• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 816 Views, 5 Comments

Never Meet Your Idols! - Living Madness

David was a Drunken loser. Now that hes been thrown into Equestria.... Well he's still a Drunken Loser. But he's in a band ready to make it big as the first ever Equestrian Rock and Roll Group. However along the way he picks up some unusua

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Chapter Two. The Number One Fan(s).

Rainbow Dash stretched out here forelegs and wings as she sat up. Giving a load overdrawn yawn before throwing the covers off her, and lifting herself from the comfort of her cloud bed. She moved towards the end of the bed with her hooves dangling precariously off the side, groaning slightly. She was not a morning person, and never would be. She had only forced herself to get up because today was important. As she rubbed her eyes with her hooves, she peered at a ticket lying on her bedside table with a cocky grin that would have been too much on anyone else. She reached over and picked up the ticket.

“Heh, todays the day.” Rainbow stated confidently with that cocky smile still plastered on her face.

Todays the day I get to see Emperors of the Stone, In Ponyville no less. Me, Rainbow Dash, their number one fan! Dash thought.

Dash thought back to the day she had first heard the band on the radio one faithful afternoon. She was never really one for music. Seeing it as a waste of time, while she was training to hard most days for the Wonderbolts to spend her time on music, either that or napping. She liked Vinyl’s work but it was more of the party sort of thing, and hardly left a lasting impression once she left the club, and the other Ponyville music was to soft and namby pamby for Rainbow’s taste. If she was going to listen to music it had be just as fast and cool as she was, which was why she fell in love with the band in the first place. It was just so different from anything she had ever heard it was confident, Loud and TOTALLY AWESOME! She didn’t quite know why they described it as Rock and Roll she had seen the interviews in the magazines with the band members, she had even memorized all the lyrics. But not once had they mentioned working on a rock farm like her friend Pinkie used to. But whatever the name seemed to fit the music pretty well so who cared really.

Placing the tickets down at her side, she flicked on the radio to see if there was any news on the upcoming gig. That or if they were playing any of the songs from their new album soon to be released, she thought not she was on the ball with most of the info about the band some would say she was a bit obsessive about it but when Rainbow liked something she went all out on it. Even if she was herself a little embarrassed to admit that maybe she new a little too much about the band, compared to the average fan but who cares she was allowed to be a bit over the top. Especially considering they would be playing live at the gig in Ponyville today, which quickly got Dash giddy again at the prospect. Dash lifted herself from her bed and walked slowly towards the radio at the other end of her bedroom. As soon as she adjusted the radio to the correct channel she was greeted with a familiar voice.

“Hello and welcome to Pony Rock Radio, bringing you the rock that will make you roll” Rainbow rolled her eyes at the terrible catch phrase the station had picked, before averting her attention to the radio once again.

“I'm your host Airwaves, and todays the lucky day Mares and stallions. That's Right Emperors of the Stone, everyponys favorite rock and roll band are playing in Ponyville This. Very. Night. promising three exclusive new tracks from their up and coming album.”

Rainbow threw her forehoofs to the air in excited trump, she already knew this but, conformation never hurt anypony.

"You heard it folks three new tracks! All featured live on this very channel so if you don’t have tickets you can still catch all your rock and or roll experiences right here at Pony Rock Radio."

“Common get to the Music already” Rainbow moaned already sick of the overly enthusiastic presenter.

“Alright here’s one of their songs to get you in the mood to start the mourning, and remember everypony, the first three ponies at the gig will be rewarded with free back stage passes, and the chance to meet the band personally.”

Rainbows ears perked up immediately upon hearing the announcement. “Wait, what!” Rainbow exclaimed loudly in shock.

Almost as if the presenter had heard her, he repeated again “Yes folks that’s right your number one band is allowing three lucky fans to meet them personally backstage. But only the first three at the door, before the event starts. So get your flanks on down to the ponyville theatre sponsored by Fancy Pants new Fashion line where every pony can feel fancy in pants no less.”
After the announcement and another one of the presenter terrible puns the music began, and Rainbows ears was rewarded with one of the songs from the band.

However Rainbow was still in mild shock from the announcement, she shook her head to get rid of the surprise before rushing to the bathroom.

Have to get ready, must be first one in line!

She ran into her bathroom skidding and slipping on the tiles as she rushed into the shower. Barely ten seconds later rainbow was outside of the shower shaking off the water from her fur and wings in one quick motion and began rushing to her bedside table.

No time to for food, and drying off will only slow me down.

Rainbow grabbed the ticket in her mouth, and a small bag of bits presiding next to them. Before firing out her front door.

Ok, if head straight there now I’m certain I can be first, thank Celestia I already got somepony else to cover for my work shift today. Ow I just hope I get there before anypony else. Snap out of it rainbow you’re the fastest flyer in Ponyville of course I’ll make it before anypony else.
However what she hadn't accounted for, was a similar sized Pink Mare that bounced up from the clouds just as she launched out the door. With no time to react, Dash immediately collided with the pink blur, before hitting the ground. Bracing for the hard and painful ground, Rainbow was thankful when she instead crashed against a soft small mountain of assorted equally pink pillows organised by a trampoline bellow her House.

“Dashie!” Pinkie yelled in oblivious glee seemingly unhurt or even un-dazed. Quickly wrapping her friend in an embracing hug.

“Uh… what the.” Dash muttered in mild shock and confusion, slowly attempting to comprehend what had just happened. Turning her gaze to the pink body wrapped around her.

“Wait, Pinkie what are you doing here?” Dash stated still disorientated from the fall.

“Duh, it’s Saturday Morning, you asked me to wake you up early because you were scared you’d oversleep silly filly” Pinkie stated bopping Dash on the nose softly with her hoof in a friendly gesture. “You seemed extra serious about getting up today so I thought I’d come by reeeeal early and wake up my favorite blue and rainbow coloured Pegasus.” Pinkie said smiling.

That’s right I did ask her to wake me. Didn't think it was gonna be like this though. I guess that’s Pinkie for you.

“Uh Pinks, as much as I appreciate you coming to wake me up, could you maybe, possibly let me up. I need to get to Ponyville theatre right now its super important.”

Pinkie ended the embrace and stepped back as Dash lifted herself up from the cushions.

“Pinkie, what’s with all the cushions?” Dash stated once again confused by her friends motives.

“Safety first Dashie.” Pinkie said with a huge smile that almost seem too big for her face.

“But where did you even get all these from, wait did you know this was going to…” rainbow began to say before stopping.

If I keep asking questions I’ll be here all day, who knows how many ponies are already getting there, got to be fast.

“Sorry pinkie no time to chat, got to get going, catch you later.” Dash yelled spring into the sky in the direction of the concert.

“WAIT, DASH YOU FORGO…” was all she could hear from Pinkie, but she was already too far gone to hear the rest.

Sorry pinks can’t stop now, I got a band to catch.

Luna leaned her head around the crack in her chamber doors, looking around the hallway outside of her room. She was greeted with silence, and not a pony around. She giggle inwardly and shut the door with an overly enthusiastic slam as she giddily galloped towards the radio. She began fiddling with the knobs in an attempt to ‘tune in’ as they called it. She still had a hard time working these new pieces of technology, even after these years back in Canterlot.

Tis amazing, and at the same time infuriating just how much things can change in a thousand years.

Luna pondered to herself briefly, still fiddling with the Knobs and antenna of the radio with her magic. Finally after a short time of fine tuning, and yelling at the inanimate radio for disobeying its princes in such a way. Luna stumbled upon the channel she had wanted. The music blasted instantly, louder than Luna had expected, she slammed the volume down in panic, and snapped her head to the direction of her open balcony listening intently for any other sounds.

She turned and began trotting forward towards the balcony doors, peering slowly round one of them. She could see the sun slowly making its way over the horizon signalling morning. She had wanted to get to bed early to be well rested, allowing her to free up some time later after court in order to listen to the radio, which was apparently airing a live concert for a certain musical group she had grown to admire. However the excitement had made it hard for her to even concentrate, let alone rest. Luna closed the balcony doors and drew the blinds with her magic. Lest her sister see her awake in her room at this hour and come investigating.

It was not as if she wasn't allowed to, or that she was worried that her sister would find out. Well ok maybe the latter was true. She had stated to Celestia many times over that she was not happy with all the new changes around the kingdom in her absence, and that the art and music culture did not hold a Candle to what it did back before the banishment. It was actually Celestia’s idea for her to have a radio in her room, as a way of adjusting to the culture shock Luna was going through. At least that was what Celestia had stated. In honesty it was most likely more of an innocent little prank on Celestia’s part, at least that’s what Luna believed. Nobody suspected it but she knew her sister had a mischievous prankster side to her that Luna was all too familiar with because she did too.

She had protested at first of course, throwing the radio to one side of her room, refusing to accept the new technology to infect her with its barbaric ways. However on one dull, dreary night two years ago. After having preformed her nocturnal duty’s, and preside over a particularly tedious debate at night court, in which she was forced to listen to two mares argue over what the official size of traffic cones for cart control should be. She was left drained and utterly bored in her room.

Fiddling with the radio idly in mild curiosity. She had accidentally tuned into the faithful channel, which she was now attempting to access. Immediately she was hit with the tremendous sound wave of noise that she had later found out to be called Emperors of the Stone. At first it had been more than a bit startling. In fact Luna had accidentally launched the radio at the wall in a surprised with her magic. However upon gathering her composure, and mentally stating that a talking box was not going to get the best of her. The princess began turning the volume dial again, more cautiously this time until she could hear its startling sound once more.

As the music returned Luna somewhat biasedly began dismissing it as inaudible noise. However her curiosity refused to let her turn the radio off. Hit again with a wall of sound from a guitar and a bass instrument tuned in a way that Luna had never heard or guest possible. The sound was quickly followed by a Crashing of the drums. Hit with such ferocity and power, it felt like the mare or stallion playing it had some sort of personal vendetta against them. Luna had contemplated why anypony would willingly expose themselves to such noisy ferocity. However after a moment this onslaught of music was followed by a still ‘aggressive’ but compared to the instruments much more soothing voice, no that wasn't the right word, confident, enthusiastic, even pained Voice? Luna could not place the correct term for the voice of who she later found out to be the front human David, or Lemmy as he was known unofficially. Somehow the collaboration of all four of these sounds created an entirely new and somehow invigorating experience to Luna.

Interestingly Luna had actually meet David briefly before on more official terms. After the first year of his arrival a tall ‘human’, as he called himself standing upright on his two rear legs he came up just taller than Luna herself but not as tall as Celestia especially if you counted her Horn. Whilst the cause of his arrival into equestrian was entirely unknown to both sisters. He had thankfully seemed like a harmless creature, and Luna had found nothing she could fault him with. Although she remembered him being abnormally quiet and nervous during their first meeting. However Luna had guessed that if she was throw into an alien world like he was, she too would have been apprehensive about speaking herself. David had never mentioned his apparent love for music though, so it came as quite a surprise when Luna managed to recognize his name and voice on the radio in such a way. It was a complete one eighty compared to how she had originally pictured him. In all honesty though to Luna, David was not a very good singer, not by her standards anyway. Most of Luna’s experiences with singing came from one of Canterlots many Operas, and by their standards David’s voice simply paled. However it did have some primal charm to it there was a hidden passion in his wails that made for interesting listening to say the least, and to Luna’s surprise it was by no means unpleasant to the ears.

After adjusting to the completely new sounds she was experiencing. What she had heard of the band had filled her with mixed feeling to say the least. They were certainly vaguer by her standards of music. Never had she heard so much swearing and less than subtle innuendos about fornication and even drugs in a song before. However the music had stuck with her, and after much deliberation and self-conflicting inner arguing. She was begrudgingly forced to except to herself that she did indeed find the music tolerable in a way that she could not describe.

Slowly after three more songs, she was greeted to one of the bands slower more intimate numbers. In particular a song about somepony isolating themselves on a mountain top, with no pony around to love or to help them. That piece in particular had hit Luna pretty hard. Especially after her banishment she had had a hard time being able to convey her emotions to anyone else. Even to her sister as much as she loved her, it was too painful to truly convey the loneliness and longing she had felt during those isolationist years away from her loved ones. Not to mention how unfair, and selfish it would be to put that sort of burden upon her sister. No Luna would not force her petty feeling on Tia like that. Though it was still hard at times even after returning to Equestria for all this time. However the Song made Luna feel a weird kinship to the band after that, and especially the singer David.

Luna imagined David was one of the few beings around that possibly truly knew the feeling she had struggled with in his own way. After hearing these song and again with much deliberation. Luna had to admit she liked what she had heard. She was beginning to admire the music for what it was, and over time her appreciation for them only grew considerably. It was only lately that she began to ponder the notion of meeting the Musicians to display her gratitude for the enjoyment and understanding they had brought her, and perhaps even talk to David about the particular song in question among other things. However she always dismissed these thoughts from her mind, as she had no feasible way in which to meet them. Not to mention it was silly anyway, when Luna really thought about it.

Hmm, Tis silent still. Luna thought to herself as she walked back towards her radio.

After making sure that her listening would go unmolested. She slowly turned back to the radio. Turned the volume dial up to a reasonable level.

“Alright here’s one of their songs to get you in the mood to start the mourning” Luna smiled happily she knew what band the radio station was playing as this radio station only played Emperors of the stone music. They were after all the only band of their genre in the whole of Equestria at this point at least the only ones that Luna had heard of. Making it a bit redundant that the station was to be called Pony rock radio but she wasn't going to ponder on that for too long.

“…and remember the first three ponies at the gig will be rewarded with free back stage passes and the chance to meet the band personally.”

Luna ears perked up her mouth Making an ‘O’ shape in surprise taking in a sharp gasp of air.

What was this, the band was allowing spectators to meet them personally?

Luna knew that if she truly wanted too, she would have no trouble going back stage to meet her, dare she say it idols, she was the co ruler of the country after all. However she dared not make her appreciation for the band public for fear of seeing her sister smug grin at once again being proven right. Especially after Luna had publicly, and often voiced her disdain for the modern arts. It would be too much for Luna if Celestia where to find out about this.

I must meet these Musicians. However how does one meet them when thou cannot be seen with them hmm..

After a momentary pause an idea appeared into Luna’s Mind a smile creeping up the corners of her mouth.

Ah ha of course!

Luna ran towards her book case. Levitating an ancient tome from the top of the shelf towards her eye level. Cracking the tome open she quickly glanced at the contents page to the subject she was looking for, after a moment of flicking thought the page she found the spell she needed.

Let’s see Movement spell nay not this one, Motivational spell pray why would thou even need this spell?
Luna flicked a few more pages forward.

Ah hah, yes perfect Mare unicorn Transformation spell, exactly the disguise. I need to attend the Performance undetected.

Luna studied the Contents of the spell momentarily before committing it to memory. It was a difficult spell by her standards which was why it was a rarely used at all. Interestingly it was actually created from studying changelings. Although was much more taxing on unicorns than it was for them. However with the power Luna possessed the illusion would last until at least 24 hours after the spell had been cast so long as she did not go overboard on her magical ability. As her horn flooded the room with ethereal light, she closed her eyes letting the spell take effect. Upon reopening them she strode toward a mirror in the corner of her room, to find a small white and black mane coloured unicorn with a paintbrush for a Cutemark reflected back at her. The unicorn Luna grinned to herself happy that the spell had concealed her identity perfectly. She now had to formulate a plan in her mind about how she was going to get to the theatre.

First we shall have to come up with a convincing alibi that will take thyself away from Canterlot long enough to attend the event without drawing suspicion.

“hmm” Luna thoughtfully hummed out load.

Ahah a Ponyville tax inspection of course! She had remembered glancing over an old scroll that needed reforming during one of her night courts a few weeks ago. It was a tediously boring. Even saying the title caused the mind to wander, so anypony asking about Luna's absence would most likely not press far on the subject. She could pretend to visit ponyville to gather sufficient data for the new tax proposal and secretly slip off to the theatre to see her favorite Musicians, it was perfect.

Now that she had formulated a suitable alibi, and concealed her identity effectively enough. She decided she was ready switching the radio off with her magic and decant the spell, she ringing the bell simultaneously in her chambers and was greeted almost immediately by an Earthpony maid entering her chambers

Funny, nopony was outside my chambers a moment ago, how did this one get her so fast?

“Princess how my I serve you” the maid humbly stated, bowing in the process.

“We require you tell the guards that night court will not be in session today. As we are needed in someplace else, it is of great importance that you tell them this.” Luna stated authoritatively.

“Yes Princess but umm” the Maid hesitated somewhat hesitantly and nervously.

Luna lifted an eyebrow towards the maid “what is it? We ask you speak up please” She replayed in a more commanding tone than she wanted, she was still getting used to the normal pony speak even after all these years.

“Well Princess, what shall I tell them when they ask why you have decided to cancel night for the first time in five years” the maid said looking more confused than nervous now.

Luna ‘um-ed’ at the statement. When the maid put it that way the tax reform seemed like a weak alibi indeed. Especially considering she could have sent, and would have been expected to send somepony else to accomplish this task for her.

Luna stammered again quietly, as the silence in the room because more than a little uncomfortable. Finally she brought her eyes back to the maid in determination “We require that you tell them that their royal highness is... Ah also in truth going on a secret reconnaissance mission to study a new phenomenon near the Everfree forest Yes this is indeed the case, that Ah only we are able to deal with. No pony else, and that is why night court is cancelled.”

Luna new that was not a weak lie indeed, and if anypony began questioning it to deeply it would fall apart immediately but it was the best she could think of it in the moment, it would surface long enough to buy her the time she needed to slip out of Canterlot and attend the theatre.

Thankfully the Maid simply nodded “will there be anything else you highness?”

Luna thought for a moment sighing inwardly, to her relief the maid seemed to have bought her story “Yes we require some coffee and that you tell no pony that we are up this late especially my sister.”

The last thing we require is Tia getting involved.

The maid hesitated from the look of nervousness on her face at the part about her sister being mentioned, Luna half thought that the maid had heard this command from nightmare moon herself, she sighed.

Will they ever truly trust me?

After only a moment the maid composed herself and bowed once more before exiting the princess’s bed chambers.
Luna stared at the door of her chambers as it closed allowing a small frown to creep over her regal face. Before dismissing it for a happier though. Now she was hopefully going to see her favorite performers. She turned the radio back on with a flick of her horn as the song blared into life.

Today we shall see the Emperors of the stone, and express are gratitude as their greatest admirer!

Luna Giggled at the silly thought flicking the dial up loader than before.

Author's Note:

So stuck around this far did you?
Sorry again for the most likely poor Grammar and spelling mistakes. I am editing this myself, and as you might tell I have a poor eye for these sorts of things.
I suppose i cant keep using the 'first ever story' as an excuse forever. But it is still all relatively new to me. so what can i say?
If anyone is really wondering what the band sounds like, I have kept it as deliberately vague as i can. In order for you guys to add your own rock and roll influences into it. Personally I like to imagine they are an Alice In Chains cross Queens of the Stone Age band with some Clutch put in for good measure. but that's just my inner fan squealing Haha
Anyway once again comment on my atrocious spelling. Let me know what you think, and keep on Rocking. \m/