATION. I was about to leave to go further into the castle when i heard a bunch of female voices coming from behind me.

"Girls you need to be quieter princess Celestia said that a large dark magic prescience was felt here not to long ago"

"Don't worry about it Twilight with me and the elements here there is nothing to worry about"

"Nothing to worry about, darling what about all this dust and grime all over the place i can feel my pristine coat getting all dirty"

"Now listen here sugar cube their's nothing wrong with gettin a little dirty time from time its not the end of the world, right Fluttershy i mean with all thous critters you take care of you probably get mighty dirty time from time"

"ah oh sometimes i give my animal friends baths regularly so they're not all that dirty most days"

"Girls focus what ever set off that prescience my still be here and princess Celestia is counting on us to investigate"

"OH OH do you think its a new pony that came to town, no wait maybe its a being from another realm, oh oh i know lets trough it a WELCOME TO PONYVILLE party and ask it to be friends with us so it wont be a meany pants"

"Pinkie Pie how did you come up with that conclusion? Further more why would you throw it a party."

"My Pinkie sense told me that a new pony arrived recently plus I always throw a welcome to ponyville party like i did for you yesterday"

"What? oh never mind i'll deal with that later"

"Well BALRICK, this isn't good it seams that the very six I was going to avoid is coming over her right now" I cursed in my head "I better prepare myself hopefully they wont attack me on site though given my appearance that probably wont happen. Well at least I can use my nonlethal spells and hope to negotiate I still rather not destroy two realms in one day though it sounded like they had the artifacts with them so they could just as well destroy me first" i sighed to my self. "Oh well time to as the Yeldek mercenary's back home used to say when they went to fight its Time to Dance with Death."

Author's Note:

I hope every one enjoys this as I said I hope i have gotten the personality's right so far let me know your impressions and you are more than welcome with your critics

i feel ashamed as a southerner i had a hard time trying to wright AJ's speech and probably have trouble with it in the future so bear with me