• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 816 Views, 5 Comments

Never Meet Your Idols! - Living Madness

David was a Drunken loser. Now that hes been thrown into Equestria.... Well he's still a Drunken Loser. But he's in a band ready to make it big as the first ever Equestrian Rock and Roll Group. However along the way he picks up some unusua

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Chapter Three. That Long Gravel Road…

The slow grinding of the wheels against the forest path accompanied by the soft sounds of trotting hooves on gravel from the two Stallion drives made for Tranquill aura of sounds which echoed through the large oak trees. It was the only thing that could be heard from the cart, currently transporting the band towards Ponyville. As the warm mid-afternoon sun crossed over the sky, David had his head arched back leaning against one of the walls of the cart. His hand pressing a napkin over his nose stemming the blood that was leaking from his damaged nostrils, were Crash’s bag had connected sharply with them.

After a long time of slightly tense, but more so now tranquil silence. Satisfied that his partially swollen nose had stopped bleeding for the most part, David lifted his head back down. Facing the inside of the cart adjacent to him was Tempo contently reading one of his fictional Romance novels, he always seemed to carry around with him.

How he can read that trash, then again the last book I read wasn't much better, what was it, it was about a boy and his fire breathing robot dragon… wait was that a book or my imagination ever way that’s already WAY way better!

David turned his head left towards the back end of the cart, he could see Amp scratching his claws against the inside of the wooden wagon nervously, David new this was a normal subconscious ritual for Amp. It helped relive the nerves and stress of an upcoming gig. It didn’t help that this was going to be one of the most anticipated stops on their tour. Which Crash was always so happy to remind them about. David eyes at last turned to Crash, she was rubbing her own forehooves together in a circle, David lifted his eyebrow in mild confusion it was usual for Amp to be a bit nervous for a gig not that he would ever admit it proud as he was. But the way that Crash was rubbing her hooves together. This made David worry somewhat, it was alien to see Crash look anything but determined or infuriated. To see her nervous or at least apprehensive about anything meant something was up.

We’ve had more important gigs than this why does it look like she’s freaking out? I mean yeah this is going to be one of the most important gigs we’ve played as the headliners. But hell we’ve played Canterlot as a support band to double the number before, and she hardly seemed to notice. What’s gotten into her?

As if he could read David’s thoughts, Tempo gazed up from his novel. “Hey Lemz you okay? Don’t worry its fine to feel nervous this is a big gig for us.” Tempo stated in his smooth voice more to everyone than David.

That’s Tempo for you always thinking of the band.

David couldn’t help but smile. “Hell Temp I’m all good, except for probably needed a nose job or something. A little thing like crowds doesn’t scare me, not when I got good friends and a bottle of jack.” David stated to Tempo.

Subconsciously David drifted his gaze to Crash who looked up from her hoofs briefly to meet his eyes before angrily huffing and turning around to face the outside of the cart. This was only partially true in fact, David was actually pretty terrified of large crowds. Even so as always liquid courage in the form of hard cider, had once again allowed David to face his fears, I’ll be it in a more stammered and disorientated way, even if David did have enough control to get through the gig in one piece.

Tempo smiled again, however David noticed it was more forced this time Tempo always told David that his ‘Drinking Aid’ was more of a ‘Drinking Problem’ and had tried to talk to David about it many times. Which was usually met with angry mixed results, as David refused to even acknowledge anything wrong with it.

And why should I, hell I’m my own man, who cares what I do, as long as it’s not hurting anyone. Hell it even helps me perform better I should be rewarded for my creative thinking.

Tempo turned his gaze slowly towards Amp. Who was still staring off into the distance, clawing at the side of the cart with his talons “What about you Amp you look like your about to go to war.”

Amp looked up despairingly from his daze. “What no dude I’m fine man, always cool you know that’s me the essence of cool ha-ha” Amp nervously spewed out, erecting a Smile so fake it could be seen for miles.

Tempo raised an eyebrows that smooth smile never leaving his face. “Huh well the Claw marks on the cart say otherwise.” He pointed his hoof in amusement as Amp looked down at his left claw and then at the deep indents on the wood before quickly lifting them up to his neck in nonchalant way as if nothing was the matter.

“Umm haha, OK so mayyybe I’m a little tiny bit nervous. I mean this is our first headliner gig in such a big venue.”
“It’s not that big.” David chimed in turning his attention towards Amp. "Hell Cloudsdale Stadium now that was huge and you came out just fine from that.”

“True Lemz, but that was different we weren't the big focus. If we bucked up we at least had the other acts to come in and help out, now it’s all down to us!”

David smiled at Amps uncharacteristically nervous attitude.

Ha maybe this is my time to get a little revenge for waking me. Let’s see if those 4 years of forced acting classes can finally pay off.

“God Amp when you put it like that you’re so right were bucked! If we mess up they’ll be after our heads. If tonight doesn’t go right the crowd could turn on us, we could end up starting a riot get kicked out of Ponyville, dropped from the label, hell we could loss everything!” David dramatically ranted holding his hands to his face in a mock fit of terror. As he turned to Tempo then back to Amp and was richly rewarded for his efforts.

The look of abject horror on Amps face at that moment, could only be described as priceless.

God, if you’re real, you’ll send me a camera right now. So that I may forever capture this golden moment.

David couldn't contain the stern mask on his face anymore. He broke down in a fit of laughter throwing himself to the floor of the cart.
“That’s not funny dude, it could happen!” Amp yelled back still scared, but trying to regain some of his composure.

Tempo allowed himself a chuckle before closing his book “Amp do you really think that Ponyville of all places, the town that’s supposedly faced off an Ursa Minor, Discord and Celestia knows what else, and come out fine and dandy. Do you really believe that were gonna be the ones that cause a riot. I mean our music’s a bit on the wildside true, but I doesn't turn people into mindless lunatics.” Tempo countered.

“Well I mean the crowd will be fine hopefully. But now that I think about what happens if they show up you know who I’m talking about…”

David knew exactly where this was going. Since his five years in Equestria David was welcomed by mostly everypony around. ‘Mostly’ being the key term. At first everyone was a little apprehensive around him, but since Celestia had claimed he was no harm to anyone, and time to prove this also on his side he had proven that he was not a detriment to anyone’s heath. (well besides accidentally steeping on Princess Cadences hair that one time, David always claimed that was not his fault the her hair was so long and huge and goes all the way down to the floor, it would be insane not to accidentally trip on it and almost burn Canterlot castle down. Though that was another story.)
However there were some ponies who still distrust and possibly even down right hated David for what he was. Arguably this wasn't entirely helped when the band began.

David’s introduction of Rock music to Equestria had in some places accidentally helped stir up some kind of Pony equivalent Moral panic, the likes of which David hadn't seen since he went to that Marilyn Manson show (that one time he swears) in his early teens. Whist it was great for publicity, the hatred that had come mainly towards the band and David himself now had a fake excuse to hide behind besides general bigotry. Again it wasn't helped that David stuck out like a sore thumb even among his unusual band mates. he had heard some pony’s even went as far as to state that he was pure evil, and up there with Discord, and Nightmare Moon herself. The music was apparently his way of spreading his message to corrupt good ponies everywhere. Which of course was a blatant lie, and if any of them had sat through even one song they would have known this. However radical minds could not be easily changed and David didn’t really care enough to stop them. So long as the shows kept coming and the crowds where happy the rest could rot in Tartarus for all he and most of the band cared.

This time surprisingly Crash turned around to answer Amp “We don’t have to worry about them Amp, security will handle that, and besides nobody pays any attention to those ponies anyway their just angry morons, using us as an excuse!” Crash stated calmly before rising her voice to emphasis the end, turned around for a second towards David who was looked down in thought a small frown on his face.

Well I guess it’s the same everywhere you go. Well at least theirs no sexism in this world as far as I know that’s a plus I guess.

David pulled a cigarette into his fingers, that had previously been resting between his left ear, and head. He looked up to Tempo. “uh hey Temp a little help.” David said looking up and pointing to the cigarette now resting between his lips.

“Yeah sure.” With a small glow from Tempo's horn, the tip of the cigarette caught fire and David exhaled filling the cart with smoke.

Amp began coughing mockingly at first, then after a moment began genuine coughing. “Dude can you not blow that shit into the cart lean outside or something will you, dear Celestia.” David sighed “Ok then you, and I have to switch so I can blow it down wind you cry baby.”
“Whatever I just don’t want that shit in my lungs, I’m still a griffon in his prime unlike you, your fat flank.” Amp stated half mockingly before standing up.

“I’m Not fat!” David yelled touchily at Amp, who seemed to have hit one David’s soft spots. David in fact wasn't fat at all Thanks to being in Equestria, besides the smoking and drinking he was in the best shape of his life. He physically couldn't get fat as much as he had tried and he did try. Being that pony only ever ate vegetables or variations of them. David had actually lost a lot of weight almost dangerously so in the first year. Lucky he had been told by one of his friends back in Canterlot, that there was a specialist place where they served meat. It was like a mock tavern that served certain types of meat and fish, for when griffons would travel into the city. That had actually been where David had first meet Amp.

“Yes you are, now get that huge flank of yours and go sit over there and be careful you don’t crush me with those massive love handles.” Amp answered back sticking his tongue out from his beak. Trying his best not to laugh at David who was now starring angry at Amp as he passed.

As David sat down sulking until a thought struck him. He was in fact sitting directly opposite Crash, even though she was had once again turned her back to the cart, the idea still made David nervous.

Shit she’s is right next to me, I didn’t think this through. Buck I bet Amp did the Bastard, I’m so getting him for this one. Ow shoot well had to cross this bridge sooner or later.

David turned his head around the cart seeing Tempo begin talking to Amp about some sort of new drum riff he had been working on David had heard him mention this before, that would keep them occupied for a while. Turning once again towards Crash still facing away from David, her whole back was beside his as he leaned against the cart taking another drag of his cigarette.

David tried to worked up the courage to speak, he opened his mouth to talk unfortunately nothing came out, what could he say? He didn’t know why she was mad at him, he knew it was big but without anything to go on was this just going to fuel the fire.

I suppose saying nothing makes it look like I’m trying to avoid talking to her. That could be worse common man you sang in front of hundreds of ponies, speaking to one is no big deal, maybe... Maybe if I just have a small drink, I can get the train of thoughts going across the track. Hey that was pretty good got to remember that one for a song or something.

David pulled out a small flask from the inner pocket of his suit, popping the cork from the lid and placing it into his mouth, he gave a large couple of gulps before letting it rest. The familiar stinging sensation immediately passed his throat. He promptly placed the seal back, and returned the container into the pocket it came from.

This unfortunately caught the attention of Crash, In spite of David’s discreetness she now turned round to face him.

“What are you doing?” she muttered a small creak of annoyance leaving her voice.

“I, um nothing.” David muttered in response, he had not expected her to turn around at this moment.

You were drinking weren't you! Crash more statement than a question.

So… so what if I was.” David muttered again louder this time as the alcohol already began to take effect, he could already feel his cheeks burning as he spoke.

“YOU, I can’t believe you, after last night and everything you said that you would stop!”

I did? That doesn't sound like me.

“You don’t remember do you? No of course you don’t, all that matters to you is Alcohol and flanks.” Crash spoke in disgust.

“Hey I like other things too and wait what about flanks? I’ve never had a mare or anything in all my time here I don’t even think about that shit!” David had considered it for a while it had been some long and lonely years, and he had entertained the notion of possibly going out with a mare or hell if he was really drunk enough a stallion but that was not something that came to mind often and after some of David’s more blackout moments in his old world something he would take to the grave if he could. However on the subject of pony dating, he was just too different from them, although he never outright ruled out the possibility it just never worked out in his head. He wouldn’t even know how to ask in this universe. From what he saw going to a bar and ‘chatting up’ a girl for a night of fun or more, was not something ponies often did. They were far more romantic about the whole idea compared to David’s old world.

“Yeah right. Tell me something you do give a shit about more than that bottle in your jacket.” Crash spoke raising her voice barley bellow shouting.

I care about Yo… um you guys of course, I, I just it helps me forget stuff ok!”

Ok shut the fuck up now David you’re already said too much not today! David yelled internally to himself.

Crash was slightly taken aback by his answer, she was prepared for David to simply deny her accusations like he always did, had David accidentally spilled out more than he meant?

“I… you forget what exactly?” Crash replied stumbling over her words trying to place what David had meant.

“Nothing ok, now get off my back Crash, I’m not in the mood for this shit, not now.” David yelled back defectively. He was angry now and the booze wasn’t helping keep it in check.

“You’re not in the mood! Don’t you dare. Don’t you even remember what you did!?” She said pointing her hoof accusingly at David’s chest.

David moved the hoof away angrily. “Apparently not. Whatever I did I guess I’m sorry ok. But if you won’t tell me what I did, I can’t help you with it ok!

“The problem David, is that you never Bucking remember anything, Tartarus it’s a miracle you can even get all the lyrics right on stage your such a Celestia damned wreck most nights.

“Back off Crash I tried to be reasonable but if you’re just going to keep insulting me then I’m gone.” David was getting sick of the abuse now, and didn’t want to say anymore. He knew fights like this could end a band, and as much as the Alcohol might encourage him to keep arguing on. He knew from experience that saying nothing was better.

“Ow that’s it, typical David. When something gets too tough you walk away you’re such a child”

“Buck you Crash! You’re not my Mother ok!”

Smooth one David, two orphans in the same cart and you had to pull out that childish comment, of all things guess she’s right about one thing.

Crash was shaking with rage now her horn began to light up in anger.
“AT LEAST YOU HAD ONE!” Crash screamed at him standing up to meet his eyes.

“Yeah I did and now she’s gone, they’re all gone or to put it more frankly I’m gone, away from anyone I ever lov…” David yelled trying to match her voice, but after a moment he bit his lip, sighed, and stopped mid-sentence.

Damn it I’m not going to bring this up not now. Not today of all days.

Tempo moved between both of the band mates attempting to defuse the situation. “Lemmy, Crash stop this now!” Tempo spoke with a commanding voice so alien that both Crash and David broke their gaze and turned towards tempo.

“You guys are Bandmates, Friends, Tartarus even sort of Family for as long as we’ve known each other. You can’t be at each other’s throats like this all the time.”

David couldn’t take anymore of this he needed to get out.

“Stop the Cart.” David yelled to the two stallions drives at the front.

Slowly the cart began to slow down, and after a moment came to an abrupt Holt.
“David what are you doing?” Tempo asked confused.

David got up slowly took another sip from his flask and pulled himself over the side of the cart onto the road.
"I need some time alone ok Tempo, I’m walking."

“That’s not a good idea dude, the Ponyville theatre is still two miles from here by cart.” Amp stated with apprehension.

“I’ll be fine Amp just go!” Before Amp could retort, Crash yelled to the drives to begin moving again and the cart hesitantly began to pull away into the distance. Nobody said a word.

David waited until the cart was just barely visible on the horizon, before taking one last long toke of his cigarette, placing his foot forward, in the direction of the theatre. His foot gave way immediately and David collapsed on the floor, as his left leg once again reminded him it was still hurt.

What the hell! Ow right my legs still messed up, forgot of course thanks karma you’re really taking a liking to me today aren’t you.

David lifted his head towards the horizon, thankfully the cart was nowhere in sight saving him any further embarrassment.

What did Amp say? Two miles to Ponyville, well…shit, not my day is it? Maybe I should find something to help me walk.

“oooo, who are you? Came a female voice from behind David.

“What are you doing on the floor, ow ow ow I know I know, are you looking for tiny treasure in the dirt or trying to swim on land that looks like fun can I help? Almost forgot my names Pinkie Pie What’s yours.”

Am I what? Who the hell would say that to a person on the floor, wait no she can help just don’t say anything stupid to upset her David, and you can still possibly get to the concert on time.

David turned his head backwards to see a bright pink face with strands of Purple curly poofs of mane sticking out in crazy directions, staring back at him with a smile so big it looked almost painful.

“Um hi” was all David could say. A little confused and scared at the obvious lack of personal space.

“That’s a funny name” Pinkie giggled quickly sticking a hoof under her chin to ponder it. Before looking back at David. “Hello Mr Um it’s nice to meet you.”

Ow god, I’m a goner.

Comments ( 2 )

4321028 Thanks editing it now :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Living Madness deleted Jun 6th, 2014
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