• Published 2nd May 2014
  • 5,027 Views, 73 Comments

King of the Everfree - Death Marches

I was at a rave last night only to wake up in the middle of the woods and find myself befriending bunch of wooden wolves and mutated lions. Also to find out that i was some type of king to something called a "Everfree" Whatever that was.

  • ...

And logic gets thrown out the window


“These are the humans you have here!?!? You must be kidding me?! He looks like four foot tall garden gnome! HA, HE EVEN HAS A LITTLE HAT ON HIS HEAD!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!”


“So you’re telling me that my races on this planet are used as play things and servants?” Draco said to Twigs. Twigs just nodded as a response.

Draco stood there looking right at Twigs with a blank expression, which was making Twigs nervous making him rub his paw left and right on the ground like a child that just told their parents they stole a cookie from the cookie jar. Draco stood there unmoving for about a full minute before he spoke again.

“Let me see them.” He stated simply.


It took about an hour to find a so called human and the response everyone was dreading from there king was very different than what they
thought expected. Instead of Draco hollowing in rage he was yelling with laughter and giggles.

“I CAN’T FEEL MY SIDES!!!” Draco said rolling on the ground still laughing

“Your majesty” Hyde said to Draco but was unheeded due to the loudness of his laughter.

“YOU’RE MAJESTY!” Yelled Hyde making Draco stands at his feet at attention quicker that lightning.

“OK, OK, I will stop laughing so much” Draco said waving his arms in the air and giving the so called human one last look before chuckling again. “But you have to admit that the human you brought me and I myself look nothing alike. I don’t even know why you said it looked bigger than me Ruby.” Ruby looked down again “There is no need to be depressed Ruby and we do have some characteristics like hair, a nose, mouth, eyes, and ears.”

“But he is too short to be a human like you day he is he is more like a dwarf than a human and you even said he was an adult and he is only three feet tall.” Draco said pointing at the dwarf standing in front of him.

(Here is picture and this is as close to what they look like that i could find.)

“BRAHF” yelled the dwarf

“It doesn't even speak English!” Draco said still pointing at the dwarf

"Well neither are you my lord.” Edon said

“What are you talking about Edon this is English I am speaking not Spanish.” Draco said looking over at Edon. “You are speaking Equestrian my lord. It’s the language of the ponies that reside in Equestria.” Said Edon
‘Huh, so English is similar to Equestrian here.’ Draco thought to himself rubbing his chin.

“RODARODARODA” Yelled the dwarf

“So let me make this clear.” Draco said looking over at Twigs

“That dwarf is called a human in this world?” Draco said looking and pointing at the Dwarf. “Yes my lord” Twigs said

“And there used as play things and servants?” Draco said looking over at Ruby

“Yes m-m lord” Ruby whispered

“And this is as big as they get?” Said Draco looking over at Edon

“Yes my king” Edon responded with

“And they eat meat?” Draco said looking over at Hyde expecting a yes


“So those al… wait what?” Draco said looking over at Hyde with confusion.

“They do not eat meat your majesty. They eat like a normal pony would eat; vegetables and fruits but not flowers, they cannot digest those it seems.” Hyde said looking at her king

“They’re all vegetarian dwarfs? Draco said with a look of complete exhaustion

“Yes my lord. If you put it in terms of what you just said.” Said Hyde

“I need a drink.” Draco said rubbing his head. All of the sudden Draco’s’ ring started to glow green and a bright flash filled the room. Once the light reduced and they could see everyone saw something that was not there before. Standing right next to Draco was a small circular wooden coffee table with a goblet on top of it. The Table looked hand crafted with legs that were circular but at the bottom had wolves coming out as though there were about to bounce laying close to their stomachs and only showing their front legs, while the torso and backs legs of the wolves were twirling around the legs of the table as though they were a snake instead. The goblet sitting on top of the table was less showy but was still elegant. It was a stone chalice with silver runes around the base and top. The inside of the cup also had silver but you could not tell if it was inside the cup as well due to a dark water substance.

Everyone in the room stood dumbstruck until Draco said while picking up the glass “Well when god gives you lemons,” moving the cup to his lips “squeeze them in his eyes and tell him you asked for soda!” Draco yelled before gulping from the cup.
Once the cup was empty he placed it on the table slowly with a look of surprise on his face. “This is Dr.Pepper. How is there Dr.Pepper in this cup” He said waving and pointing at the cup until he noticed that his ring was still glowing. He stared at the ring then looked back at the cup then the ring; setting the cup down he said “I want a gun”.

Another glow from the ring and a blinding flash later he was holding a magnum hunter and it was fully loaded; on the table was ammo as well. Draco stood there staring at the gun while a smile broke across his face. “Holy shit THIS IS AWESOME!!!” Draco said waving the gun around with a smile.

“My king what is that you are holding?” Edon said

Draco stopped waving the gun and looked over at Edon with the same smile. “This is my gun from my home…planet I guess you can call it” Draco said unsure of himself and looking around. They all nodded not questioning there king in the matter.

“FARPFARP” yelled the dwarf

“Can you take the Dwarf away please? It’s starting to get on my nerves.” Draco said placing the gun inside his coat.

The Dwarf was pulled away gurgling nonsense and Draco looked back at his ambassadors/Generals. “So anything else I should know about?” Draco said giving them a smile

Everyone’s tension broke when he smiled due to them being frightened that there king would be angry with them by telling him he looks like the humans of this world.

“Yes my king but there is a library that will show you all there is to know about Equestria.” Twig said using his front left leg to indicate a door in the side of the room.

“Alright let’s go then.” said Draco as he walked over to the door

No one in the room noticed the strange fog filled with stars floating around the corners of the room or heard a low humorous laugh coming from it.


“Well I guess I am done for the day.” Draco said closing the book called in big bold letters “EQUESTRIANS HISTORY” on the table.
Draco yawned and looked around the room to see out a window that the sun was just coming up. “Fuck how long was I reading?” he said getting to his feet from the chair. He stretched out his limbs and looked around the library again. There were books along each one of the walls and each shelf had a different selection. From cooking to magic, even one about gardening. During the three hours that Draco was there he only read six books in the library. The first was called “EVERFREE 101 FACTS” which he found completely stupid but somewhat educational, then there was “FACTS AND MYTHS” which was a big help finding out who the rulers of Equestria was. There was Luna who raised the moon, which was probably bull shit; and then there was her sister Celestia who raised the sun, which also counted on the bull shit charts. The third book was the most helpful due to it be relating to magic. “Magic for beginners” The book was very helpful on him figuring out about his ring worked and how to use it. The other two were just a history book and species that were on the planet. The strangest thing though was that each of the books was written in a really fucked up language. It was as though someone used their mouth too write some of these, while others used magic but still fucked up and that’s not the most surprising part. The most surprising part was that he could read them with ease as though they were English. He just blamed it on the ring and kept reading. Three hours later he still wanted to try what that book about magic was saying and he would use it by fixing the castle.

“OK, so the book just said let the magic go through you and think of what you want done; simple enough.” Draco said with a smile. So he stood there in the same spot for twenty minutes trying to call magic to his very being, until he remember the time he summoned the gun and Dr.Pepper. He remembered he was not summoning magic to himself it just sort of happened. He looked at the right hand and stared right at it before saying out loud unsure of himself “Lighter…Please?” Once he said this his ring glowed again and a bright flash filled the room.

Once it subsided he felt a weight in his hand and looked to see a cheap three dollar lighter was in his hand. “Neat” Draco said with a smug smile and an over cocky tone of voice.

“Well then I guess I should restore this room to its former glory.” Draco said looking around the room and getting a picture of what everything looked like before the old tenants who use to live here left. He looked at the small pony statues and the books and ceiling along the floor.

“OK! LETS DO THIS” Draco yelled snapping his fingers. His body turned almost solid green from the glow of the ring and then a bright white flash. Once he could see again he saw the room was a work of art once again. The statues that lay broken on the ground were reformed back to their proper place and looked brand spanking new. The books were properly shelved on the walls and the roof did not have any holes in it. The floor did not have any pot holes big or small. It looked like a medieval library with a hanging chandelier with candles. “That looks-AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PAIN THE PAIN!!!!!!” screamed Draco as he rolled around the ground holding the sides of his head and stomach.

“MY KING!” twig yelled from the other side of the door pounding on it with his body trying to get in were his king was screaming.


Out of the corner of the room a fog made of stars floated to the king and covered him with it, before disappearing through the kings ears and while that was transpiring a quiet maniacal laughter filled the room before to disappearing like the fog.

Author's Note:

So hope you like it and don't hate me for it
did not want to make him all powerful and shit. everything has a back lash to it. =D
going to work on my other story now by.

Comments ( 19 )

And here's moon:pinkiehappy:

4451890 i have no idea what that is.... but i want one.

4451625 so...use too much magic and you're fucked?

4452194 for now i guess sure why the fuck not.

This is why I stay away from magic

I fucking love this!

update please.:pinkiehappy:

“But he is too short to be a human like you day he is he is more like a dwarf than a human and you even said he was an adult and he is only three feet tall.” like you say he is, he is more

So, wait. Is this before season 1?:rainbowhuh:

anyway, amazing and cant wait for more!

Ow no nightmare moon is inside the king I can't wait to see what happens next keep up the good work update soon :twilightsmile:

Is this Story Dead?

Wat...wat happen next...

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