• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 5,027 Views, 73 Comments

King of the Everfree - Death Marches

I was at a rave last night only to wake up in the middle of the woods and find myself befriending bunch of wooden wolves and mutated lions. Also to find out that i was some type of king to something called a "Everfree" Whatever that was.

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My King

“OW! My head, where am I?”

I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was surrounded by trees from every angle there was. Hell I think there was a tree growing on a tree. I stood up and looked around me again just to be sure and found the trees still there in all directions. I looked down to see I was wearing a black leather jacket with a black polo shirt with a pocket. I was also wearing blue pants and black hiking boots. I looked through my pockets and found a hiking knife (a big one) and a pocket watch. In my coat pockets I found a flash light and matches with small medic kit, along with my IPod and solar powered charger. I looked around again to see if I missed anything but I guess I found everything the first time.

“Let’s think where I was last night.” I said rubbing my temples until a bright flash covered my eyes.


“DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!” screamed the crowd as I drank my fifteenth beer. By the time I finished my tenth I was buzzed and by my fifteenth I was out of there. As soon as I finished the crowd cheered throwing their hands in the air and grabbing on to me throwing me above them. “PUT… ME DOWN…MOTHERFUCKERS!” I said trying not to puke on them while above them. They finally put me down and I head to the closest thing to me that I could puke in, which was a tree about twenty feet away. I ran to it and tried to put my hand on it to steady myself but I must have missed it because I kept moving forward head first in to a tree. I looked up at the last second to see that my hand did come in contact with the tree it just that the tree did not come in contact with me. Let me put that in simpler terms my hand went straight through the bark of the tree like it was not even there; it was something you would see in Harry Potter when he went through the wall to get to the train to Hogwarts. My last words before my face was engulfed by tree were “FUCKING TREES!!!” then a bright white flash knocking me out.


“Wow that was one hell of a party and also how the hell did I faze through a fucking tree and wind up surrounded by trees?” I said with a look of curiosity. I thought of this for about ten seconds before the conclusion of a life time hit me. “Aliens” I said out loud with venom. God damn aliens always fuck humans over. First with them fucking with are crops then abduction us. “Fucking aliens” I said out loud with a grump look on my face. I looked around to see where the probing equipment was until I remember I already looked around and found nothing. Plus I did not see any aliens unless trees were aliens which I find very unlikely.

I stood there for an additional ten minutes waiting to kicks something’s ass when I heard a low growl behind me. I looked behind me to see a wolf…made of wood. My mind went blank at seeing the wooden wolf; personally I hopped it was just a puppet until the fucker started drooling from his mouth. Wait is it drool or sap. God damn it brain now is not the time to tell if the thing that might eat you has drool or sap coming from his mouth. I stared at the wolf fighting a mental battle with my ADHD when all of the sudden I heard another growl behind me but this time it was more than one growl. I looked behind me to see seven fucking tree wolfs behind me with looks of hunger.
“Fuck” was the only word I could say before they bounced.

There licking me? I stood there with my arms to the sky about to hold off the wolves when each one started licking me. I will tell you this it really fucking tickled and I was kind of freaking out. I mean come on they must be just tasting me and see if they can eat me but those thoughts are quickly washed away when none of them starts snuggling up to me with their side like a cat. It hurt like fuck when they all started doing it. I MEAN COME ON HAVE YOU EVER RUBBED YOUR BARE SKIN ACROSS BARK! IT HURTS LIKE FUCK! While I’m screaming in my head a see a faint glow coming from my hand and I turn and look to see a strange ring on my middle finger. It looks like a copper metal with strange symbols with a wolf and trees with some type of moon in between them.

I rub the ring around and find out that it’s stuck to my finger and won’t come off. Well I’ll forget about that now because I think it’s the only thing keeping the wolves from killing me I guessed. The ring is still glowing and I see the wolves looking at it with awe and wonder and thought comes to my head.


Each one sits on their butts immediately and just stare at me like soldiers waiting for my command. I hear the loudest motherfucking roar right behind me and see three fucking lions three times larger than there supposed to be with wings and a goddamn scorpion tail. I will tell you this I almost shit myself when they took a step forward toward me. Then they purred and licked me.
At that time my brain was on over drive from the wooden wolves but as soon as the giant monster cats purred and licked me my brain exploded and flew in all direction inside my skull. Then my vision went black and I passed out.


I stood up rubbing my head with my thumbs and looked around. I was in a space of pure darkness; there was no light or sound or things to look at. It was just Darkness.

“Well I wish I had a light” I said a bit freaked out by the blackness.

All of the sudden a bright light filled the darkness was filled and the darkness was gone only to be replaced by light. Well that weird I thought to myself as I looked around to see the only difference by the light was that there was no darkness but there was still nothing to see.

“Well that was weird but I still there was something to see.” I said before a bright light blinded the shit out of me.

“FUCK!” I yelled before rubbing my eyes trying to get the black spots out. Once the black spots disappeared I saw to my delight and suspicion two leather seats and someone sitting in one reading a book.

After I stared at him for a couple of seconds to see what he looked like I was greatly surprised. The man sitting in the chair was white and had brown hair but with some green highlights. He also was wearing a crown made of some sort of wood that looked like something from the Lord of the Rings. He also wore a dark blue shirt with blue jeans and white tennis shoes. Really it was as though someone grabbed a box of random clothing and hair shit and threw it at him and saw what landed. I looked a bit more at him and saw that he was the same ring on his hand that I had on mine the only difference was his was glowing green. He looked up from his book and his eyes opened wide for about a minute staring at me before calming down with a smile.

“So you have finally arrived king.”

Holy shit that voice was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It was like mixing your grandparents wisdom with a childish tone to it.
“Well I don’t know how to tell you this good sir but I have never seen you before today.” I stated simple nodding my head

He chuckled and said “Of course stupid it’s the first time I have met you as well.”
Well fuck you too I thought before sitting in the chair next to him. He looked at me with a smile and said “Well I think you must have lots of questions?” I nod my head in agreement. “Well go ahead ask away my king.”

I sat there looking at him for a while before asking my first question “Why do you keep calling me king?”
He looked at me with a surprised look like I just asked him to take a shit. He calmed down and said flatly like it was something I should have known. “You’re the king of the Everfree.”

I stared at him blankly waiting for him to continue but when he did not I asked my second question. “What is an Everfree?”

He groaned and put his hand to his head and said “You’re from a different world aren’t you?”

I think back to all I had seen before coming here and nod my head.

“FFFUUUCCCKKKK!!!!” he yells before slamming his hand on a table next to him that I am sure was not there a second ago. He calms down again and looks at me with pure annoyance, but then smiles and I am not saying smile like a kind and calm person would; smile like a mad man with a trigger on a nuclear bomb who was just told not to push the button.
He grabs the crown off his head and tosses it to me.

“CATCH” he yells at me while I dive for the crown. Funny, I don’t remember jumping for it. As soon as my hands touch the wooden crown a bright flash consumes my vision.


I woke up to a stone ceiling and a wet face. I look to my side and see my wolves sitting on my right; one proceeded to leak my face again. I looked at them with bored expression until I sat up and looked around. I appeared to be in a very old fucking castle because there were holes all over the walls with the occasional broken window. There were also cobwebs along with old looking statues that looked like horses but were a bit too small. I kept looking around the room until I saw the mutant lions along with more dogs and a giant lizard with four heads and tiny black horses with holes in their legs and wings and insect horns.
Wait what

I looked back at the two new groups that joined my crazy pet family and saw that there was more than one giant lizard which each one was bending their necks or outside looking through the windows. Theses motherfuckers were tall because the top of the ceiling looked to be above twenty feet high. The black horses… fuck it I’m calling them ponies. The ponies sat on the ground near the doors or holes in the walls giving nervous glances at the giant lizards and wolves. I stood up after wiping the slobber off my face a looked around the room. Every eye was on me and it kind of wanted to make me hyperventilate.

“What up” I said giving them all a wave with my hand

Each one took a step back once I did this and looked visible nervous. I look down and see the crown in my hand and remember the guy from the dream. I look back at the animals in the room and see each one looking at the crown in my hand. I look back at the crown and in the back of my head I hear a voice telling me to wear it and it would all be explained. Well the little voice in the back of my head has never let me down so far so I thought why not. I moved the crown toward my head and saw that the animals were still staring at the crown with wonder and awe. How they were doing this was anyone’s guess because back home animals don’t do facial expressions but like that guy said this must be a new world. I placed the crown on my head and great warmth spread over it. I was about to find a mirror when I heard snarling and cheers behind me. I turned to look and saw that all the animals had looks of joy on them.

I natural stood there dumb struck of why they were so happy when all of the sudden they all turned to me and bowed. I like myself stood there with my jaw fully opened trying to reach the ground when none of each of the groups walks toward me. From the Wolves side a gray and black wooden wolf walked to me, From the Lions side a small of equally scary looking one walk toward me, From the giant lizards a giant one bigger than the rest crawled on all floors to me, then finally from the ponies side a giant looking black pony walked up to stand in front of me. Once each one was in front of me they bowed and in unison said

“Welcome King of the Everfree.”

“WHAT!?” was the only words I was able to yell out before darkness clouded my vision and I passed out.

Author's Note:

Hello second story just going to be a experiment nothing else if there are enough likes and comments i will post another longer Chapter.
Going to work on my other story by.
Oh almost forgot i need a Editor please and someone to make or send me a awesome picture for free to me or send me link to it.