• Published 30th Apr 2014
  • 5,275 Views, 15 Comments

Not Just the Earth is Round - TacoBiteToughGuy

When Ponyville's landfill is starting to pose some warnings of overflowing, the ponies get a great idea to help out.

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Not Just the Earth is Round

"Just a little to the left... Perfect!" Applejack instructed as a pair of burly stallions placed a large stage down in town square. "Thanks fellas, here's your pay." She gave them a couple bits each, and the two trotted away. Applejack jumped on stage and cleared her throat, leaning into a large megaphone.


After a few moments, all the ponies came out of their homes and walked up to the stage where the Element of Honesty was about to make an announcement. Once inhabitant of Ponyville made their way to the square, Applejack gave them all a hearty smile and cheerful eyes. "Howdy everypony! I've decided to gather you all here today because there seems to be a teensy bit of a problem arising. I was chatting with my my dear friend Fluttershy, who noticed the unnecessary amount of garbage in Ponyville's landfill. So the two of us came up with a way to reduce the amount of waste drastically by getting rid of all leftover food that would end up in the landfill, but because Fluttershy isn't that much of a public speaker, I'll be doing the talkin'."

By this point the ponies were quite interested. They had noticed the increased amount of waste going to the landfill and wanted to put an end to it's growing state. "When a family has just a few carrots left from dinner and nopony is going to eat them anymore, they most likely end up going into the garbage. However, we would like to put an end to this! What if we had some volunteer ponies eat the leftovers of other ponies to reduce the trash going into the landfill?" This got some chatter between the town's folk. "Quiet please. We could have it so ponies could sign up for the day, or we could choose at random. This is a rapidly expanding predicament and we need to act upon it!"


"So what do you say Ponyville, are you up for reducing the amount of garbage in the landfill?" A large chorus of cheering could be heard for miles, all emitting from the small town square. "Then it's settled, we will have a sign up sheet and random selection for who will help out their community! Drop by Fluttershy's cottage to sign up if you wish. Letters will be sent to your house in the morning if you are selected. Thank you everypony!"

The town was booming with energy after the meeting. All of the ponies were excited to lend a hoof with reducing the amount of trash going into the garbage. Especially one green earth pony named Fruit Cake. This eccentric pony's cutie mark match its name, a large fruit cake had plastered her plot. She had a standard frame, and was nowhere near unhealthy in any way. With her dark green and red mane flowing in the wind, she immediately started her search for the infamous sign up sheet.

Upon arriving at Fluttershy's cottage, she was surprised at the lack of ponies here wanting to help. To Fruit Cake, this was basically an opportunity to help out the environment and get free food at the same time. She swiftly wrote her name down on the sheet and started to tremble with excitement. She started to make her way back home, as the only thing that stood in her way between tomorrow and today was one impatient, restless night.

When Fruit Cake woke up, she found herself in a very strange position: her head where her hooves would go and her hooves on her pillow. Regardless, the earth pony got up with glee and raced to the arranged meeting spot, which was an old warehouse on the outskirts of Ponyville. As she arrived, she heard machinery roaring and plenty of ponies yelling from within. Fruit Cake walked up to the door, it flung open and Applejack pushed her inside without saying a word, which was a bit unusual for the farm pony. However, once the door closed, she turned back into her chippy, cheery self.

"Howdy, you must be Fruit Cake. Please to meet you. I'm Applejack, and that's Fluttershy," She pointed to the yellow pegasus cleaning up all the construction debris. "She's a little shy, but I'm sure she will warm up to ya!"

"That's great! Now, when do we start?"

"Ah I like a pony who gets right to business. We have received truckloads of unfinished food all day yesterday ever since our meeting. Your job is to eat it all until there is no more food left. Do ya think you can handle it? It's a mighty big task." The Element of Honesty asked, being truthful about the amount of food there was.

"I can do it, let's get started!"

As Fruit Cake was loaded up into a large chair that had a tube hanging down from the ceiling above it, she started to think this over. "Umm, actually I am not sure if I want to do this..."

"Why, what's the worst that could happen?" Applejack asked, rather concerned that her only applicant had second thoughts.

"I guess if you put it like that, nothing bad could really happen, right?" Boy was she wrong.

When Fruit Cake was comfortable and the tube was loaded up into her mouth, Fluttershy pushed a lever from off to 1/2 of the way full. A trail of food soon started to come through the tube and into Fruit Cake's mouth. The first thing that hit was a scrumptious chocolate cake from Sugarcube Corner. The chocolate icing hit her tongue and melted away, leaving the cake to be swallowed manually. It was delicious, but before she could savour it an apple pie came down. Then a blueberry pie fell too. Soon she had a steady stream of food falling into her mouth and within the depths of her stomach.

After about an hour of constant feeding, Fruit Cake was starting to show some signs of gaining weight. Her belly was starting to protrude outwards and her plot was become slightly squishier. Other than that, the earth pony was fine.

Fluttershy was watching the entire time from the controls of the machine. However, doing nothing for a long period of time can make you tired, especially if you are a soft-spoken pegasus. Without knowing it, Fluttershy fell asleep at the controls, and her hoof pushed the lever. Unfortunately, it pushed it to full power as more and more food came down the tube. Fruit Cake, not noticing the extra food coming down, continued to eat the scraps of delicacies that ponies had thrown away.

After about two hours, the effects were really showing on the green pony. A large, taut belly had formed over Fruit Cake's lap with accompanying rolls on her sides and back. Her thighs became much thicker and her face chubbier, with a full double chin to support it. Her bottom had expanded to about one and a half times it's previous size, and was taking up a fair amount of the seat. Fruit Cake was too wrapped up in the blissful food to notice though, so she kept eating and eating until the dark of night.

Applejack came in to the warehouse with a mixed shock of horror and bliss on her face. Fruit Cake had become huge! The earth pony had managed to finish the supply of food given to them by the ponies. Definitely immobile, she took up the entire chair and plenty more, completely hiding it from sight. "Hmm, maybe we should reward her for her help." Applejack thought, as the green earth pony and the yellow pegasus slept.

"Howdy y'all!" Applejack spoke into the mic to get everypony's attention. However everyone was talking about what could be behind the massive curtain. Eventually though, everyone hushed and became silent. "I have an announcement to make regarding the Eco-friendly garbage disposal. We are sending out compulsory invites to homes tomorrow to help with the problem. If you are choses, please show up on time! Now, we did have one volunteer, and we thought that she deserved an award for her contributions. So we would like to present Fruit Cake with two awards, the ecological citizen award and an award for being the largest pony ever recorded in Ponyville history!"

The curtain dropped, and the massive pony behind it started to blush from embarrassment. But instead of being made fun of lime she thought would happen, she was applauded and cheered on by her peers. Applejack put the two medals around Fruit Cake's large neck, and the green pony shone with pride. She had come to terms with her large, bubbly belly and had began to enjoy her new figure. Her quadruple chin was very comfy to lay her head on and her massive rear made sitting anywhere amazingly comfy. Her stubby legs had gotten sunk into her belly but she didn't mind. She was just happy that she could help make a difference in her community.

Comments ( 14 )

This is where volunteering for things gets you.

I did enjoy. A good job to you.

Comment posted by 1987Snave deleted May 4th, 2014

That was pretty random lol.

I know this was a quick thing, but I wish there was more description of her weight during the stuffing and the post-stuffing. Comparisons do wonders for figure description in relation to fat.

(Please do write more, I did enjoy it and the subject matter.)

4336121 Thanks for the feedback, I'll try and take this into consideration the next time I write a story!

4508849 I do agree, saving the world is pretty random...

4509418 In my brain database there is a image of her...

4522341 well, that's an image if I ever saw one, and a mighty good one at that!

I love your stories my fav one is when Luna visits the Cookieverse

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