• Published 28th Apr 2014
  • 658 Views, 23 Comments

Suger Cube Corner Days - RemareShadows

The silly every day going ons with Pinkie Pie, at Sugar Cube Corner... so turn around and trot away, quickly.

  • ...

Day 1 -Nights-

Sugar Cube Corner Days

Day 1


A dark figure infiltrated the shop, chilling every strand of air it touched. Pinkie poked her head from behind the counter as it approached. A trail of ice was seen forming as it made it's way in. Gummy popped his head out of Pinkie's mane. His eyes were wide open, like being trapped in a silent scream.

It reached a blue icy hoof out of it's shroud. Slamming it down on the counter, leaving a snowflake pattern. It dropped a note,then turned around. The ice cold wind whipped against Pinkie's face. Covering her muzzle in a frosty mustache. It turned to the door leaving. Both times when it entered or left never making a sound.

Pinkie fell backward, "Wooo," then landed on the floor.

She turned her head quizzically, "was that the Ice-cream Colt? If it was I should of asked him for Rocky Road, Maud was coming over in a few days."

Pinkie bounced back up from her downed position, then peaked at the counter. The counter top had a blue ice trail from the top to the bottom. The coldness radiated off it, Like it was chilling the air itself and not just a left over present from that mysterious pony. She read the note out loud. “Tonight... you.”

A chill ran down her back. The mare shook in place for a whole sixty seconds.
She looked outside at the path of ice. “I think he forgot something.”

Pinkie shouted out the door, “Hey mister! you forgot your ice!”

The door stayed shut tight, not opening to reveal any pony to take back the lost ice.“Well ok,” Pinkie pulled out a rag to wipe the counter.

“Mr.Cake wouldn't be to happy if he sees this,” she continued to defrost her work area.


The door popped open-

“Wait,” Pinkie cried out.

“Waaaaa,” a female voice answered.

It was too late, when the mare entered she slipped on the ice trail. Hoof over wing, she fell flat on her face. She didn't stop there, as her momentum slid her into a table.

*Boom, table one flew to the side.

She continued on her path flailing her hooves all the way. “aahhh, Ouch, ahhhh.”

Eventually she came to a stop, banging right into the counter. Pinkie slid her head over the counter, to look down at the mare. Her mane was sticking out in six places, feathers rustled, tail frozen to her hind leg, and her tongue was stuck to the icy counter. “Ohhhh, that looked like fun! My turn my turn!”

Pinkie hopped out the door.

“Mmhmmhmh,” The stuck pegasus wildly trashed around, unable to get herself loose.


Pinkie zipped in at full speed, sliding on the ice. The fallen mares eyes widened. Pinkie sat down an raised her hooves in the air, waving them. “Woooooooooooo.”

She kicked table one as she past, setting it back up. Her hooves went down on the ice as she approached the counter. The stuck mare closed her eyes, accepting her fate. Like a foal who didn't get off the slide, after they had reached the bottom.

She felt a hoof touch her flanks, knowing that the rest of the pink mare was soon to follow...

She didn't feel hurt or squashed. There was a feeling of warm air, not the bite of cold ice. She peaked out of one eye. Pinkie pie was under her, holding her up with her fore hooves.

“Hey ya Cloud Chaser, wasn't that fun?” Pinkie's hooves tickled her sides.

“Ha, ha, ha, no Pinkie. It wasn't,” Cloud chaser flew her stiff body out of Pinkie's grasp.

Landing on the floor, she looked back at the ice slide. She scowled at it, cursing it's misdeed against her. Then she turned back to the pink mare. “So, who put the slip 'n slide down?”

Pinkie hopped, “The Ice-cream Colt!,”


“The Ice-cream Colt! You know, dark, shady, brings ice everywhere with him. Then lures over all the little foals with music, to follow him! So when they get inside the wagon, they get free candy!” She threw open her hooves, eyes smiling.

Cloud chuckled while looking away , “he he he, righttttt.”

“Oh, he also left me a note.”

Cloud chaser stared down a few mares at the guest tables. Ignoring what ever the pink mare was saying. She licked her lips, “mmmhmm,”

“gasssspp, I'm so sorry Cloudy. What would you like today? We have some very nice Twi-lacakes! There today's spec-” Pinkie stops mid bounce when Cloud's hoof, is put inside her mouth.

“No worry’s, I just wanted to get a Cherry cupcake... hmm, an apple juice too.” she removed her saliva covered hoof with a 'slick'.

“Coming right up,” Pinkie hopped back over the-“waitttt.”

She grabbed a mop from the back, defrosted the ice slide, then jumped over the counter. Reaching under the glass she grabbed the cupcake. Plucking a cup from the other cabinet, she checked to see if Cloud was still there. The mare's eyes were busy elsewhere, but her body was still there.

So Pinkie went back to grabbing the apple juice, filling the cup up to the top,“here you go Cloudy.”

The mare turned back around, “Hehe, all right Sweet Cheeks.”

Pinkie tipped her head to the side, “Sweet Cheeks?This your order of juice and cake, no cheeks here.”

“eerrr,” Cloud chaser just placed five bits down, “Thanks anyway Pinkie.”

The pink mare smiled, then tipped her head quizzically as a thought popped up in her head. “Hey, do you know what, 'Tonight... you' means.”

Cloud's wings popped out with a 'pomf' sound, as a smile climbed on her face. “All right Pinkie, guess I'll see you later, we'll bang ok.” She grabbed her stuff and trotted out the door.

“Wait, you didn't answer my question!”
Pinkie raised her left hoof, but the other mare had already left.

“Dearie, It's closing time,” Mrs. Cake's voice called out from behind pinkie.

Pinkie turned around as the mare came out the back room.

“Thank you Pinkie, for doing such a splendid job today.”

“Oh no problem Mrs. Cake, I love seeing my friends smile.”

Mrs. Cake chuckled, “hehe, don't we all.”

The mare looked at the shop as the moon light filtered in. The tables had a few things left on them, from the busy day . Pinkie trotted over to the window and flipped the sign.

“Well dearie, Carrot and I have to head out to a night time catering. Will you be okay by yourself?”

“Gaaaassssp, What about Pumpkin and Pound Cake? Don't I have to foalsit for them?”

“Not this time dear, we wanted to give you a break this time around. Miss Fluttershy has offered to take care of them.”

“Oh, I see,” Pinkie sank down to the floor, “I'm sure she will do a great job.”

“Please don't worry dearie, You're still our favorite foalsitter,” Mrs.Cake smiled at Pinkie.

The door to the back burst oven. Mr.Cake walked out with the twins. “Honey, we reallllly should get going now. Once we drop off the twins, there won't be much time left.”

Mrs.Cake nodded to him, “Alright, Pinkie stay safe.”

The Pink mare saluted, “Of course Mr. and Mrs.Cake. I'll stay so safe, that Twilight will have to put a picture of me in the dictionary, Next to her picture of Celestia.”

The Cakes chuckled worriedly as they trotted out the door. It swung wide open for a moment, letting in a breeze. Pinkie stood there as all traces of other ponies left the area.

“Well Gummy, It looks like it's just you and me tonight... I better start cleaning up for tomorrow.”

Pinkie trotted around the corner, looking at the once lively tables. She grabbed a broom to start sweeping. Her eyes fell upon table one. The closest to the door, it was a likely spot for those who wanted to meet somepony.

Table two was often used by foals who wanted to be noticed. She chuckled, Diamond Tiara would often order there. Always with a friend. She scratched her head, Thinking about why the CMC would sit right next to her anyway. Maybe it was the other way around.

Swiftly moving the broom she came upon table seven. This was Literally a seat of royalty. Twilight and her friends would gather around it like 'Knights of the Round Table'. Not to mention the many mornings anyone of her friends had come here to chat.

Now though... the parties were over. The lights turned down low and the moonlight filtered in the windows. Pinkie sighed as she finished up the sweeping. “Well I better check my party planer later Gummy, our weekly get together should be soon... If everyponys not busy again.”

Pinkie whipped out a rag, then shined a few tables. Stopping once at each to stare at the empty seats, her smile faltered....
flashes of smiling ponies were replaced, with a cold, dark, empty chair.

Pinkie finished her duty with out a word. The mare trotted to the living area, then up the stairs to her room. She opened her door, the balloons inside lay there deflated. Not caring in the least she trotted past them, to sit on her bed. She pulled out a dusty old photo album. Opening to the first page, a old farm house rock field peered back.

Pinkie ran a single pink hoof through her mane. The smooth texture provided no tangles, no resistance. She tried to smile, but that didn't even reach half of her face. “Well Gummy, It's time that Pinkie got her me time.”

The toothless gator was brought down with her hoof. He blinked his eye, then moved to snuggle up to his owner. The mare petted him a few times, while turning back to her pictures. Inky, Blinky, Maud and her parents stared back. No lights of joy shown in those old days.

She remembered when Maud had wanted to show her a special rock she had found.

“Pinkamena, I have something to show you.” Maud's voice called out from behind.

Pinkie placed the pickaxe she had, upon the ground. She blew her flat hair out of her face, then looked to her sister.“Yeah? Is it something gray?”

Maud nodded, “It's on the other side of the Rock Sauna.”

She turned around, showing Pinkie the way. They walked through the west field that housed the mature rocks. Coming upon the edge of the 'Silo of Sleeping Boulders', they tipped hoofed around it. Maud put a gray hoof out to stop Pinkie's advance.

“shh,” she pointed to the right. A group of aggressive rocks glared out at the area they needed to pass.

Pinkie nodded back at her, “how?”

The gray filly pointed to a near by stack of hay, that sat next to the sleeping silo.

They made their way to over, avoiding the gaze of the aggressive field. Maud lifted up the haystack to duck inside. Pinkie followed her guide. Together they used light hoof steps, too pass through the dangerous area un-seen. The pink filly almost slipped a few times, trying to match the gray one's pace.

“You move too slow,” Pinkie whispered.

“It's paced-” All chatter stopped as they both felt a glare on them.

The inside of the haystack felt like it was on fire. Both fillys sweated, but it evaporated before it touched the surrounding hay. Sixty painful seconds past as they stood there, a tingling feeling in their hooves. All of the sudden, it faded.

“Let's go,” was whispered, by who... they didn't know. The only thing that happen, was them making it to the other side... safe.

Their Father had warned Pinkie about that part of the field. Only when she was older, or accompanied by her elders was she allowed to transverse it.

The two fillys were now able to see their destination, after that brush with danger. A red fence, taller then a grown stallion, surrounded a steaming area. They had arrived at the right side of the Rock Sana, where the sediments stress was relieved.

“It's over here,” Maud motioned to the back of the fence.

“Ok, let's see it.” Pinkie trotted after her sister as Maud showed her the way.

Once around to the back, the shade made it hard to see much. The steam from the Sana, Seeped out thru the small cracks in the fence. Pinkie stumbled through the shade as she continued to follow her sister. Maud on the other hoof, navigated the zone with out any trouble.

“So, where is it?” Pinkie asked.


The two fillys had walked two thirds of the way around the sauna, when they came upon a rocky out cropping. Maud brought Pinkie over to a big gray rock, that towered over the fillys.

“We're here,”

“So, what am I looking for?” Pinkie scanned the area, with a frown.

All she saw was a bunch of rolling stones, the same as any other field.

“This,” Maud pointed to the thing towering over them.

“What's so special about it.”

“It's a Rock.”

Pinkie looked at her sister, deadpanned “I can see that, why-”

Maud turned around, then proceeded to smash the rock to pieces... using her bare hooves. Each strike precise and deadly. It produced a timed rhythm, without a second of delay.

Pinkie watched as her sister destroyed the rock with ease. Don't want to ever be on her bad-side.

Once it was shattered, she picked up a small piece. Taking a look at the rock, it seemed a bit different. The outside was still gray, as normal rocks are... but the inside of this rock was pure white.

Maud presented the white inside to Pinkie, “Here eat this,”

The pink filly blinked, “What, you want me too... eat rocks?”

Maud nodded, no more words were said as she held out the bite sized rock. Pinkie moved her hoof to the offered item with the speed of disbelief. She only hesitated once more as she popped it into her mouth.

A sweet taste crashed into her taste buds, like a rock slide. The sugar rotated from the entry point to the back, creating a electric circuit of over powering sweetness. Pinkie's hair did a wave as it flowed through her body. A smirk graced her muzzle and a twinkle in her eye.

Pinkie opened her mouth, “Sweet,”



Pinkie Pie sprung out of bed, awoken from her dream of the past. Her mane also gone back to her bouncy curls of pink. The photo album dropped to the floor with a 'thump'. “Gummy, what was that?”

She looked over to her to find her pet. The messy bed was empty. Obviously he must of fallen off right? Removing the fallen covers, she searched for him. “Gum-”


A loud sound from down stairs echoed into her ears. Pink hair stood up for a moment as she jumped in surprise.

“Ok, I know I heard that, Gummy catch up with me later, I want to see what that was,” Pinkie dropped the side of the covers she was holding.

The pink mare opened her door into the dark hallway. Looking both ways she wondered why the light was off. 'Did I turn those off? Or did the power go out? Oooo If its not fixed by morning the cakes are going to be mad.'

She trotted out into the hallway, every step a floorboard creaked. She frowned, but continued to move forward. Just before passing the twin's room, it flung open. “Hey,”

Pinkie was able to stop the door an inch from her face. Sticking her head around it she felt a cold wind. The dark room had the twins stuff neatly put away. Trotting into the room, Pinkie saw an open window across the room. Narrowing her eyes, she crept across the room to close it. With it now shut, the night air was stopped from intruding. She scanned it for any signs, noticing the corner had a small encasing of ice.

“Wow, I didn't know it was that cold outside,” turning back around she dismissed it.

After trotting out of the room, she closed the door behind her. “Good Night, Pumpkin and Pound Cake.” she whispered as a thought hit her.

'Oh yeah they're not here', She chuckled to herself as she stated down the stairs. She hopped down them two at a time. Arriving at the bottom, she looked around the living area. “Helloooo, Is anypony there?”

The chairs in the living room didn't give her an answer, so she shrugged. No use talking to an empty room, though it had worked that one time.... 'Thunk'. A sound came from the store front. Pinkie shot through the door into the next room, “Gasp.”

On the floor in front of the counter, Gummy was fallen on his side, his jaw open in a silent scream. “Gummy,” The mare rushed over to him touching his side. He was ice cold, his tongue was blue frosted partly in ice.

Pinkie picked up the unblinking gaiter. “what happened Gummy, why are you soo blue?”

The gaiters leg twitched, alerting her to his condition. “Oh we have to warm you up quick.” She wrapped him up in her mane. This provided him a warm blanket that he loved to stay in.

“Don't worry I'll get to the bottom of this.”


The sound reverberated out of the kitchen, causing Pinkie to shake in place. Once she stopped, the mare went right over to the kitchen door. Fling it open with a hoof, peering inside. A single light was on above the open door to the cellar as it creaked. The counter tops were clean. Only other thing she noticed was that the sink looked a little white.

'Hmmm,' She grabbed a magnifying glass out of her mane.

She examined every inch of the floor on her a way to the cellar. A chilly wind tickled her flanks as she arrived at the door. After putting a hoof on the door, she looked down the stairs. The light above the door was swallowed by the darkness inside.

“I can't see anything down there, I have to check.”

She trotted down the steps. Aiming to get to the bottom quick, each step was a blur after the next. Arriving at the bottom- “Waaaaa,” She slipped.

A cold seized her hooves, as she laid out on the ground. Pinkie shook her head to get rid of the stars in her eyes. Looking at her hooves, she noticed that the ground was frozen... “Well, ok.”

Pinkie looked around her, towards a cold wind that was hitting her. The door to the cold food storage area was open, sounds of shuffling came from inside. One hoof after the other, she stood up. 'I got you now,'

Pinkie Pie zipped right into the freezer.

Pointing her hoof at the shadow.

“Don't move.”


Just then, the door came swinging to close.

Pinkie turned around to stop it.

A cold object touched her from behind.


She ran around the freezer, “he got me , he got me, nooooo, I'm it.”

When she finally stopped she noticed the area was empty of anything unusual, except for a big metal box. “hehehe, what's wrong with me. I'm jumping around like Fluttershy.” She booped her own nose.

Taking a look at the side of the box she had noticed a second ago, she read the words on it. “Ohhhhh, Ice-cream!”

Pinkie smiled hopped over to it, then proceeded to pop it open. Peering inside to check out the delicious flavors. The flavors peered back. She blinked, they blinked.... “Wha-aaaaaaaaaa.”

Pinkie hopped back from the living ice-cream. It followed her out of the box. Pinkie watched as it stood there, with a blush on it's face. Waaaaittt, It looked like a pony.

“Sorry, chu scare you,” it said in a male voice, “just delivering emergency Ice-cream.”

Pinkie examined him. The pony top half was light blue, but the bottom was crystal pony see through. He looked like-

“Name's Shaved Ice, the Ice-cream colt.”

Pinkies eyes lit up as she trotted over, “ Oh I just knew you were real.”

Ice shuffled his hooves, “Well yes I-”


He frowned, “What are you doing?”

“Just trying to test your flavor,” She got in one more lick of his mane before hopping away, smacking her lips, “Hmmm Blue Berry.”

Ice backed away from the mare, “eerr, well Mr.Cake ordered a emergency restock, but I wasn't able to do it until just now.”

Pinkie shook her head then approached him, “Uh huh, then why all the sneaking around. HUH.”

“I can't go outside when it was so hot, so I had to wait. Then when it was finally dark, I made sure to inform you with a letter.”

“Ah ha,” Pinkie jumped up, pointing a hoof at him, “You where the pony in that dark cloak. You left ice all over my floor.”

“Sorry, it happens every now and again, my ice cools a lot of the things I touch. Like when I tried to get in the door, a no go, even tried to get at a window, didn’t make it.”

“You opened that window!,”

“No, It was open when I got there, So I used that to opened the door, to make the delivery.”

Pinkie put a hoof to her muzzle, “Then who opened that window.”

Ice shrugs, “I just deliver the ice.”

“And Gummy,” She pulls out the now toasty gaiter out of her mane, “What did you do to him.”

“Nothing really, he just followed me and ate a blue berry drop delight. He was on the counter last I saw him.”

Pinkie looked at Gummy shocked, “ And you didn't share? Gummy, shame on you.”

Ice looked back at his box. “Well I better get going, got a few more to deliver tonig-,”


*bink, bink bink bink bink

The sound of glass being tapped echoed into the home, which was unnoticed in the cellar.

A pegasus mare sighed as she looked into a pink room's window.

She turned away, flying off to an empty bed.

“All right them Mr. Ice-cream colt, thanks for the tasty treats.” Pinkie hopped around him.

Ice put up a protective hoof over his mane, “Anytime... bye.”

Pinkie waved at him, as he picked up his box... “Wait, what was up with all the Boom sounds?”

Ice scratched his head, “Heavy box?”

Pinkie nodded her head with a serious face, “With all that Ice around your neck, It must be one heavy Boom Box.”