• Published 12th May 2014
  • 10,758 Views, 548 Comments

Rescue on Diamond Mountain - moguera

Dawn Lightwing's home life with Fluttershy is threatened after his story is spread across Equestria.

  • ...

The Inspection

Chapter 3: The Inspection

"I-I'm not sure I understand," said Fluttershy, "I thought Foal Services had a-already approved me." She shrank back a little further as Softhoof's eyes narrowed.

In spite of her name, almost nothing about Softhoof seemed...well...soft... Her gray eyes were sharp and piercing, giving Fluttershy the feeling that they were staring right through her. Aside from that, everything else about the mare could be described as drab. Her coat was a dark, olive-color, while her immaculately-groomed mane was pitch-black, though Fluttershy's eyes picked out the slightest hint of gray at the roots. Her tail swished back and forth, occasionally obscuring the view of her cutie mark, a magnifying glass positioned over a sheet of paper covered by dense text. Though her figure was small, her forehead only barely coming up to the level of Fluttershy's muzzle (not counting the horn, which added to her overall stature a little), the mare remained an imposing sight and she carried herself with absolute confidence and conviction.

"That was the case," admitted Softhoof, though her expression soured as though she personally detested that fact, "When you submitted your initial application, we found nothing objectionable or that warranted further investigation. However..." Her magic opened the flap of one of her saddlebags and extracted a copy of the newspaper, the very issue that had been released a few days ago, "...certain new information has come to light that has led several important ponies within our department to reevaluate your suitability."

"I-I see..." said Fluttershy, "Wh-what now?"

"First will be an inspection of your home," said Softhoof, "I will have to look through it in order to determine if you are providing a healthy environment in which to raise a foal. I must admit, I already have my doubts, given that your home is so far away from rest of the town."

"I-I'm sorry," said Fluttershy, "Please come in." She stepped away from the door to clear the way for the inspector.

The olive unicorn huffed irritably and put the newspaper back in her saddlebag. From the opposite bag, she withdrew a notebook and pen, which went into a furious motion, writing down the mare's observations as she moved. As she stepped over the threshold and entered the cottage's living room, her eyes roved over every scrap of space, observing every detail and missing nothing.

A flurry of movement drew Softhoof's gaze downward. A small white rabbit now stood poised in front of her. Angel's expression was almost a perfect mirror of Softhoof's own as he sat with his arms folded and glared up at the invader. Softhoof raised an eyebrow, which Angel also mirrored, the two of them seemingly trying to stare one another down. Fluttershy looked back and forth, not sure if she should intervene unless Angel actually got violent.

The staring contest was broken by more movements in Softhoof's peripheral vision. Her eyes swept across the living room once again. During her initial sweep, the mare had noted the holes, perches, and other suspicious furnishings. They were now occupied by a host of animals, from squirrels and hedgehogs to birds of a variety of species.

"Good heavens!" gasped Softhoof, "What in Celestia's name is all this? What are all these animals doing here?"

"They're all my friends," said Fluttershy, gaining a little confidence with her animal companions there to provide her some comfort. As if on cue, one of the birds alit on the top of her head, giving a few encouraging tweets. A young weasel began to twine about her forelegs.

"This is..." Softhoof struggled for words. "This is absurd. You can't possibly think that this is an appropriate environment for a young colt, sharing a house with all these..." She fought for the right words. "...These pests!"

Fluttershy rounded on Softhoof almost immediately. "They are not pests," she said sharply, "They are all my very dear friends and you will not insult them."

As Softhoof backed away from Fluttershy's suddenly aggressive behavior, Fluttershy almost immediately changed her behavior, her ears going back and lying flat against her head as she shrank away from the bureaucrat. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I got carried away there. It's just...when somepony says bad things about my friends I..." Fluttershy quickly averted her gaze, afraid to even look the other mare in the eye.

Softhoof stood there, blinking, having been taken off-guard by the sudden shifts in Fluttershy's behavior. Is this mare unstable? was her first thought. However, the more she thought about it, the less likely that seemed. Softhoof had interviewed and examined many prospective parents in the past and had seen a veritable laundry-list of mental concerns and issues. However, Fluttershy's behavior didn't quite meet any of them. There had been a steely firmness in her tone when she'd upbraided Softhoof for speaking badly of her animals, but nothing wild or out of control. It was the sheer contrast between that and Fluttershy's previously submissive behavior that had caught Softhoof off-guard.

At first, Fluttershy's timidness had struck Softhoof as a trait that would make her unfit to be the parent of a colt. After all, if the parent didn't have the wherewithal to assume a position of authority then the foal would simply walk all over her and grow up without being subjected to any form of discipline. However, Softhoof was beginning to think that Fluttershy's behavior was nothing more than simple shyness in the face of having to deal with an unfamiliar pony.

Even her home was more than it appeared to be at first glance. With all the countless holes, burrows and birdhouses, it seemed as though a place so infested with animals would be little more than a cesspit, with every surface covered with molted feathers, shed fur, and excrement as the animals clearly had free run of the place. However, the interior of the cottage was clean, pristine almost. Aside from the fact that the animals themselves seemed to be everywhere, there were no other real signs of their inhabitance. Could it be that they clean up after themselves?

Softhoof hadn't neglected her research before leaving Canterlot. She well knew that Fluttershy's greatest talent was her ability to communicate and interact with animals and that she was in charge of Ponyville's wildlife management. However, knowing those facts hadn't prepared Softhoof at all for meeting with the mare herself. Fluttershy's position wasn't uncommon, particularly in earth pony towns. However, such a position was rarely held by a pegasus. Even more off-putting was the way Fluttershy spoke about the animals, as though they were equals.

"What?" Softhoof suddenly realized that Fluttershy had been addressing her.

"I'm sorry," said Fluttershy, as though she had been the one who hadn't been paying attention, "I was wondering if you would like some tea."

"Oh...um...no thank you. I think I should continue my inspection." Softhoof stepped forward and looked around the living room once again. "I would like to take a look at the colt's room."

"O-oh...I-I'm not sure..." said Fluttershy nervously, "It doesn't feel right doing that while Dawn's not here. Isn't that invading his privacy."

"It's an important aspect of the inspection," replied Softhoof sharply, her eyes narrowing once again, "A foal's room should be inspected without the possibility of interference. I need to be absolutely certain that you are providing for his needs in every way and it wouldn't do for him to try and hide anything."

A rustling noise filled the air and Softhoof was suddenly aware that Fluttershy's animals were now watching her very intently. The olive unicorn shuddered under their collective gaze as she realized that they must have perceived some sort of threat in the way she was speaking and were now waiting to see whether or not they needed to act in defense of their mistress.

"Now none of that," said Fluttershy sternly, sweeping her gaze across the assembled animals, "This mare is simply trying to help Dawn. You all need to calm down. Why don't you go outside until we're finished."

As the animals dispersed, Fluttershy returned her gaze to Softhoof, looking contrite. "I'm sorry, but they are very protective of me sometimes. They are also very fond of Dawn, so..."

"I-I see," said Softhoof, her own nerves beginning to wear a bit thin, "Let's continue. The colt's room please."

"Yes...alright..." Fluttershy led the way down the hallway leading to the room that had once been for storage until she had modified it into a bedroom for Dawn.

It was roomy enough, certainly a decent size for a young colt, and would be even after he had grown larger. In deference to his preferences, the walls had been painted in soft blues and greens, while the bed was covered by sheets and a blanket of lighter blue. On the wall at the foot of the bed was a long bookshelf that extended the wall's entire length. Right now, there were only a few schoolbooks there, but nothing else of note. In fact, the whole room was clean, not through the neatness of organization, but for a simple lack of anything beyond the absolute essentials.

"This is..." Softhoof wasn't sure what to say, the state of the room giving her an extremely mixed message about the colt's care. "Are you sure this is a healthy environment? Why is there nothing else in here? Honestly, it seems more like a guest room than your son's."

Fluttershy shrank back. "Oh...well...Dawn doesn't spend much time in here."

Softhoof's eyes narrowed as she took in the room again. The walls were empty, devoid of any decoration. In a normal colt's room, they would have been covered in posters of favorite bands, movies, famous actresses, the kind of things colts typically took an interest in. But here...nothing. "And why doesn't he spend much time in here?"

"Because he's usually out with his friends," said Fluttershy, "Or out in the living room with me and the animals, or in the kitchen, helping me with dinner, or out helping me with the chores, or at the teahouse where he works..." Fluttershy's eyes drifted upward as she continued to try and recall all the myriad places Dawn typically went. "...To be honest, he only really uses it for sleeping."

Softhoof pursed her lips. "And why doesn't he have any books, games, or toys?" she asked. The lack of such things could signify different things. It could mean that Fluttershy's financial conditions were too dire to allow for such unnecessary things, which seemed to be unlikely, given the the well-maintained state of the house and quality of everything that Fluttershy possessed. While the yellow mare was clearly not wealthy, it was obvious that she wasn't wanting for bits either. All of the few items that were in Dawn's room were of high quality as well. The other possibility was neglect, that Fluttershy maybe thought that the essentials were the only thing she was required to supply her son.

"Oh...well...Dawn doesn't have much of an interest in games or toys," said Fluttershy, "And he always says that he can play the games his friends have instead having them lying around here."

She turned and straightened out the textbooks piled on the shelf, apparently needing something to keep her hooves busy while she talked. "Dawn likes reading and I've offered to buy him books, but he always turns me down. He says he's happy checking them out of the library, since he can do it for free and always check them out again if he wants to read them again."

"I see..." Softhoof tapped her chin as she thought things over. Fluttershy's explanation made a certain amount of sense, but enough things were off that Softhoof wasn't willing to simply wrap up her inspection here. It appears that the best way to get an understanding of the situation will be to speak to the colt himself.

Turning she strode back out into the living room. "I am going to have to interview the colt personally in order to conclude my investigation," she said, "In the meantime, I have some other questions to ask of you."

"O-of course," said Fluttershy, shaking slightly, "W-would you like some tea now?"

"Yes, I suppose that would be nice," said Softhoof.

Scootaloo had to fight back the urge to yawn as she stood almost stock still in her position at the quarry. Above each of her wings hovered a single rock, each suspended by its own swirling vortex of upward surging air that kept the stones from falling, but sufficiently weak that they weren't launched up into the sky. It had been like this for several days now, ever since She had sent that cultist stallion crashing through the wall of her living room and tumbling into a broken heap in the road, Dawn had been carefully working with her to help her learn to moderate her power.

The rock exercise had been simple at first. The objective was to catch a falling rock in an updraft over her wing and then hold in place as steadily and for as long as she could. However, as she grew more comfortable with the exercise's original form, Dawn had started to add annoying little wrinkles. First, he'd made Scootaloo work on suspending two rocks of equal size and weight over her wings, meaning she had to be able to do the same thing with both wings at the same time. Now, Dawn had added a new level of difficulty by forcing Scootaloo to work with two rocks, each with a different size and weight, forcing her to moderate the power of her wings separately, but still at the same time. In many ways, it was an extension of the more advanced forms that Dawn had been teaching her.

Though Dawn was apparently aware of her frustration, he wasn't exactly in a position to address it at the moment, as he was currently working through his own training. He and Red River were currently exchanging flurries of blows as Dawn used his wings and wind to parry thrusts and slashes from Red's spear, the two of them dueling back and forth along the ground as Dawn worked to improve his skills at close-in fighting. When Dawn had originally started working with Red, his only goal had been to get in past Red's spear and land a strike against the azure stallion's body. However, their training had now advanced to the point where it was nothing less than full-on sparring.

Sometimes, Storm Front joined in on their exercises, teaming up with Red for a two-on-one match with Dawn that reminded Scootaloo uncomfortably of that deadly duel so many months ago that had nearly resulted in Dawn's death at the hooves of those very stallions. However, their exchanges were never tinged with that same degree of dire seriousness and Dawn seemed to be actively enjoying the challenge of going up against two very skilled and experienced opponents simultaneously. At this point, it still wasn't anything very serious. Dawn only used the most basic blows and wind manipulation skills of the Gale King, not yet utilizing his newly acquired control of lightning nor the deadly vacuum blades. In turn, the two mercenaries kept to relying purely on their skill with their own weapons, not using their own magic for the time being. Such sparring matches were fascinating to watch, which wasn't exactly doing Scootaloo's focus any favors.

Right now though, it wasn't as bad. Red was the only pony sparring with Dawn at the moment. Storm was there at the quarry, but he was there for a different reason. The dark-gray stallion was currently hovering in the air above them as he watched Rumble carefully swing a knotted rope about, putting Thunderlane's younger brother through a series of exercises designed to teach him how to wield the meteor hammer. The teaching process wasn't exactly going smoothly as Scootaloo heard the occasional yelp from Rumble as the colt fumbled a technique and accidentally whacked himself with the knot at the end of his rope. Scootaloo remembered hearing that Rumble had been on the receiving end of some uncomfortable questions from Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser and that Storm had gotten into some hot water with the two of them until Flitter, Storm's fillyfriend and Cloud Chaser's sister, had stepped in to help explain things. As it was, Storm had ended up requiring a steady supply of magic balm from the hospital to help treat the bruises that Rumble accrued with each practice session. It seemed that that was becoming less and less of a problem. However, that didn't stop Rumble of finding the process of learning to master the weapon, quite literally, painfully slow.

Abruptly, the tumult of sound from Dawn's sparring practice with Red came to a stop and the ebony colt backed away from his opponent. Red lowered a spear, signaling an end to their session so that Dawn could turn his attention back to Scootaloo. "I'd say we're about done for the day," he said, "You can put the rocks down. Go through each of your forms once more and that will be enough."

With a sigh of relief, Scootaloo pulled in her wings, letting the rocks drop to the ground. "Finally," she groaned, earning a chuckle from her teacher/coltfriend.

Though she found it decidedly frustrating at times, Scootaloo was happy that Dawn wasn't easing up on her training because of their newly-established relationship. When they had first confessed their feelings for each other, Scootaloo had worried that those feelings would make it hard for her and Dawn to work through her training. However, it actually seemed to make things even easier. Being in a romantic relationship was confusing at times, frustrating at others. But out here in the quarry, Dawn and Scootaloo could slip into their old, familiar roles with ease. Here, they were teacher and student and each knew exactly where the other stood, no confusion to be found. It was reassuring in a way.

Red chuckled as he stepped up to stand next to Dawn. The two of them watched as Scootaloo went into the First Form. "Quite the sight isn't it?" he commented, "You teaching her, me teaching you, Storm teaching Rumble. For a deserted quarry, it's become rather lively."

"True," agreed Dawn, "It's practically a little school we have here."

"A school hmm...?" Red stared down at the shaft of his spear. "That actually sounds rather nice..."

Up above them, Storm Front smiled as he nodded to Rumble. "I think that's enough for today," he said.

With a sigh of relief, Rumble wound up the cord of his practice weapon and the two of them adjourned to a nearby cloud, where Storm pulled a small jar of balm out from within the confines of his silk shirt and began to dab it gently on Rumble's newly-acquired bruises. During practice, Storm noticed that Rumble appeared to be distracted, making more mistakes than usual. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Sort of..." said Rumble, his voice trailing off.

"I can understand if you don't want to tell me," said Storm.

"Well, it's not that I don't trust you," said Rumble, "I'm not entirely sure what the problem is. It's something I can't put my hoof on."

"Does it have to do with anything in particular?"

Rumble frowned. "It's Sweetie Belle," he said.

"Love issues?" asked Storm, feeling out of his depth. He was new to the whole relationship thing as well. Though things were going well between him and Flitter, the stallion wasn't exactly feeling that he was in a position to provide counsel on relationships.

"Not exactly," said Rumble, "I mean, we have a lot of fun together and being with her always makes me happy. It's just, right now...Sweetie seems..." Rumble was struggling to find the words to describe the situation. "...She seems lost somehow...Whenever I go off to train with you, or Scootaloo and Dawn have to leave, or when Apple Bloom has to go and do something at the farm, she always looks sad; not the normal 'I'm sad you're leaving right now' kind of sad, but something else..."

"Have you noticed when this might have started happening?" asked Storm.

Rumble thought the matter over for a moment. "Well, I don't think it has anything to do with what happened at the Harvest Festival. She was just fine after that. Let's see...after that was...Apple Bloom's cuteceƱera. That's the only other important thing that's happened lately...aside from the newspaper article about Dawn." Rumble thought about it some more. "Now that I think about it, I think it wasn't that long after Bloom's cuteceƱera."

"Perhaps not having a cutie mark has something to do with it," suggested Storm.

"But why would that upset her. Sure, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have their cutie marks, but Dawn and I don't have ours. It's not like she's the last one."

"True," agreed Storm, "But, if I recall correctly, she and those other two fillies were the original members of your little group of Crusaders. Even if you and Dawn have yet to find your cutie mark, she is still the last amongst the original group. Perhaps that is weighing upon her in some way."

"Maybe," agreed Rumble.

"Perhaps you should try talking to her about it," suggested Storm, "Or, alternatively, offering to listen. The best thing for her may be to have somepony she can speak earnestly and honestly to."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," said Rumble, "It's worth trying at least."

Down below, Scootaloo was panting as she finished the last of her forms. As she stepped out of her final stance, she noticed Dawn nodding with approval.

"You're doing quite well," noted Dawn, "Your control has been improving a great deal."

Scootaloo couldn't help but smile and blush at Dawn's praise. "Thanks."

"We may be able to start sparring practice soon," noted Dawn, "It will help you get used to using your skills against actual opponents and adapting to the situation on the fly."

"You mean fighting...like against you..." Scootaloo's blush vanished as the blood rushed away from her face, her ears going back to lay flat against her head. The image of Quicksilver, sprawled unmoving across the road, came unbidden to her mind as she remembered the last time she had used the Gale King against another pony. Looking down, Scootaloo shivered at the unpleasant memory.

She felt Dawn step forward to stand in front of her. Extending his wings, Dawn wrapped them around either side of Scootaloo's head, gently tugging until her forehead rested against his, the two of them isolated in their own little world, cocooned within Dawn's feathers.

"You'll be fine," said Dawn, "You won't hurt me. The entire point of sparring against me is that, even if you do lose control, I can still keep things from getting out of hoof. It'll be alright."

"Okay..." said Scootaloo.

"We'll leave it for another time," said Dawn, "Let's call it a day."

"Alright." Scootaloo pulled away slightly and tilted her muzzle back up, Dawn mirroring the motion. Before he could pull away completely, Scootaloo leaned forward and pecked him lightly on the lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Dawn, smiling, "Let's go home."

"Now then," said Softhoof as Fluttershy set a cup of tea in front of her, "I hope you understand that, as Dawn Lightwing's primary caretaker and guardian, you are responsible for ensuring his health and wellbeing." There had been some delays in the interview, owing to Fluttershy having to attend to the stew she had been fixing before finishing with the tea.

"Yes," said Fluttershy, pausing to take a sip from her own cup to help calm her nerves, "I understand that."

"Good," said Softhoof, "Then perhaps you will oblige me by explaining what he was doing in Cloudsdale during the tribalist conflict. How is it that Dawn was there that day?"

"It was his own decision," said Fluttershy, "The drought had been causing problems for everypony in Ponyville, especially Rainbow Dash, since she was the one responsible for the town's weather. After she was nearly arrested for bringing in a wild storm from the Everfree Forest, she decided to go to Cloudsdale to look into it herself. She..." Fluttershy paused with a gulp, taking another sip of tea. She'd known from the moment she'd learned why Softhoof was here that this was going to be the greatest hurdle in the investigation. What was worse, Fluttershy was nowhere near certain that she could convince Softhoof that her decision had been appropriate. "She came to see me, asking if she could bring Dawn with her to Cloudsdale."

"Your friend asked you if Dawn Lightwing could go to Cloudsdale with her?" asked Softhoof, aghast at the idea, "What was she thinking?"

"She was afraid," said Fluttershy, "After what happened with the Cloudsdale Guard trying to arrest her, she wanted to have somepony she could count on if things went...badly."

"In other words, your friend decided it would be a good idea to bring a young foal into a hostile situation that could, and did, deteriorate into violence," gasped Softhoof, "And you agreed?"

"I did," said Fluttershy, "I said I would respect Dawn's decision and he decided to go with her."

Softhoof's mouth worked silently as she processed what Fluttershy said. "You actually gave your approval?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I trusted Dawn's decision, because I was sure that he would want to do the right thing, even if it meant putting himself at risk."

"What in Equestria is the basis of this trust of yours?" said Softhoof.

"Dawn's strength is very real," said Fluttershy, "When we first met, he was the one saving me. He saved me by driving off a pack of Timberwolves that had been chasing me through the forest. The second time we met, he saved me from a stallion that had been attempting to rape me. Dawn survived in the Everfree Forest, on his own, with nopony else to look after him, for over a year. I trusted him on the basis of that strength." For some reason, Fluttershy felt much more secure and assertive when talking about Dawn this way. The article had downplayed Dawn's strength, most likely to build more sympathy for the harassment he endured. But Fluttershy knew, perhaps better than anypony aside from the three other martial artists in Ponyville, just how strong Dawn really was. After all, if he hadn't been very strong, he would never have lasted as long as he did on his own in the first place.

Softhoof wasn't sure what to say to that. The conviction in Fluttershy's voice was off-putting, to say the least. "If that's the case," she said, finally finding another angle to approach the situation, "Then why did you feel the need to become Dawn Lightwing's guardian in the first place?"

Fluttershy smile warmly, her eyes drifted shut as she remembered the nights she'd spent with Dawn curled up against her side, sheltered beneath her wing. She remembered that time in the hospital, where'd she'd sung him to sleep and how he had allowed his barriers to truly fall for the first time and return her embrace. She remembered the day she had asked Dawn to become her son and truly join her family. She remembered the relief she'd felt when she'd gotten to hold him after he'd returned from Cloudsdale. She had her answer.

"Because what Dawn needs isn't protection, not from the harm others can do. He doesn't even truly need food or shelter, because he's always been able to find or make those for himself. What Dawn needs is to know that there are ponies who love him, ponies who want him. What he needs is a place to return to, a home where he can be at ease and rest and prepare for life in the world outside. I adopted Dawn because I wanted to do all those things for him, because I love him." Opening her eyes, Fluttershy favored Softhoof with that same smile.

Softhoof's first instinct was to scoff. When it came to finding homes for foals, love was one of those words tossed around so often that it had virtually no value whatsoever. Love had no bearing on income, on a parent's ability to provide. It was immeasurable, unquantifiable, and unprovable. Wannabe parents threw out the word "love" like it was some secret password that would lead their immediate approval. "We would never fail to support that colt. We love him after all." "All those issues don't matter when it comes to that filly, because we love her." Softhoof had heard those lines a dozen times or more. It meant nothing. It proved nothing.

However, there was something different about the way Fluttershy was saying it. It was clear that Fluttershy was very sincere when she said that she loved Dawn Lightwing. But sincerity in and of itself didn't prove anything. After all, plenty of unfit parents would say they loved their foal with utter sincerity. Even more frighteningly, some of the absolute worst monsters of equinity could say that with complete conviction.

If Softhoof was forced to describe the difference, she would say it all came down to context. Fluttershy was clearly well aware of the fact that Dawn Lightwing was radically different from virtually any other foal that she might encounter. He could, and apparently did, do things that even most adult ponies would find to be impossible. Her words indicated that she understood what Dawn's needs truly were and that she was confident that she could provide for them.

"That's...interesting," Softhoof finally said, not able to come up with anything else.

Fluttershy's ears twitched and she looked up, her eyes zeroing in on the front door. "He's back."

The door swung open and Softhoof's eyes fell upon Dawn Lightwing, in the flesh, for the first time.

"I'm home," said Dawn, trotting in after scuffing the dirt off his hooves that the doormat.

"Welcome back," said Fluttershy, scooting over to make room for Dawn over on the couch. Dawn climbed up next to her and the two of them traded nuzzles as the colt settled comfortably against Fluttershy's side.

Dawn finally turned his eyes to Softhoof. The olive-unicorn shivered reflexively. It was one thing to read about the colt's condition and see a simple picture. It was another thing entirely to be in the room with him and see those unsettling eyes for herself. Softhoof found herself understanding how some ponies could look at his eyes and conclude that there was something truly unnatural about this colt.

"Am I interrupting?" asked Dawn, his gaze jumping between Fluttershy and Softhoof.

"Oh no," said Fluttershy, "We were waiting for you to get back anyway. This is Softhoof from Foal Protection Services."

"I see," said Dawn, turning his attention to the other mare, "Hello."

Softhoof coughed awkwardly, a bit thrown off by having been caught staring and behaving a bit unprofessionally. "Yes...It's a pleasure to meet you. I am here on behalf of the Equestrian Ministry of Welfare. Due to the concerns brought up by the recent article in the Equestrian Times, we are in the process of evaluating your situation and are trying to determine whether or not Miss Fluttershy is providing you with a suitable home."

The effect was immediate. Dawn's eyes narrowed dangerously. Softhoof's anxiety compounded as the colt fixed her with a gaze that was positively chilling. "Well then, you can leave now. I am perfectly happy and comfortable where I am and I am not interested in going anywhere else. Your job is finished. Go away."

"Dawn!" The reproof in Fluttershy's voice brought about a reflexive flinch in the colt as he scooted back away from her, looking up at the yellow mare in confusion as she directed a stern gaze down at him, one that was a match for any of the looks she had given Softhoof earlier.


Dawn was cut off by Fluttershy's reprimand almost immediately. "You will apologize to Miss Softhoof right now. That is not appropriate behavior young man."


"Now!" It was Fluttershy's turn to narrow her eyes.

Dawn actually shrank away from her gaze, his ears going flat. "But she's trying to take me away..."

"Dawn..." Fluttershy's voice softened a little. "Miss Softhoof is a good pony who just wants to make sure that you're safe and taken care of. I understand if you're worried, but you don't have any right to take it out on her."

Dawn was silent for a long moment. "You said you wouldn't abandon me," he said, his voice nearly a whisper.

"That's right," said Fluttershy, "And I won't."

"You said you would fight for me, you would stop ponies from trying to take me away, from trying to drive me out..." Dawn turned his eyes up to Fluttershy, who was shocked to see that they were brimming with tears. "But that mare is right here, in our home, trying to find some excuse to take me away...Why aren't you fighting her? Why should I apologize when she is trying to drag me away from my home?"

"Dawn! It's not like that," protested Fluttershy, "Calm down! If you can't control your temper, then you need to go to your room."

Dawn froze. His protestations died on his lips as Fluttershy directed a stern, commanding gaze at him. Silently, the colt slipped off the couch and trotted out of the living room. A few seconds later, the sound of the door to his room swinging shut echoed through the strangely silent house.

Fluttershy sighed, on the verge of crying herself. She turned to regard Softhoof, who had an indecipherable expression on her face. "What now?"

"I think I am finished here," said Softhoof, putting her notes away, "Thank you for your time Miss Fluttershy. You will receive a letter informing you of the results of my investigation shortly and what further actions, if any, will be taken at that time. Good evening."

Softhoof left without another word. Silence descended on the cottage as the animals slowly began to creep out of their homes and look to their caretaker with concerned gazes. Fluttershy, for her part, was too distressed to notice. Instead, she got off the couch and headed back to Dawn's room. Not knocking, she slowly pushed the door opened and looked in at her son. Dawn was resting on his back on the bed, his eyes staring sightlessly up at the ceiling. "Dawn..."

The colt looked over at her. Fluttershy shivered as his eyes met hers. The warmth she had grown so used to seeing in his eyes was clouded over, in its place was more than a little of the colt she had first met in the Everfree Forest, one so emotionally worn out that he had almost given up on trying to feel anything at all. "Can I come in?" she asked softly.

"Yes," said Dawn, rolling over.

Fluttershy trotted into the room and up to the side of the bed. "Dawn, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I understand that you're upset but...I would never abandon you. You know that right?"

"I..." Dawn looked as though he wanted to agree, but something was stopping him. "That's what I thought..."

"Thought?" Fluttershy's stomach churned at Dawn's use of the past tense.

"I thought that, maybe, that this time would be different..." muttered Dawn.

Suddenly, Fluttershy began to put it together. She remembered Dawn once telling her about having been taken in by other ponies, only to be forced to leave anyway when those ponies decided that the problems that followed him were too much of a burden to endure. In the end, he had given up and gone into seclusion in the Everfree Forest.

"Dawn? Is that what you really feel?" asked Fluttershy, horrified, "Are you really thinking that I would do that?"

"But...why was she here then?" asked Dawn, "Why would you leave it up to her as to whether or not I should stay with you?"

"Dawn, Softhoof isn't trying to take you away," said Fluttershy. Not yet anyway, she added internally. "She's just a pony trying to make sure that you have the best chance to grow up happy and healthy. She just wants what's best for you."

"But I don't care about best!" said Dawn sharply, "I don't want to know where might be best for me anymore. I'd given up on finding such a place a long time ago. I just want to stay here. I don't want to go anyplace else. I'm tired of ponies always saying that I need to go elsewhere." His voice cracked. For as long as Fluttershy had known him, this was as close as Dawn had ever gotten to outright shouting.

"I don't want you to go either," said Fluttershy, crawling up onto the bed next to Dawn and pulling him tight against her, "I want you to stay here always. I want to watch you grow up. I want to see you get your cutie mark, I want to see you find your place in the world and have a family of your own..." Her smile gained a slightly impish character. "...maybe with Scootaloo."

Dawn was not too distressed to blush.

Fluttershy continued. "But there are certain things we have to do to make sure that we can do that. I love you and I want you to stay here in Ponyville with me. But, the best way to do that is to make sure that Softhoof and the ponies above her understand that this is where you should be. Do you understand?"

Dawn looked up at Fluttershy. "I'm not sure...I..."

He did something that made Fluttershy's heart freeze in her chest. He pulled away from her and struggled out of her arms before vaulting over her body and to the floor. He approached the door to his room and looked over his shoulder. "I need to think. I just need some time..." And then he was gone. Fluttershy heard the front door open and close.

For a long time, she didn't move. She simply lay there on Dawn's bed, breathing in his scent, which had settled into the sheets. Slowly, she pulled herself up and off the mattress and went out into the living room. Her teary eyes found the door and Fluttershy took a step toward it before halting. A large part of her wanted to bolt out after Dawn, to keep after him, reassure him of how much she loved him and how much she wanted to keep him with her. However, the other part of her wanted to honor his desire to be alone with his own thoughts for a little bit. After the past few occasions, Fluttershy wanted to have faith that he wouldn't run away. He'd promised her and he'd promised Scootaloo that he wouldn't think like that anymore. He'll come back, she thought, I have to believe that.

A thought occurred to her and Fluttershy rushed into the kitchen. However, she was too late. She'd left the stew unattended for too long. The vegetables and potatoes had turned to mush. The whole thing was probably still edible, but too overcooked to be any good. Between Softhoof's sudden visit and Dawn's unexpected behavior, she'd completely neglected their dinner...not that Dawn was there to share it with her anyway.

The only thing Fluttershy could do was turn off the burner on the stove. She'd probably be able to salvage the stew, but it wouldn't be done tonight. Instead, she settled limply and stared out the window into the evening sky, tears running down her cheeks.

Caramel did his best to keep from yawning as he made his way back home. He'd just said his goodbyes to Bon Bon and Lyra as they finished closing up the shop. There'd been an upswing in sales lately. But that was to be expected. Nightmare Night was coming soon and a lot of ponies were placing advance orders for candy and treats that they would hoof out to the foals. Bon Bon had been busy placing orders for ingredients and making arrangements for the tumultuous days leading up to the biggest holiday of the year for candy makers.

The tan stallion was beat. At that moment, he was thinking of nothing more than a light dinner before settling in for a warm bath, maybe spending the rest of the evening curled up with a good book in front of the fireplace. Anything else was too much work to be worth bothering over after a night like this.

However, it seemed that his night wasn't about to conclude so peacefully. Caramel's ears twitched as they picked up the sound of somepony sniffling. Turning, Caramel tried to orient on the sound and pick out its source. To his surprise, he noticed somepony wandering aimlessly along the street, and the absolute last pony he ever expected to see in such a state.


Author's Note:

This chapter was interesting to write. I had planned on bringing up this conflict, in one form or another, ever since I started writing this story. You don't simply allow a child to wander into what was essentially a warzone and not have any consequences or people questioning whether or not you're looking out for said child's best interests. The fact that said child is a martial artist who can kick more ass than a battalion's worth of adults is something that's hard to accept unless you've seen it in person.

That said, I may have had Softhoof exaggerating with her threat at the end of the previous chapter, but there is no doubt in my mind that if she'd thought that Dawn was in immediate danger from staying with Fluttershy, then she would not have left him there for a single second longer than she had to, even if she had to try and drag him out the door (which would have ended with her getting her ass kicked). Many of the things Softhoof was thinking about are legitimate concerns when you think about what goes into raising a child, at least, in my mind, especially when it comes to people saying they love said child. After all, plenty of abusers have claimed to "love" their kid, calling beating him black and blue "tough love" or something to that effect. Even worse are those sickos who take that "love" in other directions...and some of them are completely sincere about it, which is the scary part.

Finally, I rarely get the chance to bring out Dawn's bratty side. I wanted him to have at least some loss of control for a couple of reasons plotwise. You'll see why in the next chapter. I think I may have been influenced by Nico Robin's backstory in One Piece with the idea of him having been taken in by others before but ending up having to leave or getting thrown out when things get too hairy because of all the baggage that Dawn brings with him. That was a particular button of his that I'd left unpressed until now, so I figured this was the perfect time to bring it out.

Next chapter: Caramel hosts a slumber party.