• Published 7th May 2014
  • 5,207 Views, 92 Comments

The Swarm Returns - Digital Ghost

After Twilight receives a letter saying that Queen Chrysalis is the guest of honor in the Crystal Empire's Grand Banquet, she becomes suspicious and attends in order to thwart any plans the changelings may be hatching.

  • ...

Welcome the Swarm

It was just after they had lunch when the big news reached Twilight.

"What are they thinking?"

A good thing too, since her poor assistant had to deal with a restless mare pacing back and forth in the library for an hour and a half.

"Wasn't it bad enough She tried to ruin their wedding?"

Spike had tried calming the mare down, but his words simply went through the other ear.

"Don't they know how much danger their putting ponies in? I mean she even attacked Princess Celestia and threatened to take over Equestria!"

As inappropriate as it was, given Twilight's distress, Spike giggled, "Hey, that rhymed."

"Spike! This is no time for jokes, this is serious!" The mare said, giving him a sharp stare, "Do you know how serious this is?"

"Uhh, no?" The little dragon grasped his tail and swallowed a lump in his throat. Shouldn't he be used to her by now?

"Don't you remember what the changelings did in Canterlot?"

"Oh, yeah." Spiked kicked the floor. "But what if they've changed? Why else would Shining Armor and Princess Cadence invite her for the Banquet? Not to mention they're having Chrysalis as the guest of honor."

Twilight thought about it for a moment, but never slowed her pacing. At first she thought Spike had a good point, but then... "That's it!"

"What's it?" asked a confused Spike.

"Chrysalis MUST have brainwashed them! She did it once to my brother before! Quick, Spike, we have to call the girls for an emergency meeting!"

"I don't know Twilight, didn't your brother have an anti-brainwash spell after we dealt with Chrysalis? And why would they have mentioned Chrysalis in the invitation if they were brainwashed?"

"I don't know," Twilight let out an exasperated sigh, "but I'm not taking any chances."

"This sounds exactly like the scene from The Power Ponies Issue 16, when Fillysecond thought that-"

"Spike! Stop wasting time, we have to call the others!"

"As you wish." Spike grumbled and set off. It's gonna be one of those days again.


The changeling hive was abuzz with activity. Word of the invitation from the Crystal Empire had gone out, and the changelings were ecstatic. Ever since they felt the Crystal Heart's radiance, they had been longing to return to their ancestral home.

They would have returned on the first day if Sombra's wrath hadn't warded them off. When that problem was dealt with, the ponies responsible for costing them a meal fit for royalty on the day of the invasion had the nerve to take the throne, making their return feel more like a distant dream than anything else. The changelings had used all they had on the attack, leaving them weak and battered. Chrysalis was afraid for her followers, so she had them steer clear of the empire. It was heartbreaking being so close to home, but she was responsible for the swarm and didn't want to do something as risky as the attack on Canterlot in their current state.

But now, the two ponies they once tried to conquer on their special day had extended their friendship, with no pronounced reason. The invitation came out of the blue, and quite frankly, a few of the changelings had questioned the motive behind it.

Chrysalis was one of the concerned ones, and ever since that letter arrived, she couldn't get a wink of sleep just thinking about it: Finally, they had the chance to go home and all they needed to do was walk to the empire's front door and then they could bask in the divine presence of the Crystal Heart. But was it all too good to be true? Possibly, but there was a chance the crystal ponies might have mentioned their affiliation with the changelings, but on the other side of the scale, they were so secretive about them to outsiders in the past, and to think that they would change so suddenly? Out of the question!

It was a frustrating choice for the queen to make. Whenever she thought of something to convince herself that the ponies behind the letter held no ill will against them, another thought came busting through to deny her reassurance.

What if they only wanted them to come so they could throw them all in a cold dungeon? What if they wanted to make sure they never had to worry about the swarm ever again by getting rid of them in a more permanent fashion? It could all just easily be a ruse to end them as soon as they felt safe.

It was too overwhelming for one mareling to take.

Chrysalis sighed heavily and fully submerged herself in a pool of think, honey-like substance. It helped her relax in stressful times. It helped her think when her mind was in distress. It helped her cope with losing almost a quarter of her swarm to starvations. And now, it helped make a decision.

She knew the crystal ponies more than Shining Armor, Cadence, and Celestia combined! She knew the crystal ponies would never turn on one of their own, no matter how disfigured they might look. She would have to lay her faith on the crystal ponies, as they had laid theirs on her in the past, and hope their bonds to the Crystal Heart were still strong and true.


"Yes, my queen?"

"Form a team to escort me to the Crystal Empire. Just a small one so we don't intimidate our hosts."


Twilight handed her friends the letter she received from her brother and step sister. Rarity took it upon herself to read it, adding a touch of finesse in her voice as she did. "'You are cordially invited to attend the Crystal Empire's First Grand Banquet to honor the welcoming of...'" Rarity gasped. "Oh dear."

Fluttershy was hovering over her shoulder, and she shook lightly, letting out a mouse-like squeak when she read who the guest of honor was.

"What? What does it say?" Rainbow Dash said impatiently.

"Did it say 'cupcake cakes'? Cupcake cakes always makes me go: " Pinkie imitated Rarity's gasp almost perfectly, and then began bouncing around the library, giggling and talking about cupcake cakes and whatever came to her mind after that.

"Mind finishing that there letter, Rarity?" Applejack said politely at first, but her curiosity got the better of her and she snatched the letter from the unicorn while she was still in disbelief. A quick scan through the parchment, and she found what had gotten her friend so dumbfounded. "... Queen Chrysalis?! Now why in tarnation would Shining Armor and Cadence invite that hag?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow jumped in, "After all she put us through in Canterlot, why is she being honored as a guest? Why IS she a guest at all?"

"It really is unusual, are you sure it's not some pranksters trying to ruffle some feathers, dear?" Rarity shot a suspicious glance at Rainbow and Pinkie, although she knew those two wouldn't go so far as this.

Pinkie Pie skidded to a stop. "Pranking Twilight?! Does that mean no cupcake cakes? Oooooooh! When I get my hooves on those pranksters!"

"No," Twilight said, "I know Cadence wrote this letter, I recognize her writing when I see it. That's what worries me... We have to go to the Crystal Empire. We need to make sure Chrysalis isn't up to something funny."

Pinkie jumped up. "Something funny? Like a clown? Do you think she could turn into a clown and do clown things like balancing on a ball while she balances another ball on her big, red, clown nose shaped like a ball?"

Rainbow playfully poked the pink mare, "Well those changelings did turn into you, so that's a start."



The ear-shattering train brake announced new arrivals to the station.

"I swear, that noise is worse than Rarity's cat clawing at a chalkboard." Applejack was the first one out, followed by Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and finally Spike, who was once again stuck with the luggage.

The little dragon had just dropped off the bags on the platform when the group was approached by three stallions wearing Crystal Empire armor. "You must be the guests from Ponyville. Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Prince Armor and Princess Cadence are expecting you. If you would kindly follow us, we'll escort you to the castle."

When the girls were ready to go, they followed the guards to their destination. Spike, however, had trouble keeping up on the count of the heavy luggage. The guards saw the struggling dragon and offered their assistance. One of them summoned a flatbed, while another offered to take charge of the cargo.

"I can get used to this." Spike said, pleased that he was given a break.


While the mares made their way to the castle, Chrysalis and her escorts had already landed in the courtyard. Half expecting resistance on arrival, Vigil, and three other changelings had taken defensive stances around their queen at the sight of the crystal guards. But to their surprise, the guards bowed down, saying, "Welcome home, your highness."

"So you do remember me. Will you take me to Cadence?" Chrysalis sounded pleased, but disappointment soon followed when the guard said the princess was busy.

"She's preparing for tomorrow's feast, and won't be available till this evening. Shall we escort you to your rooms instead, Priestess?"

"Priestess?" Vigil echoed.

Chrysalis nodded to the changeling captain, but offered no explanation. She turned to the guards, "She picked for us? Hmm. I would have preferred picking our own rooms, but very well. Lead on."

As they were lead through the spacious halls, Chrysalis felt a deep melancholy hover over her. Memories flickered right in front of her eyes. The visions were so crisp that she swore she fell through a rift into the past. She could see ponies and changelings walking side by side. Both were happy with each others company.

Through the windows, there was a performer with his troupe entertaining a small gathering. They flew and did tricks for the little ones. Applause aroused as they gave a show only changelings could ever hope to pull off.

Back in the courtyard, nymphs and foals enjoyed their little games, their laughter ringing freely in the air... Laughter, now that was something she missed so much.

A smile appeared on her face as her trip down memory lane continued. The laughter bounced around the crystalline walls, making them sing a soothing lullaby. Chrysalis was so engrossed in the memory that she hadn't notice the coming collision.

She felt something slam into her chest, then there came a thud, "Hey! Watch it!"

The queen snapped from her daydream. "Oh, I'm so--" Her eyes widened. She saw a painfully familiar palette of colors getting up to her feet. Behind a rainbow-maned pegasus, she saw the rest of the group she hoped she would never have to see again.

At first she groaned, but a sneer appeared on the queen changeling's face. "Well, well, if it isn't Celestia's little protege and her... friends." Chrysalis gave a low laugh and stood proud over the mares.

Chrysalis' words didn't exactly inspire positive feedback to a certain brash pegasus. "Are you trying to start something with us? HUH?!" Dash pressed her face against the changeling's. She looked ready to charge.

The queen frowned. "Oh I'm not trying to start anything, foal. And need I remind you that I am a Queen, and as such, I expect to be treated with respect." Chrysalis' horn, as well as Rainbow Dash, suddenly were engulfed in a green glow. A heavy weight threw Dash to the ground, forcing her to bow at the queen's hooves. "Now that's better."

"Let go of our friend, Chrysalis!" Twilight interjected, threatening to unleash her own magic, with the rest of her friends were ready to pounce on the changelings as well. Well, except for Fluttershy and Spike who were inching away from the confrontation.

"That's Queen Chrysalis to you!" The queen changeling's magic weighed even more heavily on the trapped pegasus, forcing her even lower.

"Help..." Dash squeaked.

The guards who were escorting both parties stayed in the sidelines. They really didn't want to be dragged into their grudge match, but stayed alert for any opening they could use to break them apart without putting anyone in any more danger.

Twilight's anger boiled to a rage. "I don't know what you've done to Shining Armor and Cadence to make them invite you here, Chrysalis, but if you don't stop this right now--"

"Ahh, Shining Armor." Chrysalis licked her lips. "I didn't do anything to him. But have you thought that maybe he just missed being with me? He was such a playful and obedient stallion after all. AHAHAHAHA!"


"Twilight, don't!" Applejack attempted to stop her friend when she saw her horn lit up to fire off a spell, but her sudden movement was mistaken as a hostile action by the changelings and the next thing she knew, she was covered in thick gunk from her neck down, making movement impossible.

Twilight tried to shoot Chrysalis with a bolt, but the changeling gunk had covered her horn just before it fired. It was too late to stop the spell, and since it couldn't escape or dissipate, it instead created an explosion that knocked Twilight into a wall. The headache that came after didn't do anything to make the situation any better.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie attempted to run to the aid of their friends, but the changelings shot at the ground under their hooves. "Nobody move!" Ordered Vigil, lighting his horn to show that the next shot won't be a warning anymore.

"Ha! What a joke." Chrysalis mocked, letting go of her grip on Rainbow Dash, who collapsed from her ordeal. "And I was just starting to enjoy the scenery. Guard, take us to our chambers. We're done here."

The guard nodded, but raised a suggestion. "Seeings as your parties aren't exactly... on good terms, and your rooms were placed close to each other, I think it would be best to segregate--"

"We'll take the tower." Chrysalis didn't wait around for any sort of reply and walked down the hall.

Applejack struggled to get out of the gunk, but her attempts were in vain as the gunk showed no sign of loosening. "Don't suppose any of ya changelings want to get me out of this gunk?"

One of the softer looking changelings looked to Vigil and was given a nod before he and the other two followed the queen up the stairs.

"Relax, and don't move a muscle." The changeling instructed. She positioned herself as far away from the ponies as she could, using the trapped mare as a barrier in case she became the target. Her horn lit up, and the mound Applejack was trapped in began to soften, then with a flash, it vaporized, leaving the mare unscathed.

"I never thought I'd ever thank a changeling, but thanks." Applejack looked to be the only one who was smiling at the moment. The changeling didn't feel comfortable at all.

"Don't mention it." The changeling turned to leave.

"Wait! What's yer name?"

The changeling looked back. She was hesitant, but answered the question. "Siren."

"Well thank--"

"-- I should really get going, sorry." Siren cantered away before the mares could interrogate her.

Applejack turned her attention to her injured friend, who was at the moment getting helped to her hooves. "Ya okay, Twi?"

Twilight was in pain, but tried to play it off. "I'm fine, just a little headache." She looked to the direction she last saw the changelings. Chrysalis wasn't getting off the hook that easy. "Is Rainbow doing alright?"

"I'm fine." the pegasus in question was leaning on Fluttershy. "She was lucky I didn't plant one on her face when I had the chance. She's going to get whats coming to her the next time I see her."

Author's Note:

Looks like this will be multi-chapter thing, so enjoy!

I'd like to thank the people who insisted that I should make a sequel to the first story. I hope this met your expectations.