• Published 25th Oct 2011
  • 2,078 Views, 16 Comments

A Journey through Memories - Centauri

Luna's lately been growing depressed, and manages to find some help from an unexpected source.

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Chapter Four - Preparations

A Journey through Memories

Chapter Four - Preparations

I returned to the party, still slightly confused with my feelings concerning Twilight. Deciding I would try and talk to the other six fillies the next morning, I continued dancing with the rest of the ponies here. After sunset, it looked as if well over half of the town had turned up to the party. I saw the red stallion from the market talking to the orange mare that Pinkie Pie identified as Applejack. Sure enough, I saw a group of three apples on her flank. I smiled; I may be confused in my emotions, but I was certainly going to enjoy myself for the rest of the night, just like the rest of the ponies here.

Joining the crowd once more, I continued dancing. I noticed that Pinkie Pie was bouncing around with a tray of drinks on her back. Exactly how she jumped at that height without spilling a drop of punch, I would never know. Just as I watched Pinkie Pie bounce away, a pony caught my attention. She was sitting in a corner, half-hidden by shadows. I stopped dancing and trotted over, with a genuine smile across my face. She was a pegasus with a butter-yellow coat and pale pink mane. As I approached her, she seemed to shy away; however, trying to be polite, she stood.

“It’s a good party, isn’t it?” I asked her. She mumbled in agreement.

“I’m sorry,” I asked.

“I said, ‘it is a good party, isn’t it?’” She repeated, almost as quietly.

“What’s your name, then?” I encouraged her.

“I- I’m...” She trailed off, but, from the friendship reports, I already knew her name. This was obviously Fluttershy.

Pretending I heard her name, I continued, knowing a bit about Fluttershy from the friendship reports, namely how to get her attention. “Have you seen Pinkie Pie’s adorable little alligator?” Fluttershy’s ears perked up. “He is the cutest little lizard I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, no,” Fluttershy objected, much louder than before, although still quietly. “Gummy’s not a lizard. He’s a really fierce alligator. Aren’t you, Gummy?” In response to this, the alligator, which was blinking irregularly beside me, opened his maw very wide to reveal pink gums. “Look at that,” Fluttershy said. “He’s really scary.”

“I guess so,” I agreed, realising that Fluttershy was not, in fact, scared of the alligator, just being really kind to it. “Anyway, I think I’ll go back to enjoy the party.” I turned to walk back into the crowd.

“Um, excuse me...” Fluttershy called me back, almost at an audible level. “I’m sorry, but w- what was your name?”

Having forgotten to create a name for my disguise, I made one up on the spot. “Cloudrunner. Anyway, it was nice to meet you, Fluttershy.” I quickly thought to use the name of one of the pegasus guards in Canterlot.

After about an hour more, I noticed that I was getting too tired to maintain my illusion, so I decided to call it a day... or night, as it were, and thanked Pinkie Pie for the party.

“Oh, that’s fine,” she said, still bouncing. “I still need to make a party for you, though, you’re new here, and I give parties to everypony who’s new to Ponyville.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll be staying here for long.” It was a bit of a relief to tell somepony something which was completely true. “Again, thanks for the party, Pinkie Pie, and happy birthday.” I turned and left as Pinkie Pie cried out cheerily that it was her birthday and she should throw a party.

I walked back to the tree which acted as the town’s library while struggling to keep my eyes open. I neared the door and knocked, and I was quickly admitted by an owl. Too tired to notice, I fell through the threshold and did a double-take. An owl was taking care of the library? How absurd, I thought to myself, but I was grateful for any creature that lived in my own domain. Seeming to know why I was here, the owl led me to a bed upstairs.

“Thank you,” I muttered, exhausted enough that I didn’t care if the owl was sentient or not.

“Who?” The owl asked, and I nearly answered when I realised he had just given me the extent of his vocabulary. Sighing, I let the owl out, locked the door (I didn’t want anyone noticing that Princess Luna was staying over in Ponyville) and let the disguise fall away. Content in being myself again, I lay on the bed and slept, knowing I’d need all the rest I can get after the party and before the day tomorrow.

* * *

I woke up to sunlight streaming in the window. Noticing I had forgotten to draw the curtains last night, I decided that I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep in this light, so I rolled out of bed and stood up. I quickly initiated an illusion to hide my horn and walked downstairs, yawning. I was greeted by a familiar purple unicorn reading a book who stood quickly.

“Good morning, Princess,” Twilight said, and I felt my heart flutter, but not enough to bother me.

“Morning, Twilight,” I greeted her. “And, please, call me Luna.”

“Okay, Luna,” she said pleasantly. “Spike’s made breakfast in the kitchen. Help yourself.” Spike, I thought. So that’s the dragon’s name.

“Thanks,” I replied. “Hmm... Last night, when I stumbled in here, I was shown to bed by an owl. Is that normal behaviour?”

Twilight chucked. “That’s Owlowicious. He takes care of all the night activities when Spike’s asleep. I think those two have their differences over each other, though.”

“Really,” I asked, rhetorically. “Anyway, what’s for breakfast?”

“Don’t ask me,” Twilight started. “The kitchen’s down that way, first door on the right.”

“And... one more thing,” I asked hesitantly. She motioned for me to go on. “Does Spike know who I am?”

“No, I should think not,” Twilight answered. “Makes life a bit easier, does it?”

“You could say that,” I replied, as I walked towards the kitchen. As I approached, I called to whoever was inside. “Hello?”

“Morning,” answered the purple dragon in a chef’s hat. “The apple crumble’s just finished. Can you take a slice out to Twi, please?”

“Okay,” it felt refreshing to have someone talk to me at face value, not as one of the monarchs in Equestria. “Smells really nice, thanks.”

Spike, not used to a compliment such as that, blushed. “Thanks- I mean, you’re welcome.” I smiled as I walked out the room with two plates on my forehoof. I reached the library again and handed one of the dishes to Twilight.

“Thanks, Luna,” she said, and kept reading.

“You’re more than welcome,” I told her, and proceeded to eat my own crumble. It was as good as I had anticipated from the smell. “Spike’s a really good chef, isn’t he?”

“Oh, yeah,” said Twilight. “I depend on him a fair bit. He keeps me sane most of the time and looks after the library with Owlowicious if I’m away.

“Speaking of going away, should I ask the others to come around so you can talk to all of us?” Twilight asked.

“Thanks, that’d be great,” I said. “I think I’ll keep the illusion up for now, though.”

“Wouldn’t expect anything else,” Twilight said. “And by the way, we’re in a library, so if you want to pass the time, there’s always a good book to read.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “One year of reading is not enough to catch up one thousand years’ worth of good literature.”

Twilight, unsure of whether to chuckle or not, remained silent.

“What are you reading, anyway?” I asked her.

“Oh,” she replied. “Just a quick guide to camping. I mean- there’s not going to be an inn for everywhere we stop, is there?”

“True enough,” I agreed, and thought about what she just said. “Hold on. You said that as if you knew that we would go.”

“Well, I can’t see of any reason why they wouldn’t,” Twilight seemed a little shocked in my lack of faith in her friends. “After all, we’ve saved you one, we should follow through with the deed, don’t you think?”

I had been touched by this reply, and felt tears forming at the corners of my eyes. “Excuse me,” I muttered and hurried outside. Twilight stood as if to follow, then thought the better of it; I would rather be alone until I calmed myself down.

I looked up at the sky. Celestia provided warmth and light in her domain, but little beauty. Although, I admitted to myself, warmth and light are more important to ponies than beauty. I did not begrudge Celestia her daytime skies and the happiness she provided for ponies, as I had once done; I was content in the way of things. It may have been a thousand years ago, but I remembered those hours on the top of the tower, and I had a whole millennium to ponder the words Celestia had given me. Yes, Celestia had saved me, but she was not the only one; I would still ask this world to be covered in darkness eternal if it was not for those six friends, and I thanked them for it. I did not want to tell them the price for being what they are: the Elements of Harmony.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” The red stallion from the previous day was walking by the library, a cart in tow, and saw me crying.

“I think,” I began, but I wasn’t sure how to finish it. “I think I am, thank you.” The stallion nodded, still thoughtfully, and moved about his way. I then walked back into the library, for I had not been lying with that answer; even if I did, I thought the wise stallion would have seen through it.

Twilight was still standing. She looked expectantly at me.

“I’m okay, just had a bit of a breakdown, there,” I wasn’t sure if I should trust my feelings to this mare, but I still felt a bit of a connection with her. Trying to lighten the mood, Twilight proceeded with small talk. It worked, for the most part. I spent the rest of that half hour wondering to myself why it was I liked this lavender mare. She was kind; she was accepting; she knew how to apologise. The only problem was that she was afraid of me. She certainly acted like it. She thought there was a massive chasm between the two of us which nopony could bridge.

I was still in thought when I heard a knock on the door. I double checked my illusion before I opened the door. It was Pinkie Pie, followed by a cyan pegasus mare with a rainbow mane and tail. I took the latter to be Rainbow Dash.

“Morning, ladies,” I said as politely as possible as I admitted them.

“Good morning,” returned Rainbow Dash, probably wondering who I was.

“Hey, Cloudrunner,” said Pinkie Pie. “I was talking to Fluttershy this morning and she said how there was a new mare in town and I wanted to throw a party and then I realised I didn’t know your name so I talked to Fluttershy who I noticed you were talking to at the party and she said your name was Cloudrunner.” I lost track of the monologue after something about a party, but I continued anyway.

“Well, about that...” I began, glancing to Twilight for some support. Thankfully, she quickly interrupted.

“Would you like some breakfast, girls?” She asked quickly.

“Oh, hi, Twilight,” said Pinkie, seeming to notice her for the first time. “What’s on the menu?”

“Apple crumble,” Twilight replied. “Dash?”

Dash nodded. “Thanks, Twilight.”

Twilight quickly led the two fillies to the kitchen, and I realised why Spike was making such a large apple crumble. True enough, the door swung open quickly to invite a white unicorn mare, who I guessed was Rarity, followed by the quiet Fluttershy.

“Morning, ladies,” I repeated to these mares.

Fluttershy mumbled something with sounded like “Good morning, Cloudrunner.” Rarity likewise greeted me, though without the use of my pseudonym. I directed them to the kitchen for breakfast, which, I assured them, was fit for a princess.

Finally, an orange pony, who I remembered was Applejack after the party, walked through the door.

“Good morning,” I said, as pleasantly as I could manage.

“Mornin’,” Applejack returned, with a very strong Southern accent. “Ah don’ mean to be rude, bu’ you are?”

“I’m Clo...” I realised that with Applejack being the Element of Honesty, she could probably tell I would be lying to her. In the end, I simply said, “I’ll tell you after breakfast. Which, by the way, is in the kitchen with the others.”

Applejack eyed me suspiciously, but went down the hall nonetheless.

* * *

Breakfast was finished, and we were all content. I had treated myself to one more slice of apple crumble. We had all retired to the main library, were the seats were just a bit more comfortable. It was Applejack who spoke up.

“Okay, sugarcube,” she began, content because she knew I didn’t mean anyone harm. “What is i’ you’ve got to tell us?”

I sighed, and stood. “Ladies, I must admit I don’t know how to say this, but I think I should start with an apology. I’m sorry, Fluttershy, and you, Pinkie Pie; my name is not Cloudrunner. To all of you, I’m sorry, but I am no pegasus.” At these words, I dropped the illusion. “This is me. I am Princess Luna.” They all stood and bowed. “Please, stand up. You six mares, of all ponies, do not need to bow to me. I would much prefer it if you would all take me for what you see of me, not as the princess of the night. After all, the only reason I am here is to ask you all for your help.” There were some confused looks.

“Help with what, Ah wonder?” Applejack spoke up.

“I haven’t been the same alicorn my sister knew after my exile, and while I would never want to go back to the way I was before – full of jealousy – I would ask that you follow me on... a journey, and teach me how to become a friend to all the ponies in Equestria once again.”

“Ooh,” Pinkie pie exclaimed. “An adventure!” Everypony else was silent. I guessed Pinkie Pie would be coming.

After a long pause, Rarity was the next to speak. “I think that we should do whatever we can to make Equestria a better place, so, while I may not speak for everyone else, I will go.”

Fluttershy also gave her opinion. “I’ll be more than happy to go, if that’s okay with everyone.”

Twilight simply said, “You know I’m already going.”

Applejack looked a bit uneasy, however. “What’s wrong, Applejack?” I asked her.

“It’s Applebuck season righ’ now,” she began, “and Ah don’ think Big Macintosh can do all the buckin’ and take care of Granny Smith all by ‘imself.”

“We’ll help out, if that’s what you need,” I assured her, willing to follow through with that promise all the way.

“If everyone else is going, there’s no way I’m gonna get left out,” said Rainbow Dash. “I just need to let the weather team know they’re not going to have their best flyer for a while. How long do you think we’ll be away, Princess?”

“Luna, if you will,” I replied, “and quite honestly, I don’t know. It’s likely to be more than a month, so pack warm for winter. We should be able to get food along the way. Does everyone agree with this?”

There was a murmur of assent from each of the ponies.

“Brilliant,” I said. “We’ll leave when everypony’s ready and Applejack’s sorted her affairs out.”

The group of friends left and consulted each other on what to pack. The only two left in the library were Twilight and me. “Is it okay with you if I stay here until we leave?” I asked her.

“That’s fine by me,” replied Twilight. “After all, it was Celestia who let me stay her in the first place; I should probably return the favour for her sister.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle,” I said, earnestly. I then found the Geography section, pulled down an atlas and planned the route we would take. We’ll start in Anchorage, I thought. We’ll move southeast from there and see the griffins.