• Published 28th Apr 2014
  • 658 Views, 23 Comments

Suger Cube Corner Days - RemareShadows

The silly every day going ons with Pinkie Pie, at Sugar Cube Corner... so turn around and trot away, quickly.

  • ...

Day 2 -Rolling in Dough-


Sugar Cube Corner Days- Day 2

Rolling in Dough

Pinkie Pie jumped outta bed and slammed her bedroom curtains onto the ground with fervor. She sucked in a load of air and stuck her head out the window. "Goooood Morning, Ponyville!"

Everypony who happened to be awake covered their ears. Those who happened to still be sleeping fell screaming out of their beds. "Gahhhhh!" A mint green unicorn flailed her hooves, managing to kick her partner off the bed with a thump.

The bedside table shook as the ejected earth pony stood up with a grumble. "What the hay, Lyra. Am I your punching bag now?"

Lyra watched her partner with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, BonBon. Pinkie's in a 'Yelling’ good mood..."

Bonbon's brow furrowed. "Don't you dare blame this all on Pinkie Pie. This is the third time this week!" BonBon rubbed three dark patches on her body. Her belly, left fore-hoof, and muzzle. "The girls keep asking me if they need to call the town watch."

Lyra bowed her head in shame as the outside noise picked up.

"Good morning, Pinkie!" called a gray pegasus.

"Looking good there, morning mare." greeted a blue stallion.

"Go back to sleep." added a donkey, impassively.

Pinkie waved at the residents, cheerful or otherwise. "Good to see you everypony!" she said, her hair bobbing like a spring.

Going back inside, Pinkie trotted down the steps to the kitchen. She grabbed her frilly baker's apron, then looked for today’s list. The Cakes normally left a list of any special orders they had taken on the wall. "Hmm, doesn't look like they have any big orders after last night. Hehe, time to bake some cakes!"

Pinkie turned on the oven to let it preheat. It groaned as the first fires of day lit, adding a slowly growing heat to the inside. The mare tossed a bowl onto the middle rack and a twinkle gleamed in her eyes as she prepared herself for the best part of baking.

Or walking... Or, well, anything really.

"I'm gonna baaake a cake, because I caaan’t be late.~
Nopony caaaaan mistake, that it will taaaste so great.~”
Pinkie spun around the room, adding flour, eggs and water in, matching the rhythm of her song.
"With all my ingredients so fresh,
It make's-”

*Bang Bang Bang*

“Pinkie!” The sudden interruption made Pinkie stumble sending a bowl of cake batter arcing through the air. With a gasp, Pinkie reached out and caught it, balancing it on the tip of one hoof.

“Hello?” she looked back quizzically, while laying the precariously balanced batter back down on the counter.

“Pinkie, let me in!”

“Sassy? Nice to see you! Well, hear you anyway.”



“The door, please.”

Pinkie giggled,“Oh yeah.”

Abandoning her baking for the time being, she bounced up the steps into the still unopened cafe. Pulling open the back door revealed Sassaflash, Ponyville’s resident sarsaparilla maker, whose eyes widened at the sight of the pink, or rather, white apparition in the doorway.

“Uh, Pinkie?”

“Hey Sassy! What’s cooking? Well, not actually cooking of course, unless you are cooking? I know I am!” Pinkie looked at the new arrival with a sidelong glance. “Are you cooking anything, Sassy?”

Sassaflash hadn’t been paying much attention. Tuning Pinkie out was a habit that was hard to break. Nevertheless, she was sure that Pinkie was, well, pink. “Why’re you covered in... flour?” she hazarded.

The party pony didn’t seem to notice Sassaflash’s comment. Her coat and mane were dusted with a thick covering of the white powder, but all of her attention seemed to be focussed on her nose, which was wrinkling back and forth urgently. Sassaflash looked concerned until an mighty sneeze filled the air along with clouds of white dust. Once it had settled, Pinkie was inexplicably clean. Sassaflash, however, had no such luck.

The white, née cyan, pegasus sighed in resignation. She handed a clipboard to Pinkie. She signed the document and passed it back. She was glad that Caramel wasn’t in town today. He wouldn’t let her live this look down. With a small, cynical smile gracing her lips, Sassaflash nodded to a crate of bottles by her hooves.

“Figured you’d need some more sarsaparilla, so I grabbed a box out of the warehou-”


"Sassy! You’re a ghost!" The mare in question's mouth was left hanging wide open. "Quick, we need to revive you right away!"

"No, I'm-" In the middle of trying to form an excuse, Sassaflash was picked up like a sack of potatoes.

Pinkie zipped back inside the shop, slamming the door shut en-route and leaving a perfectly good crate of the tangy beverage out in the cold. White powder trailing behind her, she cantered through the shop as if there was a ghost at her heels which, in her mind at least, there was.

"Sassy, it's going to be ok. Zecora gave me a handy remedy for this!"

"WHAT?! She even makes remedies for ghosts?" Sassaflash looked horrified.

"Yep-a-roni! She can cure almost anythin-"

"But, I'm not a go-"

"Now now, no need to panic! The cure will feel super, duper good! You'll be back to being Sassy in a flashy!"

"I-" *Bam*

Before Sassaflash could complain, her head jarred violently off the bathroom door frame. Pinkie frowned. "I thought ghosts could go through walls."

Sassaflash opened her mouth to speak, but the canaries spinning loops around her head shushed her before she could get a word out.

The pink mare shrugged, "Sassy musta just turned half ghostie-goo."

Setting her friend down, Pinkie looked at her hooves in concern. They were covered in the ominous ghost-like whiteness. "Oh no, it's spreading!"

The mare was on the move in a flash. The bath taps pumped out hot water, which filled the room with steam. Pinkie yanked open a cabinet on which the warning, ‘Pinkie only’, had been hastily scrawled in blue crayon. Reaching her afflicted hoof into it, she felt around for the fabled ghost pony cure. She never needed it until now. Bottle after bottle was pulled out of the cupboard, unnecessary ones discarded with a hoof while Pinkie held a concussed Sassaflash up with the other.

“‘Demonic Possession Cure’,” she frowned, “Nope.”

“‘Flim-Flam Brothers’ Miracle Curative Tonic’? How’d that get in here?”

“Cinnamon, Silver Fulminate, Parasprite Repellent, Parasprite Attractant, Sparkle Feed, Ground-, Ah ha!”

Triumphantly, she revealed a small and unassuming black bottle, its contents were indistinguishable. Pinkie was ninety-percent certain that Zecora had meant this as a ghost cure; The word “spirit” had definitely come up, though sometimes the zebra’s compulsive rhyming could get confusing. Uncorking the mysterious flask, Pinkie poured a generous measure of its contents into the steaming bath. The potion was green, with an apple fragrance, and it bubbled slightly as it struck the water. Pinkie dabbed a bit on her hoof with a cloth and was delighted to see the ghostly aura fade away.

Grinning at a problem well solved, Pinkie lifted the ethereal Sassaflash in her hooves and threw her into the bath. Stunned as she was, being dropped into bubbling water was enough to make anypony yelp. Pinkie bounced cheerfully from the bathroom, it was probably rude to watch a pony get reincarnated, after all!


After the initial shock, Sassaflash had found the bath rather pleasant. The flour had quickly washed off her coat, and after some effort, she’d managed to extract the last traces from her mane as well. The vapours drifting up from the tub smelled relaxing, though she was having a hard time remembering where she knew the smell from.

In fact, she was having a hard time remembering anything at all. The pegasus giggled slightly, and splashed at the water with her wings. It wasn’t until Pinkie heard the thump of Sassaflash’s head banging off wood, with which she was now intimately familiar, that she ventured back into the bathroom with concern.

"Sassy, are you ok in here?" Pinkie trotted over to the tub.

The room was quiet, with only the sound of a few bubbles popping. The pink mare peaked over the side of the bath and into the water... the number of bubbles increased instantly."Woah."

Pinkie hopped up and dived back down.
"No bath time scuba diving on my watch!"

Pink hooves splashed in the water, wrapping around her pegasus friend. The newly reborn mare was pulled gracefully from the bathtub, and ceremoniously coughed bath water all over the room. Pinkie giggled at the fresh, red birthmark on Sassaflash's forehead. "Aww, look at the new born baby!~"

Sassaflash, having spit out all the water, tried to get a grip on her senses. "A... what? A maybe? That's not a-"

Pinkie quickly cut her off. "Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. No, a baby, because you were just reborn."

"Eh, a,” *giggle* “daisy? That's even better.” Sassaflash let out a small hiccup, then looked puzzled.

Pinkie nods her head, "Good! I'm glad you agree with me!"

The other mare smiled, wobbling a bit. "Now that you've been born, I'll name you Sassy Pie! I’ve just got to get you washed up. Oooh, your first bath! I'll put it in my scrapbook!”

Pinkie was right. In all the commotion, flakes of debris had insinuated themselves into, “Sassy Pie’s” mane. The pegasus’s previous reincarnation bath hadn’t so much cleaned her as replaced some of the flour on her coat with paint scrapings. Pinkie grabbed a bar of blue soap and began to work up a lather on Sassaflash’s coat. She did her best to keep the foam out of the pegasus’s eyes and did a fairly good job, considering all the hiccuping.

Sassaflash had made a mental note to buy some of Zecora’s “ghost cure”, for personal use, whenever she next saw her... but the mental paper had rapidly dissolved in the vapours from Pinkie’s bathtub. The vast majority of her coherent thought now occupied the same spot in her free-wheeling mind as her memories of beautiful historic oil paintings. Interesting to look at, certainly, but not something she’d ever consider trying herself. In fact, one of the few feelings she could still process with any clarity at all was tiredness, and it was being processed in spades.

“Mmh, mmh tired, Pinkie,” she mumbled, “‘s warm.”

Comfortable, Sassaflash began to slump backwards in Pinkie’s hooves, and before the baker could reply, the pegasus was fast asleep. Smiling caringly, Pinkie dried Sassaflash as best she could and carried her upstairs to an exclusively pink bedroom. She laid Sassaflash down on the pink bedsheets and covered her with a light pink blanket, before flicking the lights off quietly, tip-hoofing out the door.

She still had some baking to do, she’d just have to sing extra extra softly.

Comments ( 7 )

A little weird, but nice chapter!:twilightsmile:
Oh, and btw, I saw that you want OC's to be customers. I got one you can use. Should I drop it in the comments or PM you?


Send me a pm and let me know all about em.

I'll send you a PM


Heh, just think. These are regular days.
Nothing crayz....


Ah yes, the power of muffins,
Hey, eat this. Your a beast when your hungry.

Sweet un identified beings. It let's you make a guess and happiness for a correct answer! Fun!

Can my Oc be a customer?

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