• Published 12th May 2014
  • 10,758 Views, 548 Comments

Rescue on Diamond Mountain - moguera

Dawn Lightwing's home life with Fluttershy is threatened after his story is spread across Equestria.

  • ...

Happy Homecoming

Chapter 12: Happy Homecoming

The houses of Ponyville grew large in Dawn's vision as he swooped down lower. To the west, the sun was beginning to set, turning the sky into a riot of colors as the colt's eyes scanned across the houses. His first impulse was to pass over the town entirely and head straight home, sure that Fluttershy was waiting for him at their cottage. However, he wasn't entirely certain of that. She had been spending more and more time with Caramel lately and was inclined to go to him for comfort. It was entirely possible that she was at the tan stallion's house.

There was also the matter of Scootaloo to think about. She would certainly want to be among the first to know that Dawn had returned. Though his mother took precedence, Dawn didn't want to keep his fillyfriend waiting either. The others could wait a little longer though.

As he swept his gaze over the town, Dawn sensed an onrushing surge of air as somepony swooped down at him from above. Without even glancing, he rolled easily to the side, allowing the pony coming at him to go barreling past. As he did, Dawn locked onto the interloper with his eyes, not too surprised to see the easily-recognizable rainbow mane and tail.

"Hello to you too, Rainbow Dash."

"You're back!" exclaimed Rainbow as she pulled out of her dive and now swept in an upward curve towards the colt.

Now that he knew she wasn't a threat, Dawn simply braced himself against the inevitable as Rainbow tackled him and hugged him tightly.

"You had everyone worried about you, you little jerk," she growled through her teeth as she tried to crush Dawn in her grip, "Especially Fluttershy. She doesn't show it, but I think she was about ready to rush straight to Canterlot."

Dawn successfully braced himself against Rainbow's attempt at squeezing the life out of him. With a smile, he glanced up at Rainbow. "I'm sorry to make all of you worry. Where is mom now?"

"She's over having dinner at Caramel's place," said Rainbow, "Scootaloo and her mom are there too, so you can talk to them all at once."

Dawn nodded. "So can I go see them or were you planning on wringing me out like a rag first?"

His words brought a smirk to the face of the cerulean mare. "That doesn't sound like such a bad idea, given how much anxiety you put everypony through. But Fluttershy probably wouldn't be very happy with me if I did any damage." She let go of Dawn, forcing the colt to spread his wings again to avoid dropping to the ground.

Dawn began his descent towards Caramel's house, but paused when Rainbow shouted out behind him. "One more thing! Softhoof is there too. She went through a lot of trouble for you, so you'd better thank her for it."

Dawn nodded back at Rainbow and continued his descent.

His hooves touched down on the cool grass just before Caramel's doorstep. Dawn relished in the feeling, having spent the last few days growing used to the harder floors of the train outside their assigned compartment, as well as the streets of Canterlot and Diamond Mountain. It's good to be back.

Dawn raised a hoof and gently knocked at the door. Through the wooden barrier, he could hear faint sounds of conversation pause, followed by the sound of hooves trotting across the floor inside. The door opened and Dawn found himself looking up at Caramel.

Caramel and Dawn's eyes met and a slight smirk spread across the tan stallion's face. He turned his head and shouted over his shoulder. "Fluttershy! I think it's for you."

"Oh? Who is it?" Dawn heard the much fainter sound of Fluttershy's hooves as she too approached the door. It was at that moment that Caramel stepped aside to give her a full view.

When she saw Dawn, Fluttershy's eyes went wide and began to tear up. However, the smile on her face could have lit the entire house without aid from lamp or candle. A second later, an excited squeal pried its way out of her lips and the yellow mare hurtled forward and tackled Dawn, picking him off the floor and hugging him tightly, an embrace the colt did his best to return.

"Welcome home," whispered Fluttershy, "We've been waiting for you."

"I know," said Dawn, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

More hooves came from the kitchen. When Fluttershy finally let go of Dawn, it was her turn to step aside and let him be seen by the filly who was waiting behind her.

Scootaloo stood there, grinning like Pinkie Pie. The second Fluttershy backed out of the way, it was her turn to tackle Dawn, throwing the colt onto his back and pinning him to the floor before she pressed her lips against his. It took a second for Dawn to return the hug as he was stunned from hitting the floor. However, soon he was holding Scootaloo tightly and kissing her back. His wings stretched out and wrapped around her back. When Scootaloo's lips pulled away, the two of them leaned towards each other so that they could rest their foreheads together.

"I missed you," said Scootaloo, not caring who was watching, simply too overcome with relief to see Dawn, to be held by him again.

"And I missed you," replied Dawn, tilting his head so he could plant a small kiss on Scootaloo's muzzle.

"I missed you more!" she said, a competitive light burning in her eyes.

"I can accept that," Dawn conceded.

"Oh come on! You're supposed to try and one-up me," protested Scootaloo.

"I don't need to one up you," said Dawn, pulling her into another kiss, "I'm fine just like this."

Scootaloo snorted. "You're no fun. Still the lamest coltfriend ever."

"But still yours."

"Still mine."

The two of them laughed and Scootaloo finally let Dawn up. While they had been on the floor, Fluttershy had been snuggled up to Caramel, the sight of the two young ones in love being enough to spark some of their own romantic inclinations. Melon Cream, Scootaloo's mother, was still waiting, standing in the door that led to the kitchen. Behind her stood Softhoof. Both of them had watched the exchange quietly. The only sound to escape from Melon had been a light sniffle before she wiped her eyes, overcome by the tender moment. Even Softhoof had a hard time maintaining her professional attitude in the face of so much warmth and affection, the scene working to assuage the last doubts she may have harbored about Fluttershy and Ponyville.

"I take it everything has been taken care of," said Softhoof, stepping forward as Dawn turned his attention to her.

Dawn nodded. "I believe that your superior won't have any trouble accepting your decision now."

"Probably not," said Softhoof, "It's likely to be his last decision. He's told me that, regardless of how things turned out, he was resigning from his position. I think he can't forgive himself for being willing to compromise his principles, no matter what his reasons may have been."

"If it's any consolation," said Dawn, "You could tell him that I have no grudge. I understand why he did what he did."

"I thought as much," said Softhoof, "He'll probably still want to leave. Having his sister used against him like that shook him up pretty badly. So I think he wants to think things over, maybe decide on a new line of work."

"Um...who is going to replace him?" asked Fluttershy nervously, wondering if the new head of the department would simply start the process over and cause more trouble.

"Actually, I will be," said Softhoof, "I've worked under him the longest, so I was the natural choice."

"You don't sound too happy about that," noted Dawn, raising a curious eyebrow.

Softhoof sighed. "Yeah, I'm not. I'm too used to working in the field and actually doing the investigating myself. I know the other ponies in the department are professionals. Many of them have almost as much experience as I do. But it's hard to just pull back to an administrative position and leave things to other ponies, especially when you know that the wellbeing of foals hinges on their decisions and yours. I'm gonna spend a lot of time second-guessing and reconfirming...Probably drive my ponies crazy. But I guess I'll just have to get used to it."

"I wish you the best of luck," said Dawn, extending his hoof towards her. Softhoof did the same, the two of them shaking hooves. "Thank you for everything you've done for us."

That earned a chuckle from the government agent. "If anything, I should be thanking you. You did the lion's share after all."

"Well, enough chitchat," said Caramel, "There's dinner to be had and there's room for one more at the table. Let's welcome Dawn home properly."

Everypony else nodded and they filed into the kitchen to enjoy a meal that had become that much more delicious, now that there was one more pony to share it with.

Perlin shuffled uncomfortably. He'd dealt with a lot recently. Sneaking down into Ponyville to discreetly meet with Dawn had been easy, enjoyable even, especially with their brief rematch. Traveling with Dawn to Diamond Mountain, fighting against Zhan and finding himself genuinely challenged; that had been a true pleasure. Returning and explaining to the Baron that not everything had gone exactly to plan (which Perlin himself had ensured) had been somewhat irritating, since it meant that Perlin had to spend the better part of an hour trapped in the room with an angry stallion as the Baron ranted about the few things that didn't go his way. It had been unpleasant to sit there and pretend to listen to Elderflower, but the pleasure Perlin took in the Baron's consternation had helped him bear with it.

Dealing with Coco Pommel, on the other hoof, was proving to be nothing short of harrowing.

Coco had been her usual, terrified self when Perlin had first approached her. True to his word, Baron Elderflower had found her a position under a local tailor, a Canterlot mare making outfits for the nobility. The mare had seen a recent upswing in business, what with a certain Rarity of Ponyville suspending all her arrangements with the Canterlot upper-class, and had needed an assistant to help handle her increased workload. It certainly was lucky that a certain Baron happened to know of a young up-and-coming seamstress to recommend. She still regarded Perlin with an air of fear, clearly frightened of the young stallion, though he had gone out of his way to not be intimidating.

However, that had evaporated the moment he had held up his cloak for her, hoping that she could affect some repair of it after it had gotten torn in his fight against Zhan. Coco's eyes had gone wide with horror when she'd seen the state of the garment. Then she'd whipped it out of Perlin's hooves with breathtaking speed. Now she was stock still, her eyes moving across the fabric of the cloak, noting every stitch and seem, also noting every tear and cut, muttering quietly enough that Perlin couldn't understand what she was saying. Although, part of the reason he couldn't understand her was because she was also using terms that almost sounded like a foreign language to him.

An artisan speaks the language of her own trade that others understand not, I suppose, he thought wryly.

"This is terrible!" she said finally, looking up from the cloak and meeting his eyes. This time there was no fear, only the righteous indignation of a professional at seeing the craft of her trade being mistreated so, even if said craft was not hers specifically. She was apparently so affronted on behalf of the craftsmare that had produced the cloak that she had forgotten that she was still afraid of Perlin.

"I'm sorry about that," said Perlin nervously, shuffling, "The fight was particularly intense and my opponent landed several blows. I'm rather lucky that I managed to get my flank repaired." He turned and showed her the already fading scars, the last marks of the cuts he had received from Zhan.

The anger and indignation faded from Coco's face as she remembered who she was dealing with. "D-did you kill her?" she asked.

Perlin shook his head. "No, though it was a close thing. We were lucky that there was a skilled healer on the scene though." His heartbeat shuddered for a moment as she once again regarded him with her usual expression of poorly-concealed terror. There was something...grating...about being feared by her, which Perlin couldn't quite understand. Given who he was and what he did, he was used to being regarded with fear. He even found it amusing at times, though he'd never taken any particular pleasure in it, like some sadists did.

What made Coco Pommel so different?

"So...uh...is there anything you can do about that?" asked Perlin, gesturing to the cloak, "I would take it back to Miss Rarity to see if she could mend it. But I doubt I would be allowed to leave Ponyville so easily if I went there again."

The fear vanished again, that indignation flaring up once more. "You mean Miss Rarity made this?" exclaimed Coco, her eyes wide, "This is a Rarity product and you went and...Ooh!"

Without another word, she turned and stomped back into the shop, slamming the door shut, leaving a slightly flabbergasted young stallion in her wake.

"Well...that happened..."

"I see," said Arkenstone after listening to Dawn's story.

Neither the beige stallion, nor the ebony colt showed any signs of tiredness of fatigue, in spite of the early hour. Arkenstone hadn't missed a beat when Dawn had showed up at his door, instead preparing a pot of tea for them to share so that he could listen to Dawn's retelling of his fight with Perlin and then with Skan.

Dawn, for his part, had spent the night in Caramel's other guest room (the first one having been taken by Softhoof), curled up with his mother on one side and Scootaloo on the other. The two of them had been loathe to let Dawn out of their sight once dinner had ended. They had retired to the living room while Caramel lit a fire and had listened to Dawn explain what had happened over the course of his journey and his battles. They talked late into the night, until a time where Caramel had deemed it a bad idea to let Fluttershy and Dawn walk back to their cottage. So he had offered to let them stay there. With permission from her mother, Scootaloo joined the sleepover.

However, first thing in the morning, Dawn had carefully extricated himself from his mother and his fillyfriend and left the house. Not even Caramel had been awake yet, so there was nopony to notice as the colt quietly slipped out and made his way to the teashop situated by the library. Arkenstone was already up as well, preparing the shop for its customers. Though there was probably no need for him to rise so early to do the job, the Knight was just as much of a habitual early riser as Dawn was and that suited the colt's purposes quite nicely.

"Perlin is getting stronger," mused Dawn, "He was a much more difficult opponent this time."

"That's to be expected," said Arkenstone, taking a sip from his cup, "His weapons may be odd ones indeed, but he continues to work on mastering them. He has as much dedication to his craft as any of us Knights. He could be a serious threat in the future."

"And yet you saw fit to leave him at liberty," Dawn noted, still somewhat irritated about having been kept out of the loop regarding Perlin's secret visit to Ponyville.

Arkenstone nodded. "It was not a decision made easily. It may even come at the cost of lives in the future. To this day, I'm not sure that it was the right one. However, I also felt that he had an important role to play in the future and that it was for the best to let him be for now."

"I'm not certain I follow your logic," said Dawn, tilting his head to look at the Knight.

"You probably don't care for it much, but do you know how rock candy is made?"

Dawn nodded. Caramel had once shown him how when letting Dawn watch him work at the candy shop. "Yes. You dissolve a large amount of sugar into water and then put a stick into allow it to crystallize into a solid form."

Arkenstone nodded. "But do you know why the stick is there?"

Dawn paused. "Um...because you need the stick to hold the candy so you can eat it...?"

"Yes," said the Knight with a throaty chuckle, "But there's a bit more to it than that. When you have a supersaturated solution like that, the key to forming crystals is to introduce an impurity, a seed of sorts. It acts as an anchor for the crystal to form around. Taking the sides of the container itself out of the picture, if there is nothing for the crystals to latch onto and seed, they would never form and the solution would remain a solution."

"How does this apply to Perlin?"

Arkenstone sighed, his ears swiveling in place for a moment. "Right now, there are forces at work in Canterlot...Forces that go well beyond the machinations of the Noble Court. With the way things were, it was impossible to see just who and what were behind the things that are happening there. However, Perlin may change that."

"Ah," said Dawn, "So you think he will act as that seeding device, like a stick in a pot of sugar-water. He will draw out the hidden influences in Canterlot and cause them to crystalize, which will make them clearly visible."

Arkenstone nodded. "That's my hope anyway. It may take a while before we get any real results...and it may come at a very dear price."

"I suppose that too is the kind of burden that the Knights shoulder," mused Dawn.

"Yes," said Arkenstone sadly, "There are lives we can save and lives we can't. Sometimes I wonder what I am doing here, enjoying myself in my little teashop while ponies may be suffering elsewhere."

"Aren't you here because you are a pony as well?" asked Dawn, "If so, then your suffering is also something to be alleviated."

A slight snort burst from Arkenstone's muzzle. "I suppose you are right. Now, about that other thing you told me about..."

"Yes," said Dawn, thinking back to his most recent battles. During his fight with Skan, he had done something he had never thought about trying before. He had enhanced the power of his blows by driving his hooves into the ground, seeking support from the earth...fighting like an earth pony.

"That's hardly a surprise," said Arkenstone with a smile, "The magic of each of the three tribes has its own distinct nature. No, a pegasus could never hope to wield earth pony magic. However, that does not mean that we cannot learn from one another."

"So you are saying that there is nothing truly odd about it?" asked Dawn.

Arkenstone shook his head. "Not odd so much as rare. Few ponies think about looking outside their own tribe when it comes to developing the martial arts. You didn't draw the power of the earth in through your hooves, but you did strike downwards and then used the recoil and solidity of the stone beneath your hooves to enhance the upward force of your wings. Applying that technique similarly in your later fight allowed you to smash right through a unicorn's shield."

"And have you done anything of the sort?" asked Dawn.

"Indeed I have," replied Arkenstone, pausing to take another sip of his tea, "In fact, you could say my entire style came about from just such a combination. When I first began, I was a pure student of the Mountain Root. However, having spent most of my life in Canterlot, surrounded by unicorns, I began to get an idea of how I might use the principles of their magic to adapt my own. What resulted was the style I use today."

"Does that mean your style is more powerful than the Mountain Root?" asked Dawn.

Arkenstone laughed loudly at that. "That's a bit of a tricky question to answer. I would say my style is more powerful than the Mountain Root I would have wielded, because it suited me better than the Mountain Root did.

"However, it is not such a simple thing. We call the Three Pillars the strongest arts because they emerged as the furthest exploration of the martial potential of our magic as a race. However, a weapon's effectiveness is determined by the wielder. The most peerless blade in the world, in the hooves of a novice, can be defeated by a mere twig in the hooves of a master. The most important thing you must remember about your technique is that it should not be limited by the artificial constraints of something called a 'style.' The most important thing that any martial artist can do is to absorb what is useful to them."

"Hmm..." Dawn rested his chin on the table as he mulled Arkenstone's words over.

The beige stallion reached out and patted the colt's shoulder. "That is the sum of what you did on Diamond Mountain and in Canterlot. You applied an earth pony's technique to your own and your success was the result. There is no need to doubt or question that. In fact, you may consider exploring the idea further.

"For example, when you feel that you have sufficiently mastered lightning, you may consider trying to apply some of the principles of unicorn magic to it."

"How so?" asked Dawn, raising his head.

"Well, obviously your magic doesn't work like a unicorn's," said Arkenstone, "However, you can use the principle of unicorn magic in the form of applying your intellect to your actions. The most basic way to accomplish this would be to create an image."

"An image?"

"An image in your mind," clarified Arkenstone, "Lightning is energy that you shape according to your will, once you've mastered it. The best way to obtain that shape is to have a clear image of what you want that shape to be. It may vary depending on your situation, but the ability to actively control the shape of your power could be extremely useful. You learned to use lightning by not thinking about it, but that doesn't mean that there is no place for thought."

Dawn blinked, staring in surprise at Arkenstone.

"Thought can be used to reinforce action. Take thought, make it become intention, take intention, make it become reality. While there is a great deal more complexity to it for unicorns themselves, that is the basis for their magic in a nutshell. That nutshell is something that you can use to further your own art."

"I see..." said Dawn after a moment, "I'll have to try it."

"You'll have to try it...later," said Arkenstone, smiling, "But you should probably not try to bother with training today. It should be a day of rest after your ordeal. And, unless I am mistaken, there are two lovely ladies who are waiting for you after you left them to come speak to me."

"Ack!" Realizing what Arkenstone was saying, Dawn sat bolt upright. A second later, he frantically gulped down the remnants of his tea before getting up. He managed to take a second to bow to Arkenstone before rushing out the door, leaving the stallion behind, laughing boisterously.

"Ah...to be that young again..."

"Here! Make sure you take proper care of it this time," snapped Coco as she thrust the cloak into Perlin's hooves. She had spent the better part of three hours in the shop, apparently focusing on his cloak the whole time.

Looking the garment over, Perlin had to admit that he was sincerely impressed with Coco's skills. Even looking closely, he couldn't spot the seams that marked where the cloak had been repaired. It looked as good as new.

"Thank you very much," said Perlin as he slipped it over his shoulders. "I had no idea that you were such a fan of Miss Rarity."

"Lady Rarity is only the finest craftsmare in all of Equestria," said Coco, lifting her gaze skyward as she clasped her hooves in front of herself reverently, "Even my new boss acknowledges her skill. Even back when I was working for Suri, she was the talk of Manehattan. Her creativity is nothing short of pure genius and her bold designs always take the fashion world by storm."

"My, that is high praise," said Perlin, unable to keep from smiling, now that he was sharing what could be called a normal conversation with the mare in front of him, she being too wrapped up in her hero-worship to be afraid of him at the moment.

"Yes, I can only wish that I might someday have the opportunity to learn from her," said Coco, before sighing sadly, "But I'll probably never even get to meet her."

"Well, I wouldn't be so sure of that," said Perlin, "You may have a better chance than you think. It is my understanding that your current employer is commissioned to make the costumes for the upcoming Hearth's Warming pageant, correct?"

Coco nodded, her eyes shining. "Yes. It's great honor. Lord Fancy Pants recommended my boss to Princess Celestia herself."

"But did you know that Rarity will be one of the actors performing at the pageant?" asked Perlin, smirking now.

Coco gasped sharply, her hooves going to her mouth. "Really?"

Perlin nodded. "Yes. She and her friends have performed in the Canterlot pageant before. Their performance was highly regarded." Though, he thought to himself, That may have been for reasons separate from the actual quality of their performance, as Twilight Sparkle had been taking part as well.

"So you're saying that Lady Rarity will be wearing the costume that I helped make?" asked Coco, beginning to bounce in place.

Perlin nodded. "It's practically assured."

"Oh wow!" squealed Coco, "That's so wonderful." Perlin himself apparently forgotten, she turned and quickly waltzed back into the shop, her mind overtaken by fantasies of meeting her idol.

Perlin chuckled at her excitement as he watched the young mare leave. He wasn't even put off that she had essentially forgotten that he was there at all.

Of course she would get to meet Rarity. In all likelihood, Coco's skills practically promised that the Ponyville seamstress would take notice of her. Of course, that had been what Baron Elderflower had been banking on after all. It was no coincidence that he had chosen to introduce Coco to this particular shop. The Baron had already known about the deal that Fancy Pants had struck with the Princesses over the costumes. Coco was merely bait on a hook. And the fish she would catch would merely be bait for a much bigger fish.

For some reason that he couldn't quite understand, Perlin found that irked him somewhat. He briefly wondered why knowing these facts would upset him. Normally, such things didn't concern him at all.

With a shrug, the cream-colored colt decided to worry over those thoughts another time. His cloak had been repaired and he'd managed a semi-normal conversation with Coco, though he didn't understand why that seemed so important to him either. He was satisfied for the day.

"I'm sorry," said Dawn for the umpteenth time as Scootaloo glared at him over her bowl of oatmeal.

"You scared me," she said flatly, "Fluttershy and I woke up and you weren't there. We were both afraid that you coming back had been some nasty dream we'd been pranked with."

"I'm sorry," was all that Dawn could say, as he'd been saying for the past half-hour. Fluttershy had been understanding enough. However, Scootaloo had apparently taken it somewhat personally that he'd left without waking either of them. "I had some things on my mind, so I went to speak to Arkenstone about them."

"And did he help you get your thoughts straight?" asked Fluttershy, slowly brushing Dawn's mane back and forth with her hoof.

Dawn nodded. "It was informative. We talked about some interesting things."

Fluttershy looked over and saw that Scootaloo was still rather irritated with him. "Scootaloo, be nice. Dawn didn't mean to scare us like that. You're going to be miserable if you try to go through the day with a sour attitude."

Scootaloo huffed, looking away before letting out a sigh. "Fine," she said, "I forgive you, Dawn."

"Thank you," said the colt, giving her the warmest smile he could muster, which, from the way her cheeks lit up, was plenty warm.

"So now, we have the entire day to ourselves," said Fluttershy, "What do you two want to do?"

"Well, we need to take Dawn around so that everypony can see that he's back safe and sound," said Scootaloo, "They were all really worried."

"We'll also need to see Softhoof off at the station," Dawn added. The mare in question was upstairs now, packing her things in preparation for what was, hopefully, her final departure from Ponyville.

"Other than that, we can just relax and have fun," said Scootaloo, smiling widely, "And we need to talk about what Dawn's costume is going to be."

"Costume?" asked Dawn, giving the orange filly a questioning look.

"For Nightmare Night," said Scootaloo, "You know it's right around the corner...right?"


The complete bafflement in Dawn's voice made Scootaloo's eyes widen. "Uh...you know what Nightmare Night is...right? I mean, didn't your Master teach you about it or anything?"

"Uh...not that I recall..." was all that Dawn could say with a slight shrug, "Now that I think about it, I think Twilight Sparkle mentioned it once or twice...something to do with Princess Luna, right?"

"Wow," said Scootaloo, staring at her coltfriend in astonishment, "Did you ever miss out. Looks like we have some explaining to do. Right, Fluttershy?"

The yellow mare giggled lightly. "Oh yes, I suppose we do."

"Well then, let's get this show on the road," said Scootaloo, before digging into her oatmeal with a gusto. Dawn looked on and wondered just what it was she was getting him into.

"Did you hear about Viscountess Sweet Water?"

"It's a terrible shame..."

"...wrecked her estate you know..."

"...was in pristine condition for two-thousand years..."

"...so humiliating to have it destroyed like that..."

And on it went...and on...and on and on and on...

Sweet Water, the Viscountess of Diamond Mountain seethed behind her mask of cold indifference, as well as her other mask. The pale-pink mare had heard almost nothing but rumor and speculation regarding the damage to her estate on Diamond Mountain, as well as the endless speculation behind the cause of said damage. Her plan had been flawless. Nopony should have had any idea of just how she had manipulated the situation with Dawn Lightwing to suit her ends. No one should have even guessed at her having a prisoner locked away in her home estates. The two griffons guarding that otherwise worthless mare were practically overkill.

And yet, in the course of a couple days, everything had fallen apart. Her prisoner had been liberated and managed to escape recapture in Canterlot. Her estate, the holdings of her ancestors had been marred, irreparably damaged in the conflict. Her leverage over the Department of Foal Protections had been lost, meaning that she now had nothing to approach Twilight Sparkle with. Her plan lay in ruins, as did her manor in Diamond Mountain.

The original stonework had been preserved ever since the estate itself had been carved from the bedrock of the mountain. To have it sullied like this was an unspeakable insult.

As it was, Sweet Water was extremely lucky that nopony could see her face right now. If they'd been able to, she would be even more of a laughingstock than she already was, her anger and disappointment being far too much to hide.

Fortunately, now was the season of masks. Nightmare Night was just as popular in Canterlot as it was in more rural communities and less-refined cities like Manehattan. Though the ponies of the nobility would never stoop to something as plebeian as costumes, even they could see the appeal of spending an evening hiding your true face behind a mask (not that they didn't do that practically everyday already). As such, masquerade balls were the entertainment of choice on the nights leading up to Nightmare Night and the night itself. Everyone, from the attendees to the servants, hid their faces behind elaborate masks, playing a lovely little game of trying to figure out who was who. Tonight's soirée was taking place in the home of some earl or another, though Sweet Water couldn't rightfully remember which one...Dewhopper probably.

Yes, it was extremely fortunate that Sweet Water's sour expression was currently concealed behind a white domino mask, fringed with long, feathery plumes that draped back over her wine-red mane, the tiny slits cut into it hiding the simmering rage that glittered in her pale-gray eyes as she wandered amongst her peers, too outraged to take pleasure in the glorious beauty of her magnificent violet and crimson dress, the skirt of which spread in her wake, seeming to sweep effortlessly across the floor. The dress had cost her a small fortune and, along with the mask, served to make her identity nearly impenetrable.

Why? she screamed in the confines of her own head, Why did everything go so wrong? Why did that damn brat have to meddle? In her rage, it never occurred to the Viscountess that the foal, whose life and home she had been toying with to serve her own ends, would have every right to object to her machinations.

"My Lady?" queried a voice in her ear.

It took all of Sweet Water's composure and self-control to keep from jumping and yelling at the unexpected sound. She spun about to regard the speaker, seeing a stallion, similarly masked, though his outfit was considerably less-elaborate than her own. He was wearing a white plague-mask, which projected out over his muzzle like the beak of some kind of bird, whilst his light-purple body was covered by a jet-black suit. Aside from that, only his dark-purple mane and tail were otherwise visible. Sweet Water couldn't recognize him right off the bat, though she doubted she'd recognize him without mask either. She cared little for her peers, finding them to be insipid company at best, unless they were useful to her in some way.

"Yes?" she asked, keeping up her mask of politeness. The events of the past few days had already been sufficient humiliation in and of themselves. There was no need to compound her shame by forgetting herself.

"Forgive me if I am incorrect," said the stallion, pausing to cough somewhat dramatically, "But am I addressing Lady Sweet Water, Viscountess of Diamond Mountain?"

Sweet Water's blood boiled in her veins. This pony knew who she was and had probably been looking for her. This stallion was probably seeking to rub her shame in her face in order to improve his own standing.

Still, protocol demanded that she play the game, even though she wanted nothing more than to walk out on him right then and there. "Certainly, you are correct my dear stallion," she said, keeping her tone playful, "You have me at a disadvantage. May I ask who you might be?"

"Probably no one of consequence to somepony as illustrious as yourself," said the stallion with a bow, "I am Elderflower, Baron of Dream Valley. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, My Lady."

Sweet Water giggled with mock amusement. She'd heard rumors about this baron before. Apparently he'd been making some very, very subtle movements behind the scenes, though she had no idea what. "It is a pleasure to meet you," she said, "Did you only seek me out to introduce yourself, or is there something else you had in mind?" He wouldn't have been the first suitor to approach her, seeing a great deal to gain from the Viscountess's great material wealth, including the historic estate from her home domain. However, right now seemed a poor choice of timing. With her current humiliation, she was a less than ideal catch...

...Unless that was the point. This baron was approaching her when she was at her lowest, probably imagining himself to be some kind of knight in shining armor to her, the kind and compassionate stallion, comforting the maiden during her moment of greatest shame. How vulnerable she must appear to his eyes. He'd probably ask her for a dance next.

However, the Baron seemed to be set on surprising her. "If I could have a moment of your time, My Lady, I would like to discuss an important proposition with you."

"I suppose this proposition would have something to do with my current losses," mused Sweet Water, glaring at the stallion from behind her mask.

"I confess that the matter is not unrelated," said Elderflower, surprisingly amicably, "As the ultimate author of your misfortune, I feel the responsibility to redress it to the best of my ability."

"...What?" Sweet Water's jaw hung loose as she realize just what this stallion had admitted. He was the one who had interfered, who had somehow arranged for her plans with Hope Spot and Grayblood to fail. He was the one who had covertly humiliated her and he had the gall to dare say so to her face.

"Please, retain your composure, My Lady," said Elderflower, his tone devoid of any taunt, but rather carrying a stern remonstration, "You have already suffered a great loss of reputation, any unwise outburst would only serve to make you lose even more face."

Suddenly once again conscious of the fact that the two of them were very much not alone, Sweet Water flashed her gaze around. She had been studiously avoiding the central areas of this party, staying away from the ballroom or Dewhopper's (at least, she thought it was the Earl's mansion) foyer, instead choosing to wander about the wings of the mansion, contemplating her own suffering. However, plenty of guests still roamed about, many of them close enough to easily catch any angry outburst on her part.

"Please, let us adjourn to somewhere more private," said Elderflower, smiling politely at her from beneath his mask, "Where you might be able to express yourself more honestly. I can promise that I won't think any less of you."

Probably more of a case that he couldn't already think less of me, thought Sweet Water venomously. If he had a low enough opinion of her to meddle in her affairs, then he probably didn't think much of her to begin with. It was clear that this upstart didn't mind the difference in their ranks one bit and merely paid lip-service to her superior station. However, she would indeed like the chance to express her true opinions of the pony that had ruined so much for her.

"Very well," she said, "I happen to know of a spot in the gardens that is perfect for such purposes."

"That suits me quite well," said the Baron with a polite nod, "Please, lead on then."

Sweet Water led them through the hallways and out one of the doors in the rear of the mansion. Though she couldn't properly remember who the place belonged to, she had attended enough functions here to know it fairly well. Ironically, the homes of the rich and powerful frequently followed the same basic floor-plan, with many such abodes sharing quite a few architectural and landscaping features in common.

Their journey came to an end at a gazebo, situated picturesquely in one of the far corners of the garden, surrounded by blooming flowerbeds that shined with vibrant color, even beneath the fainter light of the stars and moon, in spite of this hardly being the season for flowers to be blooming. Even though the air outside should have been frigid, given the time of year and Canterlot's higher altitude, it was actually a rather balmy temperature, thanks to the heating spells woven over the garden. All in all, it was a beautiful location. However, Sweet Water was in no mood to enjoy such beauty.

Baron Elderflower had removed his mask, dropping any pretense of disguise as he gazed across the gazebo at her with perfect calm and composure. There was no air of triumph about him, no sign that he was enjoying her humiliation. Rather, he actually seemed genuinely sympathetic towards her. That actually irked Sweet Water even more than any taunt or barb. This upstart had engineered her disgrace and treated it as though it had been nothing to him.

"So, you are the one responsible," she growled, not bothering to remove her own mask.

Elderflower shrugged indifferently. "I was the one who arranged for Dawn Lightwing to find out about Hope Spot and one of my agents assisted him in recovering her."

"Why?" snapped Sweet Water, "How dare you interfere with me."

"I interfered because your plan was doomed to failure anyway," replied Elderflower, unfazed by her rage, "Twilight Sparkle is not so foolish that she wouldn't have seen through your ruse.

"You intended to stoke the affair in Ponyville until it threatened to become a nation-wide sensation. Reporters and paparazzi from across Equestria would have been about to descend on that little town in droves. Twilight Sparkle and her friends would have been at their wits' end. Their privacy and hope for any kind of peace would have been shot to Tartarus. But then you would have descended down and kindly offered to make it all go away. Because of your leverage over Grayblood, it would, of course, go away. Twilight Sparkle would be indebted to you and you would lay the groundwork for future manipulations. Am I correct so far?"

Sweet Water didn't say a word or make a single gesture. However, her silence spoke volumes on its own.

"As I said," continued Elderflower, "Your plan was doomed to failure from the very beginning. Twilight Sparkle is certainly naive in some respects, but not so much so that she wouldn't be able to see through your ruse and mark you as the author of her and her friends' misfortune.

"And what would stop her from accepting your help at that time, only to reject doing any favors for you later? You used Hope Spot's debt to make the situation time-sensitive. But, by the time you had your way, that would probably no longer be a factor. It would be beyond your ability to manufacture the same scenario over again. So you would have had to turn to other methods of manipulating the situation, taxing your resources and..."

"Enough!" snapped Sweet Water, "I get your point. However, I fail to see why Twilight Sparkle would refuse me."

Elderflower sighed. "You're forgetting something important. Those of low-birth don't see the world the same way we do. They don't understand the importance of holding to arrangements, of trading in power. They are governed by things such as sentimentality, clinging to wasteful, immaterial concepts like friendship. Twilight Sparkle's decisions are informed by such sentiment. Rather than seeing reason, she would have simply rejected you out of anger for what you had done to her friends."

"So instead of allowing that to happen, you arrange for my humiliation," growled the Viscountess.

"I arranged for things to come to as neat an end as I could," replied Elderflower calmly, "Admittedly, your marvelous estate was a casualty of my arrangements. For that, I apologize."

"You also arranged for my servants to desert me," added, Sweet Water, "I'm fortunate that some had at least enough loyalty to see that I was informed about Hope Spot's escape before she got back to Canterlot."

"That was also for your sake," said Elderflower, "It may interest you to know that investigators from the Royal Guard have been sent to your estate. They are heading there to determine whether or not Hope Spot was being held there on your orders. How fortunate it is that nopony is there to answer their questions."

Sweet Water clenched her jaw so hard that it hurt, cursing herself for her own lack of foresight. She hadn't even thought about covering her tracks back on her home turf. If the Royal Guard had managed to wrangle the fact that Hope Spot's incarceration had been on her orders, then there would have been hay to pay.

All of which simply meant that Baron Elderflower had all that much more leverage over her. "What is it that you want?" she asked.

"I have a rather simple proposition for you," said Elderflower with a smile, "I am looking for ponies of like mind to myself, so that we can save Equestria from its impending descent into disorder and chaos. Are you prepared to hear me out?"

To be Continued

Author's Note:

And thus, we reach the end of Story 6. I'm not sure how long the next story in the series is going to turn out, or how long it will be before I can start posting chapters for it.

For me, it stands to reason that Elderflower and probably a lot of other nobles are pretty skeptical about how the Elements of Harmony work. Yes, they cleansed Luna of Nightmare Moon and stoned Discord (Snerk!). But they would see the Elements as powerful magical artifacts and discount any attempt to explain how they work (rainbows and friendship) as platitudes by Celestia. They are very much in the mind of the kind of power that they exercise, which they have more stock in than "friendship."

As always, stay tuned for the story followup in my blog.

Comments ( 89 )

While this series is awesome, and I do look forward to the next book, I really hope you do finish your Fate/Zero crossover at some point.

i am curious as hell as to exactly what the baron wants

I'm actually liking Elderflower as the bad guy more then the Cult. One is a very clever pony, that obviously has a very strategic goal. The other is misguided group of fanatics that get really annoying fast.

Oh Perlin, those teenager hormones kicking in?

And I don't believe for a second that Perlin isn't a sadist. When he was fighting the mares-at-arms, he could have had more of a trial of skill if he had tried to avoid killing all of them. But he didn't care, he wanted the maximum amount of carnage in the shortest amount of time. I'm sure he likes seeing others afraid of him, just because he likes the reaffirmation that he is more powerful than those around him. That colt is crazy. (Crazy cool *ahem*)

I liked this story, I just lament that it was so short.

There was something...grating...about being feared by her, which Perlin couldn't quite understand.

What made Coco Pommel so different?

Could it be? Has the little shit found, dare I say it... a mother figure?

Another one down. Ive got nothing to say other then I cant wait for the next book! On one hand I want it ASAP but on the other I dont want you to burn youself out by rushing it... Plus I would feel bad that you hurt yourself or something... Well on that note im off to bed!

They way Perlin was portrayed through this past story strikes me as the kind of antagonist that operates within the gray area. Of course too with his "relationship" with Coco it shows that he actually has a conscience. I wouldn't be surprised in later stories if he decides to throw Baron Elderflower under the proverbial bus because of going too far. Anywho I humbly await the next installment.

And now we wait.... But at least it will be well worth it... I can't wait to see where this story will go! Until then I am going to have to find something better to do do with my life.... Don't know what I am going to do with my summer....

4437227 I'm more curious to see how he thinks he can convince Celestia that letting unicorns run the show is totally ok.

Unless...he wants Celestia out of the picture.

OMG he's in league with the Supreme Pontiff! He wants to kill the princesses and take over Equestria! :pinkiegasp:

Yay another one done
Time to wait for the next arc in the life of Dawn Lightwing

My emotions switched between joyous, thoughtful, and curious over the span of a single chapter. An impressive accomplishment to pull of without having it seem forced. The reunion was as glorious as I thought it would be. If it weren't for his years of training, Dawn would have been absolutely compacted by all of the hugging. It almost brings a tear to my eye.
Perlin's segment was the one that made me think the most. It seems that our little death machine is realizing what it feels like to care about somepony else. Coco is starting to fit the position of morality chain quite well. My original guess at what would become of Perlin at the end of the story involved you using the 'Anypony Can Die' status portrayed at the execution of Earl Flint. Now I can see him surviving much longer and, if he's fortunate enough, finding a friend in Dawn. Coco is what makes this all possible. Woe to thee who strikes her. May the unbound fury of the beast scorned haunt thee in the underworld. In all seriousness, I can't wait to see if Perlin's relationship with Coco reaches that level.
Baron Elderflower is playing the chess master routine like a professional. I thought he was supposed to be new to the game of power played by the royals in Equestria. He seems rather powerful for a youngling. Perhaps this will be explained in some sort of backstory. It also seems I must halt my plans to eliminate Sweet Water. Curse your plot relevance. I believe Cult Solar has the wrong target in mind because I have found the true demon. Too bad she's currently in possession of plot armor.
As a whole, Book 6 was a great read. Many options for the future have been opened up over the course of this installment that have made me think harder than anything I've witnessed before. The best example was the self-contained possibility of the Pegasus Tribalists returning. For curiosity's sake, were all the possible hints to this theory intentional or just a set of coincidences? Either way, it was a fun train of thought to pursue.
I look forward to Book 7 whenever you get around to finishing it. I can imagine everypony down here trying to guess what Dawn's costume will be. I have no idea personally, but I'll place a joke entry saying that he'll dress up like Nightmare Moon. He already has the coat and eyes figured out. All he needs is a horn and some armor to complete the look. Anypony else willing to place a guess?
Until you return with the next mental feast for us to devour, I wait with the utmost excitement. May you have luck finding inspiration for the next installment.

4437317 Hell no, he has the hots for that sweet-ass flank.

4437428 Do they have vampire ponies in Equestia? Well they have bat ponies (and Flutterbats), but having Dawn be a bloodsucking vampire would be supper-cute.

No, no, I changed my mind. He must be Angel Bunny. An adorable, little little cutesy bunny. *Cue Scoota-barf*

Excelent, now to wait for next book, thanks man for this wonderful journey:pinkiehappy:

It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here. I can't wait to see where things go from here. You are building up to something, but we're slowly waiting for even a shred of the main event.

4437317 I don't think it is a mother figure he sees in her :raritywink:

I just wanna say, as someone who has bad temperament and generally write short stories, I have a lot of respect for how you just chug out these chapters. It's really awesome. I was expecting to suffer from archive binging but no, you shot these out as a fast and consistent rate that I didn't have to worry about that. Good job dude.

I really like the developments between perlin and coco.  He is so much fun to read and so impulsive that it is guaranteed he will throw a wrench in the works over her somehow.  Another great story done, and between nightmare night and hearths warming this next one is shaping up to be very interrsting.

I have mixxed feelings about the series. I guess it is a sign of how good a writer you are. My emotions get the better of me and more than once I have found myselg wanter to strangle the Nobles.

Elderflower seems to slowly bring the nobles under his control (or eleminate them). If they all oppose the Diarchy, it's going to be tricky to go against them, what with all the power they hold.

And Perlin gets shipped. I just hope this isn't a buildup to turning his character around so that he can heroically off himself in the endgame. I really don't want to see the little shit gone :twilightsheepish:

I was right about the Coco Perlin ship. I am pleasantly surprised.

4437371 The author just killed that theory last chapter. In the author notes if you want to know.

Yay! I just finished reading the fifth book just now, only to find out the sixth has been completed! Best timing ever! I think this series has taken over my number one favorite spot from JetFire's 'Dangerous Business' (without diminishing my love of that story in the least - and JetFire is working on another story, so I'll see). I really love the worldbuilding and the different martial arts styles for the different tribes of ponies.

Dear God, someone just shoot these idiots. Elderflower's plan is just absolutely, undeniably stupid. He wants to bring about the segregation of the tribes again – which is what brought the Windigo's upon them, mind you – and intends to use Twilight Sparkle, who wields the Orbital Friendship Cannon, to convince Celestia to do so. On track so far, right?

Well first of all, Twilight is Celestia's student. She probably was taught that the three tribes working together was the best option. Which it is. Second, what's stopping Celestia from just saying "No"? Lastly, friendship. Turning the Earth Ponies into slaves in most definitely against against :twilightsmile:'s morals.

His plan just won't work, period. As for the other Nobles? Well like Elderflower said Twilight is just too smart to fall for most of those gambits, as well as being too great of a friend not to help them out in their time of need. Surprisingly aggravating how plainly brainless and oblivious these Nobles are.

Now the Cult Solar, their plan intrigues me... though that's mainly because I don't know much about it.

Yeah, but the cult is governed by the former student of Celestia who is manipulating the entire rural landscape of Equestria to get revenge. He's easily as smart as Baron Elderflower, and probably far more so, and is way more dangerous due to him not being entrenched in the nobility's way of thinking and his ability to summon and create impossible materials.

Personally, the only reason the Baron interests me is because he has what is probably one of the twenty most powerful ponies in his employ, while the Cult Solar is far more fascinating due to the enormous web spread by Morning Star.

Also, in case you were wondering, here's how I'd rank the characters in terms of power (Physical, Magical, and Political):
Celestia/Luna/Morning Star, Granny Smith, Arkenstone, Spitfire, Dawn, Perrin, Red River/Storm, etc.

4442837 While that is true, so far we haven't seen much of the leader of the Cult and more the annoying fanatics. I'm sure it will get more interesting when his (I'm assuming here) second in command shows up. From the way he spoke about her, she sounds dangerous, (hopefully Knight level dangerous). And I would also like to see if he has a few more ponies like that in his pocket. If that happens, then the Cult will get the top spot. Right now Elderflower has Perlin, and that makes him better so far.

Dude... what the actual fuck.... I swear by Celestias mane that this story is by far one of my favorites, but the ending kinda pissed me off.

One way or another I can't "put the story down." You got me hooked, so keep up the good work.

4440494 It was a joke. I really think Elderflower is so deluded that he honestly believes he can convince Celestia of his racism. Fat chance of that happening though.

Awesome story I can't wait until the next one comes out. Ok I couldn't help but think of Uncle Iroh when you were talking about learning from the fighting styles of other tribes. And when you were talking about manipulating lightning I thought of sauske and kakashi. Giving Dawn a chidori or that blade of lightning that shoots out would be cool.


Celestia/Luna/Morning Star, Granny Smith, Arkenstone, Spitfire, Dawn, Perrin, Red River/Storm, etc.

Now now, Celestia and Luna are far more weaker than Dawn, let alone the others. Did you listen to the history lesson long ago about the One Day War? Celestia and Luna are fat, lazy, and as we have seen so far, stupid unneeded figure heads with no power physically, mentally, or magically. Celestia and Luna sit on their asses all day, eating bullshit and writing bullshit. They are not training, meditating, practicing, or anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if Rarity is stronger magically than Celestia, simply because Rarity is always levitating so many things, while Celestia only levitates a quill, and some food each day. :facehoof: And as we have seen with the Nobles, Celestia and Luna hold no power at all over them. Heck, she can't even investigate the very few people under her that she knows for a fact one of is a traitor. I mean hell, she can't even do anything against the Solar Cult which would be easy as hell to fix, but she hell even Twilight and everyone else so far, are too stupid about it. :facehoof:

This is a good story, it really is. But my god are the ponies in this world fucked up and just plain stupid beyond belief. :facehoof:

I'd disagree. I think they have massive amounts of power, but they use a good deal of it to move the goddamn celestial spheres. In addition, noble courts of any kind are complicated, but Celestia has done an excellent job of phasing out their influence, making them a mere nuisance with access to lots of money rather than true political players. Celestia and Luna still hold the most political power, if not the most magical power, since they have control over most of the country, and are beloved figures that most of the subjects in the land would sacrifice their lives for. Additionally, they would probably be able to hunt down traitorous nobles if they put all their resources into it, but there are thousands of other tasks that need to be performed first to make sure Equestria keeps running as a state. Finally, Celestia controls the knights, so she has direct control over some of the strongest fighters in the whole world.
The solar cult is in no way an easy problem to fix. If you want a real world example, look at how impossible it is to get rid of the religious organizations that are basically cults even in the US. It's especially hard because Celestia can't just outlaw the Solar Cult, since she's trying to give her ponies more rights and freedom, and even if she did the members of the Cult would just see it as Luna or Dawn possessing or controlling her. Military or legal action doesn't work, either, since most of the ponies in the Cult are just innocent victims. Even then, a normal pony wouldn't stand a chance against the Patriarch, and the knights most likely wouldn't be able to defeat him either, even if they all worked together. Hell, he's capable of making a weapon that can kill Celestia, there's no way any mortal being could take him on, even if they could find him.

Also, you mentioned Rarity being stronger, due to practicing telekinesis in her shop every day. To that, I just have this to say:
Celestia practices telekinesis every day, on the motherf:yay:ing sun.

4458505 Well, while we could debate all we want about the other stuff, I will mostly focus on this

The solar cult is in no way an easy problem to fix. If you want a real world example, look at how impossible it is to get rid of the religious organizations that are basically cults even in the US. It's especially hard because Celestia can't just outlaw the Solar Cult, since she's trying to give her ponies more rights and freedom, and even if she did the members of the Cult would just see it as Luna or Dawn possessing or controlling her.

it is very EASY to fix. She just made so many stupid mistakes about it. She hid away the cult, threw it and everything about it into the darkness, she pushed it under the rug. She basically did what Applejack did in her season 4 Key episode, and lied about how the potion. Not same situation, but close.

She hid everything about the cult away, so what does the normal citizen know about it? They know they were helped by them, and they do good and worship Celestia. So they must be good! They have never done anything wrong, and Celestia doesn't talk bad about them, so she must like them! What a great place to be. All hail Celestia!

The cult COULD be disbanned and outlawed, and here is how and why. Celestia could have came right out after Nightmare Moon's Banishment and publicly pointed out how the Cult pushed Luna to the snapping point, and that NMM was all their fault. She could bring up everything else wrong they have done before and since then, could have publicize every bad thing they did and called them Terrorist and Traitors to the Crown, which they all were. Praying and worshiping her, doing good things? Ponies don't need to be in a cult to do that. What's more, the Cult is teaching people do hunt down and MURDER ponies just because of the way they look, How is that not some kinda form of Tribalism. Would YOU join a 'cult' of people that you knew drove a princess mad and is ok with Murdering FOALS just because they look different?

Now matter how you tell it, slice it, or explain it. It is evil, everything Celestia stands against, and they would be Traitors to the crown. But no, instead Celestia incourages ponies go join the Cult, for it is harmless, does good deeds, and she doesn't have anything bad to say about them. :facehoof:

Well, you've got me there. I mean, she did do a good deal of that, basically stomping it into non-existence after Luna's banishment, but now she could probably try and disband it, using the evidence of like five different cult members trying to kill an innocent foal based on the cult's beliefs. She has spoken out against the cult, but she hasn't done any stronger actions than that.
All things considered, she's not handling it very well. Although, with NMM coming back and Discord being released, as well as the threat of Gryphon invasion, I suppose she's had other things on her mind.

4459490 I will not fight on the last two, but I will still fight on the Permit. I do remember that part, and that is why I am confused. If they WAS an actual authentic one, they could be able to see WHO filled it out, for who, and why. Highly important government paper doesn't just poof into existance and still be concidered authentic. So who was it? Because they had created a document for a criminal that is going around murdering ponies.

This is probably one of the only minor things I dislike about your stories, it's that there are little subplots that get poked at in story A, but is left hanging as a massive plothole till Story B or C, where it is suddenly the entire mainplot for that story. The Cloudsdales little arch is an example, with little hints to the no new rainclouds, then in a later story it's the mainplot.

And now begins the waiting game... for the next book in the story! Now I'll have to find something else to read while I wait. :(

4488638 Savage Sky's is not The Dock. It is The Harbor.

There's a heck of a lot of match-making in this series

Dawn Lightwing x Scootaloo
Rumble x Sweetie Belle
Spike x Apple Bloom
Applejack x Red River
Rainbow Dash x Soarin'
Pinkie Pie x Mayweather
Fluttershy x Caramel
Twilight x Arkenstone
Flitter x Storm Front
Perlin x Coco Pommel
Flash Sentry x Hope Spot
Derpy x Big Mac
and probably a few others
Looking forward to part 7!

This is why good conflicts in MLP are so hard to write. Celestia could do all those things but then this whole epic saga would have been about a chapter long. Thats why every explination of why she doesnt do anything seems convoluted, its really hard to remove an established character with no known limitations from play and make it believeable. If you just take it as is then I promise you'll enjoy both the story and the show itself a lot more.

The best thing about the series is that it reads like a Shonen Manga.

There is plot, comedy, drama, romance and action. The only thing missing is the Harem genre, but in this case it's a good thing as I like where the story is progressing towards now.

This series... Oh how it had grown, ignored by my searching, biased eyes of high standards and pickiness. I've once saw the very begining within the feature box that one year ago.

If I may, fellow commenters, possible spectators, I would like to share a tale, a renaisance of this discovery, however annoying or intriguing it may be to suddenly see a remarkably long chain of text for a comment among this part of the digital site, as I'd suspect. But, I must speak out, before the nightly soda pop running in my veins dissipate and the moon takes me away.

It was once upon a time, when I'd hunger for ideal poni poni poni fiction. I've suffered every bored day, every night of self-pity and of unaccomplishment and of emptiness. That is, until I stumbled upon this, the Savage Skies series.

It was only a tiny thing compared to the greatness that it is now, the start of which that can be compared to Lord Faust giving birth to MLP:FIM and the spawn of the brony fandom. Within the description: an interesting concept, with possible daws and awes, possible epic conflict, and complete with a possibly awesome OC. Curiosity never made me come to it. Only hope of a grand, worthy tale that'll appear in my dreams.

After the read, the quality and storytelling didn't make me stay. No, instead it was so bright and holy that I fear it's curse and blessing! That if I run out of words to read, knowing my dangerous reading habits, I would've cursed the day and night, and even Father Time himself, for subjecting me to wait for the next chapter. And the next. And then the next.

With a heavy heart, I put this under the read later list. Later, in a span of time, for other grand memoirs that had the same reaction to pile in with it. I neglected to follow or favorite through the same fear. The feeling is like leaving your own child out by a doorstep, knowing the destiny and future it holds.

One year later, present time, and I'm left astounded and aghast as I stare at every sequel in the series.

The total number of words: I don't bother to count. There were few who could write so many words in such considerable amounts within a year, fewer with such quality, it's almost considered seemingly inhumane if excluding my experience with many other authors. This is exceptional!

I now know Moguera is god!

And like those people, I will give the same praises and bestow upon him glory within my every sleepless night, and within every dream there will be the manifestation of the epics and divine stories of the badass of champions, of the legend who've awoken to the grand calling of his place in one of the pedastals within the Vault of Pandorian OCs, of Dawn Lightwing!

In fact, I've only finished the first story in the series. During the passing of time, I know it grew stronger in blinding quality. I perfectly understand that the singing light of these written words would lead to a treacherous journey of badassitude and awesome, but it's something that I'm willing to trudge through! Losing sleep is a debatable thing, so I must make a call.

I ask of thee, thou pony brothers: lend me your strength to proceed, the questionable wisdom and guidance! The author, story teller, your blessing to help this nightly soul see into your grand scheme!

I feel that I'm aware that I'm losing myself, and I have no idea what's been said, but I feel awesome! I can't stop This Is my quest! Ignore the dark eyes and be gray! Lest the insanity kills me first, I will see to the end of the thread, and understand the woven twists and turns, and the pictures made in this brilliant quilt the creator of the gods have given us!

Goodnight to all, because I know I won't have a pleasant one for next few days. Praise the night, and may the shadows hide you.

My body is ready.

---Sincerely, the Rabid Squire of Squirrels and Grayness, Grey Rebl.

Please I beg of you, no more ships! I can't handle all the cuddles, love, and d'aww. My hearts about to explode!
And I don't have insurance... :fluttercry:

And with that, any respect I had for the Baron goes down the drain.

BURN HIM ALIVE!!!:twilightangry2:

While they had been on the floor, Fluttershy had been snuggled up against Caramel, the sight of the two young ones in love being enough to spark some of their own romantic inclinations.

against by Caramel

That entire paragraph you need to redo the spacing on each sentence to single space.

This all in all is a highly enjoyable fic. The ships are believable [if not slow moving as all get up so far], the pacing on a majority of parts are well done, the action scenes nicely scripted, and the characterization is off the hook. I highly anticipate the next fic and I hope that I don't catch it when it's already done. Since a large part of the fun of this fic comes from speculating about future bits.

Oh! And you have to give us a Nightmare Night fic! Seriously we need to see the adorableness of Dawn's first Nightmare Night.

Day 69

I've caught up with the time and dates, and boy had it been a journey thus far. Entering the gates, I see a sea of people, waiting for the next story arc. The comments that promise a small, well-mannered community brings a surge of hope within me. I finally have the time to reload on my sugared beverages, too.

Now begins the waiting game, of which I've dreaded since the beginning. At least now I'm not alone. With these brothers in arms, I'll wait. I'll wait for the ships to arrive at the harbor. I'll wait for the night to sing me epic dreams of awesome consisting of Savage Skies. I'll wait, knowing that my praises shall not go in vain.

Finally, I can allow myself to sleep. And before I forget: Thank you.

(In real Time, it took me an entire week to read the entire series thus far. Also, my comments aren't going to be normal any time soon.)

It seems to me that Dawn's cutie mark is not far away, also it's very possible to be related to lightning... A shaped one in, well, Still Way way... Not to mention that Lightwing is almost Lightning.

Something tells me Morning Star and Elderflower are not the main driving forces... I get the feeling some other pony is responsible for influences and manipulating the actions of the others... to what goal, only time will tell...

On an unrelated note. What would Daring Do be in this series?

A Knight perhaps

Great story. I loved it.

4765666 sounds complicated. yay science :)

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