• Published 27th Apr 2014
  • 6,261 Views, 56 Comments

Inspiration Manifestation: Spike - Servant Phoenix

Spike has eaten the book of Inspiration Manifestation. The next day he accidentally casts its dark spell on himself.

  • ...

Never Change

“Stupid magic book.”

Spike was cleaning up the library in the morning, fighting the dust with a broom. It had taken half day for three alicorns to reverse Rarity’s dark magic and Twilight didn’t appreciate that at all. The fact that Spike had eaten an ancient magic book only worsened the bookworm’s mood. As a punishment, he had to clean the whole library, from the basement to the balcony on the top of the treehouse.

Spike had planned to go out for a picnic with Fluttershy on that beautiful summer day. Instead, he was venting his frustration by mocking his source of misery. “Who could’ve even written such a thing? It sounds ridiculous,” he said and danced around with theatrical motions, repeating the words:

From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action.

Hold close this book and through its spell you start a chain reaction.

Projecting forth whatever beauty you see,

Only when true words are spoken, you’ll finally be set free.

He ended with both of his claws risen. He shook his head. “What’s even the point of holding the book close?”

His stomach growled.

Spike glanced at his belly. “Huh? But I’ve had breakfast already.” It growled again. He shrugged. “I guess another breakfast won’t hurt.”

He walked into the kitchen and took two eggs from the fridge. After putting them on the table, Spike decided to start the fire. He grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard and put it on the cooking plate. He inhaled, and exhaled green fire under the pan.

His eyes went wide open when the fire didn’t stay under the pan. Instead, it swirled into the pan, then disappeared, leaving two fried eggs behind.

“What the?” Spike glanced back at the table, the eggs there still waiting to be broken. He nervously took a fried egg with his claw and took a small bite. “Mhmm, it tastes good! But how did I make it with my fire?”

An idea came into his mind. “I want lots of gems, right here.” He breathed fire on the floor.


In front of him, a great pile of gems lay. His gems! He jumped into the tasty heap of sparkling jewels and pressed them one-by-one into his mouth.

After ten minutes, he felt he was so full that if he tried to push one more down his throat, he would vomit. He sighed in content, lying on the top of the hill. “Finally I get what I deserve. I can’t even count how many hours I’ve laboured for Rarity to barely get a gem or two. Now, it’s all mine!” He looked down.

Then he noticed that the pile had become smaller.

“What? Is somepony stealing my gems?!” He quickly rose up and jumped down to the floor.

To his horror, it was not the pile that had shrunk. He’d grown twice of his size. “Oh no! I can’t go greed spurt again!” He put his claws on his head and paced back and forth in the kitchen. “What do I do? What do I do? Last time, Rarity made me remember when…” He stopped. “Ah, got it! Generosity!” He grabbed a huge chunk of the pile and ran out of the library. He darted his eyes around, then spotted a familiar pegasus with grey coat and yellowish mane. “Derpy!”

Derpy waved at him as he was running to her. “Oh, hey Spike!” She frowned. “Are you getting bigger, or is it just my eyes?”

He dumped all the gems in front of her. “Here, take it, it’s yours, for free.”

The pegasus and the pile suddenly grew bigger.

“Whoa, I’m seeing weird things. Now you’re small again.” She looked at the gems with one eye. “Are you really giving all these to me?”

Spike sighed in relief. “Yeah, I…I don’t need them.” He felt his mouth water, but shook his head. He could make more for himself if he wanted to.

Derpy beamed at Spike with open mouth. “I can pay for Dinky’s schooling with all these! My little Muffin will become the biggest sorcerer in Canterlot!” She jumped on Spike and hugged him. “Thank you so much!”

“Okay, okay, you’re welcome, just let me go.”

“Oh, sorry.” She released him, then looked at the pile. “I wonder how I’m gonna bring all these home.”

Spike rolled his eyes and breathed fire under the gems. A cart appeared, the gems in it.

Derpy blinked a few times, her pupils jumping around. “Wow! Dragons can make carts from their mouths?”

Spike scratched his neck. “Uhm, not really. Actually, I don’t know how I did that either.”

Derpy chuckled. “It’s like yesterday, when Rarity did all that magic. Stuff appeared from nowhere. The poor princesses looked so exhausted when they finished undoing all that fancy.” She flew to the cart and hitched herself to it. “Thank you again!” She gave him one more smile, then pulled the cart away.

Spike stood there, shocked. “I… Rarity… That can’t be!” He ran back into the library, to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror. “I want a chair.” He breathed fire while watching his reflection nervously. His eyes flashed sickly green as the chair appeared. “But how? I’m not even a unicorn! I…”

Then he remembered. He had eaten the spell book! A dragon’s magic to breathe fire was in his belly. He had spoken the verse, while the book had been close. Really close. He was now infected with dark magic! “Twilight!” He ran around, searching the library for her. He checked upstairs. “Oh no, she went out for grocery shopping. I have to—”

The door opened, and Twilight walked in, levitating a few bags. “I’m back!”

Spike sprinted down the stairs. “Ah, thank goodness! Twilight, you gotta help me!”

She looked at him with surprised eyes. “Yes?”

“I…” He stopped. Did he really want Twilight to take away his ability? He could make a pile of gems with a thought for goodness sake! With these powers, he could even make something to impress Rarity. He could even... even ask her out for a date! “I found a huge pile of gems in the kitchen!”

“Oh, really?” Twilight asked in a suspicious tone.

“Yeah, check it out!” He pointed at the kitchen.

Twilight tilted an eyebrow, but went in to investigate. When she entered the kitchen, she gasped. “Where did all these come from?”

“I don’t know. I was just cleaning the library. Somepony must have left it here,” he said, eyeing the open library door.

“Spike, ponies don’t just leave huge piles of gems in the middle of someone’s kitchen. There must be some missing information here.”

He stepped towards the door. “I’ll go ask Rarity, maybe she knows something.”

Twilight looked at Spike. “Why Rarity?”

“Well, she works with gems. Gotta go, see ya later!” He sprinted out of the library, shutting the door behind him. He pressed his ear to the door and listened for a few more seconds if Twilight had decided to follow him, but she didn’t. “Phew, that was close.” He wiped his forehead. “Now, to Rarity.”

He walked through the streets of Ponyville. What should he give her? He looked at Roseluck’s stand. Maybe a flower? Nah, he didn’t need Inspiration Manifestation for that. He had to think bigger! His darting eyes stopped when he spotted the city on the mountains north from Ponyville. Rarity loved Canterlot. Sometimes Spike thought that the only reason she didn’t move to live there was because of her friends. Still, he could use Rarity’s yearning towards Canterlot as key to the mare’s heart. He nodded to himself and quickened his steps.

He arrived at the purple and blue building and peeked into the interiors through a window. Rarity was inside, busy with making some clothes. He quickly backed away from the window, took a deep breath, then exhaled over the grass next to the boutique.

His fire swirled and twisted as it began forming a huge object. He watched in awe as his idea manifested: a replica of Canterlot, made of crystal, as huge as the Carousel Boutique itself. It even had the waterfalls; their water collected into a plate at the bottom, flowing back into the sculpture through a pipe, probably sucked by some hidden engine.

For a few seconds, he just stared at it, then he shook his head and gave a deep sigh. “Okay, time for the harder part.” He walked to the door and knocked on it.

A sweet voice came from inside, “Coming!”

He heard her hoofsteps.

Getting louder.

She was almost at the door!

Spike’s little heart beat so fast that he thought it would jump out. “Relax, Spike. You can do it.”

The door opened. “Oh hello, Spike.”

He jumped into the air. “Oh… Hello… Khm.” He stopped panting and stood straight up. “Hello, my dear Rarity.” He bowed and pointed at the mini-city “I’ve brought you a gift.”

Rarity turned her head, then her jaw almost fell on the ground at the sight of the huge construct in front of her. She walked to it, with Spike behind. “Spike, this is gorgeous! And huge!” She touched it with a hoof and caressed it. “It’s pure crystal, a masterwork indeed. I...” She looked at him. “How did you have money for this?”

“Oh don’t worry. If you want to, I can make the castle even bigger!” For some reason, Rarity flinched when he said that. Anyways, step three. “And… well… I wondered if you would like to go on a date with me?” He looked away. He feared her rejection so much that it took him years to finally collect his courage to ask her out. He hoped that a gift as huge as this would be enough to convince her.

He felt Rarity put a hoof under his chin and slowly turn his face back to her. She was giving him a smile, full of caring. “Spike, why did you use Inspiration Manifestation?”

He blinked. “How did you know?”

She pulled back her hoof. “Darling, your eyes flashed green when you said you could make the castle even bigger, the same color my magic was when I was under its spell. And this…” She glanced back. “It’s impossible you had the money for such a marvelous sculpture. Even the materials to carve it would cost a fortune.”

Spike gazed at the ground. “I guess I’m busted then.” He plopped down on the grass.

“Why did you use it?”

“Because I’ve got nothing.” He looked up at her with glistening eyes. ”You are beautiful, kind and generous. You have your own house, your own business. You have so much and willing to give even more.” He hung his head. “While I… I’m just a librarian’s assistant in a house that’s is not even mine.”

Rarity raised his chin with a hoof. “You forgot the greatest treasure you have, Spike.”

He looked into her beautiful blue eyes. They showed no scolding, no regret, just pure kindness. “What do you mean?” he asked, almost whispering.

Rarity leaned in and kissed him on his cheek. “You. You’re the best thing that you can give. I’m so happy you finally gathered the courage to ask me out. You don’t need gifts; just be who you are, Spike. I would never want you to change.”

Spike felt his whole body rise up into the air as wind appeared from nowhere. His eyes opened unnaturally wide, and the whole world seemed for him to become green. Then the green manifested as a mist and flew away into the sky.

He felt disoriented as he descended back to the ground. “What happened?” When he regained his vision, he saw Rarity smiling at him.

“Next Tuesday, sunset. Do not be late; a lady doesn’t like to wait for her date.”

Spike gasped, “Of course! I’ll be there an hour before!”

Rarity kissed him again on the cheek. “Sunset is enough. Now, if you allow me, I have lot of work to do.” She walked back to the door. “See you later, Spikey Wikey.”

“See you later... Rarity.”

When Rarity closed the door behind her, Spike jumped higher he had ever done before, releasing a scream of joy that was heard even on the other side of Ponyville.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to my copy-editors: bobdat and ping111.

Comments ( 55 )

But anyway, this was just perfect! Wasn't rushed, wasn't OOC, and it seems like a great follow-up to the episode!
10 out of 10! :yay:

So basically, that spell is basically God Mode in Equestria? Makes sense.

Also, the fact that the spell takes away who you are as a consequence, makes even more sense.

4300440 I'm so happy you enjoyed it :yay:

4300450 Well, I guess there is a reason Cereal called Rarity omnipotent in the followup. But it really kinda was, I mean... she was just running around, making stuff appear without effort, then it took three alicorn princesses to exhaustion to revert it.

great job. I loved it

Silly Spike.




Indeed, but that's what makes him the best dragon. :moustache:

THis was awesome!

This was awesome:rainbowkiss:

She was giving her a smile, full of caring. him not her I believe.

It was cute, a bit short from I have the spell to conclusion, though Rarity having been under the effect does make it within reason. At times you used a lot of names or pronouns to start sentences/paragraphs in a row and that's a bit repetitive; however, there were other times where you were mixing it up nicely to get a good balance.

I do believe this is quite possibly my favourite Sparity story now.

Well, now Derpy is quite a bit richer, that could be hard to explain. Of course the huge crystal sculpture of Canterlot that's still in Rarity's front yard will be even harder to explain.
I would like to point out that in this story Rarity seems to remember what happened to her, but in the episode she didn't seem to recall anything after the event. However it is possible the memories came back to her later and it was just the initial shock of the dark magic leaving her that caused her temporary memory loss.

Simple, yet cute. :twilightsmile:

Earlier I ask myself "What happen to the book that Spike have eaten?" and a story was made.

Yay Spike! :raritystarry:

“Darling, your eyes flashed green when you said you could make the castle even bigger, the same color my magic was when I was under its spell. And this…”

Ironically, the show had her not remember a thing, which actually ticked me off. Which is ironic since her otherwise recognizing what happened with Spike makes perfect sense.

Good follow up.:twilightsmile:

I hope the book has completely dissolved in his stomach, otherwise he's going to have a VERY hard time the next day.

This was cute. I do wonder if the spell can really be destroyed

Aren't spikes eyes already green? How did she even catch that, then?
And didn't she forget when the spell canceled?

4300647 Fixed

And yeah, I still need to improve my sentence-start variation.

4300782 Wow, I never expected that to happen. I'm so happy you like it. :raritystarry:

I'm 100% sure ponies (and dragon) gave Rarity a bigger recap later. (I mean, Twilight exactly knew what the book was, and where Spike got it from. It implies that Spike told her, and Rarity must have been interested in the explanation too) Also, most probably Rarity got a bad word or two from the citizens of Ponyville for her doings.

4303096 Spike's eyes are green, but his eyes flashed in green. See the explanation for Rarity's memory above.

Thank you all for your kind words.

4301448 :yay: :moustache:

4301192 Exactly :raritywink:

4302856 Don't worry, he'll be fine. :rainbowlaugh: (Hopefully :twilightoops:)

When he started talking about Canterlot, I thought he was going to manifest the entire city off the mountain and next-door to ponyville. :rainbowlaugh:

Adorable story! :pinkiehappy:


It's just Rarity not remember left a bad taste in my mouth.

4303662 Yeah, it's always annoying when a characters goes through some great adventure which develops his character, then at the end he forgets everything by some memory clearing effect. It makes the whole story pointless.

4303360 I guess it would have taken years for Twilight to undo that. :rainbowlaugh:

4301192 - Made more sense to me for the book to survive being eaten. Twilight probably made Spike cough it up later if she found out he had eaten it. Surely she would ask where the book went. Such artifacts of dark magic clearly are very hard to destroy, otherwise Celestia would have destroyed the book herself instead of just locking it up.

4310008 Are dragons immune to dark magic?

Traditionally, dragons are magic resistant to harmful effects. Although, they're no stranger to absorbing them either.

4311075 It all depends on the source. In D&D mythology dragons just have a very high resistance to magic and can make saving throughs to nullify its effects. In Fairly Oddparents, dragons were completely immune to magic, so it all depends on the source material and what's connvinient for the writer.


and what's connvinient for the writer.

I like this part.


Oooow , awesomeeee

4300474 Yup, God Mode with a price.:moustache:

4310985 - Their scales are at least resistant to magic, but a tough outside means a vulnerable inside. As ChaoticNote said, dragons can still absorb magic, and in Spike's case, its a whole book of dark magic.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think if someone writes a fanfic about Spike eating that spellbook, there should be some consequences for our favorite little dragon. Anything could happen. Perhaps he might mutate into yet another form, this one triggered and infused with all that dark magic. If you want to challenge the Mane Six, have them face their own friend and be reluctant to potentially harm or kill him.

Awesome I gave it a nice 7.9/10 :twilightsmile:

Nice story. Not gonna fave, but it's definitely worthy of a comment and upvote.

4377279 Thank you. I'll try my best to get better in my later stories and earn your favorite.

4505317 Thank you, Crystal Lin. :twilightsmile:
You got into a delay with your first fimfic? Maybe need a proofreader?

Hey, > > ServantPheoenix I think I do need a editor. Post me A.S.A.P.. please???

"You? Your Mr. The Dragon? We're from the Ponyville planning commission, Where are your permits for. . . .":facehoof:

This was a great follow up to the episode! I do have a series of follow up questions. After the spell gets broken, does the book stay in his stomach, or does it dissolve, or does it come out along with his next movement? If it stays in his stomach, can he cast it on himself again, or is it like a one use per creature type deal? If it dissolves, would that mean that he would become flooded with dark magic? And if it does, what then? As for the third option, I really don't have any follow up questions for that option as it is pretty self explanatory.

The dark magic left his body after he got rejected. If anything is left from the book, it is non-magical and will leave Spike's body in the... conventional way. :rainbowlaugh:

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