• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 2,078 Views, 16 Comments

A Journey through Memories - Centauri

Luna's lately been growing depressed, and manages to find some help from an unexpected source.

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Chapter Nine - Griffins' Fury

A Journey through Memories

Chapter Nine - Griffins' Fury

I flew above the cloud layer, where the sky was clear and Celestia’s light was strong. I admired the patterns the clouds took, and welcomed the cold daytime air; the sky was a pleasant distraction to the friend I just lost. Twilight’s going to hate me now, I despaired inwardly. Why did I say those words? What drove me to admit it? I flew as hard and as fast as I could, trying to set my wings and lungs burning. My hair billowed out behind me in my slipstream, and I marvelled at the pleasant sensation. I needed to be alone with my thoughts, and here I was, with no other soul in sight.

I saw a nearby peak and alighted on it. I sat in the freezing wind, and enjoyed the rays of the burning sun. I sat on the mountaintop and tried to clear my mind. It might not be a total waste, I prayed to myself it wasn’t. She might accept it and move on. The darker part of my mind moved in. Or she’s going to reject you even as a friend. I despaired even more at this thought, and the more I pondered on it, the more certain I became that it was the truth. I started crying for the loss of a friend. I shed tears at the friendship we could have had for many lifetimes, and the relationship that might never have been.

I heard a magical cry on the air, pleading for me to return to Highridge. Twilight. I sighed as I realised that the others were worried about Rainbow Dash’s condition and convinced her to call me back. As I neared the tall cliff, I saw a familiar mare with a cyan coat and chromatic mane. I sped down to meet the party of ponies around Rainbow Dash. I examined the group of mares. Applejack was standing nearby Dash, looking ready to catch her if she stumbled. Fluttershy was looking at her hooves not wanting to face any griffins who might see her. Pinkie Pie was bouncing around the group in double time, almost emitting light from her demeanour. Rarity looked extremely glad to see Rainbow Dash up and well.

I glanced at Twilight. She was simply staring straight ahead, possibly – hopefully – lost in thought. She briefly regarded me, but said nothing, and my heart fell.

“Are you okay, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. I glanced once again at Twilight; she had at least done me the courtesy of not telling anypony else.

“I... um... Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, trying to sound convincing. Applejack simply regarded me, with a look telling me that she didn’t believe me. I sighed. “Dash,” I scolded her. “You really shouldn’t be standing, let alone outside. You all let her do this?”

Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Dash said she would’ve gone outside anyway.” I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, fine,” I conceded. “But as soon as you lift a wing, Dash, I’m tying them behind your back.” Dash laughed, knowing I wouldn’t follow through with the threat, but also knowing that she should listen to my advice. We wandered around the griffins’ city as a group, admiring some of the artworks. As I walked past them, I noted that none of them could be any younger than four hundred years; most of them looked at least six hundred years old. That settles it. I need to go to the griffin Command and talk to their leader. I decided that this would be the only course of action I could take which would lead to any sort of improvement in griffin society.

We returned to the hospital two hours before sunset, Rainbow Dash having defied all predictions and managed to walk all the way without needing to rest. We sat by her bed and spoke with each other, about griffin society and what pieces of art they liked. Eventually, conversation was wearing thin, and the ponies were getting thirsty; I left the hospital to get some water. I conjured some glasses at the spring and levitated them back to the hospital. I handed out the water, and they each thanked me in turn, including Twilight. Although she was polite to me, I felt that she was very distant. I sighed inwardly; she may yet come to trust me again. The other mares left as I remained in Rainbow Dash’s room for the night.

“Are you okay, Luna?” Dash asked me, concerned.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I answered. “Just a long week.”

Dash nodded. “Do you know if Gilda has woken up yet?”

A jolt hit me, and I bucked myself for not thinking of it sooner. I was the one who put her there. “No,” I replied. “Do you want me to check for you?” It was Dash’s turn to nod.

“Check to see what’s happened to her,” she requested. I complied, leaving the room to ask one of the medics where Gilda’s room was. Having been directed there by a young griffin, I knocked on the door.

“Come in,” a familiar male voice answered. I entered to find Swiftpaw sitting by Gilda’s bed. “Oh... Umm, wh- why are you here?” He asked hesitantly.

“I came to see how Gilda’s doing,” I replied. “Has she woken yet?”

“No,” said Swiftpaw, sounding very worried for Gilda. I performed a quick diagnosis on Gilda’s condition, and saw what stage her state of unconsciousness was at.

“Three days; that’s your deadline,” I told Swiftpaw once I had finished. “If she hasn’t woken in three days, she will probably not naturally wake up for a year or more. If she was woken by force or magic, I cannot predict how much it would harm her.”

“Is there anything you can do?” He asked me, his tone accusatory.

I turned to face him, and he reciprocated. “I am not sorry for what I did; Gilda was trying to kill one of my friends. I do, however, hope for her health. In answer to your question: no, there is nothing I can do which will not damage her, so please, accept it and move on. There is a chance she will wake up within three days, but if she doesn’t, then you would be wasting your time.”

Swiftpaw looked thoughtful. He seemed to agree with what I was saying. “I think I understand you,” he told me. “And I agree. There isn’t anything in my power I wouldn’t do for my dragoon. They are my closest friends in this world, though the officers would have something to say about it.”

Again, this topic intrigued me, so I motioned for him to go on. “I think you’ve heard this form Twilight, but I’ll recap it quickly. Griffin society is very regimented: we have our Command, and that encompasses the four battalions we have. In each of those battalions, we have three companies, and each of those companies has four dragoons. Each dragoon has between fifteen and eighteen griffins in it.

“First to third battalions are normal cavalry, they do normal operations such as hunting and patrol; whereas fourth battalion is support, scattered around the other battalions or at home. Each of the battalions’ companies are not sorted, they are just the way they are. I’m in charge of the third dragoon in the second company of third battalion. Gilda was my second-in-command.

“Fourth battalion has three companies: the medics, that you see here, in the hospital, and around the city; the runners, who communicate between the sections; and the clerks, who decide who gets what and why they should give it to them.”

“I take it you don’t like this structure?” I prompted him. Swiftpaw paused, not sure he could trust me. Eventaully, he decided he could.

“No, but I can’t complain,” he admitted. “If anyone complains, they and their subordinates get punished for malcontent. I can’t do that to my dragoon, so I have to keep working with the way it is.”

That’s all I had wanted to hear. “I think I’m going to talk to the Command. You’re welcome to come with me, but I need to talk to your commander in regards to the way his society runs.” Swiftpaw paled. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to start a revolt, merely... encourage all the griffins who do not want to be here to leave for Equestria, where they should be welcomed.”

Swiftpaw realised that he wouldn’t be able to win an argument with me. “Okay... When are we going there?” He asked me.

“Tomorrow, I should think,” I answered. “If you’re going to leave, I suggest you set your affairs in order.” At this, I glanced at Gilda, still comatose. He nodded, and I returned to Dash’s ward.

“How was she?” Dash asked me.

“Still unconscious, but she’ll probably wake up within three days,” I told her. Dash seemed to relax when I told her this. “Are you able to fly tomorrow?”

“Only if you don’t tie my wings,” Dash answered, a glint in her eye. I grinned, and then suggested we both get some rest.

“We may need to do some running tomorrow,” I told Dash as left and trotted up to the others’ rooms. As I knocked on one of the doors, I heard a voice acknowledge me before Pinkie Pie opened the door.

“Hi, Luna,” she said brightly.

“Hi, Pinkie,” I returned. “Listen, you may want to get as much rest as you can tonight, because we’re going to the griffin Command tomorrow and I’m going to have a... diplomatic chat with the commander.”

“Okay,” Pinkie Pie smiled brightly.

“Can you make sure to tell the others in your room?” I requested.

“Sure thing,” Pinkie acquiesced. “It’s just Applejack and me.”

I moved on to the next door and knocked on it. “Come in,” I heard Rarity’s voice answer. I admitted myself and saw Rarity brushing Fluttershy’s hair.

“Hey, girls,” I greeted them. “I just need to let you know that you should really get some rest tonight. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow; we’re going to the griffins’ Command so I can talk to whoever leads this community.” Fluttershy looked quizzical. “It’s just that I’ve heard too many complaints about the structure to overlook it.” They both nodded and I left the room.

As I neared the final door, I realised who it would be residing in there. Oh, horseapples, this is going to be awkward. Disregarding my thoughts, I braced myself and knocked on the door. The familiar lavender pony opened it. She had clearly just been reading, judging by the books left on her floor.

“Hi, Twilight,” I mumbled. “I just needed to let you know that you should- you should get some rest t- tonight. W- We’re going to the griffins’ Command tomorrow, so... just be ready for it.” She gave a single nod in acknowledgement. As I turned to the corridor, I noticed her giving me a curious look. I walked back down the tunnel, all the while feeling Twilight’s gaze boring into my back. I wanted nothing more than to just gallop down the hall, away from the guilt I left there; instead, I took a deep breath and managed to maintain my composure until I heard the door close. I relaxed and chanced a glance behind me. She wasn’t there, so I moved on down the tunnel system.

When I finally returned to the hospital, Rainbow Dash was asleep. I crept quietly to the cushion I normally slept on and lay down upon it. I closed my eyes and tried to let that blissful oblivion take me, but it never came. I was troubled by Twilight’s curious stare. Does she think me some kind of alien? Possibly. Is it because I might still have a chance? No. These questions circulated my mind until I quelled them. I lifted myself off the cushion and stole out of the caves, leading out to the cliff face. I brought some parchment and charcoal with me so I could draw the landscape, but my concentration evaporated for no apparent reason. Despairing, I simply sat and watched the stars move about the night sky. I tried to breathe deeply, but I couldn’t seem to relax. A thought crossing my mind, I levitated my parchment and charcoal, reversed the parchment and began to draw. As the charcoal curved across the paper, I saw my drawing take shape. Twilight was sleeping by the fire, the flickering light causing a black shadow to trail out behind her. She looked totally peaceful as she slept. Finishing my work, I admired it for a few seconds. I then lit up my horn and cleared the paper. I did not want anyone to find the picture I had just drawn, else it could ruin my reputation.

“Oh... I- I’m sorry,” said an almost insubstantial voice behind me. I leapt a hoof into the air and turned to see Fluttershy in her cloak.

“That’s okay, Fluttershy,” I replied, trying to recover from my near heart-attack. “Having trouble sleeping?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m just so worried about Angel. He’s just such a good bunny. I’m not sure he’s being well looked after. You know how animals are.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I assured her. “I’m sure they’ll be okay. Now, we need to go back to bed, but before you do...” I broke off and lit up my horn once more. The spell I cast on Fluttershy was to give her a dreamless sleep, so she would be well rested tomorrow. We followed the cave system until we reached the fork which led to our respective sleeping places.

“See you tomorrow,” I told Fluttershy, and we went our separate ways. As I walked towards the hospital, I thought about the day to come. I would have to convince the commander that many of the griffins disliked life under the current regime, and I would be happy to accommodate them in Equestria; however, I needed to do this in a way which would not offend him, while still making it clear that it is mandatory to continue an alliance between our nations. I groaned. I despised politics.

I crept back into Dash’s room and curled up on my pillow. Sleep did not take me for a long time, and when it did, it was filled with restless dreams.

* * *

I woke up feeling terrible. I recalled that current state of affairs: Twilight, the griffins and the radicals which I needed to face down in due course. I rolled over and wanted to get back to sleep, but something inside me insisted I get up. I complied with the nagging voice in my subconscious and looked around. Rainbow Dash was still in her bed, snoring softly; her saddlebags were emptied all over the floor, so I proceeded to pack her things into their rightful container. As I left the hospital ward, I heard a voice behind me.

“When are we going up?” Dash asked me.

“As soon as we’re all ready,” I told her. “Head outside and stretch your wings, if you’re ready. We’ll see you on the cliff edge.” Dash nodded and rolled out of bed. Knowing she could full well take care of herself, I followed the caves to the others’ rooms. As I neared the doors, I heard Rarity fussing over the state of her mane, and I wagered that Fluttershy was standing quietly in a corner, offering help in her tiny voice. I knocked on their door.

“Come in,” Rarity imperiously admitted me. “Ah, Luna. When are we going? I need to fix up my mane before then.”

“Just pack your things,” I told her. I turned my attention to the yellow pegasus behind Rarity. “Fluttershy, are you willing to help Rarity with her mane? After you feel ready to go, of course.” Rarity realised that the only other pony she would turn to for fashion advice was behind her, so she turned and smiled. I left the room to the two best friends, and knocked on the next door. Pinkie Pie answered it brightly.

“Good morning, Luna,” she greeted me loudly. “When are we going to go? I’m so excited for this!” I smiled; Pinkie’s laughter was indeed infectious.

“As soon as everyone’s bags are packed,” I told her. “We’ll meet out on the cliff edge. Wear your cloaks.” Contrary to any predictions I may have had about Pinkie Pie, her saddlebags were tucked neatly in the corner of her cavern, with none of her inventory visible. She shouted out my instructions to Applejack as I made for the dreaded third door. I raised my hoof to knock on it when I heard a nearly silent sob. Instead of knocking and possibly embarrassing Twilight or myself, I chose to call through the wood instead.

“Hey, Twilight,” I began. I heard an insubstantial gasp as she answered.

“Yeah?” Twilight asked, and I could tell that she was holding back tears, but was doing a valiant job at it.

“I just needed to let you know that we’re leaving as soon as everybody’s packed. We’re meeting out on the cliff edge. It will be cold so wear your cloak.” I saved her trouble of replying by walking down the corridor. As I left, I wondered what could possibly have made Twilight cry like that. Eventually, I settled on the theory that she had just had a really bad dream about Spike, or her parents, or one of her friends. I probably would have cried in a situation like that, and not wanted anypony else to know.

I walked back to the hospital ward to collect my saddlebags, and noticed that Rainbow Dash had already left. I picked up my things and trotted outside to the cliff edge. Dash was flying around above the platform. She was not quite her graceful self in the sky, but was perfectly capable of flight over long distances, judging by the stunts she was capable of at the present time. It was not long before Applejack and Pinkie Pie joined me. They greeted me and followed Dash with their eyes. Applejack simply noted that Dash was better than she had expected. Soon, Rarity and Fluttershy exited the cave to the platform outside. Rarity was still fussing over her mane (she was keen to impress the griffins’ royalty, to which I simply raised one eyebrow), and Fluttershy was insisting that it was fine. We waited for a few more minutes until Twilight emerged. Her eyes were dry, and I guessed that she had been crying for a long time. I hoped she had gotten enough rest, but seeing her face, I doubted it.

“Okay, everyone,” I called to the assembled ponies. “We’re going to Command, which is up at the top of Highridge. Rainbow Dash, you can fly up there if you want and you know you can handle it; Fluttershy, you’re welcome to, as well, but don’t worry about it if you don’t want to. When you get up there, wait for us in the main square. Don’t start any fights.” I ended the instructions on a lighter note, and I hoped Dash didn’t need the advice, but you never know.

We – all of us except Rainbow Dash – proceeded up the slope to the peak. As we neared the twentieth yard of elevation, I saw a dragoon of griffins surround us. I looked up and squared my footing, until I noticed the sergeant of the dragoon. I smiled warmly.

“You know, Luna,” Swiftpaw scolded me playfully. “You could have simply asked us to carry you.” The griffins around us smiled as they tasted freedom on their tongues. I counted fourteen griffins. “I left Gilda a note by her bed; she’ll what to do when she wakes up.” I thanked the griffins collectively for their help and let my friends be carried up. I flew by my own means, and it was not long before we alighted on the peak of a mountain on one end of Highridge. The Command was obviously the large building at the northern end of the quadrangle. I walked purposefully towards it. The others caught up with me after hesitating for a moment. As I reached the doors, two griffin guards attempted to block our path. Realising that fourteen griffins under a sergeant, along with two unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies, all headed by an alicorn may pose a threat.

“Sergeant, leave your dragoon outside; we may not all fit in there,” it was a dry comment, we would surely fit in easily, but Swiftpaw took my meaning anyway. He ordered his griffins to stand easy by the doors. “Now, stand aside,” I turned calmly to the two griffins barring the doors, and heard my voice come out as confident and collected. The two guards regarded me, and then looked at each other and collectively realised they could not do anything about it. They simply moved out of the way, and we all entered.

The first this I noticed in the great hall was that griffin guards lined the walls, all in armour which, I wagered, was enchanted. The guards looked at us and readied their weapons.

“Please, guards,” I called to them. “I do not intend to harm anyone here. Lower your weapons.” They did not lower their weapons, however, and I heard a middle-aged griffin call out.

“They shall only do that, Princess, on my command.” I guessed this griffin was the Commander. I could tell by his mask pattern: many of the officers had masks with rank-dependant markings on them.

“Greetings, kommendátor,” I addressed him informally. The griffin only nodded in acknowledgement, clearly disappointed by my lack of court manners. I continued. “I have heard some complaints of your society’s structure, sir.” His head snapped up and he ripped off his mask in rage.

“I beg your pardon, Princess,” he hissed at me, “but I think it is my choice to see how my domain is run.”

“As it is ours, kommendátor, but that does not mean you can freely enslave – yes, I mean enslave – griffins by your own whim,” I retorted.

“I fail to see how I am enslaving them,” the griffin scoffed. “I do not have control over how the daily aspects of their lives are run by a whim.”

“That’s a lie and we both know it, Hawkeye,” I used the Commander’s name and omitted his title, showing I had no respect for his rank. “I have been talking to some griffins during my stay here, and they are all disappointed by your methods of leadership: reaping the rewards while others toil. You give them nothing; you do not even look them in the face. You simply stay here in your court and order griffins to do your bidding.” At my words, he saw Sergeant Swiftpaw standing behind me, and his features contorted with rage.

“Kill him!” Hawkeye screamed at the guards. He clearly guessed that Swiftpaw was my informant.

Stand down!” I bellowed, and the guards cowered in fear. The magical force glowing on my horn was not a fury attack; it was calculated and exact. I could have killed every griffin in that room, and the guards could see it. Instead of using it to attack, however, I used it to form a very powerful ward around us. Hawkeye winced as he felt the power emanate from me. To the ponies and griffin gathered behind me, I simply whispered: “Stay close to me.”

Hawkeye attempted to regain his composure. He was undoubtedly still furious with me, however. “Griffin society had been victorious in every encounter it has had in the last five hundred years. I cannot see how this is a problem. You don’t like my leadership methods; what’s wrong with them? More importantly, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to kill me? I would like to see you do it, Luna.”

I smiled. “One of your grievous faults: you always turn to violence as an answer. I am not going to kill you. Instead, I’m going to make an offer to your people.

“One and a half thousand years ago, I knew the griffins’ leader. I say ‘leader’ and not ‘kommendátor’ intentionally, Hawkeye: the society then was as successful as Equestria’s own, and almost all of griffin society was working and happy.” I noted his glance at ‘almost’. “I will not deny that every system has its faults, Hawkeye; my sister and I simply try to reduce them to a minimum. We succeed, on the most part. You are victorious on the field of battle, Hawkeye, but that is not what life is all about. When did you last enjoy a piece of music? When was the last work of art made? Not in five hundred years, I would guess.

“Life for griffins was good, back then. They were called into battle and military only when it was required. Today, every griffin must hunt for food so they can sustain the whole of their society with little return. Griffins today cannot experience the joy of art and music because it simply does not exist. Do you ever admire the night sky, Hawkeye? I made a constellation for their leader. Look there, tonight, when every griffin who wants to leave has left. Tell me then that you do not see the brilliance I reflected in Ironclaw.”

Hawkeye was humbled by my speech, and he could not think of an argument. As he tried to protest, I exited the hall with my friends behind me and walked out to the cliff’s edge. I lit up my horn and projected my voice so every griffin could hear it, not loud, but unable to be ignored.

“Griffins, please hear me! I am calling to you today to give you a preposition. I have found griffins are finding the current state of society lacking in culture. Thus, I am willing to provide a place for griffins to live in our domain of Equestria; it will be a place with music, with art, and equality between all you griffins. I shall see to it that you are treated well, that you are given shelter, and you are accepted.

“In two hours, I will be leaving Highridge. I implore every griffin to fly with me, but if you felt inclined to stay, you will not be treated unfairly in the future. Every griffin who flies with me today will be given protection from weapons for their flight; no-one, griffin or pony, will be able to harm you. For those who do not fly with me today, I wish you the best of luck in your future life, should you stay or leave.

“Every griffin is welcome at any time to Equestria, and I thank you all for your decision.” I released the magic for my voice, and turned towards my friends. Each one of them was looking at me with awe.

“Luna...” Applejack stared at me with wonder. “What did you just do?”

I looked towards Hawkeye, who looked shocked and defeated. “A liberation.”